Friedens Flyer


Friedens Flyer
Growing In Grace
2 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.
Week 35
Our mission: ‘Sharing’ the Gospel and will educate, equip and encourage students for life long service to Christ.
Pause to Praise!
May 6, 2013
“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will
praise your name for ever and ever. Every
day I will praise you and extol your name for
ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most
worthy of praise; his greatness no one can
fathom. One generation commends your
works to another; they tell of your mighty
acts” (Psalm 145: 1-4).
So how has your day started today? “Kids, get
up…we’re running late!” “Another long day
at work ahead of me.” “I don’t know if I can
deal with this relationship any longer.” “Will I
ever find a job?” “Really, can’t we just have
one nice day of weather?” “How are we going
to pay the bills?” “I’m running out of options
to keep my child out of trouble.” And the list
can go on and on.
Before we get too far into our day, we have
quickly discovered all the things that are or
potentially will be wrong about it. Perhaps the
thought flits through our mind, “I wish I would
have stayed in bed.”
The Scripture from Psalm 145 tells a different
story. The individual understood that while it
was easier to blame God for problems, it was
better to praise him as King. While it might
have been easier for this individual to curse the
name of the Lord, it was better to praise his
name forever and ever. While this person may
have been tempted to shove God to the background, he found it better to simply try to
grasp how great he was. While it would be
easier to spend time keeping our children busy
to have an “advantage” in life, he found it
more important to share the mighty acts of the
Lord with his family. How about going back
and restarting your day? Start with a pause to
praise your God, your King for what he has
done in your life. This may mean simply
slowing down enough to ask, “What is
God doing in my life that is praiseworthy?” I’ll let you think about this today.
Read tomorrow’s devotion or more of
Psalm 145 for some ideas of reasons to
praise the Lord.
But today, pause to praise your God and
Lord! Lord’s blessings with your week!
Reminders and Opportunities :
Bible Class and Sunday School
Bible class and Sunday School begin
at 9:15 and usually last one hour.
Please join us to prepare your spiritual
body for the upcoming week!
Emergency Call Meeting
The Church Council has called an
Emergency Call Meeting for this evening at 7:45 in the church. The sole
purpose of this meeting is to place a
Divine Call to an individual to fulfill
the current needs of our school. All
voters are strongly encouraged to
On behalf of Friedens Lutheran School
I would like to thank all the parents,
grandparents, and students who participated or volunteered to make Katie
Mathis’ funeral such a wonderful
event. The family truly appreciated all
the support and comfort that we were
able to provide to them. Truly the
Lord has blessed Friedens with such
God fearing people. Thank you!
School Office/Administrative Hours
Mrs. Lee will only be available from 7:30a.m.-noon. You
will be able to receive limited help from Mrs. Wuerker
from noon-3p.m.
Mr. Oppermann’s administrative times are 7:50-8:35a.m.
Mon., Tues, & Thurs.; 11:00-11:40a.m. Mon. - Wed., &
Fri; Monday—Friday from 12:30-1:30, and after school.
Since the office will be closed at 3p.m., if you need access
to the building you will need to ring our child care. Our
phones will also not be answered after 3p.m. Please leave
a message or use your teacher’s personal phone number.
2013-2014 School Registration
On Wednesday, May 15, from 2:45-5,
and Thursday, May 16, from 5:30-7:30,
Friedens will be hosting our 13-14
Registration Day. You can now find
some of the registration paperwork on
our school’s website. Just click on the
Parental Forms tab to access them.
Please set time aside to complete your
registration information.
Friedens Jr. Olympics
On May 22, Friedens will be hosting its
4th Annual Jr. Olympics. In order to
smoothly run this event we need many
(30) volunteers. Please consider joining us to ensure that this event is a
success. Please refer to page 3 for
more details.
Referral Incentive
Remember when you refer a “new
student” that enrolls at Friedens you
will receive a $150 credit toward your
tuition. Just one more great incentive
to spread the word of the blessings that
Friedens has to offer!
Living Hope Summer Camp:
There is still time to register for our
inaugural Living Hope Summer Camp!
Please send completed registration
forms to the office. If you are interested please contact Mr. Jarrod Pfarr for
more information.
School Cleaning:
The end of the year is approaching fast!
