Essential Music - John Abbott College


Essential Music - John Abbott College
Picking fights with hobos since 1971
Volume XXXIV
Issue 8
Trevor Smith
Staff Writer
SUJAC assists Tsunami Relief
activities in response to this disaster:
Robert J. Briza
Campus Life Editor
As a result, a Student fundraiser for
Tsunami Relief, sponsored by SUJAC-Club
Day, will be held on
Wednesday, February
9, from 10:00am to
3:00pm, in the Agora.
This club day is not
only for SUJAC, and
the Clubs, but other
departments are welcome to participate as
well. The organization
which will be donated to will be
decided by a vote, by all parties involved, and if for some reason a
group is interested in raising
money for something specific, a
written request must be made to
Joshua Wald, Vice President, internal, of SUJAC.
An estimated $18.3 million in
donations during the “Tsunami
Aid: A Concert of Hope,” hosted by
NBC-Universal on Jan. 15 for the
American Red Cross International
Response Fund for the tsunami
victims. Funds raised during the
concert will support the American
Red Cross assistance plan to meet
the immediate and long-term
needs of tsunami
victims. Relief
efforts will focus
on five key areas: food and
healthcare and
disease prevention; immediate
family supplies;
mental health
counseling; and
disaster preparedness and prevention measures. Combining the
funds generated through the concert with previous fundraising efforts, approximately $213.4 million to date has been pledged to
the American Red Cross International Response Fund for tsunami
relief efforts.
Although a specific charity has
not been chosen, the following organizations have released this information about their plans and
In the aftermath of the disaster,
UNICEF is urging all parties involved in the humanitarian response to focus on four specific
On December 28, 2004, the
Sumatra earthquake touched off a
series of tsunamis, killing more
than 150,000 people and leaving
1.5 million children in serious
jeopardy, in Indonesia, Malaysia,
Thailand, the Maldives, India and
Sri Lanka.
measures; Keeping children alive;
Caring for separated and orphaned
children; Protecting vulnerable
children from trafficking and exploitation; Getting children back in
school as quickly as possible.
UNICEF is devoting its own resources to these areas and supporting governments and other
partners to do so as well.
In many places, UNICEF has
been asked to lead the international effort in these sectors.
UNICEF will spend at least $145
million during the first six months
of emergency relief, to provide
needed care and protection for
children in the effected countries.
Over the next 36 months UNICEF
expects to spend a minimum of
$300 million for tsunami recovery, based on early assessments of
the detestation. This longer-term
effort will include the restoration
of schools, health centers, safe
water systems and other fundamental services.
This event also gives the student
population the opportunity to
meet SUJAC Executives and Congress members will be available to
answer questions, Bandersnatch
will be there to promote the campus newspaper, and CSKY will be
broadcasting live from the Agora,
and all clubs will be setting up info
booths to promote their activities,
and take new memberships.
It’s a brand new semester once
again and you can bet that there’s
bound to be some new music making its way into our ears. Now if
you’re one of those upstanding people who believe in buying their music rather than “obtaining” it from
questionable sources, you may find
yourself faced with the problem that
you have to choose between the
bands you know are good and the
bands you’ve never even had a clue
existed. Courtesy of EMI Canada, is a music service
that previews plenty of Capitol/Virgin artists and groups from around
the world as they debut. The CD in
review is their Oct-Nov 04 preview
and may I say, it has some pretty
good stuff on it
The Cd begins with The Music,
“Freedom Fighter”. This britishrock song has a beat that feels like
90s rock is back for some more. The
vocals are really well done and the
lead singer likes to hold his notes
Bono style. The instruments give you
a beat that stays with you but unfortunately they do get repetitive. The
style of it is somewhat original and I
its worth checking out. It still manages keep itself original.
Continued on Page 9
News ....................................... 2
Campus Life ............................ 4
Arts .......................................... 7
Entertainment ......................... 9
Opinion .................................. 11
SUJAC Update ............... 3
Wet Ink ........................ 4
My Two Cents ............. 4
Books Buys .................. 9
Top Rope .................. 10
With your Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Wald
involved, this is the time. The open
positions are Entertainment editor, Sports editor, Ads manager,
Games page editor and Arts editor.
Now we have come
to that section of the
editors note in which
everything I have to
say has been said, but
I still have another
200 words to fill. This
may seem a daunting
task at first glance, but
perhaps it can be seen
as a blessing in disguise. After all, this is
the only space I have
in which to let you get
to know me, and a
prime opportunity for
me to ramble on to my
hearts content. In a
normal conversation, I
would probably be cut off before
200 words worth, but you dear
reader don’t have that option. You
can always stop reading, but I will
never know you have snubbed me,
and can contently continue to
spew forth drivel to my hearts content.
First up, I have a
few announcements concerning
the paper. The new semester has
left us with a reduced editorial staff
once again, and we will be holding
elections next Tuesday in H-033A.
I know we’ve had quite a few of
these interim elections already,
but if any of you out their have
changed your minds about getting
I could use this space for my
normal plea for more writers.
