JUNE 2016 - Raintree Lake
JUNE 2016 - Raintree Lake
SHORELINE RLPOA Special points of interest: Movie Night in the Park—pg. 4 Golf Tournament—pg. 5 Just One Thing—pg. 6 Family Activity Comm. Mtg.—pg. 6 CAN C ELL E D Teen & Family Swims—pg. 7 JUNE 2016 The Raintree Fireworks Show has been canceled for this year. The land previously used to set the fireworks off has been sold and is unavailable for our use. Please make your family plans accordingly. Get Wet—pg. 7 The Parade and Carnival will still be held on July 4th. Adult Pizza & Pontoon pty—pg. 8 Summerfest Info—pg. 9 New Residents—pg. 10 Pond Committee—pg. 10 Theater in the Park—pg. 11 Garden Club—pg. 12 Boat Slip Trade Day—pg. 13 Pool Hours—pg. 14 LS Fireworks Regulations– pg. 16 Yard of the Month—pg. 18 Villa Voice—pg. 21 Sound Off—pg. 30 Codes & Lake Blotter—pg. 30 In This Issue: Financial Status - Page 2 Teens for Hire - Page 17 Calendar - Page 20 Classifieds - Pages 30 On May 26, 1996, twenty years ago, a microburst caused severe damage to homes and injury to Raintree residents. See Proclamation from City of Lee’s Summit on page 19. HELP WANTED! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! JULY 4TH 2016 9AM - 2PM SUMMERFEST ACTIVITIES Contact Judy Taylor 816-886-8510 Do not delay......call today! Raintree Teens! Do you need documented community service hours? Contact Judy Taylor 816-886-8510 TO HELP WITH THE SUMMERFEST ACTIVITIES July 4th, 9am - 2pm Financial Statement Delinquency Report Comparison As of April 2016 2016 2015 Money Market Sweep Account: $246,143.56 Annual Loan Payment: $72,747 Included in the Sweep Account are Reserves for: Operations, Dock Self Insurance, Capital Asset Insurance Reserve, Siltation, and Monument: $169,788 Siltation Loan: ($45,000) $14,029.38 2015 Rollover: $7,612 38 Lots totaling 31 Lots totaling $ 9,295.74 $10,015.56 Future Projects: Facilities: $7,500 One Quarter Past Due: 111 Lots totaling 116 Lots totaling $12,735.66 Two Quarters Past Due: Three Quarters Past Due: Notes Payable: $94,763.80 Expenses: $211,210.92 0 Lots 22 Lot totaling $0 $ 8,382.57 Liens: Raintree View: $16,000 38 Lots totaling 27 Lots totaling $62,611.78 $49,210.23 Board Approvals for May 10, 2016 Approved Summerfest, budgeted up to $6,750 Approved Fireworks, budgeted up to $8,500 (before finding out the land previously used to set the fireworks is unavailable to us.) Approved $7,000 Adopt-A-Tree, budgeted up to Approved flower bed plantings, budgeted up to $5,000 Approved Rain Garden, budgeted up to $7,590 2 Unsatisfied Judgments/Liens LIENS Lot# 119 127 310 341 482 831 862 SR29 First Name Roger Willard & Nikki William Lori Kevin & Patricia Randy & Lori Stanley & Teresa Sonja Last Name Slead Johnson Barber Crow Latimer Johnson Lamaster Lane Address 732 SW Raintree Drive 3939 SW Linden Lane 4064 SW Royale Ct. 3949 SW Batten Dr. 4377 SW Breezy Point Ln. 5107 SW Pelican Point 5108 SW Mallard Point 3824 SW Windsong Dr. UNSATISFIED JUDGMENTS Lot# First Name Last Name Address 48 463 552 1361 NS04 W37A W37B W37C W37D Ronald & Deborah Dennis Moses Victor & Sharon Tim & Jennifer Darron Properties Darron Properties Darron Properties Darron Properties Knold Hammontree Smith Lee Fortier 3804 SW Harbor Circle 4279 SW Averio Lane 313 SW Green Teal 820 SW Lake Pines Drive 4468 SW Raintree Shore 3824 SW Harbor Dr. 3826 SW Harbor Dr. 3828 SW Harbor Dr. 3830 SW Harbor Dr. Plus an additional six properties that are in bankruptcy. So sorry school Stay current on Raintree events with weekly bulletins and instant news alerts on important items of interest such as water quality reports and police alerts. Sign up at: www.rlpoa.com is out! Try to enjoy your 1,124 members are already signed up! summer!!!!! 