bandersnatch - John Abbott College


bandersnatch - John Abbott College
Outlasting the Guardian since 1971
Volume XXXIV
Issue 9
Smog Land
Ryan Desgroseilliers
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Recent days have seen the city
of Montreal blanketed with a thick
layer of winter smog. Environment
Canada has issued a smog alert
warning the elderly, young children, and those with respiratory
problems to avoid extended trips
outdoors and situations involving
strenuous exercise.
Persons familiar with the
weather have suggested an unusual
air temperature layering effect as
being the immediate cause for the
phenomenon, although environmentalists are quick to point out
that the smog warning would not
be in effect were it not for the larger
problem of low-altitude atmospheric pollution.
Mould Discovered in
Ventilation System
Benjamin Wald
The health of students and
teachers within the college is obviously an issue of paramount importance.
The health and
wellness committee
has been receiving
regularly updates on
the situation, and
congress has been involved as well. Stuart
Hall has recently undergone an 8000$
dollar cleanup to remove mould from the
ducts. This mould
could cause dangerous allergy or
asthma attacks. The cleanup followed
a test for mould.
The test, administered by the Service de Microbiologie Appliquee de
L’INRS-IAF, a government service,
discovered a concentration of 231
spore forming colonies per cubic meter in SH-005 and 215 spore forming
colonies per cubic meter in SH-007.
According to Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings: A Technical Guide,
Health Canada, in federal government
buildings, the 3-year average is approximately 40 spore forming colonies per cubic metre. The levels outside the building were 388 spore-forming colonies per cubic meter.
C h e r y l
Jenkins, an
catalyst for
She has ser i o u s
w h i c h
could be life
threatening. She had to take time significant
off after teaching in Stuart Hall basement. This prompted the test and subsequent cleanup last August. However, further tests where instituted in
areas of Hochelaga and Penfield. The
test found levels of 320 spore forming colonies in P-168, and elevated
levels in HO-013 and Hochelaga hallway. This was during the winter, when
the levels of mould outdoors had
dropped to essentially zero. The com-
pany thought there was an anomaly
in the test and redid it, which turned
up negligible results. However, JACFA
is unsure of the new results, and wants
the college to prove that they are following more stringent cleaning procedures. Among the questions they
have for the administration are
whether the filters are changed four
to six times a year, what the ventilation rate is, and what maintenance
schedules will be.
According to Mold in the
Workplace: A Basic Guide, Canadian
Centre for Occupational Health and
Safety, more than 50 spore forming
colonies per cubic meter of a single
species may be cause for concern,
and more investigation is required.
150 Spore forming colonies per cubic meter is acceptable if there is a
mixture of species similar to the outdoor air spores. Up to 500 spore
forming colonies per cubic meter is
acceptable in summer, if the species
are tree or leaf fungi. The report I
saw did not specify what kind of
mould was present here. Hopefully
the new measures will be effective in
removing the problem, and allergy’s
will no longer be an issue.
The term smog is derived from
smoke and fog, and is used to describe low-lying clouds of small
particulate and gaseous pollution
caused by inefficient wood and fossil fuel combustion. It is primarily
caused by industrial manufacturing plants and motor vehicles, although in Montreal’s case woodburning stoves are also a significant contributor. Environment
Canada has made a recommendation that residents avoid using
these stoves during the smog alert.
Continued on page BLAH...
News ....................................... 2
Campus Life ............................ 4
Arts .......................................... 7
Entertainment ......................... 9
Games ................................... 12
Opinion .................................. 14
SUJAC Update ............... 3
Wet Ink ........................ 5
My Two Cents ............. 4
Books Buys .................. 9
Top Rope .................. 10
With your Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Wald
First up, we
have the new
Editor Monica
Pak. She is an
avid fan of
many forms of
music, attending concerts
frequently and has contacts in the
local music scene. She works in a
video store, so obviously she has
knowledge of that media, and also
has contacts with experimental
film artists. She has some great
stuff for you this issue, be sure to
check it out.
to diversify the content to include
board games, card games and
other forms of games. This should
be a section to watch.
A n d r e w
Meschader was
elected as our
new Arts Editor.
He has some exciting
planned for the
wants to encourage more
submissions, as well as
cultural events like
Check out the
new look.
We still have openings for
Sports Editor and Advertising
Manager. I’ve more or less given
up on Sports Editor (come on, anyone?), but hopefully there is some
"would be salesman" out there who
would like the position. There is a
ten percent commission on any ad
you bring in, so there is the possibility of actually getting some
money out of it. If you're interested, come on down to our office.
page has a new
editor as well.
from Jeff Katz, the originator of the
games page, Graham Kallio has
taken up the torch. He has decided
Pope John Paul II is the first nonItalian Pope since the 15th century and
was elected in 1978. On March 14th
2004 John Paul became the longestserving Pope since Pius IX and St. Peter. Thus far in his Papacy the Pope has
traveled to more places in the world
than any other Pope in history. Since
the beginning he has made 102 visits
outside of Italy and 144 in Italy. He has
visited 130 countries including Canada
only to have just left Canada 3 years ago
after celebrating World Youth Day in
Ann-Margaret Porcelli
News Editor
A recent discussion regarding the
Pontiff’s reliability as our Pope has
sparked some anger among fundamental loyalists. As most are aware Pope
John Paul II was hospitalized last week
due to a respiratory infection. The recent illness has sparked debate on
whether or not a Pope should remain
until his death or whether he should
Some people may say that John Paul
has revolutionized the church taking
strong stands on many issues including
human rights, opening the doors of
communication with other faiths, and
bringing unity amongst all Christians especially to the youth of the world. It is
for this reason that 18 years ago the
Pope founded World Youth Day, which
takes place every two to three years in
various countries. The goal is to unite
all the youths who share common values and beliefs. The next event will be
taking place during the summer in Germany for those who are interested.
For those who are unaware the Pope
is the head of the Roman Catholic
Church. Pope John Paul II was born on
May 18 th 1920 to the name Karol
Wojtyla. Pope John Paul studied for the
priesthood during the Nazi regime occupation in Poland during the Second
World War.
Though many individuals see a frail
man, the Pope was far from this. In his
youth the Pope loved to ski, hike, mountain climb, swim and kayak. Not only
was the Pope very athletic but he was
also defiant in his youth. This was
mainly shown on stage. It is said that
during the war he was part of an underground theatre group, against the Nazi’s orders. Even with all this the Pope
still managed the time to become a linguist enabling him to fluently speak 11
different languages, he has also written
many books.
However the Pope has not limited
himself to the above topics, he has also
taken a strong stand towards Christians
in stating what the church stands for.
Some individuals however believe that
his band on contraception, sex before
marriage, views against euthanasia,
Benjamin Wald
News Editor
Ann-Margaret Porcelli
Campus Life Editor
Rob Briza
Opinion Editor
Jason Dubeau
On an entirely different note,
having Paul McCartney at the Super Bowl halftime show was pure
genius. I didn't actually watch
much of the game, but I did tune in
for the half-time show. McCartney
still has class, and his upbeat renditions of old favourites like "Live
and Let Die" brings a smile to all
Beatles fans. Classic rock still has
that special something, and this
year's half-time show certainly
tops last years "Wardrobe malfunction." Cheers!
Entertainment Editor
Monica Pak
Sports Editor
Arts Editor
Andrew Meschader
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Ryan Desgroseilliers
Office Manager
Christina Looker
Production Manager
Sarah Jade Aubé
and a few others has hindered the democratization of the church.
Advertising Manager
With all the criticism that the Pope
has obtained he has managed to keep
his head high and stand by what the
church believes in. He is also one of the
most humble and forgiving men in the
world. This was shown a few years ago
when the Pope went to forgive a man
who tried to assassinate him. Pope John
Paul also attributes much of his life saving moments of his life to the Virgin
Mary. Though he may be what some
might say “strict”, the Pope is one of
the most humble individuals one could
ever meet, or see. For his love and
strength is passed to others right away.
He is always there to stand strong and
to be a pillar of strength for all Catholics. With all that this Pope had done
and will continue to do, the 84-yearold Pontiff must yet again fight off individuals who continue to urge papal retirement. As it stands now a Pope may
step down free of will but he cannot be
forced to step down. It is nobody’s business but his own to decide whether the
Pope is too old to continue as leader of
the church. For being a Pope is not a
job that one goes to everyday for thirty
years, rather it is an honor in the ability
to serve God and to preserve values that
the church believes in. The papacy is a
service to God, and individuals should
realize that there is no limit to the service one can provide to the Lord.
Tel: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389
Fax: (514) 457-6091
Office: H-041
Papacy: a Job or a Calling?
