2010 August Newsletter Electronic
2010 August Newsletter Electronic
ROCKRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL 5350 Headland Drive West Vancouver, BC V7W 3H2 Telephone (604) 981-1300 Fax (604) 981-1301 Marne Owen – Principal Philipine Pereira – Vice-Principal John Crowley − Vice-Principal The Newsletter of Rockridge School www.sd45.bc.ca/rockridge Issue No. 1 August 2010 WELCOME BACK! A warm welcome back to the Rockridge community, students, parents, staff and welcome to all our new families currently enrolled in the school. We hope you have all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday. All students will report to their homeroom on Tuesday, September 7th. See Page 3 for the Opening Day Schedule. Homeroom lists will be posted on the FRONT ENTRANCE windows after 4:00 pm on Friday, September 3rd. Student timetables will be given out during homeroom on Tuesday, September 7th. Upcoming Events Inside this Issue Principal’s Message Opening Day Schedule Important Information Late / Away Procedures School Awards 2009-2010 School Calendar 2010-2011 RSPAC Helpful Hints Community Announcements MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Sept. 3 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 Sept. 8 Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 14 15 16 13-15 19-23 21 23-24 28 Sept. 29 - New Student Orientation – 10:00 Player’s Hall - Labour Day Holiday – School Not in Session - School Opens – Grade 8-11 - 8:30 – 11:20 Grade 12 – 11:30 am – 2:00 pm - RSPAC Welcome Coffee – 8:30 – 10:00 – Player’s Hall - Student School Photos - Morning - Pancake Breakfast for Grade 8 Families & Families New to Rockridge - Photos Grade 8 - 9:30/Grade 12 - 9:45 - Rockridge Zone Musical Instrument Rentals 5:30 - Gr. 8 Parent Information Evening – 7:00 pm - Loon Lake Leadership 11 Trip - AP Biology 11/12 Bamfield Trip - RSPAC Meeting – 8:45 am – Library - Grade 8 Island Adventure - Meet the Teacher Evening – 6:30 – 9:00 pm – (Barbeque – 5:00 – 6:15 pm) - Professional Development Day – No School Principal’s Message Welcome back to another school year at Rockridge Secondary I know this will be another exceptional year and I am looking forward to working with our dedicated staff, supportive parent community and outstanding student body for another exciting year at Rockridge. There are a couple of staffing changes for the 2010-2011 school year. First, I want to welcome back our Vice-Principal, Mr. John Crowley, who is rejoining us after a medical leave in the spring. We also extend our congratulations and best wishes to Ms. MacDonald who has accepted a teaching position in Egypt for this school year. A warm welcome to Ms. Tracy Smith who is replacing Ms. MacDonald as our Film & TV teacher this September. As well, congratulations to Mrs. Pershick and her husband who are proud parents of Jordyn Claire Pershick who was born July 7th. Mrs. Pershick will be on a maternity leave for the 2010-2011 school year. This year, all members of Rockridge’s teaching staff will be in attendance at school on September 2nd to spend time working on professional development and instructional improvement. We will be ready to begin the new school refreshed and with lots of new ideas when the students arrive on September 7th. We look forward to our first year as an IB MYP Candidate school. A new student orientation session is scheduled for Friday, September 3rd at 10:00 a.m. Students meet in the library for a brief presentation followed by a tour of the school. This orientation session is catered towards students new to Rockridge. Grade 8 students who participated in the spring transition have already heard the presentation and experienced the tour. I look forward to meeting parents and guardians at the Meet the Teacher Evening, Tuesday, September 28th. We traditionally have a dinner at 5:00 where students, parents and staff have an opportunity to break bread together prior to the start of the formal agenda for the evening which should start at 6:30. Mrs. Pereira, Mr. Crowley and I look forward to an outstanding school year. Parents, guardians and students are always welcome to visit with Mrs. Pereira, Mr. Crowley and myself. We do like to spend time out of our offices and around the school, so it is wise to make an appointment to ensure that we will be in the office when you arrive. We look forward to seeing you soon! . 