However, not only have I done that
before but also I doubt it would
have much effect. First off, I have
no idea if anyone at all ever reads
this little space of mine. It may be
I am essentially talking to a wall,
though without the worrying implications of mental illness. Also,
I am sure that any of you who may
indeed be reading this have either
made up your mind to enjoy this
newspaper wholly as a spectator
sport, or perhaps to crawl through
the pages with a highlighter prowling for spelling errors like some
ghastly editorial ghoul, or are already contributors. Thus I shall
forgo the pleasure of exhorting
imaginary readers to unwanted involvement.
charge camp fees. This should increase our average daily production,
which in turn will help lower our operating costs per tree. We are also hoping to attract experienced planters,
which will further increase our production.
Press Release
Press Release
The Wilderness Group has decided
to change the tree-planting industry
in Ontario. This will be the second year
that the company is not charging
camp costs. The costs associated with
tree planting camps have traditionally
been passed along to the planters (e.g.
food, cook’s wages,
camp setup, etc.).
Camp fees have long
been apart of the tree
planting industry.
Group considers this
to be unusually onerous on the planters as
no other industry
charges their employees to stay in a
remote location.
What is a season of no camp costs
worth to the average tree planter?
When you figure that the average Ontario season lasts for 40
days and camp costs are
usually $25 a day; it is
worth an extra $1,000
that stays in the tree
planter’s pocket. This
means at an average of
8 cents per tree the average planter would
have to plant an extra
312 trees per day or 12,500 trees over
the season to pay for their camp costs.
This in essence is cash staying with the
planters who have earned it.
How will we pay for this? We have
asked our clients to increase our rates
to help offset some of the additional
costs. For the most part, our clients
have responded very positively; however, we have lost some jobs to very
low pricing from our competition. We
are not in the business of being the
lowest bidder. We are also anticipating an excellent return employee ratio because of our decision not to
The tree planting industry is hurting, and it has been for a long time.
The prices our clients have agreed to
pay have not gone up in ten years,
while our operational costs have. The
land is harder to plant and has less access. We can either sit back and do
nothing, or we can take a leadership
role and make changes. How many
Benjamin Wald
News Editor
Ann-Margaret Porcelli
Campus Life Editor
Rob Briza
Opinion Editor
Jason Dubeau
Entertainment Editor
As you may have noticed, this
editors note is my own version of
the old “I’ll write an assignment
about not being able to think of a
topic” trick we all pulled on some
English teacher at some point.
Now, having used up my required
word limit, I shall sign off with a
pledge to find something more
substantial for our next little chat.
Sports Editor
Arts Editor
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Ryan Desgroseilliers
Office Manager
Christina Looker
Production Manager
Sarah Jade Aubé
Advertising Manager
other industries charge their workers
to sleep in a tent on the worksite??
NONE! Wilderness is a veteran tree
planting company, and has planted
over 300 million seedlings. We are
fully aware of the problems in this industry. If an organization like ours
does not step up to the plate and try
and make some changes, change will
not happen.
Archive Editor
Kathleen Stanhope
Foreign Languages Editor
Sara-Ann Amaya
Games Page Editor
Photographic Coordinator
Stephanie Dubois
Wilderness hopes to become the
company at the end of the day that
the planters will continue to work
with. This will give us an advantage
over our competition, or force them
to follow our lead. But we need the
support of veteran planters to make
this work.
Sarah Jade Aubé
Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative Press
at John Abbott College. It is published every two weeks
and is partially funded by the Student Activities
Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions are welcome in traditionally either English
or French and become property of the newspaper. Submissions must be on an IBM compatible diskette along
with a printed hard copy and MUST be in Text Format
(*.txt) or RichText Format (*.RTF). All submissions must
include the full name and telephone number of the contributor, as well as the e-mail address if applicable. The
staff reserves the right to reject or edit any submissions for length, legality, or clarity. Letters to Bandersnatch should be a maximum of 500 words but may see
print nonetheless if they are longer but worthwhile.
Neither spelling nor grammar will be corrected on letters to the editors, it is the responsibility of the contributor to correct them.
Submissions and letters should be dropped off at the
Bandersnatch office, located in the basement of
Herzberg, H-041 (across from the Hallway entrance of
the oval).
There are people out there that are
questioning our approach. That is
good. It means we have their attention. We are maintaining our piece
rates at a MINIMUM of 8 cents site
prep and 9 cents no site prep. The food
and the camps will be at the same high
standards they have always been. The
bottom line is NO CAMP COSTS!
contact info:
Greg DeMille
Project Manager
The Wilderness Group
Tel: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389
Fax: (514) 457-6091
Office: H-041
Tree Planted Free of
John Abbott College
P.O. Box 2000
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
H9X 3L9
A Good Old Fashioned Ramble
Welcome back! I’m sure you
where all about fed up with Christmas and holidays, and are overjoyed to be able to return to
Abbott for some refreshing homework.
All kidding aside, I at
least am glad to be
back for this, my final
semester. It’s great to
see all my fellow students again, and to be
producing another
edition of this, your
school paper. Most
classes are in full
swing by now, and the
break will soon be a
fading memory. For
now, we’re back to
ease you into the routine of school.
Keeping The World's Children At Heart
On February 3rd (next Thursday)
Free The Children will be in the Agora
from 11:30 am – 2:30 pm. The John
Abbott club will have information
booths and a bake sale,
a video presentation as
well as two charismatic
guest speakers who are
students at McGill University. They’ll talk to
us about their experiences on volunteer
trips to Nicaragua and
Ecuador, about how to
develop leadership
qualities, and about
how to become involved with our local,
national and international communities
through civic service.