John Abbott College
P.O. Box 2000
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
H9X 3L9
A Good Old Fashioned Ramble
Greetings to all and sundry, and
welcome to another star studded
edition of the Bandersnatch. We
have an exciting issue lined up for
you, so stay
may notice a
new look to
some of our
sections this
week. We held
elections last
week, and now
have three new
editors to introduce
you, our adoring fans.
Archive Editor
Kathleen Stanhope
Foreign Languages Editor
Sara-Ann Amaya
Games Page Editor
Graham Kallio
Photographic Coordinator
Stephanie Dubois
Sarah Jade Aubé
Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative Press
at John Abbott College. It is published every two weeks
and is partially funded by the Student Activities
Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions are welcome in traditionally either English
or French and become property of the newspaper. Submissions must be on an IBM compatible diskette along
with a printed hard copy and MUST be in Text Format
(*.txt) or RichText Format (*.RTF). All submissions must
include the full name and telephone number of the contributor, as well as the e-mail address if applicable. The
staff reserves the right to reject or edit any submissions for length, legality, or clarity. Letters to Bandersnatch should be a maximum of 500 words but may see
print nonetheless if they are longer but worthwhile.
Neither spelling nor grammar will be corrected on letters to the editors, it is the responsibility of the contributor to correct them.
Submissions and letters should be dropped off at the
Bandersnatch office, located in the basement of
Herzberg, H-041 (across from the Hallway entrance of
the oval).
Education Minister Backed
Reform Met With Skepticism
A major reform of the
CEGEP system, which was introduced by Education Minister
Pierre Reid, has been met with
skepticism by local heads of
Although the details to
the Minister’s plan are expected
to be unveiled in February, preliminary information has been disappointing.
Smog Land
The experts report that the smog
events will likely disappear in the
near future when weather conditions
stabilize, and there are no immediate indications of an elevated risk of
smog events during the remainder
of the winter season.
It remains to be seen whether or
not the municipal governments will
take action to prevent the problem
from recurring in the event of a similar weather event.
By the time this article hits the
stands, faithful readers, the combination
Fundraiser and SUJAC-Club Day
will already be taking place—February 9, from 10 am to 3 pm, in The
If you get this early
enough, why not go on down to The
Agora and participate. There will
be games, contests and Club info
booths, not to mention lots of opportunities to donate funds for
Tsunami relief. SUJAC would like
to thank all the Clubs for your contributions. You have all worked
extraordinarily hard to set up your
fundraisers in addition to promoting your groups. You have done a
fantastic job preparing and no
doubt the actual event will reflect
this. A big thank you also to all
the other groups who joined in the
fundraising and to everyone who
participates and donated. The
money collected will go to a special Tsunami Relief fund organized
by the Free The Children organization and will be used to help rebuild schools in South East Asia
and to refurnish them with chairs,
desks, blackboards and other essentials.
Although Montreal has participated in occasional traffic restriction on single days, there has been
no comprehensive plan of any kind
due to the rarity of smog-related
events in the city, and some groups
have used the recent smog warning
to push for such legislation.
However we will have to wait
until the Education Minister makes
his discions to see what lies in the
future of Quebec students.
To be implemented in the new
reform, CEGEPs will no longer be
forced to reject applicants “on the
basis of not having a High School
diploma,” according to the article
in the Chronicle . Also, new certificates will be introduced that can be
given to students
that have not completed a DEC, but
where the work
they have put in is
given consideration.
changes go along
with some others
that many new students coming in to
CEGEP in the next
few years will be
able to take advantage of, like not
having to attend
night classes in
lieu of failing one of
their High School
final exams.
SUJAC Update
Continued from page 1...
The smog is most prevalent during evening and night hours, in contrast to more heavily polluted cities
such as Los Angeles, which frequently experience broad-daylight
smog alerts during the summer. Several larger cities have had to implement complex pollution management systems in order to compensate for smog problems, resulting in
alternating restrictions on automobile access to the downtown core and
strong regulation of heavy industry.
For example, John Abbott is
equipped and ready to introduce a
new pharmaceutical-technology
diploma program, and proposed
such a program seven years ago.
However, becaue it has yet to be
approved by the education department, John Abbott is unable to
offer it. Instead, a one-year intensive program was introduced, and
backed by McGill. However, in order to apply one must be 18 years
old or have taken a minimum oneyear break. This is unfortunate,
Henderson, forty percent of the Canadian pharmaceutical industry is
based in the West Island. However, both Henderson and Pierre
Schetagne, and the director general of College Gérald Godin, remain optimistic and hopeful. Both
believe that even these “minor adjustments” are a step in the right
One of the most disappointing
issues for John Abbott director
general, Keith Henderson, is the
Government’s refusal to decentralize CEGEP power,and grant autonomy to individual CEGEPs.
According to The West Island’s
Chronicle Keith Henderson was
quoted as saying “They’re just
Band-Aid solutions.” According to
that article, Henderson related
that Quebec is the only jurisdiction in North America that does
not grant colleges the autonomy
to introduce new programs to
their curriculums without governmental approval. While each
CEGEP has some liberty in choosing which programs they will have
see the standardization of CEGEP
curriculum as hinderance.
Jeffrey Katz
Staff Writer
ATTENTION! All students interested in Student Union! Everyone
interested in making a difference
in your school, in having a say in
how things are run at John Abbott
College, WE NEED YOU. Drop by
the SUJAC office in P-101 to find
out about running for Congress.
Congress is the decision- making
representative body of the Student
Union and by becoming a Congress rep,
you have a voice.
Nominations will
be opening soon
and this will be
one of your last
to make an impact this semester.
any interest
in becoming
a SUJAC Executive next
year, drop
and pick up
your nomination form
That’s all for this week but
watch this space for more updates
about what’s going on in your Student Union.
campus life
How Could it Happen to me?
that term whenever they feel inspired.)
Shock enters my system, and I try again
and again to remember what I had
thought of for my English assignment.
Lauren Filiatreault
Staff Writer
It seems that all of us have suffered
from writer’s block, either one time or
many times. So, I have written a true
story that took place in the Fall semester of 2004, during the last painful
weeks of college. I hope it can help all of
you who need the cure to writer’s block.
Then, realization hits my head like a
sledgehammer. I am suffering from writer’s block.
I can’t believe it! At important times
of my life, when I need creativity and
inspiration, nothing comes to me. All
the other times in certain classes, I
would sometimes tone out the voice of
the teacher and let my imagination entertain me with all sorts of weird yet
highly amusing thoughts.
As I sit in front of my computer, I
make a mental note of finishing that
English assignment within one hour.
However, as I face the writing document
and that little ‘helpful’ paper clip tool
that pops up every ten minutes and
freezes my writing process with it’s sardonic smile, I freeze and breathe before
I write. I try to collect up all my thoughts
that I formed inside my mind to write
for the assignment. Unfortunately,
there is nothing but a black void where
my thoughts and my muse were. (A
muse is a goddess in Greek mythology
that comes down to this world and helps
inspire artists. Writers, painters, musicians and all sorts of other artists use
I internally begin to panic. Five minutes have passed since I became aware
of my predicament. I try to surf the
Internet to find all sorts of things that
manage to break down the blockade in
my mind, but it seems the blockade has
become a strong fortress, complete
with strong military assistance.
After a few minutes, I realize that
nothing is going to save me from this
mess. With a sigh of disgust, I push away
from the computer, informing my family that I’m off the computer, and head
upstairs, to the comfort of my bedroom.
to some of your favourite music, but
try to not wander away completely
from your home. Rule 4 – Try to write
in a journal, all your thoughts and emotions, even if they sound silly, it will only
be you who reads it. (Unless you haven’t
invested in a lock safe to prevent nosy
siblings prying through it. Rule 5 – Take
a walk, to get some fresh air and let the
exercise calm you down.
Upon entering, I decide to finish up
some other assignments that can be
done without the help (or lack thereof)
of my ‘muse’. As I pick up a book, I flip
through the pages, until something
catches my eye. It is a piece of white
paper on the floor, and when I turn it
around, I realize that it was a handout I
kept from my old English class in Grade
Nine. It was titled, “Points to Ponder:
How to Cure Writer’s Block”. I found
some irony in the timing of finding this
piece paper, and begin to read its contents.
Soon after I read the “Five Golden
Rules” (as my teacher said with obvious pride), I finally felt my writer’s
block begin to rift away and my creative spirit came back to. I finally remembered what I was going to write
for that English assignment, and I hurried down to computer, finding it unoccupied and ready for the taking.