2 OPENING DAY SCHEDULE Tuesday, September 7th is a shortened day for students. The intent of this day is to ensure students in Grades 8-11 have the opportunity to be introduced to their teachers by attending all eight classes. Classes begin at 8:30 am promptly and dismiss at 11:20 am. The buses will depart at 11:30 am. GRADE 8 – 11 8:15 am Student council members are requested to meet in the main entrance in order to assist new students. 8:30 am All Grade 8 – 11 students report to homeroom. Student lists, teacher and room numbers/locations will be posted on the front windows as of Friday, September 3rd by 4:00 pm. 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 10:00 am 10:10 am 10:25 am 10:40 am 10:55 am 11:10 am 11:20 am 11:30 am Day 1 – Block 1 Day 1 – Block 2 Day 1 – Block 3 Day 1 – Block 4 Recess Day 2 – Block 1 Day 2 – Block 2 Day 2 – Block 3 Day 2 – Block 4 Early Morning / Late Afternoon Blocks Dismissal Buses will depart Printed timetables will be distributed during homeroom to all students on September 7th. GRADE 12 11:30 am 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Grade 12 students report to Homeroom Student-staff barbeque Grade 12 assembly Dismissal BUS TRANSPORTATION For school bus information please refer to the school district website www.sd45.bc.ca. Wednesday, September 8th is a full day in session for students. Please be aware that we expect students to be in their classes at 8:30 am promptly and dismissal occurs at 2:57 pm. There will be full cafeteria and bus service from this day forward. 3 BLOCK ROTATION THIS YEAR We follow a six-day block rotation schedule, which is clearly defined in student agenda books. For example: Wednesday, Sept. 8 Thursday, Sept. 9 Friday, Sept. 10 Tuesday, Sept. 14 Wednesday, Sept. 15 Thursday, Sept. 16 Friday, Sept. 17 Day 1 – Blocks 1234 Day 2 – Blocks 1234 Day 1 – Blocks 2314 Day 2 – Blocks 2314 Day 1 – Blocks 3124 Day 2 – Blocks 3124 Day 1 – Blocks 1234 Wednesdays will have a new block rotation this year, starting on Wednesday, September 15th. Students will start the day by reporting to an X block activity, each of their other morning blocks will be 1 hour long. On September 15th, the students will report to the gymnasium for a school wide assembly, which will start at 8:30 am. Wednesdays’ Schedule 8:30 – 9:30 X Block 9:40-10:40 First Block 10:49 – 11:49 Second Block 11:58-12:57 Third block Lunch 1:38 – 2:57 Fourth Block Wednesday, September 15th Full School Assembly Wednesday, September 22nd Grade 8 Adventure Preparation with Leadership 11 students Grade 9 HCE Grade 10 Marla Guloien – performance in the theatre Grade 11 Choice of: Ethics Training, Dalhousie University Post Secondary Visit, or Marla Guloien performance Grade 12 Choice of: Ethics Training, Dalhousie University Post Secondary visit, Grad Transitions, or Marla Guloien performance WELCOME! FROM YOUR STUDENT COUNCIL Welcome back everyone and a special welcome to the new grade eights. Presidents – Nell Jones & Evan Blacklock Teacher Sponsor – Mike Branco Student Council is changing! Starting this September we are introducing a new system of electing Student Council members. It’s called an open council; at the beginning of the year anyone interested in becoming a serious force on student council can join. We encourage everyone to see what student council is