Shoreline - Raintree Lake
Shoreline - Raintree Lake
Shoreline May Special points of interest: The Results Are In… Theatre in the Park Page 3 Spring Garage Sale Page 8 Class A: Class B: David Parker Brad Oestreich Mark Spencer Garden Club Page 9 Neighborhood Watch Pages 10 & 11 Yard of the Month Page 14 Brenda Miller Appointed: Brian West Frank Paulic Beaver Watch! Raintree View Minutes Page 15 Beavers have caused damage to trees around the lake. Please contact the office if you have information on the location of their lodge. Water front property owners can protect their trees from beaver damage by wrapping the tree trunks with chicken wire. Be sure to wrap the tree trunk to a height of 3-4 feet to keep the beavers away. Boat in Driveway Rule Page 18 Fishing Derby Page 18 Preservation of Property Your’s and Your Neighbors Sound Off Page 19 Is there peeling paint? Do you have wood rot around doors and windows? Are your shrubs out of control? Spring is a great time to beat the heat and spruce up your home. From the street to the backyard. Inside this issue: Financial Status 2013 Article VI, Section 2b of the Raintree Lake Covenants state: 2 Codes Blotter 19 Calendar 21 Teens for Hire 22 Lake Patrol 24 Classifieds 31 “Special assessments may be imposed by the Board of Directors upon any Lot or land upon which Multi-Family Residential or Commercial Units are located, for the purpose of maintaining the exterior appearance thereof if the Owner shall have failed or refused to do so, including but not limited to mowing and cleaning of unsightly brush and debris, painting, repairing, replacing and caring for roofs, gutters, downspouts, and exterior building surfaces, trees, shrubs, grass, walks, and other exterior improvements necessary to keep the Owner’s property from deteriorating or becoming unsightly.” Summer Office Hours Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Office: 537-7576 Fax: 537-5621 825 SW Raintree Dr. Lee’s Summit, MO 64082 Delinquency Report Financial Statement One Quarter Past Due: (Account Balances as of March, 2013) 66 Lots totaling Money Market Sweep Account: $6,972.80 Two Quarters Past Due: Three Quarters Past Due: $451,853.49 Included in the Sweep Account are Reserves for: Operations: $72,747 $70,000 Siltation Loan Dock Self Insurance: ($45,000) $2,740.61 General Manager: 43 Lots totaling Rachelle Vandiver $52,639.11 $27,000 Annual Loan Payment Annually 9 Lots totaling Liens: $5,000 Capital Asset 36 Lots totaling $8,612.47 Insurance Reserve $36,500 Siltation Expenses: $11,000 $64,976.65 Board Approvals Appointed Frank Paulic to serve remaining term as board member. Approved rules for “Boats in Driveway” see page 18. Appointment of new ARB member—congrats Richard Bird. Approved budgeted funds for dock maintenance. Approved budgeted funds for fishing dock reconstruction. Approved budgeted funds for Cinco de Mayo. Get the Latest Happenings in Raintree by Signing up for e-news! e-Raintree expands with weekly e-mail bulletins and instant news alerts on important items of interest to the community such as police alerts, activity reminders, and water quality. Don't forget to sign up at to find out what is going on between Shorelines. 575 residents have already signed up! Page 2 LAKE CLEAN-UP Our annual Lake Clean-Up is planned as a family activity to clean up our shoreline and neighborhood. Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 A.M. – Noon Join us at the clubhouse downstairs at 9:00 A.M. for donuts, juice and coffee. Preview the prize table then head out with the family to pick up trash along our shorelines and in our neighborhood. Specially marked trash will be “planted” around the neighborhood. If you pick up trash indicating it is a prize piece you may redeem your specially marked trash for a prize of your choice at the clubhouse. You cannot redeem your specially marked trash for a prize before 11:30 A.M. Make this a family event! Trash bags and cold bottled water will be available. Please limit one prize per person. Exciting assortment of gift certificates available for all ages! Mom and Dad will want to join in the activity! RaintreeTheatreintheParkDramaTroupe FREEactivityforjunioractorsbetweentheagesof3and12 Weareexcitedtoannouncethatthe2ndseasonforourRaintreeTheatreintheParkDramaTroupewill