April 2016 - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
April 2016 - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Newsletter to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Virginia Beach April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 In This Issue: MARC Information Alcohol Awareness Spotlight on the Regional Director 1 SPIRIT & INSPIRATION Chairman: Soror Tujuanna Williams Co-Chairmen: Sorors Regina Hawkins and Beverly Anderson Season of Sisterly Forgiveness 3 BOULE INFORMATION 3 MARC INFORMATION 5 CALENDAR 7 PROGRAMS 10 ALCOHOL AWARENESS MONTH 12 OFFICER REPORTS 16 COMMITTEE REPORTS 22 PHOTO GALLERY 29 IVY FOUNDATION EVENT INFO When is forgiveness in season? Which calendar date should I search? I am told that God’s love is the reason That we learn of forgiveness in church. Since spring means a birth of new flowers, Perhaps that’s when forgiveness begins; After all, God brings new growth and empowers Us to love and forgive foes and friends. But the soft touch of summer’s warm glow, Takes the chill from my unforgiving heart; Maybe that season I’ll reap what I sow By giving love and redemption a start. Yet, when I think of the beauty of fall, Jeweled tones color my spirit with love; There’s no way I can harbor any anger at all, Forgiveness touches me like leaves from above. Winter brings stillness, a calming peace, And I ponder, “What is unforgiveness’ gain?” For God gave His Son under a star in the east Who taught forgiveness would remove sin’s stain. When is forgiveness in season? What day is better than the rest? Today...God’s day; for it’s only love’s reason That you forgive and count yourself blessed. April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 Toni Carter Pearson, Author "Joyfully Enter the Temple: Praise and Meditation Starters " 2 Greetings From The Basileus Soror Rhonda Luss BOULE Registration: Boule registration continues. Graduate registration is $400 ($375 for Golden Sorors ) until April 15th. Registration increases to $450 (Graduate Sorors) and $425 (Golden Sorors) from April 16–May 15, 2016. Please don’t forget to register before late fees are applied. Diamond/Golden/Silver Sorors Photos: If you plan to attend Boule and want your photo in the Diamond/Golden/Silver presentation you must be registered and have purchased a ticket to the event. There is a $7.00 fee for all photos. Photos will not be returned. You may pay the fee with a personal check, money order or credit card. If you prefer, you may email your form and photo to: IvyLeaf@aka1908.com. Submit the items by Friday, April 15, 2016 and send to: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Corporate Office, 5656 S. Stony Island Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637, Attn.: Diamond/ Golden/ Silver Sorors Committee, Soror Eva Smith, 773-371-4414, IvyLeaf@aka1908.com. Mass Chorus: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority is establishing a Mass Choir/Chorus for the 2016 Boule. The Boule Mass Choir/Chorus will perform at the Public Meeting, Plenary Sessions and other venues as needed. The Mass Choir/Chorus will perform a variety of music, including Spirituals, Gospel, and Classics. Performance attire will be black, white, and pink. Souvenir Journal: The Publicity Committee submitted a half page color ad for the Boule Souvenir Journal acknowledging the chapter’s 60 th anniversary. REGIONAL CONFERENCE Conference Attendance: The 2016 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference is just around the corner. The conference will be held April 20-24, 2016 at the Virginia Beach Conference Center. Don’t forget to bring your documents to the conference, especially your Constitution and Bylaws and your Manual of Standard Procedure. CHAPTER Delegate Selection: According to our chapter bylaws: ARTICLE IX. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE CHAPTER, SECTION 2. Delegates to the Regional Conference and the Boule shall include the Basileus (Soror Rhonda Luss), Anti Basileus (Soror Tamara Rowe), Grammateus (Soror Patty Edwards), Tamiouchos (Soror Robin McCoy), the Graduate Advisor (Soror VaShawn Guice Veal), two ranked listed officers, and five (5) other sorors. 3 Delegate Selection Cont.: All twelve (12) delegates and the twelve (12) alternates shall be elected by the membership. The five delegates and alternates shall be financial with the Chapter at least twelve (12) consecutive months prior to being nominated as a delegate or alternate to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference or Boule’. The delegate strength for chapters with more than 146 active members is 12. