Veterans of Foreign Wars - Greenwood Memorial VFW Post 5864


Veterans of Foreign Wars - Greenwood Memorial VFW Post 5864
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Greenwood Memorial VFW Post 5864 – June 2016 Newsletter
"It’s not the dues you pay to be a member, it’s the price you paid to be eligible!”
“Like us” on --Facebook -- Greenwood VFW 5864-- and visit our
Charter Member
Elmer Muesing
among guests
VFW Post 5864 Life Member
and Charter Member Elmer
Muesing, left, is presented a
certificate by Life Member Al
Kessinger at the 40th Anniversary of
the Post on Saturday, April 30.
Mr. Muesing is believed to be
only one of six living Charter
Members. There were a total of 40
veterans when the Post was
chartered on April 20, 1976
The other five include: John D.
Chont, Raybon C. Cox, Rollie G.
Craft, Jackie A. Inabnitt, and Robert
Elmer Muesing, left and Al Kessinger, right
D. Pearl. Both Muesing and
Kessinger served in the United
States Marine Corps in the mid 60’s and both served in South Vietnam. Jack Inabnitt, a
Charter Member and also a Vietnam veteran, was unable to attend the event.
Please see the Hole-In-One news story on page 2
2 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
Ray Skillman to furnish 2016 GMC Terrain
Hole-in-One sponsored at annual golf tournament
A Hole-In-One will be sponsored at the VFW Post 5864 annual Golf Tournament on
Saturday, June 11. Ray Skillman Auto will have a 2016 GMC Terrain with a MRSP of $28,500
at the golf course. If you are entered the golf tournament and are on a team and you pay $5
you are eligible to win the automobile.
Entry in the Hole-In-One contest is $5. The Post is paying for the insurance on the Hole-InOne contest. The Hole-In-One is # 7 which is 187 yards at Smock Golf Course.
Business and Individual Sponsors are needed
9th VFW golf tournament about two weeks away
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5864 will host their 9th Annual Golf Tournament on
Saturday, June 11, 2016 at Smock Golf Course.
The net proceeds of the tournament will be used to fund the VFW’s Military Assistance
Program, financial help to veterans and their families and many of our local charitable
programs which include the Patriot’s Pen for junior high school students; Voice of Democracy
for high school students; Boy and Girl Scouts of the Year; Teacher of the Year in elementary,
junior and senior high school categories; and at least three $1,000 college scholarships every
year paid twice annually.
VFW Post 5864 awards plaques to the Outstanding Citizen of the Year; Policeman of the
Year; Fireman of the Year and EMT of the Year in the City of
Greenwood. We help our community by providing assistance
to local food banks; Indiana homeless veterans; and
assisting local veterans and their families in financial need.
VFW Post 5864 acts as a resource to veterans by locating
other organizations as needed to help the veteran confront
the issues they may be facing today.
You can join with VFW Post 5864 to achieve the mission
of helping veterans by becoming a sponsor of our 9th Annual
Golf Tournament. If you are unable to provide a sponsorship
with a cash donation, please consider donating merchandise
to be awarded as prizes to our players. Each player will be
provided with a “Ditty Bag” provided by Humana Insurance
which will include coupons and business gratuities.
Contributions and Sponsorships are 100% tax deductible
as VFW Post 5864 is a non-profit organization. Sponsors will receive a letter acknowledging
the contribution or donation provided. There are seven levels of sponsorship available to both
businesses and individuals: Presenting and Co-Sponsor - $5,000; Diamond - $2,500;
Platinum - $1,000; Gold - $500; Silver - $250; Bronze - $100; and Individual Sponsors - $50.
Each Sponsor and golfer will receive a complimentary meal at VFW Post 5864 after the golf
tournament concludes.
If you have any questions, please address them to Steve Milbourn, 317-525-7291.
VFW Freedom Fest to feature pulled pork meal
For the past 20 plus years, the Auxiliary (formerly Ladies Auxiliary), Men’s Auxiliary and
VFW have sponsored a “Fish Fry” the day of the Greenwood Freedom Fest. This year the
Auxiliary voted to no longer host the event. The VFW brought it up at a couple of meetings,
discussed the possibilities and determined it was to labor intensive, so they too are not
hosting a Fish Fry this year. The Freedom Fest also has three competing vendors with fish.
This year we will have a Pulled Pork sandwich, Cole Slaw, Chips, and a soft drink for $6.