Free The Children will
be there to answer all your questions.
The speakers are here as part of a Free
The Children campaign that believes
that we can break the cycle of poverty
through education. This is an opportunity to learn about the lives, passion and
work of other individuals who may
share your world view. I encourage
you to attend the event or drop by the
Agora during your break!
Charlotte Smoley
Certain economic markets sustain
themselves and make profits by preying on adolescents. We have become
marketing targets for the wrong cause,
yet we buy into it. We study hard, work
part-time, participate in extracurriculars that enhance our CVs and
university applications, and enjoy our
social lives by spending what little
money we have. Young Canadians are
avid consumers who continue to fuel
the “me” economy by purchasing
goods and services that focus on ‘selfimprovement.’ What would happen if
we focused on “we” instead? Perhaps it
is Canada’s poor whom we would sustain, or the impoverished global community that would benefit.
Each youth has a voice and we “have
the right to use our voice to express our
opinion about what is going on in the
world. Our generation will inherit the
world and make major, world-altering
decisions. We are not just the leaders
of tomorrow, but also the leaders of today!” We may bring about positive
change by becoming socially active citizens through education, leadership,
and peace-building. If you had the opportunity to use your voice, what
would you say? What issues do you care
Free the Children (FTC) is a
unique charitable organization. All of
Free The Children’s actions are led by
SUJAC Update
Well here we are at the start of a
brand new semester at JAC. Welcome
back to everyone returning and hello
to everyone who is just starting at
John Abbott.
Youth in Action Group chose to focus
on Ecuador for its 2005 fundraising
campaign. This summer, FTC in Montreal will be sending a group of volunteers to Ecuador for three weeks to help
a rural indigenous population in the
Andes mountain range. FTC volunteers
will work in cooperation with villagers
to finish an irrigation system and visit a
Free The Children school.
We may be young, but we will make
our voices heard. Adults have convinced youth that we are “the leaders
of tomorrow, [but] our generation must
be the leaders of today!” Stay tuned for
more fantastic events to come… Check
the Daily Info for more details and future announcements. New members
are always welcome at our weekly meetings.
Free The Children is partnered with
Leaders Today to provide youths in
North America with leadership training camps, lectures and school workshops. This organization works not
only to free children from exploitation
and abuse, but also to free children from
the idea that they are powerless to affect positive change in the world and to
improve the lives of their peers. Free
The Children members believe that
youth can make a difference in the
world by becoming social advocates.
For more information, visit,, .
of any group which might wish to
fundraise—be it a specialized program, a sports team or any other
group—then come by the SUJAC office in P-101 and sign up to get involved.
Everyone has heard over the
Christmas vacation about the terrible
Tsunami that swept through Southern
Asia and devastated many countries
there. There have of course been numerous fundraisers across Canada
and around the world to raise money
to help the people impacted by the
Tsunami and to rebuild in the countries hit. However, there is always
more that can be done. If you have
been feeling like you would like to do
something to help but don’t know how,
then this is your opportunity. The Student Union of John Abbott (SUJAC)
and the student clubs and organizations will be fundraising for Tsunami
relief during this semester’s SUJACClub Day on Wednesday, February 9
(10 am to 3 pm). Instead of our usual
themed event, each of the groups will
be decorating their booths in a style
appropriate to their Club/organization and then will fundraise in their
own unique ways. If you have a few
bucks and you want to help the Tsunami victims, come by The Agora on
February 9, see your student clubs/
organizations in action, and lend your
support. Or if you want to get involved
more directly and you are a member
SUJAC Update
John Abbott’s Free The Children
children and young people to promote
leadership, education and peace building. Free The Children was created in
1995 by a group of twelve children, led
Kielburger, as a
non-profitable organization dedicated to getting
rid of child poverty and exploitation. The founding
members fought
against child labour by giving
class presentations, fundraising,
and speaking before company executives as well as
meeting with politicians and government officials (Heads of State). Later
that year, Craig and his mentor traveled
to India, to visit impoverished children
living in desperate conditions and subject to child bondage.
Kielburger’s experiences in India and
the stories of the children he met
strengthened his commitment to their
cause. Craig Kielburger is a motivational speaker and the founder of a children’s charity that has been nominated
three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Nine years into Free The Children, in
the fall semester 2004, an FTC Youth
in Action Group was started at John
Abbott College.
Any of you out there who say
that the Student Union doesn’t do anything for you can tell that to the students who are getting lockers this semester because they brought their
complaints to us and SUJAC acted on
them. So thank you to all the students
who let us know there was a problem
and a special thanks to Director General Keith Henderson for his quick and
decisive action in addressing student
There will be a Blood Drive coming up in The Agora on Monday, January 31. It doesn’t cost a thing and it
can help to save lives, so mark it on
your calendars. Finally, to any new
students or anyone who wants to get
involved in student life this semester,
there are still spaces open in student
Congress for both Pre-university and
Professional program representatives. If you think you might be interested in having a voice in what happens in your school, then come by the
SUJAC Office in P-101 to pick up a
nomination form or find out more.