Please be sure to sign up! Remember
Saturdays are now open! The cleaning
sign up schedule is located in the
school’s office. Thank you!
School Choice Information:
If you missed the forum last Thursday
please contact me for more information.
School Cleaning Sign-Up
Please remember to sign up for our cleaning program. The sign up binder is located
in our school office.
Cleaning this Week:
Monday: Klemp & Wade
Wednesday: Rudy
Congratulations to Our Newest Members
This past Sunday Friedens welcomed 16 new members into our congregation
through the Rite of Confirmation. The faculty of Friedens is honored and privileged
to be a part of their Christian training. We pray that each member stays faithful to
the vow that they professed on Sunday. May the Lord bless and keep you!
God’s richest blessings, The Friedens Family
Technology Drive: Assistance wanted!
Friedens is starting a technology drive to upgrade
our current classroom and computer lab technology.
We are exploring the idea of starting an ipad or
notepad innovative. This innovative would give our
students one-on-one ipad or notepad access
throughout the school day. If you are interested in
donating money or ideas toward this cause please
contact Mr. Oppermann.
Attention 7th Grade Parents:
The 8th Grade Dinner is quickly approaching
on May 19. In order to supply enough supplies and materials for the dinner the Dinner
committee is requesting that each 7th grade
parent bring $10 to help support the costs. If
you have any questions please contact Rachel Trachte.
Friedens Lutheran is excited about our fourth
“Jr. Olympics” – a day of competition and
fun! Our Jr. Olympics will be held at
Shoreland Lutheran High School on
Wednesday, May 22nd (Rain Date: Thursday, May 23rd).
The Jr. Olympics will provide the opportunity for all our school children, K-8, to participate in activities that will promote school
spirit, foster leadership, and encourage
Christian sportsmanship. Each child’s individual participation will contribute to their
team’s overall score.
To ensure the success of this day, numerous volunteers will be needed to help
with chaperoning, timing, measuring, recording, scoring, etc. None of these tasks require
any special abilities, prior experiences, or
skills – just willing hands.
Volunteer registry is now open
on our school’s website. Go to and click
on the school tab located in the top left. Then on
the left side menu click on the Jr. Olympic tab.
On Saturday the 7th & 8th grade team won two
exciting games to bring home the Consolation
Championship! I was extremely proud of the
Christian sportsmanship and toughness of our
teams! We represented our Savior and school
very well. Thank you to all the parents who
helped assist our 5/6 and 7/8 teams: Mr. Jason
Beck, Mr. Jim Giearch, Mr. Cecil Barcalow, and
Mr. Mark Thusius.
Programs that assist Friedens Lutheran School
The deadline has expired
for this quarter, but keep
collecting SunnyD labels
for free books. We will
notify you when the next
collection period is.
Wow! The Friedens
GoodSearch club has
expanded to 156
members! Through
our searching we have
raised over $250. 04
for our school! What
an awesome job!
Don’t forget to tell
your friends and family to use Goodsearch
Start saving your
McDonald’s receipts!
You can turn them into
school with your
child! We love it
Shop with Scrip
Giving regular offerings is a great way to show your trust,
love, & thanks to God. It also is very important to the continuation and growth of
the Friedens ministry.
Free Tuition available by purchasing
Help us make our 20122013 Ministry Plan
(budget) and regularly
evaluate your giving to
our Lord. Does it reflect all the blessings he
has given you?
Do you know that any one may assist
you when buying Scrip? Have your family, friends, and co-workers buy Scrip
through Friedens to assist you! The
more Scrip purchased the less your have
to pay! It’s easy, fun, and exciting to see
Mrs. Tenyer Early Childhood Development Program Director
Week of: May 6-10
Story: “The Early Christian church”
Music Movement : “Do You Know Who
Cares For Me?” “” “Letter T Song”
Mothers’ Day Songs
Story Time: I’ll Always Love You Me
and My Mommy, Things That Go
Table Activities: Our letter for this
week will be letter T for truck, train,
tunnel, turtle. We will review numbers 7,8,9, and the circle shape. The
color of the week will be brown. The
children will help color a tunnel and
have fun practicing positional words
with the tunnel. They will also do
track painting with cars and trucks
driving through brown mud. Train
cars will help review numbers and the
circle shape. Large Movement Activities: gym time , stretches, running,
simple tumbling jumping. Outside!
