2016.02.11.WN - Waitomo News
2016.02.11.WN - Waitomo News
WAITOMO YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 ISSN 1170-1137 – (042) ews Delivered FREE to households – extra copies 50c Makeover for Mokau museum MOKAU’S Museum and Gallery has had a major facelift thanks to a television series focussing on small town museums. On Friday, more than 40 people gathered to witness the grand reveal of the town’s newlook museum including representatives from the Waitomo District Council, museum committee, film crew and local residents. To prepare for the big reveal, Top Shelf Productions film crew and museum volunteers carried out a fiveday makeover and film shoot, as part of an upcoming television series called Heritage Rescue. The aim of the show is to find under-resourced heritage sites throughout New Zealand and turn them into modern venues which proudly display each town’s unique history. Museum secretary Jan Brown says the committee contacted Top Shelf Productions in October and were very pleased to find their “cluttered” North St museum was a perfect fit for the show. The makeover included re-organising many historical artefacts, documents and photos and storing them in modern display cabinets for visitors to enjoy. The museum also received a new street sign, coat of paint, improved landscaping and internet access. Prior to visiting Mokau, the film crew had carried out similar makeo- vers at the Thames Historical Museum and Tauwhare Military Museum. “When we first heard about the show we were very excited because we knew we fitted into the small, struggling rural museum that they were looking for,” says Mrs Brown. “And now that the makeover’s complete it feels like we’ve gone to the status of a really grown up serious museum.” GRAND REVEAL: Heritage Rescue presenter Brigid Gallagher (above) was on hand to reveal the new-look Mokau Museum and Gallery on Friday. Museum secretary Jan Brown (below) says the makeover is “fantastic” and adds to the coastal town’s attractions. WILDEST DREAMS Prior to the makeover, Mrs Brown says the museum was simply a collection of items that had gone on display for 35 years in the local hardware store and it had reached the point where it was “full up”. She says the collection includes some “very significant” pieces and the recent makeover brings the area’s history alive. “With the millions of dollars that are to be spent on roadworks both to the north and to the south of here, I think the new-look museum and art gallery puts Mokau on the map as a genuine destination for a day trip,” she says. TO P6 COOL DEALS Fisher & Paykel ‘Elegance’ Refrigerator • 403 litre capacity • ActiveSmart system • Humidity controlled fruit and vegetable bins • LED lighting • Frost free • Door alarm • Adjustable glass shelves E402BRE4 Te Kuiti Rora St, Te Kuiti P 07 878 8147 Otorohanga 66 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga P 07 873 8871 Fisher & Paykel Chest Freezer • 511 litre capacity • Defrost drain system • Stackable freezer baskets • Lightweight lid • Power on indicator • Interior light H510XWH 2 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 NEW YEAR CLASSIE DEALS *Add attention grabber $5 +GST *Add colour $10 Great start to 2016 THE year is well underway and many of us are now back road, and we eagerly look forward to construction begnning within the next two years. at work. I’m looking forward to another busy year, and CONGRATULATIONS am positive it will be another fantastic year in the I would like to congratulate the individuals in Taranaki-King Country region (TKC). the Taranaki-King Country who gained honours in Infrastructure supports much of our daily lives – the 2016 New Year’s Honours List. it’s the roads we drive on, the schools our children A huge congratulations to David Fagan, aplearn in and it delivers our electricity and water. pointed as Knight Companion of the New Zealand It is a key driver of the economy and public Order of Merit for services to shearing; Jim Barker, services. And it creates jobs and offers learning appointed as an Officer of the New Zealand Order opportunities. of Merit for services to the transport industry and Driving over Mt Messenger and through the philanthropy; David Allerton, appointed a Queen’s Awakino Gorge Tunnel is a drive which I do reguService Medal for services to the New Zealand Fire larly, to get from top to bottom of my electorate. By Taranaki, Service and sailing, and Kataraina Hodge, appointI was thrilled by the announcement of two new King Country MP ed a Queen’s Service Medal for services to Maori. bypasses there. Barbara Kuriger I would like to extend my warm congratulations I was in the middle of the King Country as the to these four remarkable citizens for their services announcement was made, and business owners and to both their industries and communities. locals I spoke to have welcomed the news. I am confident this year will be full of success in our schools, These bypasses, as well as added safety enhancements for SH3, will open up the entire West Coast as a link to the rest of volunteer organisations, community groups, small and large businesses, and innovative enterprises. the upper North Island. After recharging the batteries I’m heading into the 2016 This will undoubtedly increase tourism, economic productivity Parliamentary year focused, energised, and full of ideas to keep and the flow of goods and services. The atmosphere of excitement in Taranaki-King Country New Zealand and TKC moving ahead. I look forward to seeing you out and about in TKC over the since hearing this announcement has endorsed the decision. This is huge for our communities and all those who use the coming year. In My View +GST * 4 for 3 Place 3 run-on ads & get a 4th one FREE *Conditions apply BARBARA KURIGER MP FOR TARANAKI-KING COUNTRY 20% OFF SUNGLASSES ELECTORATE OFFICE CONTACT: A: 25 Roche Street, Te Awamutu P: 07 870 1005 TO FIND OUT MORE CONTACT US TODAY E: Kuriger.Teawamutu@parliament.govt.nz p 07 878 1188 OR 07 873 7139 W: www.barbarakuriger.co.nz f 07 878 1187 e reception@waitomonews.co.nz EDITORIAL Please contact the editorial team t 07 878 1188 f 07 878 1187 e editor@waitomonews.co.nz LETTER & THUMBS RULES No Letters to the Editor or Thumbs Up/Down will be published unless the name of writer, full address and daytime contact phone number are included for verification. Nom-de-plumes/pen names will not be accepted. Letters and Thumbs Up/Down are published at the editor’s discretion and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Waitomo News. In general, Thumbs Up are to acknowledge random acts of kindness by individuals while Thumbs Down generally reflect the opposite – they should be 50 words or less. Should you have a complaint regarding a business, please address that with the owner/s rather than via these columns. The editor reserves the right to abridge all contributions and letters should be no longer than 300 words. Letters and Thumbs Up/Down can be sent to The Editor, Waitomo News, PO Box 279, Te Kuiti, fax (07) 878 1187, or email editor@ waitomonews.co.nz WAITOMO ews The Waitomo News is subject to NZ Press Council procedures. Complaints must first be directed, in writing to the editor – editor@ waitomonews.co.nz If the complainant is unsatisfied with the response, the complaint may be referred to the NZ Press Council, PO Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143 or email info@ presscouncil.org.nz Further detail and an online complaints form are available at the website – www.presscouncil.org.nz. F: facebook.com/BarbaraKurigerMP The local people you know and trust p: 07 873 7294 a: 55 Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga We welcome your stories and story tips. If supplying photographs we require high resolution (a minimum of 1MB) jpgs. Please note that due to occasional space constraints, sports results/draws may not be published. YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS Featured brands only, offer ends February 28, 2016. Authorised by Barbara Kuriger MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington waitomonews.co.nz www.national.org.nz WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 3 UFB in but speed not 100Mbps THE challenge to deliver ultra-fast broadband to all New Zealand schools has been achieved in time for the start of the new school year. Minister for Communications Ms Amy Adams says in 2010, the Government undertook to deliver peak speeds of at least 100 megabytes per second (Mbps) to schools by 2016. Schools in the North King Country have fared well in the upgrade with the majority now having a fibre connection. NOT SO FAST However, Te Kuiti computer company, PC-Soft Limited who provide technical support for local schools has challenged Ms Adams’ claims that all schools now have service of 100Mbps, and say the public is being misled as to what is actually being delivered. Senior computer technician Harley Cressy says connection speeds are definitely better than what schools had, but the reality is not what was expected. “Because of our locality schools are receiving their internet connection through a half-duplex system. “Simply put schools have a pipe carrying the fibre into them which is split in two, so in reality what you have is 50Mbps going in and 50Mbps going out. Once you take out overheads in the middle your realistic speeds maybe between 30-40Mbps each way.” Like all internet connections, the speed is subject to the load which is placed on the network provider at any given time. “At home you will have noticed your own network speed is variable at different times of the day, schools will experience the same issues and the 30-40Mbps will reduce further, dependent upon the congestion the provider has at its end,” says Mr Cressy. “So when the minister says schools are receiving peak speeds of up to 100Mbps, she is not entirely correct.” MORE COVERAGE The good news about who can access faster broadband speeds is that more than 200 towers have been built or upgraded throughout the country to the 4G network as a part of the Rural Broadband Initiative. Ms Adams says the towers, built by Vodafone as part of its contract with the Government, allow more rural communities to have faster wireless broadband. Fifteen new cell towers added to existing networks have expanded mobile coverage to more than 1700 square kilometres in rural areas previously without coverage. Taranaki-King Country MP Barbara Kuriger has welcomed news about the Spark tower now operating at Maihiihi. “Locals living and working in the Maihiihi district now have high-speed mobile coverage in locations where previously there was none. This extended coverage is vital for emergency services and is beneficial to connectivity all-round.” Mrs Kuriger says connectivity is the number one issue with people attending Rural Priorities meetings throughout the country. “Eighty percent of New Zealanders now have access to 4G, or fourth generation, high speed mobile data services.” The Government expects that number to reach 90% by 2019. Opinion divided MENSWEAR SUMMER AN open stormwater drain on the boundary of the Otorohanga Kiwi House grounds divided opinion among Otorohanga Community Board members at their January meeting. Regarded as a ‘superhighway for rodents’ board members heard it would cost $27,000 to enclose the Domain Dr drain. The cost includes two manholes to accommodate intersections with other stormwater drains. SALE NO GUARANTEE Otorohanga District Council engineering manager Roger Brady told members there is no guarantee enclosing the drain would resolve the rodent problem. Board member Phil Tindle said he supported the idea of enclosing the drain under the council’s ‘no open drains’ policy, but wants to see more work done to negate the possibility of rats using it to access the kiwi house grounds. Elisabeth Cowley also supported enclosing the drain saying there was a risk to public safety as there is a camping ground and children’s playground in close proximity. Dave Williams said he didn’t want the money spent until guarantees could be found to stop predators using the drain, and abstained from voting. The board recommended work proceed on enclosing the drain subject to further investigation. NOW ON “HUGE STEP” Kiwi house manager Jo Russell is grateful for the board’s support. “Closing the drain is a huge step forward in assisting the park becoming predator proof. “It means we can close up the drain’s outlet inside the park as well.” NOT CORRECT: North King Country schools are better off with the rollout of ultra-fast broadband than they were, but not as good as the Government claims according to Te Kuiti computer technician Harley Cressy who is taking issue with the delivery speeds promised. RAT PATROL: Otorohanga Community Board has ap- proved work to enclose an open drain on Domain Dr. Kiwi house groundsman Pat Carr routinely inspects the drain which has been a ‘superhighway for rodents’ into the park’s grounds. Peter Burton’s 41 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga Ph 07 873 7295 4 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 Chopper stars at kai fest THE Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter starred in its own benefit show at Kawhia on Saturday. The Kawhia Kai Festival at Omimiti Reserve on Waitangi Day drew more than 5000 people eager to taste traditional Kiwi kai, listen to local musicians or watch flax weavers and wood and stone carvers at work. All money raised at Saturday’s festival – which featured more than 40 stalls – will go towards keeping the $6 million rescue chopper in the air. Festival goers had just settled hap- pily on their picnic rugs after a fierce haka performed by the Maniapoto crew, which paddled a magnificent double-hulled waka from Maketu Marae to Kawhia wharf, when the helicopter appeared overhead. Crewed by pilot Loren Haisley and medic Bill McNeilly, the chopper landed beside the harbour and once the aircraft was secured the doors and hatches were opened to allow hundreds of delighted kids a close look. TO P8 CHOPPER SUPPORT: The Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter made a star appearance at Saturday’s Kawhia Kai Festival which raised funds for the chopper. The festival committee Maurice Tuaupiki (left), Jane Rutherford, Maureen Tuaupiki, Dianne Jeffries, Marj Kaati, MP Barbara Kuriger, Faye Gilbert and Les Phillips with chopper medic Bill McNeilly (centre), pilot Loren Haisley and support crewman Dale Kahaki. FRITTER-LICIOUS: Atawhai Evans of Rotorua (left) serves a huge paua fritter to a hungry customer, while Marge Rameka of Kawhia (centre) gets ready to flip a giant whitebait fritter and Toni Denson offers the perfect kai combo – homemade manuka honey-sweetened lemonade and a mussel fritter. CATALOGUE CATALOGUE S S A L E ALE LV T FR OM $45 PE R SQ M LV T FR OM $4 5 PE R SQ M INT ER ES T FR EE FIN AN CENO AV AIL AB LE , 12 MO NT HS RE PA YM EN TS E IN TE RE ST FR EE FI NA NC NO AV AI LA BL E, 12 MO NT HS RE PA YM EN TS M CA RP ET FR OM $29 PE R SQ NE W RA NG ES M CA RP ET FR OM $2 9 PE R SQ $29 PE R SQ M OM VIN YL ES NG RA W FR NE murray hunt furnishers Promotional pricing expires 31 March 2016, or until stocks are sold and can’t be used in