bestartingWednesday,June5.Thiswillbeagreatopportunitytohelpyourchilddevelopcon idencein publicspeaking,memorizationskills,andworkingwellinagroupwhilehavingatonoffun! Last year was a great success with 23 children participating, and culminated in an end of season performancefortheresidentsoftheJohnKnoxVillageCareCenter.Wehaveevenmoreplannedfor thisyear.Sobringoutyoursons,daughters,orgrandchildrenandwatchthemshine! Practiceswillbeheldattheclubhouseplaygroundat10:30AMonWednesdaymorningsfromJune5 throughJuly24andwilllastaboutanhour.Duringtheseeightweekswewillspendtimeworkingon vocalization skills, memorizing material and learning stage directions. This is a FREE activity for Raintree residents. A parent or guardian should plan on accompanying their actors to all practices. Please contactSarahOrtizatrayosaraho@sbcglobal.netwithanyquestionsyoumayhave.WhileanRSVPwith yourname,contactinformation,andagesofparticipantsisnotrequireditwouldbehelpful. Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 RAINTREE SWIM TEAM 2013 SPONSOR FORM Do you own a business and live in the Raintree area? Or work for a business that would like to be a sponsor for the Raintree Rays Swim Team? We will put your Business Logo as mentioned per level and it will appear in the RLPOA Shorelines. T Shirt Sponsor: $150– Your Business logo will be displayed on the back of the team T shirts Swim Cap Sponsor: $325 Your Business logo will be on the Swim Cap. You will be helping us purchase swim caps for our swimmers. THE DEADLINE FOR THIS TYPE OF SPONSOR IS MAY 1st because we have to order the caps! Product Sponsor: Donate items, (i.e., Coca Cola), for concessions, items for swimmers, etc and we will put your logo on the t shirts if the donation is above $150. *Any donation above $150 will also have the business logo displayed on a banner at each home meet and we will put your logo on a Raintree advertisement page for the Championship meet at Lakewood with all 8 Lees Summit teams! Sponsor Level: (Circle one) T Shirt/Banner - $150 Cap - $325 Product ------- _________________________________________________ Type of Product & Value Other team needs: Lane Rope Cover Business Name: _____________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________ Business Address: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Business Phone #: ________________________ Email: _______________________________ Please drop off camera ready artwork or digital JPG file along with a check payable to Raintree Swim Team and mail to Melissa Lucas, Lee’s Summit, MO 64082; Page 6 Page 7 May 9, 10 and 11 Attention New Raintree Residents! The RLPOA office puts together the advertising for our annual spring & fall neighborhood-wide garage sale event. It is your choice if you wish to participate. But, don’t let the secret out that Wednesday, May 8 is our evening (pre-view or purchase) sale for our residents. Warn the kids to be careful, as there will be more cars in the neighborhood! Sign Regulations for Garage and Yard Sales Per the City of Lee’s Summit: May be placed one day prior to the event. Shall be removed the day after the event concludes. May be placed on others’ private property with their permission. Are not allowed to be posted on telephone poles, street signs, traffic signal poles, etc. Hillcrest Thrift/Transitional Housing Will be collecting all unsold items from your garage sale. Please bring your items to the Clubhouse parking lot to drop off or call (913)558-7380 for large item pick up. Pick up available Friday and Saturday. Donation receipts available for tax purposes. Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Adult Pizza Party When: June 14 Where: Raintree Clubhouse Dinner Served: 6-8 pm Fun Continues until: 10 pm BYOB To volunteer please call Rose Marie at 537-8486 MoRx is Missouri’s State Pharmacy Assistance Program. MoRx was created by the 93rd General Assembly to provide prescription drug assistance to Missourians in need by coordinating benefits with Medicare’s (Part D) Prescription Drug Program. Benefits of MoRx MoRx works with all Medicare Part D plans. MoRx pays for 50% of your out-of-pocket costs on medications that are covered by your Medicare Part D plan. This means you will save 50% on your deductible, 50% on your co-pays, including during the coverage gap and beyond. MoRx does not pay for