May - Grass Valley
May - Grass Valley
GRA-NEVA GRAM GRASS VALLEY/NEVADA CITY CALIFORNIA Issue 5 GraNeva A’s Model A Ford Club of America May 2014 ANANDA GARDEN TOUR - APRIL 19 th Kay Harms Vern Harms & Jan Elliott Pictures taken by Buzz & Jan Elliott Ted Baerresen, Bob Ambrose and Sandy Hundemer Gra-Neva Gram 1. GRA-NEVA GRAM This is the newsletter of the Gra-Neva A’s (Grass Valley/Nevada City) Chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA.) Feel free to use information here, with credit. Club members may place a business card size advertisement in this paper for a small fee; contact the Treasurer. OFFICERS ‘14 President Vice-President Treasurer Editor Secretary Membership Tour Directors Co Chair Steve Turnsk Bob Ambrose Kay Harms Sharon Pierce Jan Elliott Vicky Straw Buzz Elliott and Vern Harms 274-7079 346-7736 272-4683 470-8930 273-5829 432-9132 273-5829 272-4683 SERVICE CHAIRPERSONS-2014 ACCC Asst Editor B’days&Anniv. Historian: Publicity: Sheriff: Sunshine Technical Webmaster Bill Toensing Karen Mitchell Myra Clampitt Bill Mitchell Denia Hubard Steve Straw Jackie Oborne Ron Pierce Bridgette Holzaple 477-1128 273-1620 478-5931 273-1620 432-3629 432-9132 273-7571 470-8930 268-3800 Club meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at Penny’s Diner in the Brunswick Basin, Fowler Center near SaveMart, Grass Valley at 7:00 p.m. We welcome all guests. If you are interested in a membership in MAFCA; write to MAFCA, 250 S. Cypress, La Habra, CA 90631 Also join us for an informal get-together at the Penny’s Diner, Wednesday mornings about 7:00 a.m. President’s Message for May 2014 Dear Fellow Members, Ever have writer’s block? I cannot use that excuse today as I just have too much to do! Two swap meets, a downtown car show, and a hill climb; all on the same weekend! What a start for our touring season. We also experienced (some say survived) a blood red lunar eclipse. I see phenomena’s such as this as cyclic sign posts of the earth, into which we may or may not read a hidden meaning. Reaching eighty plus years old is another sign post that I have observed with past members of our club. That sign post has told some that it is time to release the old Model A, the shop, and the club, to move on to a more sedentary lifestyle. Not for John Hollenbeck, at eighty eight he BOUGHT a Model A, joined our club and bought a Mustang as well. No sedentary lifestyle for him; and he has some serious physical challenges. John is one of my all time HEROES. Tours are approaching; Mother’s day tour, another to the new CHP office, another to a small steam railway, and more. I have installed a great four row radiator in my roadster pickup and I am ready to go! Respectively, Steve Items for the newsletter can be emailed to: * Check our Website at: for past newsletters Sunshine Report Any news to report, contact Jackie Osborne @ 273-7571. Gra-Neva Gram 2. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Bold & underlined print dates show official club events. Italic print dates show events of general interest May Meeting - Thursday 5/22 - meeting at the usual place, Penny’s Diner. See you there! June Meeting - Thursday 6/26 - meeting at the usual place, Penny’s Diner. See you there! July Meeting - Thursday 7/24 - meeting at the usual place, Penny’s Diner. See you there! Check out page 8. for upcoming GraNeva A’s tours Upcoming Swap Meets/Shows June 1st - Auburn Swap Meet August 9th - Sleep Train Arena (ARCO) August 17th - Chico Swap Meet AUBURN CRUISE NITES: 5/9, 6/13, 7/11, 8/8, and 9/12 SACRAMENTO VINTAGE FORD CAR SHOWS: 6/27, 7/25, 9/26, and 10/24 CRUISE MEL’S DINER - AUBURN WEDNESDAY NITES ~ 4PM EDITOR’S NOTES: Hi All! Just when you think things should get easier, wham! They don’t. I’m working on this wonderful newsletter and I’m having computer issues, it won’t talk to the printer. Very frustrating. I’m bound and determined to get out as quickly as Respectfulpossible. ly your EdiWe returned last night from Southern tor, Calif. Weather 100’s! Come back to 68 degrees. A bit of a shock. The trip was Sharon really nice, Ron got to see the new 2015 Pierce Mustang. Almost bought a 1933 Ford, didn’t have our trailer! Maybe we will?? It’s always good to come home and to all the tours lined up so far this year. Be sure to tag onto one of them!! Respectfully your Editor, Sharon Pierce Get your requests in! What do you want to know ? If you have any technical questions for Ron please ask at the meetings or submit to me @: Gra-Neva Gram 3. General Meeting Minutes - April 24, 2014 Model A Ford Club of America: Gra-Neva A’s Chapter Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Steve Turnsk at 7:00 p.m. at Penny’s Diner on April 24, 2014. Membership: There were no new members or guests. Sheriff: Steve Straw collected $3 from 6 members not wearing their name badges. Secretary: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes as printed in the Gra-Neva Gram. Treasurer: Kay Harms was absent but Vern reported for her that all was “okay”. ACCC: Bill Toensing reported on a situation where some members of a small car club ended up with major liability from a simple car show. MAFCA provides some insurance