Rule 1 – Try not to think of the whole
subject you’re writing about. Write out
the main points you want to write about,
and then write one paragraph per
point.Rule 2 – Try to relax, as being
stressed can bring nothing. Rule 3 – If
you can’t seem to concentrate on the
subject, or you don’t have any inspiration, perform an activity that relaxes
you. Read a book, watch a movie, listen
I completed that English assignment
in a half hour, and it made feel so proud
of myself from conquering that writer’s
block. Now, if you don’t mind me, I’m
going to reward myself watching the latest Family Guy episode, right after I finish an article for writer’s block.
you can read on, like people do when
they are offended, like watching a car
crash, for instance. You know you
really shouldn’t be watching this but
you just can’t look away. It’s like
saying, “Hey look, a mangled,
bloody, heap of something that used
to be a person. Let’s stare at it, because it disgusts me just so much.
This is the beginning of the article. There are many similar to it, but
this one belongs to this article. This
article is useless without the beginning. The beginning is useless without the article. It usually consists of
an opening sentence which catches
your attention, like “Hello JACers”
in Wet Ink, by “my Julie” Julia
Dovings, or “Batista will have a main
event match at Wrestlemania 21, in
Los Angels, California, because of
his victory in the Royal Rumble.” in
Off the Top Rope, by R-Prime. The
article continues by explaining the
opening sentence, and the paragraph
standing in the Royal Rumble. But if
you are still interested, this is the
part where facts are used to support
one of the statements in the opening
paragraph. Sometimes they are controversial, sometimes they are
funny, or sometimes they just
fall flat leading
you to use this issue
Bandersnatch to
clean up the coke
you spilled. It
continues to go
on and on and on
and on, like I’m
doing right now.
By the second paragraph you
should already know if you want to
continue reading, or go to read the
column next to it, in this case Physician: Impossible, by Julia Garland.
Or, for all those Wrestling fans reading this, you have probably decided
to ditch My Two Cents, to go read
about how Batista was the last man
By now, the article may have offended some readers (*cough* Wet
Ink). But that’s not a stab at Julia,
that’s just me writing the first thing
that pops into my head...which isn’t
always the best thing to do when
your writing. It can make for a really bad this one. So,
The fourth Paragraph is usually
shorter than the rest...especially
when you have no real ideas, nor do
arguments...that’s why this paragraph is so short...yeah.
Finally, the conclusion, boy am I
happy to be here, and
probably so are you.
Thank you for not
switching over to
Wet Ink. The conclusion is just as important as the beginning
of the article. This is
the part where the
article breaks down. It can get pretty
intense. Here, we basically say the
same things we did in the beginning.
This is the end of the article. There
are many similar to it, but this one
belongs to this article. This article is
useless without the end. The end is
useless without the article. That’s all
I got for this issue.
Rob Says:
Tire fires
Wanna get laid? Well, I can’t
help you there. But what I can do
is help you become a better kisser
just in time for Valentine’s Day.
Well, maybe not, but I will tell you
some experiences of some people
I’ve talked to about this subject regarding their best and worst kisses.
One girl admitted to her worst kiss
being with her old boyfriend. “We
were making out, and after the kiss,
he proceeded to lick my entire face
like a dog!” She also says, “We were
making out, and he nipped my
lower lip a bit, but then he bit my
lip so hard he drew blood.” Well,
now you all know what not to do.
The neck is a nice place to lick, and
the lips as well, but the face is way
overboard. As far as the lip biting
one, nibbling can be hot, but getting a fat lip is definitely not. Her
best kiss ever was when “He had
just dropped me off from our date,
and I was standing a step above
him in front of my house, and out
of nowhere he brushed my hair
away from my eyes and kissed me.
It was so cute and unexpected.”
Another girl said, “My worst kiss
campus life
was this guy who really didn’t
know what he was doing. His lips
tense and he kept opening and
closing his mouth like a goldfish
and he blew into my mouth!!!” I really don’t know what to say about
this one, just no. One of the tricks
I’ve used before that just made a
guy turn to mush was I slowly
licked his bottom lip then the top
one seductively. Sucking the lower
lip is also a good one. Rider Strong
admitted that his first kiss was his
worst. “It was so awkward.... and
the girl bit my tongue!” he said. His
best one was, “There was this girl
who could give the best kisses. She
would just let our lips touch and
that was so hot cause you feel this
really intense tension building up.
Sometimes less is more.” Just be
passionate and do what you think
would feel good. Make soft strokes
with your tongue and please, don’t
tense your lips. The best kiss I ever
had was from one guy I dated. The
first time he kissed me he just
leaned in and placed his soft lips
against mine, pulled away slightly,
and again. It’s the kind of kiss you
still think about a year later. He
didn’t even use his tongue (although I found out he’s very good
at that too). ^_^ Before I go, I just
want to tell all you faithful readers
that I’m open to suggestions so if there’s a topic
you want to be in the paper (and I’m pretty open
minded) if I can find
something to write, I’ll
do it! Plus if you have a
question I’ll try to help
you as best as I can. Just
type it up (or write it) and
or bring it to the
Bandersnatch office located across from the
oval. See ya later!
Everyone knows the feeling: five minutes to run from the Casgrain basement
to Herzberg fourth floor with an empty
stomach and a three-hour class looming
ahead. Having forgotten to pack a lunch
and having no time to check out the options at the cafeteria usually leaves the
vending machines or the Munch Box as
your only alternatives. Although these
are not considered the healthiest choices,
they will have to do. Avoiding them usually means going hungry, which can make
it hard to concentrate in class, not to mention may cause you to overindulge later
tion can help boost nutritional value and
help you feel fuller longer. Take M&M’s
for example. Choosing a bag of the peanut
variety over regular milk chocolate kind
will provide about 5g of protein or about
10% (depending on your height) of the
daily recommended value. Grabbing a bag
of pretzels over potato chips, will save you
approximately 14g of fat, including 3g of
saturated fat. The fiber and complex carbohydrates in the pretzels will also help
you feel more satisfied. Another substitute to the innocent looking potato chip is
a snack-sized bag of peanuts. Although,
like the pretzels, they are full of unnecessary sodium, peanuts provide fiber, protein and are a relatively good source of
mono-unsaturated fat. This combination
of nutrients will provide a quick jolt of
longer lasting energy compared to the
sugar-induced rush that a candy bar
The coin-operated snack bars that
seem to be around every corner of John
Abbott College and that tempt hurried
students are chock-full of diet disasters.
Chocolate bars, chips and sugary drinks
are not only unhealthy and calorie-rich,
they can also leave you feeling languid and
unsatisfied soon after consuming them.
Fortunately, hidden among the candy and
cola are some moderately healthy options. Even making the smallest substitu-
Another common mistake is buying
a baked good with the false hope that it
will contain some nutrition. According to
Anne Smith, John Abbott’s own Health
the back of her knees. So she puts
her legs stretched out over his
forearms and he stands up. If he
gets tired, put her back against the
wall and use it for support.
By-weekly position:
This week’s position is a
twist on stand-up sex.
The guy sits on the edge
of the bed and the girl sits
on his lap. Instead of him
holding her up by her
butt, he holds her up by
Education nurse, this may not be the best
choice; “The muffins are basically a slice
of cake.” She also warns about being
tricked into the claim of a product being
"made with real fruit", such as the pre-packaged strudels. “Nutritionally speaking,
they are like eating a slice of white bread
with jam, with loads of extra fat and sugar.”
Safe Snacks on Campus
craving while still providing the body with
a wide array of nutrients. Water is sugar
free, fat free and subsequently guilt free
while quenching a thirst that might have
been confused for hunger. 100% Orange
juice provides vitamin C and also provides
a good dose of folate and potassium.
Choosing a meal when time is of the
essence may sound like a challenge, but it
can be done. Choosing some of the obviously healthy options out of the fresh food
machines such as a piece of fruit or a yogurt and pairing it with a grilled cheese
sandwic h on whole wheat and a carton of
milk is a simple, quick and filling choice.
Buying a bag of pretzels with a bottle of
100% apple juice is just as easy as buying
a coke and bag of chips, while choosing a
carton of chocolate milk over a candy bar
will probably fill you up just as much.
When it comes to choosing the beverage part of your snack, the choices can be
equally as confusing. It is common knowledge that colas and most carbonated beverages are full of sugar and void of practically any nutritional value. Surprisingly
some fruit drinks, such as Fruitopia and
Minute-Maid fruit cocktails, are just as bad.
Packed with additives, such as colour and
flavour, they often contain as much sugar
as carbonated drinks. As stated by Oxford
County Health, a group of dietitians situated in Ontario, 355ml of Fruitopia (the
bottles contain 473ml) contains 9.5 teaspoons of sugar (cola contains 10 tsp) and
contains only 11% real fruit juice. An equal
amount of Five Alive contains 10 tsp of
sugar, although it does contain 54% real
Meanwhile, Powerade and
Gatorade, each contain 6 and 4.5 teaspoons respectively.