like. Over the first term the executives will evaluate how our members contribute and interact with the whole student body regarding our events and theme days. Then executives will choose the members that best fit the needs of the council. Members must be passionate and willing to commit not only to Tuesday meetings but also events in and outside of school. Members are expected to continuously share new ideas throughout the year to raise school spirit and unity. Student Council takes a lot of dedication and enthusiasm, every member is vital and held to a high standard. Student Council will give you a leadership role at Rockridge, and opportunities to start new things in our school. Students who are not chosen members are encouraged to get involved in any of our events. Come and see what Student Council is doing. We can’t wait to see you in September! -Nell Jones4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION COME AND MEET THE TEACHERS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th Once again, we welcome you all back on the evening of September 28th, to meet the teachers and familiarize yourself with the curriculum and work expectations for students’ classes. Please join us in the Player’s Hall at 6:30 pm for the Principal’s welcome and instructions for the evening. The Annual Parent Barbecue will be held between 5:00 and 6:15 pm providing an opportunity to mingle prior to the evening’s program. We look forward to seeing you all on this important evening. STUDENT PARKING AT ROCKRIDGE Should a student be in the fortunate position of bringing a car to school, be aware that they must complete a registration form in the office which will enable them to park in the upper lot by the Caulfeild Drive exit. There is a $20 fee for the year which goes into a scholarship fund. The student will receive a decal which must be displayed on the windshield at all times. The student parking lot will be strictly enforced and students need to be aware that this is the only area for student parking. CAFETERIA Rockridge School looks forward to another great year with Mr. Gianni Filangieri. As most of you will know, Gianni is a well-respected business man in our local community. He will ensure that your children have nutritious food available to them. Gianni always welcomes your comments. STUDENT AGENDA As a service provided at Rockridge and financed through student activity fees, students will be provided with a handy “student agenda.” These booklets contain useful information about Rockridge in addition to being a daytimer/planner. Past history has shown that this item can be of great assistance to the students as they plan their homework and upcoming activities. However, it is not always used in a way which maximizes effectiveness, and parents are encouraged to examine the agenda with their children and help us as we attempt to encourage all students to use this item regularly to increase their own efficiency and effectiveness at school. Pages 8 to 20 are chock full of information specific to Rockridge and should be checked for information on Clubs & Activities, Service Awards, Scholarships, and Honour Roll amongst others. 5 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ACTIVITY FEES Activity Fees are necessary to provide a range of goods and services to students. These fees subsidize locks for lockers, day planners, Go Cards, Athletic expenses, uniforms, medals, plaques, certificates at awards ceremonies, Student Council activities, intramural games and prizes, as well as postage. Virtually all students benefit when activity fees are paid. While there are limitations on the types of fees that schools are permitted to charge, activity fees are legal. The School Act Section 82 (3) indicates that a board may charge fees for goods and services provided by the board such as those covered by activity fees. This year the activity fees and any workbook fees will be included on our fee statement that will be sent out at the beginning of October. Please note: West Vancouver School District policy allows that fees or partial fees may be waived for students who would not otherwise be able to participate in regular school activities, field studies and special events due to financial hardship. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Although individual teachers have various requirements for their courses which will be communicated to students on the first day of school, the following supplies tend to be used by most students in grades 8 to 12. Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Highlighters, Fineliners, Ruler, Scissors, Glue Stick, Coloured felt pens, Lined paper and Graph paper, “Post It”, and two Binders with dividers for Day 1 and Day 2. Calculator (Gr. 8 & 9) and Graphing Calculator for Grades 10 and up. External Data Storage – USB drive (Memory Stick) SPORTS TEAMS Rockridge has a reputation for offering a wide variety of seasonal sports. Students should make sure they listen to announcements and check the monitor in front of the office, especially during the first few weeks of school, for try-outs and meeting times for sports teams and clubs. We are looking forward to a great fall season! GYM STRIP We encourage our students to purchase Rockridge clothing. Gym strip can be purchased from the school office. T-shirts ($18.00) shorts ($25.00) each. 6 LATE & AWAY PROCEDURES LATE PROCEDURE Students should be in class by the 8:30 bell. Individual teachers will administer consequences for tardiness. Students who are frequently late will receive guidance and consequences from the administration. Should the tardiness continue, parents will be contacted by the administration. EXCUSED ABSENCES FROM CLASS If a student is ill or will be late for school, parents are requested to inform the school by phoning (604-981-1234 – voice box 1300) before 8:25 am leaving a message with the reason for the absence or lateness. Illness or family funerals or emergencies are generally the only acceptable excuses. It is the students’ responsibility to contact teachers or friends to find out what work was missed. Students who must leave the school before afternoon dismissal must sign-out through the main office. A parent must call the office to advise of the student’s need to leave early or send a note to that effect. If a parent cannot be contacted, the student will not be given permission to leave unless it is exceptional circumstances. UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Attendance is recorded by teachers on the computer network every period. Initially, subject teachers will deal with students about unexcused absences and apply absences which could involve the student being given a zero on missed assignments or tests. If a student is developing a pattern of unexcused absences or lates, counselors and administrators will be involved and consequences may include making up missed time or suspension. SYNREVOICE SYSTEM The Synvrevoice System will primarily be used to let parents know if their child is absent from class. When the teacher marks the student absent unexcused in the computer, the Synrevoice System will call or email parents. In order for the system to be helpful, it is important that parents call the school early in the day to inform us when a student will be absent. If you prefer to have an email sent to you when your son/daughter is absent from school, please email Mrs. Saint Pierre at isaintpierre@sd45.bc.ca and let her know that your Synrevoice preference is email. Please include your name and child's name in the email. FAMILY HOLIDAYS / MISSED WORK We do not give permission for students to go on holiday during school time. If parents opt to take their sons/daughters out, it is their prerogative. Any work missed is solely the student’s responsibility. Teachers are not expected to provide extra classes, make-up tests, or specific work to be completed. Parents must be aware that absences, whether excused or not, may have a negative impact on achievement. 