February 2016 - VFW Post 7824


February 2016 - VFW Post 7824
February 2016
Volume #7 Issue #2
Hello Comrades and Ladies,
Well, the Holidays are over and Winter is here. Jan. was active for me with meetings every
weekend, so I'm sort of glad to see it gone. The canteen has done very well thanks to your
patronage, but it takes more than patronage. We have the same need for volunteers for dish
washing and servers on Wed. and Fri. nights and on Sunday mornings. The cooks don't have
time and the bartenders are busy with drinks. When we started 4 years ago, we had a bunch
of volunteers. Now practically none. It's your post/canteen, if you don't support it (help) it
won't survive. We need the Veterans and the Auxiliary to help, so please step up. With many
hands the load is lighter.
Nominations and elections are coming up in a couple of months, so start thinking about who
you want to run (maybe yourself).
We now have more storage. It needs to be organized. We need wood for shelves and people
to construct them. More volunteers!
Nancy from our VFW Auxiliary would
like to be informed when we have
Vets at Peacehealth hospital so she
can check in on them while at work.
She can be reached at
Thanks and regards,
Welcome to February everyone! I hope all went well for you in the first month of 2016.
There are a few things that I need to address this month. I have gotten several complaints
about dogs in our canteen, We understand the need of service animals and love them all.
However, at this time I'm asking that all dogs must be leashed and with the owner at all times
inside of our canteen. I cant have them wandering up to tables while other members and
guests are eating. I thank you for your understanding on this issue. I will post signs around for
those that may not receive this information here.
We have a couple Events this month, our first one is of course is Super Bowl Sunday. The
Post will be providing pizza and I'm asking those of you that would like to share your favorite
dip, to bring it in to the post by 2:30 along with chips or whatever it is that you serve your dip
with. I know in the past years the Auxiliary has done a chili cook off and perhaps they still are.
My thought is that people enjoy the commercials as well as the game on that day and I think
keeping it simple with only having dips and pizza will allow it to be a fun filled day. We will
also still have the Queen of Hearts drawing on that Sunday at 6pm. The pot is growing so
come in for your chance at winning close to $4000.00!! Our Valentines Dinner will be held on
Saturday the 13th. We are having Steak Oscar, served with a baked potato salad. Some may
not know what Steak Oscar is... It is a filet mignon topped with crab meat, asparagus and
hollandaise sauce...Yum:)
As many of you already know our "Mr. Grooves" aka Benny, brings our post to life on the
weekends. I've asked Benny if he would like to join us 4 weekends a month. So beginning this
month Benny will be here every weekend in the months that have only 4 weekends and the
months that have 5 we will have another form of musical entertainment that last weekend
I feel it's very important that I thank ALL of our help here at the Post/Canteen, you are
what keeps us a very successful VFW Post. So thank you ALL!! I'm so proud of to be a part of
these wonderful team of people. I hope everyone enjoys this month and I look forward to
seeing you all soon.
Michelle Rex
Thank you Nancy!
In This Issue
From the Commander
From the Canteen Manager
From the Auxiliary President
2015-2016 Officers
Adjutant’s Report
February Calendar
Fender Skirts & Rat Finks Pt 1
Valentines Flyer
Chili, Soup & Stew Flyer
AT&T Flyer
Canteen Menus
The Back Page
February General
2015—2016 Officers
Commander: Jim Vanderhieden
Sr. Vice Commander: Glen Fisher
Meeting—Thursday February 11
February Auxiliary
Meeting—Thursday February 25
Jr. Vice Commander: Herb Lavin
Quartermaster: Terry Clark
February AmVET
Meeting—Tuesday February 9
Adjutant: Bruce Maas
Chaplain: Josh Cooper
Service Officer: Larry Ross
Scuttlebutt Editor: Nelson Copeland
Canteen Manager: Michelle Rex
Post Address:
Vancouver VFW Post 7824
400 N Andresen Rd
Vancouver, WA 98661
VFW Website: www.vfw7824.org
National Home
National home lifetime memberships only cost $35. This
is a GREAT cause so please sign up today.
You may have noticed the little blue house banks sitting
on some of the tables at the post. These are for the
National Home. Any spare change, dollar bills, 5’s or
whatever you want to donate is greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all who donated to this most worth while
Thanks to your donations, I have sent over $100 to the
National Home so far.
From the Auxiliary President
I want to thank all of our Auxiliary members that volunteer, with out you
we could not do the fund raising needed to have the funds to help veterans
in need. Check the calendar for this months events, if you are able to help
out get a hold of Lavonne to see what is needed.
I will be having foot surgery the beginning of this month so if you need anything please get a hold of Lavonne my Senior Vice President and she will be
able to help you. Thank you for your understanding, I will be available by
phone after February 10th, feel free to call me I will help you in any way I
There will be a Tupperware exhibit on Feb 24th at the post. All sales credits
will be going to the post for the kitchen items needed. It will be from 4pm
to 7pm, hope to see you there.