3 4 Raintree Golf Tournament Sunday, June 5th, 2016 Shot Gun start at 1 pm, Check in 12 pm Shamrock Hills Golf Course 4-person scramble Raintree residents and guests $60.00 per person Register online at www.tournevents.com/raintree Registration includes fun, food, and prizes. Proceeds will support local kids through the Coldwater organization and additional playground equipment for our Raintree parks. Volunteers needed! Not a golfer, but want to participate? Sign-up as a volunteer! Sponsorships Available: Want to sponsor a great event, support local kids, and advertise to local residents? Sign-up as a sponsor online. Volunteer and sponsor details at www.tournevents.com/raintree 5 Family Activities Committee Meeting Wednesday, June 8th 7 pm at the main Clubhouse. Help is needed to make Summerfest a HUGE success! Come and meet Judy Taylor, your new committee chair, or give her a call at (816) 886-8510 PleasecontactJudyTaylor 816‐886‐8510 rlpoa.activities@gmail.com ifyouarewillingandabletohelp! 6 Mark your Calendars Teen Swims: Thursday, June 9th & Thursday, July 21st 7-10 pm Family Swim: Saturday, August 13th 6-9 pm FOOD and drinks at all three events Helpers are needed for each of these events! Just one thing is all we ask you do! To volunteer, contact Judy Taylor at 816-886-8510 or rlpoa.activities@gmail.com Get Wet!!!! Are you ready for Summer? The Lake Committee can hardly wait to Get Wet! and we'd like to invite our neighbors to come along. Are you looking for an opportunity for you or your children to give wake surfing, wakeboarding, skiing, kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding a try? If so, you're in luck. The Lake Committee is sponsoring three Get Wet! days this summer: June 4, July 2 and Aug 6 from 9am to 12pm. Participants will go out with 2-3 others for an hour with an experienced captain and a coach. There is no charge for participation, but donations for fuel will gladly be accepted. All participants will be required to sign a liability release. While captains and coaches will do all within their power to keep participants safe, watersports have inherent risks of injury or worse. If you're interested, please send an e-mail with the following information: name, age, weight, height, desired activity, desired date, experience level, address, email address and phone number to ronald.e.moody62@gmail.com. We'll send you a response within three working days confirming your participation and clarifying your time slot. Anyone interested in participating as a captain or coach should also send a note to the e-mail address indicated above. 7 Adult Pizza & Pontoon Party When: Saturday, June 25th, 6:00 — 10:00 pm Dinner served from 6:00 — 8:00 pm Where: Raintree Clubhouse BYOB Door Prizes Free Boat Rides To volunteer please call Kelly Springett at 816-456-6642 or Cindy Lyon at 816-699-5110 Be sure to bring your Raintree I.D. card with you!! 8 Parade begins at 9:30 at the dam Vehicles and floats should gather on the dam by 9:30—all residents are welcome to create a float or decorate a vehicle for the parade Parade will travel from the dam and proceed along Raintree Dr. to the Clubhouse Children should decorate their bikes—ages 5 and under meet on Hidden Cove and age 6 and over meet on Ensign. Judging will take place at these designated areas. For more information contact Jenny Bolin at jeniferbolin@gmail.com For informa on or to volunteer contact Judy Taylor 816‐886‐8510 rlpoa.ac vi es@gmail.com 9 WE WANT YOU Clubs - Streets - Families - Friends 2016 parade entrants please contact Jenny Bolin at jeniferbolin@gmail.com or Judy Taylor at 816-886-8510 or rlpoa.activities@gmail.com Welcome New Residents!! Barbara Chick 4129 SW Homestead Drive Deborah Klinkhammer 4008 SW Homestead Drive Philip Williams 3857 SW Harbor Court Mark & Cynthia Miltenberger 409 SW Cole Younger Drive Scott Fondaw 3942 SW Linden Lane Steven & Angela Shanholtzer 3955 SW Starboard Ct. Vicky Marr 5124 SW Whistling Swan Rich LaPietra 5295 SW Raintree Pkwy. Janet Hawkins 4120 SW James Younger Pond Committee: In the near future the Pond Committee will be introducing grass carp to the ponds which have considerable plant growth. It is our intention to keep the pond plants—or weeds—in check. Hopefully, this will reduce the need for expensive herbicides and increase the beauty and usefulness of our ponds. If you would like to join us as we have fun working together, please contact John Hustad at 816-537-4335 or any member of the pond committee. 