

Phoney Beatlemania since 1971
Volume XXXIV
Issue 1
Marois Versus Landry for PQ Head
ership race] in almost twenty
years.” Marois believes that her
time has come and the party is in
need of a breath of new life and she
is the one to give the party, it’s
needed lift. The leadership race
would truly elect a new leader for
the party unlike the past when
Bouchard, and Bernard Landry became premiers of Quebec without
a leadership convention.
Ann-Margaret Porcelli
News Editor
This year's Parti Québécois convention which took place on Friday August 27 brought much talk
and some controversy as Pauline
Marois asked for a leadership campaign against former premier
Bernard Landry.
Marois, who was first elected in
1981 in her riding of Taillon, has
held the position of health, education and finance minister as well as
deputy premier. She has desired
to become leader of the PQ party
as well as Quebec’s first female premier since 1985. When she first ran
against Pierre Marc Johnson, and
later lost in the campaign only to
take over after former PQ leader
René Lévesque quit. According to
Marois “We have not had [a lead-
The news Marois brought on
her colleagues at the convention
was a surprise for most, especially
Marois’s rival Fran¸ois Legault
who also desires to become the
PQ’s next leader. This news was
not to the publics surprise as recent figures from La Presse show
that “forty-seven percent of
Quebecers want Landry to step
down as leader.” The demand
made by Marois has not yet caused
in Montreal
Studies have even show that it
would be cheaper to purchase new
technologies to upgrade the current
hospitals, rather than pay a couple of
billion dollars each to build two new
centralized facilities. Furthermore it
has been said that even with two super hospitals the emergency rooms
will still be overcrowded over the next
five to ten years. Really what’s the
point? Dr. James Faquhar of the Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice
has even said the citizens just don’t
want them.
Several people have learned either
on the news or in the paper about the
Superhospital Project being discussed, where two super-hospitals
(one French and one English) with
McGill University and Université de
Montreal affiliations are to be built in
Montreal. The city is currently proposing that these superhospitals will
replace eight existing hospitals in
Downtown Montreal.
Several citizens have argued and
debated that the government wants to
waste more money on useless establishments to agitate the taxpayers,
however this is not entirely true. The
current Charest Liberal party does
not consider the construction of new
facilities a priority and states that it
is not an urgent. The provincial government claims it is the leaders of the
current McGill hospitals who wish for
the new facilities. They believe newer
establishments will attract more doctors.
Though this issue is strongly debated throughout Quebec, seventy
percent of Montrealers are against the
thought of building entirely new facilities at this time ,when the current hospitals we have are more than sufficient to accommodate the new technologies required to perform medicine today.
SUJAC Update ........................ 3
Campus Life ............................ 4
Arts .......................................... 7
Entertainment ......................... 9
Sports ...................................... 12
Scoreboard ............................. 12
Though there is discussion and
debate regarding the construction of
new hospital facilities, it has yet to
become an official project for the immediate moment, though the wheels
of the project may begin spinning at a
later time.
needed. In which
fifty-seven percent of Quebecors
would vote NO in
a referendum according to the
same poll taken
by La Presse.
One can conclude that there is a lot more to
come from the PQ in the coming
months. However this is the same
case for the Liberals. A lot can
happen in the next year or two.
The opinions of Quebecors will
change and therefore today’s polls
don’t mean anything. After all, the
polls said that the Conservative’s
would win the federal election yet
Canadians went the traditional
way. One can only guess what will
happen in the world of politics.
Though Landry and Marois are
against each other to run as leader
both contenders are on the same
page about the thought of
Parizeau’s plan to abandon the idea
of a holding a referendum on sovereignty, rather to place in motion
an election mandate to making
Quebec a country. Though both
believe in a sovereign Quebec both
can agree that a referendum is
Standoff Ends In
Jason Dubeau
a great rift in the party; though as
the months progress my opinion is
that one will appear just in time for
next June when the PQ is to have
their next convention; at whcih
point the issue will most likely be
brought up again if not before by
others who are interested in running. However this news has not
put a twinge in the Block’s leader
Gilles Duceppe who say’s “[Landry]
is a man I admire, who has all my
hot, and there was no access to food
or water for the hostages. In addition to the dead, over seven hundred
people where injured, and approximately five hundred are still in hospitals. They were brought to hospitals by ambulances and private vehicles volunteered y many goodhearted citizens.
Benjamine Wald
The lengthy siege of an elementary school in Russia ended in violence and tragedy, as over three
hundred hostages were killed, half of
them children. The violence was perpetrated by Chechen terrorists, seeking independence for Chechnya.
This is part of continuing violence
by Chechens across Russia.
The militant who was captured
claimed that former Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov and separatist warlord Shamil Basayev ordered
the attack. A man nicknamed “The
Colonel” organized the attack, and
said that the reason for the attack
was to “unleash a war across the entire Caucasus.” This is a part of the
violence that has occurred since the
war in Chechnya ended. Of the terrorists killed, nine or ten were not
from Chechnya but rather from
neighboring Arab countries, according to Russian police officials.
The standoff erupted in violence
when aid workers, under an agreement with the terrorists to remove
the bodies of those killed during the
standoff, tried to approach the
building. As they entered, an explosion was heard, possibly set off by
accident. The hostages panicked and
started running, and the terrorists
opened fire. Russian special forces
stormed the school in an unplanned
attack. It took several hours to secure the school, and all 29 hostagetakers were killed in the operation.
Russian authorities report that all
three of the surviving militants, apparently accomplices, have since
been arrested.
