2001 PDF - Spirit of Woodstock Festival
2001 PDF - Spirit of Woodstock Festival
Umschlag, konvertiert_Umschlag 01.02.11 12:10 Page 2 the cyber rock happening with 19 bands from 12 countries fur die zukunft special edition Nr. 2-3/2001 ENGLISH • ITALIANO • DEUTSCH FESTIVAL CD ON PAGE 25 Inhalt_Inhalt 01.02.11 12:05 Page 1 FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY D C L A SE TIV GE 25 F 2001 10th, 11th and 12th AUGUST PA N O CONTENTS PRESENTING 19 BANDS FROM: EUROPE, USA, NEW ZEALAND, BRAZIL, ISRAEL, SCOTLAND, ENGLAND, POLAND, SLOVAKIA, GERMANY, ITALY AND UKRAINE + FLASHBACK 2000 + NEW AGE MUSIC DAY 1 FESTIVAL ADDRESS: OMNIDIET RESORT AND BUSINESS HOTEL • VIA MONTE FALÒ 8 • I-28010 MIRAPURICOIROMONTE (PROVINCIA DI NOVARA) ITALY • PHONE: 0039-0322-999009 • FAX: 0039-0322-900926 • E-MAIL: Omnidiet@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com • INTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/SpiritFest CYBERROCK - CYBERAGE CYBERROCK - CYBERAGE CYBERROCK - CYBERAGE FLASHBACK 2000 SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK 2001 TOUR SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2001 PROMO CD BANDS PARTICIPATING AT THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2001 NEW AGE MUSIC DAY 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-22 23-24 25 26-36 37-38 2 Cyberrocker_Cyberrocker 01.02.11 11:58 Page 1 MIRAPURI INFORMATION: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com CYBERROCK CYBERAGE 3 MICHEL MONTECROSSA CYBER ROCKER FOUNDER OF MIRAPURI AND THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY: POEMS, SONGS, LOVE AND BEAUTY RETURN. DOWNLOAD GREAT MUSIC BY MICHEL MONTECROSSA FROM: www.MP3.com/michelmontecrossa It was 5000 years ago when Rock ‘n’ Roll began with the ecstatic chants of mantric-tantric shamana-songs all over this planet. Oracle-priestesses, sages, medicinwomen, vedic rishis high on fusing left-right-hemisphere brainpower for full-life-expression of the sensual and suprasensual. Unity of consciousness everywhere: Atlantean cosmology, the vibratory songs of the stars of druids, Native-American, Australian, Maya and Egyptian cultures preserving the link to superearth in the subtle physical, immortal origin of man, origin of music and wordenergy. Power of paradiseconsciousness sweeping over the Pacific and Mediterranean worlds with happiness and beauty-laughter of the naked body joined by song and dance of the Eurasian-Arabic delightbliss and the deep pounding blood of the African continent. 20th Century: after a frustrating period of left-hemisphere brain-domination and its feardriven control-hysteria, culminating in sexdeprived fascism, totalitarism and brainwashspirituality the adventurers of consciousness and joy, the poets, artists and anarchists of sound thirst again for the sap of erotic right-brain-hemisphere mother-female universal experience, unfathomable, life-giving, nonlinear, all-creating and aim at the rebirth of the holistic left-right fusion of man’s brainpower for liberation of his cosmic and evolutionary soulpotential. The poet and mystic Sri Aurobindo together with the artist and consciousness-liberationfighter Mira Alfassa enter the arena along with the comrads and stars of the conquest like Walt Whitman, Rimbaud, Ernest Hemingway, T. S. Elliot, Kerouac, Dylan Thomas, the Beat Poets, painter-movie-artists like Picasso, Dalì, Jean Cocteau, Jean-Luc Godard, Andy Warhol, singer-poets like Robert Johnson, Blind Willy McTell, Jimmie Rodgers, Woody Guthrie, Lord Buckley, Ray Charles, all of them driving with electronical mediapower on the holistic stream of new Rock ‘n’ Roll with lightspeed opening the doors to unprecedented ranges of consciousness and perception. 20th Century Final Round: writer-poets-psychic-scientist-visionaries like Aldous Huxley, Albert Einstein, Buckminster Fuller, C. G. Jung, Tagore, Marshall McLuhan, Timothy Leary, Paolo Soleri, Charles M. Schulz and Allen Ginsberg together with rock-singer-actor-artistsstatesmen like Françoise Hardy, Frank Zappa, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Michail Gorbatshov, Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Gene Roddenberry, Gilbert Shelton and Bob Dylan define the new and challenging breakthrough-perspectives of planetary rockculture. 21st Century Quantum-Jump: CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa extends it all into the cosmic love-freedom worlds of the new millennium, crossing all borders, a futuristic Prometheus bringing the cellular high-energy brainexpansion-fire-beat from the immortals. He makes new fusions, new powers effective expressing themselves in the corresponding global focal point vibrant with the new millennium awareness: Mirapuri - the City of Peace and Futureman where he lives and works with his band The Chosen Few and where every year the Spirit of Woodstock Festival takes place. MICHEL MONTECROSSA – CYBERSINGER-POET-DIGITALARTIST AND VOICE FOR RAPIDLY CHANGING TIMES CREATED THE NEW STYLE CYBER ROCK, INCLUDING BOTH: SONG- AND MEDITATIVE INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. HE IS A DRIVING FORCE FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW AND HE BRINGS MUSIC FOR THE WHOLE WORLD: FUTURISTIC, COMMITTED, CONCERNED, UNIQUE, CLOSE TO THE HUMAN CONDITION. MICHEL MONTECROSSA, WORLD-CITIZEN AND WORLDTRAVELLER IS THE RARE EXAMPLE OF A MOST AUTHENTIC, CREATIVE AND COMMUNICATIVE SONGWRITER. THE GENIUS OF HIS INDOMITABLE SPIRIT IS CONSTANTLY ACTIVE, LOOKING INTO THE FACE OF THINGS WITH THE HEART OF AN INDEPENDENT MAN. HE CREATED 1800 SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS. MICHEL MONTECROSSA COMES WITH CYBERTECH, DRIVING GUITAR, PIANO, SYNTHESIZER, HARMONICA, A VOICE OF MANY MOODS AND AN ABUNDANT VARIETY OF STYLES OF EXPRESSION. Mirapuri, founded by Michel Montecrossa and born from the ideals of Sri Aurobindo and Mira Alfassa is the space-age city for freefeeling people from all over the world to make real love, friendship and progress. Sri Aurobindo is the outstanding consciousness-researcher of our time and rankes among the greatest modern poets. In his major work, the epic poem ‘Savitri’, he expresses his message in breathtaking song-like poetry breaking the chains of limited vision and time, opening