Game, set and match - DEKRA Certification
Game, set and match - DEKRA Certification
Customer Magazine ISSUE 3.2014 Sol utions Event staff at international sporting events Game, set and match 32 Vehicle valuation for a car hire company 20 Auditing of secure lorry parking lots DEKRA SOLUTIONS 16 28 24 32 8 Picture credits DEKRA: p. 3, p. 4 (H. van der Veer), p. 5–7, p. 11–12, p. 27; Küppers: p. 5, p. 7, p. 14–15, p. 20–23, p. 34, cover; Augustin: p. 2, p. 9–11, p. 24–33, cover; Martins de Oliveira: p. 13; BMVI: p. 4 (H.-P. Koenig); General Motors: p. 2 (J. F. Martin), p. 16, p. 18 (p. Fecht), p. 19 (J. F. Martin), p. 19 (O. Phongpaothai); HDI Seguros: p. 12; MAN Diesel & Turbo: p. 10 (H. Dressler); Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche: p. 26 (Pressefoto Baumann/J. Rahn); Opel: p. 18; Getty Images: p. 19 (Bloomberg), p. 19 (P. Morigi) 2 ISSUE 3.2014 Editorial SOLUTIONS, THE MAGAZINE PRODUCED FOR DEKRA’S CUSTOMERS Contents2 Imprint3 Portrait of Mary Teresa Barra 16 DEKRA SE Editorial3 News4 DEKRA staff in portrait 34 DEKRA Automotive Claims settlement for an insurance company 12 City portrait of Lyon 28 Stefan Kölbl, Vehicle valuation for a car hire company 32 Chairman of the Board of Management DEKRA e. V. and DEKRA SE. DEKRA Industrial Explosion and fire protection for large diesel and gas engines Auditing of secure lorry parking lots 8 20 DEKRA PERSONNEL Trainees given a helping hand at a haulage company 14 Event staff at international sporting events 24 Imprint Publisher: DEKRA e. V., Communication and Marketing Responsible for the content: Stephan Heigl Editing: Alexander Föll (responsible according to the press law), Dr Torsten Knödler, Andreas Techel, Frank Jörger Translation: Martina Wütz Advertising Sales: Bettina Pfeffer Proofreading: Birte Labs, Isabel Link, Monika Roller Layout and Manufacturing: Frank Jörger, Götz Mannchen Publication: ETMservices, ein Geschäftsbereich des ETM Verlages EuroTransportMedia Verlags- und Veranstaltungs-GmbH, Handwerkstraße 15, 70565 Stuttgart E-mail: E ver since the establishment of DEKRA e.V. in 1925, safety has been our declared mission. This is why our experts employ their know-how every day to make the world a safer place. Just as, for example, at MAN in Augsburg where they certify fire and explosion protection and also the functional safety of the engine test area. To make sure that truck drivers and their cargo can spend a peaceful night, DEKRA experts inspect the security of special parking lots at service stations across Europe. Working with insurance companies can also minimise risks. On behalf of HDI-Gerling in Brazil our assessors record damage to buildings caused by storms and flooding and thus contribute to a swift claims settlement. You can also read an interesting portrait of the new GM boss, Mary Barra, and find out more about the ladies of our DEKRA Event & Logistic Services who feature on the cover of this issue and who competently look after guests at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix. I wish you an enjoyable read. ‹ Printed by Dierichs Druck + Media GmbH & Co. KG, Kassel Article Number: 83232, Solutions 3.2014 3 DEKRA SOLUTIONS International Transport Forum in Leipzig Noble vision An assessment of the accident statistics for 17 European countries from 2009 to 2012 carried out by DEKRA Accident Research shows that a total of 462 towns and cities with over 50,000 inhabitants achieved a total of zero traffic fatalities at least once in this period. These cities make up more than 40% of all the cities of that size in the countries examined. Sixteen cities recorded no traffic fatalities throughout the examined period, one of them in Norway, six in Germany and nine in the United Kingdom. From these figures it can be seen that “Vision Zero” is not an illusion. An online tool presented by DEKRA at the International Transport Forum (ITF) in Leipzig shows which cities in Europe have been working successfully at improving road safety. ❮ Dorothee Bär, Parliamentary Secretary of State, José Viegas, Secretary-General of the ITF, and Clemens Klinke, Member of the DEKRA Board, (from the left) at the ITF in Leipzig. DEKRA Laboratory in Arnhem Ceremonial opening A s part of its planned expansion of capacities in the field of product testing, DEKRA has opened a new cutting-edge laboratory in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The building complex is situated close to the A12 motorway and comprises 14,000 m2 of office and laboratory space for 350 experts. A new addition is the 4,000 m2 testing hall that has a ceiling height of up to 12 m and accommodates various laboratories with ultra-modern equipment for product tests that focus on electrical safety, durability and fitness for use. After Germany and France, the Netherlands is the third-largest market for DEKRA. The product testing business is one of the most important growth drivers for the DEKRA Group. ❮ 4 The new laboratory is strengthening the Arnhem site as a competence centre and the headquarters for DEKRA’s global activities in the Product Testing and Certification business unit. ISSUE 3.2014 Auto Mobil International trade fair in Leipzig Forbidden distraction Three per cent of all car driv- ers in Germany have their cell phones pressed to their ear instead of using a hands-free device when driving. That is the result of a nationwide survey on distractions at the wheel in which DEKRA observed more than 10,000 motorists. The monitoring teams were active both in urban areas and on rural roads and motorways on all days of the week. The number of cell phone users at the wheel is higher among men than among women. On workdays, the distraction ratio is noticeably higher than at the weekend. Talking on the phone without a hands-free device and writing text messages or similar behaviour while driving are forbidden and bring with it a 60 euro fine and an endorsement in the driver’s licence. ❮ A cell phone in the hand increases the risk of an accident. Studies show that phoning car drivers are distracted from traffic and have a longer reaction time. DEKRA SafetyCheck 2014 Cost-free campaign A s in previous years DEKRA has once again teamed up with the German Association for the Prevention of Road Accidents and the German Road Safety Council to offer young motorists a free-of-charge safety check of their vehicles. Running under the slogan of “Safety checked – relaxed driving”, the aim of the campaign is to reduce the accident risk faced by young motorists and to sensitise them to the risks that older cars and poor maintenance generate. Sponsored by the Federal Minister for Transport Alexander Dobrindt and offered at its 76 centres across the country, DEKRA’s SafetyCheck 2014 took place between 2nd June and 11th July and covered all safety-relevant components such as brakes, chassis and tyres. ❮ The cars of young motorists are on average significantly older than the general stock and are characterised by a fault quota that is well above average. 