Nov2008 AKA Public eNewsletter
Nov2008 AKA Public eNewsletter
OUTSTANDING CENTENNIAL CHAPTER 2008 ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC. ALPHA KAPPA OMEGA’S MONTHLY NEWSLETTER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE November 2008, Volume 4, Number 9 Basileus Regina H. Carrington Anti-Basileus Tamara Cubit Grammateus LaDonna Harris Anti-Grammateus Jo-Carolyn Goode Epistoleus Carolene Goffney-Sharpe Tamiouchos Pamela Lazard Pecunious Grammateus Mae King Anti-Pecunious Grammateus Shannon Smith Philactor Helen Houston Hodegos Karen-Kai Johnson Reporter to the Ivy Leaf Staci Taylor-Fullmighter Historian Andrea Bonner Parliamentarian Melba Henry Members-At-large Katharine Brown Karen Grays Yavaunda White Graduate Advisors Mary Smith Johnson Gamma Psi Glenniece Stewart Epsilon Lambda Edwina Johnson Omicron Gamma T his month is set aside for all to give thanks—take time out to count our blessings and reflect on that which is most important. I am Blessed...our Heavenly Father blessed me on March 18, 1973 to become a member of this illustrious sisterhood. Thirty-five years later, my blessings continue as Basileus of a supreme chapter, . I am thankful for the journey. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve and remain true to my vows and commitments to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. With profound gratitude, thank you sorors for entrusting me to lead this chapter at this historic moment in time. To all members and those who have served as chairmen and co-chairmen under my tenure—thank you. To the past and present Basilei, thank you. To those sorors who prayed with and for me—thank you. For those who encouraged and motivated me—thank you. Thank you for supporting our undergraduates and Evolving Sisterhood Perfectly. For those who have no limits of their support of our chapter and their service to all mankind—thank you. God bless the families who understand the love you share with Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Thank you to the Eighty-4 Sensational Pearls of the Centennial for the service you have promised to render as an through chapter in our 80th year…and beyond. Thank you to our precious Diamond Soror Hazel Hainsworth Young, Charter Member, who is the Epitome of Sisterhood and Pride. Last but not least, we count our blessings and are thankful for President-elect Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States of America. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven,” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NRSV). Thank you my beautiful sorors...this is our season and it truly is a New Day! In Service & Love, Charter Member & Chaplain Hazel Hainsworth Young In Memory of Soror Jewel McFarlin Thomas Page 1 November 2008 The Jewel November Extra Service Project... The November Hostess Service Committee ask that each soror bring two nonperishable items and/or monetary donations for the Family Outreach Thanksgiving Project. These items will be donated to replenish the Houston Food Bank. December Hostess Service Committee consists of Soror Devona Martin, Chairman and Sorors Cheryl McNair and Evelyn Myatt, Co-Chairmen. Sorors whose last name is in range of “Mack” and “Phillips.” We anticipate your... Enthusiastic Support and Participation. Family & Friends Picnic On Sunday, October 5, 2008, a few sorors had the pleasure to attend the Kappa Alpha Psi () alumni chapter’s picnic. We enjoyed the fun, delicious food and wonderful hospitality of the brothers and honey-dos. Among the sorors who added pink and green to the event were: Regina Carrington, Matellia B. Grays, Jamilia Boozer, Revona Davis, Endria Chachere, Clarice Gatlin, Cecelia LaSane, Devona Martin, Rosa Rush and Mae Rose Smith. HSLD — “Bread of Life Service Project” [Platform III] Enlightening Service Project – On Saturday, October 11, 2008, our High School Leadership Development Program “Manifested their Destiny” by serving breakfast to Houston’s homeless at the Bread of Life, Inc. and by distributing toiletries. Sorors and students served breakfast, washed dishes and served the Bread of Life clients with enthusiasm and a smile. We had an awesome time. The staff and clients were thrilled to see all of the pink and green. Special thanks to Soror Kim Topps, HSLD Chairman and AKΩ Sorors Regina Carrington, Tamara Cubit, Andrea Bonner, Mary Smith Johnson, Yavaunda White, Glenniece Stewart, Nkenge Berry, Katrice Lowe, Donna Miles, Anita Wallace and Mary Williams. Also Epsilon Lambda () Chapter Members—Sorors Linda Duru, Ashley Agbim, Tumi Agboola, Brittany Box, Victoria Brown, Keshia Garrett, Tasha Johnson, Chrystal Osborne, Samantha Prosper, and Alanna Richard; HSLD