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter shall elect 12 delegates and 12 alternates. Sisterly in Service, Soror Rhonda Luss, Basileus April Activities at a Glance Date March 31 Time 7:00 p.m. April 2 April 12 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. April 13 April 16 7:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Protocol Committee Meeting Annual Cotillion April 18 7:00 p.m. Program Committee Meeting Mid-Atlantic Regional COnference April 21-24 Activity Executive Committee Meeting Chapter Meeting Location Nannie Lee Center Project StepOut Charles Houston Center Conference Call Hilton Alexandria Mark Center Conference Call Nannie Lee Center Virginia Beach *IFNV Event for Information Only April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 4 CALENDAR OF EVENTS APRIL 2016 SUN MON TUES WED THURS FRI 1 SAT 2 CHAPTER MEETING Financial Literacy Program 3 4 5 6 Sisterly Relations Committee Meeting Pearl Drop submissions due 10 7 11 Membership Committee Meeting 12 Project Stepout 13 8 9 Ivy Leaf® NAMI Awareness Day submissions due 14 15 Protocol Committee Meeting 16 Ivyette submissions due ASCENDSM *Annual Cotillion Bylaws Committee Meeting 17 18 Program Committee Meeting Finance Committee Meeting 24 25 MARC 19 20 21 Standards Committee 22 MARC MARC Meeting 26 23 MARC Earth Day 27 28 29 30 Project Stepout IFNV Meeting* 5 *IFNV event - for informational purposes only MESSAGE FROM THE ANTI-BASILEUS Soror Tamara Rowe Sorors, as we "Ride the Waves" to the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) in Virginia Beach, there are ample opportunities for "Launching New Dimensions of Service." Our Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson, has requested each soror to donate $5 to support HBCUs in the region. We will collect these donations at the April General Body meeting. Chapters that have at least 75% of their members donating, will be recognized at the Regional Conference. Sorors are encouraged to wear their "Think HBCU" attire on Thursday, April 21 for "HBCU Day" and Friday, April 22, during the Stroll Off and Undergraduate Step Show at the MARC. There will be limited quantities of "Think HBCU” t-shirts and pins available for purchase at the MARC. Please refer to the Educational Enrichment report for additional information. “Tea Roses and Pearls” to our ASCENDSM Chairman, Soror Andrea Sparks-Brown, as she and five other sorors accompanied 14 scholars as they attended a Career Assessment Program at Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus, on Saturday, March 19th. Evaluating options was the key emphasis from the event. For the month of April, the ASCEND scholars will participate in the re-scheduled Model UN Simulations. Please refer to the Global Impact report for additional details. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter members are participating in a number of "Health Walks" this spring to raise awareness and funds on many health issues that impact our members and the community at large. These team-based walks are an excellent form of exercise, while fostering sisterly relations. Please refer to the Health Promotion report for activities in which to participate. “Tea Roses and Pearls” to Soror Yolanda Barbier Gibson, our Environmental Ownership Chairman, who has diligently been working to develop and foster our partnership with Doctors Run Park in Arlington, Virginia. Please refer to the Environmental Ownership report regarding our plaque dedication in May. April is Financial Literacy Month. The MARC may pose a challenge to your discretionary spending dollars. While one month of over spending is not ideal, it also doesn't have to detract you from accomplishing your financial goals for the year. Soror Sherry Billingsley and others are working on a financial presentation. Kudos to all sorors who came out for the March Service Projects! It takes a village to have a successful, award-winning program year. Your Program Chairmen are enthusiastic about the many scheduled programs and would love to see you at the scheduled events. 