Tidings of Peace - June 2009 - Friedens United Church of Christ


Tidings of Peace - June 2009 - Friedens United Church of Christ
Tidings of
Friedens United Church of Christ
June/July 2009
Candle Prayer Cloth unites congregations in prayer and purpose
by John Gantt
When General Synod of the United Church of Christ meets at the end of June,
hundreds of colorful quilted candle cloths with prayers will be on display. Included
will be one from Friedens. A 16” x 16” quilted square crafted by Barbara Luckey
with a prayer on the back created by members of the Friedens Intercessory Prayer
Group and penned in calligraphy-style by Eleanor Haupt, will become part of the
theme at General Synod: Immerse Yourselves – in Prayer.
General Synod, which meets every two years, is our national “convention” where
conference-elected delegates from around the country meet to elect national officers, determine priorities and handle the business of the national setting of the
United Church of Christ. Indiana-Kentucky Conference is represented by 20 lay
and clergy delegates.
A candle prayer cloth made by another UCC congregation will be brought back to Friedens from General Synod. In turn, our
Friedens candle prayer cloth will go to a UCC congregation which will lift us in their prayers. This exchange of prayers and
prayer cloths reminds us that we are part of a great community of congregations united in prayer and purpose. A booklet of
all the prayers submitted for this church-wide prayer ministry will also become part of our prayer
resources at Friedens. It is all to remind us that we are called to “pray – without ceasing” that we
may all be one.
Thanks to Friedens members Cindy Boughton, Carol Cutter, Nadine Gantt,
Sharon Hedegard, Karen Nay, and Ellen Tuttle for writing the prayer; and to members
Barbara Luckey and Eleanor Haupt for the craft work to prepare Friedens’ part in this UCC
prayer immersion project!
Candle Prayer Cloth ....................................................Cover
Pastor’s Paragraphs ......................................................Page 2
Church Happenings......................................................Page 3
Friedens Family News..................................................Page 4
New Members & 2009 Graduates............................Page 5
June & July Calendars............................................. Pages 6-7
Church Council News.................................................Page 8
Youth and Children......................................................Page 9
Adults............................................................................ Page 10
Volunteer Opportunities ......................................... Page 11
Staff and Contact Info ........................................Back Cover
Our Candle Cloth Prayer
Bless and guide, dear God, our church prayer
partner, that its service to neighborhood and world,
may bring joy to you.
Flood their souls with compassion and courage;
grant them wisdom and profound love for one
another; and, nourish them with your gift of grace.
Be the all powerful, all knowing presence in the life
of the congregation.
May their ministries bring blessings to those who are
served, and glory to your holy name.
Pastor’s Paragraphs
God gives us shade to rest
This spring I enjoyed working with others to plant new trees around the church building. As
I rejoiced in the warm weather and the beautiful diversity of God’s creation, I thought about
how those trees would grow and offer shade during hot summer days. Throughout the
Bible, we hear God’s care for us being described as shade from the scorching sun. Isaiah
25:4 says, “You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in their distress, a
shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat…” In the midst of the storms and the
heat in your life, where do you find protection and rest?
I pray that you will find time for some special rest with God with summer. I also pray that
you will continue to think about how we can share God’s love by being a community that
Associate Minister
offers shelter and shade to others. During these times of economic challenge and
Sarah Blossom
uncertainty, there are so many ways we can dig into the faith of Jesus and branch out with
His love. I thank God for the many ways you are already growing in the faith of Jesus and
using your God-given gifts and experiences to reach out in the community. And I’m always glad to talk if you have ideas or
questions about how you would like to use your time, talents and treasures to share the love of Christ with others.
May you feel the calm refreshing shade that God offers this summer!
Volunteer Spotlight: Joyce Alte shares passion for Big Brothers Big Sisters
I’ve been told that my passion for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana (BBBSCI)
shows when I talk about it. I’ve worked for BBBSCI for 9 years. I started out part-time
assisting Match Support Specialists (MSS) contact program participants to monitor the
relationship of the match and to offer activity opportunities. Now, I’ve been a full time
MSS for over a year. In my paid position with the agency I talk to volunteers, children and
parents/guardians on a regular basis. Over and over all people involved tell me how
meaningful the program is and how it has changed their lives.