conjunction with any other offers. Only available at participating stores. M VI NY L FR OM $2 9 PE R SQ YOUR LOCAL CURTAIN, FLOORING & BEDDING SPECIALISTS maniapoto st, otorohanga • 07 873 8640 • mhfltd @ x tra.co.nz • w w w.murrayhunt furnishers.co.nz Promotional pricing expires 31 March 2016, or until stocks are sold and can’t be used in conjunction with any other offers. Only available at participating stores. WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 5 Steel poles go up in Otorohanga WAIPA Networks has erected eight steel power poles along the North Island Main Truck line in Otorohanga for its new 110kV Te Awamutu to Hangatiki line. Two poles are sited either side of the town’s northern entrance bridge, four along the railway corridor and two, one either side of the Huiputea Dr heavy traffic detour, at the southern end of the town. The poles on this section are 16-18 metres tall with two metre davits on top, while those at the northern entrance bridge are taller to ensure sufficient clearance. Waipa Networks chief executive Ray Milner says there are 176 new poles on the line plus 12 in Te Awamutu that are being reused (Waitomo News, September 29). “Two thirds of the poles for the line have already been stood without problem so we’re on track. “On a good day the pole erectors have put up four poles but normally average between two and three a day, depending on the weather. “The last pole will be stood in about six weeks, the first conductors will go up in Te Awamutu in 3-4 weeks and the lines will go live in June.” He says the foundation work has had some challenges. “We had planned on two or three eight metre deep foundations but our deepest one has gone down 11 metres. “Some of the foundations have been perfectly dry down to six metres, in others we’ve found the water table at 300mm. “We’ve had to design special foundations for some of the peat areas.” Mr Milner says the contractors have done a “fantastic job” leaving clean and tidy sites with all surplus soil removed or used by landowners. The poles are being erected under the eye of project manager Warner Nichol who, having worked with the land negotiators for several years and “tweaked” the poles’ postioning to best suit landowners, has expert knowledge of the route. “It’s been a busy time with some weather issues, but I’m very happy with our progress,” says Mr Nichol. The galvanised poles in Otoro- $795 STIHL RE 129 PLUS Waterblaster Upgrade Features • High pressure hose reel with wind up assistance • 9 m steel-reinforced hose STIHL RE 119 Waterblaster FREE UPGRADE POLES AHEAD: Waipa Networks contractors (above and right) erecting eight steel power poles in Otorohanga along the North Island Main Truck line for the company’s new 110kV Te Awamutu to Hangatiki line. Two thirds of the 176 new poles have been erected. hanga are dulled for minimal visual impact and Waipa Networks is planting trees and landscaping to further reduce any public concerns they are too obtrusive. $345 STIHL MS 180 Chainsaw SAVE $80 STIHL MS 170 Chainsaw SAVE $200 FREE UPGRADE Upgrade Features • More power with 1.5kW engine capacity • Side-mounted chain tensioning • Longer 16” (40cm) bar STH0504_SS See in store for a full range of promotions. Offers available until 31 March 2016 or while stocks last. Store Details here Stihl Shop™ Otorohanga Store Details here 4Store Te Kanawa St, Otorohanga Details here P:Store 07 Details 873 4016 here LOVE YOUR LAND 6 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 Makeover for Mokau museum FROM P1 “The makeover has far superseded my wildest dreams and I think it looks fantastic.” Feature displays include Barrie Carruthers’ electric dog collars, Maori artefacts, vintage farm tools, newspaper files and selected artworks. Top Shelf Productions researcher Justine Treadwell says the show aims not only to promote and preserve NZ’s small town heritage but to also encourage viewers to visit and enjoy what rural museums have to offer. “This makeover has been great fun and it has come together really nicely,” she says. “We’ve had plenty of support from local volunteers and we hope everyone enjoys the new-look museum.” Heritage Rescue, presented by Brigid Gallagher, is scheduled to air on Sky’s Choice channel in June. The Mokau Museum and Gallery is open from 10am-4pm daily, entry is free with donations welcome. ON DISPLAY: A wide range of historic artefacts, documents and photos took centre stage following a recent makeover of the Mokau Museum and Gallery. The grand reveal, which was filmed by Top Shelf Productions for an upcoming television series, was attended by more than 40 people on Friday. KCE share offer extension from Trustpower to end tomorrow THE extension for King Country Energy (KCE) shareholders to sell their shares to Trustpower ends at midnight tomorrow. The original date for shareholders to accept Trustpower’s offer was January 29, but was extended under the terms of the original offer. To date, Trustpower has a 62% acceptance resulting in shareholders being paid $4.78 per share as per the original offer. Should shareholder acceptance rise to 70.2% or more, the offer price increases to $5 per share. In November, KCE’s board set up an independent committee of directors to consider and respond to Trustpower’s offer. The unanimous recommendation from the committee to shareholders was not to accept the offer, unless the offer price was increased to $5 per share regardless of the level of acceptances. That is unchanged. At the time KCE board chairman Toby Stevenson advised shareholders to look closely at the offer. “The offer is, in effect, an offer of $4.78 per KCE share “There is no guarantee that the offer price will increase to $5 In comparison, the independent advisor, Simmons Corporate Finance Limited, assessed the value of KCE’s shares in the range of $4.62 to $5.90 per share.” Closing Down Sale NOW ON Massive Reductions Cattle Stops • Septic Tanks • Culvet Pipes • Well Liners • Foot Baths • Stone Traps • Water Tanks • PVC Pipe • Alkathene ID & MD • Effluent Pipe • Hansen & Anka Fittings THOMSON CONCRETE 5 Main North Rd • OTOROHANGA • 0800 876 844 or 07 873 8775 • tcpaws@xtra.co.nz WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 7 COURT NEWS THREE TIMES THE LIMIT A HAMILTON man who crashed into a parked car in Otorohanga was more than three times over the legal limit. On January 15, Michael Maurice Single hit a stationary vehicle while visiting Countdown supermarket. The court heard Single waited at the scene to speak with the car’s owner about insurance details. Police arrived soon after and Single (50) failed an evidential breath test registering 857 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath. The legal limit is 250mcg/l. “I’m sure this will be a wake-up call for you,” said Community Magistrate Wilson. “But the message is simple – If you’ve had something to drink – don’t drive.” The court heard it was Single’s first offence in more than 25 years. “I’m very sorry for what I’ve done,” he said. Single admitted a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and was fined $860 and disqualified from driving for six months. DEFENDANT IMPRESSES NORTH King Country man John Tony McTainsh was sentenced to 40 hours community work after admitting a charge of driving while disqualified when he appeared in the Te Kuiti District Court. The 41-year-old was stopped by police on SH3 near Piopio on May 6. Following the incident, McTainsh completed the appropriate courses to regain his driver’s licence which impressed Ms Wilson. She decided under Section 94 of the Land Trans- TE KUITI DISTRICT COURT, FEBRUARY 3. COMMUNIT Y MAGISTRATE KATHY WILSON port Act not to impose a further disqualification. “Now that you’ve got your licence back, you might as well enjoy it,” she said. “I will,” said McTainsh. The maximum sentence for being caught driving while disqualified is three months imprisonment. SPEEDSTER ARRESTED A 20-year-old from Australia who was caught speeding in Te Kuiti told the court he was just blowing off some steam. Following a verbal disagreement with family members on October 27, Keanu Waikura Noble was seen by police travelling at 102km/h on Carroll St (50km/h limit) in Te Kuiti. Noble failed to stop but eventually pulled over and was arrested on Hospital Rd. “It’s not a good idea to get in a car and drive when you are angry,” said Community Magistrate Wilson. “How would you feel if you had cut a corner and hit somebody? Running off like that is not the best thing to do.” Noble admitted charges of dangerous driving and failing to stop for police. He was fined $630 and disqualified from driving for six months. NO LICENCE AND DRUNK A FORBIDDEN driver from Te Kuiti was caught drunk behind the wheel. On January 4, Kauri Rihaere Fahey (19) was stopped by police for a routine licence check on Anzac St in Te Kuiti and failed an evidential breath test registering 350mcg/l. The legal limit for drivers under 20 years is zero. Fahey admitted charges of driving while forbidden and driving under the influence of alcohol. He was fined $350 and disqualified from driving for three months. “I have a simple message for you – don’t drink and drive,” said Community Magistrate Wilson. ZERO LICENCE ORDERED A TE KUITI man who believed he was sober was caught driving while more than two times over the legal alcohol limit. On January 9, Sidney Steven Rawiri was stopped by police while driving on South St in Te Kuiti and failed an evidential breath test registering 597mcg/l. The 28-year-old told police he had slept and thought he would be alright to drive. He admitted a charge of driving while under the influence of alcohol and was sentenced to 40 hours community work and disqualified from driving for six months. Rawiri, who has one previous drink drive conviction, was also ordered to apply for a zero alcohol licence where for three years, he must maintain a zero alcohol limit while driving. BAD DAY GOT WORSE A DRUNK driver who told the court he had been having “a bad day” was ordered off the roads until October. On July 24, Andrew Thomas Holster (56) of Aria, who was living in Auckland at the time of his offending, was seen swerving across Hugo Johnston Dr in Auckland. He eventually pulled over, stopping on the verge. Police arrived soon after and Holster failed an evidential blood test registering 219 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood – more than four times the legal limit of 50mg/ml. “Things were going bad for you but drinking is not the answer,” said Community Magistrate Wilson. “Things will get better for you but not if you drink and drive.” The court heard it was Holster’s first drink driving offence. He admitted a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol and was fined $1100 and disqualified from driving for eight months. FIRST OFFENCE DAYKIN Knap from Te Kuiti admitted a charge of drink driving when he appeared in court on Wednesday. On December 27, the 44-year-old was stopped by police while driving on Lawrence St in Te Kuiti. He failed an evidential breath test registering 571mcg/l. The court heard it was Knap’s first offence for driving under the influence. He was fined $570 and disqualified from driving for six months. IN BRIEF Siren not sounding TE KUITI’S 5pm siren has been on the blink since its wiring shorted out during an electrical storm on January 27. Te Kuiti chief fire officer Phil New says the problem appears to be in the connection between the unit and the siren. An expert was checking the fault yesterday. Mr New says from the feedback he’s received residents are missing the traditional 5pm alert. “It’s been part of people’s working day for years.” The station’s emergency siren is not affected. 8 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 Chopper stars at kai fest FROM P4 The crew spoke to the crowd about how they work together in dangerous situations, day and night, good weather and bad. Last year, the helicopter completed more than 500 lifesaving rescues and the crew thanked the crowd for their part in raising the $3.3 million needed each year to keep the service flying. Taranaki King Country MP Barbara Kuriger helped collect donations from the crowd in miniature rescue chopper money boxes. “What a fantastic party atmosphere and what a wonderful community,” said Mrs Kuriger, a firsttime festival-goer. “It’s awesome that a small community like this can pull together to create such a huge familyoriented show and for such an important cause. “I’ve had a wonderful time and I’ll be back, that’s for sure.” Canadians Gary and Fran Lorenz came to Kawhia fresh off a cruise ship. “We’ve been round Australia and New Zealand but we haven’t seen anything that compares with this festival,” said Mrs Lorenz. “It’s our first time in New Zealand. We heard about it [the festival] at the Oparau Store and it sounded like so much fun. We loved watching the waka warriors do their really fierce haka and also loved the food, jazz and happy atmosphere. The mussel fritters were delicious.” Another couple visiting the festival for the first time were Jillene and Kim Durhan from Palmerston North who chose to include it – along with a spot of fishing – in their 30th wedding anniversary “magical mystery tour”. “Kawhia Harbour is so beautiful and everyone is so friendly,” said Mrs Durham. Organising committee chairwoman Marj Kaati says people were still pouring onto the reserve at 3pm. PLENTY TO SEE: Talented craftsman James Canon drew a crowd at the Kawhia Kai Festival in Omimiti Reserve while Raranga Maori weavers Ruth Port (left) and Annie Cochrane are pictured making kete from harakeke fibre. LIKE CLOCKWORK: Kawhia Kai Festival committee members Maureen Tuaupiki (left) and Marj Kaati take a brief break from helping run a hugely successful and happy day. “All accommodation in town was booked out and the area’s bachs were mostly full. “I spoke to visitors from Northland to Napier who were enjoying the sun, music and kai. It was also lovely to see many Kawhia ex pats come home to celebrate Waitangi Day. “We’ve had great feedback from the stall holders who offered everything from hangi and whitebait fritters to creamed paua on fried bread. “The chopper and waka visits were real highlights. And what a beautiful sunny day – thank goodness for all those lovely shady trees on Omimiti Reserve.” l The total raised for the rescue chopper will be published in Tuesday’s edition. POI-SED: Hauturu School students Amber Karipa (left), Nique Te Uira and Hawaiki Taylor get ready to practice their poi. Free curtain making On all KEN BIMLER and selected JAMES DUNLOP fabrics More great fabric specials in-store Special conditions apply, offer ends March 12, 2016 OFFER E N DS , 31 M a rc h 6 201 FREE re M ea s u e t & Q uo murray hunt furnishers YOUR LOCAL CURTAIN, FLOORING & BEDDING SPECIALISTS maniapoto st, otorohanga • 07 873 8640 • mhfltd @ x tra.co.nz • w w w.murrayhunt furnishers.co.nz WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 9 Deals you won’t want to miss 6.99 % INTEREST ON ALL NEW MITSUBISHI VEHICLES ALL NEW PAJERO SPORT FROM $49,990 ALL NEW TRITON GLXR 2WD MANUAL TING A R B E CEL #1 SHIP R E L A DE tory in terri $29,990 Come and see us at the Taumarunui A&P Show, February 13 