Many have criticized the Russian
government for its heavy handed
dealing with the terrorists, saying
these precipitated the violence. This
tragedy is has elicited outpourings
of sympathy and support for the victims from many governments, and
the United States reaffirmed their
support for ending terrorism wherever it occurred.
Many of the children were in their
underwear, and severely dehydrated. The gym was blisteringly
With your temporary Editor-in-Chief Benjamin Wald
new e-mail address for submissions is,
or drop of submissions on disk in
our office in the club hallway, opposite the oval. It’s the one with
the green door, last on your left.
I want to make sure that this
year the paper is the very best that
it can be. I have some ideas, and
we have a great team of editors
from last year, and lots of promising new members. I think I can
say with some confidence that this
will be a great year for
Bandersnatch. But remember this
is first and foremost your student
paper. If there's something you
think we should be covering, then
get out there and write about it!
Without submissions, there is no
paper, so come on and write.
Another way for new students and veterans alike to get
more out of their CEGEP is to become involved. I know, I know,
you’ve all heard it a hundred times
before. But I can say from personal
experience, the best way to meet
new people and feel more a part of
your school is to be involved. If
your interested in writing, then
writing for the paper can be a great
way to see yourself in print. The
If any of you have any questions, or if you want to become
more involved with the student
paper, then come on by the office.
There's usually at least one staff
member who can answer your
questions, or you can leave a note
on one of the editors boards.
As you peruse our fine publication, those who have read
other issues may be scandalized.
“What’s this”, I hear you cry, “no
opinions section? No games page?
What’s happened?” Well, our ranks
are much depleted after last semester. Many of our faithful editors have left our ranks, leaving us
a tad understaffed for this issue.
Thus, we have decided not to include an opinion or games section
in the first issue, to ease the strain
on remaining editors. Never fear,
as soon as we have had elections
for the open positions, the paper
will return to its full glory. Speaking of which, elections will be held
on September 28th, anyone who is
interested in running for an open
position should drop by the office
and ask about how to go about being nominated for the position.
Now I will stop blathering and allow you, dear reader, to enjoy the
fruits of our labor.
At the end of the school year,
the Middle East was still in turmoil
and the United States entered
Iraq. The world was left as one giant pawn as Osama Bin Laden gave
European Nations an ultimatum.
Here in Canada the recently
merged New Conservative Party
elected Stephen Harper to run for
Prime Minister of Canada in a June
federal election, which by the way
yes Paul Martin and the Liberals
are back in power. After all the
wishy-washy stories the Liberals
gave us pertaining to the sponsor-
Temporary Editor-in-Chief
Benjamin Wald
News Editor
Ann-Margaret Porcelli
Campus Life Editor
Rob Briza
Opinion Editor
Entertainment Editor
Sports Editor
Arts Editor
Chris Deslauriers
Sincerely, Benjamin Wald
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Office Manager
Production Manager
Sarah Jade Aubé
with editor Ann-Margaret Porcelli
writer or as an editor in one of the
many positions that are available.
It’s a great opportunity to meet
new people and a way to develop
any hidden skills you may have.
For those of you in the student
body who don’t want to make any
concrete commitments, submissions to any section are most definitely welcomed and encouraged.
Our e-mail address for submissions
bandersnatch@, and remember
all submissions are due on Friday’s. For more information come
and visit the Bandersnatch office
in Hertzberg basement across form
the oval.
Tel: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389
Fax: (514) 457-6091
Office: H-041
News Editor's Note
Greetings and welcome back to
all students. Hopefully all of you
are back from a restful and deserved summer holiday ready to
jump back into the swing of a new
semester. For those of you who
don’t know me I’m Margaret the
news editor. Before I begin, I
would like to take a moment to welcome all new students. As my partner in crime previously stated
CEGEP is very different from high
school, for one thing you will have
more homework to do, nevertheless you’ll soon learn that much of
it is at your discretion and teachers will not be hounding you down
for late or missed assignments;
secondly there are more freedom’s
that may or may not be new to
some which can lead to a variety
of behaviours. The key is to keep
everything in moderation. CEGEP
can be scary, especially when
you’re meeting all new people, and
what better way to break the ice
and become more confident and
calm in the stride of John Abbott
then to get involved. For all students at John Abbott if you have a
knack for writing I encourage you
Bandersnatch. What better way
then to come and join as a staff
John Abbott College
P.O. Box 2000
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
H9X 3L9
Enter a spiffy title here!
Welcome back, all my faithful readers and new students alike.
Another semester has begun, and
the lazy indolence of summer is already fading from our collective
memories. Let me take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to
all the new students, whose wideeyed innocence will soon be replaced by the easy confidence of
the veteran Abbotter. Let me tell
you now, the work is much harder
than high school, but the rewards
are great as well. It may take a
while to get used to the workload,
and the greater freedom, and it
may all seem a little scary right
now. Don’t worry, within the first
few months you’ll never look back.
Advertising Manager
Anton Iancu
ship scandal we Canadians still do
not take our political elections seriously.
Archive Editor
Kathleen Stanhope
However the presses have
not had a moment to rest this summer from the infamous Peterson
trial which can be somewhat compared to the OJ Simpson trial in
1995, to billionaire Martha Stewart
being sentenced to five months in
prison and five months under
house arrest.
Foreign Languages Editor
Games Page Editor
Photographic Coordinator
Sarah Jade Aubé
This past summer also had
much mud slinging as Democrats
and Republicans kicked off there
campaigning for their Federal election which will take place this November. This summer the European Cup of Soccer was won by
Greece, which was a bonus to the
country, which also hosted this
summer’s Olympics and later
passes the torch to China for the
next summer Olympics to be held
in 2008.