I have had three “little sisters” over the past six years. The first two were site-based
matches which means I went to their school and had lunch with them. We spent the lunch
time talking and playing games while eating. My current little sister match started out sitebased two school years ago. We changed our status last February because she was
graduating from the eighth grade and we could no longer have lunch together
regularly. Now we do things together like roller skating, swimming, making ceramics
projects and going to the library. It is very rewarding to watch my little sister grow and
Joyce Alte and her little
mature and to feel that I’m contributing to her life.
sister enjoy roller skating together.
I’d like to invite my Friedens family to join our program. BBBSCI helps children reach
their full potential through professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships with measurable impact. We’re
looking for volunteers and children right here in our community who would benefit from our program! “Matches” (a
volunteer and a child who have been paired by matching their interests and preferences) get together 2 - 4 times a month
to build a friendship and share fun activities.
If you or someone you know would like to learn more about getting involved with BBBSCI, please come to one of our
Information Sessions:
Thursday, July 9 at 5:00-7:00p.m. at the Johnson County Community Foundation (398 S. Main Street, Franklin)
Wednesday, July 22 at 5:00–7:00p.m. at White River Library (1664 Library Blvd., Greenwood)
Also, I’d be happy to talk to you or you can contact our offices at 921-2201. Visit our website at www.bebigforkids.org.
Church Happenings
Church World Service Regional
Director Addresses Middle East Crisis
The Chaplaincy Office of The Altenheim Community, a faithbased retirement and healthcare services community, located
at 3525 East Hanna Avenue, is sponsoring a speaker addressing
the current Middle East crisis on Sunday, June 28.
Howard Hartman, the Texas Regional Director of Church
World Service, will speak at 12:30 PM in the Activity Room
presenting “Trip to the Unholy Land” highlighting the Holy
sites of Israel/Palestine and Jordan. These historic religious
sites will be shown in the modern day context of obstacles for
peace including the separation wall, encroachment of settlements into Occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, road blocks,
water issues and more.
At 2:00p.m. as part of the Sunday worship service held in the
Solarium, Mr. Hartman will give the message entitled “Hope in
the Midst of Conflict” highlighting the situation in Israel/
Palestine, Jordan and Egypt. Mr. Hartman will address outreach efforts of the Coptic Christian church in Egypt and the
unique challenges faced by Iraqi Christians in Iraq and as refugees in Jordan. Also included will be examples of how the
church is reaching out to assist Palestinians to overcome challenges they face while living in Occupied Territory.
Howard Hartman has worked for Church World Service
(CWS) since 1980, first as the Walk Coordinator for the first
Indianapolis CROP Hunger Walk, then as Oklahoma Regional
Director, and since 1984 serving in Texas as Regional Director. Howard was a college student in Liberia and a teacher in
Nigeria, Africa. His travels have taken him to forty-five countries on five continents.
Church World Service is an ecumenical international organization representing the united effort of 35 US denominations
including the United Church of Christ. Member denominations agree: together we can do more than we could do
alone. CWS works in areas of relief, self-development, and
refugee assistance. The Indianapolis CROP Hunger Walk, held
every October and sponsored by the Indiana-Kentucky Region
of Church World Service is one of the largest CWS sponsored
special events in the nation.
Sunday, June 28 at The Altenheim Community
“Trip to the Unholy Land”
12:30p.m. in the Activity Room
“Hope in the Midst of Conflict”
Sunday Worship Message
2:00p.m. in the Solarium
Spiritual Growth
Opportunities for Adults
Set the Captives Free Bible Study
7:00 - 8:00p.m. at Friedens
Tuesdays — June 16 and 23, July 7, 21 and 28,
August 4, 18 and 25
Free Childcare Provided
Join us for a discussion about ordinary people with
extraordinary love working to overcome modernday human slavery. Come anytime even if you
cannot attend all sessions.
