Zeta Pipeline (Spring 2013) - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc-


Zeta Pipeline (Spring 2013) - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc-
Sisterly Love
Greetings Sorors
and Amicae,
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
I hope
The Pipeline
finds you well. It has
been a very productive year for Zeta Phi
Beta Sorority, Incorporated in the State
of South Carolina.
As always, this publication is compiled specifically with
you in mind. We have taken special efforts to make these
stories come to life for you to enjoy, for you to be informed, and for your overall edification. These stories,
my sorors and friends, are stories of the dedication and
commitment that you display for our beloved organization.
Sorors and Amicae, I hope you will feel as I do once you
have read this newsletter. It makes me proud beyond
measure to see what we can accomplish when we work
together. None of this work could have been possible
without your commitment, and your willingness to exhibit true sisterhood/friendship during the times when it
was needed the most.
During this administration, we will be “Building on the
Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Paths.” Some of
our achievements are as follows:
Raising the highest amount of money in the 2012
March for Babies Campaign
Having the highest number of Stork’s Nest
Having outstanding accomplishments in ZHOPE
South Carolina is the home of the Undergraduate in
the Region with the highest Grade Point Average
(4.0) – Soror Stephanie Do (University of South
Carolina – Psi Eta)
Service Finer Womanhood
South Carolina is the home of the Undergraduate
Chapter in the Region with the highest Grade Point
Average – Mu Chapter – Claflin University
South Carolina is also the home of the
Undergraduate Chapter in Region with the second
highest Grade Point Average – Psi Eta Chapter –
University of South Carolina
South Carolina is the home of the Regional Amicae
Queen – Amica Senora Mumford (Zeta Auxiliary of
Our goals for the remainder of the sorority year are:
100% Participation in Z-HOPE, to raise $21,000 for
March for Babies, to participate in the State’s annual
Zeta Day at the Capitol, to raise $3,000 for the National
Educational Foundation and to participate in the Elder
Care and Adopt-A-School initiative.
I want to thank you for being the hardest working State
in all of Zetadom! Thank you for supporting all state
events, especially the Spring Leadership Retreats, Area
Retreats, Statewide Founders’ Day/Finer Womanhood
Observance, Youth Conference, and the Amicae Luncheon.
I am so proud of the work we have accomplished for the
benefit of those in society who need help the most. But
as we know, there is still so much more to be done.
I am forever grateful to you, and offer my continued
wholehearted assurance that I will always be a State
Director who believes in this sisterhood. Now, please
enjoy YOUR stories.
Gianna S. Gardner
Inside this issue:
Epsilon Iota Zeta Youth Making a
Zeta Day At the Capitol
Soror Coleman, Miss Pendleton
Soror Hooper’s Presidential
Soror Robinson-Simpson,
SC House Representative
Beta Pi Zeta Archonettes
Mu Pi Zeta New Stork Nest Location
Page 2
Area Two
Retreat in Rock Hill
On October 20, 2012, Delta Xi
Zeta Chapter hosted the Geographical Area Two Retreat at
Fewell Park in Rock Hill. Soror Robbie Massey is the Area
Members of both the Delta Xi
Zeta, Rock Hill and Lambda
Epsilon Zeta, Lancaster chapters attended. Our South Carolina State Director, Soror
Gianna Gardner, spoke on the
MIP process. Other workshop
topics included How Healthy
is Your Zeta Chapter, How to
Survive Hazing After Suspension: The Next Step, and Stress
Management. The Z-HOPE
activities included collection of
items for the Flint Hill Adult
Day Care Center in Rock Hill,
Blood Pressure Screening,
Massage Therapy, and
sharing of information on
the Anti-Hazing Campaign,
Prematurity Awareness,
and Text4Babies. It was
another great day in Rock
Delta Xi Zeta Chapter’s Z-Hope donation to
the Flint Hill Adult Day Care Center
Beta Pi Zeta Chapter Helps to Spread the Word...
