The Transformer - Friedens Lutheran Church


The Transformer - Friedens Lutheran Church
The Transformer
May 2012
Friedens (Peace) Lutheran Church, 301 W. Washington Ave., Myerstown, PA
A number of people requested a copy of the presentation I shared in worship on Sunday, April 22, 2012 as
part of the 200th anniversary celebration at Friedens. Here is that presentation...
In the year 1812 four very important historical things happened.
1. James Madison was elected for a second term as the fourth president of the
United States (see picture).
The United States declared war on England. Some have called it our “Second
War of Independence.”
3. Louisiana became the 18th state to join the Union (see map of the United States 1812).
4. Friedens Lutheran Church in Myerstown was born.
A few things have changed since 1812.
1. James Madison is no long president, thankfully.
2. The War of 1812 is long over – thankfully it only lasted 3 years and few
3. Louisiana is a still a state – thankfully.
4. Friedens Lutheran Church is still living the vision of being a Lutheran presence
in Myerstown. This year 2012 we are celebrating our 200th Anniversary.
On June 23, 1811 a vision was born to birth a Lutheran Church in Myerstown. As the story goes, “ was
the result of certain differences within the congregation at Christ Lutheran Church, Stouchsburg” (see picture).
This church building, our parent congregation, is still standing today. The story continues...
“since a good number of Lutherans were already living in the vicinity of Myerstown – J.
Andrew Schulze led a mission movement to plant a Lutheran Church in Myerstown.”
The vision was to start something new – a new peace-filled church. At the time
there were around 500 people living in Myerstown. Schulze (see picture) was a leader in
the community and one of Myerstown’s most noted citizens. He was not a pastor. He was a
politician – a member of the Legislature in 1806 and a Senator in 1821. He
served two terms as Governor of Pennsylvania from 1823-1829. While
Governor he continued to serve as a trustee in this congregation (council
member). His great-grandfather was Conrad Weiser and his grandfather was Henry Melchior
Muhlenberg. Muhlenberg is called the patriarch of the Lutheran Church in America. We have a
rich history here at Friedens.
At a special meeting on June 23, 1811 Schulze presented these words, “A house divided
against itself becomes a waste; furthermore peace nurtures and strife destroys under all conditions. Where
contention exists, one tears down what another builds up. Peace is a strict union of heart and mind, whence it
flows toward one another among us.” In the records of that meeting Schulze also shared: Peace and Unity is what
we are looking for. Peace –Psalms 120v 6- “too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peace”. We
are looking for this peace. Bad feelings and Godless ways will distance us from the gospel. II Timothy 4v:3 “ For
the time is coming when people will not put up with sound doctrine but having itching ears, they will accumulate for
themselves teachers to suit their own desire”.
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Looking to build a house of God without dissension was the motivation behind planting a Lutheran Church
in Myerstown. A committee of three was formed on August 9, 1811 including J. Andrew Schulze, Michael Ley, and
Leonard Immel. Ley and Immel both served as officers in the army with George Washington during the
Revolutionary War.
A site was chosen for this new house of God on the corner of Locust and Main Streets in Myerstown. Why
there? Because Michael Mosser and Simon Bassler caught the vision and gave that piece of land as a gift for this
nascent church. The records show that as soon as the people could raise $1,800 they would commence building.
Today, an evergreen hedgerow marks the site of our first and second buildings.
Let’s put this vision into reality. In 1812 the average take home pay was around
$15.00 a week. So in 1812 – $1,800 would equal somewhere around $45,000 today
(2012). On April 23, 1812 our ancestors made a dream come true when the corner
stone was laid and the name “Friedens Lutheran Church” was chosen for this
congregation. Friedens means “Peace” in German. That name was chosen to capture
the vision of how this congregation would operate with peace. The dedication of our
first church building took place on November 1, 1812 seven months after the corner
stone was laid. It was a one story stone building including a bell tower and a working
bell that called one and all to come and worship (see picture).
Our anniversary committee has placed a hymnal decoration in each window of the church nave. You will
notice the hymnal is opened to hymn numbers 150 and 151. The hymn on the left page was written by Martin
Luther and the title is “The Church.” The hymn on the right page was written by Ludvig Lindemen and is titled
“The People of God” notice what year he was born (1812).
It’s appropriate for us to have the hymnal opened to these two hymns because they say it all. The church is
the people of God. The church isn’t a building. It’s us. It’s those who came before us. And it’s those who will
come after us. Friedens Lutheran Church is us the people of Peace. We are the living vision of Peace in this place.