Otorohanga Mitsubishi 1 Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga P 07 873 8169 • www.otorohangamitsubishi.co.nz Rob Blackett m: 021 969 709, Bill Taylor m: 021 972 449 10 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 Numbers down but spirit intact THERE was plenty to see and do at the 112th Waitangi Sports Day in Aria on Saturday. Held at St Helen’s Domain, kids could be seen flying off fleet-footed rams, hopping past in sack races or charging down the hillside waterslide while the adults took to shearing sheep, jumping horses or tearing over dirt jumps on 125cc motorbikes. And if that wasn’t enough, there was also dog trials, doubles tennis action, lolly scrambles and helicopter rides to keep visitors entertained. Running all day in overcast, but hot humid weather, Aria Sports Club committee member Anna Nelson says it was another classic family fun day enjoyed by all who came. She says crowd numbers were down on previous years, but in terms of a sporting spectacle – it was a huge success. “A bit of damp weather the night before probably kept a few punters away but on the day the weather gods were pretty kind with temperatures reaching upwards of 28 degrees,” says Mrs Nelson. “The ram riding and waterslide were extremely popular once again for the kids but seeing all the families getting together and having a fun day out was the biggest highlight. Overall I was very pleased with how the day went and everyone had a great time.” Sponsored by Rorisons RMD, those who attended the annual event enjoyed free entry and parking and many vantage spots under trees scattered around the domain. “Thank you to all our sponsors and volunteers who made the day possible,” says Mrs Nelson. “It was another great Waitangi Sports Day in Aria.” KIWI CLASSICS: The 112th Waitangi Sports Day in Aria featured a host of classic Kiwi sporting events including shearing where Tana Maquire (above) tried his hand with a lamb and children took part in traditional sack races. YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS e fi l e S omp C Email a selfie of you and your Valentine to . . . editor@waitomonews.co.nz with your names & phone number*. You’ll then go in the draw to win a fabulous prize pack. Contest closes 5pm, Friday, February 26. WAITOMO ews Love Selfie for Valentine’s Day Prize pack • 3 course meal for 2 at Stoked Eatery (excludes drinks) • Half a dozen roses from the Flower Fairy • Sterling silver heart pendant from DM Jewellery • Night for two at the Owl’s Nest (valued at $120) • Lunch for two at the Fat Pigeon Cafe (up to $50) * Conditions apply below * CONDITIONS Entrants must 18 years or over; photos must be a head & shoulders similar to those above; they must be at least 1MB when sent by email; only one entry per couple. your hosts Lyn & Dave Barnsdall address 12 Ruru St Piopio 3912 phone 07 877 8767 mobile 027 253 1398 email theowlsnest@xtra.co.nz online bookings www.theowlsnest.co.nz owners Melanie & Ross Simpson WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 11 Your real estate guide to the North King Country YOUR REAL ESTATE GUIDE TO THE NORTH KING COUNTRY PROPERTY DETAILS Location 4 Hillcrest Avenue, Otorohanga. Land 859m². House 3 bedroom home with open plan living and a basement rumpus room. Ideal as a ‘first home’ or rental proposition. Price $219,000 Licensed Agent Kerry Harty/Karen Lennox P 07 873 8700 M 027 248 8404 M 027 559 4468 W harcourts. co.nz ID OH6588 PROPERTY STATISTICS Location 35 George St Te Kuiti Land 1174sq m House 130sq m 3 bedrooms 2 living areas Price $175,000 Licenced Agent HIDDEN LITTLE GEM THIS house at 35 George St, Te Kuiti is a real hidden treasure. On a private section, hidden from the road, is this three bedroom home featuring a wide hallway in keeping with its character, a nice kitchen in good order, two living areas, a heat pump and wood burner. Outside there is a good sized yard and single carport. This property is within walking distance of the central business district, hospital, high school and Te Kuiti Primary School. Give agent Mary Tapu a call to view. Property Brokers Te Kuiti Licenced Salesperson Mary Tapu T 07 878 8266 M 027 474 9869 Website propertybrokers.co.nz Ref ID: TEU01054 RESIDENTIAL Property Brokers Limited Licensed REAA 2008 131 Rora Street TE KUITI tekuiti@propertybrokers.co.nz 07 878 8266 Hidden treasure $175,000 TE KUITI 35 George Street WEB ID TEU01054 Lovely and private, hidden away from the road. Newly painted 3 bedroom home with 2 living areas and a surprising amount of space. Open and airy in summer with a good sized yard and cozy in winter with both a heat pump and a wood burner. Nice kitchen in very good order, wide hallway true to the character of the home. Well worth a look at this hidden treasure. VIEW By Appointment Mary Tapu Mobile 027 474 9869 mary.tapu@propertybrokers.co.nz www.propertybrokers.co.nz 12 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 Blue Ribbon Realty Ltd Otorohanga 07 873 8700 51 Maniapoto Street blueribbon@harcourts.co.nz Sun 14th Feb 12.00 - 12.30pm Otorohanga: 24 Thomson Avenue $435,000 Te Kuiti : 7 South Street • Three levels, three bedrooms • Open plan living • 813m² section (approx.), friendly subdivision Linda ID# OH6623 $240,000 Otorohanga : 52 Turongo Street Refurbished Dream Home • 3-4 bedroom brick home, designer kitchen • Complete internal renovation, new roof • New floor coverings, curtains. Twin car gge Sandra ID# TA4584 Otorohanga $195,000 Otorohanga Ideal Family Home $222,000 Quality + Location $285,000 Otorohanga • Two bedrooms + two bathrooms • Exceptional condition throughout • Single garage with internal access Kerry/Karen Te Kuiti $125,000 • Three bedrooms, open plan • Single separate garage • Primary school adjacent Sandra • Double garage • Three bedrooms, two bathrooms • Separate lounge ID# KC4482 Craig ID# KC4392 Te Kuiti $200,000 • Three bedrooms, open plan, conservatory • Double garage with auto door • Flat, fully fenced section, great location ID# KC4469 Maureen Te Kuiti • Three bedroom lockwood home • Super rural views from decks • Easy care 692m² section approx. ID# KC4573 Maureen $265,000 Quality Home with Privacy • Generous open plan modern living • Three double bedrooms • Double basement garaging with int. access ID# KC4522 Maureen Otorohanga Affordable in Aria - 2.23ha Otorohanga Great Starter Kerry/Karen $695,000 + GST if any Live Rural Love Life • Wool shed/new cattle yards • 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms refurbished house • 3 bay internal access garage ID# KC4492 Craig Tidy as a Pin • Furnished quality chattels • single garage • 1101m² (approx) flat section Craig $259,000 Otorohanga $580,000 $98,000 Te Kuiti Look at the Price • Four bedrooms plus porch • Personalize to your taste • Two toilets Craig $149,000 Te Kuiti First Home/Landlords $225,000 Te Kuiti Prepare to be Impressed Countryside Family Living $265,000 Spacious Four Bedroom Brick Home • Three bedrooms up, one down and office • Garage & workshop with internal stairwell • Recent new carpet & wallpaper throughout ID# OH6627 Kerry/Karen ID# OH6625 $120,000 Te Kuiti $125,000 ID# KC4534 • Tidy 3 bedroom house • Good floor coverings • Double lock up garage Craig ID# KC3977 First Home/Landlords $155,000 Te Kuiti $170,000 Well Designed, Private Townhouse • Two double bedrooms, brick • Spacious lounge leading to private patio • Single garage with internal access Sandra ID# KC4593 $228,000 Te Kuiti • Immaculate, four bedrooms plus rumpus • Modern kitchen and bathroom • Atached garage, internal access ID# KC3796 ID# KC4544 Sandra Rural Lifestyle, Bush Views $255,000 • Three bedrooms, open plan modern home • Wood fire with wetback, double garage • Two paddocks - 1.238ha (approx) ID# KC3899 Sandra LIFESTYLE $310,000 Te Kuiti • Solid, redecorated four bedroom home • Pool, rumpus room for the growing family • 8000m² (subject to survey) great community ID# OH6633 Kerry/Karen Kawhia ID# OH6546 $235,000 Otorohanga A Place In The Country $208,000 • Three bedroom home with new bathroom • Awesome views. Approx 10 mins from town • Situated on 3120m² approx. ID# KC4359 Maureen COASTAL $220,000 Kawhia Make your Move Te Kuiti A Lifestyle to Suit Everyone $630,000 • 12.8ha approx, woolshed with yards • Four bedrooms, office, sleepout with amenities • BBQ area, swimmming pool and spa ID# KC4394 Maureen COASTAL $285,000 Marokopa • 3.78ha approx. close to town & schools • Freehold, two bedroom, 1960's original • Tidy three bedroom home, • 5 bedrooms, 2 storey, split level home • Flat section, upper harbour views • Elevated flat section with double garage • 9 paddocks, 3 ponds. Currently a B & B • Harbour views ID# OH6586 Yvonne Rothery ID# OH6592 Maureen ID# KC4498 Yvonne Rothery www.tekuiti.harcourts.co.nz $190,000 NEW LISTING • Well maintained two bedroom brick home • Three double bedrooms • Sepatrate kitchen, dining & lounge • Very tidy low maintenance • Flat 1247m² section approx. • Separate lounge, log fire and heat pump ID# KC4473 Craig ID# KC4465 Craig Unique Lifestyle with Privacy & Views Freehold Home www.otorohanga.harcourts.co.nz Yvonne Rothery Kawhia 021 185 9736 Don't Judge Me From the Road LIFESTYLE - NEW LISTING • Spacious three bedroom home with office • Large deck with awesome views • Well fertilised, good water supply ID# OH6635 Kerry/Karen Piopio Craig McKellar 027 457 2450 $180,000 Otorohanga • Duplex units, each with two bedrooms • Rental potential of $440 - $460p/w • Tidy, good roof, large sections, call now ID# OH6597 Kerry/Karen • Three bedroom bungalow looking for a new owner • Quiet cul-de-sac road • Presently rented Sandra ID# KC3975 Estate Must Sell Rental Portfolio Starter COASTAL Te Kuiti Maureen Fitzgerald 027 293 0155 ID# OH6559 Linda $210,000 Otorohanga • Renovated throughout, very tidy • Modern kitchen and bathroom • heat pump and double glazing $215,000 Te Kuiti Great Location Rural Views LIFESTYLE - NEW LISTING Te Kuiti Sandra Lilley 027 654 5548 NEW LISTING Three Bedroom Character Home $125,000 Te Kuiti Value Here Te Kuiti Linda Harty 027 248 8404 ID# OH6595 Linda $560,000 Te Kuiti • Spruce them up and attract more rent • Each property has its own title • Total rent per week $820 ID# OH6554 Linda ID# OH6544 Retire in Comfort Linda Add these 4 to your Rental Portfolio Starter, Renovate, Rental Excellent Rental or First Home Karen Lennox 027 559 4468 • Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, spacious living • Three bdrms, separate lounge with heat pump • Four bedrooms, two bathrooms • Combined dining/kitchen. Shower over bath • Combined kitchen/dining separate lounge • New wood burner, one run carpet, drapes etc • 643m² flat section approx. with large garage • Fenced 708m² section (approx), single gge • Flat 373m² section approx. Storage under house $210,000 Otorohanga • Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge • Spacious home with options • 3 bedrooms, recently insulated under floor • Inspect and think about renovating • Native timber features, Large sunny section • Flat section, triple garaging, handy location ID# OH6227 Linda Kerry/Karen ID# OH6492 Otorohanga $299,000 I have Had a Makeover NEW LISTING PRICE REDUCED Supreme Location with Character Kerry Harty 027 294 6215 Sun 14th Feb 12.45 - 1.15pm Sun 14th Feb 1.00 - 1.30pm Designed to Captivate the View Blue Ribbon Realty Ltd Te Kuiti 07 878 8700 69 Rora Street tekuiti@harcourts.co.nz Sun Surf & Great Fishing $150,000 • Bach sleeps six, plus a caravan • Storage shed, tank water • Situated on a 840m² flat section ID# KC4596 Maureen Contributor to realestate.co.nz WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 13 Mary Tapu KING COUNTRY Mobile 027 474 9869 Office 07 878 8266 Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 85 Phillips Ave When you need space 4 bedroom brick mary.tapu@propertybrokers.co.nz Private rear section NEW LISTING $110,000 WEB ID TEU01083 OTOROHANGA 85 Phillips Avenue This is a selected First Home property, reserved for eligible first home buyers. Receive a Government Grant of $11,000 towards a deposit on this property. 3 bedroom home set on a 1169 sqm section. Make this your home. Visit www.hnzc.co.nz/firsthome or call 0508 935 266 for more details. Contact Mary to view. View By Appointment $299,000 WEB ID TEU01002 TE KUITI 40 Eketone Street Prime location home with great living space throughout. Upstairs has three bedrooms plus office. Bathroom and separate toilet. The open plan lounge allows sun to shine through this summer to enjoy and relax. Downstairs has an extra bedroom plus rumpus room or possible bedroom, laundry, shower and toilet. Carport space below. 640 sqm section. Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 Secure and tidy $199,000 WEB ID TEU00938 TE KUITI 2/7 Tawa Street Unit with two good sized bedrooms & a very functional kitchen. A warm home with no work required. Good security for your family member being the middle unit of three. Internal access from garage with remote control door. Rental possibility here. This already tidy property is a sensible buy with low maintenance. For viewing contact Mary. View By Appointment Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 View By Appointment 56 Phillips Ave $105,000 WEB ID TEU01084 OTOROHANGA 56 Phillips Avenue This is a selected First Home property reserved for eligible first home buyers. Receive a Government Grant for $10,500 towards a deposit on this property. Two bedroom home set on a 723 sqm section. Make this your home! Visit www.hnzc.co.nz/firsthome or call 0508 935 266 for more details. Contact Mary to view. $275,000 WEB ID TEU01089 TE KUITI 73 Queen Street Executive style four bedroom brick home with single run carpet throughout and a heat pump for warmth or air-con as required. Shower and bath in the well appointed bathroom. Beautifully finished kitchen to suit the keen baker. Large deck with half coverered, well fenced back yard, raised vege gardens. Quiet and secluded area. This property has obviously been very well cared for. View By Appointment Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 16 Carroll Street $50,000 WEB ID TEU01093 TE KUITI 19 Hill Street 1,069 sqm private section with a 2 bedroom home suitable for repair or replacement. Take a look with Mary. View By Appointment Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 Tackle to finish View By Appointment $90,000 WEB ID TEU01079 TE KUITI 16 Carroll Street This is a selected First Home Property, reserved for eligible first home buyers. Receive a Government Grant of $9,000 towards a deposit on this property. This is a tidy three bedroom home. Single Garden shed. Close to town and amenities. Visit www.hnzc.co.nz/firsthome or call 0508 935 266 for more details. Call Mary for a viewing. $140,000 WEB ID TEU01074 TE KUITI 8 Te Kumi Road This four bedroom property is almost there as the Vendors have begun the restoration of this property. The kitchen and dining area is open plan. Walking distance to town and Te Kuiti High School, the location is on point being adjacent to the main train line. Still requiring work but this step back in time will be a step forward with your next project! Phone Mary to view. View By Appointment View By Appointment Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 