7 ROCKRIDGE ATHLETIC AWARDS 2009-2010 ORDER OF THE RAVEN Julia Hawkins Erik Hunter-James ATHLETES OF THE YEAR BANTAM Linnea Langford Ritchie Warke/ Ryker Bajus JUVENILE Sophie Jones Bennett Jarvis JUNIOR Kirsten Bradford Kenny Galvani INTERMEDIATE Julia Hawkins Rigel Sun SENIOR Ailey Jarvis/ Jocelyn Poirier-Hardy Erik Hunter-James UNSUNG HERO Taylor Lee OUTSTANDING COACHING CONTRIBUTION Donna Rinfret 8 ROCKRIDGE'S OUTSTANDING STUDENTS We congratulate these students who were honoured at the Awards Ceremony on June 29, 2010 MAJOR AWARD WINNERS PRINCIPAL’S AWARD OF MERIT GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Stephanie Polderman Peter Deutsch Scott Panther Sophie Jones Kelsey Dennison Matthew Richardson Jonathan Harrison Jordan Lewis ROCKRIDGE PRESTIGE AWARD GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Madeline Fawley Rick Grootes Natasha Heavyside Chris Smith Ilyana Voth Mike Gill Ben Laird Laura Cameron CAULFEILD VILLAGE MERCHANTS’ COMMUNITY SPIRIT AWARD GRADE 8 Ritchie Warke/ Dixon Scott Tara Tyab GRADE 9 Nigel MacNiell Kim Harrison/ Amy Jones GRADE 10 Clay Hamilton Amy Booth/ Kirsten Bradford GRADE 11 Trevor Bestwick Laura Gardiner THE MORGAN BACKHOUSE MEMORIAL AWARD Scott Brownlie Anna Robertson ROCKRIDGE STUDENT COUNCIL UNSUNG HERO AWARD Tara Tyab 9 MATH CONTEST AWARDS GAUSS AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATH (GRADE 8) Aria Bedford PASCAL AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATH (GRADE 9) Lucille Joo CAYLEY AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATH (GRADE 10) Sang Yoon Kee FERMAT AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MATH (GRADE 11) Xianyun Feng EUCLID MATH CONTEST Jia Xing Feng HONOURS GRADE 8 Sofia Abdolhosseinzadeh Sonia Abdolhosseinzadeh Rebecca Anderson Catherine Barnes Ian Booth Cameron Chernecki Melissa Chunick Richard Cross Lauren De Swardt Christopher Jurkowski Alessandro Lanius-Pascuzzi Alexandra Lundstrom Emelie Lundstrom Adam Martin Mitchell Mehlenbaher Brett Noseworthy Arina Polyacheck Amanda Radvak Adam Roulston Steffan Roy Sydney Schaffner Elaine Teubes Drew Van Unen Karston Voth Richard Warke GRADE 9 Emma Allan Ben Bethune Amanda Burke Joshua Byun Nicholas Cheung Norman Ergetowski Olivia Evans Brendan Hannah Duncan Hulford Bridget Irwin Amy Jones Caleb Lee Daniel Leschert David Mullins James Murray Brianne Neal Lucas Nieuwenburg Rafael Pinho James Porter Jared Radvak Jack Rainer Charles Renzoni Alberto Riveroll Usabiaga Maya Sarin Nikolas Serbic Piyarat Somboon Arek Sredzki Kerry Stanley Kirsten Ulveland Yola Vermehr Brianna Weese 10 GRADE 10 Julia Angus Emily Ashton Jill Berg Trevor Buchan Mitchell Dale Eunice Daria Celeste Didur Trevor Dodson Keenan Fawley Brooke Fenton Katherine Fleming Kyle Gardiner Lauren Hamilton Michael Harvey Weiting Liu Caitlin Lloyd Shaun MacNeill Mahta Madani Andrew Morgan Lisa Panther Lukas Pohn Katie Ritchie Madi Ritchie Thomas Schatz Alek Van De Sande Emily Walton-Sudgen Leah Zielke GRADE 11 Amanda Baumgartner Simon Bramberger Kathryn Butchofsky Byul Choi Hazel Chu Jordan Cutshall Jominca Engelbrecht Joey Evans Lara Fuchs Luke Galvani Mikayla Gray Hubbard Hans Gustavson Julia Hawkins Ben Henry Roy Kim Sarah Kirkwood Bonjoo Koo Kyra Krohman Tyson Lee Lena Lomoschitz Max McKenzie Deniz OK Ashley Oliver Ana Cristina Ottoni Antony Packer Gi Hum Phak Michael Piasecki Iain Robbins Stephanie Simpson View Sodsong Lauren Southcott Chelsea Stringer Anna Stuart Stephie White Elias Wilson Fan Zhang Yuxin Zhang Paige Zeniuk HONOURS WITH DISTINCTION GRADE 8 Megan Allan Cailan Ashcroft Aria Bedford Ali