5 DEKRA SOLUTIONS DEKRA Job Market Report 2014 DEKRA Akademie GmbH DEKR A 2014 ARbEitsmARKt- REpoRt e auf der Basis Qualifikationsbedarfsanalys ngeboten von mehr als 15.100 Stellena News in Brief ❯ Uniform settlement ❯ Awarded Application ❯ Animated test From now on HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG and DEKRA Claims Services GmbH will be cooperating with Daimler Insurance Services GmbH in 41 countries in processing transport claims in a service-focused approach, which also takes account of local conditions. Globally uniform claims processing with central control is assisted by a web-based online tool and creates new opportunities directed towards evaluating claims and implementing measures to reduce losses. Again the DEKRA Award recognises top business achievements in the three categories safety, environment and health. Companies can apply until 30th September 2014 for the award, which DEKRA awards together with “Wirtschaftswoche”, Germany’s leading business magazine. Further information and application forms can be found here Good times T he upbeat mood in the German economy is spreading to the job market. The DEKRA Job Market Report for 2014 shows that companies are doubling their efforts to fill positions in their sales and IT departments. And not only that, job-seekers too have the possibility to choose from numerous posts in areas such as financial controlling and warehouse logistics. In contrast, the proportion of vacancies for nurses and doctors has declined. DEKRA Academy analysed job adverts in print publications, online job sites and one social network for the DEKRA Job Market Report. The 15,111 vacancies assessed during the survey period from 17th to 23rd February were distributed over a total of 214 professions and activities. This time round in-depth analyses looked at professions in the fields of “warehouse logistics” and “occupational safety”. The DEKRA Job Market Report 2014 can be obtained free of charge by sending an email to ❮ April 2014 saw the introduction of realistic computer-animated video sequences as a part of the theoretical driving licence test. A film lasting about 15 seconds in each case illustrates the respective road situation in two test questions. The driving licence candidates then receive the questions and must, as usual, select from three possible answers. The question will not be handed to the candidate until he has seen the video. 6 ISSUE 3.2014 Ten millionth driving licence Exam success Since 1990, DEKRA has been responsible for driving licence exams in the six eastern federal states of G ermany. On average, the examiners carry out more than 400,000 tests every year. In mid-July 2014, 17-year-old Axel Geick in Schwerin took his driving licence test for accompanied driving at the age of 17. At the same time, it was also the ten millionth practical driving test that DEKRA had conducted. Statistically, one in two inhabitants in eastern Germany has acquired his or her driving licence in a test conducted by DEKRA. To constantly develop and improve the procedures for the theoretical and practical driving licence test DEKRA works closely with authorities, driving schools and testing organisations in the other federal states. ❮ Minister Christian Pegel (2nd from the right) congratulates the examinée Axel Geick (left) from Schwerin on having successfully passed his test for accompanied driving at age 17. Crash tests in Wildhaus Accompanied development A XA and DEKRA have been accompanying and shaping the transformation of road safety by staging crash tests in Wildhaus in Switzerland for around 30 years now. The following three central topics have predominated during this period: the safety belt, which is still deemed to be the primary lifesaver today, the safety of children and driver assistance systems such as ABS, ESP and the like. In this year’s crash tests AXA and DEKRA compared old cars with their current successor models. This meant that the positive development of passive safety systems was clear to see. Future objective: modern vehicles with active driver assistance systems that help to prevent collisions. ❮ Around 800 guests of AXA and DEKRA witnessed this side-on collision of a motorcycle and a car at its crash tests staged in Wildhaus in Switzerland. 7 DEKRA SOLUTIONS Explosion and fire protection for large diesel and gas engines Fast switch In order to ensure the greatest possible level of safety for their huge engine testing area at the Augsburg plant, MAN Diesel and Turbo SE rely on the explosion and fire protection experts at DEKRA EXAM. Walking through the large engine plant of MAN in Augsburg can make you feel like Gulliver in the land of the giants: valves as big as the palm of your hand, metre long, gleaming connecting rods and gigantic pistons on pallets line the route through the production hall. The cylinders in which they will one day serve each have up to 480 mm bores and a stroke of 600 mm. The diesel and gas engines, which are destined for ships and power stations and are put through their test runs here, can have up to 20 cylinders. The massive engines stand as high as houses in the test stand halls. The only way that the mechanics and engineers responsible for them can perform maintenance work on many of the components is via galleries. A myriad of colour-coded pipes and tubes feed the engines: coolant flows through the green ones and oil in the brown ones; orange stands for diesel fuel and yellow for gas. Built in the early 19th century, the building that is part of the large MAN engine plant in the middle of Augsburg houses test stands which are used to carry out tests and approval procedures for customer engines and prototypes. “It was here in this place that Rudolf Diesel put the world’s first diesel engine into operation,” stresses Kilian Stegmair, Head of Test Stand Technology, on the tour through the factory halls, and you can notice a touch of pride in his voice. Once the people from the late shift have gone home and all engines are turned off, he accompanies the team of DEKRA EXAM experts 8 who are there to test and afterwards certify the safety-related control system of the test stands and hall systems. This is because, in contrast to modern buildings, MAN has specific fire and explosion protection requirements that need to apply within the building’s historic walls. “Should one area of the enormous factory hall catch fire or have a leak in one of the gas supply lines, a cleverly devised mechanism must kick into operation and shut down and de-energise the individual or – in the event of a general alarm – all the test stands, engines including all measuring and regulation systems, air conditioning and heating systems and cranes in fractions of a second,” says Stegmair. Afterwards the automatic fire extinguishers are triggered, the fuel feed capped and all gas pipes