Mary Tapu 027 474 9869 www.propertybrokers.co.nz 14 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 New Zealand’s leading rural real estate company Licenced under REAA 2008 AUCTION Peak Of Perfection Puketotara • Privacy, tranquility and views - 2.455 hectares, elevated lifestyle block in Pirongia • Three bedroom, 8 year old Lockwood home in immaculate condition. Calf rearing shed with power and water • North facing outdoor living with decking which enjoys the expansive northern outlook • Landscaped with hedging, raised vegetable gardens and an abundance of trees If you are looking for a low maintenance home with a stunning outlook and rural living then this could certainly be the one. $870,000 www.pggwre.co.nz ID: TEK22691 Incl GST (if any) Awatea, 434ha - Potential Plus • Awatea is a well located store drystock property • Complete contour mix from steep hills, medium hills to flats • Approximately 385 hectares effective with very solid fertiliser history • Three bedroom homestead with sleepout, four stand woolshed and implement shed • After leasing the farm for the past 11 years, my retiring vendors have decided to sell • Please bring your own motorbike to the open day Aria AUCTION (Unless Sold Prior), 1.00pm, Friday 18 March Panorama Motor Inn, Awakino Road, Te Kuiti OPEN DAYS 11am-2pm, Tuesday 23 February, 1 March www.pggwre.co.nz ID: TEK22753 Peter Wylie B 07 878 0265 M 027 4735 855 Peter Wylie B 07 878 0265 M 027 473 5855 TENDER Tihiroa Dairy Farm • 117ha (more or less) • Modern 31 ASHB with meal feed system • Good range of farm buildings • Sound dwellings consist of four bedroom brick homestead and three bedroom cottage • Three year average production 86,000kg MS • Stock and machinery available as going concern • The recent extensive upgrades to cowshed, fencing, races, water and pastures make this "turn key package" worthy of your inspection Tihiroa TENDER (Unless Sold Prior By Private Treaty), Closes 4.00pm, Friday, 4 March, 41 Market Street, Te Awamutu OPEN DAY 11.00-12.00pm, Friday, 12 February, 84 TIHIROA ROAD www.pggwre.co.nz ID: HAM22910 Doug Wakelin B 07 870 6219 M 027 321 1343 pggwre.co.nz WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 15 DARRAGH VALUATIONS LIMITED Registered Valuers, Property Consultants Farms and Small Holdings • Residential • Commercial • Experienced in Transmission Line Compensation TOLL FREE PHONE 0800 300 151 TE AWAMUTU • 31 Bank St • PO Box 132 Ph 07 871 5169 • Fax 07 871 5162 E john@valuer.net.nz • www.darraghvaluations.net.nz John Darragh 027 497 2671 OPEN DAY The Driving Force in Real Estate www.lugtons.co.nz Russel Flynn 021 496 555 Frances Bowler 021 682 583 TENDER Lord Of The Manor Monday February 15, 11am-1pm Otorohanga 85 Veale Road 1709 Te Rahu Road, Te Awamutu 4 2 1 V 2g 3 This stunning four bedroom home is just minutes from town and enjoys panoramic views to Maungatautari. An ideal family home for retired farmers or a growing family. Spread over two levels with two bedrooms and a gallery/office upstairs with the master bedroom, ensuite and fourth bedroom, downstairs. The master also has access to a private, covered outdoor spa. The formal lounge plus the open plan dining/kitchen have access to a covered outdoor entertaining area for those summer barbecues and evening drinks, plus the beautiful manicured lawns and gardens are easily accessed. Double garage and a single give you space for all your toys. All set on a private 3665m² section, this home is a must view! Peter Hulsdouw Web Reference CL10363 Viewing Saturday & Sunday 12.30pm - 1.15pm Call Free 0800 43 77 33 Auction - In Rooms 1010 Victoria St, Hamilton, Mob 021 243 7733 Wednesday 17 February 2016 at 12.00pm (unless sold prior) E peter.hulsdouw@lugtons.co.nz Unless sold prior For Sale By Tender Otorohanga Dairy Unit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 114 hectares of land Good location 10 minutes from Otorohanga 91 hectare dairy platform (22 aside dairy) Remainder of land used for grazing Production records up to 98,000 ms 2 good houses with in-ground pools Current valuation: $3.31 million (unless sold prior) Tender closes: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 4pm, Century 21 office 305 Alexandra St, Te Awamutu Open day: Monday, February 15, 11am-1pm View: century21.co.nz#357649 Contact: John Appleton 0274 889 434 A/H’s 07 873 8936 Office 07 871 7189 john.appleton@century21.co.nz Licensed under the REAA 2008 CENTURY 21 AGENTS. SMARTER. BOLDER. FASTER. CENTURY21.CO.NZ TE KUITI: 50 Tawa Street $MAKE AN OFFER Affordable entry level 3 bedroom home set on a 1019m2 site. This could be your first home or first investment property. Plenty of privacy. Deck area with impressive views over Te Kuiti. Highly motivated vendor! Call Phil today. PUT20844 TE KUITI: GREAT dAIRy GRAzInG Just south of Te Kuiti POA Well fenced and troughed. Two homes, three titles, woolshed, sheep yards and cattle yards. 102.5593Ha or 253 acres approx. Rates $6759.35. Priced to sell, don’t wait. OHURA: 1865 Ohura Road POA 253ha (626acres). Excellent fencing, some flat hay country, well fertilised and tracked. Only 29kms to town with a very tidy three bedroom home. Vendor wants sold! Call Phil for more information. PUT20415 King Country Sales TE KUITI: 2 Hikaka Street POA TE KUITI: 6 Duke Street $225,000 2 houses for sale on the same section. One 2 bedroom plus one 3 bedroom returning $415 per week. Both properties have heat pumps and a carport. Great investment opportunity here. Call Phil to view. 3 bedroom brick home. Open plan kitchen, dining and lounge. Heat pump. Single garage with internal access. Walk to town and schools. Flat section, large. Priced to sell. PUT21074 PUT21005 PUT20970 Email: phil.wickham@raywhite.com www.rwputaruru.co.nz Putaruru Phil Wickham 027 493 1769 07 878 6351 ™ Waitomo, 208 Waihohonu Rd $525,000 Otorohanga, 8E Otewa Rd $175,000 OFF THE GRID • 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 3 bay shed, 7.8ha (17 acres) • 10 minutes to Otorohanga IMPRESSIVE VIEWS John 027 561 0530 Julie 021 184 1382 We require more listings • Open plan kitchen/dining/lounge • 3 double bedrooms, sunroom/office, fireplace • Easy care exterior cladding OTO20454 OTO20440 Are you thinking about selling your property? Contact us now, interest rates are low and we have buyers waiting! John 0275 610 530 Otorohanga, 9 Sunset Close NOW IS THE TIME TO BUILD! • 750m2 section with nice outlook • Good area in quiet street • Ready to sell now Julie 021 184 1382 or John 027 561 0530 John Rothery 027 561 0530 $79,000 OTO20385 Otorohanga, 8 Thomson Ave $25,000 VIEWS AND LOCATION • 1445m2 section • Build an impressive home with creative planning • Priced to sell Julie 021 184 1382 OTO20459 Julie Burgess 021 184 1382 Otorohanga 07 873 7606 Otorohanga, Lot 6 Harpers Ave OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS • 1.72 acres bare land • Good views, good location, good price • Power/phone at road Julie 021 184 1382 OTO20478 $160,000 Otorohanga, 26B Karaka Rd GREAT FAMILY HOME • 3 bedrooms, ensuite, HRV, heat pump • Close to primary school • Open plan living area Julie 021 184 1382 - John 027 561 0530 $265,000 Julie 021 1841 382 Office 07 873 7606 OTO20493 www.rwotorohanga.co.nz Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 ™ 16 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 MOE manager to assist at college PIOPIO College’s Board of Trustees has appointed Louise Sheeran as acting principal while principal Julie Radice, takes study leave to complete her master’s degree. On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Limited Statutory Manager Richard Clarke will assist Ms Sheeran in her new role overseeing management areas at the college including property, personnel, finance and communications. “The Piopio board was proactive in approaching the Ministry of Education requesting support, so I see my role as that of an advisor for specialist knowledge in the areas the board has requested support,” says Mr Clarke. “I have found the board trustees to be genuinely interested in all matters concerning the governance operations of the TISING OOF ERTISING ROOF school.” RICH RELATIONSHIPS Mr Clarke, who was appointed in December, says the year 7-13 college is governed by a board focused on students achieving their highest possible educational potential. “In the short time I have been engaged with the board, I have spent time in classrooms and around the school, observing and talking with staff and students. “It quickly became obvious that staff really know the students and their background stories and through this – rich, meaningful relationships are evident.” LEARNING PATHWAYS Looking ahead to the coming school year, Mr Clarke says the school leadership team CUSTOMER JIM WRIGHT NISSAN PUBLISHING 19/06/13 AD ID 5364642AC CUSTOMER JIM WRIGHT NISSAN is working closely with staff to ensure the college is providing a quality education and finding out what works for each individual student. “Over the past week a constant factor in discussions I have been privy to has been the pathways of learning for the students, in order to help the students to grow into the best and most accomplished people they can be. “The powhiri on Wednesday [February 3] where tangata whenua [hosts], formally greeted the new intake of staff and students, supported by students from Piopio and Aria primary schools, was a fabulous occasion, acknowledging the past and looking to the future. “I am pleased to say that Piopio College is well placed to have a highly successful SALES REP LMANDER DESIGNER Amahood PUBLISHING 19/06/13 2016.” Mrs Radice has been principal since 2013. IN BRIEF Bike Wise month underway KIWIS are getting on their bikes to celebrate Bike Wise Month, an annual programme by the NZ Transport Agency that encourages New Zealanders to enjoy cycling. Events will be taking place from Whangarei to Invercargill during February, with plenty of activities for everyone to get involved. Last year, more than 56,000 Kiwis took part in more than 370 events during Bike Wise Month. PUBLICATION RUAPEHU PRESS PROOFED 12/06/2013 8:42:04 a.m. SALES REP LMANDER SIZE 26.2X18 PUBLICATION RUAPEHU PRESS SECTION FAX SECTION RUN PLEASE APPROVE THIS AD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ANY ALTERATIONS MUST BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. AD ID 5364642AC DESIGNER Amahood PROOFED 12/06/2013 8:42:04 a.m. SIZE 26.2X18 FAX +64 PLEASE APPROVE THIS AD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NOTE THAT ANY ALTERATIONS MUST BE FINALISED BY OUR MATERIAL DEADLINE. IT’S BIG AND IT’S BACK OTO RO H A N G A OTO RO H A N G A $13,990 $32,990 $26,990 $20,990 $26,990 2005 Toyota Prado VX $32,990 2006 Mazda Bounty Cab plus 4WD 2002 Nissan X-Trail $13,990 ST 4WD 2005 Nissan X-Trail$20,990 Ti 4WD 3.0 Turbo diesel, auto, 8 Seater, airbags, ABS, Alloys, Tow bar, 2.5 Turbo diesel, Flat deck, Tow bar, Bullbars, Air conditioning, 2.5 Auto, Airbags, ABS, Alloys, CD Player, Air conditioning, 2.5 Auto, Airbags, Alloys, Leather, Cruise Control, CD Player, 2005 Toyota Prado VX Roof bars, NZ New 3.0 Turbo diesel, auto, 8 Seater, airbags, ABS, Alloys, Tow bar, Roof bars, NZ New X-TRAIL $29,990 2012 Nissan Qashqai Ti$29,990 • Award Winning SUV • Available with 7 Seats 2012 Nissan Qashqai Ti 2.0 Auto, 18” Alloys, Climate Air conditioning, Auto headlights, Keyless 12,800kms 2.0 entry, Auto, 18” Alloys, Climate Air conditioning, Auto headlights, Keyless entry, 12,800kms 2006 Mazda Bounty Cab plus 4WD 2002 Nissan X-Trail ST 4WD Remote locking 59,000kms 2.5 Turbo diesel, Flat deck, Tow bar, Bullbars, Air conditioning, 59,000kms 2.5 Auto, Airbags, ABS, Alloys, CD Player, Air conditioning, Remote locking 2.5 Auto, Airbags, Alloys, Leather, Cruise Control, CD Player, 55,000kms $39,990 $34,990 $12,490 PATHFINDER • Fuel Efficient $39,990 V6 $34,990 $12,490 2013 Nissan Qashqai + 2 2011 Nissan• Full-size Navara7-seat ST SUV 4WD Auto 2006 Toyota Corolla 5 Door Hatch 2.0 Auto, Airbags, ABS, 7 Seater, Alloys, Bluetooth, Cruise control, 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Alloys, CD Player, Canopy, Deck liner, Tow bar, 1800cc Auto, Airbags, ABS, CD Player, Alloys, Remote locking, 2013 Nissan Qashqai + 2 Roof KMS 2.0bars, Auto,Demo Airbags, ABS, 7 Seater, Alloys, Bluetooth, Cruise control, Roof bars, Demo KMS 2011 Nissan Navara ST 4WD Auto Side steps, 40,000kms 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Alloys, CD Player, Canopy, Deck liner, Tow bar, Side steps, 40,000kms 2006 Toyota Corolla 5 Door Hatch Electrics, Very Tidy 1800cc Auto, Airbags, ABS, CD Player, Alloys, Remote locking, Electrics, Very Tidy QASHQAI • European Design • 5 Star Safety NP300 NAVARA • Best in Class Fuel Economy • 20,000 Km Service Interval • 3.5 Ton Towing $32,990 $32,990 2005 55,000kmsNissan X-Trail Ti 4WD $13,990 $13,990 $24,990 $24,990 $56,990 nissan.co.nz $56,990 2013 Nissan Navara DXDXDouble Cab Maxima Ti 2012 Nissan JukeST STUnits must be registered 2012 Nissan Navara 5502016 Double Cabfor the Finance offer available to approved applicants Nissan Nissan Financial Services only and excludes all lease and some fleet purchasers. in January, February or 550 March to Cab qualify 2013 Nissan Navara Cab4WD 4WD of2005 2005 Nissan Maxima Ti 2012 Juke 2012 Nissan Navara 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Airbags, ABS, CDoffer. player, AirDouble conditioning, V6 Auto,Climate Air, Alloys, Remote CD Stacker, Air bags, only. 1600cc Auto,Nissan Airbags, CD, Cruiseapplicants control, Remote locking, 3.0 V636Diesel 170kwterm. 550nm, Alloys,establishment ClimateDouble Air, CD, Bluetooth, special finance The 1% p.a. fixed interest3.5 rate finance offer applies tolocking, new Nissan vehicles Zero deposit forBluetooth, approved only. Maximum month $375 fee, $10 PPSR 2.5 Turbo Diesel, Airbags, ABS, CD player, Air conditioning, 3.5 V6 Auto,Climate Air, Alloys, Remote locking, CD Stacker, Air bags, 1600cc Auto, Airbags, CD, Bluetooth, Cruise control, Remote locking, 3.0 V6 Diesel 170kw 550nm, Alloys, Climate Air, CD, Bluetooth, New Car Warranty 98,000kms Newconditions apply. Offer cannot be used NewinCarconjunction Warranty, 4,400kms Control, protector, Deck liner, 14,000kms fee, and $10 monthly account keeping fee apply. TermsNZand with any other offers and must end Cruise March 31stCab 2016 or while stocks last. Nissan reserves New Car Warranty 98,000kms NZ New New Car Warranty, 4,400kms Cruise Control, Cab protector, Deck liner, 14,000kms 5364642AC 5364642AC the right to vary, withdraw or extend this offer. 