Parent Notes: Thank you to all the
families that contributed to the care
package for Mikeala. What a wonderful outpouring of love and support.
Please continue to keep them in your
regular school year is quickly drawing
to a close. The preschoolers final day
is officially May 31st, but their program is the week before, May 22.
Many will continue coming thru the
summer for fun summer camps. Please
turn in registration as soon as possible.
Watch for upcoming
details about room
changes for the ECDP
Enjoy the Lord’s Blessings!
Mrs. Pulera - 3 Year Old Class
My Mother – My Mother, my
friend so dear; throughout my
life you're always near;
A tender smile to guide my way;
You're the sunshine to light my
This week in our Bible lesson with Mrs.
Tenyer we will be learning about Steven
Speaks Bravely About Jesus.
In our letter lesson we will be looking at the
letter letter Y y for Yancy Yak..
Color/Shapes/Numbers are all review.
Cutting practice and pre-writing skills are
still being worked on each week.
In Science we will be talking about the Fun
with Balancing. We will be looking at
Who Takes Care of You? In our weekly
For Show-N-Tell this week it will be
something that starts with the letter Y.
Please remember to call if your child is
going to be absent or is sick. If they are
sick, they need to be non-medicated fever
free, or vomiting/diarrhea free for a full 24
hours before returning to school.
and return to the school between 1-1:30.
Chaperones are needed to drive!
Also, we will be having our closing ceremony on May 21st at 10:30 am in the Gym. May
is full of excitement!
God’s blessings for your week!
Mrs. Traci Pulera
Reminder for all Mom’s!
On May 8th is our Mothers Day Brunch at
10 am in the Gym. ALL MOTHERS ARE
Field Trip Reminder
On May 15th we will have a fun field trip
to the Racine Zoo! We will leave at 8:45
Mrs. Aiken - 4 Year Old Class
Welcome back to another week! Only three
more left and there is a lot of exciting things
happening in these last few
This Wednesday, May 8th is
our Mother’s Day Party!
Please RSVP if you have not already.
Next week on the 15th is our Field Trip to
the Racine Zoo, permission slips are due
back on Tuesday, May 7th. Please return
them ASAP!
We will continue reviewing our numbers, shapes,
and colors!
It was so wonderful to be able to play outside last
week! Please remember to dress your child accordingly, we all know how unpredictable this
Wisconsin weather can be.
A special thanks to all that helped with our Power
Hour, we had a lot of fun and look forward to the
next one in the fall!
Important Reminders!
This week during Bible story with Mrs. Tenyer
we will hear how Steven Speaks Bravely
About Jesus.
CHAPEL is back on Wednesday from
now on, please have your child here by
7:50 am!!
This week we will be looking at our letter Yy
for Yak. What starts with letter Yy? How
many words can we list? In Science this
week we will continue to look at the Stages of
a Butterfly and look at all the different kinds
of butterflies! For show-n-tell please bring
something that starts with Yy.
Please do not send your child to school if they
have had any of the following within 24 hours; a
fever of 100 or above, an unknown rash, diarrhea,
or vomiting. We want to maintain a clean and
healthy environment for all of our students!
Make sure you check your Red Folder every
night, there are important things going home
especially since we are near the end of the year!
The Pre-K 4 year old closing ceremony/graduation will be held on Wednesday May
22 at 10 am in the gym! We hope to see everyone
In Christ’s Service,
Deanna Aiken
Page 5
Mrs. Rockhoff - Kindergarten
Down to 15 days!! Yikes!!
Tomorrow is our field trip to Green Meadows
Farm. We will be leaving school around 8:45. We
have more drivers than needed—thank you—so I
will send home a list in your child’s folder tonite
with who is driving and who just gets to ride
along! We do have 21 people going so we are good
on the price. Please remember to dress your child
appropriately tomorrow. We will be outside most
of the day, handling animals, jumping in hay, so
please keep that in mind when dressing your child.
