Mar 2015 -


Mar 2015 -
Issue 2
GraNeva A’s Model A Ford Club of America
March 2015
Daffodil Hill Tour - March 17th
Gra-Neva Gram
President’s Message for March 2015
This is the newsletter of the Gra-Neva A’s (Grass Valley/Nevada City) Chapter of the Model A Ford Club of
America (MAFCA.) Feel free to use information here,
with credit.
Club members may place a business card size
advertisement in this paper for a small fee; contact the
Tour Director
Co Tour Chair
Steve Turnsk
Bob Ambrose
Kay Harms
Sharon Pierce
Jan Elliott
Kristi Owens
Buzz Elliott
Gary Spencer
Dear Fellow Members,
I guess that winter is gone now; it just barely blinked
at us. I have been driving my roadster pickup nearly every
day during the last several months without a top and that
proves it to me.
Spring things for me include starting up the sprinkler
system, getting the garden ready for planting, and learning
the Tango. The Tango was a hot dance in the 20s.
Asst Editor
Bill Toensing
Karen Mitchell
Myra Clampitt
Bill Mitchell
Denia Hubard
Steve Straw
Jackie Osborne
Ron Pierce
Bridgette Holzaple
Club meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of
each month at Penny’s Diner in the Brunswick Basin, Fowler Center near SaveMart, Grass Valley at
7:00 p.m. We welcome all guests. If you are interested in a membership in MAFCA; write to MAFCA,
250 S. Cypress, La Habra, CA 90631
Also join us for an informal get-together at the Penny’s Diner, Wednesday mornings about 7:00 a.m.
Items for the newsletter can be
emailed to:
It is the season of the rebirth after the death, which
always provokes me into rebirthing another dead project. I
am now torn between acquiring a 1938 Humpback Dodge
panel for $4,000 and a 1931 deluxe phaeton for $4500.
What do I do? April fools!!!! I made up the deluxe phaeton,
but I am considering the panel truck. Dodges are not Model
As so will the club still embrace me for diverting to Dodge
trucks? Yes, because I still like Model As.
Spring also brings new touring adventures, so attend
the tours! And if your trusty Model A isn’t so trusty right now,
or is just a dream to obtain, then drive a Buick, VW, modern
vehicle, or even a motorbike!
Respectfully, Steve
Check our Website at:
for past newsletters
Sunshine Report
Any news to report, contact Jackie Osborne @ 273-7571.
Gra-Neva Gram
Bold & underlined print dates show official club events.
Italic print dates show events of general interest
April Meeting - Thursday 23rd at 7:00PM at Penny’s
May Meeting - Thursday 28th at 7:00PM at Penny’s
June Meeting - Thursday 25th at 7:00 PM at Penny’s
April 7th, Tuesday - Buzz Elliott will be leading a tour
to Ananda Village to experience the tulips gardens.
April 25th, Saturday - Gary Spencer will be leading a
tour to Timbuctoo & Smartsville Pioneer Tour. Contact
Gary for information.
Upcoming Swap Meets/Shows
April 18th - Sacramento Swap Meet @ Sleep Train arena
April 25th, Saturday - Grass Valley downtown car show.
10 to 3PM - Mill and Main Streets
April 25th, Auburn Fast Norcal Spring Speed - 8 to
4:30PM (Info contact Ron @ 530-906-6183)
April 26th, Sunday - Sacramento 55th Annual American
River College Swap Meet
May 31st, Auburn - 39th Annual Swap Meet, Fairgrounds
in Auburn.
Hello everyone!
Well Spring is upon us and the
tours are coming quickly. Hope you
can make some or all of them.
The Daffodil Tour was outstanding!
The daffodils were beautiful and
the weather was gorgeous. No
breakdowns!!! It was a good day!
There are two in April, right around
the corner. Let Buzz and/or Gary
know if you are interested. Sooner
the better.
Also looks like a lot of Swap Meets
to attend. Parts, parts and more
Have fun and see ya’ on the road!
