ivyette the - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
ivyette the - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter
THE May 2014 IVYETTE Volume I4, Issue 5 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Greetings from the Basileus HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, SORORS! During our recent 57th Annual Cotillion held last month, I was reminded that our Chapter began 58 years ago, on May 25, 1956 when our Charter Members’ vision became realized. As we reflect on our rich legacy today, we also honor those who paved the way, including our Golden and Charter members - Sorors Regina Duncan, Beatrice Gilkes and Carrie James, who are active members of the Chapter. As with all of our precious jewels, we celebrate you and thank you for leaving us such a rich legacy. In addition, the Chapter received the Connection Award (led by Soror VaShawn Guice Veal); Alma B. Diggs Attendance Award; Chapter Exhibit (2nd place); and Arts & Crafts (2nd place). As recipients of the History Book and Ann Mitchem Davis Archives awards, the Chapter will advance to Boulé, representing the Mid-Atlantic Region! AKAlades to Sorors Shirley Taylor (Historian) and Monique Robinson (Archivist) for their leadership to ensure our timeless treasures and memories are preserved. Continuing Our Legacy: Zeta Chi Omega was well represented at the 61st Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) held April 3-6, 2014 where we had approximately 118 sorors in attendance. We are ecstatic to announce that our own Soror Joyce Henderson was elected as the next Mid-Atlantic Regional Director! In addition, Soror LaFrances Williams was re-elected as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative to the International Nominating Committee. Congratulations to both sorors as they will be ratified at the upcoming Boulé in July. The Chapter also received 5 Global Leadership through Timeless Service (GLTTS) awards, placing in all GLTTS award categories. Second place honors were given to the following GLTTS Initiatives: Emerging Young Leaders (EYL); Health; Global Poverty; and Economic Security. EYL also received a $400 cash award for its programming efforts. The Social Justice and Human Rights Initiative earned first place honors, advancing to Boulé, representing the Mid-Atlantic Region. I would like to commend all of the 2013 GLTTS Initiative Committee Chairmen and Committees for working diligently on our international programs. With a total of 18 awards submitted, the Chapter received a record-breaking 15 awards for service rendered in 2013. Of the 15 awards received, 4 were individual awards, and 11 were Chapter awards. “Thank you” to everyone who took time to work on the award submissions. Each one was stellar and represented Zeta Chi Omega at its best. A special congratulations to Chapter sorors for winning the following awards: Soror Connie Greene, Clara M. Hines Humanitarian and Caring Award; Soror Crystal Lander, Leah K. Frazier Leadership with a Global Perspective Award; Soror Barbara Bellamy, Barbara K. Phillips Leadership Development Award; and Soror LaFrances Williams, Graduate Leadership Award. Photos are on pages 17-20. “Thank you” to Awards Chairman and Co-Chairman, Sorors Carla Haynes Harper and Amirah Salaam, and the entire Awards Committee with the timely submission of our awards. We appreciate all that you do to ensure Zeta Chi Omega is best represented. I would also like to extend a personal note of gratitude to all Chapter members who joined us for our monthly Third Thursday program series and/or donated items toward service projects. Your support truly made the difference! (continued on page 3) May 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Executive Committee Meeting—7:00 PM - CHC 4 5 6 7 8 Sat 3 Joint General Membership Meeting— Sigma Alpha -10:00 AM - LC 9 10 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 11 12 13 Membership Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. - LC Project StepOut 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 31 Protocol Committee Meeting 7:00 p.m. Third Thursday Community Night “Women in the Bylaws Committee Standards CommitArts” 7:00 p.m.- LC Meeting 7:00 p.m. - tee Meeting - 7:00 SJ p.m. 18 17 Jewels - Luncheon/ Bingo - 12:00 p.m. FG Carpenter’s Shelter Finance Committee Meal Service Meeting - 7:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 25 26 Project StepOut 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. IFNV Annual Meeting 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. - LC Race for the Cure Asthma Awareness Month Jewels Month EYL "Belle" Movie Matinee - Hoffman Theater, Alexandria, VA Spirit & Inspiration Committee A Time to Plant Kindness, Love and Joy Submitted by: Soror Beverly Ferguson, Member We can finally pull off our heavy coats, pack up our sweaters, box up many pairs of fashionable winter boots, and move them to the back of our closets. Many of us did not enjoy this past winter, but we must find joy in every season and in the transition between them. Ecclesiastes 3 speaks to an appointed time for every event. In Ecclesiastes 3:2, Solomon writes, “A time to give birth and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to uproot what is planted.” The various seasons of planting and harvest are set by God, and they come and go quickly. There are gardeners who enjoy growing plants from seeds. This may seem like a challenge, but if the right varieties are chosen, it is easy. In some cases, seeds will sprout and grow where they are sown. However, to produce top flowers, the garden and landscape need a significant amount of attention. One of the key times to be active in the garden is during spring, after planting is finished. Remove weeds that germinate in bare spots and encroach on garden paths. A little work saves gardeners time and trouble later in the season. As soon as weeds appear, it is time to take action. Man and nature working together can produce one of God’s most beautiful masterpieces – a garden filled with lovely flowers. In 1907, God planted a seed in our founder, Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, to start a sorority for women. On January 15, 1908, our beloved sorority was birthed and named Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Ethel Hedgeman Lyle, along with eight female students on the campus of Howard University, started this sisterhood with our motto, “By culture and by merit.” Sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha, we have a rich history. God has planted seeds in our hearts, and in turn, we can collectively plant seeds of kindness, joy and love. Members of Zeta Chi Omega, we have an opportunity to plant seeds and grow a garden filled with many beautiful flowers that continue to grow in fertile soil. You will not have to get your hands