Please have your child wear tennis shoes for the
day. If you are not driving or chaperoning, please
send a car seat along. Don’t forget to pack a
bagged lunch with all disposable items that
don’t need to be heated up. I will be bringing
a cooler to keep them all in. Don’t forget something to drink. Let me know if you have any
A reminder that the entire school, along with
the children from Bethany Lutheran, will be
singing for our special Ascension Day service
this Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 PM here at
Friedens. The kids are loving the song they are
singing. I pray they are all able to attend to
sing their heartfelt praises to our Ascended
This week we will begin learning some songs for
our graduation program, which will be on Thursday, May 23 at 6:30 PM. In the near future, I
will be sending home notes regarding our graduation and a few memory verses that will need to
be learned for that program. Your help will be
greatly appreciated!
In Christ Light this week we will be hearing
the lessons, “Peter Speaks to the Crowd,” and
“Peter Heals a Crippled Man.” In Superkids
we will finish learning about Xx and Yy and
start our very last letter—Zz. In Math we
will answer questions and record our answers
on a chart; identify cones and sort 3D objects; learn how to count by twos; and learn
the difference between odd and even numbers. Show and Tell this week is their favorite flower—real or picture.
May God bless your week! Mrs. Rockhoff
Mrs. Thusius – 1st homeroom; 1st & 2nd grades afternoon
Thank you for returning the Midterm reports so
promptly. Please
remember to mark
your child’s
church attendance
each and every
week so an accurate report can be forwarded to the
Church Attendance Committee.
Thanks for your help.
pack a sweat shirt or light jacket.
The winds can quickly switch and
recess time may be cooler than earlier
in the day.
May is a shorter month. AR points
are due by Friday the 17th, which really doesn’t allow for much time to
reach the goals. However, if you
begin now getting those two points
won’t seem like such a chore.
Our observance of Jesus’ Ascension
into heaven is this Thursday, the 9th
at 6:30 pm. There is a potluck
preceeding the service. All children
are required to sing for this service.
We are joining our voices with the
students from Bethany. Please
mark whether your child will attend
on the church form.
Remember, our Junior Olympics Day Have a wonderful “Spring” week.
is scheduled for Wednesday, May
The weather remains unpredictable.
22nd at Shoreland Lutheran High
Even though the temperatures may be
School. If you would like to volunwarm as you leave home for school in
teer for part or all of the day, please
the morning, please have your child
see the information elsewhere in this
Mrs. Pagel - 2nd homeroom; 7th & 8th English, Literature, and Art
2nd Grade
Wow! Two regular weeks
left of school before our Jr. Olympic fun the last week of school.
Where has the time gone? Please
continue to work with your child
each night on their Math, Reading,
Spelling, and Memory Work so we
can have a great ending to our year.
The school children will be
singing this Thursday evening in
the Joint Ascension service. They
should be in the balcony by 6:20
that evening. If your child will
for Landon’s mom. Please continue
not be there, please send in a writ- to keep the family in your prayers as
ten note. Thank you!
they walk with our Lord at this diffiAR points for May will be cult time.
3.5 points. Mrs. Blanchard has
kindly given them an incentive to
shoot for if the whole class
achieves their goals. Let ‘s get
The children did a beautiful job of singing our Lord’s
praises and offering words of
comfort last week at the funeral
May the Lord bless your
7th and 8th
Last Vocab Unit due Friday, Last
Vocab test on Friday, Rough Draft
of Autobiography due on Friday,
May 10th.
Page 6
Mrs. Pavelchik - 3rd & 4th homeroom; 5-6 English
The end of the school year is almost here!
Only 15 days left!
Thank you to everyone who sent in goodies
for our Cinco de Mayo party! They were
greatly appreciated! Thank you also to the
Dankert, Kassulke, and Otto families for
supplying Taco Bell for lunch and to the
Stock family for providing us with piñata!
We had a blast!
A reminder about AR goals: the third graders
need 15 points and the fourth graders need
17 points by Wednesday, May 22nd.
Thank you for returning your child’s midterm report to me in a timely manner. Again,
please contact me with any questions or concerns you have.
A heads-up to all third grade parents: the third
graders will be creating a project to wrap up
our book, Muggie Maggie. A note is coming
home on Monday regarding what will need to
be worked on. All projects are due next
Wednesday, May 15th.
Tests for 3rd grade:
We are singing in church this Thursday, May
9th. I will be sending home an additional note
on Monday with your child’s graded work and
church slip.
5/10—Spelling test
Have a blessed week!
5/10—Social Studies test
5/10—Spelling test
5/7—Reading test
5/9—Math test
5/10—Social Studies test
Tests for 4th grade:
Memory Work
Tue.: 1 John 2:1
Book order forms are due this Wednesday,
May 8th.