the Medicare Part D plan's monthly premium. MoRx uses the formulary of the Medicare Part D plan. Any drug covered by a member's Medicare Drug Plan will also be covered by MoRx. Dual eligible members will continue to have coverage for Medicare-excluded drugs through MO HealthNet. Medicare-excluded drugs include specific over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, minerals, limited cough and cold drugs, benzodiazepines and barbiturates. MoRx covers up to a 31-day supply for each prescription. You can use any Missouri pharmacy that works with your Part D plan. (MoRx does not cover mail order services) You May Be Eligible If You Are: A resident of the State of Missouri; and Enrolled in a Medicare Part D Plan. To learn more about Part D or to choose and enroll in a Part D plan that's best for you, visit or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227) toll-free; and Single — with an annual gross household income of $21,660 or less or Married — with an annual gross household income of $29,140 or less Enrollment Application Form is on the next page. Page 12 Page 13 NEWS FROM THE COMMON GROUND In 2012 the Common Ground Committee purchased new "Yard of the Month" signs. They are now metal signs with heavy duty holders that will tolerate our windy weather much better than those used in past years. The sign has also been redesigned with new graphics. Look for the Yellow Daffodil! The Common Ground Committee is now driving the streets of Raintree to find award winning front and/or back yards. We always welcome suggestions from residents. The only yards that are ineligible are homes that are delinquent on association dues and previous winners. The committee checks to make sure the yard is not a previous winner, and then will go view the recommended yard. There are still many, many homes to choose from for the award. The May winners will be notified at the beginning of the month. So if you hear a knock on your door, please answer. It might be the Common Ground Committee! North Side South Side J. Rogers and Judy Tuck Bill and Louann Meiries 3801 SW Harbor Circle 4719 SW Middle Creek Drive Maintenance Free Chuck and Barb Loescher 921 SW Leafwing Court Page 14 Irrigation Committee Formation On March 19th, the RLPOA Board President formed the Irrigation Committee. The purpose of this committee is to gather concerns and other information relative to watering from the lake and other tributaries within the confines of Raintree Lake. In the past, concerns have been expressed and this committee has been formed to gather those as well as any new concerns and ensure they are presented to the Board and/or membership as the community seeks to address this devise issue in a fact based, unemotional manner. If you want to ensure your views are expressed, please join us at one of the meetings or email them to and they will be passed on to the committee. All residents are encouraged to attend the committee meetings as it seeks to insure all parties and opinions are expressed and represented in the summary documentation. For a schedule of meetings and minutes, see the link on RAINTREE VIEW MEETING MINUTES APRIL 10, 2013 The meeting opened at 7 pm. Present were Stan, Allan, and Robert Dye. Brenda, San, and Tom were absent. Robert presented ideas on replacing the evergreens which were lost due to the drought with yearling trees from the conservation department. They are small, but very low priced. This sounds like a reasonable alternative and we will discuss it thoroughly when the full committee is present. We discussed the progress of the phase one parking lot. Right now it looks like the work of a mole on steroids, but the rough grading is done and concrete curbs are poured. What looks like a canal to nowhere is the beginning of a large grassy swale which will provide runoff from the parking lot and surrounding area. The banks will be sloped so that the grass can be mowed and the swale will end in a rain garden which in turn will slowly allow the water to enter a nearby storm drain. Trees and shrubs will be planted around the parking lot and rain garden. An irrigation system is planned for the area, but rising costs may force that to be delayed until funds are available. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8 pm. The next scheduled meeting will be on May 15 and probably at the new Duck Pond building. Page 15 Tips for Ant Control By Alex Pupkin Ants are among the most common pest control issue about which professionals are asked. Ants exist in almost every climate on earth and as such they constitute a persistent problem around the globe. More importantly, ants can cause significant damage to the structure of your home so an ant infestation should never be overlooked. Carpenter ants, for example, nest in your home and tunnel and nest inside wood structures. Ants that look for food in your home can contaminate this food, and can even inflict painful bites and stings which in allergic individuals may experience a severe reaction. As you can see, it is important to treat ant control seriously, and these ant control tips are a great place to start. Follow ants to discover their point of entry in your house. Ants may enter through window and door jams, cracks in the floor, or even molding crevices. Boric acid or laundry detergent can create a temporary barrier to prevent ants from entering at these points. You can even sprinkle baby powder as a safer alternative for pets and children. You should make every effort to seal these entry points. Caulk windows and cracks, apply weather stripping to doors and windows, and cover holes with duct tape. Check your cupboard for food ants may have been eating and throw it away; these foods may be contaminated. Store food in secure containers or in your refrigerator to prevent ants from accessing food sources. Exposed food and garbage will attract ants. Regularly clean all cupboards to remove remnants of sugar, honey, maple syrup, grains, cereals, cookies, jams, and bread as these are favorite food sources for ants. Wash floors and surfaces where you have discovered an ant line with warm water and soap. This helps prevent the ants' return. Ants follow a pheromone scent to return to food sources, by thoroughly cleaning their path even with bleach and water you can make it impossible for them to retrace their path. Lemon peels are a great deterrent for ants as they do not like the smell. Place a slice of lemon peel in your sugar bowl to prevent ants. In fact, you can use orange or lemon peels around doorways or drop them into ant holes and this will help to deter ants. If you are careful and thorough in your ant control techniques, you may be able to deal with an infestation on your own. While these tips are effective, it can be very difficult to eliminate ants from your home. Try these tips, but always be ready to consider professional pest control advice. Sometimes your only option will be to kill the ant colony, and it is best to rely on a professional in such cases. Article Source: Page 16 Drowning Preven on Tips & Facts for Swimming Pools & Spas By Lisa Hallett Taylor, Guide Drowning may be one of the most remorseful fatal accidents to occur at a home. Why? Because it's en rely preventable. It's most o en due to human error, negligence, distrac on, forge ulness, alcohol or lack of pool safety educa on. If you own a pool or spa, you need to update all an ‐entrapment drain covers, barriers and rescue equipment. All adults and teens in your household must know rescue techniques and be able to supervise swimming and pool‐area ac vi es at all mes. Follow these ps which include sugges ons from the Centers for Disease Control and Na onal Drowning Preven on Alliance. Consider All 'Children' at Risk What age group is most at risk for drowning? That should be which age groups? Young children and teens are at greatest risk for drowning. Sta s cally, children under age 5 and adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24 have the highest drowning rates, according to the CDC. Adult Supervision Means Uninterrupted Focus on the Pool & Swimmers At all mes. No excep ons, not even for: The text message you have to look at or respond to. The phone call ‐‐ cell or landline ‐‐ you need to make or take. The hedges over there that need clipping. The snacks you need to get from the kitchen. The work you need to complete by tomorrow Looking directly at the person you're having a conversa on with. They can s ll hear you even if your eyes are focused on young swimmers. Any other distrac ons not listed here. Learn CPR & Safe Water‐Rescue Techniques You know that class