That’s all for now, I’ll be seeing you in two weeks with more
from the news and in the meantime
enjoy reading this year’s first issue
of Bandersnatch. Good-bye, and
Good night Mr. and Mrs Abbott.
Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative Press
at John Abbott College. It is published every two weeks
and is partially funded by the Student Activities
Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions are welcome in traditionally either English
or French and become property of the newspaper. Submissions must be on an IBM compatible diskette along
with a printed hard copy and MUST be in Text Format
(*.txt) or RichText Format (*.RTF). All submissions must
include the full name and telephone number of the contributor, as well as the e-mail address if applicable. The
staff reserves the right to reject or edit any submissions for length, legality, or clarity. Letters to Bandersnatch should be a maximum of 500 words but may see
print nonetheless if they are longer but worthwhile.
Neither spelling nor grammar will be corrected on letters to the editors, it is the responsibility of the contributor to correct them.
Submissions and letters should be dropped off at the
Bandersnatch office, located in the basement of
Herzberg, H-041 (across from the Hallway entrance of
the oval).
mated anti-virus programs and the
computer services staff. Unfortunately, this is not always sufficient,
and large educational networks
have often in the past been used for
a variety of attacks after being
hacked or infected with viruses.
Ryan Desgroseiliers
With the return of students to
the various institutions dedicated
to education, also comes the return of students to the huge
number of campus computer networks across North America. With
the influx of new students visiting
dedicated computer labs, new oncampus residents connecting their
personal computers to the school
network, and new staff at various
organizations and clubs with
internet connectivity, computer
professionals in the education sector know the arrival of viruses and
other threats can’t be far behind.
Antivirus firms have recently
begun targeting the educational
computer market specifically, with
firms such as Medina, Ohio-based
Central Command, Inc. is offering
yearly licenses of their Vexira antivirus for $1.79 per workstation to
institutions in the education sector, well below the rather elevated
average industry rate of $19 per
workstation. Companies such as
Central Command have also begun
offering instructional materials
about computer security. However the effectiveness of posters
and brochures in educating users
about this topic has not been especially good in corporate environments.
School, college, and university
computer networks are generally
among the least secure, since
there are very few means of monitoring the users of the system or
educating new users on safe computing practices. This means that
the task of keeping the computers
on campus free of harmful programs falls primarily to technical
countermeasures such as auto-
For more information about
Central Command’s education initiative, visit
SUJAC Update
Hello everyone and welcome
back to another year at John
Abbott. We here at SUJAC (Student
Union of John Abbott College for
the unabbreviated) would like to
extend our warmest welcome to
the students just starting at Abbott
and to all the returning students as
well. For those who don’t know yet
the SUJAC update is the place to
find updates about on campus
events and info about congress
meetings, SUJAC initiatives and
other developments that may be
important to you as a student.
Résidence Project Chance
Press Release
Résidence Project Chance will
open at a second location this coming Fall.Project Chance is a non
profit organization assisting single
Mothers between the age of 18 yrs
& 35 yrs , who are studying full time
( minimum 4 courses-University)(
7-8 at CEGEP)& who live with their
children (not more than 3) on a full
time basis.‘Chances‘offers several
programs for those residents who
are accepted. Some of these programs are: weekly grocery supplement, after school program for
thechildren, evening programs for
children, access to Book Loans,
computer, printer, photocopier,
fax etc. A safe & secure environment for children.Each applicant,
upon acceptance into the program
receives a subsidized apartment.
First of all I would like to invite
any of you who have any questions, comments or concerns
about anything in the college to
drop by the SUJAC office in P-101.
Whether you have troubles with a
teacher and want to talk to your
Vice President Academic Mehrdad
Razempoosh, or you feel you have
been fined unfairly and want to talk
to Justin Chan the VP Financial, or
you wish to take it right to top and
see our lovely and talented President Francis Donald. SUJAC is
there for you and remember we are
To apply contact:
or telephone (514) 934-6199
defending your rights so drop by
some time and see what we’re all
is invited to drop by and see first
That’s all for this week but watch
this space in the coming weeks,
you’ll never know what you’re
missing if you don’t. Until next
time hope you have a good semester and remember, if you need anything at all we’re in P-101 and we
are here for you.
The next thing I would like to
share with all of you is that the
SUJAC-club day this semester is
scheduled to take place in the
Agora on Thursday September
30th. The theme this year is medieval and, if previous years are any
indication, then the level of creativity and wit employed in the
decorations for each club will be
truly impressive. If you are already in a club then come out to
help support your organization. If
they're not yet a member of a club
then this will be a perfect time to
come out and see what you are interested in and chat with people in
the clubs. In a similar vein the first
congress meeting of the year will
be held next week on Monday the
thirteenth at 5:30, the location will
be posted outside the SUJAC office. Everyone who thinks they
might be interested in joining or
who is curious as to how the representative body of the student
government of our college works
Executive Director: Suan Cross
campus life
with your editor Robert J. Briza
My Two Cents
it’s self, that is, if it is allowed at your
chosen club. In addition to seemingly
free storage space (at your own risk,
of course), clubs are an excellent place
to buy and sell books, or find help for
school work. Third, it really does look
good on a CV, if you mention that you
of a student organization, like
Robert J. Briza
Campus Life Editor
The summer has finally come to a
close, and the Fall 2004 semester is
well under way. To the latest additions of John Abbott College, I wish to offer my
advice, so that your assimilation into this new
environment can go as
smoothly as possible.