Wed.: CW 173 v. 1
Grades 5-6
We will continue to work on Shurley
Method this week.
Fri.: Romans 10:17 and Rev. 2:10
Miss Wolff - 5th & 6th homeroom; 3-8 Science, 3-6 Computers and P.E.
Memory Work
Ascension Service– The children in
grades K-8 sing on Thur. at Friedens
at 6:30pm. All students should be in
church to pracce by 6pm. A note
with more details will be coming in
the form of an email this week.
Tue.– 6th– 7th Peon
Wed. 6th– Hymn 596:1
Thur.- 6th– Doxology
Tue.- 6–Cat.–#279-284
PE Grades 3-6 All students should
have outside tennis shoes for phy ed Fri.– Spelling L 28, Voc., L27-28
class on Mon. and Wed. Lately, their Other Classes Work
grade has been going down because
Gr. 3-4 Science– Test Ch. 2D Thur.
they have been wearing improper
clothing for phy ed. Running in flip
flops is not acceptable. Please remind them to pack different shoes
and socks.
Dates to Remember:
-May 9: Ascension: grades PreK-8 sing
at 6:30
-May 22: Jr. Olympics @ Shoreland
-May 24: Last day of school 1/2 dismissal
-May 26: Graduaon Sunday sing at
10:30am service/ pick up report cards
God’s blessings on
a wonderful week!
Mrs. Oppermann - 4th Reading, 5th Social Studies & Math; 7th-8th Music
and well wishes.
I am happy to be back for the last
couple of weeks of school. Thank
you for your understanding while our
family adjusted to the added dynamic
of our little Noelle.
A special thank you to Mr. McDonald for taking care of my classroom.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers
Page 7
Mr. Oppermann - 7th & 8th homeroom; Christ-Light, History, PE, and 6th Geography
Welcome back for Week 35! Hopefully the Lord
granted you rest and relaxaon over the weekend.
Important Upcoming Events:
Important Upcoming Announcements:
-May 7: LLAC Forensic Meet at Shoreland
-May 9: Ascension: grades PreK-8 sing at 6:30
-May 10; LLAC Track Meet at Shoreland
-May 16: 8th grade Bowling class trip.
-May 15 & 16: School Registraon
-May 19: 8th grade dinner
-May 22: Jr. Olympics @ Shoreland
-May 24: Last day of school 1/2 dismissal
-May 26: Graduaon Sunday @ 10:30
ers are truly chosen by God.
We will connue last week’s lesson, “I Live for My
Savior” when we return from Easter Break. This lesson we will examine 1 Peter to understand how we
Chrisans should honor our loving Savior by dedicang our lives to serve and honor Him.
7/8: History: Our next era entled, “The Road to the
Civil War” depicts the major events that led up to the
Civil War.
6th Geography: We have concluded our study of
Europe. Now the fun begins! This week the students
will be working on their Europe in a Box project.
SQ: #27:
2. Mr. Oppermann’s Week 35 Assignments:
Ques>ons, Concerns, or Comments
-CLMW– 453 v. 2,4– Friday
Parents please feel free to contact me regarding any
-His-story: Era 11 Final Assessment on Tuesday
-Geography– Europe in a Box project due Monday
3. Class Notes:
7/8 Christ-Light: We have begun our #3 book entled,
“Chosen by God: A Bible study on 1 and 2 Peter.” This
study will strongly emphasize and develop how we believ-
issues with your child’s educaon.
Please check out our class website @ Click on classroom pages, then click on Mr. Oppermann’s website. You
will find very useful informaon and fun pictures.
Lord’s blessings on your week!
Eighth Grade Confirmation homework
for the 6TH week of Easter, May 6-10:
Tues. the 6th: WriLen review
quiz on the first part of the Ministry
of the Keys and Confession: “What is
the use of the Keys?” with meaning
(p.11 in your catechism).
SLHS Math Placement Test:
Fri. the 10th: Chapter 29 of
On Friday the 8th grade students will your weekly Proverbs project assignbe taking a SLHS Math Placement Test. ment.
Mr. Zank - 5th Catechism, 6th-8th Math, 7-8 Computer Apps.