While the vending machines on campus do not provide the healthiest food options around, taking a couple extra minutes to make good choices will save you
from hundreds of unnecessary calories
and hopefully keep you feeling more satisfied and ready to tackle the challenges
All this being said, the more important fact is that these sugary drinks are
taking the place of more nutritionally balanced options, such as milk, water and
actual fruit juices. Milk is the ultimate,
natural meal supplement and, even better, chocolate milk can calm a chocolate
The information provided within this
column/section is provided solely to
raise awareness about health issues that
affect young adults. Any specific concerns or questions should be directed to
a health care professional.
campus life
JAC rolls up a sleeve
eighty seconds somebody is in need
of blood to survive, up to four patients
can regain their health using a single
blood donation, and over one thousand donors are needed on a daily
basis. Unfortunately these statistics
are in no way close to being a reality,
we need blood but so few qualified
potential donors are motivated
enough to take an hour out of their
precious day to give a small
four-hundred and fifty
milliliters of blood.
Jason Dubeau
Opinion Editor
On Monday, January 31, the Agora
of John Abbott was host to the blooddonor clinic Héma-Québec. According to the statement from HémaQuébec, one-hundred and forty-one
pints were collected, which is an increase of one pint from September
2004’s results.
Although the amount of
donations increased from
last semester however, it
still remains a somewhat
lamentable amount considering Abbott accommodates over five thousand
students, and nearly four
hundred professors. We
could have done much better but at least some people made an
Only three percent of
Quebecois give blood and
that is a tragic number, if
more Abbott students
could donate, we could
make a difference, so
please, if you are qualified,
make an effort next time the
blood clinic is in the Agora.
In my personal opinion blood donations are important, my mother is
a first-aid instructor and she always
donated blood, and now she wants me
to take up the torch for her due to
medical problems. I confess I am waiting very impatiently to donate because I unfortunately fall under the
thirty percent of students under eighteen years of age.
We also must consider roughly
thirty percent of Abbott students are
under eighteen years of age and the
fact that many students may have antibodies in their blood with disqualifies them to donate blood.
Now to anyone who does not see
the point of donating blood we need
to consider the following. Every
What Is SUJAC?
sity seats and eleven technical programs some of these seats are already filled but there are always a
few open seats. Congress is the representative body of the student
union. Its purpose is to supply a
student perspective on issues that
effect the college and make decisions on behalf of the student
body. They also sit as student reps
on every single committee within
the school. Congress is also the
body that elects the SUJAC executives and has the power to impeach
an executive should it become
necessary. Congress
meets every week
on Monday at 5:30
to discuss issues and
vote on motions
brought forward by
its members.
Student Union, John Abbott College
“SUJAC what’s that?” This is
something we have all heard, heck
unless we have a problem with a
teacher or policy there’s usually no
reason to find out about John
Abbott’s student union. However,
there’s a lot happening behind the
scenes in student government that
most students are not aware of and
it can have an impact on you as a
student. So in order to clear a few
things up this article will explain the
basic organization
of SUJAC, the John
Abbott student union.
The first level of
student union is
the student congress. The seats in
Congress are split
into pre-university
and technical programs. There is one pre university
seat for every one hundred twenty
five students in pre university programs and one technical program
seat per one hundred twenty five
technical program students. Presently there are thirty pre-univer-
against teachers and the VP financial signs for the student unions expenditures. At the same time each
executive has his or her own
projects and activities which they
organize and run during the semester. The executive meets every
Wednesday to discuss important
issues that they have come across
during the week and to agree upon
long range plans for the student
John Abbott student union. That’s
what goes on in the shadowy back
rooms of political power. If anything in this article has you interested then maybe student union
might be for you. Drop by the office in p-101 to learn more. Even if
student government sounds as dull
as watching paint dry at least now
you know more about the workings of John Abbott College and
maybe it will stand you in good
So that’s the low down on the
The other level of
student government
is an executive consisting of five positions:
Vice President Internal, Vice President Academic,
Vice President Financial and Vice
President External. Each of the executives has responsibilities
within their own domain. For example the VP Academic deals with
grade reviews and grievances
Brave New
Andrew Mescheder
Arts Editor
Greetings fellow art lovers
(and haters). Welcome to the newly
renovated Art and Culture section of
Bandersnatch, where demons and
desires are free to take flight; where
the lost and despairing call home and
the screams of the angels are all that is
heard within the Pit…
Finally, I wish once more to
fall at your mercy, to beg again for
aid. With this new format, both
mentally and structurally, must come a
new banner for the section.
Something befitting of this new
beginning that…but I am placing
restrictions. All it need have is the
word ARTS, the rest I leave to you.
Too much? Sorry, I tend to
get carried away. But what else is art
for if not the free exchange of passion,
of the unleashing of the utter fury that
lives within us all? I hope to use this
section to its full capacity, allowing an
unbridled fervor to dominate within
the realm of these pages. So consider
this a cry from one soul to those of
thousands: lend me your hearts!
Unleash upon me your fears, your
passions, your loves and hates! Any
medium you choose, be it writing,
photography, drawing, sculpture, all
will be considered and (I guarantee)
overanalyzed until its true beauty is
understood. But wait, there’s more…
I am hopeful for the future.
Well, for this section, anyway. I look
forward to this opportunity I have
been given, and am optimistic about
the small glimpses of souls I am soon
to be blessed with. For now, fellow
soul-searchers, I look to the Pit…
Kim Ekstrand
I am your sacrificial lamb, prostrate upon your altar
Along with a change in
metaphorical structure, I aspire to
inform the less art-inclined to this
world that affects us all. Art surrounds us, as it is a reflection of the
culture we live in. And thus this
challenge is offered: lend me your
knowledge! Been to an interesting art
show in New York at the MOMA?
Have an opinion on the student film
festival?If you have a soul that can be
touched through the aforementioned
mediums, you have a right to an
opinion, and it is as valid as any art
expert’s. I beg of you not to let these
feelings be wasted, but rather vicariously shared.
I hold the knife in my own hand, my hand it never falters
Drop by drop my blood runs down, to feed your hunger
and greed
While I worship at your idol, hoping you’ll take heed
And you drink deep of my blood and pain,
A thirsting God, and all in vein
For when I cry for you at night,
All you do is hold out the knife
Sara Leblanc
He never loved you, you know that don’t
Not your incessant FEELINGS! or your
physical pains,
Yes. Yes of COURSE it’s red! Sluts bleed red
just like everyone else!
He used you.
He doesn’t want you anymore.
That, did you think you were special?
For years!
You, with breasts that never pleased him,
who’s stomach was just this side of flat
Oh you are just priceless!
You who cannot stay warm, you who dare to
ask of him, you made of glass, you made of
Bleeding your blood.
Of course he’d only want you in the
absence of something else, something
Are you too righteous to admit that living
the lie felt better?
Don’t you see?
Don’t you get it?
It’s all here.
How many times has he left and returned,
your venerable white knight, your honoured
copper skinned warrior?
How many times has he come crawling back,
seeking your comfort and grace?
How many times have your forgiven him his
mistakes and let him slither back to your
waiting arms,
Slither back to your blind eyes,
Your trusting soul,
Your aching body,
You’d have done anything for a hug
wouldn’t you?
Living off the scraps of compliments tossed
to the dirt,
There you go again, crying your tears.
Purging your shame.
Did you really think otherwise?
Are you too ashamed to admit that you liked
it when he used you, whore?
Did you REALLY?
Slice a little deeper.
Oh, you WHORE! You are just TOO much!
Be a little more precise.
Hmm-Hmmm...Look at you, crying again.
Just do it.
There’s no one here to dry your tears, and
there never will be, you know that don’t
Do it.
You’re scarred. You’re baggage. You’re a
burden. You’re a whore.
You know that your kind doesn’t cry, they
don’t care. They f***, they suck, they
move on. Just like him. were SO easy!
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Elizabeth Knowles
Whores never hesitate!
Hmmm-hmmm...more tears.
It’s no wonder you never get anything
Check This Out!!!
Art Spectacle of the
“The Goat” or “Who is Sylvia?”
by Edward AlbeeCentaur Theatre
Artist of the Week
Jackson PollockAmericanA b stract Expressionist Painter
So Hot Right Now
The Pompadour (it’s due for a
Art Quote of the Week
"Up for a little reconnaissance?"
"Is that were we sculpt and paint
and stuff?"
"That’s the Renaissance."
-Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Artsy Film of the
Seven (weak of stomach need
not apply)
If you haven’t seen this movie,
you haven’t lived.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
You what?!?