Contact: Pastor Sarah Blossom at 881-6779
or pastorsarah@friedensucc.org
What Matters To You Matters To Us
Sundays at 9:30a.m.
June 7 thru July 19
CLWC adult classroom
This educational opportunity is open to all guests,
friends and members of Friedens Church. Each session will be led by Pastor Jim Clark focusing on six
vital themes of our faith. Join us anytime even if
you cannot attend all sessions. Pastor Jim
Clark at 882-2480 or jr8159@sbcglobal.net
Vacation Bible School Adult Study
July 12-16
6:15 - 7:45p.m.
CLWC adult classroom
Leader: Pastor Marc
Vacation Bible School is not just for children!
You are invited to share in an adult study of the
Bible stories the children will be learning during
the time of Vacation Bible School. Pastor Marc
looks forward to sharing with you in some biblical discoveries. Call Pastor Marc at 881-6779
or send your intent to attend to pastormarc@friedensucc.org. Or, you may sign-up
on the sheet at the Welcome & Info Center in
the narthex.
Friedens Family News
Thank You
Thanks to Julie Hayden and her committee for organizing the Festival of the Arts, to Larry Vernon, guitarist,
and to ALL to shared their wonderful art work with
our congregation and community!
—Worship & Arts Committee
The Heinz Teitz Family would like to thank Pastors
Marc and Jim for their service at his funeral. Pastor
Marc was a great comfort to our family. We would
like to also say thanks for the beautiful flowers that
were sent. Many thanks for cards and visits from
Friedens members. Finally, thanks for the lunch provided after the funeral.
—The Heinz Teitz Family
We would like to thank you for being a big part in
Elfrieda’s life. She loved flowers as much as her
church. I know that she was pleased to see the flowers
you sent her. We would like to thank you for the
wonderful meal and your support.
—The Rieck Family
I would like to thank Barbara Luckey and the Prayer
Shawl Ministry for the beautiful shawl and Pastor Jim
Clark for bringing it by to me.
—Gene Hendricks
I want to thank every one who assisted in my recovery
through meals, cards and prayers. A special thanks to
Doc & Becky Rissel for their support in my recovery.
—Diane Ludlow
Thank You for Giving The Gift of Life
Thanks to the 19 people who “gave the gift of life” by
donating blood in June – Justin Brady, Odie Bucholz,
Carolyn Cambridge, Sally Craig, Lisa Haver, Denny
Meyer, Steve Mojonnier, Denise Morocco, Betty
Morris, Sally Perkins and Jim Obermaier, Dan Owens,
Margaret Phillips, Janet, Mark, & Ray Raker, Bill
Richmond, Larry Smith, and Randy Turner. Every 2
minutes, someone needs blood. Every day, 40,000
units of blood are used throughout the country. When
you donate blood, the components are used to help as
many as 3 people. The next blood drive at
Friedens will be Sunday, December 6.
—Janet Raker, Friedens Parish Nurse
Susan Dammeyer
Greenwood Village
295 Village Lane, #21
Greenwood, IN 46143
317/ 881-4419
Debbie Smith and Family upon the
death of her mother, Frances Gardner,
on May 3.
Ruth Wade and Family upon the death of her
brother, Charles Coffee, on May 7.
The Family of Elfrieda Rieck upon her death on
May 29.
Betty Feldmeyer and Family upon the death of
her husband, Waldo, on June 4.
Ray & Phyllis Jensen upon the
birth of their great-grandson, Talon
Grant Banks, on May 17.
Ed & Eleanor Summeier upon the birth of their
great-grandson, Dean Christopher Armstrong, on
May 28.
Neil & Alyssa Hastings upon the birth of their
daughter, Kyra Meridian Hastings, on June 12.
Grandparents are Mike & Debbie Hastings.
Darren & Kristin Petty upon the birth of their
son, Ezekiel David Petty, on June 18. Grandparents
are Dave & Jan Strietelmeier. Great-grandparents
are Fred & Lillie Raker.