1616Huiputea HuiputeaDrive, Drive,Otorohanga. Otorohanga. PhPh 0707873 8066, Merv 873 8066, MervCarr Carr027 027333 3331942 1942 or Kelly Meads 027 633 1942 Visit Visitwww.jimwrightnissan.co.nz www.jimwrightnissan.co.nz NEW USED CAR SALES NEW & USED CAR SALES NEW && USED CAR SALES PETROL & DIESEL VEHICLE SERVICING PETROL & DIESEL VEHICLE SERVICING PETROL & DIESEL VEHICLE SERVICING ALL WOF REQUIREMENTS ALL WOF & MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS ALL WOF REQUIREMENTS COMPETITIVE FINANCE RATES COMPETITIVE FINANCE RATES COMPETITIVE FINANCE RATES WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 17 18 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 POLICE DESK February 2 A MAN who was stabbed in the forehead by his partner refused to provide a statement or be photographed by police when they arrived at the scene on Kihi Rd in Kawhia. Police say both parties had been drinking and the man’s injury was “minor”. A DISQUALIFIED driver from Te Kuiti who was stopped by police while driving provided a false name. The 23-year-old is summonsed to appear in Te Kuiti District Court. February 4 AN Otorohanga man was stopped by police for driving on Maniapoto St without wearing a seatbelt. The 19-year-old became abusive and after being issued with an infringement notice sped off doing a burnout. He was stopped again on Kakamutu Rd and ran off before being located soon after and arrested. His vehicle was impounded and he was summonsed to appear in Te Kuiti District Court on February 22. Kuiti. Broken glass was also found on the school’s tennis courts. CCTV footage has been viewed. February 6 POLICE have the registration number of the car which was involved in a petrol drive off at the Te Kuiti Service Station on Rora St. The driver left without paying for $50 worth of petrol. POLICE searched a Te Kuiti woman’s car in relation to a Haines St home burglary where make-up, clothing and jewellery were taken. No stolen items were found. February 5 A SUSPENDED driver from Te Kuiti was stopped by police while driving on Henderson St. His car was impounded and he was summonsed to appear in Te Kuiti District Court on February 22. A 29-year-old Otorohanga man was stopped by police while driving on Rora St in Te Kuiti and failed an evidential breath test registering 359 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath. The legal limit is 250mcg/l. He was issued with an infringement notice and forbidden to drive. February 7 A 31-year-old Otorohanga man was arrested for breaching his bail conditions. He was summonsed to appear in Hamilton District Court. VANDALS “mangled” a water fountain at St Joseph’s School in Te February 8 Vote & win! A. Austin Lower North F. Devonshire Central North A 24-year-old Te Kuiti man who lost control of his car while speeding on Tawa St narrowly missed hitting a power pole and an off duty police officer. He will appear in Te Kuiti District Court on March 7 charged with careless driving. A. Salay A yo on n Uppe U p r North SuperValue.c SuperValue.co.nz/Summer p ue.c co.nz/Summe co.nz/Summer DAILY DA A IL LY P PRIZE RIZE O OF F $100 POLICE responded to reports of disorderly behaviour at the Te Kuiti Camping Grounds. Three men and one woman spoken to denied any issues. SuperValue Su p rValue Gift Cards! pe Terms & Conditions apply, see SuperValue.co.nz/Summer for details. Fresh NZ Lamb Leg Roast New Season Royal Gala Apples BURGLAR(S) forced their way into Sugoi Sushi restaurant on Maniapoto St in Otorohanga and stole cash from the till and a cell phone. A TEENAGE girl from Te Kuiti who had been drinking become abusive while at the Te Kuiti Hospital and needed to be removed by her parents with police assistance. She was taken home to “sleep it off”. 1199 $ POLICE are looking for the man who chased a woman while riding a pushbike, rode over her and assaulted her. The incident was seen by a member of the public who contacted police. The offender, who is known to police, had left the scene before officers arrived. 2 $ 99 kg kg l North King Country police attended 10 family Fresh Tegel NZ Skinless Chicken Thigh Cutlets violence incidents from February 1-7. Sweetcorn Sheep Farmers! Beef up your lambs with Poll Dorset rams 999 $ Arnott’s Shapes 120-190g 1 79c kg Keri Fruit Drink/Juice 2.4-3L 399 $ 99 each $ DB/Export Gold/Citrus/Tui 12 x 330ml Bottles/Cans Selaks Premium Selection 750ml each For good Poll Dorset rams Contact Ken Haywood on 07 877 8586 each Are you newlywed? Anchor UNO/Fresh’n Fruity Yoghurt 6 Pack 399 $ pack We would like to invite all recently married couples to join us in our upcoming weddings feature. This feature will give you the opportunity to share your special day with the community. Pascall Family Bag 140-230g Please drink responsibly Details must be received by tomorrow, February 12. For more information contact us 8 $ 99 each 99 pack 1 $ 99 each SuperValueNZ SuperValue Te Kuiti: 95 Rora Street, Te Kuiti. Phone 878 8530. Open 7am-8pm, Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm, Sat-Sun. SuperValue.co.nz Specials available from Thursday, 11th February until Sunday, 14th February 2016 or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All limits specified apply per customer per day. Trade not supplied. Prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Certain products may not be available in all stores. Proprietary brands not for resale. Customer Support Freephone 0800 40 40 40. Te Kuiti Rochelle sales@waitomonews.co.nz 07 878 1188 svwainews1102 16 $ Otorohanga Sam samB@waitomonews.co.nz 07 873 7139 wAiToMo your news, your views ews WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 19 SPORT Leaders beaten in log defence DAIRYWORX now hold the coveted Otorohanga Summer Soccer Competition log trophy after winning a tense penalty shootout 4-3 against competition leaders Advantage Tyres on Thursday night. Played at the Otorohanga Domain, Advantage Tyres looked set to continue their winning ways, leading 3-1 in the second half, until a late fight back and two goals in the last 10 minutes meant that the final score ended up 3-3. The result moves Dairyworx into fourth spot on the competition ladder. Advantage Tyres’ lead has now been cut to two points ahead of second placed OTC Rascals who had no problems in their match beating The Shaggers 5-2. Bailey Ingham moved up a place to third, with their 5-0 win over TV Connect. UPSET OF NIGHT In other results, Otorohanga Mitsubishi provided the upset of the night with a 4-3 victory over Kiwitown Electrical while King Country Kitchens kept the pressure on the top four teams with a 10-1 thrashing of Action Electrical Blues. HMB Weta, who are also pushing for a top four spot, dropped a point after a 2-2 draw with 100% Otorohanga, although they did win the penalty shootout. PFC United retained the stump with a 3-0 victory over Dental Surgery, Darcy’s Raiders had their first victory in a month with an 8-2 win over Giltrap AgriZone and Hobbs Transport Services defeated Ryco 24.7 in a penalty shootout. TOP SPOTS With two rounds remaining before the semi-finals, Advantage Tyres and OTC Rascals have secured their top four spots. Tonight, the match for the stump and the log will be a double header, with log holders Dairyworx taking on stump holders PFC United and top placed Advantage Tyres takes on Bailey Ingham in what will be a pivotal match to decide the top four spots. SPORTS WRAP BOWLS TE KUITI TE KUITI Bowling Club results. February 6 – triples: men’s winners B Watson, F Hitchen, K Higgins; runners up P Lange, B Wooten, C McKellar. Women’s winners D Adams, C Houghton, J McQuilkin; runners up W Weinberg, E McGinn, M Davis. BOWLS OTOROHANGA OTOROHANGA Bowling Club results. January 23 – championship mixed triples: l Martin, T Wheeler, M Tustian 1; D Pye, W Holmes, S Fredrickson 2. January 30 – championship fours: R Wallbutton, W Holmes, R Byles, S Mills 1; I Grice, W Deane, T Wheeler, M Stafford 2. February 6 – championship triples: women’s winners C Rankin, M Stafford, B Wheeler; runners up L Martin, J Douglas, M Fox. Men’s winners R Wallbutton, S Sircombe, B Deane; runners up A Johnston, S Murchie, R Byles. SOCCER TE KUITI NEXT week’s Te Kuiti Albion indoor soccer competition draw. Tuesday, February 16 – 6.10pm LASP vs TK Glass, 6.45 Kia Hiwa Ra vs John Cena, 7.15 Mafia vs TK Fire, 7.50 Goal Trolls vs KRS, 8.20 KCK vs Strikly Red. YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS WAITOMO ews OUR TERMS & CONDITIONS All advertisements are subject to approval by the company. Advertisements of a fraudulent or objectionable nature will not be accepted. All advertisements, even though they may have been accepted by an EMPLOYEE or AGENT are subject to the approval of the company and the style of the newspaper. In the event of fire emergency interfering with normal publication, the publishers have the right to vary the space and/or frequency of the insertion of advertisements. The company does not hold itself responsible for noninsertion of any advertisement through accident or any other cause, or from error in the publication of any advertisement. Sub-letting space: Advertisers are not permitted to sub-let their contract space in any form. Breach of these conditions may result in a charge at full casual rates. Contract space is available only for the sale of the advertiser’s own goods or services. Space bookings cannot be cancelled after deadline. Contract rates for display advertising are calculated on a 12-month basis. Should an advertiser not fulfil an order, a surcharge based on total centimetres used at the applicable rate will be made. Should, during the term of a contract, a rate increase be affected the new rate will apply immediately. All advertising orders are subject to variation in material and wage cost. This paper therefore reserves the right to alter rates at any time. Advertisements written in any non-English language must be accompanied by an English translation (translation to be held by the Waitomo News, but not published unless requested). All editorial and advertising content in this publication is copyright and approval must be sought from the Managing Editor before its reproduction in any form. This paper is printed on elemental chlorine free (ECF) newsprint produced using predominately renewable and non-fossil fuel energy sources. Wood used to make this 42gsm newsprint is mostly waste from the production of sawn timber, thinnings and low value wood from forestry operations in the central North Island. The Waitomo News is printed by Beacon Print Ltd (Whakatane) – an environmentally friendly plant where all waste is recycled, which operates a largely chemical-free plate production process. ALL NEW CARS GET * 5 YEARS SERVICING 5 YEARS WARRANTY 5 YEARS AA ROADSERVICE 5 YEARS WOF CHECKS VISIT TOYOTA.CO.NZ TODAY. FINANCIAL SERVICES *Offer is available from 1 January 2016 to 31 March 2016 (subject to stock availability) on any new vehicle from participating Authorised Toyota Dealers in New Zealand. The Service Plan covers parts and labour costs of scheduled service items for five years / 75,000km (whichever occurs first under normal operating conditions). The Warranty Offer provides cover for five years / 150,000km (whichever occurs first under normal operating conditions). The W.O.F Check Offer does not include the costs of any repairs required to pass the W.O.F inspection. For full terms and conditions visit our website, www.toyota.co.nz Prescott Toyota TOY4936 Q1 TDA FP_DEALER_v6.indd 1 15/12/15 1:02 PM 152 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga | 07 873 8522 l www.prescott.toyota.co.nz 20 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 MOTORING SERVICES TO ADVERTISE HERE, PLEASE CALL OUR SALES TEAM 07 878 1188 CHAFFEY’S PANELBEATERS Otewa Rd, Otorohanga t 07 873 7033 f 07 873 7486 SUMMIT HOIST Wayne and his team have years of experience, with top quality service guaranteed for all work done Phone Chaffey’s Panelbeaters No job too big or too small! LOUR FX O C SPRAYPAINTING CARS BIKE TANKS MARINE RESTORATIONS CUSTOM WORK With the help of a Summit hoist the team at Chaffey’s Panelbeaters can ensure a thorough repair job on your vehicle. For your next panelbeating job give Wayne and the team a call! CHAFFEY’S PANELBEATERS DOORS KITCHENS (NEW & OLD) FURNITURE STAINING SPOT WELDING DENT PULLER & SHRINKE R See our advertisement top left for details Peter Toa M 021 0234 9561 A/H 07 873 6420 WE PAINT ANYTHING! MOTOR PREPARATIONS Experience the difference! AUTHORISED FORD PARTS & SERVICE ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS For friendly professional qualified service... We stock • Implement • Tractor • 2 wheel bikes • 4x4’s • ATV’s • Trucks and car tyres • Courtesy cars • Quick turnaround • Latest technology & equipment • One stop shop panel & paint • i-car technicians Service vehicle available Come and see us for your free tyre and pressure check G RE Ron Chatfield Selwyn Coker Nathan Le Fleming 72 Otewa Rd, Otorohanga 07 873 7319 07 873 7679 motor.preparations@ xtra.co.nz Phone Scott or Paul for a FREE no obligation quote P: 07 873 8832 Otorohanga Automotive 51-53 Turongo St, Otorohanga Ph 07 873 8049 Race, Vintage & Performance Engine Specialists Scott 027 414 8121 • Paul 021 120 1406 44 Waitete Road, Te Kuiti Phone 07 878 5026 NEED A PANELBEATER? G’S AUTO REPAIRS DIESEL & MACHINERY • BATTERIES • AIR CONDITIONING • AUTO ELECTRICAL REPAIRS 20 Waitete Rd, Te Kuiti n Greg 021 738 710 PO Box 314, Te Kuiti n Rangi 021 738 712 20878 Waitete Rd07 878 6281 Ph 07 7842 Fax ■ PO Box 314 Te Kuti Ph 07 878 7842 Fax 07 878 6281 738 716 GregKarl 021 738021 710 Give Allen a call at MOBILE SERVICE... WE COME TO YOU! n ■ Rangi 021 738 712 CONTACT JORDAN ALLEN M 027 399 6808 T 07 878 8165 E spec.auto@vodafone.co.nz 51 Ouruwhero Rd, Otorohanga 07 873 8155 ONE OF THESE SPACES COULD BE YOURS! Book a space on this page for only • WOF/Servicing • Vehicle Repairs • Field Servicing • Diagnostic Scanning 07 878 8008 A/H 027 878 2165 office@generalauto.co.nz www.generalauto.co.nz 10-14 Ward St, Te Kuiti $45+GST per month and you will receive a colour advertisement FREE! (Rotation basis/conditions apply) Contact our sales team today P 07 878 1188 E sales@waitomonews.co.nz WAITOMO YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS ews WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 21 Want 2016 to be the start of something great? Computing Māori Language Tourism - YG Business Management Information Technology Raranga (weaving) ENROL NOW ! Courses starting in March Call free 0800 355 553 or visit our campus at 37 Taupiri Street, Te Kuiti Come and see why 96% of our students recommend us! All programmes and enrolments are subject to class numbers and programme confirmation. 