You LOVED him?
So what’s so different this time, whore?
What’s so devastating about this predicted
Love is not for you!
Oh, I see. Finally you understand!
Love is for the girls who are allowed to ask
for pleasure!
Yes, of COURSE he lied. Did you think he
Love is for the user, not the used!
Love is not for you.
Did you really think he cared about you
enough to speak the truth?
And yet you cry! Is this not the Truth you
Did you REALLY think you were anything
more than a body to him?
Dare you admit it to yourself, your own
Truth that you hid from him?
He’s happier now that he’s had his fix, you
know that don’t you?
Dare you admit that you are just as
miserable alone as you were with him?
Think of it whore. He no longer has the
burden of spending one night a week with
Hmmm-hmmm!...there’s a way to end it...
You know that don’t you?
He no longer needs to remember your name,
There’s a way to sleep again,
Your face,
To be able to rest again,
Your desires or wants,
To feel proud, to feel loved, to feel clean
He can do who he wants when he wants, he
doesn’t have to tolerate you anymore.
Just cut where he touched you.
Not your formidable intellect,
Let him out.
Not your fervent beliefs or your precious
Let the filth of his lies out.
Weekly Artistic Reviews
So why can’t you?
Subsisting on the drops of emotion that
formed only at night.
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Whoever said Canadian music has to suck?
They became the more respectable Tegan and Sara after a mishap with their electrical equipment (which, in indie-rock jargon,
really translates to someone broke
the P.A. system) and they’ve been
more acoustic than electric ever
Monica Pak
Entertainment Editor
Someone mentions the name
Tegan and Sara to you in the context of a favourite musical band
and the first thing that pops into
your mind is how much it sounds
like some second rate pop-punk
chick band. And while that might
deter some from having a listen, to
let Tegan and Sara fall through the
cracks like that would be a mistake.
Produced by such Canadian artists as Hawksley Workman and Neil
Young, Tegan and Sara went on to
later be picked up by the Lilith
Fair, Rufus Wainwright, the Pretenders, and Ben
Calgary born twins, Tegan and
Sara, have been a folk-rock-poppunk duo on the Canadian scene for
almost a decade, breaking
Calgary’s small-town curse in 1998
after winning first place in
Calgary’s battle-of-the-bands “Garage Warz” (god, they were still
using z’s to replace s’s in the late
nineties? Lame.) as the teen-punk
band, Plunk, at the age of 15.
What you
really need to
these twins,
though, is that
good music.
And with that
comes the in-
seems to be the gutsier, huskier,
riskier side of the two. You can
track the progression these two
have taken since Under Feet Like
Ours to last year’s So Jealous, as
they have become increasingly
less traditional (in the ways of redone-none-too-special indie rock)
to a newer, fresher, and noticeably
bolder sound.
evitable question, “What do you
consider particularly good?” The
beauty of these two is that you really can’t quite say they belong to
any particular genre (hence the inclination to associate just about
every musical genre in the above
identification.) From tracks such
as Come On and Proud off of their
first album, Under Feet Like Ours
(1999), to My Number (This Business of Art - 2000 and featured on
the Sweet November soundtrack),
to Monday, Monday, Monday (If
It Was You - 2002) and
finally Speak Slow off of
their newest album So
Jealous, the range of
Tegan and Sara’s
musical influences
is obviously vast.
So it’s not just cute haircuts and
intriguing tattoos that make the
bulk of this band. It’s the distinct
sense of freedom that these two
seem to breathe into their music,
and the way in which the music (as
well as the videos) make you feel
like they’re still this unknown
indie-rock duo who hasn’t quite
gotten their foot in the door, so
they’re just messing around until
someone picks them up.
Sara’s voice,
which is the noticeably smoother
one, croons on the
tracks while Tegan
The magic is that they have
been picked up, and you can catch
them live on February 18 at La
this book.
the earth. The aliens simply have
some of their number transform
into bills, and use these bills to
buy all the property in the world.
They insist that they are breaking no laws this way.
Clifford D. Simak has a
host of science fiction books,
many of them quite odd. It is
hard to imagine, however, anything done before or since that
could match the surreal experience of “They Walked Like
Men.” It is written in that distinctive 50’s pulp style that I, for
one, happen to love. It may be a
tad chauvinistic, and a bit outdated, but it will definitely catch
your interest. It also features
engagingly bizarre plot twists,
and one of the lowest key alien
invasions ever.
prices, and the closing dates are
all the same. Shortly
after he starts to prepare a story on this,
the main character's
own dresser tries to
kill him. The main
character is particularly upset that it is
his dresser, the piece
of furniture that a
man trusts to keep
his clothing, that has
tried to kill him. A
drawer wouldn’t be
so bad, but his
dresser is the ultimate betrayal. The
story develops that a
shapechanging aliens are trying to buy
The main character in this
bizarre tale is a journalist. It
seems that a mysterious company is buying up huge chunks
of real estate at exorbitant
This story reads as an odd
criticism of the consumer society we live in, and the dissociation of money from value. It is
also an interesting look at what
it's like to feel your whole world,
literally and metaphorically, become strange and incomprehensible. The main character’s confusion serves as an excellent
metaphor for the confusion of
many modern people in a world
that seems beyond our control.
The characters in this
story, particularly the female
are not particularly well
The main focus of this
story is on the
plot, and the
This is a fault
of many early
science fiction, and fits
with the 50’s
pulp style. It
does little to
detract from
the charm of
This is an excellent book,
by an excellent author. It mixes
humor, satire, sadness and disorientation in an expert montage.
Like all of Clifford D. Simak’s
works, it takes science fiction cliches, and breaths new life into
them in a direction no one else
could have predicted. If you like
your science fiction just a little
bit kooky, this may be the book
for you. See you again next issue.
would he have his position, but he
would shove the Quebec flag they
were baring “where the sun doesn’t
shine”. Batista made short work of
La Resistance, and he did, shall we
say, defile the Quebec flag.
Batista will have a main event
match at Wrestlemania 21, in Los
Angels, California, because of his
victory in the Royal Rumble. The
only problem is, it is currently uncertain if he is facing Triple H for
the World Heavyweight title
(Raw), or John Bradshaw Layfield
(JBL), for the WWE title (Smack
Randy Orton beat Batista, one
week before his qualification, to
have the number one contender’s
spot, for the Heavyweight title, at
Royal Rumble. And he saw this
new opportunity to “have his destiny fulfilled”, and reclaim the
Heavyweight title, and once again
hold the title his father and grandfather never had, and be the
youngest champion in history.
And so, in their match, Orton set
up for the RKO, but Triple H saw
it coming and sent him into the
corner before hitting a knee lift.
Triple H set up for the Pedigree
once again, but Orton countered
into a clothesline for a near fall.
After missing a DDT, Orton
seemed out on his feet. As the ref-
Raw’s General Manager, Eric
Bishoff, offered Batista a spot in
the Royal Rumble, but he refused
on orders from fellow Evolution
member Triple H. But, he later decided to take Bishoff up on his offer, thinking that it would be better to keep the World Heavyweight title in Evolution. But,
when he went to go to Bishoff to
get his position, La Resistance
were there asking Bishoff for his
spot. So, Batista challenge La Resistance to a Royal Rumble qualifier handicap match, if La resistance won, they would take his
spot, if Batista won, not only
eree checked on him, Triple H
nailed both of them in the corner,
knocking the ref out in the process. With the ref down, Triple H
went for his trusty Sledgehammer.
As Triple H went in for the kill,
Orton sent The Game face-first
into the ring post. As both Superstars crawled back into the ring,
Triple H hit a clothesline and the
Pedigree for the win to retain his
World Heavyweight Championship.
Lugar, making them “co-winners”.
Batista and John Cena did the
same, causing the ring side referees to argue over who hit the
floor first. Then the WWE chairman, Vince McMahon came out to
the ring and ordered Batista and
John Cena to resume the match,
and Batista won. The next week on
raw, footage of JBL, the WWE
champion, saying that Batista isn’t
even in the same league as him,
and challenging him to come to
Smack Down, and face him at
Wrestlemania, instead of Triple H.
And, on top of that, Teddy Long,
Smack Down’s general manager,
made a spectacular offer to
Batista, to face JBL. Who will
Batista face at
21, on the biggest stage of
them all? Will
he stay on
Raw, and face
Triple H for
title, or will
Smack Down,
to face John
Bradshaw Layfield, for the WWE
championship? Only time will tell.
In their bitter rivalry, dating
back to Taboo Tuesday when
Shawn Micheals was voted by the
WWE fans, to face Triple H for his
title, over Edge and Chris Benoit,
Edge continuously claimed
that everyone is
out to get him,
and took his anger out on the
Hart Break Kid.
