April 2010 - Epsilon Omega Chapter


April 2010 - Epsilon Omega Chapter
April 2010
Volume 43, Number 4
Message from the
Inside this
Sick and Shut-In
Along the Ivy
Spring at last! Congratulations to Soror Wynola Cunningham and committee on the 9th Annual Spring Fling.
Epsilon Omega Sorors traveled to Annapolis for AKA Night with Upsilon Epsilon Omega
and enjoyed a fruitful program with Sorors from Cluster I. Pink roses to the Connection
Committee led by Soror Karenthia Barber.
AKA News
Greetings Sorors:
2010 Victims’ Run 11
Next Chapter
April 10, 2010
9:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast
10 a.m.
Please Wear White for
Chapter Photos
The 76th North Atlantic Regional (NARC) was a resounding success – the largest ever held.
Epsilon Omega had a representative group of over 25 Sorors. Six Sorors, including me,
completed the Ethel Hedgeman Lyle Leadership Academy: Sorors Michelle Byers, Crystal
Cotten-Faison, Lisa Foust, Tonja Ringgold, Sheila Tidline and Janet Williams. Congratulations to the Class of 2010!
In other NARC highlights – Epsilon Omega received the North Atlantic Region Legacy
Award and our Diamond Diva Soror Corinda Waters was inducted into the Diamond Club.
Sorors, we were also recognized as a Gold Sponsor for the EAF Foundation, and many Sorors participated on the Regional Conference Committees. Lastly, our Soror and Mayor
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake received the Woman of Power Award from the Regional Director.
Our new Regional Director-Elect is Soror Constance Pizzarro, and we wish her all the best
as she begins her term in July.
We will be voting on Delegates to the Boule in April. Deadline for early registration is April
15, 2010. Sorors, thank you for your hard work on our committees.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter with your family and friends.
Sisterly love,
Vi s io n & M i s s io n
Epsilon Omega Chapter will be recognized as a viable, dynamic, positive force in Baltimore
that impacts the community educationally, politically and culturally. We will have an informed, committed, dedicated and spirited membership.
It is the mission of the Epsilon Omega Chapter to provide consistent and effective services
to its members, civic organizations and local, national and international communities to improve the quality of life for all whom we serve.
Epsilon Omega
Executive Committee
Soror Angela C. Gibson
Anti-Basileus (Program)
Soror E. Francine Stokes McElveen
Anti-Basileus (Operations)
Soror Joann R. Barber
Soror Sheila E. Tidline
Soror Francina C. Spencer
Soror Sylvia Burke
Soror Virginia B. Vauls
Pecunious Grammateus
Soror Jan W. Carter
Anti-Pecunious Grammateus
Soror Barbara Y. Howard
Soror Michelle A. Byers
Soror Emma J. Hamlin
Soror Rita S. Johnson
Soror Tonja Ringgold
Ivy Leaf Reporter
Soror Shaletta D. Espie
Soror E. Francine Stokes McElveen
Soror Edmonia T. Yates
Soror Cardrienne P. Griffin
Soror Barbara A. Burgess
Graduate Advisors
Alpha Delta (Morgan)- Soror
Adrienne Stokes-Orange
Epsilon Kappa (Coppin)- Soror
Karen P. Foster
Xi Tau (Johns Hopkins) - Soror Lois
D. Knight-Harrison
Soror Cecelia Carroll
Soror Odessa Dorkins
Soror Reather F. Green
Soror Edna Y. Rich
Foundation President
Soror Cheryl L. Frazier
Immediate Former Basileus
Soror Cheryl L. Frazier
Message from Anti-Basileus, Program
Dear Sorors:
I extend many thanks to those who attended the presentation of “Half
the Sky Live” on March 4, 2010, at various local theaters. Again, this
event was held in recognition of Women’s History Month. There is so
much to garner from the experiences of others, and it is important to
know that there is so much we can share.
My deepest thanks to the many Sorors who donated clothing for newborns and toddlers, toiletries, personal care items as well as monetary contributions in support of
the North Atlantic Regional Conference service project, ”Enthusiastically Serving
Epsilon Omega Sorors contributed over 300 items and $165. Your generosity is
overwhelming, and you always make Epsilon Omega proud.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 26. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Solidarity
Walk will take place. The walk will be approximately 2.10 miles and will take place
at 11:00 a.m. EST. The culmination of the Solidarity Walk will conclude with a
symbolic walk at the 2010 Boule in St. Louis, Missouri.