Catechism Grade 5:
Oasis Youth Center
6th grade and 7th grade will be
going all the way back to chapter 1 this week.
Finish lesson 17 and have
Memory work #23.
Volleyball tourney June 2nd.
8th grade is flying through the
material. We take the chapter 11
test this week and start chapter
Still room so contact Mr. Zank
to sign up your team!!
7th graders 8th grade powerpoint is due on Friday.
8th graders video production.
Girls’ Soccer
Monday - 4:30 Game at the Score
Complex up in Franksville vs. WLS
Tuesday - Forensics
Wednesday - 4:30 Home Game vs. St.
John's Burlington at Anderson
Park...Field #2 aka EOMC
Thursday - Ascension Day Joint Service at 6:30 PM
Friday - Track & Field Day at
Shoreland...more details in a separate
Saturday - Soccer Tournament at
Shoreland. First game is at 9:00
AM. I will send out exact pairings
and game times later this
week. Games will start at 9:00 AM
and run every 1 hour and 15
minutes continuously until the
Championship game at 7:00 PM.
Ron Zupinski - 262.344.1939
Chris Anderson - 262.748.7910
Let me know if you have any questions.
Mark Thusius
Track & Field
This week we have the annual Track &
Field Day on Friday, May 10 at
Shoreland beginning at 4:00 PM. Please
be aware that we will be posting sign up
sheets soon for those that want to participate. Each contestant may participate in
a maximum of 3 field events and 3 running relays. There are four
divisions...5/6 Girls, 5/6 Boys, 7/8 Girls
and 7/8 Boys. More details will follow,
but for now, you may want to discuss
which events they should sign up for.
Once we know what events everyone is
interested we will work on finalizing the
list. We are limited to having a maximum of 3 contestants per event per
Our first year of SCRIP is starng to wind down. The year will officially end June 30th,
where at that me, accounts will be tallied and totals will be applied to next year’s
tuion, and a new year will begin. Connue purchasing SCRIP for all of your daily
needs and watch that amount GROW!! During the summer months, SCRIP will sll be available for purchase
on Sunday mornings, but will also be available in the school office during the hours Mrs. Lee is
working. Don’t forget to purchase SCRIP cards for your Mother’s Day present or your Mother’s Day dinner
An exciting Christian option for your child’s summer activities is
available this summer at Friedens. Living Hope Lutheran Summer
Camp, a ministry of Friedens Lutheran
Church, begins on June 3rd. Hours will
be Monday– Friday from 7am-5pm.
Please get your registration in as soon
as possible so plans can be made.
Friedens Parent Organization
Books Are Fun
Books Are Fun will
be on display until
Tuesday when the
orders are filled.
Forensics Meet
DON'T FORGET!!!---Teacher Appreciation Week
This week is appreciate your teacher week! Don't forget to remind your child's teacher
with a kind word how much you appreciate everything they do for their students, school
and church! If you would like to donate towards the weeklong FPO Teacher
Appreciation gifts please send in your donation to the office marked "FPO-teacher
The forensics meet is
meet at Shoreland no later
than 4:45. The first round
will start at 5pm.
Year end meeting...
...will be a summer meeting, date will be announced before the end of the school
year. Location...LaFogata's!
Let us know...
Was there something you were hoping to see implemented this school year? Have a
fundraising idea? Or a thought for FPO to ponder? Please contact us via phone, email
or Facebook. If you haven't been invited to our FPO Facebook page, just send a quick
text to Mindy at 308-7386 and we can add you to the FB fun.
You can reach us at...
Mindy Otto, president 262-308-7386
Rachael Trachte, vice pres. 262-818-4607
Kari Burden, secretary 262-994-3273
Jeanne Klemp, treasurer 262-891-7605
Support Teachers Encourage Parents
In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Prov. 16:9
Yearbook Orders
Yearbook orders for the current
school year were due last FRIDAY. If you did not send in
your payment you will not receive a yearbook. Yearbooks
WERE NOT a part of registration this year.
If you would still like to order
contact Sue Heidingsfelder to
see if it’s too late.
Please continue to submit pictures for publishing into the
yearbook. THANKS!
Our mission:
Friedens Lutheran School is committed to ‘Sharing’ the Gospel and will educate, equip and encourage students for life long service to Christ.
Parental Choice Program FAQ
What is the parental choice program?