Service is an essential
component of Greek Letter
Organizations. The sorors of
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
are committed to serving
others through their various
Signature Programs. Often,
Z-HOPE activities focus on
the spirit. The sisters of Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., are
connected with their
respective local churches and
various denominational
auxiliaries. Sorors in Beta Pi
Zeta Chapter of Sumter,
South Carolina partnered with
the Wateree Baptist Association, sending God’s Word to in the
Lower Division Sunday School
form of 500 plus quarterlies,
Congress of Christian Education books and magazines.
to collect Sunday School
Quarterlies, devotionals,
Vacation Bible School kits, and
Christian magazines to be sent to
believers in 11 mission stations
on the continent of Africa, the
Caribbean and Central America
which are served through the
National Baptist Convention,
U.S.A. Inc. Although the sorors
may never get to go to these
countries to help evangelize,
they were able to assist in
Page 3
Epsilon Iota Zeta Chapter’s
Pearlettes, Amicettes, & Archonettes
Making Their Mark on the State!!
The Youth Auxiliaries of Greenville, SC have been
on the move. After several years without a youth
component, four sorors picked up the mantle and began to rebuild the program: Soror Javona Locke
Pearlette Advisor, Soror Lisa Gambrell-Burns, Amicette Advisor/Lead Advisor, Soror Rene Sloan, Archonette Advisor and Soror Stephanie Williams, Archonette Advisor. Our partnership with a local Baptist church provides a meeting place and several youth
members. This has fostered a great collaboration.
received 3rd Place in Oratorical Contest, and were the
Winner of Scrapbook Award. Two Pearlettes were r
ecognized for their
academic grades.
The Youth Auxiliaries
completed the following
Z-HOPE activities: What
To Say When You Want
To Say No!, Breast CanThe main focus of our agenda is to provide meaning- cer Awareness and Balloon Launched, Premaful mini workshops for one hour then a hands-onactivity for forty-five minutes. Workshop topics have turity Awareness , Safety
First Awareness and Pubincluded self-esteem, public speaking, black history
lic Speaking. Our comtrivia, safety, drugs, table manners/etiquette, coins
munity service project for
add up, and a charm clinic. The girls also had a
sleepover and were treated to a facial, manicure, and the year is jointly collecting Dove products for
pedicure by their advisors.
elder care.
The Youth Auxiliaries attended the SC State Youth
The goal is to continue to foster scholarship, Finer
Leadership Conference on February 23, 2013, at
Womanhood, sisterly love and services with the girls
Claflin University. They were recognized for Most
as well as their parents.
Pearlettes in Attendance, Most Improved Chapter,
Mu Pi Zeta Chapter’s Youth Take
Part in the State’s Youth Conference
Mu Pi Zeta Chapter Youth of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
traveled to Claflin University, in Orangeburg, SC on February 23,
2013, to participate in the sorority's state youth conference. The
youth had the opportunity to meet and interact with other young ladies in a variety of workshops aimed to promote self-respect, awareness of inappropriate use of social networks and its negative impact,
and becoming a positive voice against bullying. Mu Pi Zeta Chapter Youth were
recipients of the following awards: first place for largest chapter in attendance, first
place for the largest youth auxiliary in attendance, and second place for a scrapbook
submission that documented community service involvement. Youth advisors are
Geraldine Dawson, Tina Johnson, Anna Seabrook-Major, and Tasha Seabrook.
Page 4
Lambda Nu Zeta and Gamma Zeta Chapter
Participate in Charleston’s Black Expo
Lambda Nu Zeta Chapter, in collaboration with
Gamma Zeta Chapter and the local Greek Community
in the Charleston National Pan Hellenic Council, volunteered their time and talent during the 2013 Charleston Black Expo.
The sorors were able to share information about
the national initiatives of our illustrious sorority as
well as to provide local information to assist the community such as upcoming programs and services that
the chapters offer.
Lambda Nu Zeta Chapter Continuing to Positivity
Impact the Community!!!
The ladies of the Lambda Nu Zeta Chapter
continue to increase their leadership in the community by implementing Zeta’s many activities and
programs. The chapter was proud cosponsors of
the Canaan United Methodist Church and Dorchester District Two CARE After School Program,
which is designed to assist children with their
homework, test taking skills and behavioral skills.
In partnership with the Dorchester County
School District Two, Lambda Nu Zeta was able to
co-sponsor and assist with a district conference
that included panel presentations, leadership academies for children ages six and above and a resource fair. Sorors shared information about
Stork’s Nest, shared youth opportunities, and distributed information to participants.
Lambda Nu Zeta was the only greek organization present. Lambda Nu Zeta Chapter's
Stork's Nest in Summerville/Ridgeville participated in a community shower.