Male Student: Nicholas Armstrong; plus Prairie View A&M Nursing Students: Danielle Baty , Amber Proper and Ashley Simpson. Kudos to Sorors Kim Topps, Mary Smith Johnson, Una Topps and Mary Williams for donating toiletries. Special thanks to all who donated to purchase shoes and socks for a client who was in need. The ones she was wearing were two sizes too small. It was a blessing to be a blessing to others and we look forward to serving at the Bread of Life again! Page 2 Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart We are thankful for our Swingin’ Seniors. Soror Mae Rose Smith and her Senior Citizens Committee had a fun-filled visit with our Swingin’ Seniors at the Julia C. Hester House on Thursday, October 23, 2008. Each senior received a cute little orange and black gift bag filled with personal goodies and treats. They played Bingo and entertained us with their singing and dancing. Special thank you to the following sorors and committee members for your support: Regina Carrington, Mae Rose Smith, Vada Kyle-Holmes, Faye Mosely, Rhonda Richardson, and Quiana Smith. Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat Sixty-six of the 245 sorors who attended the Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat were sorors: “Enhancing and Strengthening Our Pearls: Moving Gracefully to Our Next 100 Years,” on October 25, 2008. Hosted by Chi Omicron Omega () and Tau Zeta Omega () Chapters. Our very own South Central Regional Director Soror Gwendolyn J. Brinkley, delivered her State of the Region address. A number of workshop presentations were presented to empower those sorors in attendance. Presenters from our chapter included: Soror Faye B. Bryant, “Code of Ethics”, Soror Patricia A. Roberts, South Central Regional Tamiochous, “Fiscal Procedure Update,” Soror Regina Carrington, “ESP Program Update,” on behalf of Soror Chelle Wilson, SC Regional Program Representative. In the Large Chapter category, received the 1st place Attendance Award and the 1st place Community Service Project Award for our $200 contribution to the American Diabetes Association. Congrats to Soror Gwendolyn J. Brinkley, Soror Rhonda Newhouse (Southeast Texas Cluster Coordinator) and the Host Chapters on a successful event. Membership is the Heart of ESP and the Key to the Our Success... The 2008 Membership Intake Process was a monumental undertaking that proved to be a BIG success. Thanks to the entire Membership Committee, under the leadership of Soror Thedrial Jackson, Membership Chairman and Sorors Mary Barnett and Deidra Fontaine, Co-Chairmen. 84 new sorors were initiated and joined the ranks of our sisterhood, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Appreciation is extended to so many sorors who were key to the success, which included our entire Executive Committee; Rituals— Soror Mary Smith Johnson, Greetings and Acknowledgments—Soror Regina Carrington, Program—Soror Tamara Cubit, Luncheon—Soror Mary Barnett, Registration—Soror Deidra Fontaine. Soror Cheryl Pitts Bryant led our worship service on Sunday, November 2, 2008. Her inspirational message came from Chapter Web Site: 1 Peter 4:8-11: (8) Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (9) Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. (10) Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. (11) If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If any serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the Glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. Special thanks to: Soror Melba J. Henry for the introduction of the speaker for the Centennial Membership Intake Luncheon; Soror Polly Sparks Turner (20th South Central Regional Director) for such an eloquent speech; Soror Tamara Cubit who presented a tribute to our new members. And a heart-felt appreciation to Diamond Soror Hazel Hainsworth Young who shared Pearls of Wisdom to those in attendance. Thank you Soror Demonica Johnson for coordinating the decorations and Soror Quiana Smith for organizing the gift bags and pictorial directory photos for our new sorors. Special guests in attendance at this grand affair included Honorary Soror Lauren Anderson, Soror Linda Knight Burkley, Chairman of South Central Region Heritage Committee, and Sylvester Turner. There were approximately 500 guests in attendance to celebrate ’s “Eighty-4 Sensational Pearls of the Centennial.” October was filled with activities. The hard work and Extra Special Participation of sorors involved is deeply appreciated. Chapter Phone & Fax Number: 281-261-1573 November 2008 The Jewel Attention all Economic Development Committee Non-Traditional Entrepreneurs Poinsettia & Interested Sorors… [Platform I] Sale Please join