St Anthony`s Parish


St Anthony`s Parish
St Anthony’s Parish
90 Buckley Street, Noble Park, VIC 3174
Tel (03) 9546 8276 - Fax (03) 9548 1608 - School (03) 9546 0044
50 years in 2006
Parish Website:
Parish Priest: Fr Arsenio Tuazon - Assistant Priest: Fr Richard Rosse
Pastoral Workers: Srs Kim Tran & Nga Nguyen
School Principal: Margaret Batt
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
15 JULY 2012
St. Anthony, patron of our parish, loyal servant of God, faithful follower of Jesus: You taught by word and deed, the
message of the Gospel. Teach us to live the Gospel values as you did. Enlighten our minds in search of God's will.
Inspire us to be a prayerful community, ever reaching out to and cherishing our neighbour. Help us proclaim God's love
and live what we proclaim. AMEN.
Mass Times
Today's Gospel takes up where last Sunday's left off, and
continues its description of Jesus' ministry. However, that
ministry has reached a turning point. Now the disciples of
Jesus begin a ministry of their own: the followers become
the leaders.
Monday to Saturday:
1st Friday:
Saturday Vigil:
3rd Sunday
9.30am & 7.00pm
2.00pm - Sudanese Mass - in Arabic
Saturday 10am and 6pm
Entrance Antiphon: As for me, in justice I shall behold
your face; I shall be filled with the vision of your glory.
Communion Antiphon: The sparrow finds a home, and
the swallow a nest for her young: by your altars, O Lord of
hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they who dwell in
your house, for ever singing your praise.
Next Week
of Advent
Jesus' instructions are clear: take
a staff;
wear sandals; do not take a spare tunic; rely completely on
the hospitality of those you meet.
Mission or maintenance: the choice is always there to
challenge the universal Church and each parish community.
Does the Church exist for its own sake, to build itself up and
to gain Power and influence?
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
 First reading:
 Second reading:
 Gospel:
Sun 15 July:
Group 8 - Louisa Morais, Gladys Ash,
Sun 22 July:
Group 9 - Ken & Marg McDonald,
Marcel & Gillian Sladen
Jeannette & Tom Quinn, Bill Smith
Or does it exist as a missionary body, reaching out of itself
to those most in need of God's word?
Are our efforts and resources used largely to maintain and
develop what we have, or are they directed to breaking new
ground, meeting new challenges, following wherever the
spirit might lead?
These are some of the questions suggested by today's
From Break Open the Word
- Jeremiah 23:1-6
- Ephesians 2:13-18
- Mark 6:30-34
Sun 22 July:
Arlene D'Cruz, Conrad D'Cruz, Moira Ryan
Placida Adaman, Therese Adaman
Nicole Vellin, Jacinta Ioane
Alice Chong, M Mathews
Bernice D'Rose, Doug D'Rose,
Michael Thomas
Z A Espedillon, A Espedillon, R Paterson
Gracious God, You have
yearofgrace blessed this ancient land
with many gifts, especially
its people.
We thank you for the Year of Grace, a time to start
afresh from Christ.
You invite us to contemplate the face of Jesus your Son,
that we may experience a new wave of grace, and that
the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives.
Attune our hearts and minds to the presence of your
Holy Spirit, that our Church may be transformed, our
relationships be healed, and our nation grow in
compassion and justice.
With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, who
showed us new ways of living the Gospel, we make our
prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Various members of our Parish Groups shall light the Year of
Grace candle at each Mass, signifying the light of Christ in our
Each time you walk in to our church you must be
impressed with its interior. The carpet in particular
always looks good. For this fact we have to thank a very
small, dedicated group of people who clean this floor
every week. As they share the Light of the Year of Grace
candle with us, we are reminded again of the call to
service each one of us has within our communities.
Your PPT met last week and items included. Meeting with
the Archdiocesan 'Year of Grace' personnel, Twinning our
parish with an overseas country- this could be East Timor,
possible introduction of the “Couples for Christ” way of
living within the parish (suggested starting time in August),
Parish Harmony day coming up on September 16, (Mark
this date on your calendar now); letter received about St
Anthony's Day, Celebration ahead for George Piech Meat's
ordination to Deaconate later this year, Guest speaker being
organised to support Funeral Ministry group. Thank you to
those who make suggestions to the PPT; and we do invite
your ideas for how we can continue to improve this great
parish of ours. J. Quinn, Chairperson.
Catholic Women’s League next meeting to be
held on Wednesday, 18th July 2012 after 9.30am Mass. All
welcome. Enquiries Margaret Foy 9547 0939.
Children's Liturgy
will resume on July 22
At the 9.30am Sunday Mass.
This caters for the needs of the younger
members of the Parish, presenting them
with the Word of God and activities
appropriate for their age.
Thank you to all those who completed a card to pledge
your financial support last weekend.
If you were away, or missed out on completing your
pledge card, pledge cards are always available in the
Sacristy waiting for you.
They can be filled in and put with the collection or
brought home, filled in and returned later.
Even if you are a regular contributor, please complete a
card so that all information is up to date.