As Schulze wrote Peace and Unity is what we are about. Bad feelings and Godless ways will distance us from the
gospel. How true!
Brother and sisters in Christ we have reason to celebrate – some 200 years worth of reasons. May this year
be a special year for us and all who gather here at Friedens as we continue to live into the vision of our ancestors by
building up this house of God with Peace... with Friedens. As Jesus said to his disciples just before he ascended into
heaven, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts
be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). These are great words for us to live by as we move into the future.
So too are these words from Saint Francis of Assisi. They truly are words for us to live by as we move into the
future. They capture how we are to live into that Peace. I invite you to pray them with me now...
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Pastor Miller
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May 6th Acts 8:26-40
May 13th Acts 10:1-44
May 20th Acts 11:19-26
May 27th Acts 2:1-21
1sr Sunday—Food offering
2nd Sunday—Prayer offering
3rd Sunday—Money Offering
4th Sunday—Deed offering
5th Sunday—Children’s choice
held Friday, May 18 at 6 PM
in fellowship hall. If you are
planning to attend, please
RSVP by May 14 to Lynn
Appleby: 717-933-5358 or
or Jill Kreider: 717-274-9206 or
The church office is open
from 9 AM—1 PM
MISSION WORK- Have you ever wanted to go
on the mission trip but you can not travel? Well
we have a mission right here in town. We will be
helping out at the Bahney House, every
third Saturday of the morning of the month.
We will post the project of the morning and a
sign up sheet in the hall near the Mission
board. Please consider this part of our church
family being the hands and feet of Christ
going over the fence in our community. Please
see Jon Koller or Jan Dubois for more details.
date: June 10-16—This summer's focus for an
onsite mission will be in Bloomsburg, PA,
helping with restoration after September 2011's
flooding. Volunteers-skilled and unskilled-16
years or older can participate. Jobs include such
things as cleanup, demolition, drywall, spackling.
The 2012 team will be lodged in a local Bloomsburg church, Community of Christ Church, Market St. Signup sheet for prospective volunteers
can be found on the bulletin board near the
church parlor
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The Transformer
MAY 2012
6:00 PM—Cemetery
Work Nights
9 AM—
10:30 AM—
Traditional Worship
6PM—Fumf Brass
6:00 PM—Cemetery
Work Nights
7:00 PM—Property
6:45 PM—Praise &
Worship Band
7:00 PM—Adult
8:00 PM—Heavenly
Metal Handbell
9:00 AM—
Women Sew
6:45 PM—Praise &
Worship Band
7:00 PM—Adult
8:00 PM—Heavenly
Metal Handbells
Small Groups
Appreciation Dinner
6:00 PM—Youth
6:00 PM—Cemetery
Work Nights
6:45 PM—Praise &
Worship Band
8:00 PM—Heavenly
Metal Handbell
6:45 PM—Church
6 PM—Children’s
Ministry Dinner—
Fellowship Hall
Deadline for
newsletter articles
9 AM—
10:30 AM—
Traditional Worship
9 AM—
10:30 AM—
Traditional Worship
9 AM—
10:30 AM—
Traditional Worship
9:00 AM—Women
7:00 PM—Women
of the ELCA
6:00 PM—Cemetery
Work Nights
6:45 PM—Praise &
Worship Band
7:00 PM—
6:45 PM—Praise &
Worship Band
6:00 PM—Cemetery
Work Nights
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The following students will be confirmed on May 20th 2012 at our 9:00am worship.
Congratulations class of 2012. Thank you, Kerry Keller for your dedication and service in guiding our
class of confirmands.
Alyssa Felli
Bradley Gardner
Ryan Kemmerling
Elizabeth Kleinfelter
Jena Koppenhaver
Zachary Swanger
Laura Umberger
Thank you, to all the leaders who facilitated groups in our fall 2011 and spring 2012, your dedication
and willingness to allow God to use you in service to others has truly been a blessing. We had very
positive feed back from those attending groups and those touched by the service and outreach to the
community. We will be celebrating on Friday May 11th , details have been sent out to leaders. Please
RSVP by May 4th so we can plan accordingly.
Summer Groups will begin facilitating the first week of June with promotions to begin in May. If
you’ve never been in a group now might be a good time to try one!
Christ’s Peace,
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The Rev. William G. Ernst
Second Pastor of Friedens, 1824-1849:
The Rev. William Gotthold Ernst, D.D., residing at Lebanon and Pastor of Salem Lutheran
Church served this congregation for 25 years. Of the third longest pastorate, to date, there are no
records. He was a young man when he arrived here, a fine classical scholar. He was president of the
Ministerium of Pennsylvania for 3 years during this time. He died in 1849.