The parental choice program is a program that allows eligible low-income students to attend a participating private school with
a voucher.
What districts are eligible?
New eligible school districts include districts with enrollment of more than 4000 students and have two or more public schools
listed as fails to meet expectations or meets few expectations on the statewide DPI report card. Twenty students from an eligible district must apply and be accepted to a pre-accredited or accredited school that plans to participate in the program by August 15th for the school district to remain eligible for the program. Under the current proposal nine new districts become eligible: Kenosha, Beloit, Madison, Waukesha, West Allis, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Green Bay and Superior.
What students are eligible?
Any student transferring from a public school in the eligible district that is a resident of an eligible school district and has a
family income below 300 percent of the federal poverty level is eligible for the program. In 2013-14 students eligible for free
and reduced lunch are given priority. Current private school students entering K4, K5, 1st grade, and 9th grade that meet the
residency and income requirements are also eligible to participate in the program.
How many students are eligible for the program?
For new eligible districts, a cap of 500 total students total from all nine districts combined will be eligible to participate in the
program in 2013-14. This increases to 1000 student in 2014-15.
What schools are eligible?
Any private school in Wisconsin that meets the requirements in statute is eligible to participate in the parental choice program.
Do students and schools have to participate in the program?
The parental choice program is a voluntary program. Eligible students and private schools have the option to participate in the
program, but they are not required to participate in the program.
What is the voucher amount?
Currently, the per-pupil voucher is $6,442 per-pupil or the cost to educate the student, whichever is less. According to the provision in the budget, the voucher would remain at $6,442 per pupil in 2013-14. The voucher would increase to $7,050 per pupil
for students in grades K4-8 in 2014-15 and $7,856 per pupil in grades 9-12.
What requirements must participating schools meet?
Schools must submit the intent to participate form to DPI, pay an annual audit fee, be accredited or pre-accredited, meet financial requirements, administer the state test, have annual enrollment and financial audits, and meet numerous other requirements
described in statute to participate in the program.
Can schools choose what students they want to accept?
Schools cannot pick and choose what students they want to accept. They may only consider income and residency when determining if a student is eligible for the program. If more students apply than there are seats available, a random lottery must be
held. Schools may give preference to siblings of accepted students, students that attend the private school in the previous year,
and students that attended another private school under the parental choice program. Schools cannot consider academic ability
in determining of student is eligible for the program.
Shoreland Retirement Reception: Please join us as we thank God for the blessings of
Mr. Dale Stelter. He is retiring after 44 years of service in the teaching ministry. A dinner
followed by a retirement reception will be held to honor Dale and Anne in the SLHS Commons before the Spring Concert on Saturday, May 18 at 5:00pm. Please RSVP on or before
May 13 by calling Shoreland at 262-859-2595 or emailing Congratulatory
messages may be sent in care of: Shoreland Lutheran High School, Mr. Dale Stelter, 9026
12th St. PO Box 295, Somers, WI 53171.
Friedens Lutheran School
5043 20th Ave.
Kenosha, WI 53140
Phone: 262-652-3451
Fax: 262-654-1565
We are on the web!
Board of Education
Contact Information
Todd Ewings - Chairman
Scott Carter - Vice Chair
Brad Scheiber
Jeff Hansen
Rick Wade
2013 Spring Concert
All of you are formally invited to attend Shoreland’s annual Spring Concert. This year’s concert will take place on Saturday evening May 18 at 7:00 PM in the Shoreland gymnasium.
Our theme for this year’s concert is, “Everything but the Kitchen Sink”. The evening will
conclude with a reception commemorating the graduates of the Class of 2013. Come enjoy
an evening of great music while saluting Shoreland’s graduating class.
Martin Luther College Wind Symphony Concert
Join us on Sunday, May 19 at 7:30 p.m. as the Martin Luther College Wind Symphony, under the direction of Prof. Miles Wurster, presents their spring concert in the Shoreland gymnasium. Featured works on the program include Xerxes, a unique treatment of the traditional concert march form composed by John Mackey. Arabesque is a middle-eastern inspired
work by American composer Samuel Hazo. Also on the program will be Holst’s First Suite in
Eb and Henry Fillmore’s The Circus Bee. The final feature work will be Eric Whitacre’s
Godzilla Eats Las Vegas. A free will offering will be gathered to help with band expenses. Come and meet some of our future workers and enjoy a delightful evening of music!
