Ju - Grass Valley
Ju - Grass Valley
GRA-NEVA GRAM GRASS VALLEY/NEVADA CITY CALIFORNIA Issue 7 GraNeva A’s Model A Ford Club of America July 2014 Humbug Days Tour - June 14th Gra-Neva Gram 1. GRA-NEVA GRAM This is the newsletter of the Gra-Neva A’s (Grass Valley/Nevada City) Chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA.) Feel free to use information here, with credit. Club members may place a business card size advertisement in this paper for a small fee; contact the Treasurer. OFFICERS ‘14 President Vice-President Treasurer Editor Secretary Membership Tour Directors Co Chair Steve Turnsk Bob Ambrose Kay Harms Sharon Pierce Jan Elliott Vicky Straw Buzz Elliott and Vern Harms 274-7079 346-7736 272-4683 470-8930 273-5829 432-9132 273-5829 272-4683 SERVICE CHAIRPERSONS-2014 ACCC Asst Editor B’days&Anniv. Historian: Publicity: Sheriff: Sunshine Technical Webmaster Bill Toensing Karen Mitchell Myra Clampitt Bill Mitchell Denia Hubard Steve Straw Jackie Oborne Ron Pierce Bridgette Holzaple 477-1128 273-1620 478-5931 273-1620 432-3629 432-9132 273-7571 470-8930 268-3800 Club meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at Penny’s Diner in the Brunswick Basin, Fowler Center near SaveMart, Grass Valley at 7:00 p.m. We welcome all guests. If you are interested in a membership in MAFCA; write to MAFCA, 250 S. Cypress, La Habra, CA 90631 Also join us for an informal get-together at the Penny’s Diner, Wednesday mornings about 7:00 a.m. Items for the newsletter can be emailed to: *sharonpierce1945@gmail.com Check our Website at: Granevaas.com for past newsletters President’s Message for June 2014 Fellow Members, We had a lively meeting last week. If you missed it then attend the next one! It is July 1st, the start of summer and our approaching Independence Day filled with picnics, celebrations, and PARADES. The Dutch Flat parade is a very exciting and fun one and if you attend remember to bring flags and banners to decorate your car. A contingency of our members are venturing to Puyallup Washington next week for the MAFCA Convention; a nearly 1800 mile journey when the temps will be well over 100 degrees. They all need our best wishes to enjoy a trouble-free drive. This letter is short because although my body works well in the heat, my brain seems to stall out, so I will end this. Anyone willing to tour down to Edwards Crossing to go for a swim next week? Give me a call! Thanks, Steve. Sunshine Report Any news to report, contact Jackie Osborne @ 273-7571. Gra-Neva Gram 2. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Bold & underlined print dates show official club events. Italic print dates show events of general interest July Meeting - Thursday 7/24 - meeting at the usual place, Penny’s Diner. See you there! Summer Nights - Nevada City Downtown 7/16, 7/23 & 7/30 - come for the fun!!! August Meeting - Thursday 8/28 - meeting at the usual place, Penny’s Diner. See you there!! September Meeting - Thursday 9/25 - meeting at the usual place, Penny’s Diner. See you there!! UPCOMING EVENTS: July 4th - Dutch Flat 4th Parade and Lunch - 8AM at KMART. Questions: Osborne’s are leading. July 26th - Lionel Train Collection - time and date TBD. September 15 - 17th - Annual Mystery Tour Buzz Elliott and Vern Harms leading it up. Upcoming Swap Meets/Shows August 9th - Sleep Train Arena (ARCO) August 17th - Chico Swap Meet AUBURN CRUISE NITES: 7/11, 8/8, and 9/12 Get your requests in! What do you want to know ? EDITOR’S NOTES: Hi All! A couple of things, the Mystery Tour dates have changed. Check the Minutes. We need more dinner or lunches or even breakfast tours. Just check out a place, let them know how many and what time. They usually want the business! Regarding the 3 nights this month in Nevada City for the Summer Nights. It’s a lot of fun, and you get a free parking place!!! We’ll be in across the street from the National Hotel. You do need to register! Ron and I will be gone from the 9th to the 25th of July attending the MAFCA Convention in Puyallup Washington. We are going with the Baerresen’s and joining Ron’s cousin and 5 other Model A’s people from So. Cal. for the journey there. We will miss the July meeting. Respectfully your Editor, Sharon Pierce If you have any technical questions for Ron please ask at the meetings or submit to me @: sharonpierce1945@gmail.com Gra-Neva Gram 3. General Meeting Minutes - June 26, 2014 Model A Ford Club of America: Gra-Neva A’s Chapter Call to order: The meeting was called to order by President Steve Turnsk at 7:05pm at Penny’s Diner on June 26, 2014. Membership: There were no new members or guests. Sheriff: Steve Straw collected $4 from 8 members