The Rev. Gottlob F. Krotel
Third Pastor of Friedens, 1849-1852:
Rev. Krotel was born in Germany in 1826. He resided in Lebanon, and also was pastor of
Salem Lutheran Church. Pastor Krotel was co-editor of a popular Explanation of Luther’s Catechism,
was active on many boards and committees and was one of the founders of the General Council. Rev.
Krotel was a great theologian and a teacher, as well as a preacher. He went on to teach at the
Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, and then he established a new English Mission in New York
The Rev. Thomas F. Jaeger
Fourth Pastor of Friedens, 1852-1855:
During his short time at Friedens, he had as many as seven local congregations. He is recorded
to have baptized 78 infants and 3 adults and confirmed 75 persons. We can assume a steady
membership in Friedens congregation, since two years after his resignation the subject to repair the
first stone church or rebuild was a vital item of discussion.
The Rev. L. G. Eggers
Fifth Pastor of Friedens, 1855-1866:
Pastor Eggers was born in Germany in 1805, coming to America in 1822. He resided in
Stouchsburg and served six additional churches as well. During his pastorate, the English Church
Book was published and the general council recommended that the members purchase this book, but it
was not adopted until 1868.
During the time of Rev. Eggers pastorate, the second church was built. The old limestone first
church was razed and a handsome brick church was built on the northwest corner of Main and Locust
Street. Rev. Eggers retired in 1866 due to ill health. He later returned to the ministry and served
elsewhere until his death in 1882.
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This year the sky is the limit as kids discover the word of God in a fun and unforgettable way!
Monday, June 18th-Thursday, June 21st
6:00-8:00 PM
Ages 3- 5th Grade
There are many opportunities available on the VBS Flight Crew both behind the scenes preparing for VBS
and hands-on during the week of VBS. Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you to use your
gifts and talents to provide an amazing experience for the children of our community.
Please feel free to contact Amber Miller 866-0447 or
Registration is now open!
To register your child for VBS please go to
You can also register by calling the church office or visiting the VBS table in the fellowship hall.
March 2012
Current Budget
Goal to Date $ 78,774.00
Rec’d to Date 76,368.00
Spang Crest
Rec’d to Date
Rec’d to Date
% of
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The Transformer
Friedens (Peace) Lutheran Church, Myerstown, PA
Church Council Meeting
April 19, 2012
President Bruce Kauffman called the meeting to order at 6:45 PM.
Present: Frank Armstrong, Jeff Gumpert, Chris Heft, Bruce Kauffman (President), Joanne Maurer
(Secretary), Pastor Miller, and Denise Noll.
Excused: Jody Appleby, Greg. Gardner (Vice President), Elaine Lasch (Treasurer).
Bruce Kauffman had an opening Prayer.
Bruce Kauffman (President) led a devotional reading from James 5: 13-18.
1. Power of Prayer - Bruce Kauffman ask the members on Council, to go alone, in or outside the
church, to pray and listen to what God was saying to us…
Discussion occurred.
2. Minutes/Reports/Communications:
a. Frank Armstrong motioned to accept March Minutes. Denise Noll seconded. Motion carried.
b. Jeff Gumpert motioned to accept March Financial Secretary’s report. Frank Armstrong
seconded. Motion carried.
c. Denise Noll motioned to accept March Treasurer’s report. Jeff Gumpert seconded. Motion
d. Pastors reported:
Jon Zinn has been elected to be the chair of the Finance Committee.
Violet Schaeffer was approved to stay in her roll on the Loan Committee.
Synod would like boxes of crayons for school kits to go overseas.
Camping Corp. would like to give a presentation for funding on,“Seeding The Future” to
e. Property Committee:
The Post Office requests that we have a mail box. Discussion occurred.
Denise Noll motioned that we accept Property report. Frank Armstrong seconded. Motion
f. Thank you from Luthercare in March for a gift to Spang Crest for $80.00.
Thank you from The Fireplace in March for a gift of $500.00.
3. Nominating Committee:
Jeff Gumpert motioned to appoint Dottie Kemble and Bob Hauck to the Nominating Committee
for 2012. Chris Heft seconded. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum:
Discusssion occurred.