Welcome New Members
Bill & Sylvia Wise
295 Village Lane, #156
Greenwood, IN 46143
317/ 888-8314
Ken Bollett
7923 Singleton Street
Indianapolis, IN 46227
317/ 881-9994
Samantha Walterman
(Family: Joe, Ana-Elizabeth
& Carissa-Anne)
Darren Petty
(wife: Kristin)
901 Bull Run W Drive
Greenwood, IN 46143
317/ 989-8055
317/ 504-3623 (Samantha’s cell)
Photo not available…
Charlie & Evelyn Eldridge
551 Grassy Lane
Indianapolis, IN 46217
317/ 881-2718
Charlie: celdridge11@comcast.net
Evelyn: esayers@msn.com
Darrell & Stephanie Tackett
(children: Rachel & Jordan)
660 Yosemite Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46217
317/ 786-6318
Gwen English - 8334 Hill Gail Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46217
317/ 887-3948
Congratulations to Friedens’ 2009 Graduates
High School
Chris Baker
Austin Hayden
Josh Hicks
Riley Planalp
Sarah Quebe
Anthony Schofield
Amanda Arnold
Sarah Ayers
Stephanie Baker
Brendan Begley
Neil Barnes
Brinn Granger
Elizabeth Phillips
Rachel Powlen
Church Council News
May Church Council Meeting Highlights
Year-to-date non-building fund income is down from a year ago by approximately $4,000. The balance of the
building construction loan as of 4/30/09 was $1,258,652. The current operating fund balance is negative
The four existing wireless Sanctuary microphones have become obsolete and need to be replaced at a cost
of $3,854.84. The purchase will be brought before the Memorial Committee.
A planning team was formed to discuss implementing our "Digging In & Branching Out" Vision for 2009,
which is to equip our members to effectively share the love of Christ through active engagement within our
congregation and/or with our community/world.
Council members participated in a Leadership Training class guided by Adam Hayden on May 9.
The name for the CLWC and the Fall Open House were discussed. A committee will be formed to plan the
Fall Open House.
Use Guidelines for various areas of the Friedens Campus were distributed for review and response.
The Fellowship Committee hosted a reception for approximately 150-170 people for the dedication of the
CLWC. A new dishwasher will be delivered and installed the week of May 18. A training session will be
offered soon for those who are interested in learning to operate the new equipment.
Worship and Arts Committee hosted an Arts Fair on April 26 which involved both the congregation and
the community. Usher recruitment is underway and orientation will be held for the new volunteers. A
counted cross stitch workshop will be held for those interested in making Christmas ornaments for the
CLWC Christmas tree.
Eleven new members joined the church on May 10. Pastor Marc, Lindsay Eichelman and Whitney Moss are
revamping the new member orientation class and working on developing a mentor program to establish
contacts for new members.
To obtain a copy of the full Church Council minutes, please contact Betsy Alting, Church Council Secretary
at (317) 888-2700 or BAlting@binghammchale.com
Christmas in July
Christmas In July to benefit Concord Center
Christmas in July, sponsored by the Community Relations Committee, begins on June 27. A Christmas
tree with ‘gift tags’ is in the church narthex. Just take a tag and return the gift under the tree. Your
gifts will benefit the Concord Center which is located at 1310 S. Meridian. Serving the south side since
1875, the Concord Center offers families and individuals of all ages a one-stop source for social
services, educational opportunities, recreational activities, cooperative programs with other agencies,
and other critical resources.
All gifts should be returned by July 26. Please do not wrap gifts.
To learn more about this south side organization go to concordindy.org or contact Mikelle Brady,
Community Relations Chairperson.
Youth Summer Opportunities
High School Youth
Indianapolis Indians Baseball Game on Sunday, June 28 at 2:00p.m
Indianapolis Indians vs. Toledo Mud Hens. It’s Souvenir Sunday — first 4,000 receive an
Indians Wiffleball bat. Sandwiches, chips, cookies and drinks will be provided and eaten at the
church. We will then leave the church at 1:00p.m. Bring $8 to get into the game.
Serving in Vacation Bible School, July 12-16
Please see Samantha Walterman or Deana Riddle to find out various ways you can serve!