not wearing their name badges. Secretary: There were no additions or corrections to the minutes as printed in the Gra-Neva Gram. Treasurer: There was no treasurer’s report due to illness. Editor: Sharon Pierce announced she sold one ½ page ad in the Gra-Neva Gram for $50 which will run for one year. Members are encouraged to turn in their applications for Nevada City Nights which will be 7/16, 7/23, and 7/30 this year. Note: Bill Mitchell will be putting in an Article for the Restorer August/Sept. Issue 2014. Tours: Sharon read Gary Spencer’s report on Humbug Days on June 14. Jackie Osborne invited everyone to participate in the Dutch Flat 4th of July Parade. Vern Harms described the breakfast/photo-op outing on July 19 with Elliott’s biplane and Ginny Gleason, professional photographer. July 26 will be a drive to see a local Lionel Train Collection, steam trains and compact collection, followed by lunch at Northridge PV. Buzz Elliott announced the Mystery Tour dates have been changed to 9/15-17 and the price reduced to $220/couple. Contact Steve Turnsk if you want to participate in Miner’s Picnic at Empire Mine on August 23. Sept. 28 will be the chili cook-off in Rough & Ready. Technical: Ron Pierce talked about backfiring which is caused by the car running too rich or the ignition shorting. Steve Turnsk showed a roll of insulation material and templates you can borrow to insulate your car’s floor and firewall. This will greatly reduce noise and heat. Haves and Wants: Carl Ambrose has a ‘31 radiator core with pressure cap for $250. Rick Gerdl is having a major tool sale at his property, including 2 chainsaws, a complete Model A axel and many axel hubs. New Business: There was no new business. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Janet Elliott, Secretary Attendance Drawing: Jim Haire’s name was drawn but since he was not in attendance, the $10 prize rolls forward to next month. Raffle: The $35 prize of the 50/50 raffle was won by Kristi Owens. Attendees: Carl Ambrose, Ted Baerresen, Marty and Myra Clampitt, Buzz and Jan Elliott, Rick Gerdl, Vern Harms, John Hollenback and Christina Brodie, Larry and Denia Hubbard, Frank Kistle, Tom and Jackie Osborne, Ron and Sharon Pierce, Kelly Stevenson, Steve and Vicky Straw, Steve Turnsk and Kristi Owens, Greg Youngman. Gra-Neva Gram 4. HAVES AND WANTS Ron Pierce has a Mullen’s (tear-drop type) trailer (never been used) with Model A fenders, wheels and painted black $1000 or BO. Carl Ambrose has a ‘31 radiator core with pressure cap for $250. Rick Gerdl is having a major tool sale at his property. Call first! JULY BIRTHDAYS 7 - Jan Westmore 13 - Charles Crow 30 - Bill Mitchell Happy Birthday and Best Wishes to you all!! JOIN ACCC Association of California Car Clubs c/o Danelle Stumbo 670 Auburn Folsom Road, Ste 106 Auburn, CA 95603 Individual memberships—$25 Questions: 885-7600 www.acccdefender.org JULY ANNIVERSARIES 6 - Aaron & Jennifer Johnson 12 years REFRESHMENTS Coffee will be supplied by Penny’s Diner for $2.00 per cup with FREE refills. Happy Anniversary to you all!! Meeting refreshments will be brought in by individual members, alphabetically by last name each month. Any questions or can’t make it to the meeting, please contact Steve Turnsk or Bob Ambrose. Thanks to Myra Clampitt for birthday and anniversary updates. August— Norm & Jan Westmore September— Dale & Barbara White Gra-Neva Gram 5. We had 3 Model A's go to Humbug Day, with Ted Baerresen, Larry Hubbard, Marty & Myra Clampitt and Gary & Janet Spencer. Weather was very mild so we enjoyed a pleasant drive and day at Malakoff Diggins. Larry Hubbard, Ted Baerresen, Janet Spencer, Marty & Myra Clampitt. June 14, 2014 Janet Spencer, Myra and Marty Clampitt. Pictures taken by Janet and Gary Spencer. Tour leaders. Gra-Neva Gram 6. Dear Creek School Tour May 30th Charles Crow’s Model A truck is upfront and sitting pretty.! The Motley Crew: Phil Dres, Bill Mitchell, Ted Baeressen, Buzz Elliott, Charles Crow, Marty Clampitt and Paul Bevelhymer. They all seem interested in listening to Bill Mitchell. Very cute kids! Love the hat Bill :) Seven cars participated in the tour: Bill Mitchell, Charles Crow, Phil Dres, Marty Clampitt, Paul Bevelhymer, Buzz Elliott, and Ted Baeressen. No ladies. The kids were their usual excited selves with many questions. After school we lost Charles Crow and went to lunch at Penny’s Diner. Bill Mitchell contributed his raffle winning ($30) from the last meeting to the cost of the meal. You should have been there!! Thanks Bill. Written by Ted Baeressen Gra-Neva Gram 7 Advertiser’s Page Gra-Neva Gram 8
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