10 SO SORRY! Raintree Theatre in the Park Drama Troupe is CANCELLED for the 2016 season due to unforeseen circumstances. Thank you to those who donated prizes for the Adult Pizza Party in April: Brittany Ebert – flat water bottle and bag of AdvoCare samples Flick Seed, Kevin Mahoney, - 5 lbs. of grass seed Kathy Finney - 2 chair massages KC Cleaning Queens - $50 certificate Nick’s Greenleaf Gardens - $25 gift certificates Papa John’s - $25 gift certificates Post Net - 100 8.5 x 11 single-sided copies Raintree Club House – 2 Raintree glasses Raintree Medical Chiropractic Center - one 30 minute massage Rustici Wellness Center – ½ off a one hour massage Salon Envy - $30 gift certificate Someplace Else - 6 koozies Splash and Go Express Car Wash - $25 gift card Teresa Simpson – Raintree Lake blanket The UPS Store, Jeff Sowinski, - one canvas picture of sunset over Raintree Lake TLC Family Dentistry, Dr. Thurman-Taylor and Dr. Guthrie – one gift bag VIP Nails - $25 gift certificate for pedicure Westside Grill and Bar - $25 gift certificates Westside Grill and Bar - 1 Abita Spring, LA flag Young Living Essential Oils, Cindy Lyon, - 1 Slique Essence Beverage Enhancer 11 12 BOAT SLIP TRADING DAY New Boat/New Boater Orientation Saturday, June 25th, 9:00am at the Clubhouse The Lake Committee is always glad to help boaters new to Raintree Lake. If you're a new boater or a seasoned boater new to Raintree Lake, and would like a little help getting started, drop us a line. We'll be glad to have a Committee member meet you at your home, at the ramp or on the water to spend a little time helping you get comfortable with your new piece of equipment and/or your new lake. If you're interested, just send a note to Lake Committee Secretary, Ron Moody, at ronald.e.moody62@gmail.com. Do you want to move your boat slip location? Come meet other slip lessees and make a trade! You must be the primary lease holder. Sponsored by the Lake Committee To: All Residents Re: RLPOA Employees This time of year, maintenance staff and lake patrolmen are visible as they are out on the property, but they do have direction from their supervisors. If something of concern is observed on the docks or common area, report the concern to the office at 537-7576 or Lake Patrol at 520-3893. In an emergency call 911. Instead of offering advice, criticism, or requesting additional work to be performed, contact the appropriate employee’s supervisor or office. Compliments are always appreciated! Below are listed the supervisors of each area. Maintenance Staff – Marco Cusumano (537-7576) Lake Patrol – Josh Cresswell (520-3893) Office Staff/Pool – Rachelle Vandiver (537-7576) Thank you for your assistance. 13 RAINTREE 2016 POOL HOURS: Every day except Thurs: 10:30 am - 9:00 pm Thursdays 10:30 am - 8:00 pm (Adult Swim - for those 18 and older 8pm-10pm) Watch the Shoreline for special events causing a change in pool hours. S w im M e e t s : W e d n e s d a y, J u n e 2 2 n d W e d n e s d a y, J u n e 2 9 t h W e d n e s d a y, J u l y 1 3 th In c a s e o f r a in , t h e m e e t is r e s c h e d u le d to T h u r s d a y 14 2016 Activities Schedule Family Movie Night 6/4 Teen Swim #1 6/9 Adult Pizza Party 6/25 Summerfest 7/4 Teen Swim #2 7/21 Adult Luau 8/6 Family Swim 8/13 Fall Garage Sale 9/8– 9/10 Adult Pizza Party 10/8 Visit with Santa 12/3 Raintree Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 p.m. Office: 537-7576 Fax: 537-5621 825 SW Raintree Dr. LSMO 64082 office@rlpoa.com Raintree Residents: General Manager: Rachelle Vandiver manager@rlpoa.com Please update your contact numbers with the office so we can contact you in case of an emergency! (816) 537-7576 or office@rlpoa.com