up the new feeling of life strong with love, joy and adventure where soul and nature, spirit and matter embrace each other and are one. Sri Aurobindo’s art is consiousnessexpanding as much as is the art, music and creative energy of Mira Alfassa, his companion on the way. Mira Alfassa, the inspiration behind Mirapuri, expresses herself through action, vision and progress power. Her message, paintings and drawings are universal in depth and mastery, covering a stunning range of meaning and revelation as does her music of intuition and inspiration. Embedded in this energizing, happy and world open environment of Mirapuri and stimulated by its artistic favour Michel Montecrossa, the american-european New Style CyberRocker started the Spirit of Woodstock Festival in August 1993. Since then every year a new spirit of music of courage and hope, sweetness of soul and strength of joy reaches out for the future. The Spirit of Woodstock Festivals are creative with the mighty dream of Unity, Love and Freedom. Guest musicians from all over the world come together to play and sing along with Michel Montecrossa and his band The Chosen Few and an enthusiastic audience for three days and nights every year in August. Since its inception in 1993 the Spirit of Woodstock Festivals at Mirapuri have developed into the leading Free Music Revolution Event with international flair and an inimitable atmosphere of Love and Joy. ORDER YOUR MICHEL MONTECROSSA CDs FROM: www.amazon.com 4 Cyberrocker_Cyberrocker 01.02.11 11:58 Page 3 INFORMAZIONI SU MIRAPURI: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com CYBERROCKCYBERAGE 5 MICHEL MONTECROSSA CANTANTE CYBER ROCK, FONDATORE DI MIRAPURI E DELLO SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL A MIRAPURI IN ITALIA: IL RITORNO DELLA POESIA, DELLE CANZONI, DELL’AMORE E DELLA BELLEZZA. DOWNLOAD GREAT MUSIC BY MICHEL MONTECROSSA FROM: www.MP3.com/michelmontecrossa È stato 5000 anni fa che il Rock’n’Roll è iniziato, con i canti estatici mantrico-tantrici degli shamani sparsi per tutto il pianeta: veggenti, sacerdotesse, saggi, stregoni, rishi vedici esibivano allora la loro abilità nel fondere armoniosamente i poteri dei due emisferi del cervello, il destro e il sinistro, per la piena manifestazione espressiva della vita sensoriale e sovra-sensoriale. Vi era, in quei tempi lontani, unità di coscienza ovunque: la cosmologia atlantidea, i canti vibrazionali delle stelle dei Druidi, la cultura degli Indiani d’America, degli Australiani, dei Maya e degli Egizi preservavano il legame con il mondo spirituale nell’origine immortale, fisico-sottile dell’uomo, della musica e della parola. Il potere della coscienza di paradiso riempiva il mondo dal Pacifico al Mediterraneo, con la felicità e l’allegra bellezza del corpo nudo che si univa al canto e alla danza, nella beatitudine e nella delizia degli Eurasia-Arabi e nei profondi ritmi di sangue martellanti del continente africano. 20° secolo: dopo un periodo frustrante di predominio dell’emisfero sinistro del cervello, con il suo isterico meccanismo di controllo dettato dalla paura, culminato nel fascismo sessuofobico, nel totalitarismo e in forme spirituali da lavaggio del cervello, gli avventurieri della coscienza e della gioia, i poeti, gli artisti e gli anarchici del suono di nuovo sono assetati della linfa dell’esperienza universale erotica madre-femminile dell’emisfero destro del cervello, insondabile, apportatrice di vita, non-lineare e creatrice. Essi aspirano alla fusione olistica destro-sinistra dei poteri del cervello umano per la liberazione del potenziale cosmico ed evoluzionistico dell’anima. Il poeta e mistico Sri Aurobindo, insieme a Mira Alfassa, artista e paladina della liberazione della coscienza, scende in campo con compagni di ricerca e stelle della conquista quali Walt Whitman, Rimbaud, Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Elliot, Kerouac Dylan Thomas, i poeti Beat, artisti della pittura e del cinema come Picasso, Dalì, Jean Cocteau, Jean-Luc Godard, Andy Warhol e cantanti-poeti come Robert Johnson, Blind Willy McTell, Jimmie Rodgers, Woody Guthrie, Lord Buckley, Ray Charles, i quali, anche con il potere dei media elettronici, alla velocità della luce si sono diretti lungo la corrente olistica del Rock’n’Roll aprendo le porte a dimensioni di coscienza e di percezione senza precedenti. Ultimo giro del 20° secolo: scrittori, poeti, psicologi, scienziati, visionari come Aldous Huxley, Albert Einstein, Buckminster Fuller, C.G.Jung, Tagore, Marshall McLuhan, Timothy Leary, Paolo Soleri, Charles M. Sshulz e Allen Ginsberg e cantanti rock, attori, artisti, statisti come Françoise Hardy, Frank Zappa, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Michail Gorbatshov, Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Gene Roddenberry, Gilbert Shelton e Bob Dylan definiscono le nuove dirompenti e stimolanti prospettive della cultura rock planetaria. Salto quantico del 21° secolo: Il cantante cyber-rock Michel Montecrossa cerca di estendere tutto ciò nei mondi d’amore e libertà cosmica del nuovo millennio. Oltrepassando ogni confine, Prometeo proiettato verso il futuro, egli si ispira a ciò che è immortale per trarre da lassù l’alta energia delle cellule, il battito di fuoco dell’espansione del cervello. Realizza nuove fusioni, lavora su nuovi efficaci poteri che si esprimono in un punto focale corrispondente nel globo, vibrante della consapevolezza del nuovo millennio: Mirapuri, città della Pace e dell’Uomo del Futuro, dove egli vive e lavora con la sua band, The Chosen Few, e dove ogni anno ha luogo il festival Spirit of Woodstock. MICHEL MONTECROSSA - CANTANTE CYBER-POETA-ARTISTA DIGITALE E VOCE PER TEMPI CHE CAMBIANO RAPIDAMENTE HA CREATO UN NUOVO STILE, IL CYBER ROCK, CHE INCLUDE SIA CANZONI CHE MUSICHE STRUMENTALI MEDITATIVE. EGLI È DIVENTATO FORZA TRAINANTE DELLA MUSICA D’OGGI E DI DOMANI, CREANDO MUSICA DI OGNI GENERE PER IL MONDO INTERO: MUSICA FUTURISTICA, IMPEGNATA, PROFONDA, UNICA, VICINA ALLA CONDIZIONE UMANA. MICHEL MONTECROSSA, CITTADINO DEL MONDO E VIAGGIATORE, E’ UN RARO ESEMPIO DI CANTAUTORE TRA I PIU’ AUTENTICI, CREATIVI E COMUNICATIVI. IL GENIO DEL SUO SPIRITO INDOMITO E’ COSTANTEMENTE IN AZIONE E GUARDA DRITTO IN FACCIA LE COSE, COL CUORE DI