0800 355 553 > www.twoa.ac.nz RKR16-046 MANPTO Sports 22 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 GET SOMEONE IN SCAFFOLDING HIRE Our certified team will put scaffolding up and dismantle as required. For more information and competitive rates... TO ADVERTISE HERE, PLEASE CALL OUR SALES TEAM 07 878 1188 Piopio Killing and processing • • • • Moloney Design Ltd. For all your electrical and air-conditioning needs MEATEATER HOMEKILLS Te Kuiti Otorohanga and surrounding areas All beasts are hung for a minimum of 7 days You avoid wastage and freezer burn Qualified butchers Our premises are purpose built and we are Primary Industries Approved Give us a call! Architectural Designers • Alterations, Renovations, New Homes • Consent Drawings and Specifications • No project too big or too small WE’VE GOT YOUR AREA COVERED! Contact Les Te Kanawa • P 07 878 7306 M 027 271 6167 • E les.tk@xtra.co.nz Website: www.thedesigner.co.nz A: 45 Waitete Rd, Te Kuiti P: 07 878 8842 E: waite_electrical@clear.net.nz 07 871 9995 Phone Jeremy Moloney Work: 07 572 3389 Mob: 027 688 1893 NEED A BUILDER? G PETERS BUILDER Ross Deere - 027 598 2115 Sam Needham - 027 598 2227 Steve Knight - 027 598 2005 Taupo - 07 378 8545 Te Kuiti - 07 878 5169 Otorohanga - 07 873 6385 Mobile 027 554 8248 todd@toddormsby.co.nz RETE CONC G 44 Phillips Ave, Otorohanga LAYIN S LIST SPECIA Ph 07 873 6364 PO Box 159, Otorohanga 3940 servicing the King country 24 hours, 7 Days a weeK Quality workmanship guaranteed TE KUITI PLASTERING PLUMBING & DRAINLAYING All plumbing work - from domestic through to commercial Experienced tradesman gibstopping & painting DIRECTIONAL DRILLING • Plastering • Painting • Skimcoat • Gib cove • Tiling NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL accurate and efficient Call into our showroom - we stock a full range of kitchen, bathroom and laundry supplies Call Steve P: 07 878 3500 • M: 027 270 3679 New Homes • Additions • Renovations • Quality Workmanship • Dairy specialist • Domestic commercial • inDustrial Commercial • Industrial • Residential New Homes & Renovations 44 Waitete Road, Te Kuiti Phone 07 878 5026 PHONE GARY 027 274 7452 • 07 873 7599 • • • • P l upeters.willowspring@farmside.co.nz m b i n g Email: Drain Laying Gas fitting Roofing MARK LEWIS PLUMBING & GAS • • • • • • Plumbing Gasfitting Drainlaying Woodburners LPG&naturalgas installations Roofing Locallyowned&operated T: 07 873 7135 Mark&ShelleyLewis F: 07 873 7131 Mark0275166562 Shelley0273005475 541MangawheroRd,RD5,Otorohanga shelley.mark@xtra.co.nz CALLING ALL TRADESPEOPLE • Plumbing• Drain Laying • Gas fitting • Roofing OTOROHANGA: 38 Phillips Ave P 07 873 6642 TE AWAMUTU: 100 Roche St P 07 870 5020 Plumbing Gas Fitting Drain Laying Ph: 07 878 6890 | 027 757 5862 Advertise on this popular page for only $35 + GST per fortnight Your message will reach more than 7500 households and businesses in the Northern King Country – rural and residential For more information contact our friendly sales team today... Te Kuiti • Rochelle Wolland P: 07 878 1188 E: sales@waitomonews.co.nz Otorohanga • Sam Baggott P: 07 873 7139 E: SamB@waitomonews.co.nz Laser Plumbing Te Kuiti Formerly Pete Kana Plumbing & Gas Fitting tekuiti@laserplumbing.co.nz DAVID FLEXMAN BUILDERS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING AND RENOVATION NEEDS • NEW HOMES • RENOVATIONS • ODD JOBS NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL 027 497 8347•07 878 7105•davidflexman@xtra.co.nz WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 23 CLASSIFIEDS To Let Accom Available KING COUNTRY SELF STORAGE CABINS TO RENT • From $20pw • • 24 Hour Access • • Security Patrols • • Free Moving In Trailer • 16 Progress Dr, Otorohanga 1 Awakino Rd, Te Kuiti 07 873 7271 Accom Available INSULATED, power, carpet, curtains, various sizes. Ph/txt 027 458 2904 or ph 07 847 3172 www.rooms2go.co.nz OTOROHANGA. Three bedroom house, garage, heat pump, DVS, insulated, close to schools, no dogs. $270pw. References required, genuine enquires email outlwd@hotmail. com. OTOROHANGA: two bedroom cottage, fully furnished including linen. Recently redecorated, woodburner, no garage $220pw plus bond $800. Ph 027 492 8538 - no texts. PHOTOS FOR SALE Call into our Rora St, Te Kuiti office today to view them and place your order! Trades & Services DEADLINES | 10am Mon & Wed | Te Kuiti 07 878 1188 | Otorohanga 07 873 7139 Livestock For Sale Te Kuiti Supp Ewe Fair Friday, Feb 12, 2016 11.30 am Call Steve and Marilyn t 07 873 6220 Code of Compliance operators • All weights • All breeds • Prompt service • Payment on pick-up My on-farm price WILL NOT be beaten! Phone David Hutchings 07 895 8845 or 027 451 9249 Feral goats mustered on a 50/50 share basis Waitomo Liquid Waste Disposal Livestock For Sale TE KUITI SALE Te Kuiti Supp Ewe and Cattle sale FERAL GOATS WANTED 4 Payment on pick-up 4 Top money 4 All head counted 4 Check out our prices 4 Goats hard to get? Experienced musterer available Phone Bill or Vicki 07 893 8916 or 021 158 9027 30% OFF Open 7 days 9am-6pm 55 Rora St, Te Kuiti P 07 878 6180 Steak Mince 'N' Cheese Combo 5 Double Cheeseburger Combo 89 Rora Street Te Kuiti 5 Hakiaha St, Taumarunui (Fridays only) For all enquiries 0800 878 8819 4130 Ewes comprising 180 2th Romney ewes 150 2th Perendale ewes 210 2th Coopworth ewes 270 MA Coopworth ewes 500 MA ewes 290 4yr Romney ewes 1000 5yr Romney ewes 500 5yr Perendale ewes 230 5yr Coopworth ewes 800 6yr Perendale ewes Diamond engagement rings $ 7 Ewes 11.30 am Cattle (no later than 12.30pm) NB Please note start times Treat your Valentine BBQ Cheeseburger Combo $ Friday, February 12 250 Cattle Comprising: 30 2 1/2 yr strs 70 15 mth Beef X strs 20 15 mth HF X strs 50 M/S weaners 80 Assorted cattle 5 ® $ New pendants and earrings Triple Cheeseburger Combo 6 $ Available between 10.30am and 11pm at participating restaurants for a limited time. Burger combos include Medium Soft Drink and your choice of Medium Fries or Garden Salad. Georgie Pie® combo includes Small Soft Drink and your choice of Small Fries or Garden Salad. "Coca-Cola", "Coke" and The Dynamic Ribbon device are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company. LSM5686 Adult colouring books Orahiri Farm Services Ltd Servicing Otorohanga and Waitomo districts GOATS WANTED Chick’n McCheese Combo Need aAqualified and NEED QUALIFIED experienced tradesman? AND EXPERIENCED SEPTIC TANK CLEANING t 07 878 1188 e editor@ waitomonews.co.nz $9.99ea Going digital? Ph 07 871 9995 Let us know! • Comprehensive eye examinations • Quality fashion frames • Contact lens fitting • Designer sunglasses • Spectacle subsidy if under 16 years with CS card G SHAW FENCING LTD. Ph Graeme 027 710 4801. Killing What’s going on? Magnetic door flyscreen only Trades & Services Sheep - Pigs - Beef Livestock Wanted 7 Trades & Services HOMEKILLS LTD Enquiries Brett Wallbank 027 488 1299 $ Trades & Services MEATEATER A/C Kahikatea Farm 243 4yr Romney ewes Complete Capital Stock Line FOCUSSED ON QUALITY EYE CARE & EYEWEAR Trades & Services 70 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga 07 873 7008 159 Rora St, Te Kuiti P 07 878 8913 *Conditions apply or while stocks last We can help. FREEVIEW equipment SALES and installation. Aerials, satellite, cabling and TV repairs. Call NIGEL WALKER at TV CONNECT Registered and Trade Certified technician. 07 873 8009 027 450 7569 TRADESMAN? Plumbing • Gas Fitting Plumbing • Gas Fitting Drainlaying • Roofing Drainlaying • Roofing Neustroski Plumbing & Gas Ph Nigel 07 878 7877 027 674 3396 Email: nigel@npg.co.nz Auction • Cattle hoofcare • Hoof knife sharpening • Portable crush Properly trained and equipped Jeremy Connolly 021 037 9949 eauty OBLEMS? enture milton 865 ECIALIST. with Liesl at ti. Available nd Fridays. Phone 07 ERSON k days Design 162 m is here turday) sults C AV E S orts Day r raffle – kete; 2nd n; 3rd Ann World $100 eads. ll the pards of the ontributed day a suco much to usinesses us support at Sports ew World, owworm ka, Curly's , Waitomo tre, SpellCafe and tomo AdBird B&B, oseland's, Rap, Raft Inn, Top ark, PGG orohanga oolworths, esh Fruit 1 Otoro- 24 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 CLASSIFIEDS Wanted To Buy DEADLINES | 10am Mon & Wed | Te Kuiti 07 878 1188 | Otorohanga 07 873 7139 For Sale Work Wanted Tuition Farm Work Wanted Valentine SALE KITCHENS FURNITURE SOLID TIMBER JOINERY MathZwise Maths Tuition Experienced 50/50 sharemilker FINE WOODWORKING LTD Te Kuiti 07 878 6194 Call Jean Mckenzie 021 133 5161 50% off RRP (excludes some sale items) Everything in store February 1-13 WE BUY ANY JUNK VEHICLES CONDITIONS APPLY CARS, TRUCKS, VANS, SUV’s TRACTORS, FORKLIFTS 7 DAYS FREE PICK-UP Phone Tiger or Ray 0800 66 88 33 027 433 3338 or 07 823 6500 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE $$$$ TOP CASH $$$$ $$$$$$ PAID $$$$$$ Hiace, Hilux, Corolla, Wanted Known Landcruiser, Liteace, Townace, Trucks, Nissan Van & Utes. FREE USE of carpet cleaner From $200 to $5000. available, shampoo-in-store. Same day pick up. Conditions apply. Te Kuiti Ph 0800-551-7004 ColourPlus, 251 Rora St, Te Kuiti, phone 07 878 8302. Trades & Services Approved Handler Certified 0800 837 070 07 873 7565 or 07 873 7565 Commercial and Paul & Noeleen Pest Bartlett Residential INManagement YOUR AREA Ph SOON! Noeleen HOMEKILLS CINDERS! Killing/Processing Sue and Rob Lupton Where are our clean shoes? King Country Te Kuiti LittlePrepackers Theatre 07 1807 Apr873 29 - May 2 KING COUNTRY DRILLING DOG/PET FOOD LAMB, BEEF & CHICKEN PRODUCTS LES • Surface wells • Lined soak holes • Concrete products available • Foundation drilling • 4WD unit OWNER/OPERATOR FREEPHONE STEVE COLSON 0508 HOLES DUG 0508 465 373 www.finewoodworking.co.nz www.mathzwise.co.nz DRIVER GUITAR and ukulele. Very experienced tutor. Reasonable prices. Ph Colin 07 878 8886 or 027 643 1591. Class 2 and 4 licences, including passenger service and bus Available for part-time or permanent work Contact Neil 027 282 5940 or email nbrooks1950@gmail.com for CV All natural - raw - no preservatives or additives NOSLOC PRODUCTS Ex freezer Te Kuiti For information and prices www.nosloc.com or ph 07 878 6868 BARBECUE: Three burner, gas bottle and cover. Hardly been used. $120 cash. Ph 07 878 6248. The Professional Arborists Chipping, Felling, Maintenance, Pruning, Removals, Hedge Cutting, Section Clearing and much more FREE QUOTES Seeking new challenge for 2016/2017 season and beyond. We have 280 thriving Jersey cows but negotiable on numbers for the right job.Proven MS increases on current farms to record highs. Call me now Rod 027 254 9872 Situations Vacant Piopio Primary School Teacher aide - 16 hours a week, Mon-Fri We are looking for a person to support the implementation of learning programmes for students with specific learning needs. To be considered for this position you will: • Be able to develop positive relationships with children • Work closely in 1-1 situations or in small group settings • Be flexible, show initiative and be able to work as part of a team Please email CV and a covering letter to: principal@ppp.school.nz including the names and contact details of two current referees or mail to the Principal, Piopio Primary School, 14 Aria, Piopio. Call FREE: 0508 TREE QUOTE 07 871 5221 Tyre Technician/ Fleet Service FIREWOOD 5 cub/mt $140 delivered Otorohanga/Te Kuiti. Ph Sonny 07 873 9190 or 021 617 349. NO TEXTS. Expected shortage next winter. WEED SPRAYING We are looking to expand the service personnel in our busy tyre shop at Advantage Tyres, Otorohanga MOTO X bikes, two. RM85L, 2012. Top condition, one owner, $2400 ono each. Ph 07 877 8991. KNAPSACK spraying gang available. Ph 027 375 7225. FIREWOOD, pine, delivered Oto/TKT. $75 cu/m. Ph 07 873 8424. TWO NEW KING SIZE single bases and mattresses with duvets, sheets and electric blankets. $200. Phone after 5pm 07 873 6450. Grazing Available GRAZING available, any number. Ph 07 878 7700 or 027 282 8806. OFFAL HO 115 Rora St, Te Kuiti Ph 07 878 7898 COME AND JOIN US WAITOMO VALLEY ROAD, nine hectares, access to cattle yards and loading ramp. Ph 07 873 7207 or 027 353 2364 txt only. WAITOMO YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS ews Phone 07 878 1188 or email www.totaltreecare.co.nz totalnz@gmail.com Twin reels on 4x4 ute Fencing – new & repairs t 07 878 5006 m 021 143 9770 MOWING lawns. Reasonable rates. Ph Bob 07 878 7464. Vehicles For Sale • $0 DEPOSIT • FROM $50 P/WEEK SMALL CARS BIG CARS WAGONS 7-SEATERS 8-SEATERS 4WDS Text or ph Mark 021 484 244 Pigs For Sale PORKER PIG, good size. $250. Ph 07 878 8282. reception@waitomonews.co.nz Wanted To Buy Wanted Known New dog grooming service • Bath and brush • Customised grooms • Clipping • Breed specific grooms • Nail cutting, ear plucking/cleaning • Pick up and delivery (conditions apply) For bookings and information please contact Dogs Galore Ph: 027 437 2090 Email: vickie@dogsgalore.co.nz The successful applicant will be working in a team environment alongside experienced staff, with diverse job variety. This is an entry level position that would suit someone with less than two years experience in the tyre industry. It is a physically demanding job and therefore requires a high level of fitness. Full in house training offered. You will need to be of neat and tidy appearance, ideally be situated in Otorohanga, have good work ethics and be prepared to work rostered weekends and on-call. We offer excellent remuneration with ample over-time available. Full drivers licence required. Written applications to: Job Vacancy Advantage Tyres, PO Box 62, Otorohanga Email: sales@otorohangatyres.co.nz Farm Vacancies MILK HARVESTERS REQUIRED Tauporae Farms is a family owned business with strong values, located 7kms from Otorohanga. The business has undergone considerable growth and currently milks 800 cows through a modern 54 bail rotary. We are looking for expressions of interest for fulltime drive in milk harvesters for the coming season. Our definition of fulltime is quite broad and we are open to having a team of harvesters depending on the circumstances of those that apply. As such, we are open to hearing from you if you feel you could contribute to the team in any way. Don’t be shy, give us a call to discuss further. Call Dave 027 331 6541. YOUR NEWS YOUR VIEWS WAITOMO YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS ews Situations Vacant CUSTOMER SERVICES OFFICER At Otorohanga District Council (ODC) we believe that ‘small is good’. Comprising just over 40 staff, and based in an attractive rural location, ODC’s friendly professional team takes real pride in their work to provide quality and timely service and advice to its customers. We are looking for an outstanding frontline customer service officer to provide first rate service to a diverse range of people. As a skilled communicator you will enjoy engaging with people in person, on the phone or through email. You will have outstanding written and verbal communication skills, along with the ability to work proactively. You will be working in a strong team culture which requires a person who naturally has a friendly outgoing personality to compliment your high standard of personal presentation. Sound computer knowledge and previous cash handling skills are essential and preference will be given to previous customer service experience, although full on the job training is provided. If you think you have the skills, experience and attitude to add value to this role and compliment this valuable team, send in your resume and cover letter to kylie@eight73consulting.co.nz. For further information and a pre-requisite standard application form, please call 07 873 7104. Applications must be received by 4 pm Friday, February 19, 2016. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CADET Launch your career in regulatory and/or management role in local government At Otorohanga District Council (ODC) we believe that ‘small is good’. Comprising just over 40 staff, and based in an attractive rural location, ODC’s friendly professional team takes real pride in their work to provide quality and timely service and advice to its customers. A unique opportunity has arisen for someone with a keen interest in local government and understanding the rules and regulations we’re responsible for monitoring. As the Environmental Services Cadet you will assist the Environmental Administration officer in providing administrative support for Planning, Building Control, Health, Sale of Alcohol and Trade Waste. Your responsibilities will include: • Reviewing resource and building consents with consideration for legislative compliance • Processing and assessing applications for Code Compliance Certificates • Customer liaison • Maintaining the swimming pool register To be successful in this role, you will need to be a strong communicator with the ability to tailor the tone, style and content of your message to suit a wide range of people. You’ll also need to have problem solving skills to nut out compliance related issues, and be savvy with technology so you can use MS Office applications to an advanced level. If you think you have the skills, experience and attitude to add value in the role, send your resume and cover letter to kylie@eight73consulting.co.nz. For further information and a pre-requisite standard application form, please call 07 873 7104. Applications must be received by 4pm Friday, February 19, 2016. D C Clibbery CHIEF EXECUTIVE www.otodc.govt.nz Work Wanted LARGE SQUARE AND ROUND BALE SILAGE MUCK/SOLIDS SPREADING All bales wrapped with six layers • Mowing • Rowing • Baling • Wrapping • Stacking • Cartage KING CONTRACTING Ph Mike 07 873 8475 or 027 487 4239 Otorohanga, Te Kuiti and surrounding districts WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 25 CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES | 10am Mon & Wed | Te Kuiti 07 878 1188 | Otorohanga 07 873 7139 Situations Vacant Situations Vacant Piopio-Aria Golf Club Piopio Primary School Has a position available for a part-time groundsperson. Approx 20 hrs per week. All enquiries to Ross MacDonald 0211 268 392 HANDYMAN/ GARDENER Part-time, potential fulltime Five years experience required Ph 07 878 5133 for details Farm Vacancies Fulltime Milker Morning milkings, must have experience, every second weekend off, drive in position. Ph Anna 07 873 8599 YOUR NEWS YOUR VIEWS WAITOMO YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS ews We seek a highly motivated and enthusiastic Y1–2 teacher with sound curriculum knowledge and effective classroom management skills. Strengths in numeracy and literacy essential. The successful applicant will have well developed professional and interpersonal skills, and the ability to work effectively with children and adults. Term 2 start. Applications close Wednesday, February 24. Please send covering letter, CV and details of three referees to principal@ppp.school.nz or mail to: The Principal, Piopio Primary School, 14 Aria Rd, Piopio, 3912. Mechanic Otorohanga Mitsubishi is a busy country dealership catering for not only Mitsubishi vehicles but all makes and models. We are now looking for another professional technician to work in our busy workshop. Our ideal candidate for this role will have: 1. WOF certified will be an advantage but not critical 2. Diagnostic skills 3. Be cheerful and welcoming 4. And have a drive for self-development Mitsubishi New Zealand offers extensive training and this will be available for the right person to take advantage of. So if you think this is you don’t hesitate, this is an exciting opportunity for you to join a cheerful professional team. Remuneration packages are subject to experience. Apply in writing to: The service manager Otorohanga Mitsubishi 1 Maniapoto st, Otorohanga Or by email: service@otomitsubishi.co.nz. Situations Vacant CUSTOMER SERVICE TEAM MEMBER PlaceMakers is the premier supplier of building materials to New Zealand’s construction markets with over 60 locations throughout New Zealand. We are part of Fletcher Building, a diversified global building industry company. We have a challenging opportunity for a full time customer service focused showroom/timber yard team member to join our PlaceMakers Te Kuiti team in Te Kuiti. Working at PlaceMakers Te Kuiti is all about giving customers the best service and great advice. If you are experienced in life and are described by your friends and family as having personality and being a real person then you could be just the person we are looking for. An interest in building would be a great advantage, as would any previous customer service experience. We aren’t looking for robots. We want our team members to get to know our customers and the projects that they are working on. l We are currently looking for a fulltime team member to work 5.5 days a week which includes a half a day on Saturdays. l You must be physically fit. There is a lot of heavy lifting l You must have current full clean NZ driver’s licence l Have good computer, written, and communication skills. l You must be flexible, keen to learn and willing to go the extra mile for your customers, employer and team mates? l You must love meeting new people and thrive on building lasting customer relationships. PlaceMakers Te Kuiti can offer you, a safe and rewarding environment to work in, great people to work with, both colleagues and our loyal customers, excellent career opportunities and a solid, progressive and growing business to represent. For your opportunity to work within a positive environment with PlaceMakers Te Kuiti Please forward your application to Steve Thompson P.O. Box 76 Te Kuiti 3941 Email: steven.thompson@placemakers.co.nz Applications close at 5:00pm on Friday, February 19, 2016 Only candidates who are NZ citizens or hold a valid NZ work permit will be considered. Public Notice Sports Notices MAORI VOLCANICS SHOWBAND OTOROHANGA SPORTS CLUB NETBALL MUSTER Otorohanga Club Friday, March 4 Calling all players who are keen to play netball at any level or anyone interested to coach this season for Otorohanga Sports Club. DON’T FORGET To feature in the Community Diary, you will need to re-list your activity by calling into one of our offices, or ph 07 878 1188 (Te Kuiti) or 07 873 7139 (Otorohanga). Tickets $10 Limited number Meetings Tënä koutou katoa, Ka rere tonu ngä mihi ki a koutou e häpai nei i te kaupapa o tö tätou marae. Nau mai, haere mai ki te hui hei te Rätapu, 14 o Pëpuere 2016. Nö reira, ngä manaakitanga o te Runga Rawa ki runga i a koutou katoa. Nä ngä Marae Trustees Te Küiti Pä Committee Special Meeting and Election of Marae Reps 10am – 1pm Sunday, February 14, 2016 Te Küiti Pä, Awakino Road, Te Küiti Agenda for the hui: Karakia/mihi Overview of hui Election of marae reps Ratification of charter Strategic update Annual plan For a copy of the charter, please collect from the Maniapoto Mäori Trust Board or request a copy by emailing Aroha Te Kanawa aroha@tekanawa.co.nz Treasurer/secretary marae trustees Mob: 027 276 4285 Public Notices INNAMINKA ENTERPRISE LTD trading as RIVERSIDE LODGE (2005), 1 Riverside Lane, Te Kuiti has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Waitomo District Council, Te Kuiti for the renewal of an on licence in respect of the premises situated at 1 Riverside Lane, Te Kuiti known as Riverside Lodge. The general nature of the business conducted (or to be conducted) under the licence is Tavern. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is (or is intended to be) sold under the licence are seven days 8am to 1am the following day excluding Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Day and from 1pm ANZAC Day. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Waitomo District Licensing Committee, Waitomo District Council, Queen St, Te Kuiti. Any person who is entitled to object and wishes to object to the issue of the licence may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with the Secretary of the District Licensing Committee at Waitomo District Council, PO Box 404, Te Kuiti 3941. No objection to the issue of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 105(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the first / second publication of this notice. Muster at the Otorohanga Netball Courts on Wednesday, February 17 at 6pm for a light run around. Bring your gear and a drink bottle. Enquires or more information contact Sam Wilshier 027 305 8110 or Audrey Greening 027 505 4034. Kick the day off.…….. WATER EXERCISE SESSIONS/AQUA JOGGING Waitomo Aquatic Centre (heated pools), Hinerangi St, Te Kuiti Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7am All Welcome Enquiries - Ph 07 878 8803 or 027 485 3692 Public Notices 2016 4WD SAFARI SATURDAY, FEB 20 Over properties in the Tapuwahine and Otangiwai Valleys Approx 50kms of farm tracks, stream crossings, very diverse topography, sheep and beef breeding and fattening country, extensive 360 degree panoramas. PICNIC LUNCH EVENING BBQ MEAL NO ATVs $75pp Payment on the day but prior registration for catering purposes essential by Monday, February 15 to Mike Wagstaff paerua@slingshot.co.nz Maximum 50 vehicles participating All nett proceeds to Hillview Home improvements WDC Notices REMINDER TO ALL DOG OWNERS It is important that dog ownership details on Council record are kept up-to-date. WDC encourages all dog owners to notify us of any changes in their dog ownership status. This includes: • Advisingwhendoghasdied • Advisingwhendogisnolongerin possession (eg. lost, stolen) • Advisingchangeofdog’saddress • Advisingchangeofdogownership • Advisinganychangeofownercontactor dog details • Achangetothenumberofdogskepton premise. Therearemanyoptionsavailablefordog owners to contact WDC. VisitourfriendlyCustomerServicesteamat theWDCQueenStreetOffice.Writetousat PO Box 404 Te Kuiti 3941. Free phone 0800 932 4357, Fax 07-8787771oremail:info@waitomo.govt.nz. CHRIS RYAN CHIEF EXECUTIVE www.waitomo.govt.nz Creating a better future with vibrant communities and thriving business. 26 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES | 10am Mon & Wed | Te Kuiti 07 878 1188 | Otorohanga 07 873 7139 Public Notices Entertainment Entertainment Attention U21 rugby players CLASSIQUE CATERERS MAORI VOLCANICS SHOWBAND Waitete RFC are entering a team in the Waikato U21 competition for 2016 We're calling on interested players to attend a muster at the clubrooms this Thursday (TONIGHT) at 6.30pm Bring running shoes and a mate Also needed is a coaching assistant to help run the team Any queries please ring Neil at the club 07 878 6310 or Mike 021 267 8360 "Where quality counts" • Weddings • Jubilees • Social Occasions All enquiries welcome Contact Margaret on Free Ph 0800 366 342, Fax 07 823 3367 Public Notice Let’s do lunch... TREAT YOURSELF To wonderful food & AMAZING Ozone coffee! A 41 Moa St, Piopio P 07 877 8822 WHERE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN MEETING AND EATING FOR OVER 100 YEARS OtoMed Ltd In response to feedback from our recent survey, we wish to advise our patients that we will be holding an evening surgery every Monday (excluding public holidays) from February 15, 2016. Doctor appointments will be available until 7pm phone 07 873 7079 to book. A 1 Riverside Lane, Te Kuiti P 07 878 8027 THE MUSTER BAR MAKES SIMPLE FOOD GOOD! A 12 King St East, Te Kuiti P 07 878 8496 Relax & enjoy food from the heart & great ‘icoco’ coffee A 30 Ellis Rd, SH30, Benneydale P 07 878 4708 Serving great food, awesome coffee and cold beer A Railway building, Rora St, Te Kuiti P 07 878 8758 WAITOMO YOUR NEWS, YOUR VIEWS ews To book your space here contact Rochelle 07 878 1188 ESSENTIAL SERVICES DIRECTORY EMERGENCIES Police, Fire, Ambulance..................................................... Dial 111 POLICE Te Kuiti........................................................................07 878 1450 Otorohanga...................................................................07 873 7399 Piopio...........................................................................07 877 0490 Benneydale...................................................................07 878 1370 MEDICAL ROSTER Otorohanga...................................................................07 873 8399 Te Kuiti........................................................................07 878 7878 For all urgent out of hours call.....................................07 878 7878 Unichem Te Kuiti Pharmacy Sat 9.30am - 12.30pm................................................07 878 8011 Unichem Otorohanga Pharmacy Sat 9am - 12.30pm.....................................................07 873 7294 COMMUNITY SERVICES Citizens Advice Bureau Te Kuiti (free legal advice)......................................................07 878 7636 Citizens Advice Bureau Oto/Oto Support House.........07 873 7568 CAB can direct enquiries to the many social services available. Community Mental Health Service.............................07 878 8767 Emergencies...............................................................0800 505 050 Counselling Services North King Country Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm.................................................07 873 7676 Waitomo Women’s Refuge Helpline............................07 878 5080 .............................................................................. or 0800 155 799 Te Kuiti Hospital..........................................................07 878 7333 Te Kuiti Community House ........................................07 878 5272 SPCA 24 Hour...........................................................027 428 0699 NKC Family Support Mon - Fri, 9am - 3pm.................................................07 873 6502 Noise Control (Waitomo District Council)..................07 878 0800 Waitomo District Council (24hrs)............................0800 932 4357 Victim Support Services............................................027 281 1499 .............................................................................. or 0800 842 846 120 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga JP service available weekly Tuesdays 12 noon - 1pm No appointment required. Ph 07 873 8156 for further information. Sports Notices Otorohanga Junior Softball Fun Day Junior mixed teams ages 10 to 13yrs Sunday, Feb 14, 2016, 9am start @ Otorohanga Island Reserve bring along a team Contact Bronwyn for details 027 435 1114 Entertainment The Best Value in Show Business Feb 11-17 Otorohanga Club Friday, March 4 Tickets $10 Limited number Public Notice An Inland Revenue representative will be available at the Otorohanga Support House Thursday, Feb 18 1pm, 1.30pm, 2pm and 2.30pm Please phone 07 873 7568 for an appointment Sponsored by Otorohanga Household Budgeting Services Märama te Titiro Welcomes 2016 Nau mai haere mai ki te ako *Oranga reo *Oranga whakaaro Starts Feb 17 Wednesday nights 6:30pm – 9pm Senior Citizens Hall Ōtorohanga 021 0250 0163 Kahuipani 027 293 9359 Huria Valentine SALE 50% off RRP (excludes some sale items) * Special Family Cinema * HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 2 PG SAT 12:50, FINAL SUN 10:50 ODDBALL & THE PENGUINS G FRI (Home Early Family Show) 5:45, SAT 3:00, SUN 1:00 * Special Showcase Cinema * EXTREMELY POSITIVE AUDIENCE RESPONSES TO THESE HIGH CLASS MOVIES THE DRESSMAKER M 4th Month. FRI 10:10, SAT 4:40, SUN 2:40 SUFFRAGETTE M SAT 2:35, SUN 12:35, WED 10:00 BROOKLYN M THU 5:10, FRI 10:20 & 5:10, SAT 1:00 & 5:00, SUN 11:00 & 3:00, MON & TUE 5:20, WED 5:10 SPOTLIGHT M THU 5:25, FRI 10:00, SAT 5:20, SUN 3:20, MON & TUE 5:30, WED 5:25 Proudly sponsored by The Thirsty Weta Bar & Eatery Entertainment