Publicity was sent in English and in Spanish to support
all community constituents. There was 42 attendees and
a wonderful diverse group.
Lambda Nu Zeta participated in the 4th Annual
Thanksgiving Community Brunch sponsored by Canaan
United Methodist Church. Sorors assisted with packing
meals for delivery (Meals on Wheels), planning and
implementing the program as well as serving food to the
Lambda Nu Zeta hosted the 2nd Annual
Zumbathon For A Purpose in support of the awareness of
domestic violence and abuse to benefit the McNeil
Foundation for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and
Abuse. This organization is a local organization founded
by Amica Keisha June-McNeil.
The Zeta Amicae of Summerville/Ridgeville
hosted two programs (Domestic Violence and Abuse
Luncheon and Cell Phones for Domestic Violence) and
co-sponsored three programs (Thanksgiving Community
Brunch, Zumbathon and sponsored a family for the holidays).
Page 5
Zeta Day At the
The Social Action Committee
of South Carolina hosted the 5th
Annual Zeta Day at the Capitol. The activity took place on
May 23, 2012 and included a
lunch for legislators. The SC
Zetas was recognized in the
House of Representatives
during the General Assembly.
State Representatives and
Senators from across the
Palmetto State stopped by to have
lunch and discuss topics such as
health care and health disparities,
quality and affordable education
and matters affecting citizens
throughout the state.
Soror LaToya Thompson added to
the luncheon by displaying several
handmade quilts.
The 6th Annual Zeta Day at the
Capitol will occur on May 1 2013.
Mark Your Calendars…
Zeta Day At The Capitol — May 1, 2013
Eta Nu Chapter Hosts Lasagna Night to Raise
Prematurity Awareness and Funds for March of Dimes
On November 4, 2012 the Eta Nu
Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Incorporated at Clemson University hosted Lasagna Night. The purpose of the event was to raise
prematurity awareness amongst the
students on Clemson’s Campus.
The cost of a ticket for the event
was $10 and the guest received
homemade lasagna, garlic bread,
and lemonade. All proceeds from
the event went towards Eta Nu’s
donation to March of Dimes.
Along with the food the guests
obtained a pamphlet containing
information regarding March of
Dimes and facts concerning premature births.
The event proved to be a success.
Not only were the sorors able to
raise awareness about prematurity
but they were also able to bond
while preparing the meal beforehand. It also served as an educational experience. Members that
did not know how to make homemade lasagna now do, which will
be great for the sisterly bonding
dinners. The guests also enjoyed
having a homemade meal. It was a
pleasant relief from the cafeteEta Nu members Latisha Coleman (left) and
ria and quick fix meals they
Stegall (right) prepare a plate of
were used to. Both Greek affili- Kelsey
lasagna for their guests.
ated students and non-Greek
affiliated students had an opportunity to bond and get to know
each other better. This in turn will
allow for growth of not only our
sorority but other Greek
Page 6
17th Annual State Founders’ Day/Finer
Womanhood Observance Service
On January 20, 2013, the Sorors, Amicae, and Youth Afflicati of
the Great State of South Carolina
came together to worship and celebrate the 17thAnnual Founders’ Day/
Finer Womanhood Observance. It was
hosted by Lambda Nu Zeta chapter
and their Amicae Auxiliary. Sorors
worshiped with the members of Canaan United Methodist Church.
encouraged all in attendance.
Our State Director, Soror
Gianna S. Gardner, made a monetary
presentation to the church on behalf
of the Sorors of South Carolina.
After the services ended
Sorors enjoyed a meal together and
had time to fellowship with one
The Chapter was honored to
another. Many pictures were taken
have our state Soror and Southeastern and memories made at this wonderful
Regional Director, Dr. Felicia Scott- service.
Strickland in attendance.
Reverend Mae Taylor, our
Soror, served as the guest minister for
the service. She brought a powerful
and uplifting message that
Page 7
Soror Latisha Coleman
Miss Pendleton 2013
participating in mission work
throughout the United States.
Recently, Soror Latisha joined
Clemson Wesley Ministries on a
mission trip to New York to aid
in Hurricane Sandy relief.
“My passion for helping other
people started from a young age,”
she said. “I believe that everyone
has the ability to make a
difference in their community,
and I hope to spend this year
helping people to find their
Soror Latisha Coleman was
crowned Miss Pendleton 2013
on Saturday, November 3,
2012 at Clemson’s Little
Theatre in Pendleton, SC.