Strawberry Shortcake will be available for $3. Draft beer on tap will also be available for $1.50
per glass (plastic). You must drink anything purchased at the VFW on our property. The date
is Saturday, June 25
3 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
Message from the Commander . . .
VFW, Auxiliary and Men’s Auxiliary Members:
The swearing in of new officers and appointees will be held
on Tuesday, June 7 at the end of the meeting. I have asked
former Post Commander and District Commander Bob
Muhlhauser to swear all of the new officers and appointees into
office. Officially we take office on Sunday, June 18.
Afterwards, we will need to take updated photos for the board
on the south wall and our web-site. It is important to be at this
meeting, especially for the photos.
Sadly, our membership will drop around 50 to 60 members
from where we are now. However, it will be much easier to
achieve the 100% membership mark for 2016-2017. I am
hopeful that we can attain that mark by December 31. It will take
much work, but it is not impossible if we all work toward that goal. Commander Steve Milbourn
This coming year, 2016-2017, will be extremely significant in
the 40-year history of the Post. Everything seems to be running on all eight cylinders. I hope
you can all join in becoming part of the solution so that we can continue moving forward. This
newsletter is rather abbreviated. There will be more next month. My computer went on the
“fritz” at the last minute.
Steve Milbourn, Commander
Greenwood VFW Post 5864
LaFountaine, left, representing VFW Post 5864, the Auxiliary and the Men’s Auxiliary
presented a check in the amount of $1,250 from the three groups to Jim McIntire, the
Johnson County Veterans DAV Van Coordinator. The group is in the process of
replacing their current vans with two new ones. Mr. McIntire’s group provides rides to
and from VA Medical appointments.
4 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
Veteran of the Month -- Damon E. Monschein
Damon Monschein to receive high school diploma
More than 69 years ago, 18-year-old Damon Monschein enlisted in the United States
Marine Corps. Now, at 87 years of age, he will receive his high school diploma from Howe
High School on Saturday, June 4. Damon was born on May 13, 1929 in Indianapolis and grew
up on the east-side of Indianapolis.
He was scheduled to graduate in June 1947, but his
schooling was interrupted when he decided to join the
military and fight for his country.
Damon qualified on the M-1 Rifle and the 30 caliber
Carbine. During his time in Korea, he served as a
Mortar Unit Leader on a 60 mm mortar. His combat tour
began on Nov. 11, 1950 and ended on Nov. 27, 1951.
Damon received the Good Conduct Medal, United
Nations Medal and the Korean Service Medal with one
(1) star. His DD-214 (Separation from the Military)
states that he “Participated in action against enemy
forces in South and Central Korea. Damon crossed the
38th Parallel on five occasions.
Damon is a Life Member of VFW Post 5864 and has
served as the Sgt. At Arms at both the Post and District
level for many years.
When Damon left the Marine Corps, he returned
home to Indianapolis and worked at a number of
various jobs. He once worked erecting beer and liquor
signs and displays in grocery stores and liquor/beer stores. Most of his life he spent as a
house painter. He is a staple at the VFW.
Greenwood VFW Bingo forging ahead for new year
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 is now being chaired by Dereke Lawson. Recently, Bill Clark,
our Bingo chairman for a number of years left the position May 1.
Please contact Steve Milbourn, at 317-525-7291 or
e-mail him at for further
information. The position is a non-paid volunteer
position. The Indiana Gaming Commission forbids any
entity holding a Bingo License to pay individuals for
working at the Bingo games. It is also not allowed to tip
volunteer Bingo workers or staff.
VFW’s weekly Bingo games continue to grow at the
Post. However, there continues to be a need for
additional workers in order to keep things flowing and
keep the attendance up.
Bingo begins each Wednesday with an “Early Bird”
game at 6:30 p.m. Bingo is open to the public and
provides a good time out for the evening.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Steve
Milbourn to get signed up! The Post’s Bingo Gaming
License number is 138686.
Free Notary Service to Veterans and Auxiliary Members of
VFW Post 5864 – Contact Steve Milbourn – 317-525-7291
5 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
VFW to visit Domiciliary June 9 to aid veterans
Summer donations are needed for the VA Domiciliary. Please bring
these items to the VFW by Tuesday, June 7 in order for everything to get
organized for the visit on Thursday, June 9. Please contact the Post at
317-888-2488 for any donations.
The Domiciliary is located in downtown Indianapolis at 725 N.
Pennsylvania St. and houses both men and women veterans who are homeless and in need.
The Domiciliary actively encourages them to find work and improve their particular situation.
This event is monthly on the second Thursday and help is always needed. Folks planning
on going to the Domiciliary should be at the Post around 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 9.