Serving in Treasure Seekers during the 10:30a.m. worship hour
Contact Jerlyn Shepherd (535-7725) to talk about scheduling your rotation in this ministry for our children.
Set the Captives Free Bible Study & Discussion, Tuesdays June 16–August 25, 7:00-8:00p.m.
Join us for a discussion about ordinary people with extraordinary love working to overcome modern-day
human slavery.
Traders Point Creamery in Zionsville, Saturday, August 1
We will leave Friedens at 10:00a.m. to tour this family-owned artisan dairy farm. Visit www.tpforganics.com to
see more! The self-guided tour costs $2, and ice cream is extra. If you bring $8 that should cover all costs.
Middle School Youth
Serving in Vacation Bible School, July 12-16
Please see Samantha Walterman or Deana Riddle to find out various ways you can serve!
Sunday Morning Bible Study, 2nd-5th Sundays of the month after the
Children’s Message
See Youth Leaders Denise Stanger or Steve Cambridge for more details!
Special Conversation about Music—July 19 and August 16
See Youth Leaders Denise Stanger or Steve Cambridge for more details!
Pastor Sarah Blossom
Brendan Begley
Steve Cambridge
Sarah Groh
Denise Stanger
Vacation Bible School
July 12 -16
6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.
Registration forms still available at
the Welcome and Information
Centers. Bring a friend!
Summer Art Camp at Friedens
For Kindergarten - 6th grade
June 8 - July 10 at 11:00a.m. - 12:00 noon
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Attend as many or as few sessions as you like. $20 per
session includes all supplies. Information and sign up:
Becky Rissel at brissel@sbcglobal.net or 446-4894.
Marriage Retreat
October 9-10
McCormick’s Creek State Park
When was the last time you saw a movie or read a
book that actually changed your life? Friedens UCC
is hosting a couple's
seminar that can help
strengthen and even
transform your marriage. The weekend
retreat, based on the
and the best-selling
book The Love Dare
featured in the movie, will be held Friday and Saturday, October 9-10 at The Canyon Inn at McCormick's Creek State Park.
Participation is limited to 15 couples. Please see
Pastor Sarah if you have questions about the cost
(still to be determined) of the seminar. Scholarship
money for the retreat will be available based upon
Registration Deadline: September 1
To register, contact Janet Raker at
787-1474 or mraker9@comcast.net.
Monthly Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, July 18
8:00a.m. - 9:00a.m.
at Friedens Church
All men are invited to join us for the Men’s
Breakfast. This group meets for about an
hour on the 3rd Saturday of every month
for breakfast, devotions and fellowship.
Please RSVP to Ray Raker at 787-2431
so that enough food and materials can
be prepared.
Next breakfast: August 15
FUN Fellowship Group
Roller Skating in August
Fun for the whole family! Date and
time TBA.
For more information contact Sarah
Groh at 887-6511.
PLEASE JOIN US! Friedens FUN = Families Unite Now.
This group is made up of young adults (20s-40s) and their
children. The Friedens FUN group gets together for meals
and activities so that young adults and kids at Friedens get
to know each other better.
Contact Person: Sarah Groh, 887-6511
Friedens Friends
Fellowship Group
Pool Party & Cookout
Saturday, July 11
4:00p.m. at Jim & Penny Eichelmans’
Meat will be provided. Please bring a salad or
dessert. RSVP to Penny to let her know what
you are bringing at 882-8150.
PLEASE JOIN US! The Friedens Friends group is made up
of middle-aged adults, many of whom have teenage children
or are “empty nesters.” These members get together to have
fun and enjoy each other’s company.
Contact Person: Penny Eichelman at 882-8150
Friedens Folks
Fellowship Group
Potluck Luncheon
at Friedens
Thursday, June 25 at 11:00a.m.
Please join us for lunch and a special guest speaker
who will explain and demonstrate the training of
Seeing-Eye dogs. Anyone in the congregation who is
interested is welcome to attend — not just senior or
retired adults. Please join us!