Submission deadline is Monday, January 31, at 4 pm.
campus life
Campus Life
with Robert J. Briza, editor of the new campus...
ring...they get back in, the both lie unconscious for a while, and then flair puts Triple H’s arm over Benoit, the referee sees
that as a cover, and Triple H retains his
title, building up to the next pay per view,
thus continuing the story line.
Negative B, plus or minus the root of B
squared minus four AC, over two will give
you the values of X, in a quadratic function. And, according to Strong Bad Email
#45, in the strong bad email titled
“techno”, strong bad describes techno as
starting with a drum solo...then another
drum solo, then a high pitched siren sound
is added, followed by an obligatory movie
quote from a Sci-fi movie, along the lines
of “the system is down”
they grapple again. And this goes on for a
few minutes, until either one of them gets
hit in the stomach, or Flair runs into the
ring and hits Benoit in the nads. Then Triple H uses his signature move, the pedigree. Benoit is reduced to an injured, semi
conscious wreck, in the middle of the ring,
as Triple H attempts a cover. Benoit kicks
out, heroically holding onto his chances
of winning the match. This happens a few
times. So, failing to cover Benoit, Triple H
brings him to his feet, and whips him into
the ropes, and Benoit slingshots back, but
makes a spectacular reversal, jump kicking Triple H. Benoit then does this cut
throat motion, and puts Triple H in his
signature submission hold, the crossface
crippler. Triple H comes really close to
tapping out until Flair intervenes. The two
lie on the floor for a while, and they go to
commercials. After the commercials, the
two are just getting up. Finally, something
happens where they fall out of the
The WWE wrestling matches are…not
real, and after watching a bunch of them,
they have an obvious formula. For example, Currently, Triple H is the World Heavy
Weight Champion, and is part of a team
called evolution. Chances are, he is either
facing Chris Benoit, or Randy Orton. Triple H comes to the ring, behind him, Ric
Flair. Triple H and his opponent, for this
example we will use Chris Benoit get into
the ring. They Grapple, and it ends up with
one of them on the mat. He gets up, and
life under protection of the secret service, and under her father, the president
(portrayed as a gentle, wise, understanding man). She falls in love, or some crap
like that, and tries to run from the secret
service. Then there’s Steven King. He either finds some kind of common, or popular, household item (i.e. a dream catcher,
toaster or lamp), or something that we
loved as children, but he perverts for his
novel. It gets stuck with a family, or close
group of friends, and some bad shit goes
down. Then there are the complaints
about Bandersnatch itself. They usually
go; “you have too many spelling mistakes”
or “write more about this, even though
no Abbott student cares about what you
want us to write about”. did you think you
were so original, coming up with that comment? We’ve been around since 1971,
you know; give us more to work with.
Then there are the redundant Dragon Ball
Z sagas. Some super powerful bad guy
from either another planet, or created
from some scientist, comes in and kills
some people. Goku goes to fight them, and
they go to some deserted island, which is
huge, and no one is there, and would probably never be found on earth, but it happens to be right over there. Goku goes
Super Saiyan on his ass, and they laugh
like morons. And that’s my two cents.
Speaking of fights and storylines, how
about those Rocky movies. It all begins
with Rocky, who gets his big break, to face
the champion, Apollo Creed. He doubts
himself, he trains, he doubts himself some
more, and he gets some confidence,
makes some speech about going the distance, and gets into the ring. And he loses,
but he went the distance, proving he is a
hero. And, in the next movie, he does
some commercials, trading his passion for
the glory that comes after. He struggles to
make ends meat, and on top of that, something happens to his pregnant wife,
Adrian, and she is in a coma for a while.
Rocky stays with her...then she wakes up,
tells him to beat Apollo, and Rocky gets
his confidence back. Then Rocky Beats
Apollo. He then loses his title in the next
movie, so his former rival trains him. He
rediscovers himself, and wins back his title. Woohoo. The Rocky movies include
Rocky loosing his faith in himself, training and getting it back, then fighting. And
then there are the movies about the daughter of the U.S. President. She spends her
get wet. If you find the taste too
unpleasant, just steer clear of the
vagina and work on the clitoris.
after you’ve dried off and crawled
into bed, it will create a sexual tension between the two of you and
make the deed feel better for the
both of you. Remember – the better the foreplay, the better the orgasm. Besides
that fact, after
“down there”
is tasteless
scentless, so there
is no better
time to please
your partner
with a little
oral action
than right after a shower. Girls, you’ll have no
problems after that, because the
only secretion that comes from his
member (besides when he has an
orgasm) is salty at worst. Guys on
the other hand, when your partner
starts to get excited, she’ll start to
Welcome back JACers! This is
the start of Abbott’s 2005-winter
semester, and yet another biweekly juicy tidbit. Today, I was
talking to a friend of mine about
how to get around the unpleasant
taste of the nether regions
of both sexes. He told me
that he has no problem with
going down on a girl, but
when she starts to get wet,
it tastes unpleasant. Guys,
if this sounds familiar, I
have the answer for you…
showering. Now, now, I
don’t mean I think your
busy school schedules just
don’t give you enough time
for personal hygiene; I’m
talking about taking a shower… for
As a part of foreplay, seeing
each other’s bodies in full is a huge
turn-on; especially when you’re all
wet in candlelight. If you put off
shower sex and agree to save it for
The other advantages to having
a shower before oral or sex, is your
skin is soft and warm from the hot
water. Regular foreplay will feel
better because your body temperature will be higher than before
the shower, and your skin will be
more sensitive after you wash off
all the dirt and dead skin (sorry, I
think I just ruined the mood ^_^).