of the test stand facility and the engines rinsed with nitrogen. However, DEKRA expert Marc Kipping not only checks and certifies the functional safety of the emergency stop system, he also provided expert advice to MAN beforehand. Together they decided on the safety-related programmable logic controller, SPLC in short, which performs its failsafe service and ensures greater safety at the test stand. “With this they have definitively accompanied us in the right direction,” praises Stegmair. Even if one component or the entire control system fails, a backup system set up in parallel can perform the shutdown in case of emergency. “You can regard the SPLC as a kind of central nervous system with which and in which all the machines are linked with one another,” explains Kipping. ❯ ISSUE 3.2014 1 9 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 2 3 10 ISSUE 3.2014 ❯ DEKRA EXAM also advises the MAN team on matters of safety when it comes to the engine test stands and the engines themselves. Specialists in machine safety keep an eye on possible risks when dealing with the power plants and ensure that they conform to the latest CE directives. Again, Stegmair is full of praise: “This collaboration means that DEKRA EXAM can make a significant contribution to the training of the MAN staff as regards fire and explosion protection, machine safety as well as function safety.” In order to check the alarm systems and the simultaneous shutdown of the engine test stands in real-life conditions, Kipping gets someone to start up a 20-cylinder engine. Earmuffs are distributed as the noise produced when the power plant is started up is really deafening. When the starter button is pressed, the entire engine block starts to vibrate. Once the drive load has been taken up, Kipping presses another button, this time a red “Emergency Stop” button located on a nearby post – whereupon the engine is immediately silenced again. The words “Emergency Stop Test Facility” are shown on an LED display under the control centre and a loud alarm signal can be heard. It is now up to Kipping and his colleague, Oussama Cherichi, to open all the control cabinets near the engine and to document the states of operation with a camera. After an exhausting night shift for everyone involved with many switching on and off operations and alarms, one thing is evident: MAN Diesel and Turbo SE is not only a leader in engineering technology, but also in fire and explosion protection as well as the subject machine safety for the engine testing area in Augsburg. ❮ Alexander Föll “When it comes to functional safety, DEKRA EXAM has accompanied us in the right direction!” Kilian Stegmair, Head of Test Stand Technology, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE. 1 The engine block of the large MAN engine is surrounded by a maintenance gallery. The 1.5 t drive train is connected with the dynamometer via an elastic coupling. 2 DEKRA engineer Marc Kipping brings the 20 cylinder MAN diesel engine to a halt by pressing the emergency shutdown switch. The simulated alarm procedure shows the expert if the test stand is functionally safe. 3 The diesel and gas engines produced by MAN can be found in the world’s largest container ships such as the “Alexander Maersk”. They generate up to 100,000 hp or 73,500 kW depending on the model. Contact Marc Kipping Head of Functional Safety & Processes DEKRA EXAM GmbH Phone +49.7 11. 78 61-34 60 Fax +49.7 11. 78 61-34 90 E-mail 11 DEKRA SOLUTIONS Claims settlement for an insurance company All in one package In Brazil, DEKRA is supporting the insurer HDI Seguros S.A. in developing the market for household contents insurance. A part from their joie de vivre and their love of football, Brazilians are also known for their passion for cars and for wanting to own a home. Although valuable assets, they are dealt with completely differently in Brazil when it comes to insurance. Whoever buys a car takes out an insurance policy immediately. That’s not the case with real estate. However, things have started to change over the past few years, firstly, because of climate change and its effects on the Brazilian urban centres, and secondly, on account of the booming property market. In light of this development, the German insurance company HDI has put together the HDI “DEKRA has helped us to develop a solution for insuring the risks to household contents!” Murilo Setti Riedel, Vice President, HDI Seguros S.A. Contact José Roberto Macéa President Jopema Ltda. Phone+55.11.20 65-41 00 Fax +55.11.20 65-41 27 E-mail 12 DUO model, which combines vehicle and household contents insurance all in one package. The experts at DEKRA Jopema, who have many years of experience in working together with HDI in settling car damage claims, are helping the insurer to develop this novel product. “DEKRA has presented us with the only possible solution for household goods insurance,” explains Murilo Setti Riedel, Vice President of HDI in Brazil and by this means the automated collation of technical data required for settlement. The result is an accelerated settlement procedure. For example, electrical damage reported by phone, which makes up 50 per cent of cases in Brazil, can be processed within 24 hours. Nonetheless, when more substantial sums are involved, it is essential for an expert to inspect the site in person. Examples of this would be the destruction of property by fire, damage caused by floods or landslides but also roofs torn off by storm or heavy rainfall. If a policyholder reports this sort of damage, DEKRA arranges a date for an expert, equipped with camera and notebook, to visit the site and document the damage in detail. He then sends the information gathered via the internet to the analysis department, which in turn uses it to draw up an assessment and concluding report for the insurance company within 48 hours. “Policyholders must be able to see the benefits of having insurance as soon as possible. Our system ensures this,” states José Roberto Macéa, President of the DEKRA subsidiary Jopema in Brazil. In the Brazilian summer, the claims settlement work has increased by 50 per cent during the rainy season. “This shows that we are going in the right direction,” says Macéa. ❮ Cecilia Degen ISSUE 3.2014 1 1 2 3 During his on-site visit, the DEKRA expert writes a detailed report of the damage caused and sends it via the Internet to the analysis department of HDI. 2 The tropical heat and also the high humidity of the Brazilian climate favour the formation of thunderstorms which can cause damage to buildings through lightning strikes. 3 DEKRA employee Flavio Marqui takes photographs of the damage, which later help the claims processors of HDI when preparing an appraisal and the final report. 13 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 1 1 Modern trucks not only have a lot of horsepower under the bonnet, but also a whole load of technology, too. Trainer Christian Eckel (left) patiently lets the future professional drivers in on the secrets. 