UN UOMO INDIPENDENTE. HA SCRITTO 1800 FRA CANZONI E PEZZI STRUMENTALI. MICHEL MONTECROSSA UTILIZZA PER LE SUE CREAZIONI CYBERTECH, CHITARRA, PIANO, SINTETIZZATORE, ARMONICA, ESIBENDO UNA VOCE DALLE SVARIATE TONALITA’ E UNA GRAN QUANTITA’ DI STILI E MODI ESPRESSIVI. Mirapuri, fondata da Michel Montecrossa e nata dagli ideali di Sri Aurobindo e Mira Alfassa, è il luogo dell’era spaziale in cui persone dal libero sentire provenienti da tutte le parti del mondo possono realizzare il vero amore, la vera amicizia, il vero progresso. Sri Aurobindo è il massimo ricercatore della coscienza dei nostri tempi e tra i più grandi poeti moderni. Nella sua opera principale, il poema epico ‘Savitri’, egli esprime il suo messaggio in una poesia di musicalità stupefacente, rompendo le catene della visione limitata del tempo e aprendosi ad un nuovo sentire nei confronti della vita, fatto di amore, gioia, avventura e dove anima e natura, spirito e materia si abbracciano e diventano una sola cosa. L’arte di Sri Aurobindo è espansione di coscienza tanto quanto lo è l’arte, la musica e l’energia creativa di Mira Alfassa, la sua compagna nel cammino. Mira Alfassa, che ha ispirato Mirapuri, si esprime attraverso il potere di azione, visione e progresso. Il suo messaggio, i suoi dipinti e i suoi disegni rivelano la loro universalità, per la profondità e la perfezione, abbracciando una gamma sbalorditiva di significati e rivelazioni, così come accade anche per la sua musica intuitiva e ispirata. Immerso nell’ambiente energizzante, gioioso e aperto al mondo che caratterizza Mirapuri e stimolato dal suo amore per l’arte, Michel Montecrossa, cantante CyberRock euro-americano, ha fondato il festival Spirit of Woodstock di Mirapuri, nell’agosto del 1993. Da quella data, ogni anno, un nuovo spirito di musica, coraggio e speranza è stato lanciato verso il futuro, nella dolcezza dell’anima e nella forza della gioia. Tutti i festival Spirit of Woodstock esplicano la loro forza creativa in direzione del possente sogno dell’Unione, dell’Amore e della Libertà. Per tre giorni e tre notti, musicisti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo si riuniscono ogni anno la prima settimana di agosto, per suonare e cantare insieme a Michel Montecrossa e al suo gruppo The Chosen Few dinanzi a un pubblico entusiasta. Fin dal suo inizio nel 1993, lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival a Mirapuri si è caratterizzato come un grande Evento di Musica Libera di sapore internazionale e con un’inimitabile atmosfera di Amore e di Gioia. ORDER YOUR MICHEL MONTECROSSA CDs FROM: www.amazon.com 6 Cyberrocker_Cyberrocker 01.02.11 11:58 Page 5 MIRAPURI INFORMATION: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com CYBERROCKCYBERAGE 7 MICHEL MONTECROSSA CYBER ROCKER grunder von MIRAPURI uND dem SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALien: gedichte,. . lieder, Liebe und schonheit kommen wieder. DOWNLOAD GREAT MUSIC BY MICHEL MONTECROSSA FROM: www.MP3.com/michelmontecrossa Rock ‘n’ Roll begann vor 5000 Jahren überall auf diesem Planeten mit den ekstatischen Klängen mantrisch-tantrischer Schamana-Lieder: Orakel-Priesterinnen, Weise, Medizinfrauen, vedische Rishis high auf Verschmelzung der linken und rechten Gehirnhälfte-Power für vollständigen Lebensausdruck des Sinnlichen und des Übersinnlichen. Überall war Einheit des Bewusstseins: atlantäische Kosmologie, Sternenschwingungs-Songs der Druiden; indianische, australische, maya und ägyptische Kulturen hielten die Verbindung zur übergeordneten Erde im feinstofflichen Bereich offen, dem unvergänglichen Ursprung des Menschen und Ursprung der Musik und Wortenergie. Die Kraft des Paradiesbewusstseins breitete sich über die pazifischen und Mittelmeerwelten mit Glücklichsein und Schönheitslachen des nackten Körpers aus, begleitet von Liedern und Tänzen der eurasisch-arabischen Wonne-Seeligkeit und dem tiefgründig wogenden Blut des afrikanischen Kontinents. 20. Jahrhundert: nach einem bedrückendem Zeitabschnitt übermächtiger Betonung der linken Gehirnhälfte und ihrer angstgetriebenen Überwachungshysterie die in sexunterdrückendem Faschismus, Totalitarismus und Gehirnwäschespiritualität ihren Höhepunkt findet, dürsten die Abenteurer des Bewusstseins und der Freude, die Dichter, Künstler und Anarchisten des Klanges erneut nach den Wassern erotischer Mutter-Weiblichkeit Universalerfahrung der rechten Gehirnhälfte, unergründlich, lebensgebend, nichtlinear, allschöpferisch und streben nach der Wiedergeburt der ganzheitlichen links-rechts Fusion der Gehirnkraft des Menschen um sein kosmisches und evolutionäres Seelenpotential freizusetzen. Der Dichter und Mystiker Sri Aurobindo betritt gemeinsam mit der Künstlerin und Bewusstseins-Freiheits-Kämpferin Mira Alfassa die Arena begleitet von Kameraden und Stars der Eroberung wie Walt Whitman, Rimbaud, Ernest Hemingway, T. S. Elliot, Kerouac, Dylan Thomas, die Beat Poets, Maler-Film-Künstler wie Picasso, Dalì, Jean Cocteau, Jean-Luc Godard, Andy Warhol, Sänger-Dichter wie Robert Johnson, Blind Willy McTell, Jimmie Rodgers, Woody Guthrie, Lord Buckley, Ray Charles, die alle mit elektronischer Medienpower auf dem holistischen Strom des neuen Rock ‘n’ Rolls voraneilen und mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit die Tore zu noch nie gekannten Bereichen des Bewusstseins und der Wahrnehmung öffnen. 