Sisterly love,
Sick and Shut-In Sorors
Soror Anne Boone
3200 Howard Park Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Soror Chicora Lee
1300 E. 36th Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
Soror Ellen Gonzales
3417 Edcrest Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21244
Soror Ernestine Press
1115 E. 43rd Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21239
Soror Delores Jones
9705 Tulsemere Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21133
Soror Margaret Land
1190 W. Northern Parkway, #207
Baltimore, Maryland 21210
Sorors, you are in our thoughts,
and we're all hoping that you will
enjoy better health again soon.
Our prayers are with you—always!
Scoop Sheet Deadline
To ensure the timely distribution of Along the Byline, no scoop sheets will be accepted later than Monday, April 12, 2010. Please return your scoop sheet to Soror
Shaletta Espie at shaletta76@hotmail.com or 5717 Willowton Avenue, Baltimore,
Maryland 21239.
Along the Byline, April 2010
Chapter Song
Along the Ivy Vine
Special Thanks from Soror Reona Thomas
Flossie McClain Dedmond Spirit Award Winner
(Tune: “Moonlight and Roses,” by
Black, Moret)
Epsilon Omega,
The chapter that we
all love.
Epsilon Omega,
The chapter we’re
proudest of.
Alpha Kappa Alpha,
A sisterhood noble
and true.
Alpha Kappa Alpha,
Our hopes are in you.
We pledge devotion,
In all that we try to do.
From ocean to ocean,
We seek to honor you.
One thought, one purpose,
United in spirit we stand.
Epsilon Omega,
The best in the land.
I will always remember the day I accepted the
award. I was so honored to be the winner. With
gratitude, I thank my dear Sorors for their congratulations and best wishes of hugs and kisses,
cards, gifts and telephone calls with messages of
concerns about a medical problem that confronted
me before the luncheon. I also give thanks to God
for his blessings on that day. God is so good!
Soror Joi Carter Becomes Lead Female Vocalist of Mambo Sauce
Soror Joi Carter is the new
voice of Mambo Sauce, a
D.C.-based band that delivers
the blended sounds of oldsoul, hip-hop, rock and go-go.
As the group’s lead female
vocalist, her soulful and tantalizing vocals woo audiences when performing the
group’s hits: “No Sleep,”
“Sweet Baby” and “Things
Will Get Better.”
To download their songs and
videos or get tour dates, visit
Soror Shaletta Espie Joins Board of Directors of G.L.O.W.
Congratulations to Soror Shaletta Espie who
was recently named to the Board of Directors
of G.L.O.W.—Girls Leading Our Way.
G.L.O.W. is a Washington, D.C.-based community health organization dedicated to supporting young Black women, ages 12-21, in
the fight to prevent the spreading of HIV/
AIDS and other STDs/STIs through education, support and advocacy.
Special thanks to the following Sorors for sending photos of EΩ events for publication
in Along the Byline: Yolanda Barber, Nicole Brown, Michelle Byers, Jan Carter,
Odessa Dunston, Cylia Lowe and Paula Tolson. Your assistance is much appreciated!
Along the Byline, April 2010
Chapter News
More than 30 Sorors Participate in AKA Night in
Annapolis on Thursday, March 11, 2010
U.S. Census Official Makes Special Presentation to Soror Angela
Don’t Forget to Complete Your Form!
History Committee Honors
Sorors’ Community and Chapter
Service Achievements
On, Saturday, March 13, 2010, the
History Committee prepared a display
entitled, “Writing Women Back into
History,” highlighting several EΩ Soros in celebration of Women’s History
Along with photos of Sorors, the display listed their community and sorority achievements.
EΩ Sorors Attend International Membership Committee Meeting
At Northwest Hospital on Sunday, March 14, 2010
The featured Sorors were: Esther Bailey, Karenthia Barber, Nicole Brown,
Ruth Brown, Gwendolyn Brown, Michelle Byers, Joanne Carpenter, LaJerne Cornish, Frances Crosby, Flossie
Dedmond, Karen Foster, Ramona
Green, Marlene Greer-Chase, Verna
Jones, Vivian Carter Mason, Jean
Owens, Edna Rich, Tonja Ringgold,
Mary Robinson, Norma Scott, Joan
Stevenson, Reona Thomas, Sheila
Tidline, Janet Williams and Edmonia
The Committee also collected $200 to
benefit the House of Ruth during the
special month. Thank you to all the
Sorors who contributed!
Chapter News
Cultural Arts Committee
Presents Spencer’s First Dollar to
Elementary School Students
EΩ Encourages Boys to Read
On Friday, March 5, 2010, Sorors from
the Cultural Arts Committee visited
Calvin Rodwell Elementary School
and presented the school library with
five autographed copies of the book
Spencer’s First Dollar, authored by
James A. Merritt.