Plus, when you’re warm, you won’t
be hiding under the covers saying
it’s cold.
Well, looks like that’s all for today, happy showering!!
Rob Says:
By-weekly position: There’s one
position that I know that will make
the girl feel like a sex goddess.
Starting with doggie style, the guy
puts his arm around his partner’s
waist to keep her balance, and pulls
her up so her back is against his
chest, and he sits on his heels. Basically, it looks like she’s sitting on
him. Here’s where the balance part
comes in: He has to keep both of
their balance while moving his hips
up and down. If she falls, you’ll end
up at doggie style again. (Which
isn’t all that bad ^_^)
not doing
one this
National Non-Smoking Week
was officially kicked off last week
by Health Canada. Held from January 16 until January 22, the Week
was aimed at raising awareness to
the hazards of smoking not only for
the individual who chooses to puff
on a cigarette, but also to the innocent bystanders of this unhealthy habit.
campus life
Even though the Canadian government invests a great deal of
money, time and resources to preventing young people from picking
up smoking and provides numerous programs in helping those who
already have started quit, it is estimated that approximately six
million Canadians
are smokers. Contrary to popular belief, getting addicted
is easy and happens
quite fast. According
to the Canadian Cancer Society, smoking
just one to two cigarettes can be enough
exposure to highly
addictive nicotine.
A third of the 1 200
students involved in
the study reported symptoms
linked to nicotine dependency after only smoking as little as one
What do apple juice concentrate, citronella oil, ethyl acetate,
yeast and urea (as in what is excreted in urine) have in common?
They are strangely enough linked
by the fact that they are on a list of
599 additives used in the production of cigarettes. Five major cigarette manufacturers compiled the
list, made public in 1994, and submitted it at the request of US government. Although the products on
the list are approved for human
consumption in varying amounts,
when used in cigarettes, it is the action of burning them that creates
the horrifying 4000 chemical
compounds found in cigarette
Besides creating dozens of
health issues and unwanted side
effects for smokers, smoking also
put others at risk. Even without
ever having put a cigarette in their
mouths, Health Canada states that
employees who work in smoky environments have their risk for lung
cancer jump by an incredible 20%.
Their risk for coronary heart disease is also increased. Smoke exhaled and that which is released
from the end of a cigarette, still
contains the aforementioned 4
000 chemical components. Besides imposing dangerous health
risks, the lingering smoke can remain toxic long after the smoker
has put out his or her cigarette, it
can also remain
trapped in upholstery, carpets and
even curtains.
quantities can cause death within
minutes; this is why it used as a
pesticide and rat fumigant. The
smaller quantities found in cigarette smoke can cause vomiting,
headaches and eye irritation
among other things, with frequent
If you are already a smoker,
quitting can sometimes be scarier
than all the stuff in a cigarette.
Support is key to your success.
Talking to your doctor or a
counselor can help you figure out
a plan to keep you on track. There
is tons of information that can be
easily obtained through Health
Canada, off reputable Internet
sites or even simpler, from the
Health and Wellness Centre right
here on campus. John Abbott College starts its own anti-smoking
this Tuesday in the Agora. With a
full schedule of activities planned,
clearing the air might be easier
than you thought.
chemicals created
by the burning of the
almost 600 additives
in cigarette smoke
are tar, carbon monoxide,
hydrogene cyanide
and even lead. Many
of these substances conjure up
horrible images of toxic waste that
are sadly not far from the truth.
All are considered harmful even in
small quantities and most are better known for their other uses than
from cigarettes packages. For example, Hydrogen Cyanide in large
The Information provided
within this column/section is provided solely to raise awareness
about health issues that affect
young adults. Any specific concerns or questions should be directed to a health care professional.
campus life
The Real Hunted
Kathleen Stanhope
Archives Editor
Daphney Di Giovanni
All this time I try to hide
This person that is inside
She is in there I know it
But I am afraid to show it
Mask by mask I will uncover
So you can see who is under
Please understand that may take
a while
I had these layers since I was a
But if you stay long enough to see
This person that is me
Love her and don’t reject her
Because I have
shown you everything about her
Wings take flight
To lift me up
Above the world
Above the hurt
Above the dark
Claws dig deep
To hide me underneath
Below the pain
Below the false good will
Below the grey
Above or below
They still find me
They still hunt me
All that is left is to disappear
Wrapped in shadow
Clandestine destiny
Find some one else
This Kat is gone…
P a i n as
Staff Writer
I’m so useless, I’m so dumb,
My mind’s aflame, my body’s numb.
The pain that I feel, the price of my days
Embodied and held in a single mistake made
A promise that’s broken, a mother’s tears shed
A million mistakes that swim ‘round my head
Need to even the scales and give recompense.
The pain it burns, and blooms, and fades
But leaves my debts all still unpaid
And is the answer somewhere within?
Hiding somewhere under my skin?
I dig and cut a search and bleed
But no answer is presented to me.
