July 2011 - Friedens!
July 2011 - Friedens!
July Messenger July 22, 2011 Volume 68 Issue 7 “How Great Thou Art” “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Ps. 19:1 My travels this summer took me to Colorado for a wedding in June and a cabin in Tennessee with my brother and his family in July. A car trip through Rocky Mountain National Park and a hiking trip up the Great Smokey Mountains assured me that these just didn’t get here by themselves, by some random act. Their beauty and their massiveness reminded me again of the power and wisdom of God. To see the trees growing so high, the snow covering the peaks, the streams and waterfalls so clear, and an occasional part of the animal world found in the mountains (although any bear sightings in Tennessee went unfulfilled) simply screamed, “My God how great Thou Art” to steal a line from a beloved hymn. My trips to the mountains are not the only source of such knowledge about God, as we all know. God’s Word does, however, confirm exactly what nature also tells us. There are numbers of people who don’t believe that God “exists” in any way, shape, or form, but who at the same time, marvel at nature’s beauty. What a sad truth that they do not make the connection between God and the wonders of nature that He created for us to enjoy. What a condemning lack of faith in God that will result in not simply missing out on seeing a bear or some other sight God has given us to see in this life, but such a condemning lack of faith in God and in his Son as the Savior of the world, will also result in living eternally without seeing the joyful presence of God forever and any other blessings he will allow us to see in heaven. That’s the most tragic fact of all. My trip to Tennessee reminded me of that “painful” truth too. Sitting on the cabin deck on a hot and sunny afternoon too long without sunscreen reminded me that the God that we believe in will also punish those who do not believe in him. A pink front side of my upper torso, which ached and stung to the touch for the next 3 days, reminded me that there is punishment from God for all who do not believe in him or follow his ways in their lives. Daily we are reminded of our sins and that we deserve God’s punishment. Even in the beautiful mountainsides, one can see erosion, pollution and waste littering the glistening mountain stream, a dead animal flattened or motionless on the roadside. Daily we are reminded that God is a just God and that the soul that sins will die and that those who reject him will also face hardships and trials, consequences that include pain and suffering in their daily lives. The sad truth again is that some simply do not understand these things, don’t see them as God’s just but also loving taps on the shoulder to turn to him and to see him in faith for the blessings and salvation in heaven that he has won for all people. The nature in which we live will cause people to “ooh” and “ahh” and even move some to say, “There must be some kind of God who created this.” It is the “fool” who even while looking at nature says, “There is no god” (Ps. 14:1). That’s why Friedens and each of us has to personally share God’s Word where God also reveals the truth about Himself, Jesus our Savior, and salvation in heaven. Pray for the boldness and the blessings to share His Word with the “fools” of the world. Pray for his continued blessings on your church and school. And finally, enjoy your vacations and your travels, which, along with God’s Word will cause you to daily say and sing, “My God, how great Thou art!” Marveling at God’s awesomeness with you, Rev. R. July Messenger Volume 68 Issue 7 Page 2 MEMORIALS NEW MEMBERS Elmer Ungemach $165.00-Tuition Assistance Raymond Schultze— 6/21/11 Adult Confirmation Carolyn Harbach $275.00-Gen Fund Michelle Kloet—6/22/11 Adult Confirmation Sandy Moskopf Madeleine LeFeuvre—6/25/11 Confirmation News & Notes TRANSFER OUT WEDDINGS Megan Brackeen—6/17/11 To Eastside Luthernan, Madison Corey Schmidt & Emily Seeger 6/24/11 BAPTISM Lila Kate Magro 6/26/11 Bradley Behling & Laura Beam 7/11/11 $660.00—Tuition Assistance $25.00– Gen Fund Daniel Sittig & Michele Pfarr 7/22/11 Lorraine Mayes $200.00 SLHS Tuition Assistance Craig & Rachel Steinke 7/10/11-Transfer from Bethany Michael & Jeanine Hautzinger 7/10/11-Affirmation of Faith Our Lord’s Treasury We give thee but thine own, Whate’er the gift may be Needed: Offerings: $ Capital Improvement Shoreland: $ Missions: $ 14,126.00 1,154.00 1,058.00 June 19: June 26: July 3: July 10: July 17: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,036.60 246.00 666.50 644.50 10,581.77 189.00 526.00 715.00 11,669.75 380.00 590.00 1,024.00 9,300.00 237.00 415.00 811.00 9,730.36 272.00 610.70 729.50 “Did You Know?....” Last month I shared some information about Friedens that I thought some might not be aware of. To continue you to be in the know about things, here are a couple more: • Did you know that Friedens has a “needy family fund” that we use to help those with financial needs? Often it is for gas for the car, rent assistance, or other items they are in need of? If you would like to donate to this fund, simply indicate it on your regular offering envelope, or use a separate envelope marked “Needy Family Fund” and place that also in the offering basket any Sunday. Your kindness and love are greatly appreciated. • Did you know that Friedens also has a “tuition assistance fund” that is used to help families send their children to our Christian Day School or to Shoreland Lutheran High School, who may not be able to afford the entire tuition amount on their own? Parents apply for this assistance when they register their children for the school year and based on their need are given financial assistance. A committee also looks at individual cases additionally. Neither Friedens or Shoreland Lutheran High School excludes children simply based on financial inability to pay the tuition costs, but will go to great lengths to enroll any children that wish Christian education. Did you know that Friedens is now on Facebook? Thanks to the efforts of Rev. Meissner, we now have a Facebook page. Simply go to Facebook and look us up (Type in Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church and you’ll see a picture of our church building near the name) and tell us what you think. We hope it becomes a great tool for communicating lots of stuff with all of you. • • Did you know that your Pastors are willing and ready to share what we teach with people seeking more information at any time? If you know of anyone, send them our way. A “formal” adult instructional class begins every September but more are added as needed, using different formats and often one on one to accommodate schedules. July Messenger August Celebrations! Happy Birthday! Marie Meier Amber Barcalow Diane Zapf Brandon Eschbach Eric Biggs Brandy Brey Linda Bose Rusty Bender Gary Schroeder Elaine Yuenkel Myra Hansen Hannah Orth Zoe Steinmetz Richard Maksen Sr. Jonathon Vasey Corey Brackeen Ashley Jakob Megan Kurth Johanna Huck Tristan Schneiberg Alex Bolton Hayden Hilliard Hunter Hilliard David Ishmael Theresa Schwartz Karen Tenyer Stephen Thusius Dorothy Buchholz Irene Reid Robert Pedley Kyle Vaughn Louise Hannes Kenneth Kataja Norman Buchholz Dean Van Daalwyk Carolyn Mathey Rita Weber Page 3 “Rejoice with those who rejoice!” Kelsey Roberts James Tenyer Karie Kibler Katie Castineyra Vijay Eschbach Irene Daniels Amy Yszenga Michele Prue Anna Marotz Katie Corso Micah Brown Nikole Dean Jane Menke Dana Thomson Deena Johnson Sylvia Hinz Naomi Miller Hannah Burden Rosemary LaMantia Kathryn Binninger Lieselotte Vogt Maurice Zabel Herman Pooch Kelly Garcia Ellen Gvozdenovic Jessica Ehemann Aaron Poling Doris Bauer Kayla Pagel Gary Nielson Gail Whittier Corrine Whittier Gabriella Deal Richard Maksen Jr. Michael McDonald Jeanette Otto Brady Brandt Kelly Garcia Kathryn Roberts Vanessa Roberts Scott Roehl Andrew Dinse David Krause Trenton Ewings Kate Whittier Amy Prondzinski Augustin Nielson Michael Tenyer Jeanette Ewing Dorothy Scheckler Dorothy Seiberlich Jori Bucko Lawrence Zirbel Matthew Krug Caden Roehl Gene Smith Pamela Jepsen Sheila Lupi Gladys Kreuscher Inger Ewings Vicky Sue Henry Tracy Moore Landin Miller Dana Kirschbaum Bette Harbach Dana Wekesa Jason Campbell Jr. Jane Nelson Lynn Huntoon Keith Schwartz Please contact the church office and let us know if your name has been left out of the celebrations page. Happy Anniversary! George & Laura Yurchak Robert & Sherron Schroeder Jon & Jennifer Moskopf Matthew & Brandy Brey Gregg & Marie Pfarr Brian & Anita Hill Steve & Hollie Landreman Donald & Kathy Harmeyer Arthur & Anne Liddicoat Jeff & Melanie Kunkel James & Patricia Moldenauer Maurice & Marjorie Zabel Michael & Valerie Roehl Harvey & Elizabeth Weiss Robert & Jamie Hovey James & Kathy Weiland Doug & Karen Wargo Eugene & Catherine Mantuano