Bell Elizabeth Chung Lauren Clokie Libbee Coulter Peter Deutsch Keanu Farion Madeline Fawley Rick Grootes Leland Jansen Alexa Krywulak Linnea Langford Lauren Lyons Hannah McGrath Kelsey McIver Madeleine McMurray Sarah Moignard Anaele Moore Connor Moss Emma Nagle Stefanie Polderman Daniela Robles Velasco Carmen Rodriguez Dixon Scott Roxana Sharefi Jenna Steinberg Samuel Tammen Evan Thomas Jessica Treagus Tara Tyab Ian Winkler Olivia Wu 11 GRADE 9 Stefan Blodgett Turner Brown Scott Brownlie Matthew Cameron Nicole Cheung Breanna Corlett Kathleen Dalrymple Ryley Dewar Jennifer Diemer Laura Essery Michael Fisher Shawn Fisher Jessie Goose Sam Gray Kimberly Harrison Julia Hawkins Natasha Heavyside Blake Henderson Rachel Hirst Samuel Ives Sean Joel Sophie Jones Lucille Joo Thomas Kelly Alexander Kyriazis Ryan Lan Hye Ji Lee Olivia Lewis Emma Lynch-Neal Olivia MacNeill Jordan Mathieson Aila Matysek Lucy Moger Nadia Osborne Scott Panther Matthew Peterson Liam Reeve Riley Richardson Anna Robertson Matt Rowan Sina Safabakhsh Steffany Schulhof Alix Shuparski Ben Smith Chris Smith Anders Steiro Madison Swartz Sean Tammen Katie Tikkanen Jillian Trach Nicolette Tsavdaris Lauren Woods GRADE 10 Bryan Angus Jonas Armes Joon Woo Baik Patrick Bell Amy Booth Kirsten Bradford Sahra Brubeck Carsten Chalk Jong Sun Choi Doug Chung Harrison Dann Kelsey Dennison Hilary Drake Ya Gao Mike Gill Sarah Gregson Clay Hamilton Rufina Ip Brian Irwin Sang Yoon Kee Callum Kelpin Giovanna Lanius-Pascuzzi Ji Hyung Lee Ka Hay Lee Julia Lehn Aaron Lewis Taro Margolis Allison Marshall Eva Martin Mariela Moen Taryn Montagano Hyeonjin Park Hendrik Polderman Hilary Rejto Matthew Richardson Ben Robertson Karl Schultze Crichton Scott Andrew Shuparski Jamie Sielski Katie Sloman Chloe Slomowitz Tyler Son Michael Song Emily Strang Lauren Taaffe Lisa Tejpar Danielle Van Dorp Ilyana Voth Danielle Windt AJ Zhang GRADE 11 Elizabeth Andrews Trevor Bestwick Helena Bitelli Evan Blacklock Benjamin Bracken-Furneaux Harrison Brown Charlie Caldwell Laura Cameron Cheng Cao Brad Dalrymple Julian Dominguez Jia Xing Feng Xianyun Feng Perry Finnbogason Keith Karstunen Alec Kelly Derek Klaver Ben Laird Emmet Lee Gerald Lee Kyle Leeners Caroline Leitch Jordan Lewis Sen Li Shiman Li John Robert MacKenzie Christian Matishak Laura Matthias Jesse Richardson Brynn Roach Luke Rowan Lisa Russell Samantha Schaffner Tzi-Yang Shao Mariam Shokrizadeh Sam Spencer Rigel Sun Carolyn Taylor Lauren Telford Danielle Ten Vaanholt Ali Thomas Kelly Trach 12 Laura Gardiner Jake Goose Tyler Gregson Sharon Gu Stefanie Hannah Jonathan Harrison Seth Hayto Arman Johal Nell Jones Mina Mohit Tabatha Montagano Andrew Moore Yannis Moore Lauren Nerfa Sawyer O’Dwyer Elinor Parsons Francesca Pirola Sam Purchase Landon Trimble May Tu Marten von der Heide Niklas von Krosigk Tobias Vratz Steven Wallace Di Wang Isabel Weber Fiona Xu AWARDS FOR SCHOOL SERVICE BRONZE GRADE 9 Sam Gray Caleb Lee Steffany Schulhof Allison Marshall Sammy McKee Portia Czernin-Spencer Danielle Windt Sen Li Mina Mohit Sam Spencer Anna Stuart Paige Zeniuk GRADE 10 Celeste Didur Brian Irwin GRADE 11 Lida DeGraaf Tyler Gregson Seth Hayto SILVER GRADE 8 Tara Tyab GRADE 9 Kathleen Dalrymple Jessie Goose Sean Joel Lucille Joo Thomas Kelly Olivia Lewis Taryn Montagano Andrew Morgan Katie Ritchie Katie Sloman Lauren Taaffe Alec Kelly Bonjoo Koo Andrew Moore Sawyer O’Dwyer Sam Purchase Luke Rowan Lisa Russell Samantha Schaffner Stephie White GRADE 10 Jill Berg Lauren Hamilton Giovanna Lanius-Pascuzzi GRADE 11 Danielle Berry Kathryn Butchofsky Byul Choi Xiang Yun (Ivin) Feng Jake Goose 13 GOLD GRADE 8 Rick Grootes GRADE 9 Jillian Trach GRADE 10 Amy Booth Kirsten Bradford Benjamin Robertson Emily Strang William Yoon Stefanie Hannah Derek Klaver Tabatha Montagano Yannis Moore Mariam Shokrizadeh Ali Thomas GRADE 11 Trevor Bestwick Joey Evans