In addition, Sorors visited the school’s
second, first and kindergarten classes On March 20, 2010, the Ivy
with the author, who read to the stu- Family Support Center was the
site for a national book signing
dents and discussed his book.
Mrs.Spartley-Adams, school principal, and tour focused on increasing
Ms. Ritter, school librarian, and many literacy in the African American
teachers expressed appreciation and community.
gratitude to Epsilon Omega Sorors for
introducing Mr. Merritt to the school
and arranging for the book reading
presentation. The school anticipates
including Mr. Merritt and Spencer’s
First Dollar in their spring book fair.
Four young African American
authors—Craig Thompson, LaMarr Shields, David Miller and
Patrick M. Oliver—were on
hand to discuss the importance
of reading and literacy.
Sorors Annamarie Joyner and Verna
Jackson, who represented the committee, reported that the children and
teachers received the author and book
enthusiastically. The children eagerly
participated in the pre-and-post reading
discussion—answering and asking
They offered suggestions on how we can encourage our sons to read by focusing on their interest, mirroring their reading behavior and reading to young
children 30 minutes every evening.
After the discussion, attendees had the opportunity to speak on-on-one with the
authors and to also purchase their books. The event was well attended by families with their male children ranging in age from newborn to teenagers.
For more information about this literacy initiative, visit www.urbanyouth.org.
This event was sponsored in partnership with the Urban Leadership Institute
Some teachers purchased personal cop- and Epsilon Omega.
ies of the book.
Share Your AKA Photos Online
Share your photos of Chapter activities and events online in a special photo album. Visit www.akaepsilonomega.shutterfly.com to upload your photos directly
to the site or e-mail them to Soror Shaletta Espie at shaletta76@hotmail.com or
mail them to 5717 Willowton, Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21239 or e-mail
them to Soror Cylia Lowe at cylialoweesq@gmail.com. Please remember to
include captions.
Photos of NARC events and the 9th Annual Spring Fling are appreciated.
and Tidbits
Foundation News
Scholarship Fund
Learn about the MIP
Interested in the changes to the
MIP process?
Come out on Thursday, April 8,
2010, at 5:30 p.m. at the Ivy Family Support Center for a presentation on the revised MIP process.
If you have any questions, please
contact Soror Patricia Scott by
telephone at 410-467-2387 or by
email at ivy1994eq@netscape.net.
NARC Photos
Please send your photos from
NARC to Soror Shaletta Espie at
shaletta76@hotmail.com or 5717
Willowton Avenue, Baltimore,
Maryland 21239 or Cylia Lowe at
cylialoweesq@gmail.com .
Health and Medical Professionals Needed
Calling all Sorors in the health and
medical field—doctors, nurses
social workers, physician assistants, mental health experts, etc.—
who would be available to participate in the Joint Chapter Health
Fair on May 15, 2010, please
Pink & Green Gala Dates to Remember…
Night at City Hall Coming Soon
AKA Night at City Hall will be Saturday, April 10, 2010—Sorority Chapter Meeting
held on Monday, May 17, 2010, at 1. Sorors need to wear WHITE! Chapter and Committee photos will be
5 p.m. All Sorors are asked to
taken for the Gala Souvenir Journal.
wear pink and green and arrive to
be seated by 4:45 p.m. Please 2. Sorors wishing to reserve a table for the Gala need to give Soror
Edna Rich a $500 deposit. The remaining balance of $500 is due May 8, 2010,
RSVP to Soror Karenthia A. Barat the Chapter meeting. No one can select a table location at the Gala
ber at 410-366-1355.
until they are paid in full.
Corporate Sponsorship
Packets for the 2010 Pink &
Green Gala are available on
the Epsilon Omega
Foundation Web site at
Friday, April 30, 2010—Gala Souvenir Journal
1. Deadline for the acceptance of ads for the Gala Souvenir Journal.
Saturday, May 8, 2010—Sorority Chapter Meeting
1. All reserved tables for the Gala must be paid in full. Sorors who
have not paid for their table will only have the five (5) seats
initially paid for with the $500 deposit. The remaining five (5) seats
will be open for sale.
Friday, June 4, 2010—Final Payments are Due
All money is due for Gala seating.
Congratulations to the Seven EΩ
Sorors Who Completed the
Ethel Hedgeman Lyle
Leadership Academy!