I peel back my flesh, but
theres nothing to be
Blood and tears can’t
wash me clean.
Lucky Spencer
Staff Artist
Benjamin Wald
Compilation CD Hit or Miss
Placebo was next on the list with
“I Do” and “Twenty Years”. The first
song, I Do, is a mix of drums and
with a hint of
weirdness that
only Placebo can
background gets
tiresome too; the
quickly. On a
sounds a lot more
like their old albums with a
much more grunge melody to it. The
lyrics are repetitive and don’t make
sense at all but we’re talking Placebo
here. Nuff said.
Continued from page 1
The next group is “The Concretes”
from Sweden. Now this is a sound that
gets addictive fast. Their first song
“You Can’t Hurry Love” has this 1960s
jiffy-pop feeling to it that you don’t
hear at all on the radio. The tambourines, organs and trumpets give off
this happy feel-good vibe that takes
some getting used to. As for vocals,
the lead singer’s English is a little mispronounced but it just adds to the effect. Their second song, “Say Something New” is a little closer to home
but not by much. The rhythm is much
more relaxed and the lyrics are much
more somber. Their choice of instruments is the same as the first and I
found it not that appealing to my taste.
Next up was A Perfect Circle’s
cover of Imagine by John Lennon. I
have to say that I’ve never heard a
song redone so… dreary as this one.
The song feels as if it’s soul was surgically removed. With that, it’s such a
face-lift, it almost seems like a new
song, too bad it’s not a good song.
Vocals and instruments are done well
but only if you’re into morbid stuff.
Making a debut on this CD was
Rezofficial, a Hip Hop group hailing
from Alberta. Their two songs, “Keep
on Movin’” and “No Time To Quit” are
definitely… different. Personally, I
don’t like rap but I have to say, I have
never heard such an absence of talent
as bad as this. They may be new but
this promo Cd with “Only One” and
“Ocean Avenue”. Only One’s vocals
are clear and the lyrics are meaningful which explains the popularity of
this one. The instruments are done
well, minus the annoying distortion
sound that plays at some points. The
song is great otherwise. Ocean Avenue,
another one of their more popular
tracks, has a good mix of emo with
some alright guitar breaks and drum
solos every now and then. The vocals
range from harmonics to yelling on
both songs so any hardcore fan should
like this if they haven’t heard it already.
they just seem to be trying to copy
every other rap group out there.
Moving on, we have Everclear.
Now this is music. The two
songs I found
Monica” and “I
Will Buy You A
New Life”. If you
haven’t heard
these before,
you’ve been living in a cave.
These two have
been on the
charts and deserved to be. Santa Monica’s music,
lyrics and vocals are top notch, which
make it one of the best rock songs to
come out in 2004. I Will Buy You A
New Life is also very praise-worthy,
with its guitar and organ playing with
great lyrics to match. Anyone who
knows alternative rock knows they
should have their newest Cd in their
collection, so get it!
Slangblossom from central Canada.
Their songs, “The Hate” and “Possibly” were surprisingly good. The lyrics of them both give you a sense that
they’re not just rapping about anything but they want to get a message
across. The melodies on both are really fitting and if only they could fix
up their choruses, they might be
worthwhile. Check them out if you’re
into it, and if you don’t mind risking
your hard-earned cash on a very expensive coaster.
The ever-popular Yellowcard
covered the Emo/Hardcore aspect of
eral other equally interesting characters.
cyberstuds, as they are called, are
recruited by captain Lorq Von
Ray. Von Ray is this story's equivalent of Ahab. He is an almost
mythic figure, a larger than life figure in his emotions, speech, and
actions. His adversaries, Prince
and Ruby Red, are both similarly
larger than life. Prince has a mechanical arm, which he can use to
smash stone and which he is extremely sensitive about. Ruby Red,
his sister, is too complex a character for me to encapsulate here,
but suffice it to say that she is both
an antagonist and a love interest
for Lorq Con Ray, and is not as
clichéd as that makes her sound.
The remainder of the crew includes an old man who is trying to
rediscover the art of writing a
novel, and makes endless notes in
trying to reach that goal, and sev-
Replace a white whale with a supernova, and a wooden leg with a
mechanical arm, and this Samuel
R. Delany’s novel Nova bears a
strong resemblance to Moby Dick.
This is no mere rip-off, but a richly
developed future world, peopled
with some of the most interesting
characters in science fiction. This
is truly one of science fiction’s
masterpieces, and Delany’s tour de
The main protagonist is a young
gypsy boy known as Mouse. He is
something of an interplanetary
waif, who plays upon a futuristic
instrument known as a sensorysyrynx, which projects holographic images, sound and scents.
In this future universe, all of humanity is equipped with computer
jacks so that they can control machines using their mind. Mouse and
nary world, giving it texture and
reality more tangible than many
mainstream books manage with
the real world. This is a short novel
in which a great deal happens, and
the sense of frantic energy shines
through clearly. The characters
are brilliantly, if eccentrically, realized. Each of
them is in some senses
unbelievable, with exaggerated characteristics
and eccentric actions,
but they are so well realized that the over the top
characters are a strength,
rather than a weakness.