dirty. Yes, we are aware of the benefits of working outside in the warm sun and seeing the labor of our works materialize. A well-cultivated garden with perennials (graduate sorors) and annuals (undergraduate sorors) have the potential of blossoming for the next 100 years and more. Can you visualize the look of our garden when we take the time to plant these seeds? We can bond into a proud sisterhood. The seeds of kindness, love and joy that you plant today will one day bloom in the hearts of all that you touch. Let us commit ourselves anew by planting seeds of kindness, love and joy - and becoming a stronger sisterhood. Basileus Report - Continued from cover page. . . IFNV News: “Hats off” to the Cotillion Committee Co-Chairmen, Sorors DeChane Dorsey and Demaris Thompson; the Directress Committee, Sorors Michelle Crawley, Alyssa Watkins Dove and Valerie Flournoy; and the entire Cotillion Committee for an outstanding Cotillion Season. Due to your support, nine beautiful debutantes were presented to society on April 12, 2014. Your commitment and tireless efforts are unparalleled. The IFNV Board of Directors will host its annual meeting on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., Nannie J. Lee Center, 1108 Jefferson Street, Alexandria, VA 22314. All Chapter officers and members are encouraged to attend. I would be remiss if I did not send a special message wishing all mothers a very special Mother’s Day. You are special, and we honor you on this special day - and every day. Yours in sisterhood and service, Soror Kendra 3 Officers’ Reports The Global Poverty Committee bi-monthly meal service at the Carpenter’s Shelter, 930 North Henry Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, will begin promptly at 12:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 16, 2014. Sorors should arrive by 11:30 a.m. Please contact Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey if you plan to participate. Soror Rhonda Luss Anti-Basileus AKA went green in April, and sorors, you looked fantastic in green. At the Chapter meeting, the Health Initiative Committee educated sorors with a display on environmental stewardship, to include resources and tools on ecology, environment and sustainability. I encourage you to do your part to reduce, reuse, and recycle. The Project StepOut Committee will provide tutoring services on May 13th and May 27th (every 2nd and 4th Tuesday) from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. at the Charles Houston Center. Please come out and support Zeta Chi Omega’s signature program. In partnership with IFNV and the Music Committee, the Program Committee is hosting Community Night on May 15, 2014 at the Nannie J. Lee Center. During this event, we will not only spotlight women in the arts - we are opening our doors to our community partners and will honor them for their service. Our annual grants given through IFNV will be presented at that time. We hope you can join us for this special event. Zeta Chi Omega was recognized for its outstanding programs at the 61st Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Congratulations to the immediate past Anti-Basileus, Soror Kendra Gillespie, and the entire program committee for a job well done. The Economic Security Initiative Committee hosted a financial webinar entitled Cents & Sensibility, featuring Mr. Dywane Hall, a Registered Financial Consultant (RFC) and a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor (CRPC). The webinar focused on building wealth, budgeting, and securing your financial future. “Tea roses” to Soror DéTisha Joy Page, Chairman, Economic Security Initiative Committee, and the entire committee for presenting an informative webinar. The Economic Security Initiative Committee will be hosting a Home Ownership Seminar on June 19, 2014. Additional information is forthcoming. The Social Justice and Human Rights Committee presented “Strong Minds: Human Trafficking, Part II,” which included a short film entitled “Not For Sale II” and an interactive discussion on ways to join the fight to stop human trafficking. A special “thank you” to Soror Ashley Queen Monterio, as the event’s Program Co-Chairman, Soror Joyce Putnam, Soror Kendra White and the Social Justice and Human Rights Committee for a highly insightful program. Soror Joyce Putman, Chairman Soror Kendra White, Co-Chairman Social Justice and Human Rights Initiative Kudos to all who attended the human trafficking forum on Wednesday, April 23rd. We watched the short film “Not for Sale II,” which highlights the efforts of individuals in the field combating the horrors of human trafficking and listened to local advocates who are in the fight. Now that we know where assistance is needed, we should go out and participate in the fight. Get on your mark, get ready, get set and Race for the Cure. On Saturday, May 10, 2014 team Zeta Chi Omega will participate in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® in Washington, DC. The team will meet at 7:00 a.m. for a group photo at the meet and greet area near the start line on the National Mall. On race day, don’t forget to wear your favorite AKA hat and pearls with your race t-shirt. Online registration ends on Friday, May 9, 2014. Facts and Hope for Children of the Incarcerated As part of the Alpha Kappa Alpha International Program, Initiative V – Social Justice and Human Rights – seeks to (continued on page 5) 4 Program Initiatives (continued from page 4) Creative Corrections Scholarship http://creativecorrectionseducationfoundation.org/ The Creative Correction Scholarships provide funding to youth who have an incarcerated parent. The non-profit organization is founded and operated by a former warden and former corrections staff. provide services to children of the incarcerated. Vulnerable to situations beyond their control, children of inmates are susceptible to overwhelming life changes that result in traumatic experiences. Studies have demonstrated that these changes can create mental health issues, stigma and shame, changing living arrangements, increasing poverty, behavior problems in school, and a higher likelihood of committing crimes later in life. Data show that 1.7 million of America’s children have an incarcerated parent. The number of children whose fathers were imprisoned increased from 881,500 in 1991 to more than 1.5 million in 2007, a 77% increase. During that period, the number of children whose mothers were imprisoned increased by 131%, from 63,900 to 147,400. Of the 1.7 million children, 80% need a higher level of social services, which include alcohol, drug, juvenile rehabilitation, and mental health services, in addition to child welfare and financial assistance. As a result of parental incarceration, approximately 29% of these children are separated from siblings. ScholarCHIPS http://www.scholarchipsfund.com/ Founded by a former child of an incarcerated parent, Yasmin Arrington, ScholarCHIPS is a non-profit organization that raises funds for scholarships for children in Virginia, Maryland, or the District of Columbia. Sources: http://www.pathfindersoforegon.com/wp-content/ uploads/2012/10/CIP.Fact_.Sheet_1.pdf, http:// www.afoi.org/services/children.html Soror Caroline Howard, Chairman Soror Shani Provost, Co-Chairman Fortunately, there are a growing number of non-profit organizations that are trying to offer vital services in order to improve the lives of these children. They offer more opportunities for children to engage in various in- and after-school programs designed to increase their ability to be productive citizens. For example, in Richmond, Virginia, the non-profit organization, Assisting Families and Inmates, offers the Milk and Cookies (MAC) program, which provides support groups and reunification programs for children as well as financial, housing, transportation, and employment assistance for caregivers. MAC has grown to include an interdisciplinary team which operates in several elementary schools. The team includes representatives from agencies such as AmeriCorps, Richmond Community Action Program (RCAP), Youth Day Treatment, The Micah Initiative; Communities in Schools, Family Lifeline, and Richmond Behavioral Health Authority. Together, they work cooperatively to offer an array of services that focus on their respective primary service in addition to specific needs or risk factors. Emerging Young Leaders (EYL) Committee The Emerging Young Leaders were all aglow at the 57th Annual Cotillion. Sixteen of our girls enjoyed the inspiring messages, dinner, and dancing. Many of the girls inquired about requirements to become future debutantes. This Cotillion was the most formal event any of them had ever attended, and they were ‘tickled pink’ all evening. “Tea Roses” to Sorors Annie Goshay and Dee Hillery for chaperoning. To assist children with funding for college, the following organizations offer scholarships. (continued on page 6) 5 Program Initiatives (continued from page 5) Our final two EYL activities will be held on May 31st and June 28th. On May 31st, we will attend a matinee showing of the upcoming movie “Belle” at the Hoffman Theater, Alexandria, VA. On June 28th, we are making plans for our culmination ‘talent recital’ at the Charles Houston Recreation Center, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 2014 SUSAN G. KOMEN GLOBAL RACE FOR THE CURE® Saturday, May 10th All walkers/runners who registered online by Monday, April 28th will receive Event Kit (Race T-shirt and bib) by mail; online registration ends on Friday, May 9th at noon. Or, if you are unable to walk or run with us at the Mall on Race Day, please consider registering to Sleep In for the Cure®. Or, simply show your support by making a taxdeductible donation towards our $2,000 fund-raising goal on the team page: http://globalrace.info-komen.org/goto/ Zeta_Chi_Omega_2014. For information contact: Soror Caroline Howard, caroline83eyl@gmail.com, 757-218-3338 or Soror Shani Provost, shanipr@gmail.com, 510-393-7159. Health Initiatives Committee ZXΩ Team members are encouraged to wear their favorite AKA hat and pearls to distinguish our team. Kimberly Speed, Chairman Soror Jackquelyn Jones, Co-Chairman Team Zeta Chi Omega will meet no later than 7:00 a.m. Saturday, May 10th, at the designated Meet & Greet Area near the Start Line on the National Mall (marked with tall flags under the flag labeled with the letter Z) for a group photo. The Opening Ceremony begins at 7:30 a.m. May is Asthma Awareness Month One of the sorority’s Health Initiatives is educating and enlightening the community about how to properly manage and treat childhood asthma. The Asthma Prevention and Management Initiative (APMI) is a Signature Health Program which Soror Carolyn House Stewart has identified. Some of the things this program is designed to do are help build strong and healthy families, manage asthma symptoms in children to prevent school absenteeism which will help the youth excel academically, and to reduce disparities of asthma among vulnerable populations. RELAY FOR LIFE SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 Time: 5:00 p.m. (Attend any time between 5:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.) Asthma is a disease that affects the lungs. It causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing. Asthma symptoms can be relieved by a variety of medications or by being tested for allergies and then avoiding the allergic triggers. Location: Long Bridge Park, 475 Long Bridge Dr. (Field #1), Arlington, VA Registration Now Open www.relayforlife.org/arlingtonva. There are two types of asthma which can cause an attack: allergic and non-allergic. Allergic Triggers: Animal Dander Foods House dust mites Molds Pollens Team Name: AKAZCO-Walk for Life Team Captain: Amirah Salaam asalaam3@hotmail.com Non-allergic Triggers: Emotional anxiety Exposure to cold, dry air Foods Medications Strenuous exercise Tobacco Smoke Viral/bacterial infections FUNDRAISING GOAL: $1,000 Food…Prizes…Sisterly Relations… Celebration of Life! (continued on page 7) 6 Program Initiatives (continued from page 6) Global Poverty Initiative You are encouraged to come with your families and friends to participate in the Relay for Life! The American Cancer Society is rallying communities, through events like Relay for Life, to fight cancer and fund research to find cures to prevent and treat this devastating disease. To join this important cause, register to become a member of the AKAZCO-Walk for Life team or make a donation to help the American Cancer Society. Please feel free to bring your family members, friends and all sorors! Bring your lawn chairs, games, food, and beverages. Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey, Chairman Soror Adria M. T. Owens, Co-Chairman Carpenter’s Shelter Meal Service - Volunteers Needed The Global Poverty Committee will host its third Carpenter's Shelter Meal Service on Sunday, May 18, 2014. We are in need of 8-10 volunteers to support this effort. Don’t miss a rewarding opportunity to be of service, as well as an opportunity to work and fellowship with your lovely sorors. If you are unable to support the May meal service, there will be three additional opportunities for you to support the meal service during the months of July, September, and November. If you are interested in volunteering for the May meal service, please contact Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey, at saundra.mcculloughcobey@verizon.net. Again, register at: www.relayforlife.org/arlingtonva. Once you arrive to this site, please click “join a team” as a new participant and select our team name (AKAZCOWalk for Life). “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” Toiletry Collection Global Poverty will continue the toiletry drive for the residents of the Carpenter’s Shelter at the May General Membership meeting. While you are traveling, take a plastic bag or two and stock up on unused hotel toiletries (unopened bottles of shampoo, conditioner, bottles of liquid soap or unopened packages of soap, small containers of toothpaste, etc.). Or, purchase a travel sized toiletry item while you are shopping. The Carpenter’s Shelter will greatly appreciate these toiletry donations. More than ever, families in our community need help with basic, everyday necessities. 