2 Every member of the team possesses untapped talent. DEKRA Coach Rebecca Schacht (left) helps to find it and explains to the employees and their superiors how this can be targeted and fostered. 14 2 ISSUE 3.2014 Trainees given a helping hand at a haulage company Heading in the right direction A haulage company operating on the European stage finds itself taking new paths on a daily basis. However, Alfred Schuon GmbH is also heading in new directions with its trainees and is aiming to develop their potential with the aid of the DEKRA Academy. M “ ale or female wanted, needs to have school certificates, driving licence and like driving.” This is what the ideal candidate for professional driver training looks like for Christian Eckels. The instructor at the Schuon haulage company based in Haiterbach is currently supervising eight new “truckers”; his colleague Judith Singer is responsible for another ten trainees in the office, warehouse and workshop. There are recruitment concerns generally, especially with drivers. The far from ideal image of the profession along with the remoteness of the company site and deployment across Europe makes the job difficult to square with club activities or weekend plans. And the competition isn’t sleeping either. “Some firms are seeking to entice trainees by offering expensive gifts or impossible promises,” says company boss Theo Schuon. But he is not one to resort to such tactics. He prefers to rely on what has turned the family-run business from a one-man operation into an international haulage company with a fleet of 170 vehicles and 190 employees: a pleasant working atmosphere, high-quality technology and good working conditions. “You won’t find anybody scrubbing down his truck at the weekend in our firm,” says Schuon. However, that still doesn’t solve the recruitment problem. Which is why Schuon is not only trying to give weaker candidates a chance, but to specifically help them, too. To do this, the company asked the DEKRA Academy to make an analysis of potential. “Every trainee was given 240 statements and asked to give his opinion on each of them. The answers can be used to extrapolate competence values, for example, for stress tolerance or precision,” explains DEKRA “With the help of the DEKRA Academy we are getting the best out of our trainees!” Theo Schuon, Managing Director, Alfred Schuon GmbH. Coach Rebecca Schacht. She compares the values with the professional profile in order to give the instructors concrete tips on how to help trainees. In addition, she discusses the personal profile and the development potential with the trainees themselves. It may sound complicated, but it works in practice. “If somebody finds it difficult to understand explanations, I simply make a sketch of the problem,” says Eckel. And the trainees have also had their moments when the penny has dropped. Sometimes the self-estimation lies far from the recorded value, sometimes the test reveals a potential that the candidate had no inkling of. “The trainees feel appreciated and the instructors glean valuable information,” praises Schuon. ❮ Bettina Bernhard Contact Rebecca Schacht Product Development | HR Services DEKRA Akademie GmbH Phone +49.4 51.29 07 62-14 Fax +49.4 51.29 07 62-15 E-mail 15 DEKRA SOLUTIONS Portrait of Mary Teresa Barra Manager, Power, Motors Mary Barra has already put one cliché to bed. Since taking over at General Motors, car making has ceased to be the sole preserve of men. Now she wants to prove that the Americans can build cars that are equally as good as German ones. On 8 June 2009, an automobile history legend disappeared from the scene on Wall Street. After more than a century, General Motors is no longer in the list of US companies that determines the Dow Jones share index. The second largest car manufacturer in the world, which made history with its makes of Cadillac, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, GMC, Buick, Chevrolet and Opel, is bust. 16 th However, its demise has also marked its rebirth. The government provided 51 billion dollars to prevent the ultimate downfall of the car giant. Now it is a case of rigorously restructuring the company and CEO Daniel Akerson enlisted the aid of one of his most promising talents. He appointed the electrical engineer Mary Barra to the Board. She has been in the company for 28 years and is set to take on one of the ISSUE 3.2014 1 Mary Barra, the CEO of General Motors, presented 1 the new Chevrolet Trax, a compact SUV, in New York in mid-April 2014. ❯ Mary Teresa Barra Born:24th December 1961 in Waterford, Michigan, USA Family: Married, two children Profession: Chief Executive Officer of General Motors Hobby: Corvette driving Career: 1980-1985 Studied electrical engineering at Kettering University in Flint, Michigan, USA 1985 First job at General Motors as an engineer for Pontiac 1989-1990 MBA studies at the Stanford School of Business, California, USA 1990-2009 Various management duties, including Executive Officer of General Motors Canada and Assistant to the Management Board 2009 Appointed to the Group’s Board of Managing Directors as Chief Human Resources Officer 2011 Head of Product Development since 2014 Chief Executive Officer of General Motors key positions that will take the company in a new direction. “The fact that General Motors has already started to be profitable was in no small part down to Mary,” says Akerson who handed his post on to Barra in January 2014. In Detroit, America’s gigantic car metropolis, General Motors, Ford and Chrysler have ruled people’s lives for generations. Mary Barra also declares a passion for cars. She says she was born a car fanatic, “probably simply because my father had worked his entire life in the Pontiac production halls.” And for her cars were always more than a nice little red runabout. She wants to take cars apart and understand every last nut and bolt. It was therefore fairly clear as a teenager that she would later follow an automotive engineering career at GM. Blessed with a love of cars and a downright steely determination to get her own way, Mary Barry has pursued her career, graduated from Stanford University, studied management into the bargain and brought up two children. ❯ 17 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 2 3 2 In her Spring Commencement speech held in May 2014, Mary Barra encouraged graduates of the University of Michigan to be open to new and unexpected opportunities in life. 3 At the end of January 2014, her first trip abroad took the newly appointed CEO to Germany to visit the Opel plant in Rüsselsheim with Vice President Dan Ammann (right). ❯ When Mary joined the board as human resources director in 2009, she introduced a completely new company culture. The male dominated car world of GM had hitherto been ruled by strict hierarchies and an occasional gruff manner. Barra in contrast insists on communication and consensus. For her the company is like a family “that can only be strong and successful if it works as a unit”. With her balanced approach she has also managed to inject new direction into the GM model policy. She cut the number of model ranges to reduce costs and instead of producing the same testosterone fuelled cars simply with even more horsepower has listened to customers and backed technical innovation and first class quality. GM has developed an electric car and the Chevrolet Sonic, a US version of the VW Golf. All the signs suggest that Mary Barra has initiated a significant change in trend in the American car sector. The cars 18 4 Together with daughter Rachel and husband Tony, the mother of two went to a charity event at the 2014 Auto Show in Detroit. 