After being crowned, Soror
Latisha wasted no time to
begin preparing to compete in
the Miss South Carolina 2013
Pageant in Columbia. Since
November, she has made
appearances at Miss South
Carolina preliminaries,
parades, school functions, and
local events in Pendleton.
Latisha “hopes” that through
her platform H.O.P.E. Helping
Other People Excel, she can
encourage others to use their
skills and talents to serve their
community. Not a stranger to
service, Soror Latisha has
spent the past seven years
Soror Latisha has beauty, and
brains; she is a junior
computer engineering student at
Clemson University. With her
technical background, she will be
given the opportunity to teach
women and at risk youth basic
computer skills. “It’s important to
equip others with necessary tools
to be competitive in the job
market,” she said. In addition to
being the president of the Eta Nu
Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Inc., she is a member of Clemson’s
Black Student Union and Women
in Science and Engineering.
As the Miss South Carolina
pageant approaches in July, Soror
Latisha is working towards
impressing the judges with her
interview skills, talent on the
violin, and healthy lifestyle.
Luckily, she has a great support
system to keep her on track and
focused on her dreams.
Page 8
Zeta Amicae of Beaufort Holds Recruitment
Zeta Amicae of Beaufort held a
recruitment social before its regular
meeting on February 19, 2013.
Prospective members listened to the
Amicae history, Auxiliary history,
asked questions of members and
reviewed some of the awards that we
have received.
We were grateful to our sponsors, Mu
Pi Zeta Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority for being in attendance.
Beta Pi Zeta Chapter’s Retired Educators Enriching
the Lives of Sumter’s Youth...
Scholarship is one of the
founding ideals of our great
sisterhood. International
Grand Basileus Mary
Breaux Wright has a passion
for motivating and educating
youth. As a part of her era
of, Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing
New Paths, chapters are encouraged to adopt a school.
The retired teachers in Beta
Pi Zeta Chapter routinely
volunteer at schools within
Sumter County. Through
their Reading with Auntie
Blue Dove Program, youngsters in the Wateree Actions
Head Start Program of Sumter
County are routinely reading
children’s classics and participating in puppetry and coral
reading. The Ruby J. Johnson
Head Start site receives tokens
for their students during the
various holidays.
Over the past three years the
sorors of Beta Pi Zeta Chapter
also have adopted Croswell
Elementary School. Proper
nutrition is often a problem
during the weekend and
holiday season when 80% of a
school population receives free
lunch. The Sacks of Love
Backpack Outreach provides
nonperishable goodies for youth
to carry home to augment meals
during the weekend and holiday
season The sorors hope that the
youngsters whose lives they
touch will be enhanced.
Page 9
Soror Samone Hooper Gives Presidential
Address at Morris College During The
Senior Class Assembly
3. Set goals; 4. Define who your role models are; 5. Be grateful; 6. Become a lifelong learner; and 7. Embrace change.
In addition to alerting the underclassmen
that they have even more time and
opportunity to accomplish their goals, she
directed the seniors to perform a
self-examination. She commanded the
Senior Class
President and campus community, “Stay focused, stay
driven, and never give up. Just remember
Pi Theta
to keep your eyes on the prize.”
Delighted with Soror Hooper’s
President Richardson stated, “In
Soror Samone Hooper, gave a presidential address at
all my 38 years, this is one of the best
the Senior Class Assembly on Thursday morning.
Focusing on the theme, “Stepping up before we senior addresses I’ve heard. It was well
planned, well thought out, and well
step out,” Soror Hooper asked the question, “How are
delivered.” President Richardson also
you stepping up?” Soror Hooper challenged her peers
to pursue personal excellence during their college years complimented all of the assembly
participants on their outstanding and well
in preparation for success in the world. She presented
prepared performance.
three keys and seven steps for attaining personal
Explaining that there will be obstacles to overcome, she said the first key is having the will to win;
this includes allowing naysayers to inspire you to
achieve. The second key, was to have a desire to succeed: take advantage of existing opportunities and responsibilities. She said, “This includes making smart
choices with your time. Your attitude will determine
your altitude.”
The last key she presented was, “The urge to
reach your full potential.” This key requires seven
steps: 1. Reflect on your life; 2. Become an optimist;
Page 10
Around the State…Zetas & Zeta Youths!!