And they had
their match to
settle the score,
and Edge won.
And finally to
the Royal Rumble. It looked like it would be 1994
all over again, when Bret Hart hit
the floor at the same time as Lex
Keeping an eye out for the One Hit Wonders
produce a full-length album under an indie label. With the release of the single “Brick”, the
group found itself suddenly and
unexpectedly successful. However, the momentum of this
achievement was not enough to
carry forward their next album,
which, while pleasing to their
Zofia Zysman-Colman and
Brandon Moy
Some bands will work years
for their moment in the spotlight, for the one song that will
make their name. But when
their fifteen minutes are up, and
have turned to
the next act du
jour, not every
band is ready to
call it quits. Flying low under
the radar, a few
groups continue
to put out good
scant airtime and little popular
fans, failed to register in the
popular consciousness. Pretty
soon, the band imploded and
each artist went on to form his
own group.
Take Ben Folds Five (don’t be
deceived by the name, there are
only three members: Darren
Jessee, Robert Sledge and Ben
Folds himself). The band, who
hails from middle-of-nowhere
redneck America, managed to
In some ways, the demise of
Ben Folds Five can be viewed as
one of a myriad of casualties in
a business whose halls are lit-
tered with the bones of music
hopefuls - guys who had the talent, but for some reason, failed
to woo the public. The recipe
was off, the timing was wrong –
they were too avant-garde, or
maybe too retro. The balance
between who makes it and who
flops is very fine and the tastes
of the masses, capricious. But
Jessee, Sledge, and Folds have
each gone on to find a marginal,
if esoteric, success. They continue to release music, sell out
small venues and have accrued
an eccentric, but loyal following.
company exec and who truly
drop out of existence after their
five seconds of stardom? Remember the Spice Girls? Isn’t
one of them married to David
It might have something to do
with self-sufficiency, with having imagination and ability. The
same qualities that can rocket
you to stardom can just as easily lead to your popular ruin. The
Spice Girls will probably never
live to sing another good tune (I
said good tune; Mel C’s solo album doesn’t count), but I have
my hopes for Ben Folds.
It’s a hard industry to crack,
to be sure. A band’s luck can
take the opposite turn and after
years of releasing solid albums
that flounder in obscurity, suddenly break into the limelight.
Such was the case for groups like
Incubus and Blur.
What separates these bands
from the other purveyors of One
Hit Wonders, the ones that are
slapped together with scotch
tape and marketing by a record
Ben Gibbard makes me (and you) love pop music
a name like Death Cab for Cutie
(whose origins lie in a song title from
an sixties group
called the Bonzo
Band) or The
Postal Service with
every other emo
name you’ve ever
heard, but their
music is anything
but that.
Monica Pak
Entertainment Editor
Humble beginnings are what we like
to hear from our favourite bands, and
Gibbard has nailed it
better than most of
bands. I’m tempted
to group his efforts
with those of concurrent teeny-pop bands
such as Rooney simply because they’ve both been featured in one way or another on the
O.C., but every time I pop in Death
Cab for Cutie’s The Photo Album
Transatlanticism, or better yet,
The Postal Service’s Give Up, I’m
constantly reminded that Ben
Gibbard is more than your average pop musician.
Gibbard’s work
as singer-songwriter for both
Death Cab for Cutie and Postal
Service seem to present two contrasting yet surprisingly interwoven sides of his creative work.
Death Cab’s sound, which is distinctly more traditional, is infused
with a more mellow, slower, and
deliberate treatment of lyrics and
music. Vocals are well paced and
confident, with lyrics that often visit
the familiar memories of teenaged
You’re tempted, I know, to shelf
love, reminiscence, and family.
recognize something really compelling in these two bands. Maybe
there’s something different about
Death Cab’s earnesty, or the way
The Postal Service seems to share
a secretive childishness with the listener. Whatever it is, it works.
The Postal Service, on the other
hand, sounds more like Gibbard’s
outlet for the musical experiments
he’s been pushing around in his
free time. The songs, which are
lighter and sprinkled with obscure
sounds (some of which sound like
wind-up toys and Nintendo’s Super Mario theme), similarly have a
sort of child-like reminiscence of the
Favourite tracks to look out for
on 2003’s The Postal Service release Give Up include ‘Such Great
Heights’ (whose cover by Iron and
Wine was featured on last
year’s independent film Garden
State), ‘District
Sleeps Alone Tonight’, and ‘Brand
New Colony’.
Check for ‘Title
and Registration’,
(from last summer’s Olympic
ads by Bell), and ‘A Lack of Color’
off of Death Cab for Cutie’s 2003
release Transatlanticism.
Guest vocalists
Jen Wood and
(from Rilo Kiley)
help with a sort of
narrative-like feel
to the lyrics, and
the smooth singing that Gibbard
offers is nothing
short of daydream-like.
And it’s sad to say, but despite
my usual aversion to pop music, I
Half Life 2: Video Cocaine?
has a few standalone games being
created, one which is being released this spring. With an Audigy
2 soundcard the EAX features are
amazingly distinguished and the
game music is perfectly timed for
different events throughout the
game. The enemies in Half Life 2
have amazing AI (artificial intelli-
Graham Kallio
Games Editor
The G-man has warped
gamers mind once again, with a
game that has created a standard
for all the future first person shooters (FPS). Half Life has dominated
the gaming and online gaming
world since 1998, it all started with
basic half life deathmatch, then
team fortress and slowly CounterStrike and last but not least Day Of
Defeat which ensured that Half life
had conquered the FPS online
gaming world. But enough about
the past, it’s time for the present.
gence) no matter how many times
you die and do a level over again
in multiple ways, every single time
enemies engage combat with you,
they react differently, use different tactics and will dodge any grenade you throw without diving
into walls, doors or anything that
is non-moveable. All the enemies
are non-scripted and use objects
to thier advantage, for example I
was entering a parking lot and a
few combine (marine like enemies) took cover behind a destroyed car and were shooting
through the broken windows and
while one solider gave covering
fire, the other tried to sneak up on
me from behind a bunch of barrels and crates. Another great
thing about the characters is that
they have different facial expressions and when killed, have rag
doll physics which in simple terms
means you can shoot them down
stairs and they will act like a real
body would, legs, arms and other
body parts move when shot and
move to the angle and force which
is implied. The weapons in half life
2 are fun to mess around with and
test out the insane Source engine,
for example picking up things from
tin cans to cars with a gravity gun
that you acquire in the game. Also
the incredible rocket launcher is
fun to test out on moving cars and
launching objects flying across the
map. I almost forgot about the
amazing vehicles that are usable in
Half Life 2 had an original
story line, addictive game play,
the world’s best physics and
graphics engine and not to add the
incredible sound quality and EAX
features, ohh ya, the soundtrack to
this game is by far the best soundtrack to date. Half Life 2 was delayed over 2 years but was by far
worth the wait and every penny it
cost. The game starts off right were
the first one left off, your working
for the g-man, who sends you into
city 17 as a mercenary and you
meet many interesting people including a security guard and a scientist from the first game.
The Source engine which is
in control of the graphics and physics is quite amazing, bodies tumble down stairs, grenades bounce
like they should, all objects are
movable with the proper amount
of force and with a decent video
card the characters in this game
are almost life like. The Source Engine has had me amazed with what
PC games have become, it's engine
is the next step in FPS video
games. The Source engine already
are used to the old CS. My favourite part of CS: S is the effects of grenades and flash bangs with the advance EAX features such as a temporary hearing loss or impairment
and flash bangs create a temporary
blindness. Another antisipated
mod is Jedi Timeline, a Star Wars
mod that will utilize the Source engine to it's fullist. If you already
own Half Life 2 I sugest
downloading Gary's Mod which is
a mod that allows you to weld, build
and totaly play with the physics engine.
this game, such as a swamp boat
and a sand buggy, which I like to
call a go-cart with NOS. These two
vehicles add great action scenes
and they handle amazingly not like
in the original Half Life.
The only lows to this game
are that there are some slow points
and a lack of diversity in
choosing the path you wish to
follow. If half life 2 only had
different routes you could
take to complete objectives
and advance forward through
the incredible storyline it
would be in most words…
perfect. Another low to the
game was the fact that there
aren’t many different enemies, which creates a sense
of identical game play at each
part, except in Ravenholm
where game play is at it is
greatest intensity.
The final verdict of the 2 nd
greatest game to entrap PC gamers
for hours on end is that for the first
month of having the game it felt like
video cocaine, I have never felt so
addicted to a game. Putting the
highs and lows together the lows
seem to disappear with the addictive story line and the crisp graphics and sound. I wish a few more
mods were out, but mainly Day Of
Defeat: Source is a reason why I
purchased Half Life 2, I’m counting the days until it is released.