Reminder: Keep Dues Up-to-Date! Second quarter billing was sent out in April and will be due by June 30th! Keep your dues current so your family gets full use of the swimming pool this year!!! 15 Lee’s Summit Fireworks Regulations Fireworks Usage Fireworks can only be discharged on July 2 and 3 between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. and on July 4 between 10:00 a.m. and midnight. Before planning to shoot fireworks within the city limits, you must first obtain a Fireworks Use Permit. Permits may be obtained free of charge from one of the licensed fireworks vendors within the City or at City Hall during regular business hours (220 SE Green or call 969-1000). Permits are valid for the address listed on the permit at which the discharge will take place. To obtain a list of licensed vendors, please call Planning & Development at 969-1600. Fireworks Sales Permit A Fireworks Sales Permit is required for the retail sale of fireworks and the application is only accepted in the spring of each year for a limited amount of time by the Planning and Development Department. Vendors wishing to sell fireworks in Lee's Summit must fill out a Fireworks Sales Application during this allotted time period. Fireworks Use Provisions/Ordinance The Lee's Summit City Council has established ordinances for the sale and use of consumer fireworks. The ordinance clearly defines the type, and times of use of certain types of consumer fireworks. For more details click here to view the City's Code of Ordinance. The following table summarizes the ordinances: Consumer Permits: A permit is required for each household discharging fireworks wiithin the city limits. Permits are free and can be obtained at any authorized vendor in Lee's Summit; the Finance Department at City Hall (220 SE Green Street, 969-1139), or downloaded from our website. Fireworks Allowed: Consumer Fireworks with a classification of 1.4G. Fireworks Not Allowed: Allowable Times/Dates: Age Limits: Missiles with fins or rudders for the purpose of achieving aerodynamic flight; and Roman Candles, California Candles, Illuminating Torches, or similar items, with or without spikes, which contain wording on the caution label that is substantially similar to the following:: “WARNING SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS” or “WARNING SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS AND REPORTS”; and single or multi-shot parachutes, with night effects. July 2: 10am-11pm July 3: 10am-11pm July 4: 10am-12am Must be 16 or older, unless supervised by a parent or guardian, to posses or What are the restrictions on where you can shoot fireworks? Rockets on a stick (example: bottle rockets) It is unlawful to explode or ignite consumer fireworks within six hundred feet (600’) of any church, hospital, mental health facility, or school or within one hundred feet (100’) of any location where fireworks are stored, sold or offered for sale. No person shall ignite or discharge fireworks within three hundred feet (300’) of any permanent storage of ignitable liquid, gases, gasoline pump, and gasoline filling station. No person shall ignite or discharge any fireworks within or throw the same from or into a motorized vehicle including watercraft or any other means of transportation or at or near any person, group of people, or animal. Cannot be discharged within any structure; on property not owned by the fireworks shooter, or propelled onto property not owned by the fireworks shooter. Before shooting fireworks, be aware of conditions in the area where fireworks are being discharged. Avoid areas of dry vegetation or other combustible materials and have a water hose or bucket available in case of a small fire. Keep small children and pets out of the immediate area. Please properly dispose of waste material in a safe manner. Enjoy this Independence Day in a safe fashion by using fireworks wisely or by attending one of the several professional fireworks displays