Epsilon Psi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Inc. (Greenwood) sponsors Zeta Youth visit to a
local Nursing Home during the holiday season, to
distribute fruit baskets. Soror Jonell Anderson is the
Youth Advisor
2012 Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., Epsilon Psi Zeta
Chapter Commemorative Awards Banquet Photo. Community members were recognized in the
areas of service, education, health care and religion;
chapter members were recognized for service.
The Gamma Zeta chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., celebrated Finer Womanhood through an Observance Luncheon held at the Radisson Hotel in North Charleston on Feb. 16, 2013. South Carolina State
Director Soror Gianna S. Gardner served as the event's featured speaker.
Pi Theta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
and Iota Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. take part in the MLK Dream Walk
Page 11
Mu Pi Zeta Chapter’s Archonettes visit Ronald
McDonald House in Charleston, SC with Donations
Delta Tau Zeta Chapter’s Winners of the Miss Archonette Pageant 2012: (Left to Right) Diamond Patrick, 1 st Runner-up,
Youri Shaw, Miss Archonette 2012, Keren Mc Clary, 2 nd
Soror Maxine Adams and son at the
2013 March For Babies Kickoff.
Chi Iota Chapter Steps during luncheon Z-Phiiii….So Sweet
State Sorors attentively listening during training.
Page 12
Soror Tiawana Mayo, Southeastern
Region Hall of Fame Inductee 2012...
On Friday,
November 16, 2012, Soror Tiawana
Mayo was inducted into the Southeastern Regional Zeta Phi Beta Sorority,
Inc., Hall of Fame.
Dr. Mayo is a Zeta Legacy, ZOL certified and Golden Life Member of Beta
Pi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Sumter, South Carolina.
Her experiences with our grand sisterhood began early in life. She was a
member of the Zeta Archonettes Club
during high school and began affiliating with WIZ upon reaching college.
She currently serves her local chapter
as Tamis and Z-HOPE Coordinator.
In pervious years, she was Basileus,
First Anti- Basileus, Grammateus and Chaplin.
Throughout her 25 years
with Beta Pi Zeta Chapter,
she has served on numerous
committees to include
Archonette Club, Cotillion
Committee, Finer Womanhood Committee, Felicitations Committee, Cultural
Events Planning Committee,
Amicae Sponsor, and Prematurity Awareness Coordinator.
Scarlet H. Black, Soror Marion Gary, and Soror Gianna
Gardner in the following capacities: Phylacter, Keeper of
Properties, and Geographical
Area Coordinator. In 2001,
Soror Mayo was named
CoSouth Carolina Zeta of the
Year and became ZOL certified in 2006. She has served
as Southeastern Regional Tamias Grammateus.
Soror Mayo has had the
privilege of serving South
Carolina Chapters since
1993.She served under
the leadership of four
State Directors: Soror
Claire Porter, Soror
Delta Tau Zeta Chapter Celebrates the
On December 6, 2012, Delta Tau Zeta
Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
held its annual Christmas Dinner at the
home of Soror Alma Cooper. A full
course meal was served with all the trimmings.
The house was beautifully decorated for
the Christmas holidays, which provided
an atmosphere for a spectacular holiday.
The sorors exchanged gifts, donated toys
and books to be given to the annual Toys for Tots
Program which is sponsored by The Ark, located at
105 East Main Street, Kingstree.
A special Christmas Repast, in memory of Soror
Mildred Douglas’ brother was held at her home.
The gifts and books donated at the dinner were given to the children of a foster family, adopted by Soror Douglas. The children are in the care of Amicae Donice Jackson.
Page 13
Soror Leola Robinson-Simpson,
SC Representative...Trailblazer
Soror Leola
RobinsonSimpson entered the
South Carolina House of
Representatives as a freshman
lawmaker in 2012. She was
elected to this office in the 25th
District of Greenville County.
She is a known fighter who
offers a wealth of experience and
proven leadership. Soror
Robinson-Simpson represented
District 25 on the Greenville
County School Board for 16
years. She is well known and
respected for being a strong
voice for students, teachers and
schools. In June 2000, she
founded the Center for
Educational Equality (CEE), a
non-profit advocacy group that
works to help the learning field
for students and parents. The
CEE operates a Success Center
on the West End of Greenville,
SC. The Success Center sponsors
the mother of five children and
programs for academic
assistance, USA Silver Gloves twelve grandchildren.
and Golden Gloves Boxing for
Discipline and Anger Management, an Art Institute and
Parent Advocacy Programs.