Half Life 2 has made a permanent
image of slight perfection in my
mind and the current mods and future mods are something we
should look forward to, even
though the years of waiting were
pain full the product was worth
every day.
Half Life 2 was released with
one mod which is Counter
Strike: Source the latest instalment to the Counter
Strike series. I personally
love CS: S and have never
been so pleased with a gigantic online tactical game. It
may not be as tactical as Rainbow
Six 3 or Ghost Recon but without
flash bangs and grenades you are
pretty much ensured to die. Counter Strike: Source has many peo-
O VERALL : 9.7
ple complaining about the random
headshots but the truth is, they
fixed the problems that the original Counter Strike had such as
small hit boxes that weren’t properly placed. The feel of Counter
Strike: Source is very smooth and
almost natural when playing, if you
Tonight a Ham Sandwich! Tomorrow the World!
games such as Age of Empires and Civilization and its variations but nevertheless
the genre is evolving constantly and with
the latest hardware for computers, the not
so recent hardware has a great
drop in price,
even though it is
still more then
enough power to
play some of the
gaming worlds
greatest Real
Time Strategy
games. Which is
why buying the
hardware that is
of lesser cost is
worth it for the
mainly because
RTS games don’t
memory usage
and processor
power. Now it is
time to bring out
the guns, here is
a strategy game
that combines the best of turn based empire-building games with the adaptability
of real time strategy games. And with out
further adieu my fellow gamers here is my
review of Hearts of Iron II.
Blaine Bradley
Out of the various genres of PC/Console games no other genre has received
such a large amount of experimentation
then the Strategy game genre. Ranging
from the turn based board games such as
chess to the RTS (Real Time Strategy)
games such as Blizzard Entertainment’s
Starcraft and Warcraft III and many others, however many people play such
games in order to enjoy the experience of
commanding an army or nation of some
sort and engage his or her rivals in a contest of wits. These games range from a
thirty minutes game of chess to a five-hour
game of Axis and Allies. Yet one thing that
is commonly seen in most games does not
appear to be the case on the whole with
strategy games.
They are not as formulaic as say a
sports game, which are repackaged every
six months with a few bonus features,
graphics enhancements and the latest
player roster. Strategy games keep evolving like every other genre of games, as developers keep thinking of newer and more
innovative ways to increase the tactical
depth in games without having to sacrifice the graphics and addictive game play.
There are “tried and true” formulas in RTS
time can fly by as you play with the adjustable speeds, so that you may thoroughly enjoy your gaming experience
with Hearts of Iron II and not fall asleep
waiting for battle. The game however is
not without its own problems, the game is
still extremely complex so that it has easily a two to three hours of getting used to,
the martial music gets grating on the ears
after ten minutes, which is a shame due to
music being a factor in gaming experience.
The graphics are perfectly okay for the
amount of depth but are still disappointing since the divisions are represented by
basically something a ten year old could
have drawn better. Finally despite the fact
that it does contain short scenarios using
only small portions of the world map
(blanking out the rest), eliminates the
need for long term planning. The game
can still take four hours depending on
your skill level, but nevertheless, if you
have a free afternoon and a few friends
that are willing to play, it is an afternoon
well spent.
Hearts of Iron II is a game based on
the World War II era allowing you to theoretically choose any nation you wish to
play as, the game takes place from 1936
to 1947 and is indeed one of the
best RTS/Empire
building hybrids
out there. In this
game you are
able to manage
industrial production and supply, technological research, and
diplomacy all
from three simple
And the very
political system
of your nation is
also controllable.
The game operates on a 24-hour
game clock, with
7 days a week, 52
weeks a year, 12
months a year
and years go by
play.Which looks similar to this: 13:00,
Monday September 01, 1939. It is all
done in real time so you no longer have to
take those annoying 1 hour long turns and
So will Germany conquer Russia? Can
France fend off Germany’s blitz through
the Ardennes? Will Nationalist China defeat Communist China? The choice is yours
with Hearts Of Iron II.
I rate this game: ****
Je travail justement au IGA
Mont-Tremblant et j’avoue que
je croyais le nombre de
supermarchés considérablement plus
élevé que l’actuel. Bien sur, il y a toujours
un certain pourcentage de calculé par les
fournisseurs, qui est réservé aux pertes
mais c’est normal. On doit s’entendre que
tout est plus ou moins périssable donc les
livreurs et les fournisseurs le considèrent.
M. Thériault travaille en alimentation
depuis environ vingt ans. De ses vingt ans
il a été environ trois ans comme commis,
cinq ans comme gérant d’épicerie et fruits
et légumes, cinq ans spécialiste en fruits
et légumes, et enfin il est directeur de
magasin depuis sept ans, ainsi que
directeur de la Samaritaine depuis un an
et demi. Depuis l’ouverture du Marché
D’après M. Thériault, les départements qui
Racism: An Open
Letter to Abbott
cles. Insults were exchanged. The older
woman, at this point it is relevant to say is
African-American began making racial
remarks to the girl, “Look at you, you’re
white trash,” “Look at your car, look at
your face,” “Look at me, I’m black, I’m
strong.” “Don’t come close to me; I don’t
know what germs you carry.”
I was under the impression, as I’m sure
most of you are, that in this great country
we live in a society of tolerance and acceptance. Unfortunately we do hear from
time to time of accusations against the
police of racial profiling
against African-Americans. The term racism
brings to mind visions of
white robes and pointed
hats, right wing extremist
groups and the oppression
of ethnic minorities by
Caucasians. A great deal of
the time white individuals
are the antagonists, however it is not always so.
I for one was completely
shocked to hear that someone of that age, in this society and someone studying at
a college level was capable of
such bigotry. How easily we
all forget the pain and suffering that thousands endured
so future generations
wouldn’t have to. Unfortunately it didn’t end there; the
woman proceeded to assault the girl with
both her hand and a broom stick which
she had in her car. Needless to say campus security intervened and both students ended up in Laird Hall. As the person who usually deals with such problems
was on vacation, the officer who dealt with
it made a report and told the parties that
this ended there. The two students ended
up apologizing to each other.
On February 3rd 2005 there was an incident at this very school of racism involving two John Abbott students. A girl of
twenty and a woman of thirty-eight entered a dispute over the right of way in
the upper parking lot next to the ice rink.
One was leaving and the other was entering the parking lot. As it seems the majority of us don’t know how to park in an orderly manner, there was only enough
space for one car to pass and neither party
was willing to back up to let the other pass.
The situation escalated and they both
ended up exiting their respective vehi-
This is the twenty-first century, should we
not be able to accept each other and live
side by side in tolerance? Black, White,
Arabic, Jewish, Asian, whatever.....our
blood is universally red.
I would like to introduce a new
column which will be in just about
every Opinion section for the next little while. "From the Portfolio" will be
my section reserved for special interviews with people relevant to a particular theme which I will choose from
issue to issue.
Point de vue boucherie, les tailleries de
viandes ainsi que les viandes qui sont sur
les étagères depuis plus que douze heures
sont intégrés dans la viande haché. Cela
semble outragent mais toute la viande
hachée est belle et bien comestible.
IGA Tremblant, il travaille très fort pour
maintenir l’ordre à travers le magasin et
grâce à lui IGA Tremblant a été, pendant
neuf semaines consécutives, le
IGA avec le plus grand chiffre
d’affaires au Québec l’été
produisent le plus de rejets et de pertes
au IGA Mont-Tremblant sont : en
pourcentage, la boulangerie, et en argent,
le département des viandes. Mais
heureusement il a ainsi déclaré que
plusieurs produits moins frais mais
quand-même comestibles de la
boulangerie sont envoyés à la
Cette semaine, j’ai eu la chance de parler
avec M. Éric Thériault, le directeur du
magasin IGA Tellier à Mont-Tremblant
sur son avis à propos du
gaspillage dans les
grandes chaînes de
Québec. Je dois avouer
que j’ai demeuré
surpris de ce que M.
Thériault avait a dire.
The section will contain articles including an introduction of the
theme and the person I have interviewed, followed by the person's
opinion(s) I will have collected
through the interview.
Quand j’ai demandé à M. Thériault s’il croit
que les supermarchés font une énorme
contribution aux dépotoirs il m’a
répondu que les IGA Tellier surtout,
contribuent seulement une tonne de
rejets et d’ordures par semaine plutôt que
trois tonnes par semaine comme à
l’époque où il a commencé dans
By now my readers have a right
to know that I will be doing interviews
with a lot of people who are French,
so certain articles/interviews in this
section will be in French, but don't
worry, I will get as many English interviews as I can, in the meantime I
can accomodate my readers who enjoy reading in French.