6 International Programs Target I: Educational Enrichment Soror Andrea Mial, Chairman Soror Andrea Sparks-Brown, Co-Chairman (ASCEND Program Chairman) Soror Sarah Bowers, Co-Chairman (One Million Backpacks Lead) Soror Angela Turner, Co-Chairman (Think HBCU Lead) Contact us at: education@aka-zco.org One Million Backpacks℠ The 2016 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) service project is One Million Backpacks℠. The One Million Backpacks℠ (Target I) committee will be collecting backpacks and healthy, non-perishable snacks to support this effort. Snack donations may include: Applesauce or fruit cups Snack-size crackers and pretzels Trail Mix Nutritious snack or breakfast bars Raisins or dried fruit All sorors attending the MARC are asked to take their backpacks and snacks to the conference and drop off their donations at the collection site at the Virginia Beach Convention Center. If you are not attending the MARC, please coordinate with a soror who is attending, or bring your donation to the April Chapter meeting. Committee members will have a table set up beginning at 9:15 a.m. on April 2, 2016, at the Nannie J. Lee Center. To ensure all backpacks and snacks are accounted for, it is imperative that each soror completes a donation form prior to the donation. This form can be found on page 51 of the Conference Registration booklet, available at www.midatlanticaka.org/docs/63MARCJan5_0130.pdf. Donation forms will also be available on-site during the April chapter meeting collection. If you provide your donation at the MARC, please report your total donation to sarahbowers12@gmail.com so that we may have a total count for the Chapter’s donation. Thank you so much to all sorors who have already donated, and thank you in advance to all sorors who plan to donate. Let’s work together to lead the region in donations! If you have questions, please contact Soror Sarah Bowers (sarahbowers12@gmail.com) or Soror Kimberly Bowers (akapolitico@gmail.com). 7 April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 Think HBCU℠ “HBCU Day” will be celebrated on Thursday, April 21st, during the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Virginia Beach, VA. Sorors are asked to show your school pride by wearing your school paraphernalia. There will also be a HBCU Workshop and Community Forum on Saturday, April 23, 2016 Community leaders will discuss the challenges HBCU face and how the sorority and the community can assist in addressing those challenges. The time and location of the forum will be communicated at a later date. Please support our HBCUs by purchasing a Think HBCU℠ shirt and/or pin. The pin is $10, and the shirt is $20. You may make your purchase online during MARC Registration. The monthly HBCU Roll Call continues! Each month, we will highlight Chapter members’ HBCUs over the next three (3) years. This month’s featured HBCUs are Alabama State University, Alabama A&M University, and Tuskegee University. We invite all members to visit the following HBCU websites to learn more about each school. Alabama State University was established in 1867 and is located in Montgomery, AL. http://www.alasu.edu Alabama A&M University was founded in 1875 and is located in Normal, AL. http://www.aamu.edu Tuskegee University is located in Tuskegee, AL and was established in 1881. http://www.tuskegee.edu Lastly, we are still asking each soror to update her Chapter member profile, indicating their HBCU school, and current status as an HBCU alumni. If you have not yet updated your member profile, please do so today as well as make a contribution to your favorite HBCU by visiting www.aka1908.org and clicking on the link for Think HBCU. 8 Target II: Health Promotion Soror Carol Gibson, Chairman Soror Jacqueline Guillory, Co-Chairman Contact us at: health@aka-zco.org DATE: Saturday, May 7, 2016 - Mother's Day Weekend Ceremony: 7:30 a.m. | Race start: 8:00 a.m. http://komendcrace.info-komen.org/goto/Zeta_Chi_Omega Register online by Monday, April 25 to receive your Event Kit (Race T-shirt and bib) by mail. Or, if you are unable to walk or run with us at the Mall on Race Day, please consider registering to Sleep In for the Cure®. Or, simply show your support by making a tax-deductible donation on the team page. Registering to participate is the first step in making an impact in the fight against breast cancer. But, it is the funds raised that will provide life-saving services in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area. Since its inception in 1990, funds raised from the Komen Washington, D.C. Race for the Cure have provided more than $35 million for more than 300 community grants to local programs in the National Capital Region, aimed at low-income, minority and uninsured women in areas where breast cancer rates are the highest. The lives of those we love depend on the money we raise together. Reaching our goal depends on every walker, runner, and sleeper to participate. Team Zeta Chi Omega will meet at 7:00 a.m. Saturday, May 7th at the designated Meet & Greet Area near the Start Line on the National Mall marked with extremely tall flags under the letter Z (group photo). Soror Candace Fields-Rogers is chairman of the Epilepsy Walk being held on Saturday, April 16 at the Washington Monument. Please see Soror Candace for details about walking and/or donating. 