Saturday breakfast to continue thru the summer
Breakfast at VFW Post 5864 will continue through the summer on each Saturday morning.
In years past, around May 1, breakfast was stopped and then picked back up in September or
early October. The theory of keeping breakfast ongoing is that people have to eat breakfast
anyway and we might just as well be open.
Some adjustments have been made to the menu. A
breakfast consisting of two (2) eggs, two (2) slices of
bacon, one (1) biscuit and sausage gravy, potatoes, toast
or biscuit and coffee or soft drink will cost $7.
Sides, some of which have previously been
included in the entire breakfast will cost: milk, $1 each;
three (3) small Pancakes, $2; two (2) eggs, $2; two (2)
Strips of Bacon, $2; and Sausage Gravy and Biscuit, $2.
Western, and Mushroom and Cheese Omelets are available for $7 and includes your
choice of white, wheat or rye toast, coffee or soft drink.
VFW, Auxiliary meet 1st and 3rd Tuesday
The VFW and VFW Auxiliary (formerly Ladies Auxiliary) meet on the first and
third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. The VFW meets in the canteen and
the Auxiliary meets in the Banquet Room. Members are encouraged to attend.
VFW Men’s Auxiliary meet 2nd Tuesday
The VFW Men’s Auxiliary meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Healing Touch at VFW Monday, June 13 at 2 p.m.,
Healing Touch providers will make their monthly appearance at the VFW on Monday,
June 13, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The VA Hospital in Indianapolis has referred veterans who suffer from PTSD and other
mental, physical and emotional issues to the Healing Touch Providers.
This is a free service to current and former military and civilian first responders.
Healing Touch is a relaxing, nurturing, energy therapy. Gentle touch assists in balancing
your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Healing Touch works with your energy field to support your natural ability to heal. It is safe
for all ages and works in harmony with standard medical care. Kathy Kuhn, Mary Covert and
Tamra Bissett are the primary providers.
Additional sessions are available at a cost and you are welcome to talk to the ladies on
Monday, June 13. They will have flyers and other information explaining their program. You
may enter through the Banquet door where a banner will be posted.
6 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
2nd “Sandbox Reunion” to start June 9 at Kokomo
The second annual “Sandbox Reunion” will begin with a Hog roast on Thursday, June 9.
On Friday, June 10 at 11:30 a.m. opening ceremonies will be held. The event will be held at
the Howard County Healing Field just outside Kokomo. Indiana Gold Star Mothers and their
families will place their loved one’s brick in our memorial garden. They will be escorted by
local, State and National dignitaries. At the conclusion of the opening ceremony the hog that
some spent all night cooking will be served. There will also be some baked beans, potato
salad and slaw.
Live entertainment will start at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 10 and Saturday, June 11 and will
end at 11:30 p.m. both days. Entry fee for the “Sandbox Reunion” is $10 for the entire
reunion. The camping fee for the Sandbox is free, with no assigned camping sites.
First Annual Reunion of Veterans from 1980 to today
VFW Post 5864 will host their First Annual Reunion of veterans between 1980 and
today will be held on Saturday, August 27. Information will be forthcoming concerning
meetings for the planning of this event. George and Connie Wallace are coordinating
the event.
VFW 5864 to host Grilled Chicken Friday, June 3
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 will host a grilled chicken breast dinner on Friday, June 3. The
cost is $11. The meal includes grilled chicken breast,
baked potato, vegetable medley, salad, roll and butter. The
dinner begins at 6 p.m. and continues until 8 p.m.
Karaoke starts at 8 p.m. The public is invited and
encouraged to attend this event.
The Post is located at 333 S. Washington St.,
Greenwood. Plan to stop by and enjoy a delicious meal
and wholesome laughter in a non-smoking atmosphere.
If you have any questions, please call 317-888-2488.
Bar-B-Q Pork Ribs -- $11
Friday, June 24 -- from 6 to 8 p.m.
Includes a baked potato, corn on the cob,
salad, roll and butter
Greenwood VFW 5864 hours of operation posted
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 is open six days a week – Monday thru Saturday from 2 p.m.
to 11 p.m. Closing hours on Friday and Saturday are extended depending on the number of
patrons at the Post.
Individuals who are not members of a VFW or one of their Auxiliary’s are welcome to stop
in and visit us. Those people should sign in as a guest and write down their sponsor.
Most holidays the Post is closed but you are welcome to call 317-888-2488 to make sure
the Post is open. Closures are generally posted in our monthly newsletters.
