Catholic Printery
Catholic Printery
10100 NE 192nd Street Bothell, Washington Rev. James Northrop, Pastor October 22nd & 23rd, 2016 Sunday Eucharist Schedule Saturday: 5:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 and 10:00 am Domingo: 12:00 Noon Misa en Español Weekday Schedule Mass Mon, Wed, Thurs., Fri, Sat: 8:30 am Thursday: 6:00 pm Misa en Español Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 pm or by appointment Mission Statement Misión We, the St. Brendan Catholic community, are called to: Nosotros, la comunidad católica de San Brendan estamos llamados a: • Celebrate through Word and Sacrament; • Be formed as disciples and go forth as apostles; • Reach out to all with love and respect In order to make visible the reign of God by transforming our world. • Celebrar a través de la Palabra y Sacramento; • Ser formados como discípulos y seguir adelante como apóstoles; • Llegar a todos con amor y respecto Todo esto para hacer visible el reino de Dios transformando nuestro mundo. ST. BRENDAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 425-483-9400 Important Announcements: Pastor Rev. Jim Northrop | ext #2647 Pancake Breakfast after morning Masses today in the School Gym. Deacons José Blakeley Eamon Parsons Mass on Wednesday, October 26 will be at 10:00 am at Bothell HealthCare Center. Pastoral Associate/Adult Faith Linda Haptonstall | ext #2645 Administration Kerri Foust | ext #2642 Youth and Young Adult Ministry Jeannette Green (Middle School) Ext #2649 Joe DiAte (High School, Young Adults) ext #2653 Children & Family Ministry Andrea King [ ext. 2648 School Principal Brian Bradish Facilities Supervisor Frank Fewel | ext #2650 ST. BRENDAN PARISH Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-noon; 1:00-4:30 pm Phone: (425) 483-9400 Fax: (425) 486-9735 Address: 10051 NE 195th Street Bothell, WA 98011-2931 School Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-4:00 pm Phone: (425) 483-8300 Fax: (425) 483-2839 Address: 10049 NE 195th Street Bothell, WA 98011-2931 Pastoral Secretary/Receptionist Diane Moran | ext #2640 Funeral Masses and Burial Rites Office Manager/Development Director Christen Lambert Ministry to the Sick and Homebound School Secretary Karyn Murnane Para hacer arreglos para Misa para funeral o servicio conmemorativo, por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia, o pregunte al director de los servicios funerarios. To arrange for a funeral Mass or memorial service, please contact the Parish Office, or ask the funeral director to do so. To arrange for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or to receive Holy Communion at home, please contact the Parish Office. Misas para Funerales y Ritos del Entierro Ministerio para los Enfermos Para hacer arreglos para el Sacramento de La Unción de Los Enfermos o para recibir la Santa Comunión en casa, por favor contacte la Oficina de la Parroquia. PAGE 2 Week of October 23, 2016 Readings II Sunday, October 23 30TH SUNDAY IN 8:00 am /10:00 am Mass ORDINARY TIME 12:00 pm Spanish Bapt. Mass Sir 35:12-14, 16-18 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18 Lk 18:9-14 Monday, October 24 8:30 am Mass 30 OT Eph 4:32—5:8 Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday, October 25 10:30 am Liturgy of the Word @ Chateau 30 OT Eph 5:21--33 Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday, October 26 10:00 am Mass @ Bothell HealthCare Ctr. 30 OT Eph 6:1-9 Lk 13:22-30 Thursday, October 27 8:30 am Mass 6:00 pm Spanish Mass 30 OT Eph 6:10-20 Lk 13:31-35 Friday, October 28 8:30 am Mass Sts. Simon & Jude Eph 2:19-22 Lk 6:12-16 Saturday, October 29 8:30 am Mass 3:00 pm Penance 5:00 pm Vigil Mass 30 OT Phil 1:18b-26 Lk 14:1, 7-11 Sunday, October 30 8:00 am/10:00 am Mass 12:00 pm Spanish Mass 31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Wis 11:22—12:2 Thes 1:11—2:2 Lk 19:1-10 FRAMED PHOTOS OF DECEASED LOVED ONES Please bring your framed photos of loved ones who have gone before us in death for our November “Remembrance of all Saints/Souls.” 