Get your requests in! What do you want to know ?
If you have any technical questions
for Ron please ask at the meetings
or submit to me @:
Respectfully your
Editor &
Gra-Neva Gram
General Meeting Minutes - March 26, 2015
Model A Ford Club of America: Gra-Neva A’s Chapter
Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Steve Turnsk at 7:00 p.m. at Penny’s Diner on
March 26, 2015.
Membership: Potential new member Norm Plise and Sharon Pierce’s daughter, Lisa Trebus, were introduced
as guests.
Sheriff: Sheriff Steve Straw collected $2.50 from 5 members not wearing name badges.
Secretary: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes as printed in the Gra-Neva Gram.
Treasurer: Kay Harms reported a balance of $3,364.14 in our checking account.
Tours: Buzz Elliott was absent, but Jan Elliott reported the Ananda Village Tulip Tour would be Tues., Apr. 7.
Signups still open. Watch for further details by email. Gary Spencer, co-tour director, reported a tour “From
here to Timbuktu” (and Smartsville) would be Saturday, April 25 and include Smartsville Pioneer Days. Steve
Straw announced the F.A.S.T. Hill Climb will be held in Auburn also on April 25. Phil Drees suggested a potential tour to Northwestern Classic Boats in Auburn, a renowned restorer of wooden boats who recently did work
on his boat.
Sunshine: Tom Obsorne reported Jackie sent a get-well card to Myra Clampitt.
Technical: Ron Pierce and Steve Turnsk discussed Steve Halverson’s question on how to stop water leaks
through studs.
New Business: None
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Janet Elliott, Secretary
Attendance Drawing: Kelly Stevenson‘s name was drawn. A regular attendee but not here tonight, the $20
prize rolls forward to next month.
Raffle: The $40 prize of the 50/50 raffle was won by Gary Spencer.
Attendees: Bob Ambrose and Sandy Hundemer, Ted and Louise Baerresen, Jerry and Sharlene Dorville, Phil
Drees, Jan Elliott, Steve Halverson, Vern and Kay Harms, John Hollenback and Christina Brodie, Tom Osborne,
Angelo Paniagua, Ron and Sharon Pierce, Gary and Janet Spencer, Steve and Vicky Straw, Pat Tobin, Weldon
Travis, Steve Turnsk and Kristi Owens, Bob Whiting, Greg Youngman.
Gra-Neva Gram
3/13 - Greg Youngman
Denia’s car
for sale
3/14 - Marty Clampitt
Page 10
3/27 - Mary Lou Drees
3/24 - Sandy Hundemer
3/24 - Jim Musick
3/30 - Kay Harms
Happy Birthday and Best
Association of California Car Clubs
c/o Danelle Stumbo
670 Auburn Folsom Road, Ste 106
Auburn, CA 95603
Individual memberships—$25
Questions: 885-7600
Coffee will be supplied by Penny’s Diner for
$2.00 per cup with FREE refills.
Meeting refreshments** will be brought in by
individual members, alphabetically by last name
3/6 - Phil & Mary Lou Drees - 23 yrs
3/22 - Bob & Bobbie Whiting - 29 yrs
3/26 - Larry & Denia Hubbard - 28 yrs
3/27 – Bill & Joan Toensing - 22 yrs
Happy Anniversary
to you all!!
each month. Any questions or can’t make it to
the meeting, please contact Steve Turnsk or Bob
Thanks to Myra
Clampitt for birthday and anniversary
APRIL MEETING: Marty Clampitt
MAY MEETING: Charles Crow
JUNE MEETING: Robert Dawes
** If you are unable to attend, please find
someone else to bring them. Thank You!