in first‐aid or CPR at the local 'Y' you've been meaning to sign up for? Contact them today. It may be the monkey on your back that you've been trying to avoid, but accidents don't wait for procras nators or busy schedules. Swim Lessons & Water Safety Educa on Whether or not you own a pool or spa, it's a good idea to make sure the children in your life (including grandchildren) learn how to swim. Most children love to go swimming in the summer. They need to be taught the basic and proper techniques for swimming and water safety. Do not, however, let the fact that your children have had lessons give you a false sense of security. The unexpected can happen. Always supervise. Swimming & Drinking: A Lethal Mix Alcohol use is involved in up to 70% of deaths associated with water recrea on and almost a quarter of ED visits for drowning. Alcohol is a major contribu ng factor in up to 50% of drownings among adolescent boys. Who hasn't heard about guys at a frat party jumping or diving off the roof into the backyard pool or other stupid an cs at par es? The CDC advises to avoid drinking alcohol before or during swimming, boa ng, or water skiing. Also, do not drink alcohol while supervising children. Remember: Alcohol consump on influences balance, coordina on and judgment, and its effects are heightened by sun exposure and heat. Pools are More Dangerous Than Cars for the Under‐4 Set Swimming is a greater risk than riding in a car. A swimming pool is 14 mes more likely than a motor vehicle to be involved in the death of a child under the age 4. Page 17 Rules for “Boats in the Driveway” April 1st to October 31st Watercraft have to be in operable condition, bearing a current Raintree Sticker and resident must be in good standing. Remember to secure any items that may be stored in your watercraft. Don’t become an easy target. Heidi “Goes after Record” Residents Kimberly and Timothy Bell The state record is a 19 inch crappy. Heidi caught spotted pelicans visiting our lake Friday, April 12th. this 17 inch 3 pound guy on the south side April 8th. Page 18 Sound Off... It’s the Law! Lee’s Summit has a “leash law” ordinance all pets, when outdoors, must be restrained by a chain, leash, or other devise that is attached to a fixed object or under the hand-held control of the owner, or the animal must be kept in an enclosed area from which it can not escape, even when the animal is on the owner’s property. Not everyone is comfortable with animals they do not personally know. PLEASE keep your animals restrained. Kevin and Kelly McCormick 4046 SW Orleans Court Richard Harkins and Christine Butler 4629 SW Soldier Drive Ron and Wilma White 901 SW Leafwing Court Thank you, Your fellow neighbor William and Joan Nixon 900 SW Olympia Court Steve and Jeanie Adams 4009 SW Homestead Drive Robin and Michael Roberts 3821 SW Lacrosse Court CODES VIOLATION BLOTTER ARB Violation (3) Boats/Trailers/RV (15) Preservation of Property (3) Inoperative Vehicle (7) 2013 BOAT STICKERS Trash Violation (18) MUST BE ON Builder Siltation (2) YOUR BOAT BY Builder Dumpster (1) MAY 1, 2013 Page 19 LADIES BRIDGE CLUB Card Players Wanted Men’s Club Meets every Tuesday 1:30 pm At the Clubhouse. Appeals Committee Needs Volunteers If interested please contact the office Come to the Raintree Clubhouse on Tuesday mornings at 9:15 a.m. and join the fun. Everyone plays, from the beginners to the advanced. Whatever your level, you will fit right in. Even if you can’t make a commitment every week, stop in when you can. Once you’ve stopped by, you will be hooked! Like to play cards or games? Looking for guys or gals to join us on the first Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm at the Clubhouse. If you are interested please contact Rose Marie at 537-8486. Friendly Yarners GUYS & GALS....the NEW crochet and knitting group will meet on at the Clubhouse every third Thursday each month at 1 pm. There has been much interest in this group. I look forward to seeing you there! Jan Diepenbrock 816-537-4346 ATTENTION ALL GUYS AND GALS BUNKO The 2nd Wednesday of each month at the Raintree Clubhouse. 