5 Corvette fan Barra and US Vice President Joe Biden were highly impressed by the 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Z06, so far the sleekest version of the American sports car. 6 In October 2013, the career woman was interviewed by TV journalist Rebecca Quick at the FORTUNE Most Powerful Women Summit. 7 During her visit to Thailand in February 2014, Barra attended a cultural ceremony to mark the one millionth GM vehicle manufactured at the Rayong plant as a sign of respect for the employees. ISSUE 3.2014 4 5 6 7 that rolled off the production lines over the past fifty years in Detroit were not the embodiment of a high quality consumer product, but were the vehicles to reflect the “American dream”. No matter whether pickup truck, Mustang, Chevrolet or Cadillac, US automobiles stand for the land of boundless opportunity. Mary Barra is the first American car manager who considers innovation and quality standards at least as important as the right advertising slogan. And to underscore the point, when she was appointed CEO in January 2014 she immediately flew to Opel in Germany and promised the 3,300 employees of the hard-hit GM subsidiary her full backing. The brand remains an important component of the group, not least because of Opel’s technical superiority. The fact that she is steering General Motors in the right direction can be witnessed by the first major problem that Barra had to negotiate as boss. A faulty GM ignition switch has led to a number of fatal road accidents. Nevertheless, GM managers had covered up the problem instead of starting a recall campaign despite knowledge of the problem. Barra faced up to the criticism and assumed full responsibility. Although the matter is far from being settled, General Motors shares ride high on Wall Street. Investors trust Mary Barra. Sales are developing nicely and a pre-tax profit of seven billion dollars last year means the carmaker can now pay a dividend for the first time since 2008. Although she is giving General Motors a good shake-up, she has changed nothing in her own life. She may well now enjoy an annual salary of around five million dollars, but still has no intention of moving the family of four out of its unobtrusive detached home with double garage. And when Barra needs to relax, she takes her Corvette for a spin and simply enjoys the roar of the engine. ❮ Theodor Nagel 19 DEKRA SOLUTIONS Auditing of secure lorry parking lots Cosy cab and peace of mind 20 ISSUE 3.2014 A tight-meshed network of secure lorry parking lots covering the whole of Europe is the avowed aim of ESPORG, the European Secure Parking Organisation, which is committed to offering better protection to both drivers and their cargo. An articulated lorry slowly rolls up to the entrance that is secured with a fast-action roller shutter door, a barrier and heavy concrete bollards. The driver leans out of his cab, presses a button and obtains his parking ticket. This also triggers the camera system which scans his face, the number plate of the traction unit and also stores both side views of the trailer on the video monitoring system. The personnel at the counter inside the petrol station can observe what is happening on a screen. Only then is the door set in motion and the driver can drive into the lorry park, which is protected by a 2.40 m high security fence. The door closes as soon as the vehicle has crossed the threshold. This process takes place repeatedly throughout the late afternoon and evening, and thus the secure lorry park at the service station in Wörnitz near Motorway 7 gradually fills up. Drivers and their lorries including their expensive cargo can spend the night here undisturbed. The lighting removes all dark corners, while the electronic eyes of the four dome cameras tirelessly scan the area. Only a parking ticket holder can gain access – and even this is carefully observed. ❯ 1 Keep criminals out is the guiding principle of the European Secure Parking Organisation ESPORG. Secure parking spaces for 1 lorries, like here in Wörnitz, are increasingly in demand. 21 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 2 6 2 Barriers and gate only allow one lorry to pass at a time. Cars or vans won’t make it through the automatic check. 3 4 DEKRA auditor Sorosh Hatami inspects the ticket dispenser used by the lorry drivers. The camera monitoring the entire facility is another essential feature that the DEKRA experts take into account in their exacting audit. 5 Apart from facilities in Germany, DEKRA has already audited secure car parks in Denmark, Belgium, France and Spain. 6 At the cash desk a member of the service staff can check the identity of both the driver and the vehicle by means of data recording. 22 3 ❯ According to the EU, the economy loses more than eight billion euros a year due to the theft of valuable goods in transit. No matter whether we are talking about electronic articles, brandname products from the textile sector, tobacco, spirits, medical products or research equipment: if it’s movable, it’s at risk. Well organised criminal groups operate throughout the country, stealing to order. The goods disappear immediately, and the authorities hardly stand a chance. Goods theft is also increasingly turning into violent hold-ups. Ronny Pflug, the owner of the Wörnitz service station, is the driving force behind ESPORG. He teamed up with Dirk Penasse from Lorrystop 26 in Zolder, Belgium and together they founded the European Secure Parking Organisation in April 2010. Their aim is to run a pan-European network of special lorry parking lots that guarantee a high level of security. “I come from a haulage family background and know the problem all too well. This was why I took part in an EU pilot project back in 2009 and helped to develop and build this facility in Wörnitz,” explains Pflug. “Yet, the project ran its course and I was left wondering how we could push on. It was around this time that Dirk came on the scene. He, too, had invested in a similar lorry park and we decided to join forces.” They put together their concept at