in the area. Come out and enjoy the annual Legacy Blast on July 2, sponsored by the City of Lee's Summit and Lee's Summit Parks and Recreation. Fireworks Displays Fireworks Display Permits are required for public or private aerial fireworks displays (1.3 G) by commercial or private pyrotechnic operators. If you have any questions about the fireworks regulations, firework display information, or information on keeping safe, please contact the Lee's Summit Fire Department at 207 SE Douglas Street or call (816) 969-1300 REMINDER: NO FIREWORKS ON COMMON GROUND. YOUR FIREWORKS PERMIT IS FOR YOUR PROPERTY ONLY. RESIDENTS – CALL POLICE IF YOU SEE FIREWORKS BEING SET OFF ON COMMON GROUND. ALSO, DON’T SET OFF FIREWORKS TOWARD WATERCRAFT ON LAKE!!! 16 Teens for Hire Call Office to update: 537-7576 Name Age Services Telephone Marissa 17 Child care, pet care and house sitting 210-7396 Hunter Nicole 17 Child care, CPR Trained 816-682-5944 Lindsey 16 Babysitting, dog walking, LS Parks & Rec. CPR trained 816-728-5158 Madeleine 17 Dog sitting 816-392-4754 Grace 15 Baby sitting, Math Tutoring, After-school Child Care, House Watching 673-6839 Kali 18 Child care, Summer nanny 913-306-0605 Shay 14 Dog walking, sitting, babysitting, LS Parks & Rec. CPR Trained 456-6642 Jayme 14 Babysitting 309-9364 Jacob 14 Dog/pet sitting and babysitting. 853-2226 Olivia 15 Child care and dog walking 838-5540 Jacob & Paul 18 & 15 Lawn mowing and trimming. Dependable. 816-223-7656 Noah 17 Lawn mowing, trimming, clearing off driveways, dog walking, pet sitting. Very dependable. 816-289-8019 Michael 16 Mowing & trimming 816-721-7555 Alyssa 13 Babysitting 816-366-0119 Ashlyn 14 Child care 913-299-7466 Lauren 14 Babysitting 816-447-6296 Paige 13 Pet Sitting and Babysitting 816-260-8634 Kylie 13 CPR Trained, Certified Babysitter, pet sitting, dog walking 816-674-9404 Addie 13 Babysitter & pet care. CPR Trained. 816-769-9995 Jaylin 13 Babysitting 785-577-2190 Tyler 17 Pet sitting, Pet walking, Pet pooper scooper 816-863-8135 Elijah 12 Babysitting 816-225-7920 or 816-918-9947 17 North Side: 731 SW Raintree Drive Lee & Dee Forney South Side: 4556 SW Gull Point Drive Robert & Connie Hutchin Maintenance Free: 4018 SW Homestead Drive Timothy & Claudia Schwenn 18 19 2015 2015 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Cards 1:00 pm @DPAC 1 2016 Thu 2 Fri Sat 3WineFountains 4 & Cheese Tasting MahJongg 1 pm @ DPAC Family Activity— Movie Night Villas Game Night 6:30 pm @ DPAC ARB DEADLINE 5 6 Quilting Bs 9am—4pm @ DPAC Ladies Bridge 9:15am & Men’s Club 1:30 pm both @ DPAC 7 Ladies Bunco 10:am @ DPAC 8 Professional Women’s Group 9 -10am DPAC 9 10 11 17 18 24 25 MahJong 1pm DPAC ARB 7 p.m. @ Clubhouse 12 Villas Ladies Bridge 9:15am & Men’s Club 1:30pm both at DPAC 13 Activities mtg 14 1 pm @ DPAC Pool Committee 7pm @ Clubhouse Lake Committee 7pm @ DPAC Appeals Mtg 7pm @ DPAC RLPOA Board Mtg. 7pm @ Clubhouse Family Activities Committee Mtg. 7pm @ Clubhouse 1st Teen Swim 15 16 Garden Club 7pm @ DPAC Pond Committee 9:30 am @ Clubhouse MahJongg 1 pm @ DPAC SHORELINE DEADLINE ARB DEADLINE 19 Ladies Bridge 9:15am & Men’s Club 1:30 pm both at DPAC 20 Bee Keepers 21 9-4 pm ARB 7 p.m. @ Clubhouse 23 22 MahJongg 1 pm DPAC Adult Pizza & Pontoon Party 6—10 pm Common Ground Mtg. 7pm @ DPAC Swim Meet—Pool closes at 4:00 pm 26 27 Fountain Bunco 1 pm @ DPAC Raintree Anglers Club @ DPAC @ 7pm Ladies Bridge 9:15am & Men’s Club 1:30 pm both at DPAC 28 RLPOA Board Work Session 7pm @ Clubhouse 29 30 Cards 1:00 pm @DPAC MahJongg 1pm @ DPAC Swim Meet—Pool closes at 4:00 pm 2nd quarter dues are due!!! ARB DEADLINE 20 1 2 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTATION TAKING PLACE You may notice members of our Raintree Codes Department, driving around or on foot, taking pictures of the neighborhood. They are taking pictures for a Historical Documentation project for the neighborhood. Historical Documentation records benefit residents when making insurance