the Non Non--Traditional Entrepreneurs — “Think Tank” $12.00 each (red or pink) Sponsored by the Economic Development Committee Payment due: November 15, 2008 Delivery date: December 20, 2008 at sorority meeting (see table in back) ** “Turn Your Ideas Into a Business Plan” ** “It Takes Money — How Do I Get It?” Pre-Sorority Meeting Forum: Saturday, November 15, 2008 Sign-in @ 9:30 a.m. Make checks payable to Alpha Kappa Omega and submit to: Soror Mae King, Pecunious Grammateus For more information please contact: Soror Carolene Goffney-Sharpe ~ Saturday, November 15, 2008 Sorority meeting S AKA-NOMIC$ CORNER AKA-NOMICS When the Federal government’s expenditures for a year are greater than its revenue for that year, the difference is known as: A. The national debt B. A budget deficit C. A budget surplus A: B. A budget deficit Election of 's 2009 Chapter Officers and Approval of the 2009 Chapter Budget Please Meet ’s Own... oror Patricia A. Ingram (Pat) was initiated as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Alpha Kappa Omega Chapter on November 2, 2008. She received her undergraduate degree in Sociology/Psychology from Texas Southern University and a Masters in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin. She is a Licensed Master Social Worker-Advanced Clinical Practitioner (LMSW-ACP) in the State of Texas and is also a licensed mortgage loan processor. She is currently employed as an Account Director with UnitedHealthcare—OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions, where she manages strategic behavioral health accounts. She is an active member of Trinity United Methodist Church in Houston. She is married to Robert Ingram, an Alpha Phi Alpha man, and mother to Monique Ingram Garner, and Sonjia N. Solomon. Some of her other activities include Past Regional Director for South Central Region of Jack and Jill of America, Inc. board member of Jack and Jill Foundation, Inc., City of Houston Mayor’s Initiative on Youth Education and Services (Under Mayor Lee Brown) and the Board Chairman of Institute of Health Families, Inc. Soror Patricia is a chartered member of the Gulf Coast Apollo Chapter of The Links, Inc., Houston/Galveston, Texas area, inducted on October 7, 1995. She was the first Treasurer of the chapter, President, Membership Chairman. She served as Treasurer for the South Texas Links Six Cluster. She is currently serving as the Western Area Treasurer for The Links, Inc., as well as on the Board of Directors for the Bay Area Turning Point, a social service agency providing shelter and services to abused women and children. Soror Patricia’s motto is: “Treat others the way in positive, because being negative takes too much to one’s community. eMail address for the Chapter Basileus: which you want to be treated.” Spend time being energy; energy that can be used to provide a service Page 3 June November 2008 2008 The Jewel “Little Known Alpha Kappa Omega History Facts” November 2008 1. In addition to serving on the Alpha Kappa Omega executive board as Reporter to the Ivy Leaf and Member at Large, Soror Betty Merritte Williams served as a board member for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, as well as, head of the organization’s Diversity Committee. 2. While serving as Co-Chairman of the Centennial Celebration committee, Soror Elnora J. Flewellen, Life Member and Silver Star, spearheaded the fundraiser that produced approximately $16,000 for Jack Yates High School Library in honor of the Centennial Birthday celebration for Soror Hazel Hainsworth Young. 3. In the Spring/Summer of 1986, Sorors Dorothy Booker, Charlotte Bryant, Vivian Harrison, Mae Lawson, Gloria Melton, 20th South Central Regional Director Polly Sparks Turner, and Demetria Williams, chartered the Omicron Gamma Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on the campus of the University of Houston, Downtown. 4. Sorors Clarice Lowe, Mercedes Terry, and Evelyn B. Thornton, chartered the Gamma Psi Chapter of Texas Southern University in 1950. The vision of these gallant sorors served as an excellent example which has motivated Gamma Psi members to consistently participate in all activities of the local, regional, and national levels of the sorority. 5. While encountering racism, adversity, and many disappointments, Sorors Mattelia B. Grays (18th International President), Faye B. Bryant (21st International President), Barbara Marshall, and Laconia Cain, chartered the Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. on September 26, 1969. Alpha Kappa Alpha was the first Black Greek letter organization to be instituted at the University of Houston. 