Michael & Laura Leys Bennie & Sally Skelton Thomas & Brenda Vaughn Howard & Tricia Birchard Page 4 Our annual Picnic is set for Sunday, August 7th beginning at noon. The location this year is the Kemper Center’s Faulkner Building on the Lake Michigan side. The Faulkner building is air conditioned and has a refrigerator. Hamburgers, brats and buns will be provided. Please bring a dish to share, beverage of your choice, and lawn chairs. New this year: Adult games: Bingo, Sheepshead Tournament, Baggo, Balloon Toss. PRIZES for the winners!!!! Please call Martin Moskopf 262-945-1915, or Glenda Conforti—262-658-3463 to sign up for the adult games, so that we may know how many to plan for. Children’s Games: The popular watermelon seed toss and more…! Snow Cones for kids big and small! Please call Matt Oppermann at 652-2456 to suggest children’s games or volunteer to help. We could still use additional volunteers to help with the picnic, if you can help or if you have suggestions please contact Marty @ 262-945-1915. This is always a fun day for all ages and we hope you can make it! ***(If you are on facebook, check out our page, lots of great pictures of past picnics!) Kemper Center Grounds Upcoming Bible Study Opportunities Page 5 Basic Bible Christianity Fifteen Tuesday Evenings, Aug. 23rd-Dec. 6th (no class on Oct. 4) 6:30-7:30pm There is nothing more powerful in this world than the living and active Word of God. It has the power to change lives, to transform character, and most importantly, to rescue human beings from death and eternal destruction by giving the gift of forgiveness and free salvation through Jesus. Throughout this fifteen lesson study we will search the Scriptures, and be refreshed, renewed and reinvigorated in our understanding and trust in the simple truths of the Christian faith. All are welcome. Wednesday Morning Bible Study Beginning on August 17th, we will dive into the book of James 9:00-10:00am James addresses practical issues and enduring problems faced by many mature believers: impatience, failure to do what you know is right, favoritism, apathy, and selfishness. He presents wise arguments and God-pleasing solutions, culminating in the confession of sins (5:16) and prayer for help from God, ‘the Father of lights’ who gives ‘every good and perfect gift’ (1:17).” (from the introduction in the Lutheran Study Bible, p.2130). Join us as we dig into God’s Word. All are welcome. Positively Lutheran Five Thursday Evenings, Aug. 11th-Sept. 8th 6:30-7:30pm This five lesson study will help you be able to answer when others ask you, "What does your Lutheran church believe?" We’ll dig into what we believe - our faith, worship, and mission – focusing on Jesus Christ, our only Savior. The small book that will be used in this study is definitely one to pass along to others so they can learn what it means to believe and live as a Lutheran Christian - living in the love of Christ. The material we’ll cover will follow the outline provided by the early Christian fish symbol IXTHUS (Jesus Christ, God's Son, Savior). All are welcome. July Messenger Volume 68 Issue 7 Page 6 “Way to Go, Brent!” Friedens member, Brent Schroeder attended the State Special Olympics Meet in Stevens Point on June 9-11 and did very well in 2 events. Hundreds of young athletes were apart of the meet. Brent placed 5th in the 25meter freestyle swimming and was also on a 4 X 50 meter freestyle relay team that also place 5th. Nice swimming, Brent! Brent’s dad tells me it’s now on to Eau Claire in August for a Bocce ball tournament! Best wishes on your efforts, Brent! Do you have a story or an accomplishment that you’d like to share? We’ll include it any month! Simply email or write them down and get them to the office and we’ll include them in the next available newsletter! It’s always fun to “rejoice with those who rejoice” as we celebrate the blessings in our lives from God! Volunteers needed for painting and concrete work! Chris Anderson, (Building & Grounds Chairman), is looking for help. A work day is being scheduled for Saturday August 13th, (rain date, Saturday August 20), beginning at 9:00 am. A lunch of grilled burgers and brats will be provided. In addition to many helping hands, Chris is also in need of extension ladders for that Choices of Life Pregnancy Counseling Center is funded like Friedens is, on the free will donations of people like you. You know the mercy of Jesus and you seek to show that mercy to