First, join a club, and
more importantly, join
our ranks here at
Abbott College’s studentrun, campus news paper,
operating since 1971. We
have many positions open, which are
also great opportunities to meet new
and interesting people.
some people seem
unable to
grasp the
even after years of attending CEGEP,
of it being so easy to get ahead in
school, what with the hours of break
time between classes, or the days when
you can go home early.
Second, and I hope it’s not too late,
if you do join a club then you may find
that renting a locker was a waste of
money, as it would be easier just to
leave your belongings in the club room
However, with this convenience,
it is also even easier to fall behind, be-
cause of the many distractions on the
campus. Remember, this is nothing
like the “Undergrads” cartoon, where
they spend the entire year in school,
without going to class, or opening a
book. The College offers a wide variety of free help to students who need
it, such as the learning center located
in the Herzberg Building.
Eight thirty classes may suck, but
you must also remember that the 210
from Fairview stops running at 10:30
am. And please, don’t skip classes, but
more importantly, don’t skip one
class, because you’re falling behind in
another, because you will start to fall
behind in not just one but two. That’s
just stupid. It may seem like it doesn’t
matter if you skip classes, but it will
come back to bite you in the ass, and
it is easier to climb out of a hole if it is
Four feet deep, than if it is eight. I
hope that this article was helpful to
you newbies, have a great semester,
study hard, read Bandersnatch, or
better yet, write for us or run for an
executive position, Uncle Bander
wants you!
Rob Says:
What The Heck is that?
passage: “We are
committed to
governance that
reflects the
engagement of
students, staff
and faculty, and
places students
learning at the
centre of our
decisions and
actions.” As a
result, the
Director General works with SUJAC (the
Student Union of John Abbott College)
to see that the needs and opinions of the
students are satisfied, and keeps a good
relationship with the President of
Up until late in the first
week in this semester, I,
like possibly many
students at John Abbott
College, wondered how
this college was
organized — which led to
some more questions,
like what’s a Director
General? Or an Academic
Dean? JAC’s Director
General, Keith
Henderson, and Academic Dean Allister
Thorne, filled me in on their roles at this
John Abbott College is run as an
autonomous corporation, as well as a
school. JAC is governed by the board of
directors, who hire two people, the
Director General and the Academic
Dean. The Director General is like the
principal of an Elementary or High
School and most of the school board all
in one. It is his job to see that John
Abbott College functions properly, as
both a school and a (non-profit)
business. He is also in charge of
enforcing the college’s policies. In the
college’s mission statement, there is the
Robert J. Briza
Campus Life Editor
number of procedures to deal with
different situations of students. When
there is a scenario where these
procedures do not apply, the Academic
Dean deals with the situation. He also
administrates things like academic
probation, and the expulsion of students
who fail to meet standards. He also
meets with other CEGEPs to discuss how
Ministry regulations, as well as
institutional policies are carried out, as
a way of gathering opinions on different
September 6: Labour Day, College
September 8: Mix 96, movie in the
September 9: Old Spice Promotion
September 10: Film "Mean Girls"
September 13:University Visit:
McGill University and Biships University.
September 14:Hema Quebec Blood
The purpose of these positions is to see
that the best interests of the students are
met, but also, to see that John Abbott
College is not just some school with a
nice campus, but to continue to be an
institution which provides an excellent
education for its students, who wish to
enhance their potential for success in
September 15: STM Reduced bus
pass for under 18 years old, and the
privilage card for 18-25.
September 16: Comedians: Sugar
Sammy, Massimo, and Daliso
The quality of education, and the
coordination of academic activities, is
the responsibility of the Academic
Dean. In addition to the Academic Dean,
there are three associate deans, in
charge of the college’s programs, as well
as an International Students and
Programs Dean, who ensure that
teachers, departments and program
committees carry out their
responsibilities. The college has a
September 17: Film "Spiderman II"
September 20: Course Drop Deadline.
September 21: Course Validation
September20-22: Big Book Fair.
campus life
government is going to slice $700,000
in the next 4 years. See what I’m getting
Stephanie Dubois
In one word: Pathetic. This would be
the word to explain Canada’s 2004
Olympic Athletes efforts. Of course, it
is not our Canadian teams’ fault . Like
Canada’s Education
and Health Sector, our
Canadian athletes are
simply not receiving
the funding they need
and deserve.
Canada’s life story,
right? Personally, one
of the most
disappointing ideas of
the Olympics is that
Canada got their butt
kicked in the medal
count by countries that are ten times
smaller than us. Canada ended up being
17th place overall, with a disappointing
12 medals. At the same time, Australia,
which is a much smaller country than us
, ended up being 4th on the medal list ,
with 49 medals. The reason why the
Aussies did so well is because from
1976 to 2000, they doubled their
funding for athletes, and their medal
count. Us Canadians? Well, our
I mean you have to feel sorry for the
Canadian athletes. They have worked
so hard, do not get paid and do not get
recognized for their
efforts. Most of our
athletes are
extremely talented
individuals but often
enough do not get
the training they
deserve. They need
better coaches,
better training
centers and more
funds. Take the
United States for
example. The
United States are in a totally different
ball game than us when it comes to their
athletes. You can just look at their
athletes and tell that the U.S. places a
large amount of money into the
Olympics. I mean, it pays off! 103
medals, that is amazing.
in all, our Canadian team kicked butt in
the Olympics considering circumstances
and I applaud their efforts. After all,
there is always 2008, right?
ties. Repairs will be made to our
connections in the Herzberg basement where the vending machines
are and in Bandersnatch. Coming
shortly, you will also to be able to
hear CSKY’s great music in the
Stewart Hall Cafeteria and the Oval.