She is an author of Black
America Greenville County.
The book is a pictorial history
of Blacks in Greenville From
The 1770’s To The Present.
Proceeds and royalties from
this book are donated to the
CEE Success Center.
Soror Robinson-Simpson made
herself available to listen,
answer question and mobilize
District 25 residents, young and
old, for the November Election.
Her campaign wanted to help
“fire up” community support
for the re-election of President
Barack Obama. The RobinsonSimpson campaign was busy
with voter registration and
voter education resulting in 100
new registrations.
She is a member of Epsilon Iota
Zeta Chapter of Greenville, SC.
Soror Robinson-Simpson is
married to Albert Simpson and
Page 14
Delta Tau Zeta Chapter
Hosts Christmas Dance
On December 7, the Annual
Christmas Dance sponsored by Delta
Tau Zeta was held at the National
Guard Armory located on Eastland
Avenue, Kingstree.
The proceeds from the dance
funds scholarships for deserving students. Everyone enjoyed the music
provided by The Touch Band and delicious food and drinks.
The President crowned Soror
Sherette Bishop as Zeta of the Year
2013 and awarded Soror Latoya
Thompson a Certificate for service and
outstanding accomplishments to the
The Theme for the event was
“A Voice for Better Change.”
Beta Beta Zeta Chapter Adopts Johnson High School...
In early December, Beta Beta Zeta began exploring the Adopt-a-School Program sponsored
by Zeta; discussions were held with the principal of C. A. Johnson High School. There were several
programs especially for males but few for females; also City Year and Cities in Schools are involved
with tutoring and he felt that the young ladies needed assistance with social graces. He designated
two(2) members of his staff and we began meeting to formulate a plan for his approval. From the
meetings a proposal was developed; he approved the following conception: (A) . Name = Girlfriends United in Action. (B) Group= 1st time 9th grade, meeting at least twice monthly, Tues./
Thurs., 9:15-10:15 am. We began Jan. 17, 2013 with orientation and have held meetings regularly
since then with Presenters, Seminar/Activity. Some topics discussed/presented were: "BEING A
MUST... BRUNCH" We still on our list: Peer Pressure & Conflict Resolution; Appropriate Attire: School, Casual and Dressy; Luncheon w/awards/certificates. Staff members have
reported seeing changes in behavior/attitude of those students participating; we have approx. 50 students this year and plans are being made to expand next school term.
Page 15
Beta Pi Zeta Chapter’s Archonettes Feed
the Homeless...
In the second stanza of the poem The
House by the Side of the Road, Sam Walter Foss
highlights the need for friendship and sympathy for
other people. The more we share love and happiness, the more we possess it ourselves. The Archonettes of Beta Pi Zeta Chapter had the opportunity to embrace the Z-HOPE spirit and help other
people excel.
On Wednesday, March 12, 2013 they
reached out to a portion of the city’s homeless at the
Samaritan House Sumter, South Carolina, by preparing a
spaghetti dinner. Not only did the young ladies serve
wholesome nutritious meals, they also met some of the
citizens’ basic needs. Each person was given travel size
hygiene kits.
In addition to lending a helping hand at the Samaritan House, these Archonettes have also adopted the residences at Windsor Manor in the Silver Community of Clarendon County, South Carolina. At an early age they are
learning how community service touches and enhances the
lives of others.
Mu Chapter Hosts Forum on
Domestic Violence
Dale Wells participated in the Mu chapter of Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated forum on Domestic Violence: It’s Not Love if it Hurts. Mr. Wells spoke on an issue
that does not get the adequate attention it deserves. He performed a survey of the people in attendance to see how
many were affected by domestic violence with 80 percent of
the crowd being affected
In seeing how many people were affected by domestic violence, the importance of Mr. Wells’ story became
an essential in emphasizing to the crowd that they are not
alone in an issue that often times gets pushed to the backburner. In detailing his story, Mr. Wells informed the audience of behavior and treatment by their partner that is not
acceptable nor should happen in their relationships.