7 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
No Euchre scheduled for the month of June
Euchre is held every Saturday at 2 p.m. at Greenwood VFW Post 5864.
Normally there is a full house of people who come to play Euchre.
They play progressive Euchre and move from table-to-table to give
everyone an opportunity to win a game. The cost is $5 for the event.
8 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
Veterans of Foreign Wars news briefs . . .
House Hearing on Veteran Suicide: The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a hearing
on Thursday to discuss veteran suicide. Topics highlighted during the hearing were data
gathering and analysis, better staffing of mental health providers, expansion of peer support
programs, timeliness of patient care and outreach. The committee strongly highlighted the
need to increase mental health staff within VA, as well as shorten the amount of time required
to hire these health care providers. VA representatives discussed what they are doing to
improve the Veterans Crisis Hotline as well as expand peer support specialist programs. VA
also explained that they have been conducting research to better understand veteran suicide,
not just as whole, but within subpopulations based on gender and age. The epidemiology
department of VA has been working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as
well as DOD to analyze data for all veterans dating back to 1979. Results should be published
mid-summer which should help not only VA, but the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs
Committees make forward moving decisions on how to better prevent veteran suicide and
improve mental health treatments.
Senate Hearing on Tribal Veterans Health Care Bill: On Wednesday, the Senate Indian
Affairs Committee held a hearing to discuss the Tribal Veterans Health Care Enhancement
Act, which would require the Indian Health Service (IHS) to cover the copayments VA charges
Native American veterans who have been referred to VA medical facilities by the IHS for nonservice connected conditions. The bill’s sponsor, Senator Thune, explained that IHS covers
the copayments of Native American veterans who are referred to private sector providers, but
not VA providers. This bill would correct this inequity. Santee Sioux Nation Chairman Roger
Trudell discussed the barriers Native American veterans are required to overcome when
receiving the health care and benefits they have earned.
Country Fried Steak Dinner at VFW on June 17
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 will host a Country Fried Steak
dinner on Friday, June 17. The cost is $10. The meal includes grilled
Country Fried Steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans,
salad, roll and butter. The dinner begins at 6 p.m. and continues until
8 p.m.
Karaoke starts at 8 p.m. The public is invited and encouraged to
attend this event.
The Post is located at 333 S. Washington St., Greenwood. Plan
to stop by and enjoy a delicious meal and wholesome laughter in a
non-smoking atmosphere with comfortable seating. If you have any
questions, please call 317-888-2488.
VFW Post 5864 to host Pork Loin dinner July 8
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 will host a Roast Pork dinner on Friday, July 8. The cost is
$11. The meal includes Roast Pork, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, roll and butter. The
dinner begins at 6 p.m. and continues until 8 p.m.
Karaoke starts at 8 p.m. The public is invited and
encouraged to attend this event.
The Post is located at 333 S. Washington St.,
Greenwood. Plan to stop by and enjoy a delicious meal
and wholesome laughter in a non-smoking atmosphere
with comfortable seating.
If you have any questions, please call the Post at
9 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
VFW Post 5864 Officers – 2016-2017
Steve Milbourn…..…… Commander
George Wallace……..… Sr. Vice Cmdr.
Sherri Jones…..……….. Jr. Vice Cmdr.
Mike Tomes…………… Quartermaster
Bobby Jennett………… Chaplain
Steve Milbourn……….. Service Officer
Connie Wallace……….. Adjutant
George Wallace………. Judge Advocate
Connie Wallace………. Judge Advocate
Roger Green……………1 Yr. House Com.
Don LaFountaine……... 2 Yr. House Com.
G. K. Puckett…………. 3 Yr. House Com.
Ralph Schuster…..……. 1 Yr. Trustee
Darrold Rodda………… 2 Yr. Trustee
Ed Dunham…….……… 3 Yr. Trustee
Damon Monschein……. Sgt. at Arms
Greenwood Memorial VFW Post 5864
333 S. Washington St., Greenwood, IN 46143
Phone 317-888-2488
Defense bill passed by Armed Service Committee
The House Armed Services Committee passed its fiscal year 2017 defense authorization
bill draft by a vote of 60-2 recently. The full House still has to vote on the $610 billion
package, plus differences have to be worked out with a Senate version that is still in
committee. Some of the troop strength and quality of life programs contained in the HASC bill
-- A 2.1 percent pay raise, which is a half-percent higher than the Administration’s request.
-- Halting most planned troop drawdowns by adding 25,000 more soldiers to the Army
National Guard and Reserve, increasing the active Army by 5,000, adding 1,000 more
Marines and 285 Airmen.