5. Meeting closed with the Lords Prayer.
6. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted by
Joanne Maurer,
Council Secretary
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Cemetery work nights will be
held Tuesday evenings in
May, starting at 6 P.M. in the
cemetery across from the
church. Bring your shovels.
Objective: To maintain and
beautify landscaping of the
Duties: Edge, mulch and weed
existing landscaping.
Trim and maintain shrubbery.
Option: Plant, water and deadhead annuals.
Time required: No monthly meeting.
Work “as needed” when called by facilitator.
All work to be coordinated through Property
Sign up on sheet on bulletin board in the hallway.
Facilitator: Joel Zinn, 866-4420.
On Sunday, May 6, food will be
collected for the Lebanon County Food
Bank. All gifts are welcomed. There is a
need for instant mashed potatoes, canned
potatoes, cold cereal, 18 oz. jams & jellies, 5
oz. canned chicken, 12 oz. canned chicken,
12 oz. Spam, toothpaste, toothbrushes and
toiletries. In honor of our 200th Anniversary
our goal each month is 200 lbs. of nonperishable food items for the Food Bank. We
collected 423 pounds of food in April..
Why school supplies? To the
children who receive School
Kits, these supplies mean the difference
between getting an education or not. Public
School is usually free, but in the places
where LWR works, even a few required
supplies, like pens and paper, may be more
than many families can afford. And when
parents can only afford to send one of their
children to school, girls rarely get priority…
yet the education level of mothers has the
biggest impact on development.
Our goal at Synod Assembly is to assemble
1000 school kits. Each conference is being
asked to provide items needed for the kits.
Our goal at Friedens is 35 boxes of crayons
(16 or 24 crayons) for the 333 boxes for the
Lebanon Conference. A box is provided
outside the church office marked “crayons.”
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Sunday, May 6—Fumf Brass Quintet
Fumf, a brass quintet comprised of brass players from the Central Pennsylvania area, will be in concert at
Friedens as part of the 200th Anniversary Concert Series. Shawn Small, who has played trumpet on prior
occasions at the traditional service, is a member of “Fumf”. As with all concerts in the series, this is a
free concert which will be followed by refreshments.
Sunday, May 20—Lebanon County Choral Society
Saturday, August 4—Washington Band
Sunday, October 21—Friends of Friedens Concert
(Persons associated with Friedens past and present)
Saturday, December 9—Hershey Handbell Ensemble
College students and students attending
other qualified institutions may pick up loan
applications at the church office.
Applications must be returned by JUNE 15.
Needed…… to help
Spring Clean the Sanctuary, on May 18th—9
am till 12 noon or May 23—6 pm till 8:30 pm.
Let me know which day and time may suit you
best. CALL: Joanne @628-1211. THANKS
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The Transformer
Worship Series for May 2012 (and Summer 2012)
We continue “Following God’s Path and
Plan” series as we seek ways to align our lives with
God’s direction, taking one step at a time on this
journey of faith. We will continue to discover what
it means to love the Lord with all our heart, mind,
soul, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. On this path that we travel together we invite
the Holy Spirit to grow us, lead us, and guide us to
produce good fruit in God’s Kingdom.
May 6, 2012
Luke 8:4-8, 11-15
In the natural world, fruit bears seed for the purpose of reproduction. Like the sower, we are
called and empowered to spread the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ liberally with our words
and actions, trusting God with the harvest.
May 13, 2012
Ephesians 4:7, 11-16
When an apple seed germinates, it takes root and begins to grow into an apple tree. When the
seeds of faith germinate in our lives, we, too, will grow. By God’s grace and the use of spiritual
disciplines, we grow daily into the fullness of Christ.
May 20, 2012
Galatians 5:16-26
How do you know when an apple tree grows to maturity? When it begins to bear apples.
Spiritual maturity is revealed when we bear the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. And in the circle of life,
the purpose of fruit is ultimately to bear seed for the purpose of reproduction.
MAY 27, 2012
Acts 2:1-21
At Pentecost, the church was born as the gift of the Spirit was given. This same Spirit
continues to resurrect and recreate the Christian church throughout the world. What will it take to
grow the church?
Summer 2012 (15 Week Series) LIVING GOD” STORY
One thing that makes a great story even better is the potential to find ourselves in it. It becomes
our story. That’s certainly true of God’s story! This summer we’ll break open some of the best known
and least known stories found in the Bible. In them, we’ll discover the truth about God and the truth
about ourselves. And because stories shape our lives and fire our imaginations, each week we’ll be
challenged to not only hear the story, but live it!
Invite someone to join you in worship this Sunday! See you then!