The action of the story revolves
around Von Ray’s attempts to fly
his ship directly through a star as
it goes nova. In this way he hopes
to collect massive amounts of
Illyrion, the rare
material that fuels
ships across the
cosmos. Illyrion is
trans-uranium elements, which can
only be mined on a
few planets and is
Prince and Ruby
Red are determined
to stop him, to protect their fortune
which is based on
Add to this the obvious dangers involved in flying
into a nova, and we
can see the dangers
of Von Ray's obsession.
The universe in which
all this is set is one of the
most convincing, and at
the same times lyrical futures I have ever encountered. The political structure, the technology, the
culture all fits together
into a seamless whole,
which leaves the reader
fully convinced of the
world Delany describes. All in all,
this is one of the classics of the
genre, and anyone with any intrest
in SF should give it a look.
The prose style in this novel is
sweeps the reader into the imagi-
Over the past few weeks, it looked as
though Evolution, the most dominating unit in WWE history was falling apart
at the seams. It seemed inevitable, following Rand Orton’s ejection from Evolution, after he beat Chris Benoit for the
World Heavyweight Title. Triple H began taking Batista’s work for granted,
more and more, as he would expect
Batista to simply step aside, as Triple H
would hog the glory. Then came the
match in the Elimination Chamber, at
New Year’s Revolution. It came down
to Randy Orton and Triple H, who
emerged victorious. The following
night on Raw, Evolution, although battered from the Elimination Chamber,
was celebrating their victory, and Triple H retaining his title. And it was all
thanks to Batista, who saved Triple H
from elimination, just before his Elimination. But footage provided by Randy
Orton revealed that Triple H had an
opportunity to save Batista as well, but
he didn’t take it. Raw’s General Manager, Eric Bishoff, took the stage and announced that since Orton finished second in the chamber, he was eligible to
be the number one contender for the
title. However, to reward Batista for his
spectacular performance in the Elimination Chamber, he and Orton would
have a match, that night, for the number
one contender’s spot, that night. Back
stage, rumours began to float that Triple H wasn’t supporting Batista in his
upcoming match. In an effort to prove
that he does support Batista, he came
to the ringside with Ric Flair, to provide moral support. Finally came the
point when Batista had the upper hand.
Orton was knocked down, and wasn’t
getting up anytime soon. To make matters worse for him, the referee was
Thirty men. Fifteen from Raw, fifteen
from Smack Down. One contest, for a
number one contender’s position at
Wrestlemania 21. The Royal Rumble,
one of the four biggest events of the
year, will be held next Sunday, and the
winner will go on to compete for the
World Heavyweight Title, or the WWE
uncouncious. Triple H tried to convince
Batista to use the steel chair on Orton,
but Batista refused, leading to a heated
argument between the members of
Evolution. While the two were distracted, and had a steel chair between
them, Orton speared Batista from behind, knocking him into the chair, and
Triple H. Orton covered Batista and
won his number one contender’s spot
at the Royal Rumble.
the man who killed their unborn son.
Kane was scheduled to return to the ring
at New Year’s Revolution, in a match
against Gene Snitsky. On the Raw, before Revolution, Snitsky came to the
ring after a match between Lita and Trish
Stratus, to attack Lita with a chair. But
to her rescue, and to the surprise of
spectators, came Kane. He brutally assaulted Snitsky, who retreated to the
locker room. Kane then looked to Lita
to see if she was all right. Kane then summoned his fire, and the flames around
the ring burned higher and brighter
than they ever had before. Kane had returned. He and Snitsky, later engaged
each other in a brawl, in the stage. Kane
chock slammed Snitsky, but went with
him off the stage. Kane sustained a separated shoulder, and damage to his elbow, as well as a head injury. Snitsky
sustained damage to his ribs, and arms.
Batista reaffirmed his allegiance to
Evolution. He had a discussion with Triple H, about the Royal Rumble qualifier. Triple H tried to convince Batista
to not participate in the Royal Rumble.
But the next week, Batista decided to
qualify anyway, defeating both members of La Resistance. Batista’s reasoning was that if, by some chance, Triple
H would lose to Randy Orton, Batista
could win the Royal Rumble, and win
back the Heavyweight title, to keep it in
Evolution. Triple H then had a talk with
Bishoff, who gave a free spot to Ric Flair,
who they believed didn’t even need to
Per Eric Bishoff, Maven was given
another shot at a position in the Royal
Rumble. He challenged anyone who already qualified, to come out and defend
his spot against him. A battered, but
still intimidating Kane, limped to the
ring. Maven said that since Kane was in
such bad shape, Maven would choose
to face some one else. And the Snitsky
came to the ring. The referee gave the
order to make it a triple threat match.
The other area, which requires attention, is the rivalry between Kane and
Gene Snitsky. Snitsky seriously injured
Kane, at Taboo Tuesday, and he was out
for several weeks, leaving his wife, Lita,
to be harasses and stalked by Snitsky,
The Cloud that Left
the Building
completely rude and selfish. I
mean, I know that smokers have
like constant cravings due to the
nicotine in their blood and all, but,
like, at least wait until the end of
your meal. Is it really that important to smoke at that instant?!
Don’t they also realize
that they are there to eat,
not smoke? Probably not
if they are smoking!