Contact Person: Jim Clark at 882-2480
Volunteer Opportunities
Usher Ministry
Team Members
consider joining the “usher
ministry team” at Friedens! Ushers welcome
and support our entire congregation as we
gather to worship together. The time requirement is predictable as each usher team is
scheduled for one month each half of the calendar year and every effort is made to schedule you with the service you prefer to attend.
Couples are scheduled together. Our needs
are growing as we have wonderful new opportunities to share God’s love through worship and there is a place for YOU. An usher
training session will be offered in August.
Here’s HOW to become connected with this
ministry. Simply add your name and phone
number and/or email address to the sign up
sheet that will be placed at the Welcome and
Information Center during the months of June
and July or you may contact Bob Cox, Head
Usher, with the same information at 786-9417
or robertecox0712@sbcglobal.net. Bob will
then get back to you with further information.
Welcome Center
Volunteers Needed
The Welcome Center desk
needs volunteer receptionists
to answer the phone and assist
with light office duties. Help
when your schedule allows.
Mornings 9:00a.m. - 12:00 noon
4th Tuesday of every month
Fifth week of any month
Mornings 9:00a.m. -12 noon
Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., or Fri.
Please contact Dorothy Rees or Jenny
Fisher in the church office at 881-6779.
Green thumb enthusiasts
Volunteers are needed to commit to watering the permanent plants in the narthex and
sanctuary, including palms. You may wish to
take over this weekly job or volunteer to
take it on for a month at a time. Please contact Linda
Sweetman at 859-4155 or lindasweetman@yahoo.com.
She and Ed currently take care of this job and would
appreciate some other willing hands!
Sanctuary grand piano maintenance
donations requested
Maintenance donations are requested for a
humidifier. The cost is $500. A humidifier
has been required to keep this fine instrument in top condition for our many worship
and arts needs. Donations to this project
would be most welcome! Just mark gifts appropriately with
your offering.
Drivers needed once per month
Can you drive a car? If so, you can
be a part of the Parish Care
Ministry Transportation Team!
We have several church members unable to drive themselves
to worship services on Sunday but want to attend. Some of
these individuals do not have family members available to help
with their transportation needs, so they must rely on their
church family for help. If you are willing to pick up members
and return them home after worship services one time per
month on Sunday, please contact us. Thank you!
Nancy Richert (888-5396 or farnan096@comcast.net)
Ellen Huddleston (888-7083 or
Community Relations Committee
Are you interested in writing, advertising or reaching out to
the community on Friedens’ behalf? The Community Relations
Committee is looking for your help! We need several volunteers to fill openings on our committee. For more information, see the job descriptions available at the Welcome and
Information Counters in the narthex or in the CLWC.
Or contact Mikelle Brady, Community Relations Chair, at
502-1388 or mikellebrady@gmail.com.
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, there’s a place for you here.
(317) 881-6779
Permit No. 1591
Indianapolis, IN
Friedens United Church of Christ
8300 S. Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN 46217-4997
Non-Profit Org.
Tidings of Peace is published by Friedens UCC
Arts in the Café
What is Art?
This month’s Arts in the Café will be a discussion
about visual art. What is art? We will compare and
contrast Impressionism and Pop Art and consider
how we evaluate their value. Please join us as we
view examples of these different artistic styles and
discuss our personal responses and how art influences our lives. We hope you can join us this
Marc Hayden, Senior Minister
Sarah Blossom, Associate Minister
James Clark, Assistant Minister
Dorothy Rees, Administrative Assistant
Mikelle Brady and Jenny Fisher, Editors
Nancy Richert, Website Calendar
Questions? Contact Rebecca Rissel at
446-4894 or brissel@sbcglobal.net
Please contact us with any contributions, photos or
story ideas. Submissions must be received by the first
of the month preceding publication.
Wednesday, July 22
7:00p.m. at Friedens
in the Common Grounds Café
Worship Services:
Saturdays 5:30p.m.—Casual Service
Sundays 8:30a.m. & 10:30a.m.
Christian Education:
Sundays 9:30a.m.-10:15a.m.—Adult Education
Sundays 10:30a.m.—Treasure Seekers for children
Sunday 10:30a.m.—iPOD Youth Ministry