-- Retain Tricare Prime and create a new Tricare Preferred program out of the current
Standard/Extra programs. Current fee structures would remain in place, but could change in
2020 if the Pentagon can meet certain standards for patient access and care. All personnel
now serving or who will retire before 2018 will stay in current Tricare fee structures, with
enrollment fees adjusted to the cost of living, as mandated by law. Anyone enlisting after Jan.
1, 2018, would pay an annual fee for services.
-- Require military treatment facilities to extend their normal business hours to improve
patient access, and realign military health facilities under the Defense Health Agency, which
is a step closer to the VFW-supported goal of a joint military medical command.
-- Require women to register with the Selective Service System.
-- Extend by one year the Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance of $310 per month
through Sept. 30, 2018, as well as eliminate the different treatment under the Survivor Benefit
Plan accorded to members of the Reserve Component who die from an injury or illness
incurred or aggravated in the line of duty during Inactive-Duty training.
-- Amend the Uniformed Service Former Spouse Protection Act by eliminating the “windfall
provision,” which currently grants divorce awards based on expected retirement pay, not on
the actual paygrade at the time of divorce. This is another longtime VFW-supported goal.
Former spouses would still benefit from annual COLA increases as approved by Congress.
10 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
VFW AUXILIARY MAKES DONATION TO HVAF -- Cindy Coram, at left, VFW Post 5864
Auxiliary Secretary, presents a check in the amount of $250 to Cindy Thomas (right),
LCSW, Executive Vice-President of Programs of Hoosier Veterans Assistance
Foundation (HVAF) recently. The Auxiliary (former Ladies Auxiliary), Men’s Auxiliary
and VFW have been ardent supporters of HVAF.
Auxiliary member receives Associate Degree
Michelle D. Milbourn, daughter of Steve and Patti (step-daughter) and Sally Poston
graduated from Harrison College in Indianapolis with an Associate Degree as a Medical
Assistant. She also graduated with Distinction with a 3.5 +
grade point average for the two years she attended the college.
Michelle attended the Indianapolis-East branch of the
college. The graduation ceremonies took place at Lakewood
Church near Rockville Rd. and I-465 N. on Saturday, May 21.
She is the mother of four children – Tiffany Hall; Daniel
Milbourn; Heidi Milbourn and Ben Morris. Daniel is attending
Lincoln Tech; Heidi is at Warren Central and Ben attends a
grade school nearby. Tiffany lives in Mooresville and has a
daughter, Emma. Michelle’s boyfriend is Jim Adkins and they
live on the far eastside of Indianapolis.
Michelle is also a member of VFW Post 5864 Auxiliary
along with her sister Melanie; step-mother Patti Milbourn; aunt
Phyllis; cousins Danielle and Shannon.
She is the middle of three daughters. Melissa is the eldest
and lives in the Ben Davis area; and the youngest, Melanie
Michelle D. Milbourn
lives in the Evansville, Indiana area.
Spaghetti dinner with meatballs is Friday, June 10
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 will hold a Spaghetti dinner with meatballs, garlic bread, salad
and dessert on Friday, June 10. The meal is $9 per person.
The dinner begins at 6 p.m. and continues until 8 p.m. Karaoke
starts at 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend this event.
The Post is located at 333 S. Washington St., Greenwood. Plan to
stop by and enjoy a delicious meal in a non-smoking atmosphere with
comfortable seating.
If you have any questions, please call the Post at 317-888-2488.
11 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
Vietnam and Navy veteran Alan Hanback dies
Alan Lee Hanback, 66, of Fairland, IN passed away on April 28, at St. Francis Hospital,
Indianapolis. He was born in South Bend, IN on December 9, 1949. He was a U.S. Navy
Veteran, member of Greenwood VFW Post 5864; Keystone Masonic Lodge 251; and active
member of the 685 UAW Chrysler Corp. (KTP) Kokomo, IN.
Alan retired from Navistar in 2009 after 17 years of service and
Witco-Richardson Battery Parts Division in Indianapolis after 21 years
of service. He enjoyed the outdoors working in his yard and garden,
loved his country and the Democratic Party. He was an avid Alabama
Crimson Tide fan, and enjoyed riding his Harley Davidson. Alan loved
his family and enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren.