others in so many ways bringing glory to the name of Christ. To help our pregnancy counseling center we’ve made baby bottles available so that you can collect your spare change. Don’t let the couch get your quarters or pennies. Take those coins out of your pocket or purse, get them off your dresser top and use them to help protect life right here in Kenosha and Racine. Pick up a bottle in the narthex today. If you don’t have a bottle to collect your change you can still participate. For more information or to turn in your change for Choices of Life, please talk with Tammy Bjork, 262-597-9909. Bleachers. The gym is in need of new bleachers. Our old bleachers do not meet safety codes any longer. The cost for new bleachers (which will also expand seating) is approximately $19,000. Donations can be dropped in the offering plate in an envelope marked “bleachers” or sent to the school office. Thank you! Oasis Youth Center – Want to help Oasis, but you don’t have the time to volunteer? There is another way you can help! Oasis Youth Center is ALWAYS in need of Snack Size Chips, Poptarts, Individually Packaged Rice Krispy Teats, Juice Boxes, and 8oz Bottles of Water. These items can be dropped off at Oasis during normal hours, or can be given to Pastor Bergemann or Amy Haun. If you have any questions, please e-mail Oasis at office@oyckenosha.org. Thank you so much for your help and support! Calling all Men of the congregation – We want to know what you think. Very soon we will be starting up a men’s Bible study. What books of the Bible and what topics do you want to study and dig into together? Give us your thoughts, in person, by phone, via email, or even through our Facebook page. Real men lead their households, but to do so they must know the way. Let’s get back into the Word and listen to the Way, Jesus Himself, speak to us, that we may speak, and then lead our families with God’s Word. We are scheduling work shifts for the Racine County Fair Wed. July 27 – Sun. July 31.You will receive free admission and a donation will be made to benefit Camp Oakridge. Morning and afternoon shifts are filling up, but there are still openings for afternoons and weekends. If you would like to help, please call Gloria Jensen at 262-763-7410. Page 7 Connect with us through our website, on Facebook or on Twitter. We gather together in God’s house each Sunday and then go out into the world to live our faith to the glory of God our Savior. As you go each day, get links to daily Scriptures readings, Friedens calendar events, news, announcements and prayer requests sent directly to your email, to your Facebook account or to your mobile phone via SMS text. Youth Group Outing to Mt. Olympus Water and Theme Park in the Dells. Mt. Olympus features 8 go-kart tracks, 6 roller coasters, 37 water slides, 3 lazy rivers and more! Our special price for all this is $11.95 per person and includes all the rides and slides. We will meet in the church parking lot at 8:00 AM on Wednesday August 10th. All you need to bring is a bag lunch, towel, and some money for dinner on the way home. Concessions and gift shops are also available at the park if you choose to bring extra spending money. Please speak to Rev. R for more details or to reserve your spot for this fun outing. Parents and siblings are invited to join us for a fun-filled day. We will return to church in the evening. Friedens participates in the Super Valu "We Care" grocery receipt rebate program. If you shop Super Valu, please ask the clerk to put the "We Care" stamp on your receipt, and drop your receipts in the designated box inside the new cabinet in the church narthex. The school gets a 1% rebate for the total of the receipts turned in per quarter. Jean Glitzky collects the receipts, tallies them, and submits them. Currently we are collecting receipts for July, Aug, Sept. Five Minutes with Luther ~ on two little words, “Grace and peace.” * * * Grace and peace—these two words embrace the whole of Christianity. Grace forgives sin, and peace stills the conscience. The two devils who plague us are sin and conscience, the power of the Law and the sting of sin (1 Cor. 15:56). But Christ has conquered these two monsters and trodden them underfoot, both in this age and in the age to come. The world does not know this; therefore it cannot teach anything sure about how to overcome sin, conscience, and death. Only Christians have this kind of teaching and are equipped and armed