Luke Galvani AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING SCHOOL SERVICE GRADE 9 Jenny Diemer Kimberly Harrison Natasha Heavyside Amy Jones Sophie Jones Olivia MacNiell Anna Robertson Arek Sredski Madison Swartz Ji Hyung Lee Eva Martin Hilary Rejto Tyler Son Michael (Sangho) Song Ilyana Voth Emily Walton-Sudgen Jonathan Harrison Julia Hawkins Nell Jones Emmet Lee Caroline Leitch Jordan Lewis John Robert MacKenzie Laura Matthias Lauren Nerfa Elinor Parsons Carolyn Taylor Lauren Telford Danielle Ten Vaanholt Kelly Trach GRADE 10 Julia Angus Kelsey Dennison Katherine Fleming Clay Hamilton GRADE 11 Elizabeth Andrews Amanda Baumgartner Evan Blackmore Laura Cameron Perry Finnbogason Laura Gardiner Bo Ha SUBJECT AWARDS ENGLISH GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Madeline Fawley Samuel Tammen Lucy Moger Madison Swartz Amy Booth Sage Lemmers Kyle Leeners Rigel Sun ENGLISH PRE AP 10 ENGLISH PRE AP 11 Ilyana Voth Stefanie Hannah 14 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ELD GRADE 8 /9 Piyarat Somboon TRANS ENGLISH GRADE 8/9 Daniela Robles Velasco TRANS ENGLLISH GRADE 10 Ya Gao ACL GRADE 11 Francisco Nunez Ramirez MATH PRINCIPLES OF MATH 8 MATH 8/9 ADAPTED Keanu Farion Jenna Steinberg Sam Tammen Jessie Treagus PRINCIPLES OF MATH 9 PRINCIPLES OF MATH 10 MATH 10 ENRICHED Kimberly Harrison Chris Smith Ka Hay Lee Scott Panther Alex Kyriazis PRINCIPLES OF MATH 11 MATH 11 Pre AP Laura Matthias Kelly Trach Kelsey Dennison OUTSTANDING GRADE 11 STUDENT IN PRINCIPLES OF MATH 12 ACCOUNTING 11 May Tu Jonathan Harrison SOCIAL STUDIES GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Peter Deutsch Madeline Fawley Aila Matysek Sean Tammen Ya Gao Brian Irwin Elizabeth Andrews Danielle Ten Vaanholt CIVIC STUDIES 11 Tyler Gregson 2010 Begbie Canadian History Contest Charlie Caldwell SCIENCE SCIENCE 8 SCIENCE 9 SCIENCE 10 BIOLOGY 11 Aria Bedford Sam Tammen Natasha Heavyside Alex Kyriazis Ilyana Voth Danielle Windt Laura Cameron Ben Laird BIOLOGY PRE AP 11 CHEMISTRY 11 PHYSICS 11 EARTH SCIENCE 11 Samantha Schaffner Caroline Leitch Carolyn Taylor Emmet Lee Lauren Nerfa Kelsey Dennison FRENCH 8 FRENCH 9 FRENCH 10 Rick Grootes Madison Swartz Ilyana Voth FRENCH 11 FRENCH 11 AP Lisa Russell Elinor Parsons Carolyn Taylor LANGUAGES FRENCH 15 JAPANESE JAPANESE 9 JAPANESE 11 INTRO JAPANESE 11 JAPANESE 12 Matt Rowan Xianyun Feng Gerald Lee Taro Margolis SPANISH INTRO 11 SPANISH 11 SPANISH 11 ENRICHED Evan Blacklock Elinor Parsons Carolyn Taylor Sarah Gregson GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Ian Winkler Stefanie Polderman Alex Kyriazis Katie Tikkanen Matthew Richardson Amy Booth Keith Karstunen Lauren Telford SPANISH PHYSICAL EDUCATION STRENGTH & POWER Junior Girl Junior Boy Senior Girl Senior Boy Amy Jones Sophie Jones Sam Gray Julia Hawkins Ben Anderson GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 GRADE 11 Stefanie Polderman Alex Kyriazis Taro Margolis Luke Rowan GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 11 CERAMICS Drew van Unen Jillian Trach Danielle van Dorp Jamie Sielski FINE ARTS MUSIC ART DRAMA GRADE 8 GRADE 9 GRADE 10 ACTING 11 Laura Lyons Natasha Heavyside Julia Angus Paige Zeniuk APPLIED SKILLS FOOD STUDIES FOOD STUDIES 9 FOOD STUDIES 10 FOOD STUDIES 11 Natasha Heavyside Danielle Windt Nell Jones TECHNICAL EDUCATION & VIDEO PRODUCTION Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 11 Film 12 Cam Macdonald Chris Smith Eva Martin Yannis Moore TECH ED 9 TECH ED 10 TECH ED 11 Ben Smith Jonas Armes Elinor Parsons 16 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFO TECH 9 INFO TECH 10 ICT 11 Blake Henderson Doug Chung Andrew Moore MEDIA ARTS PHOTOJOURNALISM MEDIA ARTS 9 MEDIA ARTS 11 PHOTOGRAPHY 11 Kelsey Dennison Kathleen Dalrymple Bonjoo Koo Harrison Brown JOURNALISM Luke Galvani PLANNING 10 Taro Margolis Danielle Windt WORK EXPERIENCE Mariam Shokrizadeh SECONDARY APPRENTICESHIP Tyson Lee CLASS OF 2010 Our graduating Class of 2010 Award and Scholarship Recipients will be featured in the Fall newsletter. 