20. Jahrhundert Endrunde: Schriftsteller-Dichter-Seelen-Wissenschaftler-Visionäre wie Aldous Huxley, Albert Einstein, Buckminster Fuller, C. G. Jung, Tagore, Marshall McLuhan, Timothy Leary, Paolo Soleri, Charles M. Schulz und Allen Ginsberg gemeinsam mit Rock-SängerSchauspieler-Künstler-Staatsleuten wie Françoise Hardy, Frank Zappa, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Michail Gorbatshov, Clint Eastwood, Kevin Costner, Gene Roddenberry, Gilbert Shelton und Bob Dylan arbeiten die neuen und herausfordernden Durchbruchsperspektiven planetarischer Rockkultur aus. 21. Jahrhundert Quantensprung: CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa weitet alles in die kosmischen Liebe-Freiheitswelten des neuen Jahrtausend aus und überschreitet alle Grenzen: ein futuristischer Prometheus der den zellularen, hochenergetischen Gehirnerweiterung-Feuerrhythmus der Unsterblichen bringt. Er bewirkt neue Fusionen, setzt neue Kräfte frei, die sich durch den entsprechenden globalen Brennpunkt ausdrücken, der erfüllt ist von den Gewahrsein des neuen Jahrtausends: Mirapuri - die Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in der er gemeinsam mit seinen Musikern The Chosen Few lebt und tätig ist, die Stadt in der jedes Jahr das Spirit of Woodstock Festival stattfindet. MICHEL MONTECROSSA - CYBERSÄNGER, DICHTER, DIGITALKÜNSTLER UND STIMME FÜR SCHNELL SICH ÄNDERNDE ZEITEN SCHUF DEN NEW STYLE CYBERROCK DER SOWOHL SONG- ALS AUCH MEDITATIVE INSTRUMENTALMUSIK UMFASST. ER IST FORTSCHRITTSKRAFT FÜR DIE HEUTIGE ZEIT UND DIE ZUKUNFT. ER BRINGT MUSIK FÜR DIE GANZE WELT: FUTURISTISCH, INHALTSSTARK, UNVERWECHSELBAR, AUS DER MITTE DES LEBENS. MICHEL MONTECROSSA, WELTBÜRGER UND REISENDER IST DAS SELTENE BEISPIEL EINES URSPRÜNGLICH SCHÖPFERISCHEN UND KOMMUNIKATIVEN SONG-MUSIKERS. DAS GENIE SEINES UNBEZWINGBAREN SPIRITS IST STÄNDIG AKTIV, DIE DINGE MIT DEM HERZ EINES FREIEN MANNES SEHEND. ER BRACHTE BISHER 1800 LIEDER UND INSTRUMENTALSTÜCKE HERVOR. MICHEL MONTECROSSA KOMMT MIT CYBERTECH, POWERGITARRE, KLAVIER, SYNTHESIZER, HARMONICA, STIMMUNGSVOLLEM GESANG UND EINER WEITEN VIELFALT AN AUSDRUCKSWEISEN. Mirapuri, von Michel Montecrossa gegründet und aus den Idealen von Sri Aurobindo und Mira Alfassa hervorgegangen, ist die Weltraumzeitalter Stadt für Freifühlmenschen aus der ganzen Welt um dort Liebe, Freundschaft, und Fortschrittsfreude zu verwirklichen. Sri Aurobindo ist der bedeutendste Bewusstseinsforscher unserer Zeit und zählt zu den grössten Dichtern der Moderne. In seinem Hauptwerk der epischen Dichtung ‘Savitri’, vermittelt er seine Botschaft in atemberaubender, liedähnlicher Dichtung und durchbricht die Schranken begrenzter Vision und Zeit, um das neue Lebensgefühl zu erschliessen, das stark mit Liebe, Freude und Abenteuer ist, wo Seele und Natur, Spirit und Materie sich umarmen und eins sind. Sri Aurobindo’s Kunst ist ebenso bewusstseinserweiternd wie die Kunst, Musik und schöpferische Energie von Mira Alfassa, seiner Weggefährtin. Mira Alfassa ist die Inspiration, die hinter Mirapuri steht. Sie drückt sich durch Tat, Vision und Fortschrittskraft aus. Ihre Botschaft, Gemälde und Zeichnungen sind universal in ihrer Tiefgründigkeit und Meisterschaft und erschliessen, ebenso wie ihre Musik der Intuition und Inspiration, eine überwältigende Reichweite der Erkenntnis und Offenbarung. Umgeben von dieser lebensfrohen, glücklichen und weltoffenen Mirapuri-Atmosphäre und angeregt durch ihre künstlerische Dynamik hat der amerikanisch-europäische New Style CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa im August 1993 das Spirit of Woodstock Festival begonnen. Seither findet jedes Jahr ein neuer Musikimpuls der Kühnheit und Hoffnung, der Süsse der Seele und Stärke der Freude seinen Zukunftsausdruck. Das Spirit of Woodstock Festival ist schöpferisch mit dem grossen Traum des Einssein, der Liebe und Freiheit. Gastmusiker aus aller Welt kommen jedes Jahr im August um gemeinsam mit Michel Montecrossa und seiner Band The Chosen Few während drei Tagen und Nächten für ein begeistertes Publikum zu spielen. Seit seiner Gründung 1993 hat sich das Spirit of Woodstock Festival zum führenden Free Music Revolution Ereigniss mit internationalem Flair und einem unnachahmlichen Ausdruck von Liebe und Freude entfaltet. ORDER YOUR MICHEL MONTECROSSA CDs FROM: www.amazon.com 8 Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 1 FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY EVERY YEAR IN AUGUST OGNI ANNO IN AGOSTO JEDES JAHR IM AUGUST THE leading INDEPENDENT FESTIVAL OF THE FREE MUSIC REVOLUTION 9 2000 FLASHBACK 10 Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 3 11 12 Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 5 FLASHBACK 2000 The Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 in Mirapuri, Italy for the eigth time was a great success and outstanding experience of enthusiasm, joy and internationality. Lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 a Mirapuri, in Italia, si e’ rivelato per l’ottava volta un grande successo e una straordinaria esperienza di amore, gioia e internazionalita’. DAS SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2000 IN MIRAPURI, ITALIEN WAR ZUM ACHTEN MAL EIN GROSSER ERFOLG UND BEEINDRUCKENDE ERFAHRUNG DER BEGEISTERUNG, FREUDE UND .. INTERNATIONALITAT. 13 INTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/SpiritFest 14 Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 7 FLASHBACK 2000 DOWNLOAD MUSIC OF MICHEL MONTECROSSA AND THE CHOSEN FEW FROM: www.mp3.com/michelmontecrossa on friday 4th AUGUST 2000 CyberRocker Michel Montecrossa and his band the chosen few launched into the eighth spirit of woodstock festival in mirapuri with the song ‘come with me ye singers’. DIANA ANTARA venerdi 4 agosto 2000 cyberrocker michel montecrossa e il suo gruppo the chosen few Hanno iniziato l’ottavo spirit of woodstock festival in mirapuri con la canzone ‘come with me ye singers’. 15 MICHEL MONTECROSSA MIRAKALI AM FREITAG, DEM 4. august 2000 STARTETE CYBERROCKER MICHEL MONTECROSSA UND SEINE BAND THE CHOSEN FEW DAS ACHTE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL in mirapuri MIT DEM SONG ‘COME WITH ME YE SINGERS’. 16 Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 9 FLASHBACK 2000 17 CELESTIAL MINE FROM UKRAINE VLADA FROM CYPRUS SVATOSHINSKY CROSS FROM URKAINE The impressive variety of musicians and styles from three continents (Europe, Asia-New Zealand, USA) and the strong presence of woman-power thrilled the audience and the media. From Europe countries like England, France, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Belorussia, Cyprus and italy were presented. DIVING DUCKS FROM GERMANY NOXIRE FROM SLOVENIA Thus the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 reached an extraordinary quality of musical talent and richness. But what is MOST important and touching is the fact that everybody at the Festival - musicians and audience alike - felt and joined its beautiful atmosphere of unity, peace and love. La notevole varieta’ di musicisti e di stili musicali provenienti da tre continenti (Europa, Asia-Nuova Zelanda e USA) e la forte presenza del potere femminile hanno