Survivors include wife: Karen J. Hanback of Fairland; sons; Eric
(Stephanie) Lines of New Palestine; and Cory Hanback of Fairland;
sisters; Bobbie (Herschel) Herston of Huntsville, AL; Sue Middleton of
Tekoa, WA; and Joyce Gosztola of South Bend, IN; brothers; Denny Hanback of Mishawaka,
IN and Ricky (Tammy) Hanback of South Bend, IN, grandchildren; Austin, Ava and Georgia
Lines. Preceded in death by parents; Everett and Grace Austin Hanback, brothers; Grady,
Ronnie, Terry and Mark Hanback, sisters; Betty Willits and Judy Whaley.
The funeral service was held on May 2 at Bell Mortuary & Crematory in Fountaintown, IN.
Burial was in the Pleasantview Cemetery, Pleasantview, IN.
Recently four veterans from three different wars visited with a class at Classical
Conversations in Greenwood (Calvary Baptist Church). From left, center, Sherri Jones – U.S.
Army -- Haiti; Steve Milbourn – U.S. Army -- Vietnam; Al Kessinger – U.S. Marine Corps -Vietnam and Ken Hall – U.S. Army -- Korea. They spoke about their war-time experiences.
The church is located on U.S. 31 just south of Tom O'Brien Auto. The four members enjoyed
their time and were treated to an ice cream sundae afterwards.
Thanks to the Auxiliary
Thanks to the Auxiliary (formerly Ladies Auxiliary) for the meal they prepared on Poppy
Day, Saturday, May 28 for those of us who helped with the Poppy Drive. At press time,
the total amount collected was not known, but will be reported in the July newsletter.
12 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
Greenwood church donates to VFW to help others
Greenwood VFW Post 5864 Life Member David H. Syrus, hands a donation of $50 to Sr.
Vice Commander Gary Totty. David’s church, Christ Our Shepherd Church of the Brethren
collected $50 while hosting a “Welcome
Home Veterans Dinner Program”.
The church periodically sponsors
dinners for those individual in the military;
veterans; surviving spouses and families
of veterans. The cash gift will be
distributed to the VA Domiciliary and
There are four more Sunday dinners
planned for 2016 – July 10; September 11;
November 13 and December 11. The
dinners begin at 5 p.m. and are free.
The church is located at 857 N. State
Rd. 135 in Greenwood and their phone
number is 317-416-7888.
Donations in any amount can be made
Gary Totty, left and David Syrus on the right
to VFW Post 5864 in Greenwood.
Friday night, July 1 -- 6 to 8 p.m.
Steak -- $10
plus Baked Potato, Green Beans, Salad and Dinner Roll
VFW membership applications made simple
A VFW Membership Application is really very simple to complete and should not intimidate
you. Applications should be completed for New Members, Transfers, and Reinstatements and
to apply for a Life Membership.
An application should be behind the bar. If you plan to take credit for the member – you
should complete the application. Why? More than likely you can read what you write down,
but you may not be able to read or understand what the incoming member has written down.
This is extremely important in getting the proper information on the application.
Also, only VFW members of our Post can take credit for the member coming in, regardless
of who spoke to him or her, i.e., an employee talks to the prospective member and gets them
to join – the employee cannot get the credit, unless the employee is a member of the VFW.
If the member is transferring into our Post, we need his or her current VFW Card # and
current or previous VFW Post #.
The new form has a line where the veteran is to let you know what month and year he or
she arrived in the combat zone and when they left. This is extremely important. An e-mail
address is also very, very important. The one area of the application that is forgotten nearly
100% of the time is to get the veteran to sign the back of the application.
The final part of the membership procedure is to collect $35 dues for one-year plus an
extra $1 if they are a new member and a copy of a DD-214 or document showing honorable
service in a combat zone. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call Steve
Milbourn, Membership Chairman at 317-525-7291 or e-mail him at
13 -- June 2016 Newsletter – Greenwood VFW Post 5864
VA eliminates net worth factor for health eligibility
From National VFW Headquarters -- Currently, the Veterans Administration (VA)
combines a veteran’s income and assets when making income-based eligibility
determinations for health care benefits and copayment obligations. In 2015, VA began only
consider a veteran’s gross household income and deductible expenses from the previous
year when making such determinations.
This change will expand health care access to low-income veterans and reduce out-ofpocket costs for thousands of veterans. VA estimates that 190,000 veterans will become
eligible for reduced health care costs over the next five years.
VFW new year starts July 1; officers begin June 18
The 2016-2017 VFW year begins June 18 at the conclusion of the State Convention. The
VFW new year actually begins July 1 for the purposes of membership. Our goal this year will
be to reach 100% by the end of December, 2016.