In continuing his story, signs to look for were
examined before a situation becomes dire. Mr. Wells
also provided resources to use if someone is affected
by domestic violence or in need of help in getting out
of that situation.
His message gave hope to the fact that domestic violence does not have to be a continual cycle as
Mr. Wells, himself is a man of courage and strength,
who did not allow his past to make him resentful toward others. Instead he uses his message to help others who have experienced similar situations as himself.
The audience was moved deeply by his story
by expressing their own instances and questions concerning domestic violence long after the forum was
over. Mr. Wells did not mind taking the extra time out
for the crowd as he stated if one person was helped by
his message then it was worth it. His message on
One of the important issues that Mr. Wells spoke
about was control. He pointed out that control is not love but domestic violence definitely helped someone in the
a way for the partner to be a dominating figure on the indi- audience and shed light on an issue that can sometimes
vidual’s life. Not all domestic violence incidents leave phys- be brushed aside as a women’s issue when in fact doical scars and the emotional scars that are left behind can be mestic violence is a human issue.
as damaging as the physical ones.
Page 16
Year In Review!!
SC State Conference 2012 in Columbia, SC
Sorors & Zeta Amicae attending Zeta Day at the
Capital 2012!!
Sorors taking a moment to pose during SC State
elections at State Conference 2012.
Soror LaToya Thompson’s Quilt work
The Ladies of Phi Phi Zeta Chapter attending
Finer Womanhood Service in Ridgeville.
Page 17
Sorors repping Soror Scarlet Black’s bid for
National First Anti-Basileus at Boule’ 2012
Soror LaVerne
Stewart and the
Hon. Bro. Jimmy
Hammock, International President
of Phi Beta Sigma,
Inc., at Boule’
International Grand Basileus
Wright and Past International
Grand Basilei at Boule’ 2012
Page 18
Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter Hosts Area III Retreat...
On Saturday, February 2, 2013
Mu Kappa Zeta, Marion-Dillon
Graduate Chapter hosted Geographical Area III Retreat at The Academy
for Careers and Technology in Marion.
State Director Gianna Gardner
presented a state, regional and national
update along with MIP Training. An
Amicae workshop on Recruiting was
done by Soror Delores J. Wilson and
Soror Janice King. Participants were
given an Amicae Recruitment booklet
and a sample Zeta Amicae of Marion
brochure. The second session
included two Z-HOPE presentations;
Z-HOPE from A to Z by Soror Reatha
Nesbitt and Making Z-HOPE Work by
Soror Tonya McKenzie.
As part of Z-HOPE, the area
chapters collected and donated to the
St. James A.M.E. Church Food Bank
and Clothing Closet Ministry of
Marion County. The Food Bank and
Clothing Ministries were established
February 19, 2009 under the
leadership of the former pastor,
Rev. Dr. Georgeann T. Pringle, a
Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter Celebrates Zeta Week in
Marion County…
Mu Kappa Zeta Chapter
celebrated “Zeta Week”, March
10 – 17, 2013. Rev. Dr. Virginia
F. Davis, a Zeta Dove, was very
instrumental in working with the
city council of Historic Marion in
establishing the second week of
March “Zeta Week” in recognition of the major influence the
Zetas have with Community Service Projects.
The week began Sunday,
March 10, with a “Hats Off”
Fashion and Hat modeling
program at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church. The remainder
of the week was devoted to a
“Know your Kidneys” workshop at the St. James AMEC
Senior Ministry, volunteering
at a Marion County Nursing
Home and presenting the patients gifts, visiting an Adult
Daycare Program, an elementary school in Dillon County
and donating gift bags to women
of the Pee Dee Domestic Violence Program. Activities concluded with a worship service on
Sunday, March 17, 2013, at Hill
Chapel Baptist in Duford, SC.
During the service Mu Kappa
Zeta will recognized The Zeta,
Amicae and Community Person
of the Year.
Page 19
Mu Pi Zeta Chapter’s Stork Nest Moves to a New Location!!!
Clinic Stork’s Nest was warmly welcomed into the newly
constructed Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton Comprehensive
Health Services facility.
Two of Mu Pi Zeta
Chapter’s four Stork’s Nest are
housed within the Beaufort, Jasper,
Hampton Comprehensive Services
Medical Clinics. The Stork’s Nests
embedded within the Clinics play an
essential role in providing prenatal
support and services to pregnant
women in Beaufort County.