TAPA. The Transported Asset Protection Association is an amalgamation of international manufacturers, logistics services, freight companies and prosecution authorities. According to monthly TAPA sta- ISSUE 3.2014 4 tistics, more than 40 per cent of the recorded thefts take place on unsecured lorry parks. “It is here that large potential for improvement is to be had, but as individuals we could not become members of TAPA,” recalls Pflug. The problem was solved by the establishment of ESPORG. In the meantime, a further 40 service stations have joined the organisation and this figure is rising all the time. But what are the criteria for an ESPORG car park? Pflug describes the process: “DEKRA came on board two years ago. Until then there had been a complete lack of statutory guidelines or stipulations. Understandably so, as this type of lorry park had not previously existed anywhere.” Working with Sorosh Hatami and his team at DEKRA Certification, ESPORG drew up an extensive catalogue of criteria which DEKRA experts could apply at the service stations. “We also developed the requisite software that enables us to produce a digital report containing image material. This means we are capable of amply documenting all aspects of the site. Different structural solutions can nevertheless fulfil the standard. ESPORG and we are keen to extend our learning curve in this regard. It calls for a constant exchange of information between all those involved on the project,” explains Hatami. The DEKRA experts inspected things such as fencing, security devices, lighting, entrances and exits both for vehicles and people, monitoring systems, training and equipping of the personnel, data recording and data processing as well as emergency plans and measures as appro- 5 priate. After a successful audit, the service station can receive ESPORG certification, which certifies it officially as complying with the corresponding standard. “We are very pleasantly surprised about the positive feedback we have received and about how many people in the industry, both here and abroad, have since asked us for our expertise,” says Pflug referring to last year. “I hope ESPORG can do its bit to put a stop to organised crime.” ❮ Sandra Moser “DEKRA is reliable, has an international reputation and also has the know-how needed to tackle exceptional projects!” Ronny Pflug, Vice Chairman at ESPORG, Owner of the Wörnitz service station. Contact Sorosh Hatami Project Manager DEKRA Certification GmbH Phone +49.7 11. 78 61-34 85 Fax +49.7 11. 78 61-26 15 E-mail 23 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 1 24 ISSUE 3.2014 2 Event staff at international sporting events Game, set and match Held in Stuttgart from 19th to 27th April 2014, the 37th Porsche Tennis Grand Prix attracted the world’s best tennis players. People naturally expected much from the event and this also extended to the event service in the Porsche Arena. In action for the fourth time: the hostesses from DEKRA Event & Logistic Services. T hings can really hot up quickly in the ladies singles final. Balls whiz to and fro as 4,500 spectators look on with bated breath – but at long last, after 2:03 hours of play, wild jubilation breaks the tension in the hall. For the third time in a row, the winner of the Stuttgart WTA Tournament is Maria Sharapova. In a high powered match lasting three sets the former world number one has come out on top against the former French Open champion Ana Ivanovic. And this means that the 27-year-old Russian can now take her place among the ranks of international tennis legends such as Martina Navratilova, Tracy Austin or Martina Hingis. The “Porsche Grand Prix” has been synonymous with top quality women’s tennis since 1978. And the expectations of the international spectators are equally high. During the seven tournament days a total of 37,000 spectators want to stay on top of the action, enjoy first class catering and be superbly entertained. A Herculean task which tournament director Markus Günthardt has successfully taken on for a decade now. “The general public at major WTA tournaments is very demanding and expects premium service in every respect,” says Markus Günthardt. “We are part of a series of long-established tournaments around the globe and are delighted that the whole world pays a visit to the Porsche Arena for a few days.” However, it is all the more important to have professional and engaging event staff to welcome them. ❯ 25 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 3 4 “Over the past years, we have always been very satisfied with the staff from DEKRA Event & Logistic Services!” Markus Günthardt, Tournament Director, Porsche Tennis Grand Prix. ❯ On match days, 25 hostesses from DEKRA Event & Logistic Services are in action attending to the well-being of the event visitors in more than ten languages. “Our high-calibre event also calls for high-calibre staff,” says Günthardt. “And over the past years we have always been very satisfied with the staff from DEKRA Event & Logistic Services.” The experienced DEKRA hostesses have five roles to play at this year’s tournament. Apart from manning the reception desk, where they welcome guests and distribute VIP wristbands, they are also deployed at the reservation desk, the admission barriers as well as, naturally enough, at the court and the lavishly arranged VIP sector. 26 The hostesses in the Porsche Arena need to prepare intensively for their day’s work and take up position well over an hour before the hall opens its doors. It is here that they also receive the uniform for their role: a tasteful ensemble of a classic black skirt, stylish blouse, elegant scarf and green cardigan. A quilted jacket in lush green is on hand for cooler temperatures. After changing, there is a final briefing with all the important information for the day’s schedule: which positions are to be occupied today and with how many people? Is there anything special happening on this particular tournament day? What needs to be attended to in the Porsche VIP Hospitality area with its three lounges? But the information can be of a more general nature, too: how do you stay friendly and professional when dealing with guests trying to gain unauthorised access to the 750 square metre VIP area? “Every day brings new challenges,” explains Sonja Sgourakis, Area Manager at DEKRA Event & Logistic Services GmbH. “And the general public also changes from day to day. For example, during the week the crowd is made up of sports fans and business partners, whereas the weekends attract more families.” The different types of guests must be perfectly looked after in every situation – this ISSUE 3.2014 5 1 Hostesses of DEKRA Event & Logistic Services look after all the international visitors at the Porsche Tennis Grand Prix in Stuttgart. 2 Also right at the court the friendly ladies of DEKRA take care of guests from all over the world and accompany them to their seats. 