RUSTY’S BISTRO at the Waitomo Club, Te Kuiti This Friday night is ROAST NIGHT $18 Choice of two meats, lots of veges Bistro open from 5.30pm DEADPOOL R16 THU & FRI 5:15 & 7:35, SAT 5:30 & 7:35, SUN 3:30 & 5:35, MON & TUE 7:45, WED 5:15 & 7:35 DIRTY GRANDPA R16 THU, FRI & SAT 7:55, SUN 5:55, WED 7:55 ZOOLANDER 2 M THU & FRI 5:30 & 7:45, SAT 3:15 & 7:45, SUN 1:15 & 5:45, MON & TUE 7:55, WED 5:30 & 7:45 SPECIAL MORNING SHOWS FRIDAY, SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY Meetings Entertainment Te Tokanganui Maori Women’s Welfare League AGM February 17, 2016 5.30pm Arapae No 1 Trust Enquiries to Audrey Greening E: Audrey.i.greening@gmail.com • P: 027 505 4034 THE FINEST HOURS PG THU & FRI 5:20 & 7:25, SAT 2:40 & 7:15, SUN 12:40 & 5:15, MON & TUE 7:35, WED 5:20 & 7:25 ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS PG SAT 1:10, SUN 11:10 115 Rora St, Te Kuiti Ph 07 878 7898 Six week competition Starts Wed, February 24 THE REVENANT R16 THU & FRI 7:20, SAT 4:55 & 6:55, SUN 2:55 & 4:55, WED 7:20 THE GOOD DINOSAUR PG SAT 12:30, SUN 10:30 at Number Twelve King St East, Te Kuiti Enter a team for OTOROHANGA BUSINESSHOUSE NETBALL * BIG SCREEN EPIC HITS * STAR WARS M 3rd Month. SAT 2:45, SUN 12:45 SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN G STARTS FEB 21 Everything in store February 1-13 Sports Notices THE BELIER FAMILY M SAT 12:35, SUN 10:35, WED 10:20 * Kenneth Branagh Theatre Live: Judi Dench* LA TRAVIATA G MON & TUE 5:25, FINAL WED 10:10 AGM Saturday, February 20 11am Riverside Lodge 1 Riverside Lane, Te Kuiti Agenda: 1. Mihi/karakia 2. Apologies and proxies 3. Minutes of 2014 4. Chairperson’s report 5. Accountant’s report 6. Election of auditor 7. Trustee rotation 8. General business Rena Barlow, Secretary Ph 87 878 8816 or 027 840 5217 Public Notice www. otorohanga. co.nz CHECK IT OUT! Sunday, February 21, 2016 Sign on from 8am start 9.30am $30 per adult, $15 per child Kids track - FREE 5km novice track SPOT PRIZES Superb all day BBQ on sale NEW TRACKS For further information contact Mark Smyth - 06 752 9015 or 027 752 9015 Barrowcliffe Shearing FREE Dessert on Valentine’s Day One free dessert to share with every two main meals ordered (Terms and conditions apply) 1 Riverside Lane, Te Kuiti 07 878 8027 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 27 CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES | 10am Mon & Wed | Te Kuiti 07 878 1188 | Otorohanga 07 873 7139 Church Notices Meetings JOURNEY Church RUAPUHA UEKAHA HAPU TRUST (HAUTURU EAST 8) POSTPONEMENT OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10 Sheridan St Te Kuiti Pastor Terry & Rowena Bradley 07 878 8694 or 021 703 008 An Assemblies of God Church MANGAPAPA B2 INCORPORATION NOTICE OF AGM Contact the Returning Officer for a copy of the full agenda, resolutions, special resolutions and forms – David Heperi, PO Box 15293 Dinsdale, Hamilton 3243, 021 845 830 or david@mangapapa.com. AGENDA: As previously advertised with election of two committee members. AGM 14° overnight min Te Kuiti H L H L Mokau H L H L Monday Fine spells. Light winds. 30° max 17° overnight min Te Kuiti 28° max 23° 16° overnight min 15° Te Kuiti Te Kuiti 3:11 AM 8:54 AM 3:34 PM 9:22 PM H L H L 4:05 AM 9:49 AM 4:30 PM 10:18 PM 1:11 AM 7:22 AM 1:30 PM 7:50 PM H L H L 1:58 AM 8:09 AM 2:19 PM 8:39 PM H L H L 2:47 AM 9:00 AM 3:11 PM 9:31 PM H L H L 3:42 AM 9:58 AM 4:09 PM 10:29 PM H L Rise: 10:27 Set: 10:35 AM High Low isobar cold warm occluded stationary PM Rise: 6:44 Set: 8:23 AM Rise: 11:36 Set: 11:14 AM PM PM Midnight Thursday Church Notices TRAIL blazers TM Mondays @ 6pm Elizabeth Peters 21b Anzac St, Te Kuiti 021 165 5375 Relax Body and Mind Thai Massage H L H L PM Phone Parish office 07 878 8026 Health & Beauty Mainly fine. Easterlies developing. 2:22 AM 8:05 AM 2:43 PM 8:31 PM AM 9am Eucharist 3pm Tikanga Rua Eucharist Further enquiries contact Doug Patterson Ph 07 873 7142 H L H L 6:43 8:24 Sun, February 14 metservice.com 1:35 AM 7:18 AM 1:56 PM 7:44 PM Rise: Set: St Luke's Anglican Church Te Kuiti St David's Presbyterian Church Ranfurly St, Otorohanga Services and children’s programmes Sunday 10am TIDES, SUN and MOON Kawhia Art of hair design Summer hours: Tue – Fri 9am til 5pm After 5 by appointment Saturday by appointment 183 Rora St south end Te Kuiti 07 878 8162 www.youniqueproducts. com/manegallery Sundays 10.30am Service and children's programme Everyone's welcome For information ph 07 873 8685 and leave a message. Thursday, Feb 18 7pm at the Aria Squash Club St Helen’s Domain Kumara Rd, Aria All welcome WAITOMO FORECAST Saturday Sunday overnight min Ranfurly St, Otorohanga ARIA SQUASH CLUB For the latest weather information including Weather Warnings © Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2016 max McDOWELL, William (Bill): The family would like to thank all those who sent flowers, cards and messages of sympathy following the sad loss of our father, grandad and great-grandad. To those who attended the funeral, we thank you all and to the staff at Beattie Home Otorohanga, who cared for Dad over the past 12 months, our family cannot thank you enough. So close to making 100 years - but it was not to be. Sadly missed but will live on forever in our hearts. Mokau Fishing Club wishes to sincerely thank all their sponsors who supported their recent ‘Take a Kid Fishing Day’ namely: Piopio Lions Club, Taranaki Hunting and Fishing, Whitebait Inn, Mokau Butchery. A big thank you to all the skippers and families who provided their boats and time for the day and also to R Gaston. A great successful day had by all. waitomonews co.nz 29° Mane Gallery Waitomo Society of Arts Nomination and Proxy forms due – 4pm, Wednesday, February 24 to Returning Officer or table prior to AGM starting on February 27, 2016. max BAPTIST CHURCH Thanks Tuesday, February 16 7pm at Centennial Park School Te Kuiti Rd, Te Kuiti All welcome Followed by “Share and tell” and light supper Further info ph Sue Sands, secretary 021 104 9707 or 07 878 6288 All shareholders are invited to attend. Areas of morning cloud, Fine spells and isolated otherwise fine. Light winds afternoon and evening and sea breezes. showers. Light winds. Bereavements Meetings AGM Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 9.30am Maniaroa Marae, Main Rd, Mokau Friday Health & Beauty 10.30am Sunday Beneficiaries of the Ruapuha Uekaha Hapu Trust, Hauturu East 8 are advised that the 2016 Annual General Meeting set down for Saturday, February 20 at Te Kauae Marae, Hangatiki has been postponed. Beneficiaries will be advised of the new date in due course. The trust apologises for any inconvenience this may have caused. For any queries please contact the trust administrator on 0800 525 626. WEATHER Church Notices Rise: 6:45 Set: 8:21 AM Rise: 12:44 Set: 11:55 PM PM PM Moonphases 16 Feb 23 Feb 3 Mar Rise: Set: 6:46 8:20 AM Rise: Set: 1:50 PM PM – 10 Mar Situation A ridge predominates over much of New Zealand throughout the period. A front approaches the far south on Monday. Restore...Recharge...Revive... Let’s relax after a hard working week with Thai massage which is therapeutic, relaxing and energising. • Upper body massage • Foot massage • Thai and oil combination massage • Deep tissue massage • Traditional Thai massage Tuesdays by appointment (9am – 4pm), operating from King Country Chiropractic, 27a Maniapoto St, Otorohanga Beginning, Tuesday, February 16, 2016 Call or text “Rae” 027 3999 685 More info at www.relaxbodyandmind.net Midwives MIDWIVES 4 U Independent midwives providing friendly and professional midwifery care. TaKu STanbury-POa // 027 453 2244 (mobile) aniTa bain // 07 873 8181 (ph/page) Available for births in your home, Te Kuiti and Matariki hospitals, Waikato Hospital, River Ridge and Waterford birth centres in Hamilton. Cervical smears available to all women... phone Anita and have your smear taken in a relaxed, comfortable and calming environment. Cost $20. Free Pregnancy TesTs – Preggers Cottage 180 Maniapoto St, Otorohanga or Te Kuiti Phone 027 453 2244 McQUILKIN, Maureen Acushla (nee Dempsey): To everyone who attended the service and sent baking, flowers, emails, texts and cards, for the phone calls, the visits and for thinking of us in our time of great sadness, we thank you. To doctors David McLean, Caitlyn Gill and the staff at the Te Kuiti Medical Centre and Te Kuiti Hospital for their dedicated and loving care of Mum. To Dr Elly Kroef and staff at Hillview Home and Hospital. To Neil, Maria, Umu and the Waitete Rugby Football Club, to Bonnie, Porky and their team of helpers in the kitchen. To Zac Lewer for the care and compassion you showed to Mum. Thanks also, to all our extended families for all your love and support. What a wonderful town we live in. God Bless you all. PS: A note from Mum: ‘Well kids my trip into the other world was a beautiful journey. The first words I saw above the golden gates were “TAB - open all hours, everyone’s a winner, and about bloody time.”’ Funeral Directors Professional Funeral Directors Offering: • Funeral plans with payment options • Pre-paid funerals • Profile register personal wishes recorded • Monumental work, new and refurbishments V.J Williams and Sons Phone 07 878 6100 Fax 07 878 6115 Email vjwilliams@clear.net.nz King St West, PO Box 241 Te Kuiti 3941 FORMAL NOTICES Births NAHNA: Maneesh and Emma welcome with love a darling son and brother for Inika, Milan Maneesh, born February 2, 2016 weighing 8lb 7oz. Warm thanks to Ania Bain. Deaths HARDLEY, Bryan Edward Roland. Aged 61 years. After a short, but brave battle, died February 6, 2016. Cherished husband of Sue, loved father of Jess and Jay, Adelle and Layne and amazing Poppa of Zac and Kanohi-Marama. Son of the late Pam and Russell Hardley and loved brother of Lindsay. Bryan’s funeral was held on Tuesday, Feburary 9. “Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te karohirohi i mua i tou huarahi. May the calm be widespread, may the ocean glisten as green stone. May the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway.” Ormsby Family Funerals 0800 737 953. HARDLEY, Bryan. A great fishing mate. Sadly missed by Dave. HARDLEY, Bryan: Very special friend of Karen and Paul Anderson. Will be greatly missed. NATHAN, Annis Tania (nee Turner): Peacefully at Waikato Hospital on Feburary 9, 2016. Loved wife of the late Tarzan Nathan. Dearly loved mum, nana and great-nana. A funeral service will be held at Te Tokanganui a noho Marae, Te Kuiti today, Thursday, Feburary 11, at 11am. VJ Williams and Sons FDANZ. SAMUELA, Stephen: Passed away peacefully at home on Sunday, February 7, 2016. Dearly loved husband of Shona, beloved father of Chantal and Troy and special papa of Aaliyah. Loved forever friend of Sharon Kenny. Much loved and respected former teacher (Mr Sam) at Otorohanga College. Steve has been lying in state at home surrounded by anau. A service has been held this morning, February 11, 2016. ‘Fly High’ Steve. Aere Ra. Queen Bee Maternity Thanks Treating King Country women like royalty Access to Te Kuiti, Matariki and Waikato hospitals, River Ridge and Waterford birth centres Providing you and your baby with all your maternity needs till 6 weeks post delivery PIRIPIRI SCHOOL BOT, staff and students thank all those who participated in their recent fishing competition, and those who gave donations. Heather Featherstone - Registered Midwife Mob 022 036 4014 www.midwifeheather.co.nz Thank you to our sponsors: Fish City, Merial Ancare (John Bernau), Pitcorn Engineering (John Pitcorn), Ballance (Matthew Holwill), Vetora, Bailey Ingham Ltd, VetEnt, Heli A1 Ltd, FMG, 308-Crazy Horse (David and Debbie Donald), Mitre 10 Otorohanga. 28 WAITOMO NEWS Thursday, February 11, 2016 WAITOMO ews Flags burnt NOT everyone is prepared to wait for next month’s referendum to decide which flag the nation should fly in the future. Two incidents in the North King Country where the Kyle Lockwooddesigned silver fern flags have been attacked has left the people responsible for flying them gutted. Project Kiwiana committee member Bev Moloney of Otorohanga was passionate in her attempt to get a flag flying in the Kiwiana Capital alongside the current flag so the community could make a proper decision about it. Mrs Moloney says she went to a considerable amount of trouble to get a flag from the NZ Flag Consideration Project. The flag was raised about 5pm on February 2 at the northern end of Maniapoto St, but less than 24 hours later it was vandalised. “I could not believe my eyes when I came down the next morning about 9am to see the flag in shreds,” says Mrs Moloney. It had been set alight. The same night, a flag on Piopio resident Gavin Todd’s Aria Rd property was also set alight The flag was a Christmas present from his wife Sharon and had only been flying for six weeks. “We decided to put the flag on a highly visible part of our property stretched out and tied to two poles in order for people to make their own minds up,” says Mr Todd. “But for some scumbag to enter our property, trespass, and burn our flag, it was taking their disapproval way too far – it was gutting. “It was there for people to see and make their own mind up about.” The other concern for the couple was the risk of fire, as there were patches of burnt grass where bits of the burning flag had landed. DISAPPOINTED Both Mrs Moloney and Mr Todd are extremely disappointed their GUTTED: Piopio resident Gavin Todd examines the fire damage to his Kyle Lockwood- designed silver fern flag he received as a Christmas present. Yummy SweeTango Apples 3 99 NEAESW ON S kg Hot Cooked Chicken Size 16 (Excludes Free Range) 11 99 ea Kiwi Soft White 2 Ply Toilet Tissue 18s 3 Terms and conditions apply. See instore for details. Mrs Moloney says personally she is not in favour of changing the flag. Mr Todd has the opposite opinion. He finds the new flag favourable saying it’s a move forward for New Zealand, whereas the current flag represents “things of the past”. Both incidents have been reported to the police. In the second referendum being held from March 3-24, eligible voters can choose either the current flag or the silver fern flag. The result of that referendum will be binding. flags were vandalised, but are adamant, the correct way to voice opinion for or against the flag, is through next month’s referendum. “You might not like the proposed new flag, but there is a referendum being held in March and this is where people should be voicing their opinion by voting either for or against, not by doing an act of vandalism,” says Mrs Moloney. “We live in a country where we are given the option to have our say by way of a vote. This is called democracy.” 99 ea Limited to 6 assorted Tomatoes Loose/Truss 2 49 kg Pams Rice Crackers 100g (Excludes Brown) 5 for 5 00 Valumetric Mild/Colby/Edam Block Cheese 1kg 7 99 ea Limited to 6 assorted Prices valid until 14 February 2016 at New World Te Kuiti only. Trade not supplied. Deals valid until this Sunday or while stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. All prepared meals are serving suggestions only. Props not included. Te Kumi Rd, Te Kuiti 3910, New Zealand • Phone: 07-878 8072 Opening Hours: 7 Days 7:00 am – 9:00 pm
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