17 ROCKRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL CALENDAR 2010-2011 Please note: Some dates are not yet set or are subject to change. Watch for updates on the website. September Thursday 2 Friday 3 Monday 6 Tuesday 7 Wednesday 8 Wednesday 8 Thursday 9 Friday 10 Monday 13 – Wednesday 15 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Thursday 16 Sunday 19 – Thursday 23 Tuesday 21 Thursday 23 – Friday 24 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY New Student Orientation – 10:00 am – Library LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY – School not in Session School Opens - Term 1 Begins Grades 8-11 - 8:30 – 11:20 am / Grade 12 - 11:30 am – 2:00 pm RSPAC Welcome Coffee – 8:00 – 10:00 am Regular Block Rotation Begins Student School Photos Pancake Breakfast for Families New to Rockridge and Grade 8 Families - 7:25 am Loon Lake Leadership 11 Trip Photo on the Rock - Grade 8 – 9:30 am / Grade 12 – 9:45 am Rockridge Elementary Zone Musical Instrument Rentals – 5:30 pm Grade 8 Parent Evening – 6:30 pm AP Biology 11/12 trip to Bamfield – depart 7:30 RSPAC Meeting – 8:45 am Grade 8 Island Adventure Meet the Teacher Evening – 6:30 – 9:00 pm (Barbeque – 5:00 - 6:15 pm) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY – School not in Session Thursday 30 – Sunday 3 Thursday 7 Monday 11 Tuesday 19 Friday 22 Surf Trip Photo Retakes THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY – School not in Session RSPAC Meeting – 8:45 am PROVINCIAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY – (No Students) October November Wednesday 3 Wednesday 10 Thursday 11 Tuesday 16 Saturday 20 Grade 9 – “Take Your Kids to Work Day” Remembrance Day Assembly – 10:30 am REMEMBRANCE DAY HOLIDAY – School not in Session RSPAC Meeting – 8:45 am Student Leadership Conference December Wednesday 1 Friday 17 Friday 17 Saturday 18 – Monday 3 Start of Term 2 Last day of classes prior to Winter Vacation Santa’s Breakfast WINTER VACATION – School not in Session 18 January Tuesday 4 Tuesday 18 Thursday 20 Thursday 20 Friday 21 February Monday 14 - Tuesday15 Tuesday 15 Thursday 17 Friday 18 Thursday 24 School re-opens for 2011 RSPAC Meeting – 7:00 pm Early Dismissal – 11:45 am Parent/Teacher Conferences 1:00 – 4:00 pm and 6:00 – 8:00 pm PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY – School not in Session Math Midyear Exams RSPAC Meeting – 8:45 am PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY – School not in Session District Wide Reading Break - School not in Session Math Contests: Grade 9 Pascal, Grade 10 Cayley, Grade 11 Fermat March Wednesday 2 Monday 7 – Friday 11 Friday 11 Saturday 12 – Sunday 27 Monday 28 Start of Term 3 Biology 11 Trip to Bamfield Last school day prior to Spring Break SPRING BREAK (District Wide) – School not in Session School re-opens after Spring Break Tuesday 12 Tuesday 19 Friday 22 Monday 25 Grade 12 Euclid Math Contest RSPAC Meeting – 8:45 am - Library Good Friday – School not in session Easter Monday – School not in Session Wednesday 11 Tuesday 17 Friday 20 Monday 24 Grade 8 Gauss Math Contest RSPAC Annual General Meeting – Library – 7:00 pm PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY – School not in Session VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY – School not in Session Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Wednesday 16 – Friday 20 Monday 21 – Tuesday 29 Tuesday 29 Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30 Commencement Ceremonies Last Day of Classes School Based Exams Provincial Exams Report Cards and Yearbooks Issued Awards Night – Grades 8-11 – 7:00 pm SCHOOL YEAR ENDS / ADMINISTRATIVE DAY April May June 19 20 21 22 23