3 The service clothing in fresh green, white and black is perfectly matched to the exclusive ambience as well as the different temperatures on site. 4 Before every match the team leader informs the DEKRA hostesses in detail about the procedure and the tasks assigned to them. 5 ranges from providing speedy travel information to the airport, to finding nappy changing facilities for the youngest visitors. It is a good job that the trained hostesses can rely on a wealth of experience gleaned at international fairs, conferences, advertising campaigns or VIP events such as the German Bambi film awards. Well over two hours after the decisive match ball, the deployment at the Grand Prix is slowly coming to an end. The crowds of spectators in the Porsche Arena are thinning and the hostesses only have one last debriefing session where they might also find out what awaits them at their next event, naturally undertaken with a professionally executed ace of a service. ❮ Michael Zühlke terfully direct the matches at the Porsche of the international spectators. At the reception desk hostesses welcome visitors and hand out the VIP wristbands the colour of which changes daily. 7 7 The umpires sponsored by DEKRA masTennis Grand Prix, adding to the enjoyment 6 6 It is already the fourth time that the DEKRA Event & Logistic team works with Tourna- Contact Sonja Sgourakis Area Manager DEKRA Event & Logistic Services GmbH Phone +49.2 11.22 95 07-42 Fax +49.2 11.22 95 07-49 E-mail ment Director Markus Günthardt. 27 DEKRA SOLUTIONS City portrait of Lyon Back alleys, bistros and bons vivants Culinary delights as far as the eye can see; the largest renaissance quarter still intact in France, the birth place of the French puppet Guignol, the city of silk, UNESCO world heritage site: Lyon has many faces and a lifestyle to hold its visitors enthralled. C “ hildren, close your eyes, right after the tunnel comes... Lyon!” The French poet Alphonse Daudet is said to have shouted this out once, as his family travelled by train from Paris to Provence. The city must have made a rather sad and dilapidated impression in the mid-nineteenth century, a period in which it was facing financial ruin following the decline of the silk industry. Lyon has been a long suffering victim of this far from complementary judgement of Daudet and his contemporaries, and many travellers still consider the Roman city of “Lugdunum” a dull industrial city unworthy of a lengthy stay. Yet, anybody reaching Lyon who decides to give the city a wide berth will be missing out on a very great deal. This is because the capital of the Rhône-Alpes region has been the subject of exemplary restoration work, especially around the old town, and it comes as no surprise that it was added to the UNESCO world heritage list in 1998. 28 The heart of Lyon is relatively compact and can be easily explored on foot, especially as the numerous one-way streets and narrow network of back alleys make car driving a time-consuming and torturous process for visitors. And should your legs begin to tire, fall back on a superbly structured public transport system of underground, trams and buses as well as two cable cars, which link the quarter of Saint-Jean with Fourvière Hill. Not to be forgotten is the range of river trips along the Rhône and Saône. In addition, the Lyon tourist office also offers tours with Segways travelling at up to 20 km/h. ❯ ISSUE 3.2014 1 2 › Facts and Figures City foundation: 43 BC by the Romans under the name of Lugdunum. Population: With just under 500,000 inhabitants in inner Lyon, it is the third largest city in France after Paris and Marseille. Famous sons of the city: ■ André-Marie Ampère: Mathematician and physicist ■ Charles-Marie Widor: Organist and composer ■ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Poet and pilot 3 29 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 1 High above “Place Bellecour” with its statue of Louis XIV on horseback in the centre is one of the city’s landmarks: the Basilica of Fourvière. 2 The culinary diversity in “Les Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse” would gladden the heart of any gourmet. 3 In the old town, numerous “Traboules”, some of them dating back to the 16th century, link the courtyards. 4 The Basilica of Fourvière offers a spectacular view of Lyon and the two rivers Rhône and Saône. 5 4 Built under the reign of Emper- 8 or Augustus, the amphitheatre has a diameter of 108 metres and in Roman times could accommodate 10,000 spectators. 6 Pope Innocent IV convoked the bishops to attend the first ecumenical council at the Cathedral of Saint-Jean in 1245. 7 The puppet museum housed in the “Musée Gadagne” boasts an unrivalled collection of Guignol puppets. 8 Wall paintings adorn many a house; the most well-known is “La Fresque des Lyonnais” depicting 30 famous personalities. 9 Workers from the silk factories used to take their meals in one of the “Bouchons”, the typical restaurants of Lyon. 30 6 7 ISSUE 3.2014 5 9 › Food passion Lyon is considered the French capital of the Gourmet with the most top chefs in the country. No doubt, the most famous representatives are the 3-star chef Paul Bocuse and one of his most avid followers, the king of the spit-roasted Bresse chicken, Georges Blanc. A culinary speciality of Lyon are “Quenelles” – dumplings made of fine durum wheat flour, milk, and egg that can be eaten as is or flavoured with pike, veal or poultry. ❯ The best place to embark on the discovery of Lyon is at the heart of the city, i.e. where the oldest traces of the city can still be found today. Why not start with a brief trip on the cable car up to Fourvière Hill. Once at the top, take the time to visit the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, the symbol of the cult of Mary in Lyon. Unquestionably spectacular is the terrace view down on to the third largest urban centre in France. On a clear day you can see as far as the Alps. Up here it takes just a few minutes to reach the amphitheatre built by Emperor Augustus in the 1st century. During the “Nuits de Fourvière” in summer it serves as a wonderful open-air cultural backdrop. Back in the old town, you should simply follow your nose through the back alleys of “Vieux Lyon”. Pass by the spacious Saint-Jean Square and the eponymous cathedral begun in 1180. It boasts 350 gothic door reliefs and an astronomic clock constructed in 1383. In the Rue Saint-Jean, as well as in many other alleyways in the city, awaits a Lyon speciality: Traboules trace a path through entrance halls, courtyards and staircases. These either run parallel to the street or link up with the next parallel street. These passageways were once used to protect the silk from rain during transport, especially in the former weaver quarter of Croix-Rousse. In the S econd World War they served the Résistance as escape routes. Naturally, there are also many other tourist