9 April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 Alcohol and Pregnancy Women who drink alcohol while pregnant increase their risk of having a baby with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). The most severe form is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), which causes mental retardation and birth defects. FASD are completely preventable if a woman does not drink while pregnant or while she may become pregnant. Studies have shown that about 1 of 20 pregnant women drank excessively before finding out they were pregnant.7 No amount of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. For women who drink during pregnancy, stopping as soon as possible may lower the risk of having a child with physical, mental, or emotional problems. Photo Courtesy of: The Cambridge News Alcohol Use and Risks to Women's Health Although men are more likely to drink alcohol and drink in larger amounts, gender differences in body structure and chemistry cause women to absorb more alcohol, and take longer to break it down and remove it from their bodies (i.e., to metabolize it). In other words, upon drinking equal amounts, women have higher alcohol levels in their blood than men, and the immediate effects occur more quickly and last longer. These differences also make women more vulnerable to alcohol’s long-term effects on their health. Reproductive Health The risk of miscarriage is also increased if a woman drinks excessively during her first trimester of pregnancy. Other Health Concerns National surveys show that about 1 in 2 women of child-bearing age (i.e., aged 18– 44 years) use alcohol, and 15% of women who drink alcohol in this age group binge drink.2 About 7.6% of pregnant women used alcohol. Excessive drinking may disrupt menstrual cycling and increase the risk of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, and premature delivery. Article Provided by: Soror Betty Smoot Information Source: National Institute of Health Research suggests that women who drink alcohol while pregnant are more likely to have a baby die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Liver Disease: The risk of cirrhosis and other alcohol-related liver diseases is higher for women than for men. Impact on the Brain: Excessive drinking may result in memory loss and shrinkage of the brain. Research suggests that women are more vulnerable than men to the brain damaging effects of excessive alcohol use, and the damage tends to appear with shorter periods of excessive drinking for women than for men. Impact on the Heart: Studies have shown that women who drink excessively are at increased risk for damage to the heart muscle than10men even for women drinking at lower levels. Target III: Family Strengthening Soror Sherry Billingsley, Chairman Soror Barbara Bouldin, Co-Chairman Soror Sonya Stephens, Co-Chairman Contact us at: family@aka-zco.org Project Step Out, Zeta Chi Omega Chapter's signature program is scheduled for Tuesdays, April 12 and April 26, from 4:00 to 5:00 pm at the Charles Houston Center, 901 Wythe St, Alexandria, VA 22314. The Bi-Monthly Meal Service will resume on May 22, 2016. Target IV: Environmental Ownership Soror Yolanda B. Gibson, Chairman Soror Aja Charity , Co-Chiarman Soror Joy Page. Co-Chiarman Contact us at: gogreen@aka-zco.org “Tea roses and pearls” to all sorors who participated in the Community-Clean Up Day at Doctors Run Park last month! We are asking all sorors to “Go Green” in April by wearing Green to the General Body meeting and recycle your unwanted paraphernalia during our ZXΩ Paraphernalia Swap! In addition, we are hosting our annual AKA 1908 Playground Community Impact Day on Saturday, May 21st in partnership with ASCEND. We will celebrate one year of refreshing, restoring, and renewing the playground from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Doctors Run Park is located at 1301 S. George Mason Drive, Arlington, VA, 22204. During this time we will pick up litter, remove sticks from the sandpit, remove weeds, and distribute literature to children and families regarding the importance of protecting the environment. Sorors, if you are planning on participating in this event, then please bring gardening gloves! In case of inclement weather (i.e. rain/snow/etc.) on Saturday, May 21st, we will conduct this community service project on Saturday, May 28th. If you are willing to assist in this service initiative, then please email gogreen@aka-zco.org. Target V: Global Impact Soror DeChane Dorsey, Chairman Soror Shandra Herrod, Co-Chairman Soror Shenka Thurman, Co-Chairman