10:00am 537-7576 Call Rose Marie Walter 537-8486 Page 20 May 2013 Monday Sunday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed 1 Thursday Friday Saturday Thu 2 ARB 7 pm Fri 3 Sat 4 Clubhouse Cinco De Mayo 6 pm Clubhouse Cards 1 pm 5 Duck Pond Open House 2-4 pm 12 Mother’s Day 19 6 7 Appeal Meeting 7 pm 8 9 10 11 Bunko 10:00 am Duck Pond Spring Garage Sale 14 Board 15 Meeting Garden Lake 7 pm @ CH Club 7 pm Committee @ CH 7 pm Ladies Bridge 9:15 Men’s Club 1:30 DP 16 ARB 7 pm @ CH 17 18 Lake Clean-Up 9 am-noon Clubhouse (Lower Level Office) 20 Pool Opens 4-8 pm 22 23 24 25 Street Dance & BBQ Contest 8 am @ CH 29 30 31 Ladies Bridge 9:15 Quilting B’s Men’s Club Duck Pond 1:30 DP 13 21 Friendly Yarners 1 pm @ DP Ladies Bridge 9:15 Men’s Club 1:30 DP 26 27 Memorial Day 28 Board Work Session 7 pm @ CH Fishing Ladies Derby 8-11 Bridge 9:15 am @ Duck Men’s Club Pond 1:30 DP Page 21 NEIGHBORHOOD TEENS FOR HIRE Call the office to update at 537-7576 Name Age Services Telephone Marissa 16 Child care 537-4931 Kaytlynn 17 Child care- Red Cross certified 537-5656 Hunter Nicole 14 Child care - Babysitting boot camp & CPR Trained 726-7154 or 682-5944 Sami 17 Child care and pet sitting 816-785-4972 Lindsey 15 Babysitting, dog walking, LS Parks & Rec. CPR trained 816-728-5158 Darian 14 Child care 878-4833 Madeleine 14 Babysitting & Dog sitting has Lee’s Summit Park & Rec. babysitting boot camp training 804-8959 Melissa 17 Child care, pet care, house sitting, CPR certified 876-7283 Tyler 16 Lawn mowing, trimming, fertilizing. Dependable and reasonable rates. 537-5859 Matt 15 Yard raking, snow removal and pet sitting 537-5846 Grace 11 Baby sitting 673-6839 Kyleigh 12 Babysitter, survival certified, CPR trained 537-6346 Sydney 18 Child care, pet sitting, tutoring– Hospital and Red Cross certified 913-626-0914 Zach 13 Dog walking, pet sitting and yard raking and cleaning 277-9386 Kali 14 Child care 913-306-0605 Shay 14 Dog walking, sitting, babysitting, LS Parks & Rec. CPR Trained 456-6642 Jayme 12 Babysitting 309-9364 Jordan 17 Guitar lessons. Acoustical or electric. All ages. 913-709-8769 Jason 15 Lawn mowing and weed eating 896-2507 Lindsay 18 Nanny, Babysitting, Dog/House Sitting 518-3304 Kyle 15 Lawn care, mowing, trimming, pulling weeds, raking. Very dependable. 537-7927 Page 22 2013 RAINTREE LAKE ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Spring Mixer 5/4 Spring Garage Sale 5/9 – 5/11 Lake Clean-up 5/18 Street Dance & BBQ Contest 5/25 Fishing Derby 5/27 Adult Pizza Party 6/14 Teen Swim 6/22 Summerfest Carnival/Block Party 6/29 Fireworks 7/4 Adult Pizza Party 8/2 Family Swim 8/10 Fall Garage Sale 9/12 – 9/14 Oktoberfest 9/21 Adult Pizza Party 10/18 Story Time w/Santa 12/7 New Year’s Eve Party 12/31 Page 23 2013 Boating Season Spring is here and the boating season is just around the corner. As vessels are being put back on the lake for the year here are some friendly reminders from your water patrol. Vessels should have a pre check done that consist of checking the hull for cracks, blisters, or holes. If you didn't change the oil and filters at the end of last season, do so now. Pull and charge your battery, upon replacing it check all electronics before entering the lake. Check your plug on your vessel make sure it is serviceable, and make sure it is in the vessel before entering the water. Check tire pressure and brake lights on trailer. If you have a slip on the lake walk down to your slip and make sure it doesn’t look like this before entering the water. Check your lift’s rails to ensure they are straight and secure to the dock. Check the bunks and brackets attaching bunks, failure of the bunk brackets can lead to a catastrophic failure of the lift and could lead to a sunken vessel. Look at the bunks to ensure there is carpet on them. Lifts that are not property maintained add stress to the structure of the dock itself. This leads to breakage of the underwater bracing and more upkeep and hassle for everyone. If lift is not being used any time soon store it in the floating position. In the near future we will be doing some dock repairs and will be contacting some residents about moving vessels so their docks can be worked on. During that time you can pull your vessels from the lake if desired or you can park it at the courtesy dock. Thank you all in advance and we are looking forward to another great boating season at Raintree Lake. Page 24 To our neighbors on Surf Scooter, Jerry and I wish to express our thanks for all the caring, kind and helpful acts