September rolls around and
everything seems to change. The
leafs turn red, new TV shows have
us wondering what good is cable
anyways, and we’re sentenced to
another couple of months in small
cramped classrooms subjected to
lectures that would solve
even the worst insomniac’s sleep problem. Luckily for John Abbott College, CSKY Radio returns
to the air with an extreme
intensity matched only
by a couple of lions tearing a gazelle to piece.
The DJ roster has never been
greater will a full line-up of different
Popular DJs
C h r i s
Chris Buckley,
C r o m b i e ,
M a u r i c e
Dunkley, Gena
Jessica Zagari,
Matt DiMarco,
Schwartz will all be this semester
and Jenna Jones, Akil Roberts, and
Scott Anderson will be returning to
the fold after some time away from
CSKY. Complementing the stellar
returning cast is the new crop of
DJs joining CSKY for their first semester of manic excitement. Their
new, unique, crazy, and sometimes
downright dangerous ideas will
CSKY Radio is John
Abbott’s biggest club,
and one of the best parts
of the entire college. We
broadcast all types of music, ranging from Rap to Hip-Hop to R&B to
Rock to Alternative to Punk to Emo
to Classic Rock to Metal. CSKY radio will definitely satisfy your music needs no matter what you like.
CSKY radio is currently broadcast
in the Munch Box, the Agora, the
Student Lounge, the club rooms
area, SUJAC, and Student Activi-
Over Capacity
Ryan Desgroseilliers
This isn’t to say that the college
administration and campus
security aren’t working to
relieve the problem – almost
every day there are security
guards directing traffic at the
intersection, and the various
offices and cafeteria tend to
have more staff around during
peak hours. Unfortunately, it
sometimes isn’t enough, as
anyone who has had to wait
fifteen minutes in their car to
cover the quarter-mile stretch
between Autoroute 40 and the
campus will attest — it’s not bad
driving; there are simply too
many cars for a single lane.
The return of students to the
John Abbott campus has, in
recent years, inevitably resulted
in a massive backlog of, well,
everything. From the access
road in the morning, to the
cafeteria and munch box, to the
Registrar’s office and Student
Services, to (at certain hours)
the book store, extremely long
lines crop up in virtually every
imaginable place where people
could be expected to arrive at
the same time.
The lines usually tend to trickle
off as the semester progresses
and new students realize how
unwise it is to use certain
services at certain times,
although some (like the
immense bottleneck at the
intersection of the access roads
near the Trans-Canada highway
on certain busy mornings and
the absolute monstrosity of a
line for the 210 at the Fairview
terminus) tend to remain for the
entire year.
Even the STM has made some
attempts to alleviate the
situation by running more 210
buses, although the net result
seems to be a series of
massively overcrowded sardine
cans followed by a few almost
empty ones after the bulk of the
line-up is depleted.
While Abbott’s delays may be
annoying at times, they’re
certainly better than commuting
in to Montreal at the moment,
given the massive congestion on
the highways into the city from
the West Island caused by the
construction on Autoroute 40.
And despite the cafeteria lines
at Abbott occasionally making a
few people late for class, it pales
in comparison to the situation at
Vanier during their “universal
break” (a time slot on
Wednesday when no classes are
CSKY is giving away free monkeys!
James Gore
CSKY General Manager
make this year at CSKY better than
any year in the past.
On top of new DJs and new
broadcast locations, CSKY will be
doing more around the school. On
top of the already extremely annual events ‘Breakout’ and ‘Battle
of the Bands’ are going to be some
other amazing stuff thrown together by the radio crew. There
will be more days that CSKY will
be broadcast from the Agora starting with Club Day in late September where you can have the chance
to win tons of prizes including
movie passes, CDs and much more.
Random prize patrols will be invading unsuspecting students with
free CSKY junk. More contests and
prizes will be given away on air so
you definitely have to keep an ear
out for a chance to win big.
Obviously, it’s not realistic to
expect people to avoid eating
lunch at noon, to stop driving
their cars on the highway, or to
take the bus at 5:30 AM, but
there are a few things that
people can do in order to avoid
the lineups – waiting a bit to go
to the cafeteria instead of
rushing there immediately after
a class change (hint: so is
everyone else), coming in a bit
earlier if driving, or taking the
200 bus a bit earlier instead of
the 210.
If you’re not excited about
CSKY already, check to see if you
have a pulse. This year will be bigger and way better than all the previous years combined. If you don’t
like to have fun, listen to great
music, and getting free stuff, then
perhaps listening to CSKY radio is
not for you. CSKY radio is where
it’s at; making the school day easier
to stomach.
campus life
Ask Jacky
JAC Cheerleaders
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
Orientation week was a time for new
students to get acquainted with their
new home away from home, and a place
where SUJAC, clubs and other student
organizations came to recruit new students fresh from high school.
Bandersnatch and CSKY were represented at a table, next to the student
employment center table. But also at
orientation were the John Abbott
Cheerleaders, looking for new recruits
for their squad.
Hey John Abbott Students! Is
anyone out there stuck between a rock
and a hard place? Do you find yourself
losing your concentration because you
can’t focus on anything except that awful
problem going round and round in your
head? Well, here’s your very own place
to ask utterly and absolutely anything you
want. Whether that will be for advice on a
sticky situation, or just you’re average
question on how the universe works, don’t
be afraid to write in! Your letters will remain completely confidential, and I,
Jacky, a fellow student at this great CEGEP,
promise to do my utmost best in answering all of them. I will take this very seriously, so don’t feel shy to pose those usually hard to ask questions. You’re questions
and don’t worry, you’re email address information will be kept secret.