entusiasmato il pubblico e i media. Erano presenti artisti di paesi europei come la Gran Bretagna, la Francia, la Germania, la Slovenia, l’Ungheria, l’Ukraina, la Belorussia, Cipro e italia. DIE BEEINDRUCKENDE VIELFALT AN MUSIKERN UND MUSIKRICHTUNGEN AUS DREI KONTINENTEN (EUROPA, ASIEN-NEUSEELAND, USA) UND .. .. DIE STARKE WEIBLICHE PRASENZ WAR FUR DAS PUBLIKUM UND DIE MEDIEN EINE GROSSE FREUDE. AUS EUROPA WAREN ENGLAND, FRANKREICH, DEUTSCHLAND, SLOVENIEN, UNGARN, UKRAINE, WEISSRUSSLAND, ZYPERN und italien VERTRETEN. Lo Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 ha cosi raggiunto una straordinaria qualita’ per il talento e la ricchezza musicale. Ma cio’ che e’ ancor piu’ importante e addirittura commuovente e’ il fatto che tutti al festival - musicisti e pubblico - hanno potuto sentire e condividere la bellissima atmosfera di gioia, unione, pace e amore. ESOTERICA FROM USA NAAJA FROM FRANCE AUS DIESEM GRUND PR..ASENTIERTE DAS SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL .. 2000 EINE AUSSERGEWOHNLICHE QUALITAT MUSIKALISCHEN TALENTS UND VIELFALT. ABER AM WICHTIGSTEN UND BEWEGENDSTEN WAR DIE TATSACHE DASS JEDER AUF DEM FESTIVAL - MUSIKER EBENSO WIE DAS PUBLIKUM .. .. - DIE SCHONE ATMOSPHARE DES EINSSEINS, FRIEDENS UND DER LIEBE ERLEBTE. 18 Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 11 SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL iNTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/ SpiritFest FLASHBACK 2000 REMEMBER FROM HUNGARY BEZ BILETA FROM BELARUS JAFF FROM ENGLAND MAIN PAIN FROM ITALY 19 ‘The joy of performing for an enthusiastic audience and meeting fellow-musicians from other parts of the world’, says Michel Montecrossa, ‘brings us all nearer, helps the individual musical progress, inspires and makes it clear that we are one humanity which has a great need for peace, understanding and love. The Spirit of Woodstock Festival is not only an exceptional three days and nights live-event but is also present in the internet as a virtual Festival attracting thousands of visitors every month, letting them listen to and see the images, the sound and internet-movies of the Free Music Revolution, the revolution of consciousness and joy.’ ‘La gioia di esibirmi dinanzi a un pubblico entusiasta e di incontrare compagni musicisti di altre parti del mondo’, dice Michel Montecrossa, ‘e’ qualcosa che ci avvicina tutti, ci arricchisce e aiuta il progresso musicale individuale, da’ ispirazione e ci fa capire che siamo una sola umanita’ con un gran bisogno di pace, comprensione e amore. Il festival Spirit of Woodstock non e’ soltanto uno splendido evento di tre giorni e tre notti di musica dal vivo, ma e’ anche presente in Internet come un festival virtuale che attrae ogni mese migliaia di visitatori, i quali hanno la possibilita’ di vedere le immagini e i filmati Internet della Rivoluzione della Musica Libera, la rivoluzione della coscienza e della gioia.’ .. ‘DIE FREUDE FUR EIN BEGEISTERTES PUBLIKUM ZU SPIELEN UND MUSIKERN AUS ALLEN TEILEN DER WELT ZU BEGEGNEN’, SAGT MICHEL MONTECROSSA, ‘BRINGT UNS ALLE .. NAHER, HILFT DEM INDIVIDUELEN MUSIKALISCHEN FORTSCHRITT, INSPIRIERT UND MACHT KLAR DASS WIR EINE MENSCHHEIT SIND DIE FRIEDE, VERSTEHEN UND LIEBE DRINGEND BRAUCHT. DAS SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL IST NICHT NUR EIN BESONDERES DREI TAGE UND .. NACHTE LIVE-EVENT, SONDERN IST AUCH IM INTERNET ALS VIRTUELLES FESTIVAL VERTRETEN, DAS JEDEN MONAT TAUSENDE VON BESUCHERN ANZIEHT UND IHNEN DEN SOUND, DIE BILDER UND DIE INTERNET MOVIES DER FREE MUSIC REVOLUTION ZEIGT: DER REVOLUTION DES BEWUSSTSEINS UND DER FREUDE.’ Für Die Zukunft -Flashback, konvertiert_Für Die Zukunft /Flashback 01.02.11 12:03 Page 13 ORDER NOW: THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2000 CD-SET INCLUDING ALL SONGS AND MOVIES OF MICHEL MONTECROSSA AND HIS BAND THE CHOSEN FEW AND THE 2000 FESTIVAL PROMOTION CD WITH ALL THE BANDS. ORDINATE ADESSO: LO SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK 2000 CD SET CON TUTTE LE CANZONI E FILMATI DI MICHEL MONTECROSSA E IL SUOI GRUPPO ‘THE CHOSEN FEW’ E IL 2000 FESTIVAL PROMOTION CD CON LE CANZONI DEI GRUPPI OSPITE. BESTELLEN SIE JETZT: DAS SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK 2000 CD SET MIT ALLEN SONGS UND MOVIES VON MICHEL MONTECROSSA UND SEINER BAND ‘THE CHOSEN FEW’ UND DIE 2000 FESTIVAL PROMOTION CD MIT ALLEN GASTBANDS. ORDER YOUR SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2000 CD-SET FROM: 21 MIRA SOUND GERMANY • DANZIGERT STR. 1 • D-82131 GAUTING (GERMANY) PHONE: 0049-089-8508555 • FAX: 0049-089-8509178 E-MAIL: MIRASOUND@MIRAPURI-ENTERPRISES.COM iNTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/MiraSound 22 SoW 2001 Tour, konvertiert_SoW 2001 Tour 01.02.11 12:08 Page 1 SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK TOUR 2001 FROM AUGUST 2000 TILL AUGUST 2001 MICHEL MONTECROSSA AND HIS BAND ‘THE CHOSEN FEW’ PLAYED IN EUROPE A CONTINUOUS SERIES OF CONCERTS UNDER THE OVERALL TITLE ‘SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK TOUR 2001’. SOME OF THE CONCERTS WHERE JOINED BY GUEST BANDS WHICH PARTICIPATED IN THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2000. MICHEL MONTECROSSA ED IL SUO GRUPPO ‘THE CHOSEN FEW’ HANNO FATTO UNA SERIE ININTERROTTA DI CONCERTI IN EUROPA DALL’AGOSTO 2000 FINO ALL’AGOSTO 2001 INTITOLATI ‘SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK TOUR 2001’. IN ALCUNI CONCERTI HANNO PARTECIPATO GRUPPI OSPITI CHE HANNO ANCHE PARTECIPATO ALLO SPIRITO OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2000. VON AUGUST 2000 BIS AUGUST 2001 GABEN MICHEL MONTECROSSA UND SEINE BAND ‘THE CHOSEN FEW’ IN EUROPA EINE UNUNTERBROCHENE SERIEN VON KONZERTEN DIE UNTER DEM GESAMT TITEL ‘SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK TOUR 2001’ STATTFANDEN. AN EINIGEN DER KONZERTE NAHMEN GASTBANDS TEIL DIE AUCH BEIM SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK FESTIVAL 2000 DABEI WAREN. 