you have done for us since his recent i l l n e s s . We a p p r e c i a t e y o u r thoughtfulness. Sincerely, Marlene and Jerry Enright Shoreline Ad Rates Classified (not business) Free Business Card $40.00 1/4 Page $80.00 1/2 Page $160.00 Full Page $320.00 Raintree Residents receive 20% off Page 25 Page 26 Commercial / Residential Irrigation Installation Irrigation Repair Lawn Mowing Fertilizer Commercial Snow Details Make The Difference Phone: 816-525-8333 Fax: 816-326-0907 PO BOX 1332 Lee’s Summit MO 64063 Landscape Installation Landscape Design Retaining Walls Paver Patios Backflow Checks Water Features Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Raintree Resident Since 2009 Page 30 Classifieds Wanted: Looking to trade in or sell your old car? Why not donate it to the National Kidney Foundation and gain a tax deduction. The NKF will accept your vehicle, pick it up and turn it into funds for programs and services. For more information, call (913) 262-1551 or (800) 488-2277. 3-Baby Beds $30; 2-Youth Beds $35; Playmobiles: Noah’s Ark $40, Girls Castle $50, Knights Castle $60, Airport $40, Airplane $18, Barn/Farm $40 Extra pieces for sale, Moon Sand/6 colors $25. Call (816) 537-8646. For Sale: Brand new Miche Bag with Shells and Handles, One (1) Classic Base Bag Black, two (2) Classic Shells – Jayne and Jodi, two (2) black Wanted: Garage sale, liquidation or estate sale handles and two (2) black chain handles with 1 leftovers. Will take anything other than toxic single handle conversion kit $75; To view: waste materials or trash. All donations will be tax deductible and go to great local charities. For more information please contact Raintree For Sale: Printer HP Officejet PRO8000, Black & resident Wil with Scrappy Scrappers at Color, needs color cartridge; otherwise good 913-558-7380. working order. Two years old – not used much. Best for office or home using color often $50. Call 537-7713. For Sale: Golf clubs, bag, hand cart, martin house. Call 816-537-7727. WANTED: Female tennis player to join 3 other ladies 1 morning a week starting 1st of June. If For Sale: Canon MP160 All-In-One-Printer, interested, contact Karen 816-524-2753. Printer does not work, but scanner works great. Scan photos, documents, articles/magazines etc. also has OCR option; $15.00 Call Ray For Sale: GE 20” White Apartment Size Electric Range for $150.00. Please call Barbara Brady @ 914-4298. 816-809-0973 For Rent: Fully furnished living room, 680 sq. ft. with bathroom and kitchenette for a single Wanted: Looking to sublease a boat slip. Please call person 25-30 years. Call 816-537-7727. 816-377-1177. For Sale: Antique Oak Roll Top Desk $850; Matching Oak Army Chair $50; Antique Church Pew $120; Pennsylvania Queen Size Queen Anne Bed w/mattress $400; Secretary Desk w/ hutch $400; French Providential Wood 3x3 ft. Dining Room Table w/4 chairs $150; Jack Daniel Whiskey Carrell $95; FAO Schwartz Medium Size Giraffe $100; Collectible Riding Train $100; Thomas Train Table w/tracks & accessories $250; Never Used-Outside Wooden Playhouse $350; Pottery Barn Child’s Refrigerator & Stove $120 pair or $65 each; Pottery Barn Child’s Table 2 ½ x 4 ft. $65; Pottery Barn Child’s Table 2x2 ¾ ft. $40; Pottery Barn Child’s Chairs $22 each; Nilo table w/storage bin $65; Child’s Train or Game Table $50; Step 2 Grand Kitchen $40; Fisher Price set-in schoolhouse $30; Wooden Doll House $40; Pink Cloth Girl’s Chair $50; Girl’s Wood Pink Toy Chest $50; Kids Kraft SortIt Unit $35; Multi Color Toy Organizer $50; Wanted: Boat Slip to sublease. Please call Steve C. (816) 560-9434. House and Pet Sitting: Raintree resident. Please call Cheryl at 537-8521. Wanted: Boat Slip to Sublease. Please contact Kathy or Steve 366-0028 or Wanted: Houses to clean. 25 years experience with references available. Free estimate call 573-280-9290. For Sale: Upholstered chair in excellent condition 537-4115. Page 31 OR CURRENT RESIDENT 2013 - 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers President - Brian West Vice President - Brenda Miller Secretary - David Parker Treasurer - Sue Rusco Board Members Bruce Kusgen, Brad Oestreich, Frank Paulic, Jeanne Smith and Mark Spencer The Board of Directors meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm.
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