Gra-Neva Gram
Summary of the tour by Buzz Elliott
Early Tuesday morning, March 17th, Bob Ambrose and Sandy Hundemer gathered a small
band of GraNeva Model A’ers at the Grass Valley Kmart parking lot with the promise of seeing
rolling fields of spring daffodils. Accompanying Bob & Sandy, were Ron & Sharon Pierce and
Sharon’s brother, Gary Emanuel, Steve Halverson and Buzz & Jan Elliott. The journey led us
down Highway 49 to Auburn, then continuing south to just north of Placerville, where we
bypassed to the west, picking up an easterly heading on Highway 50 to re-intercept Highway
49 southbound. After a short comfort stop, we continued south on Highway 49, turning off on
the “Old Highway 49” through Amador City and Sutter Creek, then east on Ridge Road to our
destination just past Volcano, CA. Daffodil Hill is actually on private property (a working
ranch) owned by the McLaughlin family since 1887.
In the early days of the Gold Rush, Daffodil Hill was a regular stopping place for teamsters
hauling timber from the Sierras down to the Kennedy and Argonaut Mines, and for eastbound
travels heading for the Comstock Lode on the Amador-Nevada Wagon Road (Highway 88). In
1877, after coming west from New York and Ohio, Arthur McLaughlin and his wife, “Lizzie”
van Vorst-McLaughlin purchased the ranch from Dutchman Pete Denzer, who planted a few
daffodils around his residence in remembrance of his home country of Holland. The
McLaughlin’s continued to plant additional daffodils over the years to beautify the ranch.
Daffodil Hill is situated in a beautiful mountain setting at the 3,000 foot elevation in Amador
County. With pine trees, the original 1880’s barn, wagon wheels, gold rush era mining
equipment and antique farming implements, it appeals to anyone with a love of nature and
history. Flowers were everywhere and peacocks, chickens, miniature donkeys (Rosie and
Sunshine), and a horse (Hannah) were there for visitors to enjoy.
Much of the landscape around the old homestead is covered with several varieties of daffodils
as the McLaughlin’s descendants have continued to plant several thousand new bulbs a
year. According to promotional literature, Daffodil Hill is carpeted with approximately
300,000 bulbs when in full bloom!
We departed for Jackson, CA, where we enjoyed a terrific lunch and rest stop at Mel & Faye’s
Steve Halverson and Buzz & Jan Elliott had to return home due to other commitments (St.
Patty’s Day Dinner), but Bob & Sandy and Ron, Sharon & Gary opted to tour the shops and
scenes in Jackson, stopping on the way home at the Sizzler in Auburn for dinner.
Gra-Neva Gram
Pictures on the next pages were
taken at Daffodil Hill near Jackson
and in the town of Jackson.
Sandy, Bob, Gary (Sharon’s brother), Ron, Sharon
and Buzz.
Gorgeous Daffodils!
Gra-Neva Gram
Gra-Neva Gram
Gra-Neva Gram
Mel’s Café in Jackson - Good lunch!!!
Lunch at Mel’s Café in Jackson: Front left, Sharon Pierce, Sandy Hundemer, Gary Emanuel (Sharon’s
brother), Bob Ambrose and friend of Bob’s. Right front, Jan Elliott, Buzz Elliott, Ron Pierce and Steve
Gra-Neva Gram
Gra-Neva Gram
Advertiser’s Page
Ron Pierce’s Cousin, Tom Johnson
Submitted 6/2014
Gra-Neva Gram
Advertiser’s Page
Referred by Carl Ambrose 8/2014
Gra-Neva Gram
Advertiser’s Page
Krippled Fishing Lures, USA, was started in 1992 to distribute the Krippled Fishing Lures
line of Salmon tackle in the US. Krippled Fishing Lures is a Canadian manufacturer of
Salmon tackle that started production in 1964.
Before I came along, they had never sold tackle in the US market. I am the sole licensed
distributor for the US, and I have wholesale sales in 26 states right now.
Thank you, Kelly Stevenson at 530-477-8797
Renewed 1/1/15
If you know of someone who wants to Advertise in our Newsletter monthly, have
them contact me, Sharon Pierce at 530-470-8930.
Gra-Neva Gram

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