Your commitment will help the parish to continue to
support you. Thank you.
Scripture Study Leadership Training
Leadership Training is available to anyone in the Deanery
interested in Bible study. A four week training program
will be run on Wednesday nights in August, at St Mary's
Dandenong .
The training will give you the information and
understanding you will need to lead a small group of
people in the study of scripture. All are welcome to apply.
If you would like to do the training please ring Keith
Donovan on 9791 3342.
Catholic Women’s League are having a Mystery
Auction - Christmas in July - at 11am in the home of Sue
Dowling, 86 Clarendon Drive, Keysborough. Light lunch
provided. All welcome. Enquiries Margaret 9547 0939.
Proceed go to St Vincent de Paul.
Grief Support
St Anthony's Grief Support Group will next meet on
Wednesday 18th July at 7:30pm in the Parish Centre.
If you are struggling with grief from any loss in your life
we invite you to join us on our journey where we support
each other with compassion and friendship.
For further information, please ring Maria Jones on 9792
4755 or 0414 520 488 (if you know of anyone who might
benefit from this group, please extend an invitation).
Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang, the Musical, is coming in
January 2013, I need to know if anyone is interested in
going to see this show, it would be in the city the price
around the $100.00 mark, and transport available please let
me know on 9798 1317 as soon as possible. Carmel Martin
When: 22nd.July 2012
Time: 12.30pm
Where: St.Anthony's small hall
Cost: $25
Tickets on sale after all Sunday morning Masses or
phone one of the below.
Paddy 042 229 6961 / Moira 041 751 9159 / Anne
Marie 041 478 6122 / Cathy 041 959 6097
This is the last chance to buy tickets.
St Anthony's Carnival 2012
The St Anthony's Carnival will again be held on the 16th
and 17th of November, to make this major parish fund
raising event a success we need every parishioner's
If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can better
organise this year's carnival please send an email to or come along to one
of our meetings.
Our first meeting will be held on Monday July 16th in the
Gathering Space @ 7:00, all interested parties please
attend. Thanks.
Anthony Adaman
The Rite of Welcome for RCIA this year will be at 9.30am
Mass on Sunday 29 July 2012 in St Anthony’s Church.
Please welcome the new catechumens on their journey to
share fully in the life of the Catholic Church.
Friday, 27th July
All grandparents and elderly parishioners are invited to
come and celebrate with the children of St Anthony's School
in the following way
9:30 am – Mass in the Church
10:30 am - Morning Tea in the School Staffroom
Please RSVP to the school on 9546 0044
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced
people for the position of:
+ Policy and Projects Officer Catholic Social Services Victoria
+ Archdiocesan Office for Youth Special Projects Officer
+ Family and Parish Faith Coordinator - Catholic Parish
Kinglake, Mernda, Whittlesea
+ Youth Minister for St Christophers Parish
+ Coordinator, Office of Professional Conduct, Ethics and
+ Project Officer - RE Texts Agency (James Goold House
Publications (JGHP))
Further details can be found on either the Archdiocese website at:
Reminder: TUESDAY night in the Gathering Space at
7.30 a meeting to plan our ST ANTHONY'S HARMONY
DAY!!! All welcome. Bring along your ideas for how we
can celebrate our wonderful diversity.
 Play Group - Mondays from 9.30 - 11.30am in the Small Hall
 Legion of Mary meet in the Gathering Space at 4.30 pm on Mondays.
 Charismatic Prayer Group meet in the Small Hall every Monday at 8.00pm.
All are welcome.
 Novena - Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help follows the 7.00pm Mass
in the Church on Wednesdays.
 Italian Prayer Group meeting will be on Thursdays at 10.15am. Contact Lucy
9547 1671.
Lord, Hear Our Prayer!
† We pray in thanksgiving for Kelvin de Bruyn,
Philippe Adrien, Steven Whitby, Rodolfo Kuezon,
and those who have died recently in the peace of
† We pray for: Eugenio Cimino,
Philippe Marie, Maria Archimede, Jimmy
Gregory, Helena February, Reggie Serpanchy,
George & Florence Andrews, John & Amelia
Fernandes, Denis Tourmentin, Basil Rafferty,
Joseph & Therese Vaz, Therese Devota, Joe Devota, and all those
whose anniversaries occur at about this time.
† Please also pray for: Joyce Mulholland, Ismay Gomes, Baby Abdulla,
Lynette Gomes, Heeron Fernandes Emile Bowers, Pat Doll, Emiliana
Dela Cruz, Bob & Jenny Franklin, Jean-Robert Migale, Marlene Albert,
Fr Jim Nyall, Krz, Bernie Saldanha, Sam Dimasi, Gary Day, Margaret
Laverty, Ida Innarella, Mark Fraser, Rita Ephraums, Derick Fernandez,
Elaine Davies, Patricia Falleiro, Veronica Varga, Mildred D’Souza, Tara
Greco, Abo Smith, Magdaline Ghosh, Ramon Austria, Charlene
Lauron, Antonio Sarlo, Joseph & Mildred Erispe, Giovanna Greco,
Brendan Adams, Kath Malone, Molly Maguire, Leo O’Neill, Rita
Briggs, Paul Camilleri, Mario Tizio, Melissa Haidar, Pat Turner, Jordan
Whitewood-Neal, Dean Whitewood-Neal, Tracy Hili, Brittany
Charalambous, Blake Hayes, Samantha Adams, Jean-Claude Allas,
Floryse and Herman Ass, who are sick.