with it, so that they can overcome sin, despair, and eternal death. It is a teaching that is given only by God; it does not proceed from free will, nor was it invented by human reason or wisdom. These two words, “grace” and “peace,” contain a summary of all of Christianity. Grace contains the forgiveness of sins, a joyful peace, and a quiet conscience. But peace is impossible unless sin has first been forgiven, for the Law accuses and terrifies the conscience on account of sin. And the sin that the conscience feels cannot be removed by pilgrimages, vigils, labors, efforts, vows, or any other works; in fact, sin is increased by works. The more we work and sweat to extricate ourselves from sin, the worse off we are. For there is no way to remove sin except by grace….Because the world does not understand this doctrine, it neither can nor will tolerate it. It brags about free will, about our powers, about our works—all these as means by which to earn and attain grace and peace, that is, the forgiveness of sins and a joyful conscience. But the conscience cannot be quiet and joyful unless it has peace through this grace, that is, through the forgiveness of sins promised in Christ…Therefore your bones and mine will know no rest until we hear the Word of grace and cling to it firmly and faithfully. (LW 26:26-27). The Gospel shows the Father’s grace, Who sent His Son to save our race, Proclaims how Jesus lived and died That we might thus be justified. CW 288:1 Page 6 “Pray for each other” James 5:16 Christians are the people of mercy and love for we receive the mercy and love of Christ through His Gospel in Word and Sacrament. As we live through Christ and for Christ in this world, not only do we show mercy and love to others, we also pray for each other daily, knowing that “the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” In our prayers we include: The members of our congregation who are shut-in, undergoing rehab or who are otherwise unable to attend worship services with us each Lord’s Day. Lord, have mercy upon: Gertrude Bernhardt, Herman Pooch, Gertrude Binder, Ruth Fiers, Mickie Mallman, Edna and Gil Oechler, May Schwaiger, Carol Higgins, Cynthia Sturm, Marian Naekrsz, Dorothy Scheckler, Kathy Helwig, Ed Krueger, Dorothy Seiberlich, Eleanor Patrizzi, Shirley Mertz, Vera Kuhn, Conrad Ladwig, Ellie Ebert, Ruth Sturm, Katheryn Van Duyn Dorothy Reck, Alfrieda Kober, Harry Poppie, John Holman, June Pias, Lena Ernter, Ethel Gosselin, Louise Hannes, Joanne Garlow, Linda Mays, Clarence and Helen Krueger, Emma Bowen, Dorothy Bucher, Mildred Hesse, Ken Ostlund, Fred Mohr, Marie Meier, Dorothy Frisk, Anne Marotz, Leon and Eleanor Spitzer, Frieda Neumann, and Beth Sommer. We also remember our fellow members who have requested the prayers of the congregation on their behalf. We offer all of these supplications for aid and prayers of thanks in the name of Jesus who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever: For those bearing heavy crosses: Margaret Raffelson For the sick and those recovering from hospital stays: Dorothy Frisk, Linda Mays, and Carol Simon For those recently married before the Lord’s altar: Dan Sittig and Michele Pfarr; and Laura Beam and Brad Behling For those new to our congregational family: Michelle Kloet, Raymond Schulze, Michael & Jeanine Hautzinger, & Craig & Rachel Steinke For those recently baptized: Jackson Schmickel and Lila Magro For our sister congregation of St. Luke’s: their recently ordained pastor, Luke Italiano, their ministry, and their partnership in the Gospel together with us. For those members who desire to support these brothers and sisters of ours also by sending a card or letter to them, most addresses can be found in the back of the church pictorial directory. The physical addresses of our shut-in members who reside at nursing homes or other assisted living facilities can be found on the bulletin board in the narthex just to the north (or left side) of the center glass doors. Page 9 Page 10 The Gospel in Song “God has made our heart and courage joyful through His dear Son whom He has given for us in order to redeem us from sin, death and devil. Whoever seriously believes this truth cannot simply let it be. He must joyfully and with great enthusiasm sing and speak about it so that others also may hear this great truth and be brought to it in faith.” ~ Martin Luther Holy Spirit, Ever Dwelling, CW # 182 1. Holy Spirit, ever dwelling In the holiest realms of light, Holy Spirit, ever brooding Textual source for this hymn: 1 Corinthians 2:9-16 This Pentecost hymn text was written in 1922 by Timothy Rees, Bishop of Llandaff, and first published in his The Mirfield Mission Hymn Book. O’er a world of gloom and night, Holy Spirit, ever raising Those on earth to thrones on high, Living, life-imparting Spirit, You we praise and magnify. 