8X10 framed photos or smaller to be placed in basket by welcome table. Photos will be displayed around the baptismal font throughout November. SAVE THE DATE! AN EVENING OF MALAWI MOMENTS WITH OUR VISITORS FROM OUR SISTER PARISH Saturday, Oct. 29 6:00 pm Narthex Come eat a Malawi meal and learn about life in Malawi from Fr. Chris, John Phiri and Angelina Emmanuel Please pray for the sick: Judy Atkinson Lillian Blanks Laura Diego Mary Estelle Erika Ferreri Anthony Fiorita John Flynn Louise Ford Serena Herrick Marilyn Hein Joyce Kostelecky Paul Leipold Steve Nettekoven Bill Paulson Greg Savitsky Linneth Sylveger Dave Syson Lennie Treichel Mary Winter *************** And for those who have died: Karen Dedman Marjia Elvira Good Wally Irvin Henry Selby Erik Mendoza Vazquez THE DELEGATION FROM OUR SISTER PARISH ST JOSEPH, NAMALAKA is HERE (until 10/31) They were introduced and welcomed at Masses last weekend: Fr. Chris Chatsogola, John Phiri (head schoolmaster) and Angelina Emmanuel (grade school teacher) At the “St Brendan Has Talent” concert on October 16 they sang a song, reminding us all of Gods precious mercy. The lyrics to that song translated are: "The only begotten Son of God, He is our teacher, He is our Savior. Jesus, the merciful face of the Father, says we should love one another, be merciful, be merciful, be merciful. Just like your Father in Heaven. Today our church should love those in Diaspora, in captivity, those oppressed. Those without faith should be enlightened. The mercy of the Lord should be upon them so that they return to Jesus, to the church. The church should wear the merciful face of Jesus." The visitors hope to meet and greet as many of our community as possible. Coming next week- Impressions from the visitors of their experiences with us. For one example, on Friday October 14 the power went out at the school while they were inside visiting. The students were sent home early and the assembly was postponed as per our protocols. John, as a teacher, was surprised because there is NO POWER in Namalaka and yet learning still takes place! PAGE 3 Family Meal High Drama Early Visit to Heaven Andrea King Children & Family Ministries The EUCHARIST—Of Course! Little Disciples – Pre-K Faith Formation Questions and Answers Where was the Eucharist first celebrated? In Jerusalem Who can receive Jesus in the Eucharist? Baptized Catholics who have received instruction How often may we go to the Eucharist? Every day! But at least once a week. What is the DRAMA in the Eucharist? The priest tells the whole story of what Jesus did for us. RCIA for Children Family and Godparent Preparation Children’s Liturgy of the Word Nursery & Childcare Family Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist Disciples Club – Elementary Faith Formation Ministerios RCIA para Niños Preparación Bautismal y Preparación de Padrinos Liturgia de la Palabra para Niños Discípulos Pequeños – Formación en la Fe para Niños Prescolar Guardería y Cuidado de Niños Preparación para Eucaristía Preparación para Reconciliación Club de Discipulos— Formacion de Fe para Niños PAGE 4 Youth Minister Contact 425–483-9400 High School Youth Groups—Soldiers of Christ! Follow us on Facebook Youth Confirmation classes are Mondays at 7pm in the Church. Get your registration to Joe. Don’t forget to turn in your registrations for the Catholic Youth Convention. Call Joe if you have questions. /Saintbrendanlifeteen And our Middle Schoolers: Young Adults: Eastside Disciples Catholic Young Adults. We had an AWESOME Youth Group Kickoff last Wednesday! Didn’t make it? No worries! We’ll meet again this Wednesday, October 26th at 6:00 pm in Lower Brendan House. More fun! More games! More food! More prizes! Don’t miss out! If you are a teen who is interested in receiving their Baptism or 1st Communion, please contact Jeannette at the Parish Office. Classes are starting soon! YOUNG AT HEART SENIORS GROUP October’s trip to Snohomish was enjoyable—seeing Fall decorations at Craven Farm, enjoying Mexican food and topping it all off with delicious pumpkin cheesecake. In November, we will be heading to Woodinville to visit Brittany Park. We will be given a tour, lunch, and the opportunity to do early holiday shopping at their craft fair. Come join us! We meet in the Church Narthex at 10:45 am on Tuesday, November 8. Please RSVE Anneliese at 425-7702103. Adult Confirmation and/or Returning Catholics Classes start on October 29th at 3:30pm in Lower Brendan House. Registration will be at that time. Or Contact Linda Haptonstall at 425-483-9400 x2645 or by email at Confirmación para Adultos y Católicos que Vuelven a la Iglesia Clases empezaran 29 de octubre a las 3:30pm en Casa San Brendan. Registrar se a la primera clase, o llame a Linda Haptonstall al 425.483.9400 x2645, o e:mail PAGE 5 Knights Corner Dan O’Brien shares his thoughts on joining the Knights of Columbus: “I spent most of my adult life focused on my family, my friends, my amusements and my job. My Catholic religion was a Sunday 1-hour commitment. One day a Knight approached me and asked, ‘Why haven't you joined the Knights?’ I knew there was no good excuse. I owed my Church, my Family and my Community a debt that I could never fully repay. I have never regretted the decision to join these fine Catholic gentlemen we call the Knights of Columbus.” To join Dan O’Brien and the Knights, call Kevin Van Hollebeke 206-240-0275. LAY APOSTOLATE OF JESUS CHRIST MEETING The Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ meeting will take place on Sunday, October 23 in the Church Library from 4:30—6:00 pm. Bishop Robert Barron’s new “Pivotal Players” series DVD will be shown featuring the life of St. Francis of Assisi. We will read the monthly message and pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. All are welcome. Cursillo Ultreya Looking for spiritual growth? Meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 pm in the library. Contact: Sam or Melinda Affronte (425) 481-5296 Ron Fernandes (425) 821-3599 Ultreya en Español 3er Sábado del mes de 2-3 pm en la Parróquia de San Brendan.M ás información con el Sr. José Blakeley al (425) 868-3342. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Our Parish Outreach Ministries request the following items: SOS Thursday meal preparation in need of volunteer facilitator to coordinate weekly meal planning and preparation of food for serving 150. If interested, call Larry at 206-930-0142. DIAPER BAG PROJECT Diapers (nb or sm), disposable wipes ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Canned tuna, canned chicken, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, TP ST. BRENDAN LIGHT OF CHRIST PRAYER GROUP Meets every Wednesday, 7:30—9:00 pm in Church Healing Ministry every Third Wednesday of the month Questions/Contacts: PAGE 6 NEED CHRISTMAS GIVING TREE VOLUNTEERS Would you like to be a real live Santa? Sarah Beeson and Kerrie Mayans would like to turn over this wonderful ministry after this holiday season. Ideally any interested person would be able to shadow this holiday season so they would know next year how to run it. Giving Tree is fairly simple to run and is extremely rewarding. You actually deliver presents to people in need. Multiple agencies depend on the wonderful donations they receive each year. We will also need volunteers to help with distribution, delivery and clean-up. We will meet in the Narthex on December 11 at Noon. Please contact Sarah Beeson at if interested. MALAWI SISTER PARISH SQUARE DANCE FUNDRAISER Sunday, October 30, 6:30—9:00 pm KofC Hall, Bothell Come celebrate our culture with the visitors from Malawi! Learn how to swing your partner round and round!! Some DISCO moves too. Snacks and happy juices provided. Fundraiser for Sister Parish. Tickets $15 each, sold this weekend and at the door. Questions? Marie at 206-9485166. ST. BRENDAN GARDENS Please mark Saturday, November 12th on your calendar. This will be the last official work party of 2016. If you haven’t been able to help us yet this year, here is your chance! There will be plenty of work to do to get the gardens and grounds ready for the holiday season...and we can accommodate whatever your special interests/gifts are —pruning, raking, weeding, deadheading, planting, edging, etc. So bring your tools and join us for however long you’re able starting at 9:00 am. Please call Anneliese at 425-7702103 if any questions. CALLING ALL BAKERS We know there are wonderful bakers in our parish community! St. Brendan Catholic School is looking for your help. We are in need of home baked items to sell at the bake sale table during the Annual Holiday Craft Fair on November 12/13. All proceeds will benefit the children at your parish school. Your baked items should be wrapped in CLEAR cellophane and labeled clearly. Creative and beautifully wrapped items are big sellers. Please indicate on your baked item if it contains any nut products. We will not be able to accept items that require refrigeration or are store bought. Please plan to drop off your baked goods for donation on Friday, November 11, from 9:00 am—1:00 pm in the School Gym. For more information, please contact Suzanne Ames at Thank you for your donation. THE STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE & TIME Weekly Budget Goal $23,077.00 Week of October 10 - October 16 Envelope Offerings Electronic Funds Transfers (Oct.) Online Giving $19,599.50 $13,091.43 $1,633.00 Total Weekly Sacrificial Giving Over/Under Weekly Budget $34,323.93 $11,246.93 Stewardship of Time 83 hours Year—to—Date July 1 - October 16 YTD Budget Goal YTD Sacrificial Giving Over/Under YTD Budget $369,232.00 $348,051.29 -$21,180.71 Stewardship of Time 1811 hours BULLETIN DEADLINE 12 Noon Monday (Friday 4:30 pm when Monday is a Holiday) ONLINE GIVING Online Giving is offered as an additional way to give. Please visit and click on the “Online Giving” link. 