Contact us at: global@aka-zco.org The Model UN Simulations, originally scheduled to occur earlier this year, was postponed to Saturday, April 9th at the Charles Houston Center, 901 Wythe St, Alexandria, VA. The ASCEND Scholars will attend this enlightening event. Sorors DeChane Dorsey and Andrea Sparks-Brown are the points of contact for this event. OFFICER REPORTS Robin McCoy Tamiouchos Soror Contact us at: finance@aka-zco.org According to the Chapter SOPs, Committee chairman will prepare a proposed budget for its activities and has ultimate responsibility for ensuring that a record of all income and expenses is maintained for each event. Financial Liaison Representatives (members of the Finance Committee) are assigned to committees to be available to provide clarity on Chapter financial policies and procedures during committee meetings, and to advise and assist with: Receipting funds for activities. Maintaining record of income and expense for each event. Maintaining a running account of tickets issued, paid for and returned. Drafting committee budgets. Monitoring committee expenses. Committee chairmen, contact your financial liaison representative to advise and assist you with executing your committee financial responsibilities. For your convenience, a list of Financial Liaison Representatives is provided on the next page. If your committee is not listed, feel free to contact the Tamiouchos. continued on the next page >> April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 8 12 Committee Programs - LNDS Undergraduate Activities Bylaws Contracts Courtesy Membership Scholarship Diamond Golden Silver Audit Sisterly Relations Financial Liaison Representative Katrina Moss Katrina Anwar Crystal Lander Irma Bogan Irma Bogan Michelle Jones Crystal Landers Michelle Jones Michelle Jones Nekia Freeman Pecunious Grammateus Soror Crystal Lander Contact us at: payments@aka-zco.org Sorors, electronic receipting is now the practice of the Chapter. If you do not receive a receipt for a payment made in person or via mail within one week of payment, please contact the Pecunious Grammateus and Anti-Pecunious Grammateus via email at payments@aka-zco.org. At the April Chapter meeting we will be collecting money for the 60th Anniversary beginning at 9:15 a.m. If you need any assistance, I can be reached at akamarprogram@gmail.com or akacrystallander@yahoo.com, or Tel: 202-744-6226 Hodegos Report Soror Gayle Jordan Contact us at: hostess@aka-zco.org Prayer Requests Soror Jeanne Melvin-Martin lost her aunt, Lerotha Hunter. Soror Katrina Moss lost her mother, Ms Odessa. Please keep her family in your prayers. Sorors Christina Thomas and Michaela Thomas lost their grandfather. Soror Barbara Bellamy Warren's son, Ollie, is in ICU at Fort Belvoir Hospital with pneumonia. They are not accepting calls/visitors at this time. 13 Sorors, please continue to keep our sorors and their families lifted up in prayer who may be suffering a loss, illness, or difficulty during this time, and let’s continue to celebrate and encourage each other! Celebrating Our April Pearls! APRIL BIRTHDAYS Tiffany Irma P. Judith Barbara Karyn L. Melodye Patrica Ann Negleatha Felycya Pavalon Beatrice Betty J. Pearl Melanie Naomi L. Vera M. Lula Adria Charissa Conaway Eva Barbara Chutima Vendella F. Erica Toni Carter Melonie Montgomery Bogan* Vaughn Cooley* Berry Berry Bell Johnson Waller Lee Gilkes* Smoot White Countee Brooks* Clyburn Hicks Tippins-Owens Woods Thomas* Bouldin Janchean April 2 April 2 April 2 April 4 April 5 April 5 April 5 April 7 April 7 April 9 April 11 April 12 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 14 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 18 April 19 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 30 April 30 Jordan Shannon Pearson Barrington Birthday Celebration Calling all April birthday celebrants! Please join us for our monthly birthday luncheon. Immediately following our April Chapter meeting, the luncheon will take place at Southside 815: Southern Cuisine, located at 815 South Washington St, Alexandria VA 22314. All sorors are welcome to join the celebration! *denotes Golden Soror READING OF GREETING CARDS In an effort to help keep our monthly meetings on time, we will no longer read all of the cards that are sent to us. We will announce who has sent cards, but the contents will be read less often. 