2013 - Zeta Chi Omega, Relay for Life Participants -----------------------Sources - Asthma article: 1. Quest Diagnostics brochure entitled: Why Test for Allergies? The Asthma Connection 2. Soror Diane L. Adams, AKA International Project Director’s Asthma Prevention and Management Presentation - 2013 We will have a container to receive your items at the May General Membership meeting. Thank you in advance for your support and an opportunity to serve! Sorors, we do make a difference in the lives of others. 7 Officers’ Reports Philacter Hodegos Soror Sherry Billingsley Soror Annette Champion, Co-Chairman Communication Committee Soror Melanie Henderson Happy Mother’s Day Sorors. We have a new sign in process. There are two lines now “A – L” and “M – Z.” When signing in at Chapter meetings, please ensure that your information printed on the roster is correct. If not, please update it. You may email your updated information to s.billings1908@gmail.com. MAY BIRTHDAY CELEBRANTS Kimberly Conner - 3 Alesha Jordan- 4 Musetta "Tia" Johnson - 5 Bridget Bailey Lipscomb - 7 Kellie Buck - 7 Mathelle Lee - 7* Anita Hadden - 8 Doretta Davis - 12 Barbara R. Bellamy - 13 Thomasine Coates - 19 Lula Lang-Jeter -19* Shani Provost - 19 Eloise Hudgins - 21 Eugenia Gardner - 27 Barbara Evans - 28* Tanya R. Brown - 30 Kathleen R. Collier - 30 June Monterio - 30 ATTENTION SORORS – THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: If you invite a guest soror to a meeting, please inform her to bring proper credentials in order to attend the meeting. The credentials required must be one of the following: A financial card (old or current) A copy of her Certificate of Initiation A faxed verification letter or an email confirmation from the Corporate Office. The Financial Corner Soror Robin McCoy Tamiouchos Join us for lunch after the General Membership Meeting at Indigo Landing again for food, fellowship, and fun with our sorors as we celebrate the May birthdays. TIMELY PROCESSING OF VOUCHERS (From Zeta Chi Omega’s Manual of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Chapter 2, Financial Operating Procedures) GET WELL WISHES Please keep Soror Natasha Rountree in your prayers as she returns to full health after her surgery. Continue to keep our sorors lifted up in prayer as we continue to serve all mankind. All disbursements of funds will be dependent upon a completed voucher. All vouchers must have the necessary (original) receipts, invoices and appropriate (supporting) documents attached. The committee chairmen will (approve - sign and) submit completed vouchers to the Tamiouchos. Individual committee members must submit their vouchers to the committee chairman. FINANCIAL LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES Sorors, the Finance Committee has launched a new initiative – Financial Liaison Representatives. These smart, financially-savvy sorors will be available to provide clarity (continued on page 9) 8 Officers’ Reports (continued from page 8) on Chapter financial policies and procedures during committee meetings and on an as-needed basis. They have a toolkit full of financial information (SOPs, budget, and templates) and will advise and assist committees with financial activities, to include: Maintaining a record of income and expense for each event. Maintaining a running account of tickets issued, paid for and returned. Monitoring committee expenses. FINANCIAL LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES PROGRAM COMMITTEES Soror Rochelle Brown Soror DeChane Dorsey Soror Tamara Rowe STANDING COMMITTEES Soror Gloria Bell (Archives, Awards, Communications, Newsletter, Nominating, Scholarship, Standards) Soror Irma Bogan (Bylaws, Connection, Contracts, Protocol) Soror Gloria Payne (Courtesy, Directory, Graduate Advisory Council, Membership, Public Relations, Technology) AD HOC COMMITTEES Soror Kym Conner Soror Erica Jefferies Soror Darlena Ricks Committee Chairmen – Have you contacted your Financial Liaison Representative? in ppen a H cal gs ori Hist Historian Soror Shirley Taylor On behalf of the History Committee, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Chapter for the many kind expressions shown after learning that ZXΩ won first place in the Mid-Atlantic Region History Book competition. We hope you will be proud as you read and reflect on our journey over the past 57 years. ZETA CHI OMEGA - HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE Seated: Sorors Carolyn Rowe, Shirley Taylor, Linda Newman (l-r) Sorors Starr Garrett, Martha Coleman, Gloria Bell, Michelle Jones, Julia Pryor, Patricia Wallace, Judith Vaughn, Brenda L.-Sias (not shown) 9 Officers’ Reports My Dear Sorors, I am very happy to report that through your incredible generosity at the April General Membership meeting, we are able to send five members of Sigma Alpha to the Boulé! The members of Sigma Alpha were absolutely overjoyed when they heard the news Soror Tiffany Montgomery that they would be able to attend the Boulé this summer. The undergraduate sorors Graduate Advisor feel very fortunate to have such a great sponsoring graduate chapter and as Graduate Advisor, I feel honored to be a part of a chapter that provides such support to their undergraduate chapter. “Tea Roses and Pearls” to all of you who gave your support! Sigma Alpha 2014 Graduates Sigma Alpha carried the Sorority’s Earth Day initiative by volunteering at Rock Springs Park. Sigma Alpha will have two graduates this semester. Sorors Sigourney Bailey and Jasmine Wilkerson will graduate from Marymount University on May 18th. Please join me in wishing them much success! Soror Sigourney Bailey Soror Jasmine Wilkerson Committee Reports Hello Sorors, Soror Hazel Cameron, Chairman Please know your Bylaws Committee Chairman is determined to share with you facts about parliamentary procedures that will enlighten us and help the Chapter’s general and committee meetings move more swiftly. For this issue, I have one tip to share with the group, which is stated below. Bylaws Committee Put Your Motion in Writing: Writing out the motion helps to organize your thoughts and compose a motion that is clear and covers the necessary details as concisely as possible. Putting your ideas