Stephanie Dubois
Photographics Coordinator
Welcome back old readers, and welcome
to new readers. I hope everyone had a
safe and enjoyable holiday and is ready
to face the next fourteen weeks ahead.
Now on to serious stuff: I have had so
much inspiration for this issue’s comments I do not know where to begin. I
have to first off say how screwed up the
world is becoming because as things go
along, things deteriorate in the world.
Many days over the Christmas break I
looked at the Journal de Montreal and on
the font page there were headlines that
took my stomach away. “Woman Kills
Pregnant Woman to steal her Baby,” was
only one of the headlines I observed and
I will be discussing it in this issue.
had to have some kind of mental imbalance to perform such an act if she was so
desperate to not let her husband know
she had had a miscarriage. On the other
hand she had to have some mental capacity to come up with such a plot to cover
up her tracks. Unfortunately she was
caught and that’s that.
Next I want to address how wasteful, inconsiderate, ignorant and materialist the
world has become. I have had many active conversations and debates about the
world lately and honestly nothing good
had to be said about global affairs. One
thing that really annoys me is how every
time a person is diagnosed with breast
cancer, the GDP goes up and a lot of human suffering causes our supposedly
wonderful economy to improve. Honestly it really depresses me to think that
human suffering makes the government
and the economy happy. I would have to
use up the space of the entire newspaper
to discuss every angle of this however I
will cut it short and hope this little piece
leaves my readers with something to debate.
First of all was the scandal regarding a
woman who had had a miscarriage: she
pretended to continue being pregnant,
and after the supposed nine-month term
she killed a woman who was actually ninemonths pregnant and stole the baby from
her womb and went to tell her husband
that she had given birth while he was away.
Now ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to know
what the hell is up with that. This woman
tation of the argument. The course of
action that should be followed in any
situation is the one that will have the
results we are looking for. When there
is argument about what this course of
action should be, we examine the arguments for the different sides and try
to figure out which is most likely to be
the correct choice. Rhetoric subverts
this process.
Our society is being swept by
a malignant and pervasive trend. This
trend effects the way we feel, the way
we talk, and indeed even the way we
think. Worst of all, this so-called skill
is indoctrinated in our
fellow students by the
very institution we attend to inform and
educate us, this very
CEGEP we attend. The
thing of which I speak
is rhetoric.
In order to understand the damage
rhetoric has caused,
we must first understand what it consists
of. Put simply, rhetoric is the technique of
making an argument as
persuasive as possible.
Sounds harmless enough; indeed,
making an argument stronger is an integral part of many English classes.
Where’s the problem, you may ask?
The problem is that rhetoric has nothing to do with the actual strength of
the argument in question, but merely
with the appearance of the argument.
When someone uses rhetoric to improve
on an argument, they are
trying to prevent the listener
from using their
own reason to
decide for themselves what is
best. Rhetoric
relies upon manipulating the
emotions of the
listener. Backing up a logical argument with factual
evidence is not a rhetorical technique.
Rhetoric enters the picture when the
facts are manipulated to influence
people’s emotions. Thus, it is an attempt to usurp people’s sacred reason, and subsume them in a tide of maliciously manipulated emotion.
The danger in this approach
stems from the difference between the
truth of an argument, and the presen-
Pre-eminent figures in the
past have spoken out against the evils
of rhetoric. Socrates, one of the great-
It floats in the air in almost
every restaurant, bar and public
space, but now is reaching an end.
That’s right, I’m
smoke from those
nasty things called
cigarettes. In the
news recently, the
Government has
decided to prohibit
people from smoke
in restaurants. I
think that this is
the best idea since
turning right on a
The smoking ban is
an excellent move on the
Government’s part. The
thing that gets me is why
it took them so long to
think of that idea. The
other provinces have had
this ban for quite some
time now and Quebec
should have been part of
that team. My guess is the
reason why they waited
so long is probably because the owners of all the restaurants, bars and clubs complained
that they would lose more than half
of their business. Understandable
why they didn’t like the idea but,
well, the deal’s done.
As you can
probably tell, I
don’t smoke. I
think it’s totally disgusting and
pointless. Also, I can’t stand it
when I go into a restaurant and I
can smell the smoke from the
smoking section floating into my
“fresh-air-section.” It just ruins
my supper. Along with that, it’s
Rhetorical Question
Benjamin Wald
poses us to, when we allow the most
successful manipulator to convince us
of the value of his or her argument.
est philosophers in western history
and a man of great moral principles,
devoted his life to opposing the teachings of rhetoric. The Sophists, who’s
very name has become synonymous
with the worst kind of intellectual dishonesty, taught the skills of rhetoric
to those who used it to manipulate
Athenian democracy. Socrates spent
his life arguing against these manipulative techniques, and in the end was
put to death by a jury dazzled by rhetorical technique, against which Socrates plainspoken arguments fell on
deaf ears. This tragedy of rhetoric and
many others show the danger it ex-
Rhetoric is ever present in our
society. It fills the speeches of politicians, the arguments of lawyers, and
the opinion pieces in newspapers. Indeed, as the astute reader may have
noticed by now, this opinion piece is
filled with rhetorical devices. If you
didn’t recognize them when you read
them, then maybe you should be worried. If I can fool you into giving my
arguments more weight with a clever
turn of phrase, who else might be able
to do the same?