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Both the first reading and today’s psalm say clearly that the Lord hears the cry of the poor. Have I been given the gifts—of time or money or abilities—to be the means by which God answers their need? WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Today is World Mission Sunday! In announcing his decision to declare a Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said “Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy.” Supporting the young churches throughout the world with your prayers and generous gifts is indeed a merciful witness of this mission. The collection today will help missionaries offer the poor of these areas practical help as they share the mercy of God. It will ensure the development of local dioceses and support the work of priests, religious and lay leaders who serve those on the margins and in most need. Extend your merciful witness to the whole world through your gift in today’s collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith!. PAGE 7 Please tell these adver tisers you saw them on your Sunday Bulletin Movement is Life! 425.486.6079 Bothell/ Woodinville HILLCREST BAKERY 10010 Main Street 425-828-7800 486-5292 Bothell ALHI Business Services Inc. TAXES & BOOKKEEPING 206-362-5525 Gabriela Hidalgo: Enrolled Agent & QB ProAdvisor (425) 445-8596 Parishioner 10116 Main Bthl • 425 Bothell Family Dentistry 486-7270 Norman Bolosan, DDS, PC Servico en Español e Inglés Distinctive Eyewear General Dentistry 19515 North Creek Parkway N. Suite 212 Bothell, WA 98011 425.486.7764 Marie-Noelle Metseye JOSEPH M. HANRAHAN, D.D.S. 410-300-3164 (425) 481-7790 1909 214th St. SE #205 • Bothell Senior Discount/Extended Hours 18222 104th Ave. NE Ste. 106, Bothell Northwest 425-771-3515 “Working hard to get you home! For every transaction, a donation will be made to a charity of your choice” KENMORE CAMERA Local Families Have Known For Years... We’re The Best Choice For Retirement Living Assisted Living Programs Available 6708 NE 181st St. Kenmore, Wash. 425 481-1976 10315 East Riverside Dr. • Bothell (425) 485-7447 Great Specials Daily Happy Hour 3-6pm Join Us at a High School Open House Mon-Sat 6am-9pm Sun 7:00am-9:00pm 22620 Bothell Everett Hwy “Seattle’s solution to at Canyon Park all your plumbing needs.” November 16, 2016 and January 4, 2017 Better Service at a Better Price! 425-486-7781 206-890-7478 •Sewer Inspection •Trenchless Sewer Repair •Clogged Drain? •Plumbing Services Local Family Owned Business *100,000 Satisfied Customers AT BOTHELL LANDING Independent and Assisted Living 10519 E. Riverside Drive, Bothell 206-783-4129 425-455-4773 “The Plumber People Recommend” Reel in your BEST customers by advertising on this bulletin. For more info call John 1-800-867-0660 or call 425-485-8900 30 Years of Integrity and Skill Congratulations to Holy Rosary on this 100 year anniversary! Have your doctor order from Pacific Medical 1-800-726-9180 Covered by most Insurances ~ Medicare Approved ReaLToR 206-427-2424 Washington Residential & Commercial Real Estate Local Catholic boy sells new and used cars for less Service & Repair of Japanese & German Vehicles 425-481-1200 Do You Have Arthritis Knee Pain? Ask Your Doctor About The Bellacure Offices: (206) 783-4129 (425) 455-1310OA Knee Treatment Device Leo Van HoLLebeke CatholicMatch St. Mark Parishioner 180th & Bothell-Evt. Hwy Cristina Medina Real Estate Broker (425) 998-3799 Bilingual (Engilsh/Español) Parishioner Windermere Real Estate Co. Greg Olson See how much you’ll save at John Augustavo Specializing in outdoor portraits 425-486-0584 or 425-891-4805 SJV Parishioner Real Estate Agent Cell 206.251.6290 24 YEAR PARishionER EGGERMAN LAW FIRM PS ATTORNEY AT LAW 16564 Cleveland st. suite h Redmond, WA 98052 For every transaction, a donation will be made in your name to st. Brendan. Jeanette Eggerman Photography * Wills * Trusts * Probate * Personal Injury * Workers’ Compensation STEPHEN A. EGGERMAN Parishioner (425) 828-9509 Est. 1978 Serving the community for 38 years with Catholic values for all of life’s special occasions The Michael Family thanks you. 425.643.2610 • 3500 Factoria Blvd SE. Bellevue, WA 98006 Located in Downtown Kirkland For Advertising Call John Hitt 206-859-6878. Habla Español Jaime Oviedo 509-388-6362 ©CPI 185 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call John Hitt - 800-867-0660 Honoring Memories. Celebrating Lives. Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Downtown Kirkland WEDDING CAKES Call Leida Kaskes (425) 771-1234 405 5th Ave. S. Edmonds Caring Professional Family Owned
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