in writing forces you to express your proposals as concisely as possible before any discussion occurs. In fact, Robert’s Rules of Order gives the presiding officer the right to ask that you submit your motion in writing, and the Grammateus also may request the motion in writing. So, to our members, when placing a motion before the membership, please put your motion in writing, and provide it to the Grammateus to make sure it is accurately stated. The Basileus, the Grammateus and the membership in general will appreciate this small effort on our part. Amendment to Bylaws: We are still looking for your comments regarding the Bylaws. On the Chapter’s website is a form that sorors can use to recommend changes to Chapter Bylaws. Please submit your proposed change(s) to the Bylaws Committee by May 31, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Soror Hazel Cameron at 301-577-7668 or via email at hazel.cameron_2003@verizon.net. Bylaws Committee Meeting: The next meeting of the Bylaws Committee will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 2014, at St. John’s Baptist Church, 1905 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA. 10 Committee Reports Membership Committee Soror Diann Burns, Chairman Scholarship Committee 2014 COOLEY-MOORE SCHOLARSHIP REPORT In January 2014, applications for the 2014 Cooley-Moore Scholarship were distributed to high schools in Alexandria and Arlington (with an Alexandria or Arlington address) and churches. The Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia (IFNV) approved our ability to award two $2,000 renewable scholarships this year. Committee members followed up with phone calls to the coordinator contacts at the schools and churches to ensure that the students were made aware of them. Applications were due (postmarked) by March 8. We received 33 applications. The Scholarship Committee met five times during March and April, including interviewing the top ten candidates. These students exhibited academic excellence and a real devotion to community service. The applications and the students were very impressive, and many of the essays were imaginative and heartwarming. Soror Cora King, Chairman; Sorors Jennifer Brooks, Chris Gray and Marquita Davis Co-Chairmen ZXΩ CHAPTER T-SHIRTS - FINAL ORDER We will be taking the final orders for the famous ZXΩ t-shirts at the May General Membership meeting. The cost is $30.00. T-shirts will be distributed at the June General Membership meeting. Show your Chapter pride in style at the Boulé. SISTER CIRCLES Be sure to be in attendance at the May General Membership meeting for the reintroduction of the Sister Circles. The Sister Circles have been restructured based on geographical location of Chapter members. This new format will give sorors an opportunity to foster sisterly relations with members from their own community. To kick off our new Sister Circles, each member will be invited to meet and mingle at an activity unique to their Sister Circle by their new Sister Circle leader during the Sister Circle Weekend, May 16 -18. Whether over coffee at the local Starbucks, popcorn at the movies, or during a spirited game of Spades, join in with your Sister Circle members for a weekend of fellowship and merriment. At its meeting on April 8th, the Committee made recommendations for 2 scholarship awardees: Vikaya Powell, a senior at TC Williams High School and Lyric Bolen, also a senior at TC Williams High School. The Committee sought and gained the Chapter's approval of its recommendations that will be forwarded to the IFNV. We are excited about the new Sister Circles and know that sorors will embrace this new opportunity to celebrate sisterhood. Both of these students have excellent applications, essays and were very poised during their interviews. We wish these students all the best in the coming years, and the Chapter’s mentoring program will follow them through college. CHAPTER PICNIC The Chapter Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 22, 2-6 p.m. at Lake Accotink Park, 7500 Accotink Park Rd., Springfield, VA. Join sorors, family and friends for fellowship and fun along picturesque Lake Accotink. The cost of the picnic is $15 per adult and $8 per child (aged 5-12), which can be paid at the May and June General Membership meetings. There will be no on-site payment for this event. Start the summer off right at the annual Chapter Picnic. We’ll save a spot at the picnic table for you! Many thanks to the members of the Committee and to the Chapter for its support! For additional information and/or questions, please contact Diann Burns, Marcy Jessup or Patty Edwards. 11 Committee Reports Standards Committee Technology Committee Soror Nekia Freeman, Chairman Sorors Angie Martin & Khia Ross, Co-Chairmen Soror Vanessa Jackson, Chairman; Sorors Yolanda Gibson, Vendella Jordan, and Danyale Dow, Co-Chairmen Greetings Sorors, The Standards Committee needs your assistance. We want to make sure that all of our Chapter records and files are properly maintained in the official Chapter archives. Have you turned over your documents to the current officer or committee chairman? Preserving our documents and records are critical in continuing the business of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Zeta Chi Omega Chapter. Sorors, keep in mind, that any documents or records generated for Chapter operations are the property of the Chapter. The Standards Committee will be reviewing the Chapter files to ensure that our operational records are maintained in accordance to our international documents. The Technology Request form is now available via the Chapter website. Navigate to “Chapter Documents” in the “Members Only” section of the website, and click the Equipment Request form link. The Equipment Request form allows you to request equipment such as a projector, megaphone, extension cord, etc. Sorors can fill out the form indicating what kind of equipment they will need for their event, and an email will be sent to the Technology Committee. Please provide a point of contact from the requesting committee, as coordination of equipment pick up and drop off will need to be made with the Technology Committee. Also, please note the soror or committee requesting the equipment will need to provide a laptop of their own, if necessary. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES TECHNOLOGY TIP Updating the Chapter’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) continues to be a priority task of the Standards Committee. In April, the Committee met and devised a strategy to complete the revisions. The members of the Committee will be reaching out to former Officers and Committee Chairmen to solicit feedback to include in the revised SOP. Five Email Etiquette Rules (submitted by Soror Nicole Clark) It's easy to see why email is the preferred form of communication. Smartphones allow us to send and receive messages from anywhere. It's convenient, and you aren't afraid that you might be interrupting someone by texting or calling them on the phone. But it's this convenience that leads people to making embarrassing mistakes that may be detrimental. CHAPTER SELF-ASSESSMENT How did you do with the questions from the April Ivyette? Here are the answers to questions to the Chapter SelfAssessment: 1. Include a clear, direct subject line. The subject line is the impromptu introduction to your message. Clearly stating the subject of your message could make a significant difference in the recipients’ response time. Zeta Chi Omega does not own any real estate property. Zeta Chi Omega Chapter conducts two joint chapter meetings with Sigma Alpha annually. The Chapter does submit an annual report of chapter program activities and finances to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Office by the required deadlines. 2. Keep email messages brief and to the point. Just because your writing is grammatically correct does not mean that it has to be long. Nothing is more frustrating than wading through an e-mail message that is twice as long as necessary. (continued on page 13) 12 Committee Reports (continued from page 12) 3. Use sentence case. USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS LOOKS AS IF YOU'RE SHOUTING. Using all lowercase letters looks lazy. For emphasis, use asterisks or bold formatting to emphasize important words. Do not, however, use a lot of colors or graphics embedded in your message, because not everyone uses an e-mail program that can display them. Soror Joyce’s official title will be Madam Regional Director and, as such, all sorors must stand for her at any event in our Region. Our Chapter has the honor of being the home Chapter of Soror Joyce, and it is our Chapter duty to continue modeling the "best of the best" regarding all aspects of protocol - at all times. Let's make Soror Joyce proud. For those sorors who were not able to attend the MidAtlantic Regional Conference (MARC) or did not attend the “Protocol Pearlfection” 2014 Basic Protocol Workshop developed by the International Protocol Committee, here are a few points we all need to know: 4. Don't use e-mail as an excuse to avoid personal contact. Don't forget the value of face-to-face or even voice-to-voice communication. E-mail communication isn't appropriate when sending confusing or emotional messages. Think of the times you've heard someone in the office indignantly say, "Well, I sent you e-mail." If you have a problem with someone, speak with that person directly. Don't use e-mail to avoid an uncomfortable situation or to cover up a mistake. 5. Remember that your tone can't be heard in e-mail. Have you ever attempted sarcasm in an e-mail, and the recipient took it the wrong way? E-mail communication can't convey the nuances of verbal communication. In an attempt to infer tone of voice, some people use emoticons, but use them sparingly so that you don't appear unprofessional. Also, don't assume that using a smiley will diffuse a difficult message. -------------Sources: 7 Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Know (Business Insider) by Giang, Vivian. http://www.businessinsider.com/email-etiquette-rulesbarbara-pachter-2013-10 Chapters must obtain written approval from the Corporate Office and International Honorary Members Committee and Awards Chairman prior to inviting honorary members to Sorority events. Do not transmit Sorority business and recordings during closed Sorority events and business sessions. When singing the hymn in a closed “sorors only” setting, hands are crossed right over left. When singing the hymn in a public setting, hold hands with arms down by your side. Limit talking and walking during meditation, Rededication, all business sessions and chapter meetings. Additionally, refrain from walking during dais introductions, or while the Supreme Basileus or Regional Director is giving her address to the delegation. Always cover tattoos at Chapter, business and formal events, and all rituals, including MIP. Remember, protocol is the responsibility of each and every soror, thus to stay in the know, stay informed by purchasing the November 2013 newly Revised Official Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol. The guide is available on the corporate website for $10.00 plus postage. 12 Tips For Better E-mail Etiquette (Outlook) by Laura Stack, President of The Productivity Pro®, Inc. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/12tips-for-better-e-mail-etiquette-HA001205410.aspx Protocol Committee Soror Bonnie Jones-Moon, Chairman Soror Blanche Maness, Co-Chairman The Protocol Committee extends a hearty “ thank you” to the sorors who provided First Class service to VSGs Joyce Henderson, International Standards Committee Chairman and Charletta Wilson Jacks, International Membership Committee Chairman both of whom attended the Ivy Foundation of Northern Virginia’s Cotillion on April 12, 2014. “Tea Roses” to Soror Blanche Maness; Soror Fannie Allen; Soror Melanie Henderson and Soror Starr Garrett, the Protocol Liaison to the Cotillion 2013-2014. Greetings Sorors! The Protocol Committee would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our very own Soror Joyce Henderson for becoming the Mid-Atlantic Region’s next Regional Director. In July at the Boulé, once she is sworn in, (continued on page 14) 13 Committee Reports (continued from page 13) Etiquette Bits – Have you ever wondered why when you’ve asked for the salt shaker, the pepper shaker came along with it? Salt and pepper shakers must travel together - think of them as a couple. This is done as a convenience to the other diners at your table. Remember also, that the bread basket is served to diners from left to right. email your name and voice part to Soror Veronica Jackson or Soror Essie Matthews at music@aka-zco.org. Rehearsal dates, times and rehearsal location will be announced. “WOMEN IN THE ARTS” On Thursday, May 15, 2014 at the Nannie Lee Center’s Auditorium there will be a program celebrating “Women in the Arts.” The Music Committee will be working along with the IFNV to make this celebration a success. We need volunteers to help with the reception that will be held 6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. You may contact Soror Veronica Jackson or Soror Essie Matthews for further information. Soror Veronica Jackson is the chairman of this committee. Soror Yvette Darnaby, Chairman Nominating Committee Greetings Sorors! Thank you for entrusting the duties of the Nominating Committee to me and the talented group of ladies who serve with me. It is my pleasure to serve as your Nominating Committee Chairman. While it is the responsibility of the nominating committee to recognize and seek qualified nominees for elected leadership positions within our Chapter, we welcome and encourage input from you. Soror C. Starr Garrett, Co-Chairman Soror Joyce Brooks, Co-Chairman ATTENTION CHAPTER JEWELS! The month of May is designated as “Jewels Month,” and in celebration of you, we encourage you to participate in the “Jewels Parade” prior to the start of the May General Membership meeting. Wear your crowns, bring your pom-poms, sit together, and just “show out!” Don’t leave without picking up your special token of love from the Diamond Golden Silver Committee. To help us strengthen our acquaintance with the membership body, please stop by the Nominating Committee table before and after chapter meetings to say hello and allow us to share with you the duties of upcoming leadership positions that we will vote on toward the end of the year. Don’t forget to RSVP to Soror Joyce Brooks for the upcoming Jewels Lunch/Bingo that will be held on May 17, 2014. We’re looking forward to a great time. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY AND HAPPY SPRING! ♫ DGS Committee Music Committee Congratulations again to our newest Chapter jewels. If you have reached “jewel” status, please let us know so that your name can be added to our jewels listing. As a reminder, sorors, you have to be recognized by the Corporate Office (i.e., applied for and in receipt of your jewel certificate/medallion). You can now download the application form from the Chapter’s website. For assistance, contact any member of the committee. Sorors Essie Matthews & Veronica Jackson, Co-Chairmen BOULE MASS CHOIR 2014 If you registered to be part of the Boulé Mass Choir online or mailed a registration form to the Corporate Office, you should have received your music packet by now. Kindly Special thanks to Soror Monique Robinson for her awesome assistance with decorating the hotel room doors of our new jewels at the Regional Conference. (continued on page 15) 14 Jewels at the 61st Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Golden Soror Carolyn Rowe Silver Stars Martha Conner, Vendella Jordan, Darlena Ricks, Yvonne Thomas Jackson Golden Soror Virginia Graves Silver Star Soror Darlena Ricks Celebrates 25 Years Golden Soror Carolyn Rowe Celebrates 50 Years Golden Soror Shirley Taylor Silver Star Linda Newman Golden Soror Deloris Evans 15 Committee Reports Soror Angela Turner, Chairman Soror Chiquita King, Co Chairman NPHC—NoVA Committee The Northern Virginia National Pan-Hellenic Council hosted its first Game Night/Fish Fry on Friday, April 11, 2014 at the Kappa Facility in Alexandria, Virginia. The event was attended by members of all of the Greek-letter organizations, and a great time was had by all. Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will host its Blue and White Scholarship Ball on May 17, 2014 from 6:30 p.m. until at the Fort Belvoir Officers’ Club. The host will be Brother Jay Anthony Brown from the Tom Joyner Morning Show. Tickets are $75.00. For additional information, please visit www.ozs1914.org. The next fundraiser will be a Movie Night to be held in May. The featured movie will be “Think Like a Man Too,” and the date will be June 20, 2014. A time has not been determined yet but will be communicated as soon as it is set. Tickets will be $12 and will be available after May 1, 2014. For additional information, please contact Sorors Chiquita King or Angela Turner. The Prince William Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will host a Greek Fest and Step Show on June 7, 2014 from 5:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m. at Kings Dominion. The cost is $50.00 and includes park admission, step show admission, parking and buffet meal. The park opens at 10:00 a.m. and the buffet will be available from 3:30-5:00pm. For tickets, please visit www.kingsdominion.com and use password DELTA1913. For step team registration, please visit greekfest@pwcacdst.org. Please save the date! Sunday June 22, 2014 is the date of the Annual Northern Virginia National Pan-Hellenic Council Cookout. The event will be held at Anderson Park at Fort Belvoir from 2:00-7:00 p.m. Additional details will be provided at a later date. Xi Alpha Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. will host its annual Black and Gold Ball on June 21, 2014 at the McLean Hilton Tysons Corner in McLean, Virginia. For additional information, please contact Brother Desmond Rice at ricedesmond@gmail.com. The following is a list of activities that will be hosted by Pan-Hellenic Member Organizations during the coming months: Fairfax Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will host its 5th Annual Golf Tournament on May 2, 2014 at Reston National Golf Club. The price is $125.00. For additional information, please visit www.FCACGOLF.info or call (703) 802-2197. Iota Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. will host its Golden Summer Jam on June 28, 2014 at the Fort Myer Community Center Ballroom. The cost is $20.00. For additional information, please contact Soror Lisa Savage at prettynblue22@yahoo.com or visit www.goldensummerjam.eventbrite.com. Nu Xi Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. and Theta Tau Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. in conjunction with AARP will host a Caregiver Workshop on May 17, 2014 at the Charles Beatley Library, 5005 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia. The event will be held from 10:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Light refreshments will be served, and there will be a $50 Raffle, giveaways, and more. The meetings of the Northern Virginia National PanHellenic Council are held on the First Tuesday of each month unless otherwise specified at the Nannie J. Lee Community Center. 16 2014 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Gallery Sorors Doretta Davis, Rochelle A. Brown, Valerie Flournoy Soror Joyce Henderson, International Standards Committee Chairman; Soror Lula Lang-Jeter, former Supreme Tamiouchos Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Linda H. Gilliam Delegates - Sorors Katrina Moss, Sherry Billingsley 17 2014 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference - Awards History Book Award Soror Shirley Taylor, Chairman (center) Soror Kendra Gillespie, Basileus, and Soror Rhonda Luss, Anti-Basileus, accept EAF Silver Level Recognition Award Presented by Soror Linda H. Gilliam, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director and Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, First Supreme-Anti-Basileus Sorors LaFrances Williams, Mid-Atlantic Representative to the International Nominating Committee, Soror Kendra Gillespie, Basileus, Soror Barbara Bellamy Soror Crystal Lander accepts Leah K. Frazier Leadership with a Global Perspective Award Soror Barbara Bellamy accepts