During this time, Bandersnatch staff
spoke with Cleo and Tanya, present
squad members who were more than
happy to allow an interview. The first
stress was that
movies, and
other media
have given a
bad representation of the
They are not
the stuck up
snobs that are depicted on prime time
TV — actually, at John Abbott, the
I can’t wait to start answering your
questions, so start sending them in right
away! Dump all of your problems onto
me, I’ll be happy carry a bit for you!
Till next issue,
don’t clog your brain up with too much
homework, and be happy!
matching shoes and other expenditures
their current, limited budget,
squad also
has plans to
enter into
competitions, an
may be difficult given their current financial situation. The situation has led some squad
members to suggest transitioning the
squad to an official SUJAC club in order
to simplify their funding structure.
cheerleaders’ Co-Captain is the current
SUJAC President, Frances
The cheerleaders are
looking for
girls, who like
to have fun.”
And no previous experience is required to join.
The cheerleaders practice three times a week, and cheer at
Basketball and Football games, with
dancing. Their last
practice was on Saturday, Sept 4, at
11:00, on the football field.
According to the squad members,
becoming a cheerleader, like joining
any other club or organization, is a
great way to meet new people. The social aspect is a big part of any student
organization; particularly a collaborative one such as cheerleading, so new
students looking to meet new people
would probably find a good opportunity with the cheerleading team.
In addition to receiving a certain allocation from John
Abbott, the cheerleaders raise money
through bake sales
in order to fund
transportation to games. Several members have indicated that they need additional funding for new uniforms,
The John Abbott cheerleaders can
Joey Elias
Joshua Wald
Staff Writer
Joey has performed across Canada
including many just for laughs performances he also recently
traveled to Afghanistan to entertain the troops stationed their.
Both of these outstanding comedians gave hilarious
performances. The
first Comic focused most of his
routine on student
life with one liners
such as “I went to
dawson for two
years where I majored
hackesack” as well
as numerous other
jokes and humorous
which are not fit to
print in reputable
newspaper such as
this one. I loved
his on stage persona and his ability to draw out the
pauses before his
brought laughter
for even his less spectacular jokes.
Another summer has come and
gone and our beloved John Abbott
has once again opened its doors
wide to receive
a flood of new
and returning
students. To
help welcome
the newcomers
those of us who
are returning
why w e r e turned their
where events
and performers
Agora for our
Sadly I was not
able to make it
to all of the
events but I
chance to view
routines of The
first Comic and Joey Elias. The first
Comic was voted best new comic
at the just for laughs festival and
Joey Elias’s performance in-
cluded profanity laced, and side
splitting, ruminations including
such gems as “I
realized that fat
men shouldn’t
go to the dessert when my
balls spontaneously
fire.” Mr. Elias’s
views on the
way things are
and how they
ought to be and
regular bouts of
making fun of
(particularly a
guy in the front
with a Mohawk
haircut and an
unfortunate fellow from Indiana.) The crowd loved it and the
unfortunates being singled out for
attention by Mr. Elias showed
good humor and admirable self-restraint.
corum or good taste. In fact the
only thing which I can single out
as bei n g
done in
t h e
s h o w
w a s
the pre
p e r forma n c e
j o k e
c o n test in
t h e
of Abb o t s
a m a t e u r
comedians where offered a chance to tell
a joke with a ten dollar prize to the
winner. The contestants showed
both a lack of comic timing and a
lack of anything resembling a
sense of humor, other then that the
show was a resounding success.
The show was a hit and defiantly worth a look from anyone
without to delicate a sense of de-
Christopher Deslauriers
Arts Editor
James Snelgrove
An earlier picture of mine...
Kathleen Stanhope
Staff Writer
There is beauty in this world
So great
So deep
So immense
So profound
You would catch your breath to
behold it
There is exquisiteness in this life
A simple drop of rain
A single rose
A clear ringing note
A creasing breeze
Were it a well, you could never
find the bottom
Comic Book Club President
But in truth
It is everywhere and it is nowhere
We carry it within ourselves
To find that which we have hidden
The beauty
The exquisiteness
The wonder
We need only close our eyes, and
look with our heart
My eyes have a way of telling
Things my heart never wants to
They all have a way of coming
The second i see your face.
And i know i should get used to it
The fact i’m not the same
I can’t tell you I need you
And that’s a shame.
For the time slips out of our reach
And the seconds pass
Even faster when you’re away
from me.
How sad is that?
To not have control,
To wait for the world to happen
And let the people you love never
Have pity on me
It’s my reality
I’ll be standing alone
Watching you leave.
I guess I care more about myself,
So i won’t get hurt.
But if I let you go
What would my life be worth?
In this world, this life, this dream
To glimpse what is true,
To scent what is luscious
To hear what is delicate
To touch what is delicious
Something hidden so well, we can
not find it
Shihara Seneviratne
There is wonder in this dream
A profusion of sensations
A wealth of experiences
Every sense catered too
Every desire fulfilled
Had it substance, it would cover
the world
The Box
Venue: Station C
(1450 SteCatherine East, Montreal, Metro
Date: Wednesday, September
15th 2004
Time: 8:00PM (20 h)
To reserve your box, call
Christopher DiRaddo 514-8425087
Performances will run until
October 3rd 2004.