Taking an active role in
promoting prenatal care is a mission that the Mu Pi Zeta Chapter
takes seriously. The chapter has fostered collaborative relationships
with key health care providers within the community. The Stork’s Nests
are open once a month within the
reception area or conference room
or in close proximity to the Obstetrics Department within the clinics.
The expectant mothers can shop
utilizing their accumulated incentive
points prior to or after their appointments.
The Chelsea Clinic Obstetric Clients have become
accustomed to the visible presences of the Stork’s Nests
with the rubber tubs full of new baby items awaiting their
selective shopping for those essential items. The Administration and the medical staff found a way during their
critical transitional move to their state of the art new health
clinic to share the space and the access to the prenatal clients that we support. We have a new home within a medical community that values our efforts to promote prenatal
care. It’s a great feeling to be appreciated!!
A special thanks goes to everyone at Beaufort,
Jasper, Hampton Comprehensive Health Services, Chelsea
Clinic Stork’s Nest Shopping in the band new Chelsea
On Tuesday, March 12,
2013, Mu Pi Zeta Chapter of Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Chelsea
Soror Dawson and Mrs. Benet-Smith, Beaufort
Memorial Hospital PASOs Coordinator
Sorors Grace Bull and Geraldine Dawson take a break from moving.
Page 20
Soror Marlena McGhee Smalls
Soror Marlena
McGhee Smalls
has been twice
honored for her
work in the field
of music. First, in
2000, she was
honored by being
made a “Soror” of our illustrious sisterhood at the 80th Grand Boule’ held in
Philadelphia, PA. She was given local
membership in Mu Pi Zeta Chapter in
Beaufort, SC.
sided. In this virgin territory, she felt a new
birth, protected and was embraced by a
community that helped to rear her children.
As for her music endeavors, Soror Smalls
was nurtured at home by her mother and
blessed with a school system that supported
the arts. She gives credit to her mom for her
first piano and voice training. Much credit is
given to her fourth grade music teacher, Dr.
Yvonne Harris, and Dr. Wayman B. Hancock, Associate Professor of Music at Antioch College, for their encouragements and
taking her under their wings.
While Soror Smalls has always been involved in music performance at some level,
it was not until her move to Beaufort that it
really flourished and became a career. She
found her niche when God unfolded what it
was that she was to do---that being the
Voice of Gullah. In 1990, she founded a
When asked, "How did you come to
South Carolina and how did you get into group, the Hallelujah Singers, to implement
this pursuit. She has spent over thirty years
music?", she gladly shared her story.
promoting the Gullah heritage and culture
Born in Middletown, Ohio, Soror Smalls and has travelled from the backside of
came to Beaufort, SC, in 1982. Looking Colleton County, SC to Effingham/
for a new start and new territory, she
Cheatham Counties, GA, locally. She has
took note of her South Carolina heritage- taken into the world of education in schools
the home state of her parents-and partic- and universities across the United States and
ularly the city of Beaufort with its rich
the US Congress the music, culture and
heritage and where her mother then reheritage of her forefathers. She has energetiOn August 4, 2012 during the commencement exercises at the University of
South Carolina in Columbia, an honorary doctorate in Music was conferred to
Soror Smalls.
This edition of Zeta PipeLine would not be possible without the contributions of Zeta Phi Beta
chapter members across
South Carolina.
We sincerely thank you
for your information,
articles, photographs and
support. Some submissions were reduced to
accommodate space
constraints. We will work to
accommodate as much information as possible.
Email your articles, pictures and comments
Soror LaVerne A. Stewart,
Editor: poetsheart@hotmail.com.
Also, you may call me at
Thank you for helping us to tell our stories.
Soror LaVerne A. Stewart, DCE
cally performed for people who come from
the four corners of the world to experience
the Gullah culture of SC. Her performances
are a means by which she gives back some
of what has been given to her.
Soror Smalls was conferred the Honorary
PhD for her life's work in music which goes
beyond much more than anything that could
have occurred in the classroom. She says she
first viewed the degree as a certificate until it
was revealed that it was more than just a
of purpose but also a "degree" granted for
recognition of her work done over the years.
Congratulations and commendations are due our
Soror, Dr. Marlena
McGhee Smalls, for her
accomplishments as she
looks forward to venturing into other parts of
Georgia and Florida to
continue spreading
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