24 Bands 2001_Bands 2001 01.02.11 11:50 Page 1 spirit of woodstock festival promotion cd 2001 19 festival bands from 12 countries presented by michel montecrossa and mira sound germany 25 ORDER THE SPIRIT OF WOODSTOCK 2001 FESTIVAL PROMOTION CD FROM: MIRA SOUND GERMANY • DANZIGER STR. 1 • D-82131 GAUTING (GERMANY) • PHONE: 0049-089-8508555 • FAX: 0049-089-8509178 E-MAIL: MIRASOUND@MIRAPURI-ENTERPRISES.COM INTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/MiraSound FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY 2001 FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 michel montecrossa and the chosen few mirakali diana antara the fabulous sound sisters david butterfield brooke starr and wild wild west clan dyken marco schneider & cia da lapa essev bar celtic wah wah roxoff night come dolores primate pookie chamber turnaround LISTEN TO SOUNDFILES OF ALL diving ducks FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 AT: celestial mine www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/ SpiritFest jaff 26 Bands 2001_Bands 2001 01.02.11 11:50 Page 3 AMERICAN EUROPEAN CYBER-ROCKER FESTIVAL ARTIST 2001 RED-INDIAN MIRAPURI FREEDOM ROCKESS Info and Booking: Mira Sound Germany Danziger Str. 1 D-82131 Gauting Phone: 0049-89-8508555 Fax: 0049-89-8509178 eMail: MiraSound@ Mirapuri-Enterprises.com INTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/ Michel-Newsletter and www.mp3.com/ michelmontecrossa SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: FIREDANCE OF LIGHTSPEED Info and Booking: Mira Sound Germany Danziger Str. 1 D-82131 Gauting Phone: 0049-89-8508555 Fax: 0049-89-8509178 eMail: MiraSound@ Mirapuri-Enterprises.com INTERNET: www.mp3.com/mirakali SONGS ON THE HIT CD 2001: CYBERCHANT DOUBLE ACTION CYBERPUNK BANDMEMBERS: MICHEL MONTECROSSA MIRAKALI DIANA ANTARA DAVID BUTTERFIELD PULSAR 27 MICHEL MONTECROSSA - CYBERSINGER-POEt-futurist, DIGITALARTIST AND VOICE FOR RAPIDLY CHANGING TIMES CREATED THE NEW STYLE CYBER ROCK, INCLUDING BOTH SONG- AND INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. HE is a DRIVING FORCE FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW and BRINGS MUSIC FOR THE WHOLE WORLD: FUTURISTIC, COMMITTED, cONCERNED, UNIQUE, CLOSE TO THE HUMAN CONDITION. MICHEL MONTECROSSA, WORLD-CITIZEN AND WORLDTRAVELLER IS THE RARE EXAMPLE OF A MOST AUTHENTIC, CREATIVE AND COMMUNICATIVE SONGWRITER. THE GENIUS OF HIS INDOMITABLE SPIRIT IS CONSTANTLY ACTIVE, LOOKING INTO THE FACE OF THINGS WITH THE HEART OF AN INDEPENDENT MAN. HE CREATED 1800 SONGS AND INSTRUMENTALS. MICHEL MONTECROSSA COMES WITH CYBERTECH, DRIVING GUITAR, PIANO, SYNTHESIZERS, HARMONICA, A VOICE OF MANY MOODS AND AN ABUNDANT VARIETY OF STYLES OF EXPRESSION. FESTIVAL ARTIST 2001 Music for me is life it is like a fire, burnin' strong and hot. The dream that touches deep in the heart and the energy, that turns you on and makes you happy and feel good. It's great to play wild rock 'n' roll and to dive into atmospheres of romantic or space-rock songs. As a singer I try to express the dream of love and moments of experiences of life. Music is for me like a key, it brings in new ideas, awakens hidden feelings or pushes you simply higher. So wild, so sweet our music, living for love, for love alone. Music of freedom, life, delight and a wide intensity of a future, already here singing with magic, with our Rock 'n' Roll Dream. It's music of Mirapuri, of a dream that became reality. Exploding bliss, emerging waves of ardent energy, ever expanding consciousness, fire-rock-smile of life. All songs I sing, I sing for Michel, my love, my best friend and all I love. All our songs are about our life of love and freedom. We are rockin' fighters, we are lovin' rebels of a future of endless bliss. SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: OCEAN OF DELIGHT Info and Booking: Mira Sound Germany Danziger Str. 1 D-82131 Gauting Phone: 0049-89-8508555 Fax: 0049-89-8509178 eMail: MiraSound@ Mirapuri-Enterprises.com INTERNET: www.mp3.com/dianaantara NEW ZEALAND DREAM-LIGHT ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL ARTIST 2001 28 Bands 2001_Bands 2001 01.02.11 11:50 Page 5 THE MIRAKALI - DIANA WOMAN POWER DUO Info and Booking: Mira Sound Germany Danziger Str. 1 D-82131 Gauting Phone: 0049-89-8508555 Fax: 0049-89-8509178 eMail: MiraSound@ Mirapuri-Enterprises.com INTERNET: www.mp3.com/ soundsisters BROOKE STARR & WILD WILD WEST SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: ASIA’S SILENT STORM JAY TUCKER BROOKE STARR FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 The Fabulous Sound Sisters were founded by Mirakali and Diana in 1993 for expressing a real woman Power Rock 'n' Roll. FESTIVAL ARTIST 2001 GERMAN SHARE THE FEELING BALLADEER SONG ON FESTIVAL THE HIT CD 2001: WILD ANGELS ARTISTS 2001 Info and Booking: rjasso@prufoster.com INTERNET: www.brookestarr-wildwildwest.com clan dyken CHRIS GARCIA COUNTRY MUSIC FROM USA TOM MORSE PAUL MORIN Brooke Starr and Wild Wild West was started in February 1999 by Urban Express Productions. They had the idea of a Country Music band with a female lead singer, strong musicians, and the ability to kick country butt!!! The original members were Rhythm Guitarist Lead Vocalist Jay Tucker, Lead Guitarist Tom Morse, Drummer Paul Morin, Bassist John French, and of course, Lead Vocalist Brooke Starr. At the beginning of 2000, the group added new Bassist Chris Garcia and Drummer Brian Burton. The newest members have added a spark and energy to the group and have certainly shaken up the female fans! Looking ahead, the future is very bright for this group of musicians They are currently the ‘Rising Star’ Band of the Year for the New Hampshire Country Music Association, and have competed in both the True Value Country Showdown and the Vermont State Battle of the Bands. Info and Booking: www.clandyken.com DIRECT ACTION WORLD ROCK REBEL MUSIC FROM USA FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: SINGER IN THE STREET Info and Booking: Mira Sound Germany Danziger Str. 1 D-82131 Gauting Phone: 0049-89-8508555 Fax: 0049-89-8509178 eMail: MiraSound@ Mirapuri-Enterprises.com INTERNET: www.mp3.com/davidbutterfield 29 It was always my great dream to become a musician. I started early playing guitar and soon began to develop my own musical ideas. Continuing like this I fortunately had the chance to join Michel Montecrossa's band 'The Chosen Few' as a guitar-player. Here the speed of musical development began to increase. I took up singing and writing songs, which I perform together with the band on our