En gros je suis surpris, je trouve que les
supermarchés produisent beaucoup de
gaspillage, mais M. Thériault m’a
détrompé en me disant que les rejets aux
deux Marchés IGA Tellier sont
nécessaires et que très peut de gaspillage
se fait. Enfin le fait qu'IGA MontTremblant est membre de la Samaritaine
et de Moisson Ste-Agathe, m’on
convaincues que le gaspillage inutile se
fait rare.
Just to explain my use of the
word portfolio in the name, it alludes
to my habit of doing interviews using
my trusty portfolio (I have an obsession with looking professional). Without further gibberish I hope you enjoy the column.
The "Wonders" of
sad part is that somewhere around 95%
of it could be recycled and could help
prevent this potential disaster from getting out of control.
Trevor Smith
Production Assistant
So you just bought your brand-new
state-of-the-art MP3 player. Well that’s
great for you. Too bad those 200 bucks
you just spewed out is barely going to
last 2 years. Apparently the average life
of electronics today is barely 2 years.
That’s just terrible and here’s why:
where does all that obsolete electronic
junk go? I mean, lets say you just replaced your VCR (assuming they were
still in use today) with a new-fangled
DVD-player, then one day you find out
that the newer and much cheaper model
supports all those brand new features
you’re just dying for. Goodbye old, hello
new! So let’s see, throwing out your old
DVD/computer/MP3 player every 6
months times all of society… that’s a lot
of junk and wasted money.
Now I know some of you out there are
thinking, “Who cares?” well you should!
You’re throwing away your money just
to buy something that’s going to drop
in price the moment the next model
comes out. So how about you try holding onto that DVD player or maybe just
buyan upgrade card for your computer and you won’t be among the population that pisses me off.
Moving onward, has anyone noticed
how the newest technology, even if you
did wish to hang on to it, is terribly unreliable? So far I’ve gone through at
least 3 walkmans in the past year and
my current one has already decided to
start screwing up on me. Last time I
checked, technology was at the use
of the people not
the other way
around. When will
the companies
stop making bargain-bin trash and
start producing
equipment that
works? Until that
time I think I’m going to hold on to what
works and save my money for something worthwhile… like anything else.
In fact the Environmental Protection
Agency estimates
that discarded electronic equipment is
one of the fastest
growing sources of
human waste with
tens of millions of
computers, monitors and media player
units being thrown out since they are
considered obsolete or unwanted. The
Anyone Can Make a Difference
the gutter. The Missionaries of Charity
was established in 1950, to help these people get a second chance at life. Many followed in Mother Theresa’s steps and continued to follow her cause.
Cynthia D'Cruz
When living in a world of Global warming, overwhelming pollution and inevitable natural disaster, it’s easy to feel small
and ineffective in the grand scheme of
things. It’s almost bizarre in a sense, to
think one miniscule opinion, or one gesture can provoke phenomenal change.
But although we doubt ourselves
sometimes, history has repeatedly shown
us how the sometimes the persistent efforts of one person can create a large wave
of action, sometimes even larger than that
of a mob. Take for example Mother
Theresa or Mahatma Gandhi. They are two
of many extraordinary people who selflessly sacrificed their lives to fight for a
Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu, otherwise
known as Mother Theresa, left her life as a
regular missionary to better help impoverished people in India. She felt a calling
to leave the world she knew, to do everything in her power to help men, women,
and children who were dying on the
streets, because they had been rejected
by overcrowded hospitals. Mother
Theresa and her peers rented a room so
they could care for the helpless people,
who were otherwise condemned to die in
small. Even if this difference only affects
our own lives.
Mahatma Gandhi believed in passive
aggression as a means to fight injustice.
When India was seeking its independence
from Britain, many violent acts were being exchanged among the British, Muslims and Hindus. Gandhi fasted until all
the fighting came to an end. After India
gained it’s independence, the violence
ensued and Gandhi fasted again, almost
reaching the brink of death. This caused
the riots to die down, but in January 30,
1948, Gandhi was killed by an assassin as
he walked through a crowed garden in
New Delhi to take evening prayers. Gandhi once said: “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is
mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of
Phillip Thérien, a student at Brébeuf
College, works as an Aide Générale at a
Maxi in Dorval. Because he is an Aide
Général, he is responsible for various
tasks, one of which is getting rid of about
180 newspapers that are not sold during
the week at this grocery store. These papers are generally just thrown into the
trash compactor. Finding this wasteful,
Thérien asked his manager if these papers
could be recycled. Indifferent, his manager approved of this idea and now as a
result of this small change, every two
weeks approximately one tree is saved.
Short term this may not seem like much,
but in the long run, many trees will be
saved and a few tons of waste will be reduced. The average citizen of Montreal
produces one-half tonne of waste annually. While considering this, in the large
scheme of things this makes about a ton
of a difference.
There is no doubt that both of these
figures were extraordinary human beings.
It seems intimidating and almost impossible to even to aspire to the same level of
their successes. However, although not
everyone is able to tend to the sick, solve
world hunger or find a means to world
peace, it is still very possible to make a
difference in the world, no matter how
With this one question, the answer
brought about amazing results. The goal
of this article is not only to remind each
person of their potential power as an individual, but also to stress how simple it is
to carry out and achieve small goals. If
Therien were to call every Maxi in Quebec to ask them if they could recycle their
left over newspapers, that would take him
a very long time. Therein is not a Nobel
peace prize winner or a superhero. He is
an average person who decided to use his
power as an individual for a good cause. If
each person felt compelled to make this
difference, do their part and ask that 3.5second question, then the world would
be a better and cleaner place
But because everyone is so concerned
with doing the bare minimum they can’t
see beyond what they are told to do and
lose their potential to do more. If more
people put aside their self-indulgent habits, perhaps we would live in a better
world. But so long as people continue to
buy and drive SUV’s regardless of their
significant negative effects on the environment; large fuel and automobile corporations continue to buy out small battery
operated car companies to slow down
their growth, so long as people continue
throwing things out and avoiding recycling because they see no point or are just
plain lazy, our world will continue to deteriorate and so will its purpose, direction and the potential of it’s people. After
all, how can we expect to produce bright
people in the future if the future and our
survival does not look so bright? Pollution is one of the many big problems in
our world. It is up to each and every one
of us to do our part, which in the long run
will indeed pay off.
With the victory, the team improves their record to 7-5 and
now ranks 4 th in their league.
They will now prepare for their
last away game of the season at
FX Garneau on Friday before
closing off the regular season at
home on February 16 th versus
On Wednesday, the John Abbott
Lady Islander volleyball team
travelled across town to face off
against the L’Ideal from College
Andre-Larendeau. The team
played a very unselfish game and
walked out with a straight set
victory (25-23, 25-23, 25-16).
Sofia Marques led the charge
with 11 kills, 3 aces, 1 stuff block,
an incredible 60% kill rating, 48%
efficiency rating, 2 digs and a
stellar 2.28 reception rating.
Marie-France Chartier added 11
kills, 4 stuff blocks, 3 aces and a
38% kill rating. Setter Angie
Perrier had 5 kills (83% kill and
67% efficiency) while Veronique
Riopel and Laura Millette each
added 4 kills and an ace to the
stat sheet.
At home on Friday night the
gritty Islander basketball team
(3-9) fell behind early to College
Edouard-Montpetit (5-8) and
came up short in the end 65-62.
Playing without their leading
scorer and point guard Nickolas
Pronovost (13.7 ppg and 4.6
assists per game), the Isles struggled to open the game and
quickly fell behind 17-3. An 8–
point rally brought the Isles back
to within 2 points at 23-21 but
the Lynx led 40-30 at half time.
Late in the game the Lynx led 6451 before the Islanders scored 11
straight points and they nearly
tied the game on a last second
shot. Dwayne Welch had a second
high 17 points to go along with 7
rebounds, 2 assists and 3 steals.
Sasha Louis had his best game as
an Islander scoring 14 points and
pulling 7 rebounds. He made 6 of
9 shots from the field and was 2
for 2 from the free throw line.
Forward Marvin Bazile had another double-double with 12
points and 10 rebounds.
Playing at home on Friday night
the Lady Islanders (5-8) lost to
first place Edouard-Montpetit
(11-3) 67-53. The Lynx led 33-26
at half time.
Point guard Rikki Bowles led the
Lady Isles with 13 points;
Catherine Parent chipped in11
and Marie-Eve Poliquin, back
from an ankle injury, had 10.
Parent led the Isles with 15
rebounds and Therese
Fankhauser had 8.