14 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS TO THE CHAPTER: Sorors initiated in Tau Chapter at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN are having a reunion during Boule at the Intercontinental Buckhead-Atlanta, July 8-10, 2016. For more information please contact Soror Wanda Walker-Wagner at wyw2aka30@att.net. The 2016 National Crown Tour, Professional Women's Summit is Saturday, April 30, 2016, 9:00am-2:30pm, at the University of DC Community College, 801 North Capital St. NE, Washington, DC 20002. Soror Veronica Jackson is a featured panelist at the conference. For more information, visit www.houseofruthjewels.com. Announcements for the monthly meeting must to be submitted in advance of the Chapter meeting. Specifically, they must be submitted by FRIDAY, prior to the Chapter meetings. For example, your announcements for the March 5 th meeting should be submitted by March 4th. If you have announcements for the Chapter, please send them to hostess@aka-zco.org. Archivist Report Soror Monique Robinson Contact us at: archives@aka-zco.org A Most Exciting Tour of our Award-Winning Archives Sorors, come visit us! WHEN: TIME: PLACE: WHAT: HOW: Saturday, March 26th and April 9th. 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 4650 Eisenhower Ave. Alexandria, VA, Cube Smart Storage Facility Party at the Cube (light refreshments will be served!) RSVP to moivy05@gmail.com indicating the date you will stop in All Golden, Silver Star and Life Members - please provide us a copy of your certificate from the Corporate Office with this designation. Please give these to Soror Monique Robinson at the April Chapter meeting. We would like to keep copies of these precious documents on file in the Archives. If you are interested in serving as a docent at the Boule’, call 202-491-7344 or email Soror Monique moivy05@gmail.com. The shifts are in 2 hour intervals, and a script will be provided. 15 COMMITTEE REPORTS Protocol Committee Happy Spring, Sorors! Soror Bonnie Jones- Moon, Chairman Soror Blanche Maness, Co-Chair Soror Taylor Moon, Co-Chair Contact us at: protocol@aka-zco.org From time to time Chapter committees provide the Protocol Committee with drafts of proposed flyers, invitations, tickets etc. for review. The review typically involves the editing of form, spelling, and the inclusion of the registered trademark. One consideration we ask for you to think about moving forward is from what source you obtain any images you may be using? This article is provided not to alarm but rather to inform our membership of some very valuable information and tips as you design your communications. Soror Sonya Stevens, who is a new member of the Protocol Committee and an attorney who is well versed in copyright and trademark law, has provided the following information for our edification. “Tea roses” to Soror Sonya. TIPS FOR AVOIDING COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IN CHAPTER PUBLICATIONS AND ONLINE MEDIA Copyright is a form of intellectual property law that protects original works of authorship, including published and unpublished artistic works (e.g., photographs, graphic images and designs, artwork, posters, etc.) and literary works (e.g., poems, short stories, speeches, books, etc.). Original works fall under copyright protection the moment that they are created and fixed in a tangible form, even if the works are not registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Copyright infringement occurs when original works that are protected under copyright law are used without permission, infringing on the exclusive rights that belong to the copyright holder (such as the rights to distribute, reproduce and display the original works). In recent years, large companies that license and own copyrighted images (such as Getty Images) have begun utilizing software that is able to search all websites and public social media pages on the internet in order to uncover the unauthorized use of their proprietary copyrighted images. These companies then send demand letters requiring payment for use of the images along with cease and desist letters. Accordingly, it is important that we avoid infringing on copyrighted works in our Chapter publications (e.g., Ivyette, flyers, event advertisements, etc.) and online media (e.g., Chapter website, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc.). continued on the next page >> 16 To follow are several tips for avoiding copyright infringement in connection with artistic works: Assume every image you find online is copyrighted. The excuse that an image did not have a watermark, a source listed, or a "©" to show that the image was copyrighted is not a valid excuse. Note that content-sharing sites that contain a wide variety of images (such as Pinterest, StumbleUpon, Wanelo, etc.) place copyright responsibility on users. Use public domain images. Public domain images are considered to be free of