For purchase of additional tickets
call Station C at 523-1434 or
Gallery R. Uchiyama at 393-1342
with temporary editor Benjamin W.
Benjamin's Books to Look For
stories inspired the movies Bladerunner
(from a book called “Do Androids Dream
of Electric Sheep?”), Screamer, Paycheck,
Minority Report, the Sixth Day and others. These movies really do not display
the true genius of Phillip K. Dick. Most of
the movies take one of his excellent ideas,
such as telepaths who predict crime, and
turn it into typical Hollywood extravaganzas, fun but devoid of the depth of
thought that his books provide. Although
I enjoyed many of the movies based on
his books, it is an entirely different experience to actually read his work.
Benjamin Wald
Editor in Chief
The book which I will be talking about
is called “A Scanner Darkly”, by Phillip K.
Dick. Phillip K. Dick is the author whose
“A Scanner Darkly” may in fact be my
favorite of all the ten or so of his books I
have read. The fact is that, as much as I
love the work of Phillip K. Dick, it has its
flaws. They are primarily idea books, and
the plot tends to be either simplistic, almost childish, or else strewn with unnecessary complications. His characters,
while interesting and generally fairly
rounded, at times seem to behave irrationally, so as to move the plot along its
predestined path. “A Scanner Darkly”
avoids these flaws by not really having a
plot as such. It is more of an in depth character study of a small group of druggies,
and in particular the character Bob
Arctor, who is secretly an undercover
Fred, narc, and Bob, drug dealer, begin to
diverge with confusing consequences. But
this is almost a side point.
As this implies, the novel is primarily
about drugs, those who use them, and
what this does to them. It is not really an
anti-drug book, nor is it a pro-drug book.
It simply chronicles what the reasons and
consequences of drug use are for the
group of junkies on whom the plot focuses.
As Phillip K. Dick says in the conclusion, it
is about the horrible price that these people pay, for no greater crime than wanting to have a good time, not wanting to
grow up.
The bulk of the book is taken up with
views into the lives of Bob Arctor and his
friends. The characters of the junkies are
among the most realistic everyday characters I have ever read. You can really
believe in these carefree, surprisingly innocent junkies. The very first scene involves a friend of Bob’s who cracks, the
drugs having fried his brain to the point
where he is sure that he is being covered
with bugs, and that they are filling his lungs.
It’s funny, in a horrible and sad sort of
way. The true tragedy is how all the other
junkies see this, and recognize that this
could happen to them. It doesn’t make
them quit the drugs though. They just accept it as a risk that exists for them, like
being in a car accident. They just try to
have a good time while they can, and as
the book goes along we see them become
more paranoid, incoherent and confused.
The plot, such as it is, centers on Fred,
a narcotics agent so deeply undercover
that not even his own superiors know what
his real identity is. His other identity is as
Bob Arctor, a drug dealer who uses and
sells the hugely addictive and dangerous
Substance D, or slow death as the junkies
call it. He is trying to find the manufacturers of this new drug, when he is given an
assignment to investigate and inform on
one drug dealer in particular... Bob
Arctor. He is assigned to inform on himself, but under the influence of the drugs
he takes, he forgets the fact that both men
are him, and the identity of himself as
Over all, this book is touching and
shocking. It is a no holds barred, unprejudiced look at the lives of those for whom
drugs have become the center of their
David Hodges
When consequence happens
Just like most artists, you’ll find that
the twenty year-old rapper is truly an
enigma. If you take a closer look,
you’ll find a loner. A musician waiting
in line to deliver a message that, he
will be the first to tell you, will not be
accepted by most, but appreciated by
a jay newcomen hussle
“Time elapses, looking at my half
empty glass bent/drink the day by as
the sky paints my ashes.”
-David Hodges
In the confines of his small upstairs
bedroom in his parent’s house in
Pierrefonds, Hodges has recorded and
released six albums and has made upwards of 300 songs. If you think that’s
impressive, that doesn’t include his
numerous collaborations and guest
appearances with artists such as; Velvet Trench Vibes, Priceless, Jordan
Coones and many others. With two
supportive parents and a younger
brother who’s hair puts the “Surf” in
“Surf 66”, it’s easy to understand why
he finds the West Island a comfortable
place to call home. After the success
of his independently released album
Nowadays in the over-marketed
and under-dressed world of hip-hop,
lines are being drawn, and just like the
blind kid in your kindergarten class,
David Hodges is colouring outside
If you’ve ever encountered him,
you’d notice that his demeanour resembles that of a dude in your high
school that everybody likes. He’s the
guy that will flirt with the cool girls
and sit and talk about poetry with the
homely ones. He’s the type of guy that
will talk-trash during a basketball practice and eat lunch with the chess club.
( 2 0 0 2 ) ,
sold a total of
800 copies
in hand-tohand sales,
D a v i d
H o d g e s
found more
than a market, he found a following.
Granted, until you witness a room
full of people singing along, word for
word with the fan favourite
“Octavious”, he really doesn’t seem
like much more than a cool cat with
spiky hair. So watch out, today you
might walk by one of the most talented
people you’ve never met.
While the West Island hip-hop
scene remains a contradiction,
Hodges, a John Rennie High School
graduate, caters to the people’s misdirection. Whether it’s the club goers,
the hip-hop elite, the girls, the boys
or The Muppets, his music is a reflection of the lives of people he encounters. While critics are quick to dismiss
his sound as conscious music, his chameleon-like ability to deliver a strong
message to a variety of people, listens
more like music——with a conscious.
Check, check, check, checkemout
Lighters up. We got you Bucci.