2. Holy Spirit, ever living As the Church’s very life, Holy Spirit, ever striving Through us in a ceaseless strife, The tune, IN BABILONE, is a traditional Dutch folk tune with three of its four phrases alike (aaba). It was originally printed in a collection of about a thousand “old and new Dutch peasant songs and country dances.” Many of these, including this one, were arranged in modern form by Julius Röntgen (1855-1932). This hymn was first introduced into English hymnody by Ralph Vaughn Williams through the English Hymnal, where it was set to the Ascension hymn “See the conqueror mounts in triumph.” The setting in Christian Worship is by Carl F. Schalk. Holy Spirit, ever forming In the Church the mind of Christ, You we praise with endless worship For Your gracious gifts unpriced. 3. Holy Spirit, ever working Through the Church’s ministry, Teaching, strength’ning and absolving, Martin Luther wrote, “We must not doubt that the Holy Spirit dwells in us. We must be sure and acknowledge that we are ‘a temple of the Holy Spirit’ (1 Corinthians 6:19). For if someone experiences love toward the Word, and if he enjoys hearing, speaking, thinking and writing about Christ, he should know that this is not a work of human will or reason but a gift of the Holy Spirit” (from Lectures on Galatians, 1535). Setting captive sinners free, Holy Spirit, ever binding Age to age and soul to soul In communion never ending You we worship and extol. This hymn is extremely comforting since it clearly states the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the individual and the life of Christ’s church. It provides a strong confession of the faith. The church sings here, what Scripture teaches regarding the third person of the Trinity. August 2011 Sun Mon 10:30 Nursing 1 Home Service Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 VBS Week– 8:30—11:30 AM-Big Jungle Adventure 1:00 PM Pastors Study Club 6:30 PM Board of Ed 6:30 PM Worship Service 7 8 & 9:30 Worship Friedens Family Day! Picnic at Kemper Noon—4:00pm 14 8 10:30 Nursing Home Service Worship with Communion 9 10:30 Nursing Home Service 6:30 PM Church Council 16 9:00 Mission Sewing & Quilting 1:00 PM Pastors Study Club Worship 10:30 Nursing Home Service 1:00 PM Pastors Study Club 6:30 PM Worship Service 28 2910:30 Nursing 8:00 & 9:30 Worship with Communion 17 Friedens Work Day 6:30 PM Positively Lutheran 18 Cookout lunch to be provided! 19 20 26 27 9:00 am Bible Study School Orientation Night 6:30 PM Positively Lutheran 6:30 PM 23 First day of School~Opening Service 8:00 AM 24 30 6:30 PM Positively Lutheran 31 8:00 Schl Chapel 1:00 PM Pastors Study Club 6:30 PM Basic Bible Christianity 25 9:00 am Bible Study 6:30 PM Basic Bible Christianity Home Service 6:30 PM Worship Service w/ Comm. 13 Beginning at 9:00 AM 6:30 PM Worship Service 22 8:00 & 9:30 12 1:00 PM Pastors Study Club 6:30 PM Worship Service w/ Comm. 21 Group 10 Youth 11 Outing to the Dells. 8 am—? 15 8:00 & 9:30 6:30 PM Admin/Pol 5:30 PM Kenwis Corn roast at Dick Bartels’s Non Profit Organization FRIEDENS EVANGELICAL US Postage Paid LUTHERAN CHURCH Kenosha,WI Permit No. 187 (WELS) 5038 Nineteenth Avenue Kenosha, WI 53140 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Summer Service Times (Summer Schedule) Sundays: 8:00 & 9:30am Monday Worship: 6:30 pm Wednesday Bible Study 9:00 am WE’RE ON THE WEB www.friedenswels.org FRIEDENS MESSENGER Published Monthly Volume 68 Issue 7 Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church and School July 2011 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 Church Phone: 654-7746 School Phone: 652-3451 Day Care Phone: 657-5758 Fax: 654-1565 PASTORS: David A. Rockhoff: (262)818-3762 Thomas L. Meissner: (262)-653-9897 FACULTY: Mr. Don Eickmeyer - Principal: (262) 945-0896 Mr. Matt Oppermann: (262) 652-2456 Miss Tonya Wolff : (262) 909-3775 Mrs. Heather Pagel: (262) 553-9652 Mrs. Mandy Pavelchik: (262) 637-7562 Mrs. Paula Thusius: (262) 697-4170 Mrs. Elise Oppermann : (262) 652-2456 Mrs. Janice Rockhoff: (920)418-0892 Mrs. Karen Tenyer (262)697-8452