copyrights. Thus, they may be used freely for any purpose. See, for example, the following resources: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Public_domain_image_resources Create the image yourself. Keep in mind that making changes to a copyrighted image (so it looks different) does not prevent potential liability, if you do not own the underlying copyright. Purchase an image from a reputable stock image company. See, for example, the following resources: http://www.creativebloq.com/photography/photo-libraries-12121413 Obtain written permission to use the image. In order to secure permission, you must (1) determine the legal owner of the image, (2) contact the owner, and (3) obtain WRITTEN permission to use the copyrighted work in the format and for the purpose you intend. In some cases, the owner may require a fee. NOTE: For information on avoiding infringement with respect to copyrighted literary works (e.g., poems, short stories, speeches, books, etc.), see the following helpful article: https://janefriedman.com/permissions/ 17 17 April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 History Committee Soror Mathelle K. Lee, Chairman Soror Carolyn Rowe, Co-Chairman SPOTLIGHT ON MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL DIRECTOR, SOROR JOYCE HENDERSON When the 63rd Mid-Atlantic Conference convenes at Virginia Beach on April 20-24, 2016, it will be under the leadership of Soror Joyce Henderson, the 18th MidAtlantic Regional Director, for the second year. The conference theme is "Riding the Waves, While Launching New Dimensions of Service.” Soror Joyce is a Life Member and served as Zeta Chi Omega Chapter's 23rd Basileus. Soror Henderson has served in numerous leadership roles in the Sorority, including International Standards Chairman. She is a member of the Sorority’s first Leadership Development Task Force and has served on both the Mid-Atlantic Regional Anti-Hazing Task Force and the Centennial Standards Committee. She is featured in the Sorority's "Heritage Series" showcasing AfricanAmerican females in the military and is a past recipient of the Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award; the Barbara K. Phillips Leadership Development Award, and the Leah K. Frazier Award. A retired United States Army Lieutenant Colonel and Department of the Army civil servant, Soror Henderson spent 23 years as a military career Human Resource Officer. Soror Henderson received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Education and Master of Arts degree in Management. She is a graduate of Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia. We are extremely proud of Soror Joyce and her stellar accomplishments. Trivia: What year was the Mid-Atlantic Region established? A. B. C. D. 1922 1953 1908 1956 Answer can be found on page 21 18 Diamond Golden Silver Committee Soror C. Starr Garrett, Chairman Soror Joyce Myrick Brooks, Co-Chairman Greetings, sorors! Please join us in congratulating the following sorors who will reach jewel status this year. (Those attending the MARC will be recognized there, as well.) GOLDEN SORORS M. Deloris Smith Patricia Wallace SILVER STARS Nikki Bellamy Donna Cole Michele Crawley Melissa Finney Karen Ford-Jackson Antoinette “Toni” Gant Harriette Hemby Stephanie Hubbard Michelle Jones Grace McBride Tiffany Montgomery Mildred Shingler Christine Stevenson Andrea Streat Theresa Tindall Carol Turner Katrina Turner Lillian Watkins If you are new to the Chapter and have reached “jewel” status, please let us know so that your name can be added to the DGS jewels listing. If you desire to receive the official certificate and medallion from the Corporate Office, you may obtain the appropriate form on the Chapter website under the “Members Only” section. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the DGS committee. A heartfelt “Thank You” to each of our current “buddy” sorors for your continuous support of the DGS Buddy Soror Program. If you are interested in being a “buddy” soror to a Golden or Sick/Shut-In soror, please contact us: dgs@aka-zco.com. SAVE THE DATE: May Chapter Meeting: Shine your crowns, get out your gold/silver attire, and get ready to join us in the “Jewels Parade” at the May Chapter meeting. More details to follow. 