attractions in the old town of Lyon, such as, for example, the “Musée Gadagne” with its city history exhibition and its unique collection of puppets housed in a beautiful renaissance building from the 16th century. Culture is hungry work, but here Lyon is ideally equipped with over 2,000 restaurants and bistros. In the old town you can find one authentic “bouchon”, the typical Lyon restaurant, after another – like, for example, on the peninsula between the Saône and Rhône centred around the Rue Mercière. The food is hearty and best enjoyed with the eminently drinkable local wine. Apart from the bouchons, the city also possesses a respectable number of star-studded restaurants. Anybody wishing to be spoilt by the great chef Paul Bocuse, needs to head out to Collonges-au-Mont-d’Or. The centre of Lyon offers a choice between 13 culinary temples boasting one or two Michelin stars. It is advisable to book a table in good time, as the inhabitants of Lyon are not adverse to the finer things in life themselves and keep up a heightened sense of lifestyle. It therefore seems that the sadness cited above by our poet Alphonse Daudet belongs to the past. ❮ Matthias Gaul 31 DEKRA SOLUTIONS 1 2 1 2 3 32 The customer looks on as DEKRA employees evaluate the hire vehicle, examining every part in minute detail. The expert’s experienced eyes miss nothing – not even the condition of the tyres and tread. The documented vehicle inspection helps to avoid disputes about who is liable for the costs of any damage. 3 ISSUE 3.2014 Vehicle valuation for a car hire company Getting to the Hertz of the matter Hertz, the car hire company, relies on detailed documentation for vehicle handover at six airports in France. The company has placed the task of inspecting the condition of the vehicles in the hands of DEKRA Expertise. Your vacation, weekend trip or business meeting is over and all that you need to do now is to return the hired car as quickly as possible before flying back home! However, that is often when the shock comes as people discover that their vehicle has been damaged during the hire period. Naturally, car hirers never think that they are the ones to be blamed for this and flatly refuse to accept any responsibility. After all, it could well be that the car was handed over to them in this state already and that the damage had not been sufficiently documented at the previous handover? Hertz in France has hit on a way of avoiding such potential disputes and has placed its handover procedures at some of their centres in professional hands now. Actually, in those of DEKRA Expertise, a subsidiary of DEKRA Automotive Solutions that has many years of experience in working with Hertz and is also responsible for the valuation of vehicles returned to the manufacturer. This latest joint project was launched in March 2013 at the Hertz centres of the two Paris airports Orly and Charles de Gaulle. Marseille was added in July 2013, followed by Lyon, Toulouse and Bordeaux in December 2013. The DEKRA experts lend Hertz staff a helping hand during peak times and ensure that neither customer nor hire company are lumbered with unjustified costs. “Definitely a key aspect for us is the documented vehicle and damage history,” stresses Arnaud Dousse, Director of Repair and Maintenance at Hertz Europe. It means that Hertz can compare in every detail the vehicle condition at the beginning and end of the hire period and clearly identify any damage. “Disputes about “With DEKRA vehicle appraisals we underscore our high demands in matters of quality and transparency!” Arnaud Dousse, Director of Repair and Maintenance, Hertz Europe. who is to foot the bill are now a thing of the past because it can be shown in detail when the damage must have happened,” adds Marcos Sanchez, Managing Director at DEKRA Expertise. This is why the experts carry out a detailed inspection of the vehicle when it is returned and also immediately tell the customer the percentage he can expect to pay for the damage. “It’s not only us who benefit from this service; our customers also see its advantages,” says Dousse in his all-round positive appraisal. They appreciate the neutrality of DEKRA staff just as much as their know-how in the used car management sector. Hertz has therefore managed to kill two birds with one stone. ❮ Matthias Gaul Contact Marcos Sanchez Managing Director DEKRA Expertise Phone +33.6.80 43 21 66 Fax +33.2.31 35 85 16 E-mail 33 DEKRA SOLUTIONS DEKRA staff in portrait A developer through and through Developing tailored solutions for topics and projects that have never existed as such before: this is what never ceases to excite and fascinate Sorosh Hatami in his job at DEKRA Certification. Focusing entirely on the specific needs of his customers, the native Iranian creates valid testing and certification standards, such as the audit procedure for truck safety parking spaces. Reporting on his exciting tasks to an international audience of experts is another aspect of his work at DEKRA and one which he greatly enjoys. In his free time the 53-year-old loves designing and building grills and smokers in a locksmith shop of one of his friends. He likes constructing unusual models, such as the one with a vertically installed charcoal container and an electric motor from a golf trolley for kebab skewers. The reason for this is that apart from being a developer through and through, Sorosh Hatami is also a passionate cook of exotic cuisine. ❮ At DEKRA, Sorosh Hatami is an expert for testing and certification standards. At home in his kitchen he is a specialist in exotic cuisine. ❯ DEKRA Solutions Order now Would you like a free regular subscription to DEKRA Solutions? Then simply fax us this reply coupon to: + 49 . 7 11 . 7 84 98-46 Name . First name Firm Function Street number Postcode . city Country Solutions on the Internet: E-mail to: 34 E-MAIL Telephone for queries WIR TUN MEHR – DAMIT SIE AUCH IN ZUKUNFT MEHR VERKAUFEN. Mit AutoScout24 profitieren Sie von bis zu 30 % zusätzlicher Nachfrage privater Käufer, die ausschließlich bei AutoScout24 Fahrzeuge suchen. Und zusätzlich von unserer persönlichen Beratung: am Telefon, direkt bei Ihnen vor Ort oder auf einem unserer Praxisworkshops. Vertrauen auch Sie über 15 Jahren Erfahrung im Internethandel. wir-tun-mehr 9+4670 /'*4 Quelle: GfK 2012 Sees everything. Knows 120 pages of rules by heart. Makes 200 decisions a game. Loves football 100%. Has 60,000 critics. A job that deserves respect. no fair play without a referee. It's a tough job – whatever the referee does, there will always be someone who won't be happy. And yet, every week, more than 70,000 men and women engage in fair play – with neutrality, expertise and passion. Just like DEKRA: for almost 90 years, we have been ensuring that fair play isn't confined to the football field. For more information: Runs 12 kilometres a game.
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