Barbara K. Phillips Leadership Development Award Soror LaFrances Williams accepts Graduate Leadership Award 18 2014 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Gallery Soror Joyce Henderson, International Standards Committee Chairman, Soror Linda Gilliam, MARD Soror AdéLeaka Gore, Former Second Supreme Anti-Basileus, Soror Clara Hines, 14th MARD, Soror Joyce Henderson Soror Cassandra Borden, Soror Angie Martin Soror Taylor Moon, Soror Joyce Henderson, Soror Brianna Gray Sorors VaShawn Guice Veal and Amirah Salaam with Soror Marian Harvey - Xi Upsilon Omega Soror Linda H. Gilliam, MARD and Former MARDs Soror Linda H. Gilliam, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director (MARD) Sorors Vendella Jordon, Veronica Minor, Mathelle Lee 19 2014 Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Gallery Sorors Kendra Gillespie, Basileus, and Soror April Wiggs, Basileus, Psi Rho Omega Sorors Kendra Gillespie, Basileus, and Veronica Minor Sorors Brenda Lamberson-Sias, Shirley Taylor, Deborah Wilson 13th Mid-Atlantic Regional Director (MARD), Soror Doris Asbury; Soror Joyce Henderson; 15th MARD, Soror Caroline Lattimore Sorors Irma Bogan, Beverly Ferguson, Patricia Wallace, June Monterio 62nd MARC WELCOME Sorors VaShawn Guice Veal (left) Rhonda Luss, Anti-Basileus, ZXΩ (right) Sorors Gayle Terry, MAR, Parliamentarian; 13th MARD, Doris Asbury; Michelle Jones, Immediate Past Basileus, ZXΩ 20 Soror n Chapter Venues and Directions General Membership meetings (GMM) are held on the first Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM at the Lee Center (LC) located at 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1 exit towards Alexandria/Arlington, exit 177B. Continue on S. Patrick St., turn left on Gibbons St., turn left on S. Fayette St., turn left on Jefferson St. (parking - end of S. Fayette St.). Executive Committee meetings are held on the Thursdays prior to the GMM, at the Charles Houston Recreation Center (7:00 PM). Alfred Street Baptist Church (ASBC) - 301 S. Alfred St, Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1, Alexandria (Old Town) exit, Continue on Route 1 (S. Patrick St.) to Duke St. — on the right on the corner of Duke and Patrick. Alexandria Police Department (APD) — 3600 Wheeler Avenue, Alexandria, VA — Off of Duke St.; near Quaker Lane. Charles Beatley Library (CBL) - 5005 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA -- On the north side of Duke Street, east of Pickett Street, south of the Old Holmes Run Channel and directly across from the old Cameron Station. Charles Houston Recreation Center (CHC) - 901 Wythe St., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1, Alexandria (Old Town) exit, Continue on Route 1 (S. Patrick St.) to Wythe St. — make a right at the corner. Durant Recreation Center (DRC)—1605 Cameron Street, Alexandria, VA -- Merge onto I-495S/I95S/Beltway towards Alex. VA/ Richmond VA . Take US-1 N exit-Exit 177B toward Alex. Make slight right onto S. Patrick; left on Cameron Street. Franconia Governmental Center (FG) - 6121 Franconia Rd., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the Van Dorn Street exit towards Franconia, turn Right on S. Van Dorn Street, turn right on Franconia Rd., make a U-turn on Valley View Drive onto Franconia Rd. George Washington Middle School (GWMS) — 1005 Mt. Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, VA -- From 495S, take the US-1 N exit-177B -towards Alex. Make slight right onto S Patrick St./US1 N. Turn LEFT onto King St. Turn RIGHT onto N. West St. Turn LEFT onto E. Braddock Rd. Turn RIGHT onto Mt. Vernon Ave. Lee Center (LC) - 1108 Jefferson St., Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the US Route 1 exit towards Alexandria/Arlington, exit 177B. Continue on S. Patrick St., turn Left on Wilkes St., turn left on S. Fayette St., turn left on Jefferson St. Minnie Howard School (MH) - 3801 W. Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA -- From 395, take the King Street East exit, turn right on Quaker Lane and right on W. Braddock Road. Mount Vernon Recreation Center (MTV) -- 2701 Commonwealth Avenue, Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take Route 1 North over the Monroe street bridge. Make a left on Monroe Street to Mt. Vernon Avenue. Make a right on Mt. Vernon Avenue to E. Uhler and make a left. Make a right on Commonwealth Avenue. From Washington DC, take Route 1 south to E. Clifford Street and make a right. Make a left on Commonwealth Avenue. Make a U-Turn on Commonwealth because the center is on the other side. NRECA Conference Center (NRECA) - 4301 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22203 From I-66 East, take Exit 71; (Fairfax Drive); turn right onto Taylor St. From DC: Take 14th St. Bridge; exit to Route 110 N.; follow signs for I-66 West; take Glebe Rd./Ballston exit; turn left onto Glebe Road; turn left onto Fairfax Drive; turn right on Taylor Street. Saint John’s Baptist Church (SJ) -- 1905 Columbia Pike, Arlington, VA -- From 395, take exit #8A towards Ridge Road, follow Columbia Pike/VA 244 exit towards Baileys Cross Roads, turn right on Columbia Pike. Continue on Columbia Pike for two blocks. Church is on the right. Samuel Tucker Elementary School (STE) -- 435 Ferdinand Day Drive, Alexandria, VA -- From 495, take the Van Dorn exit toward Franconia. Turn left on S. Van Dorn St.; right onto S. Pickett St.; right onto Cameron Station Blvd.; right onto Harold Secord St.; right onto Ferdinand Day Drive. 21 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Zeta Chi Omega Chapter P.O. Box 25763 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 Email address: zetachiomega@gmail.com Website: www.aka-zco.org EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Basileus, Kendra Gillespie Archivist, Monique Robinson Anti-Basileus, Rhonda Luss Scholarship Committee, Diann Burns Grammateus, Katrina Anwar Connection Committee, Gretchen Johnson Anti-Grammateus, Chiquita King Membership Committee, Cora King Tamiouchos, Robin McCoy Standards Committee, Vanessa Jackson Pecunious Grammateus, Crystal Lander Awards Committee, Carla Haynes Harper Anti-Pecunious Grammateus, Katrina Moss Contracts Committee, Irma Bogan Epistoleus, Gloria Bell Protocol Committee, Bonnie Jones-Moon Parliamentarian, Hazel Cameron Technology Committee, Nekia Freeman Ivy Leaf Reporter, Patricia Harris Thomas Nominating Committee: Yvette Darnaby, Chairman Hazel Cameron Shi Evans Caroline Howard Geraldine Howell Stephanie Harrison Hubbard Cora King Whitney Majette Patricia Harris Thomas Hodegos, Melanie Henderson Graduate Advisor, Tiffany Montgomery Philacter, Sherry Billingsley Immediate Past Basileus, Michelle M. Jones The Ivyette Editor: Production Staff: Gloria Bell (contactgloria@verizon.net) C. Starr Garrett Patricia Wallace
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