for their chapters but always think about potential liability. Tours: Buzz Elliott circulated a list of five tours planned between now and July 26 and asked people to indicate which they might attend. The F.A.S.T. Hill Climb is this weekend, April 26. Ted Baerresen mentioned that the Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum would like old cars parked in front of the Museum on Saturday, May 3, anytime between 10am-4pm. Technical: Steve Turnsk showed a front brake actuator and emphasized the importance of a 15 degree angle. Ted Baerresen demonstrated how to shorten screws without hurting the threads. Haves and Wants: Vern Harms has a 19’ Travel Trailer (late ‘90s) in good shape available for $4500 or best offer. New Business: Steve Straw announced that Bill Gleason had lots of electronic stuff that Steve has sorted through and has at his house if anyone wants to look through it. Things like the large speakers used by F.A.S.T. and the microphone system used at Gra-Neva A meetings can be used by all members. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Janet Elliott, Secretary Attendance Drawing: Rick Gerdl’s name was drawn but since he was not in attendance, the $30 prize rolls forward to next month. Raffle: The $40 prize of the 50/50 raffle was won by Frank Kistle. Attendees: Carl Ambrose, Ted Baerresen, Marty Clampitt, Buzz and Jan Elliott, Vern Harms, Larry and Denia Hubbard, Frank Kistle, Bill and Karen Mitchell, Kelly Stevenson, Steve and Vicky Straw, Bill Toensing, Steve Turnsk and Kristi Owens, Bob and Bobbie Whiting, Greg Youngman. Gra-Neva Gram 4. HAVES AND WANTS Vern Harms has a 19’ Travel Trailer (late ‘90s) in good shape available for $4500 or best offer. MAY BIRTHDAYS 5/6 Ron Pierce 5/7 Bill Toensing 5/7 Weldon Travis 5/8 Myra Clampitt 5/9 Louise Day 5/14 Sharryn Kistle JOIN ACCC Association of California Car Clubs c/o Danelle Stumbo 670 Auburn Folsom Road, Ste 106 Auburn, CA 95603 Individual memberships—$25 Questions: 885-7600 5/15 Janette Carrick 5/23 Chris Youngman 5/28 Denia Hubbard 5/30 Vern Harms 5/30 Jackie Osborne 5/30 Sharon Pierce Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to you all!! REFRESHMENTS Coffee will be supplied by Penny’s Diner for $2.00 per cup with FREE refills. MAY ANNIVERSARIES Meeting refreshments will be brought in by individual members, alphabetically by last name each month. Any questions or can’t make it to the meeting, please contact Steve Turnsk or Bob Ambrose. May - Pat & Ardy Tobin June - Bill & Joan Toensing 5/5 Vince & Janette Carrick 5/5 Robert & Valerie Dawes 5/8 Ted & Louise Baerresen 5/21 Gary & Janet Spencer 5/29 Greg & Chris Youngman 13 yrs 41 yrs 26 yrs ?? 33 yrs Happy Anniversary to you all!! Thanks to Myra Clampitt for birthday and anniversary updates. Gra-Neva Gram 5. Ananda Village Tour Written by Buzz Elliott On April 19, 2014, the GraNeva A’s Spring Garden Tour to Ananda Village departed promptly at 8:30am to “beat the crowd” for parking. It was a beautiful, sunny morning drive north on Hwy 49 where we experienced both a challenge to man and machine, executing the curving across the south fork of the Yuba River to the Tyler Foot Road turnoff. The short drive along the Tyler Foot Road was decorated all along the highway with beautiful yellow blossoms of the dreaded Scotch Broom plant. We were the first to arrive at the parking lot, which made the walk an easy one to the entrance of the flower gardens. Once inside, everyone was taken aback with the magnitude and variety of colorful tulips, roses, lilies and other vegetation that One of the highlights of the visit were the homemade cookies, brownies and the hot coffee offered for sale inside! After visiting the spring flower gardens, we drove a little further east to the old Columbia school house to check out the local neighborhood. We departed Columbia for Penny’s Diner for lunch, where we met with our President, Steve Turnsk, who could not make the tour. Gra-Neva Gram 6. Kay Harms, Bob Whiting and Ted Baerresen Bob Ambrose and Sandy Hundemer Bob and Bobbie Whiting Gra-Neva Gram 7. Proposed Tour List of Attendees for Sharon’s Newsletter Sunday, May 11 Bridge 9AM @ Kmart Elks Club for Mother’s Day Breakfast w/optional tour to Covered Tuesday, May 13 12:45PM @ CHP California Highway Patrol, Grass Valley Complex Tour Baerresen, Clampitt, Elliott, Turnsk & Owens, B. Ambrose, Pierce, Hubbard (call Buzz if you have an interest, filling up fast!) Saturday, May 24 10AM @ Kmart Washington, CA, Historic Tour & Lunch @ Washington Hotel Baerresen, Clampitt, Elliott, Straw, Toensing Saturday, June 14 TBD Humbug Days @ Malikoff Diggins Baerresen, Elliott, Straw, Toensing Friday, July 4 TBD Dutch Flat 4th of July Parade & Lunch C. Ambrose, Baerresen, Elliott, Straw, Turnsk & Owens, Whiting Saturday, July 26 Compact Collection TBD Lionel Train Collection & Large Scale Model Train/Ladies’ Baerresen, Clampitt, Elliott, Mitchell, Straw, Toensing, Turnsk & Owens, Whiting Clampitt, Elliott, Mitchell, Straw, Toensing If you would like to attend one of these tours, please call/email Buzz Elliott (310)8092437 Cell / Gra-Neva Gram 8.
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