concerts. For me music is original when it springs direct from life and I refuse to limit myself to any musical category. What I sing and play are my thoughts, feelings and dreams. Thus making music connects me to the people and lifeenvironments that are the theme of my songs. Music is to pass on a great dream and my songs are the way how I want to pass it on. SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: WHATCHA GONNA DO WITH THAT STUFF BOB SANDERS BEAR DYKEN MARK DYKEN Brothers Mark & Bear Dyken have been playing music since childhood. The band Clan Dyken has involved many members of their immediate and extended family. They have recorded seven albums since 1987 under the Name Clan Dyken: Clan Dyken, Song Catcher, Family Values, Shundahai, Clan Dyken Live, Green Prayer, Revive the Beauty Way. The band is known for its activism and use of alternative energy for its performances & recordings. Bands 2001_Bands 2001 01.02.11 11:50 Page 7 marco schneider & cia da lapa WORLD-ROCK FUSION FROM BRAZIL SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: FILÉ, MANÉ; FILÉ DUDU, PESTANA, D'ÁVINA SANTI, RODRIGO MUNHÓZ, KANÔA SATRAVAKA, GILSINHO essev bar Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, could be defined by three words beauty, creativity and violence. That's what Marco Schneider & Cia da Lapa's music means. A wild mix of the wide variety of hot brazilian and south american rhythms and melodies with the best tradition of soul music, rhythm'n'blues, blues and rock'n'roll, including little pinches of jazz. FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: DARASHIA Info and Booking Ori Cohen, Phone: 972-4-9534139, 972-50-885796 Hagai Covesh, Phone: 972-6-6902083 Fax: 972-4-9895403 eMail: essev_bar@hotmail.com WORLD-ELECTRONICA FUSION FROM SCOTLAND FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 BANDMEMBERS: MARCO SCHNEIDER, MARCUS PRADO, RAFFAELLO MEIRELLES, FÁBIO ALEMÃO, Info and Booking: William Dias Braga Phone: (55 21) 576-9264 (55 21) 9693-1997 Fax: (55 21) 576-1705 eMail: wdb@domain.com.br INTERNET: www.mp3.com/ciadalapa celtic wah wah FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 ORIGINAL ETHNIC MUSIC FROM THE GALILEE, ISRAEL BANDMEMBERS: Ori Cohen, Hagai Covesh, Nimrod Nol, Aviv Ram, Yaron Rozenberg, Shai Shtreifler Essev Bar creates a new Israeli spirit and folklore. Living in the region of the Galilee, are Jews that came from every corner of the globe, Muslims, Christians, Druze, Bedouins and more. Bringing together East and West is an every day reality. Essev Bar's music is influenced by the human diversity and the beautiful nature in the Galilee. The band released its debut album 'Essev Bar' in Israel in 1996. The second album 'Prayer for the way' was released internationally in 1998. Both albums got very positive responses from the media and the audience. SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: EARLY GIRL Celtic Wah Wah have a mission... they want to convince clubbers that fiddles can be funky by mixing traditional Celtic instruments with African percussion and the high tech tools of dance music, the sampler and sequencer. Formed by classically trained fiddle player John Davidson who found himself more drawn to the world of Celtic music. Returning from a spell writing and performing in Australia John teamed up with percussionist Ricky Murray and former Humpff Family member Jamie Wilson, on guitar and fiddle. Celtic Wah Wah, who insist they are not a ceilidh band, have been all around Europe moving audiences with their funked up Celtic dance music. BANDMEMBERS: John, Ricky, Jamie Info and Booking: Phone: 0044 0141 4272746 • 0044 0780 8922562 • INTERNET: stage.vitaminic.co.uk/celitic_wah_wah roxoff FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 POP / ROCK FROM ENGLAND SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: EAT ME BANDMEMBERS: John, Freddy, Steve, Richie, Van Jupp, Marty Dickson In 1989 Roxoff had their first ever gig at Esther and Adys wedding. After that they were asked to play at a charity gig in Witham. More gigs followed and original members left and were replaced, this became quite a regular occurrence. The band carried on playing numerous pubs and clubs on the East Anglian and Essex circuit. Info and Booking: John King Phone: 0860 535321 eMail: john.roxoff@virgin.net INTERNET: www.roxoff-jk.co.uk 32 Bands 2001_Bands 2001 01.02.11 11:50 Page 9 NIGHT COME FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 OLD BLACK BLUES AND ELECTRIC ROCK FROM POLAND PRIMATE POOKIE FOLK-ROCK FROM GERMANY FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: WE FEEL SO RIGHT We conceived the idea of forming Night Come in 1991. The group was set up in summer 1992. The BAND HAS played together since 1994. The musicians of this band live in a small town NEAR lakes and wild forests. They GREW UP on old black blues and electric rock music of the 60s and 70s AND DEVELOPED their own music form and style. They say ‘Music is like a long river, like waves on the water beyond everything. You don't see it beginning and you don't see the end of it.’ Info and Booking: Felix Butzlaff Bahnhofstr. 7 29356 Bröckel Tel.: 05144 / 4261 eMail: femasajo@t-online.de SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: EL BAILE DE LA MARIPOSA BANDMEMBERS: Harald Matern, Anna Ratsch-Heitmann, Matthias Fett, Felix Butzlaff 'Primate Pookie' was founded in 1995. Various live performances at festivals with their own songs. 1998 first CD '365 Days Of Rest'. 2000 second CD 'Better Be Primate'. BANDMEMBERS: Marek Brezinski, Bogdan Topolskii, Pawel Smarkusz, Adam Szczecina Info and Booking: Bogdan Topolski • Regionalny Osrodek Kultury i Sztuki, ul. Noniewicza 71 • 16-400 Suwalki Poland Phone: (48 87) 566 42 11 • Fax: (48 87) 566 49 34 • eMail: nightcome@poczta.onet.pl INTERNET: www.republika.pl/nightcome DOLORES CHAMBER PROGRESSIVE ROCK-METAL FROM SLOVAKIA FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: STRANGER Playing progressive rock-metal is a joy for us and at the same time a big challenge to bring new ideas into classic rock-metal. We started in 1998 with a new more progressive chapter of Dolores. Not long after, in May 1999, we recorded our first demo 'Secret Game' which included five songs. There had been a few changes in the band and afterwards we did several successful radio promotions in the Slovak Republic. In April 2000, we returned back to the studio to record five more songs. In the meantime, we have been playing concerts and preparing new material in a home studio. BANDMEMBERS: Jaroslav Kuba, Peter Baltazarovic, Adrian Kubalos, Alex Skorvanek, Milan Hlinka 33 Info and Booking: Jaroslav Kuba Broskynova 6 81103 Bratislava Slovakia Phone: +421/905/472289 eMail: dolores_slovakia@ hotmail.com POP-ROCK-BALLADS WITH CLASSICAL INSTRUMENTS FROM GERMANY The band 'Chamber' (l'orchestre de chambre noir) was founded in 1998. The bandmembers are from Germany and Austria. 