Debbie Andrews,
Auxiliary President
The VFW Auxiliary Post 7824 sponsors a 'Young American Creative Patriotic
Art Awards Scholarship' for students in 9 through 12 grades in public, private, parochial schools and home schooling. Scholarship entry forms and
rules are available at the VFW Post, 400 N. Andresen Road, Vancouver,
Judging takes place on a national level with scholarships ranging from $500
to $10,000. Deadline for submitting art work is March 31, 2016 to the VFW
address listed above. First place winner from each VFW Auxiliary will be
sent to the Department Scholarships Chairman for judging.
If you have any questions, please contact Pam Hutcheson, auxiliary chairperson at 360-892-5181.
I know some of you will not understand this message, but I bet you know someone who
I came across this phrase yesterday. 'FENDER SKIRTS.'
A term I haven't heard in a long time, and thinking
about 'fender skirts' started me thinking about other
words that quietly disappear from our language with
hardly a notice like 'curb feelers.'
And 'steering knobs.' (AKA) 'suicide knob,' 'neckers
Since I'd been thinking of cars, my
mind naturally went that direction
first. Any kids will probably have
to find some older person over 50
to explain some of these terms to
Remember 'Continental kits?'
They were rear bumper extenders
and spare tire covers that were supposed to make any car as
cool as a Lincoln Continental.
When did we quit calling them 'emergency brakes?' At some
point 'parking brake' became the
proper term. But I miss the hint of
drama that went with 'emergency
I'm sad, too,
that almost all
the old folks
are gone who would call the accelerator
the 'foot feed.' Many today do not even
know what a clutch is or that the dimmer
switch used to be on the floor.
Didn't you ever wait at the street for your
daddy to come home, so you could ride
the 'running board' up to the house?
Here's a phrase I heard all the time in my youth but never
anymore - 'store-bought.' Of course, just
about everything is store-bought these
days. But once it was bragging material to
have a store- bought dress or a storebought bag of candy.
Stay tuned for part 2 next month….
February 2016
Bruce Maas, Patty Lent, Mayor of Bremerton and Capt. John Ring, Commanding Officer USS Nimitz (CVN-68)
From the Adjutant
Fellow Comrades
Feb 06 - VAVS/VFW Bingo (Vancouver VA) - 1800
Feb 08 - DAV Chapter 4 Meeting - 1900
Post officer nominations for 2016-17 coming up soon, there will be some boots Feb 09 - AMVETS Meeting - 1900
Feb 11 - Clark Co. Veterans Meetings (Downtown) - 1400
that need filling. I would like to encourage any and all comrades within our
Feb 11 - Post Meeting - 1900
ranks to consider becoming a post/district officer.
The reader board is back up and running again. It has been moved and mount- Feb 13 - Valentine Party — 1700
Feb 14 - Valentine Day
ed above the side door. Please bear with us as we make progress in updating
Feb 14 - COOTIES Meeting - 1400
the information. Thanks to Lavonne for taking on this project.
Our Queen of Hearts game has been going for the last three months, come on Feb 14 - House Committee - 1600 (Monthly Only)
Feb 15 - Presidents Day
out on Sunday afternoon and play. Tickets are only one dollar a piece.
Feb 25 - Auxiliary Meeting - 1900
Feb 29 - Leap Day
Calendar Of Events…
Mar 05 - VAVS/VFW Bingo (Vancouver VA) - 1800
Mar 06 - House Committee - 1600 (Monthly Only)
Please come and join us for Friday night dinner/music from 1700 to closing.
Mar 07-11 VFW Legislative Congressional Conference
Sunday morning breakfast from 0900 to 1200
Mar 13 - COOTIES Meeting - 1200
Sunday Afternoon Queen of Hearts Drawing 1530-1800
Mar 10 - AMVETS Meeting - 1900
Wednesday Night Tacos from 1700 to 1900
Mar 10 - Clark Co. Veterans Meetings (Downtown) - 1400
Mar 10 - Post Meeting - 1900
Jan 31 - District 6 Meeting at Kalama Post - 1300
Mar 10 - First Round of Officer Nominations for 2016-17
Feb 07 - Super Bowl "L" Party - 1300
VFW 7824 Scuttlebutt
400 N Andresen Rd
Vancouver, WA 98661
The Back Page with Nelson
Contact Us
Well, how about that January??
Did you all catch that 70’s party? Dig those groovy outfits.. Can you believe we actually dressed like
that back then?
Give us a call for more information about our organization or your membership.
We still have volunteer opportunities at your post, contact Jim Vanderheiden or Michelle Rex to find
out where you can volunteer.
Vancouver VFW Post 7824
Make sure you watch for event flyers and check out the post calendar to see what we have planned
each month. This month we have our annual Valentines dinner on the 13th, grab your sweetheart
and come on down..
400 N Andresen Rd
Vancouver, WA 98661
Have a great February….
(360) 254-0155
Visit us on the web at:
Facebook Group Page
Join the VFW and help our Veterans!