claims after a damaging storm, as proof of existing items of ARB concern (for instance a flagpole that had been in front of a house for years, but that our Codes department had not noticed before and wondered if this was a new addition— historical documentation would show it had been there for years.) Our Codes Compliance Officer is careful to only take pictures of properties, not the residents—and not of children!!! THE VILLA VOICE JUNE 2—We are going to Powell Gardens for a tour and lunch. If you have not contacted Mary Lynn Tolle about going, better do so now. Her phone number is 816-537-6507. We will leave from the Duck Pond Activity Center at 10:30 a.m. There is nothing planned in July because of the 4th. AUGUST 14—our annual picnic is on Sunday afternoon at the Duck Pond Activity Center. Do put this date on your calendar---good food, good company and lots of fun. Look for further information. The activity committee has been busy planning. September is Labor Day weekend so nothing has been planned. October 6—will be a game night at the Duck Pond Activity Center. November 3—we will meet at Fun House Pizza for a fun evening. December 2—Friday evening is our Christmas party. Do plan to participate in some or all of these activities. It is a great way to get to know your neighbors. 21 Take Time for Fun!! Ladies’ Bridge Club Card Players Wanted Men’s Club Meets every Tuesday at 1:30 pm at the Duck Pond Activity Center. Come to the DPAC on Tuesday mornings at 9:15 to join the fun. Everyone plays! From beginners to advanced. Whatever your level, you will fit right in. Mah Jongg Friendly Yarners I’ll be happy to teach you the American version of this fun, social game. The game takes a small amount of time and effort to learn compared to the enjoyment you will have playing. We meet in the Duck Pond Activity Center - every Thursday at 1 pm. Linda Scott (520) 204-7339 No experience necessary! From SEPTEMBER THRU MAY every 2nd and 4th Wednesday afternoon, 2-4pm @ DPAC knitting and crocheting individuals get together to visit, improve their skills and make items for Truman Medical Center newborns and cancer patients such as blankets, caps and mittens. Instructor present at all sessions. For more information contact Sharon McCann at (816) 623-3352. Raintree Lake Woman’s Networking Group Ladies’ Bunco Meets at 10 am on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Duck Pond Activity Center. Please join us on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 9 AM, at the Duck Pond Activity Center to meet other professional women and business owners who live in Raintree. Contact Rose Marie Walter 537-8486 Calling all Golfers!!! Like to play cards or games? Looking for guys or gals to join us on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm at the DPAC. If you are interested please contact Rose Marie Walter 537-8486 Join the Raintree Golf League for Raintree residents on Thursday nights. Contact Derrick Beasley for more information: 816-863-8894 or derrick.m.beasley@gmail.com 22 23 N ick ’s G R E E N L E A F G A R D E N S G ro w in g fo r y o u s in c e 1 9 9 1 W h e re H O M E G R O W N m e a n s ju s t th a t S U P P O R T Y O U R L O C A L B U S IN E S S !! J u n e ’s h e re a n d w e ’v e g o t p le n ty fo r y o u G re a t s e le c tio n s till a v a ila b le C o m e in a n d s e e u s n o w !!! E x c e p tio n a l q u a lity B e d d in g P la n ts C o m b o C o n ta in e rs , H a n g in g B a s k e ts & M o re M u lc h /S o il A m e n d m e n ts - A n d M u c h M o r e -T h e R iv a r d F a m ily 3 2 2 -1 6 1 4 1 5 0 H g w y & H o r r id g e R d . NEW BOAT ON RAINTREE LAKE??? VERIFICATION PROCESS FOR A BOAT THAT HAS NEVER BEEN ON RAINTREE LAKE Resident must provide title, registration or bill of sale to verify ownership of watercraft. If you have not taken a safety test, this will need to be done in the office. If you have never watched our Raintree Water Patrol video (new residents) then this