'Chamber' plays poetic and sweet melancholic pop-rock-ballads on classical instruments, creating a charming redwine and candlelight atmosphere. Some of the songs incorporate poems of Dylan Thomas, Archangel of the 50's Beat Poets. BANDMEMBERS: Ralp Müller, Elisabeth Kranich, Katherina Kranich, Nathalie Eis, Marcus Testory FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: TOSCANA Info and Booking: Bettina Bischoff Kiesstraße 2 • 60486 Frankfurt am Main Phone: +49 (69) 79 30 87 94 Fax: +49 (69) 79 30 87 95 Mobil: +49 (172) 4 03 52 78 eMail: bj.bischoff@gmx.de INTERNET: www.lorchestredechambrenoir.de 34 Bands 2001_Bands 2001 01.02.11 11:50 Page 11 turnaround Info and Booking: eMail: angel-a@libero.it SWING AND JAZZ-FUNK FROM ITALY FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: SUGAR BANDMEMBERS: Maurizio Bertolotti, Giulia Fontanella, Ilario Francesconi, Daniela Denti, Luca Angelini, Mattia Manzoni, Valentino Uberti Turnaround was founded in 1997 at the 'L. Folcioni' music-school in Crema, Italy. By now 'Turnaround' has established a multivarious program of instrumentals ranging from classic swing to contemporary jazz-funk. 'Turnaround' is performing live sine 1997. diving ducks BLUES ROCK FROM GERMANY celestial mine BANDMEMBERS: Yuri, Maryana, Gena, Alex SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: IAHOO jaff BANDMEMBERS: Randy Guitar, Lynn Michel, Marko Tomovic, Daniel The Diving Ducks play own numbers influenced by the Blues-Rock of the 60s and 70s and in the tradition of Jimi Hendrix. In their own manner the Diving Ducks cover songs of the Allman Brothers, AC/DC, Chuck Berry and others. Diving Ducks participated at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 in Mirapuri. Info and Booking: Yuri Polchenko Phone, Fax: +38 044 442,5239 eMail: polch@i.kiev.ua, celestial.mine@usa.net INTERNET: members.xoom.com/Polch/ FRENCH-ENGLISH POP-ROCK FROM ENGLAND SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: TRUST MY WORDS Info and Booking: Lynn Michel, Wilfried Königsmann Bischofstraße 1 D-52068 Aachen Phone: 0049-241-501103, 0049-241-963-1122 Fax: 0049-241-963-1123 INTERNET: www.Diving-Ducks.de FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 Initially formed in 1990. In 1992 founder, songwriter and leadsinger of Celestial Mine Yuri visited INDEPENDENT MUSIC NETWORK (Carbondale, IL, USA) in order to take part in a joint musical project. In 1996 Celestial Mine received a grant from the British Embassy in Ukraine for the first album recording 'Mist of Dance'. Many shows were played live and on the air after that. For example the Chervona Ruta Festival 1998, Kriz Terniyi Do Zirok Festival 1999, Perlyni Sezonu Festival 1999 and others. In 1998 the album was released on GALAS RECORDS and found good response. At the beginning of 1997 the group recorded the Ukrainian album 'Splyat Yangoly (Angels Sleep), which was released in December 1998. On Dec. 26, 1998 the group finished producing their first music video 'Chas Ide' (Time goes through us), which was showed 1 Jan. 1999 at INTER TV-channel. Celestial Mine participated at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 in Mirapuri. FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 SONG ON THE HIT CD 2001: RIDE MY BIKE POP / ROCK FROM UKRAINE John Jaff: add one part mad Frenchman to two parts eccentric English dudes and you have the basic ingredients for a quirky, zanzy, tantric-sex explosion of energy called Jaff. Jaff writes forward-thinking music. Their sound is relaxing, atmospheric, sometimes psychodelic, sometimes peaceful but with a hell of an edge and excellent hooks. They have recorded their first album and toured Europe with tracks regulary played on independent French, Swiss and German radio stations and BBC Radio 1. Jaff participated at the Spirit of Woodstock Festival 2000 in Mirapuri. Info and Booking: John Davy +44 (0) 7713 378 796 11a Westwood Hill, London SE26 6BQ England eMail: j.davy@virgin.net FESTIVAL ARTISTS 2001 Sean 36 New Age Music Day_New Age Music Day 01.02.11 12:06 Page 1 15th AUGUST 2001 NEW AGE MUSIC DAY AT THE MIRAVINCI AUDITORIUM IN MIRAPURI MIRAVINCI AUDITORIUM THE 15th AUGUST 2001 IS THE BIRTHDAY OF MIRAPURI. IT IS CELEBRATED WITH A PERFORMANCE OF THE ORCHESTRAL NEW YEAR MUSIC 2001 ‘NO WORDS ACTS’ BY MICHEL MONTECROSSA IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE MIRAVINCI - THE MEDITATION CENTER OF MIRAPURI. IL 15. AGOSTO 2001 È IL COMPLEANNO DI MIRAPURI. IN OCCASIONE DI QUESTO EVENTO SARÀ SUONATA L’ORCHESTRALE MUSICA DI CAPODANNO 2001 ‘NO WORDS - ACTS’ DI MICHEL MONTECROSSA NELL’AUDITORIUM DEL MIRAVINCI - IL CENTRO MEDITATIVO DI MIRAPURI. DER 15. AUGUST 2001 IST DER GEBURTSTAG VON MIRAPURI. ZU DIESEM ANLASS WIRD DIE ORCHESTRALE NEUJAHRSMUSIK 2001 ‘NO WORDS - ACTS’ VON MICHEL MONTECROSSA IM AUDITORIUM DES MIRAVINCI GESPIELT - DEM MEDITATIONS ZENTRUM VON MIRAPURI. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT MIRAPURI TURN TO THE INTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com MIRAVINCI FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI, ITALY 19 L A V TI DS S IES FE AN NTR B OU FRO M 12 ON PAGE 25 FESTIVAL CD FESTIVAL IN MIRAPURI FESTIVAL ADDRESS: OMNIDIET RESORT AND BUSINESS HOTEL • VIA MONTE FALÒ 8 • I-28010 MIRAPURI-COIROMONTE (PROVINCIA DI NOVARA) ITALY • PHONE: 0039-0322-999009 • FAX: 0039-0322-900926 • E-MAIL: Omnidiet@Mirapuri-Enterprises.com • INTERNET: www.Mirapuri-Enterprises.com/SpiritFest Umschlag, konvertiert_Umschlag 01.02.11 12:10 Page 1 10th, 11th and 12th AUGUST 2001 C
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