Commonwealth Privacy Legislation protects the rights of people to
privacy, including the sick. A person who is sick has the right not to have
their condition mentioned publicly without their permission, including
praying for them. The parish practice from now on requires written
permission to print names in the Bulletin. Names for inclusion need to e
dropped in to the parish office by 10:00 am on Thursday.
† Tuesday 17th July - 7.00 pm - Holy Family Church
100 Power Road - DOVETON - Melways: 90 K8
† Friday 20th July - 7.00pm - Holy Mass, followed by talk
St Joseph's Church - St James Ave - SPRINGVALE
For further information contact:
PH: (03) 94311258 or 0422 597 097 or 0422 217 537
New Sunday Missals 2012 have arrived and on sale at our Piety
is available from the Piety Stall. It is only $2 and comes out
fortnightly. Please support this magazine. It is very good reading.
If you would like to order one every two weeks, please leave a
message at the piety Stall.
 Divine Mercy Devotion every Friday 2.45 pm in the Church.
 El-Shaddai Multicultural Prayer Group meet every 1st Friday of the Month.
 Knitting Group meet in the Gathering Space every Friday from 10-12am.
 Sudanese Prayer Group meet every Friday evening at 6.30 in the Gathering
 Legion of Mary meet at the Parish Centre at 10.15am on Saturdays.
 Sudanese Monthly Mass at 2.00pm in the Church every 3rd Sunday of the
 Friendly Hearts Group meeting 2nd & 4th Saturdays in the Gathering Space
from 1-4pm.
A Special Welcome to New Parishioners to our Parish. Please enter your name and phone number in the Book in the
Sacristy and a Parish Representative will visit to welcome you as soon as possible.
First Reading: Amos 7:12-15
A reading from the prophet Amos
Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, said to Amos, ‘Go
away, seer; get back to the land of Judah; earn your
bread there, do your prophesying there. We want no
more prophesying in Bethel; this is the royal
sanctuary, the national temple.’ ‘I was no prophet,
neither did I belong to any of the brotherhoods of
prophets.’ Amos replied to Amaziah, ‘I was a
shepherd, and looked after sycamores: but it was the
Lord who took me from herding the flock, and the
Lord who said, “Go, prophesy to my people Israel.”’
The word of the Lord.
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 84:9-14
Lord, show us your mercy and love,
and grant us your salvation.
I will hear what the Lord God has to say,
a voice that speaks of peace,
peace for his people.
His help is near for those who fear him
and his glory will dwell in our land. R.
which he has showered on us
in all wisdom and insight.
He has let us know the mystery of his purpose,
the hidden plan he so kindly made in Christ from the
to act upon when the times had run their course to the
that he would bring everything together under Christ,
as head,
everything in the heavens and everything on earth.
And it is in him that we were claimed as God’s own,
chosen from the beginning,
under the predetermined plan of the one who guides all
as he decides by his own will;
chosen to be,
for his greater glory,
the people who would put their hopes in Christ before
he came.
Now you too, in him,
have heard the message of the truth and the good news
of your salvation,
and have believed it:
and you have been stamped with the seal of the Holy
Spirit of the Promise,
the pledge of our inheritance which brings freedom for
those whom God has taken for his own,
to make his glory praised.
Mercy and faithfulness have met;
justice and peace have embraced.
Faithfulness shall spring from the earth
and justice look down from heaven. R.
The word of the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation: cf Ephesians 1:17-18
The Lord will make us prosper
and our earth shall yield its fruit.
Justice shall march before him
and peace shall follow his steps. R.
Alleluia, alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the
eyes of our heart that we might see how great is the
hope to which we are called.
Second Reading: Ephesians 1:3-14
Gospel: Mark 6:7-13
A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Ephesians
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark
Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who has blessed us with all the spiritual blessings of
heaven in Christ.
Before the world was made, he chose us, chose us in
to be holy and spotless, and to live through love in his
determined that we should become his adopted sons,
through Jesus Christ
for his own kind purposes,
to make us praise the glory of his grace,
his free gift to us in the Beloved
in whom, through his blood, we gain our freedom,
the forgiveness of our sins.
Such is the richness of the grace
Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them
out in pairs giving them authority over the unclean
spirits. And he instructed them to take nothing for the
journey except a staff - no bread, no haversack, no
coppers for their purses. They were to wear sandals,
but, he added, ‘Do not take a spare tunic.’ And he said
to them, ‘If you enter a house anywhere, stay there
until you leave the district. And if any place does not
welcome you and people refuse to listen to you, as you
walk away shake off the dust from under your feet as a
sign to them.’ So they set off to preach repentance; and
they cast out many devils, and anointed many sick
people with oil and cured them.
The Gospel of the Lord.