Ethel Hedgeman
Lyle Leadership
Academy Graduates
Michelle Byers
Crystal Cotten-Faison
Lisa Foust
Angela Gibson
Tonja Ringgold
Sheila Tidline
Janet Williams
EΩ Receives
Legacy Award
The North Atlantic Region
Legacy Award is given to
one Chapter that best exemplifies an innovative approach to holding high the
Sorority’s founding principles.
EΩ Diamond Diva
Soror Corinda Waters
was Inducted into the
Diamond Club
Along the Byline, April 2010
AKA News
Directorate Candidates—Elections at 2010 Boule in St. Louis, MO
First Supreme Anti-Basileus
Supreme Tamiouchos
AKA News
Supreme Grammateus
Undergraduate Member-At-Large
Epsilon Omega AKAs for the Cure
April 2
• Soror Tonja Ringgold
April 4
• Soror Alice Loving-Clash
• Soror Adrienne Stokes Orange
April 5
• Soror Margaret Jackson
April 6
• Soror Odessa Dorkins
April 13
• Soror Barbara Howard
April 14
• Soror Verna Jackson
April 18
• Soror Reona Thomas
April 19
• Soror Kristina Foster
April 22
• Soror Alethia Starke
April 23
• Soror Venciedora Kane
April 27
• Soror Felicia Irick
April 28
• Soror Gwendolyn Statham
April 29
• Soror Jan Carter
April 30
• Soror Annie McGlothern
It's time to sign up and register for the 2010 Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure!
This year, our team name is “Epsilon Omega AKAs For The Cure,” so that all
will know that the Sorors of Epsilon Omega Chapter are concerned about the
fight to help find a cure for breast cancer. Please consider joining the team for
this very worthy cause.
This year’s walk will be held on Sunday, October 3, 2010, in Hunt Valley, MD.
Even if you’re not able to walk with us this year, please consider making an individual donation of any amount, and please encourage as many people as you can
to make a contribution. Visit www.komrnmd.org to join team Epsilon Omega
AKAs For The Cure!
Sisterly Yours Group
Hostess Schedule
April 2010
Group 1
Soror Jan Carter
Soror Lillian Jackson
May 2010
Group 2
Soror Joann Carpenter
Soror Geraldine Curry
June 2010
Membership Committee
Soror Patricia Scott
Soror Edna Rich
September 2010
Group 3
Soror Venciedora Kane
Soror Courtney Suggs
October 2010
Group 4
Soror Ivy Gates-Smith
Soror Ruby Coleman
November 2010
Group 5
Soror Erica Waters
Soror Pinkie Daniels
December 2010
Group 6
Soror Joan Stevenson
Happy 16th Anniversary to the Sorors of Intake April 18, 1994
Doris K. Barclay
Sheila Bell
Lucy Berry
Deidra N. Bishop
Joanne C. Bryant Carpenter
Jean A. Creek
Glenda B. Cross
Michelle Cypress
Trebbie S. Dickerson
Odessa D. Dorkins
Ellyne Brown Downs
Donna Fields
Angela C. Gibson
Giovanna Hughes
Bernardine Johnson
Shelly Mitchell Jones
Evelyn C. McLeod
Elizabeth Grant Mack
Sayyida S. Martin
Marjorie Miles
Monzella S. Owings
Malika Jackson Perry
Ernestine H. Press
Florence Blair Rainey**
Faye Renwick**
Cheryl Robinson
Florine Robinson
Patricia A. Scott
MaryEllen Smackum
Erica M. Waters
**Ivy Beyond the Wall
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Epsilon Omega Chapter
P.O. Box 67006
Baltimore, Maryland 21215-0005
Save the Date
Thursday, April 8, 2010
MIP Process Presentation, 5:30 p.m., Ivy Family Support Center
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Chapter Meeting, 9:30 a.m. (Continental Breakfast), 10 a.m. (Meeting), Ivy Family Support Center
Please Wear White for Chapter Photos
Monday, April 12, 2010
Along the Byline Submission Deadline
Saturday, April 17
10th Annual Victims’ 5K Fund Run/Walk, 9 a.m., Patterson Park
Monday, April 26, 2010
Foundation Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m., Ivy Family Support Center
Monday, May 3, 2010
Chapter Executive Committee Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Ivy Family Support Center
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Chapter Meeting, 9:30 a.m. (Continental Breakfast), 10 a.m. (Meeting), Ivy Family Support Center
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Joint Chapters Healthy FITT Fair, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., The Seed School, 200 Font Hill Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21223
Monday, May 17, 2010
AKA Night in City Hall, 4:45 p.m., Baltimore City Council Chambers
Monday, May 24, 2010
Foundation Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m., Ivy Family Support Center
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Cluster 1 Picnic, More Information TBA