6. Soror Kim Topps is Alpha Kappa Omega’s immediate past Tamiouchos. She served from 2005-2007 and is remembered for computerizing the chapter’s financial records and implementing financial procedures and processes that exceeded the expectations of the Heritage Team during the chapter evaluation in 2007. These procedures are still being implemented today. Soror Kim, a Senior Software Engineer for Honeywell, Inc. was also recognized as Houston’s 1999 Young Engineer of the Year. —Facts provided by Soror Andrea’ Bonner, 2008 Centennial Chapter Historian WHO KNOWS BUT THAT YOU HAVE COME TO ROYAL POSITION FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS? — Esther 4:14 (NIV) What a momentous event in the History of our Country! Chapter joins millions over the globe in congratulating Barack Obama, our next President of the United States of America. We ask God to continue to bless Barack Obama, his family, our country and the world. May peace and unity abide. “Yes We Can...” Sorors, It’s Really A NEW DAY! Page 6 4 Chapter ChapterWeb WebSite: Chapter Phone & Fax Number: 281-261-1573 November 2008 The Jewel Welcome to the Eighty-4 Sensational Pearls of the Centennial Ayana Allen, Loris Anderson, Theresa Anderson, Lucille August, Jacqueline Barnes, Jamie Bernard, Adrianne Bradford, Tabatha Brown, Dana Brown, Kathleen Curry, Le'Andra Demaris, Karrah Demaris, Alicia Duplechain, Rose Durant, Charvela Fearon, Angela Fisher, Denise Frazier, Tegan Gay, Chataria Geason, Adrienne Gibson, Ashley Gibson, Keisha Glover, Brigette Griffin, La'Quesha Grigsby, Christina Guice-Gantt, Myrtle Hammond-Johnson, Phoebe Heard, Amber Higgs, Andrea Hollingsworth, Davina Horace, Brandi Hypolite-Kirby, Patricia Ingram, DeAnna Jackson, Tracy Jackson, Barbara Jefferson, K'Netha Jones, Ashlye' Jones, Shanna Joubert, Martina Judge, Charlyn Kyles, Daphine Lambert, LaTanya Rollin-Colwell Lavine, Ashley Nicole Lazard, Mable Lewis, Wendy Lewis, Joyce Lister, Dell McGee, Stephanie Meads, Tasha Merritte-Soberekon, LaTonya Meyer, Jeania Mitchell, Terena Molo, Allonie Moncriffe, Y. Nicole Montgomery, Shalondra Moore, Shanna Morgan, Yusheba Moses, Christine Myatt, Katrina Parker, LaShonda Pigott, Regina Prevost, Courtney Prewitt, Dimitrie Rainey, Elizabeth Richard, Marlene Roberts, Barbara Roberts, Lindsey Scott, Kizi Serbeh-Yiadom, Astria Simmons-Carter, Ashley Smith, Samantha Smith, Bayana Sumbry-Taylor, Helen Ubanyionwu, Nedra Washington, Felecia Waters Ransfer, Saundra Wiley, Sherry Neely Williams, Jessica Willie, Laureen Wimbley, LaTrecia Woodard, Talia Wyann, and Regina Young. * Bold = Legacy Sorors: How familiar are you with chapter operations? Take the following Chapter Operations “IQ’” Test…….Let’s see if you are an Extra Smart and Proficient soror in this area! Answer the following questions: True or False: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manual of Standard Procedure provides a simplified approach to interpreting the National Constitution and Bylaws. _____ Chapters shall conduct an annual self-evaluation using the Standards End of Year Report Form. _____ Two copies of all subsequent changes to chapter bylaws should be forwarded to the Regional Director for review and approval within 10 days of any changes. _____ Chapters are required to conduct one meeting per month except during July and August. _____ Chapters are required to have had representatives at a Boule within the last six years. _____ Fill in the blanks: 6. Members of the _______________ Committee/Council can help streamline chapter meetings by screening committee reports and correspondences, recommend solutions for chapter problems and assist in the preparation of the chapter meeting agenda. 7. The __________________ of a meeting is greatly influenced by the attitude and leadership exhibited by the Basileus. She must know how to bring forth ideas, guide debate and help the group reach a consensus. 8. Increased knowledge of _______________________ and sorority documents should be a goal of each member. 9. “I so move…” is unacceptable in making a motion. A motion should be _______ in a complete, clearly stated sentence. 10. Always address the chair before you speak. Do not stand waiting for _________ while someone else has the floor. The first 10 sorors to contact either of the sorors listed below with the correct answers will be eligible for a door prize at the November sorority meeting: Soror Charlene H. James, Standards Committee Chairman — / 713-779-5999 Soror Douthulia Gardner, Standards Committee Co-Chairman — / 713-723-6023 eMail address for the Chapter Basileus: Page 5 November 2008 HSLD Service Project: “Bread of Life” Program Committee at 2008 Membership Intake Process
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