19 April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 Pan-Hellenic Council Committee Soror Angela Turner Soror Chiquita King Contact us at: phc@aka-zco.org Greetings, Sorors! Check out the table below for upcoming events hosted by the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Northern Virginia (NoVA NPHC). Events are listed in chronological order. Organization Event Details Notes NoVA NPHC Wear organization’s colors, not letters. Spring Happy Hour Thursday, April 7th NoVA NPHC Drink and appetizer specials: 4-7PM Bar Louie, 320 23rd St S, Arlington, Va. POCs: Sorors Chiquita King and Angela Turner, phc@aka-zco.org 5:30-8PM NPHC Run/Walk Wear organization’s colors. Saturday, April 9th http://www.traillink.com/trail/woodr ow-wilson-bridge-trail.aspx Woodrow Wilson Bridge (Alexandria side) Local NPHC chapters POC: Cassandra Ford, fordc@gwu.edu 9AM 4th Annual Divine 9 Game Night with the Washington Wizards Sunday, April 10th Verizon Center, 601 F St NW, DC Purchase tickets by March 28th @ 11:59PM https://groupmatics.events/Divine20 16 POC: Danielle White, dwhite@washmystics.com continued on the next page >> 20 Organization Event Details Notes NoVA NPHC 27th Annual Black Scholars Program POCs: Sorors Chiquita King and Angela Turner, phc@aka-zco.org Sunday, May 15th George Mason University, Fairfax, Va. NoVA NPHC 3-5PM Annual NoVA Greek Cookout Sunday, June 26th POCs: Sorors Chiquita King and Angela Turner, phc@aka-zco.org Anderson Park, Ft. Belvoir, Va. (Ehlers Rd, off Fairfax Co. Pkwy) 2-7PM If you have questions, please contact your NoVA NPHC representatives, Sorors Angela Turner and Chiquita King at phc@aka-zco.org. Standards Committee The Standards Committee meeting on April 14th at 7:00 p.m. will be a conference call. Details will be sent to the committee. Also, the Standards Committee asks that an attendance sheet be provided at ZXΩ events and activities for sorors to sign in. Please forward those sheets to Standards Chairman and Co-chair Sorors Jen Hansborough and Katrina Moss, respectively. TRIVIA ANSWER: What year was the Mid-Atlantic Region established? Established: 1953 (states that now make up the Mid-Atlantic Region were initially part of the South Atlantic Region. At the 1953 Boule, the Mid-Atlantic Region was created from realignment.) Source: www.aka1908.org 21 April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 March Birthday Celebration 22 March 5, 2016 A.S.C.E.N.D visits NOVA March 12, 2016 23 24 Mother Daughter Tea 3.13.16 25 Mother Daughter Tea 26 Mother Daughter Tea 27 Doctors Run Playground Saturday, March 19, 2016 28 Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia, Inc. the charitable affiliate of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter presents Cooley-Moore Luncheon Fashion Show (LFS) The next LFS committee meeting will be held on April 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the John Marshall Library, 6209 Rose Hill Drive, Alexandria, VA. Sorors, the LFS Committee is looking for members. Please sign up for the LFS Committee at the next General Membership meeting. Thank you in advance. Should you have any questions please contact Soror Jennifer Hansborough, Chairman. 2016 59th Annual Cotillion Ball Tickets are on sale now for the April 16th , 2016 59th Annual Cotillion Ball. The Ball will be held at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, VA. The cost is $80 per person; Formal Attire; Doors will close promptly at 6:45 p.m. for presentation of the debutantes. Checks should be made out to IFNV and sent to Belinda Shaw, P.O. Box 2044, Merrifield, VA 22116-2044. Sorors, please support the 2016 Cotillion as we Present "Our Precious Pearls; Polished, Refined, Prepared!" March 25th is the deadline to RSVP. Should you have questions, please contact Sorors Sharon Gregg, Undra Graves-Guyton or Martha Coleman. April 2016 29 Volume 16 | Issue 4 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 http://www.aka-zco.org EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN OFFICERS Basileus Rhonda Luss Anti-Basileus Tamara Rowe Grammateus Patricia Edwards Anti-Grammateus Connection LaFrances Williams Scholarship Diann Burns Aja Charity Membership Christina Thomas Tamiouchos Robin McCoy Technology Leslie Dey Pecunious Grammateus Crystal Lander Protocol Bonnie Jones-Moon Awards Barbara Bellamy Warren Standards Jennifer Hansborough Contracts Irma Bogan Nominating Bonnie Jones-Moon Anti-Pecunious Grammateus Ingrid Alexander Epistoleus Steronica Mattocks Parliamentarian Kendra Riley Ivy Leaf Reporter Gloria Bell Hodegos Gayle Jordan Graduate Advisor VaShawn Guice Veal Philacter Yvette G. Darnaby Archivist Monique Robinson Immed. Past Basileus Kendra Gillespie Members: EDITOR PRODUCTION STAFF April 2016 Volume 16 | Issue 4 Sherry Billingsley Carol Gibson Linda Hall Patrice Longshaw Brittney Montgomery Inez “Chris” Pierce-Gray Darlena Ricks Judy Vaughn Steronica Mattocks Nicole Clark C. Starr Garrett Eloise Hudgins Stephanie Woodland Kelly 30
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