must also be done. It takes about 15 minutes for video and 30 minutes for the test. FOR MOTORIZED: Please have your insurance carrier provide us a Policy declaration sheet showing at least $100,000 minimum liability insurance with Raintree Lake Property Owners Association and the address of 825 SW Raintree Drive, Lee's Summit, MO 64082 listed as an additional interested party. This allows the insurance carrier to notify the Raintree Lake office when policies are updated or cancelled. FOR NON-MOTORIZED: Please have your insurance carrier provide us a copy of your Home Owners Insurance policy showing the policy number and the coverage dates. Our fax number is 816-537-5621 or email to office@rlpoa.com After these items have been submitted to the RLPOA office we will create an application for stickers and a verification form for the Water Patrol to inspect your watercraft. Please allow 5 business days before setting up an appointment with the Water Patrol to have your boat verified. (Water Patrol # 816-520-3893 or 816-537-7576.) PLEASE NOTE: Personal water craft do not need to be verified. Non-motorized boats ie: canoes, kayaks, paddle boards, paddle boats and non-towable floating device also do not need to be verified. Motor boats, pontoons, sail boats and any vessel with a trolling motor would need to be verified. Once the Water Patrol has verified your watercraft, Water Patrol will turn your paperwork into the office and you will be able to come in and get your stickers. 24 Raintree resident since 2009 Shoreline Ad Rates: Business Card - $40.00 1/4 Page - $80.00 Half Page - $160.00 Full Page - $320.00 FULL COLOR AD - $200.00 Back Cover, Half Page 20% Discount for Raintree residents Deadline: 15th of the Month 25 26 27 28 STEFFES & SON PAINTING (816) 550-9120 Specializing in Interior & Exterior Painting, Sheetrock repairs & other home repairs. CALL NOW for your free estimate. References furnished. We are insured. Hire a 28-year Raintree Resident. 29 CLASSIFIEDS Wanted: Looking to trade in or sell your old car? Why not donate it to the National Kidney Foundation and gain a tax deduction. The NKF will accept your vehicle, pick it up and turn it into funds for programs and services. For more information, call (913) 262-1551 or (800) 488-2277. Motorcycle For Sale: 2005 Harley Davidson Deuce, excellent condition. Call 537-7265. For Sale: Dining set, solid hardwood with glass, round tabletop, 48-inch diameter, half-inch thick, plus four chairs; Brand-new condition $600 OBO. Photos emailed on request. (816) 898-2744. For Sale: SKI BOAT. $15,950 – 2004 Larson SEI 190 Ski N Fish I/O loaded with options! Excellent condition and exceptionally well-maintained. Stored indoors and serviced every year! Only 218 hours on engine! EZ-Load custom trailer with folding tongue. Bimini Top, Boat Cover, Custom Cockpit Cover and Bow Cover. Extras and accessories can be negotiated – two props: Speed Prop and Power Prop, Several sets of skis, wakeboard, toys, life jackets, etc. Call or text Mike @ (816) 898-2400 or (816) 918-9800. For Sale: 2-piece oak armoire —oak king headboard, frame & box springs—night stand and 8-drawer oak dresser w/ 2 mirrors. Call Brian at (816) 807-4980. For Sale: 1998 Porsche Boxster, 2nd owner for past 14 years, 180,000 miles – daily driver. Maintained by Aristocrat Motors – have all service records, needs nothing, runs great, never damaged. Completely stock, except for sport exhaust $7,750; Call (816) 835-2418. For Sale: 16’ Alum fishing boat, 25 HP Merc with Electric start and very low hours. Has foot operated trolling motor, Hummingbird fish finder. Has been kept inside, Carpet and pedestal swivel seats are like new. Has two aerated live wells. Trailer has buddy bearings and submersible (on) Lights. $2800 OBO. (816) 377-5367. Located at Raintree Lake. For Sale: 2004 Honda Pilot Wheels. New, still in box. Four. No lug nuts. Will sell for best offer. Call Simon at 816-537-7160 (H) or 816-536-3620 (C) Wanted: Boat slip for sublease. Please call or text Austin at 816-924-9176. For Sale: Cheap boat lift. Has a tilt problem. Should work fine for a smaller boat or PWC after some adjustments, $750 OBO. Call or Text Darren at (816) 835-6420. For Sale Boat Lift (Boat Floater): Used with 21’ deck boat, works good $1,500 OBO. Call (816) 550-6117. CODES BLOTTER Boat and/or Trailer— 22 Trash — 16 ARB — 3 Inoperable Vehicle — 1 General Codes Violation — 11 Builder’s Siltation — 2 Builder’s Dumpster—2 Owner’s Siltation — 3 Preservation of Property — 15 Watering from lake—1 LAKE BLOTTER Failure to display sticker—12 Lake suspension, 4th level—1 Sound Off! Lees Summit ordinances prohibit allowing household pets to run free. Many residents with cats are either not aware of the ordinance or choose to ignore it. At any rate, the cats are left to be out on the loose and they typically use their neighbors' flower beds for eliminating their waste. I think this is unfair to those who keep their dogs on a leash and, for the most part, clean up after them. It is objectionable to the neighbors who find the cat waste in their flower beds. ——————————————————————Reminder to Raintree residents to please keep grass clippings out of our streets. Clippings are washed by rain directly into our ponds and lake. It is very simple to not mow clippings into the street and also easy to blow back into your yard if necessary. We pay to have our waterscapes and lake dredged so anything we can do to keep residue out helps. Rip Rap belongs on our shoreline not in the water. Our association spends a lot of our dues dollars to maintain our shoreline on the lake and ponds. Children, parents, and grandparents may enjoy tossing rip rap into the water but please remember the rocks are on the shore for a purpose and do not belong in the lake or pond bed. ——————————————————————Boaters: Let’s remember how fortunate we are to have a “speedy” lake. It would only take one accident to take us down to a “putt-putt” lake. Be careful this summer out on the lake!! 30 Raintree Staff: 2016 - 17 RAINTREE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: General Manager: Rachelle Vandiver (537-7576) manager@rlpoa.com Officers Maintenance Director: Marco Cusumano (537-7576) President - Craig Eaton Vice President - Jeff Sowinski Secretary - Jenifer Bolin Treasurer - Sharon McCann Water Patrol: Josh Cresswell (520-3893) Codes Compliance Officer: Tim Miller (537-7576) Board Members Nicole Bonds, Tim Kirkpatrick, Brenda Miller, Mark Spencer, and Alan Van Deusen Administrative Assistants: Debbie Hanss Karen Miller Tracy Robertson (537-7576) office@rlpoa.com The Board of Directors meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. Committee Meetings & Locations: Raintree Committee Chairpersons: ARB: 1st & 3rd Mondays 7pm @ Clubhouse ARB: Penny Wilkinson Appeals: Roland Thibault Common Ground: Kathy Goldman Facilities: Toni Travalent Lake: Tim Hamilton & Bob Burasco Pool: Paul Landes Adult Activities: Kelly Springett, Cindy Lyon & Patti Nutt Family Activities: Judy Taylor Raintree View: Chairperson TBD Duck Pond Activ. Cntr: Marilyn Burasco Nominating: David Elliott Finance: Sharon McCann Siltation: Carole Owsley Welcoming: Rose Marie Walter Pond: John Hustad Appeals: 1st Tuesday 7pm @ DPAC Common Ground: 3rd Tuesday 6:30pm @ DPAC Facilities: WATCH CALENDAR Lake: 2nd Thursday 7pm @ Clubhouse Pool: 2nd Monday 7pm @ Clubhouse Adult Activities: WATCH CALENDAR Family Activities: WATCH CALENDAR Raintree View: WATCH CALENDAR Duck Pond Activity Cntr: Every other month-TBD Siltation: WATCH CALENDAR Pond: 3rd Thursday 9:30am @ Clubhouse 31 PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Contact Us Give us a call for more information. Raintree Lake Property Owners Association 825 SW Raintree Dr Office: 537-7576 Fax: 537-5621 office@rlpoa.com, manager@rlpoa.com Visit us on the web at www.rlpoa.com OR CURRENT RESIDENT
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