Mark your calendars! The 10th Annual “Widow’s Mite Rummage Sale” at SLHS will
be held on Friday, May 31st, 8:00am - 4:30pm and Saturday, June 1st- 8:00 am to 1:00pm.
Get started on cleaning closets and set aside your items that you no longer need and donate them to Shoreland’s Annual Widow’s Mite Rummage Sale! We will accept clean clothing, shoes/handbags, jewelry, books, toys, household items, small delivered furniture, and
small working appliances. Sorry, but we cannot accept televisions or computers and computer monitors. Donations will be received at SLHS: Monday, May 20 - Thursday, May 23
(8am-12pm) also Tuesday, May 28 & Wednesday, May 29 (9am–7pm). We are looking
for volunteers for this event. Help sort and set-up, May 28 – May 30th, or work
the days of the sale , May 31- June 1! Contact Diane Eppen at 262-859-2595 x202 to
volunteer. All proceeds go to the SLHS Tuition Assistance Fund. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be offering funds for this event to help raise money for Tuition Assistance!
This week’s home activities:
Monday, May 6: 3:30 Softball vs. Racine Lutheran; 4:30 Girls’ Soccer vs. Christian
Tuesday, May 7: 4:30, JV Baseball vs. St. Josephs
Wednesday, May 8: 4:30, Girls’ Soccer vs. Martin Luther
Thursday, May 9: 3:30, Softball s. Saint Thomas More; 4:30, Varsity Baseball vs.
St. Joseph
Volleyball tourney June 2nd.
Still room so contact Mr. Zank to sign up your team!!
Rob Cline
Friedens Worship Schedule
Jim Jones - Mt. Zion Rep
Our Sunday services are 8a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday School and
Adult Bible Class are offered at 9:15a.m. As always, Monday
night services at 6:30 are also an option.
Lunch cards are available in the office. $28.00 for K-5 & $29.00 for 6-8
Please send in a check or the exact amount in cash.
Dear Parents,
Friedens Lutheran is excited about our fourth “Jr. Olympics” – a day of competition and fun!
Our Jr. Olympics will be held at Shoreland Lutheran High School on Wednesday, May 22nd (Rain Date:
Thursday, May 23rd).
The Jr. Olympics will provide the opportunity for all our school children, K-8, to participate in
activities that will promote school spirit, foster leadership, and encourage Christian sportsmanship.
Each child’s individual participation will contribute to their team’s overall score.
To ensure the success of this day, numerous volunteers will be needed to help with chaperoning, timing, measuring, recording, scoring, etc. None of these tasks require any special abilities, prior
experiences, or skills – just willing hands.
Once again, we believe that you will love being a part of this day. Please consider volunteering
for all or part of the day. On the reverse side of this sheet please mark your availability and return it
to your classroom teacher.
Thank You,
Your Friedens Jr. Olympic Committee
Mrs. Rockhoff, Mrs. Oppermann, and Mr. Oppermann
Friedens Junior Olympics
Save the Date!!
Friedens is excited to announce our fourth annual Junior Olympic Day!
Our school Jr. Olympic Day will be on Wednesday, May 22nd , at the track field of Shoreland Lutheran High School. (Rain date: Thursday,
May 23rd).
All students from Kindergarten through 8th grade will be a part of this exciting day. All families are invited, but please note that there is no
playground for younger children.
To ensure the success of this day many, many volunteers are required. We believe that you will love being a part of this day. Please consider volunteering for all or part of the day.
Complete and return to the school office the attached form, or register on our school’s website indicating your availability for helping to make
our Junior Olympics a success!
Correspondence will continue to be forthcoming over the next following months as we prepare for our Friedens Junior Olympics.
Family Name
_______ Available anytime during the day
_______ Available from 8 A.M. to11:30 A.M.
_______ Available from 11:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M.
When indicating your availability, please mark with a number to show how many family members will be available.
Note: Our on-line registry is also open. Visit
Click the school tab (Top left), then scroll down and click on the Jr.
Olympics tab. Click on the Register Open tab to register. Have fun!
Thank you!
Your Friedens Junior Olympic Committee,
Mrs. Rockhoff, Mrs. Oppermann, and Mr. Oppermann