Kane Ties the knot on Screen
tion with Kane. Finally Lita told Matt,
who was also unaware of these confrontations with Kane, that she was pregnant. Matt proposed to Lita in the middle of the ring, in front of twenty thousand fans. But before she could answer,
Kane came up over the big screen, and
revealed to Matt, and perhaps thousands of fans that hadn’t figured out
what was going on yet, that the baby
wasn’t Matt’s, but was Kane’s Baby. Matt
stormed out of the arena, followed by
Lita who could only offer the comfort of the
possibility that the baby
might be his. All of this
finally led to a DNA test
proving that it is Kane s
baby, and a till death do
us part match at Summer Slam, where if Kane
won, Lita must marry
Kane, however if Matt
Hardy won, Kane must
leave Matt and Lita to
live out their lives in
peace. Matt Hardy lost,
but in an attempt to rescue Lita, at the
wedding on Raw, Matt attacked Kane
and tried to help Lita escape, with no
success. Lita and Kane were wed that
Staff Writer
In Bandersnatch issue 14 of volume
XXXIII, I gave the readers of our paper, my predictions of what would happen over the summer, in the wrestling
world. But more importantly, every
prediction I made was completely
wrong...all except one, which was half
right. I said that under some strange
twist of events, Kane and Victoria would
be a couple by the end of the summer.
Well, that didn’t happen, however Kane
did get his share of nookie from Lita.
It all began when Kane vowed to feed
on the fears of his victims. This led to
his constant harassment of Lita. Kane
asked her a whose nature and more importantly, whose answer would be revealed several weeks
later. The audience would only be given
scenes where Kane would whisper into
Lita s ear, without a microphone, as to
keep the audience in the dark. Kane simply wanted an answer, and for Lita’s
sake it had better been the right one.
Then came the Monday night Raw,
where Kane and Matt Hardy (Lita's boyfriend) were in a confrontation, which
was life threatening to Matt. To protect
Matt, Lita ran down to the ring and supplied us with the answer to this unknown
question...yes. Finally that next week,
we find Matt and Lita living their lives
normally again, or so it would seem. Lita
entered her dressing room, and lurking
in the shadows, was the seven foot tall
Kane. Lita said to him; you promised
me this was over. Kane laughed his evil
laugh, and Lita left the room. Later, we
see Lita looking over the results of a
home pregnancy test, which concluded
positive. She confided in her friend,
Stacy Kiebler, who at the time was under the impression that the baby was
Matts, and unaware of Lita s confronta-
With that finally said, we can move
to another story line, which is that
which involved Evolution, World
Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit,
William Regal, Eric Bishoff, and his lovable, yet shall we say...slow, nephew
Eugine. William Regal was sent by Eric
Bishoff, to train his mentally challenged
nephew, Eugine to be a WWE super star.
Before Eugines first match, Bishoff gave
Regal the offer that if he sabotaged
Eugine's match, Regal would be put back
on the active Raw Roster, and Bishoff
would have Eugine gone from the WWE,
never again to embarrass the Bishoff
family. Although Regal tried, Eugine
Hell in a Cell match. Although one of
them won, due to their extensive injuries, both lost. The two men faced each
other on Raw, the following night, where
ring announcer Jim Ross asked them to
bury the hatchet and end the feud. But
before they could shake hands, Kane entered and added more injuries to Shawn
Michaels. Tripe H backed off, unable to
defend himself against Kane. Triple H
was then scheduled to wrestle his biggest fan, Eugine, in an attempt by Bishoff
to humiliate Eugine. Triple H was
ordered by Bishoff to not only defeat his nephew, who is surprisingly
an amazing wrestler, but to destroy
him. Triple H grabbed a steel chair,
but before he could hit him, Chris
Benoit entered the ring, and attacked Triple H, to defend Eugine.
But by accident, Benoit hit Eugine
with the chair. Triple H used that
to manipulate Eugine. Eugine was
made acting General Manager
while Bishoff went on vacation. His
first act was a game of ring around
the rosy, between Tajiri, Tyson
Tompco, Stacy Keibler, Ric Flair, the
Coach, and the winner Chris Jericho,
who as a reward was given a match
against Randy Orton, for the Intercontinental Title. He made a tag team match
for that upcoming pay per view event,
with him and the reluctant Ric Flair,
against La Resistance. Batista had to face
Kane, and Randy Orton would have to
defend his title yet again and Triple H
would be given the opportunity to be
the number one contender for the
heavy weight title. They all had some
misfortune, which they blamed on
Eugine, and they tried to get even with
him, by beating the hell out of him on
Raw. Eventually, Eugine was given a
match at Summer Slam against Triple
H, and Randy Orton was given a shot at
the Heavy Weight title, where he won
the title, which led to his ejection from
still won that match, and was none the
wiser of Regals efforts. So the next week,
Bishoff told Regal, who became very
fond of Eugine, that instead of trying to
embarrass Eugine with a loss in the ring,
he would try to humiliate him by having Jonathan Coachman insult him in
front of the WWE fans. Coach told
Eugine he was a joke, and that he wasn’t
cut out for the WWE. And it almost
worked. Eugine walked away from the
ring sadly, never again to come back,
when the Rock showed up, and brought
Eugine back to the ring. After a pep talk,
and calling the Coach a pop corn fart
(how sophisticated), the Rock asked
"Eugine, who's your boy in the middle
of the ring?" and Eugine responded, "The
Rock." He then asked; "who s the peoples champion?" , and Eugine excitedly
responded "The Rock." He then asked,
"and who is your favourite wrestler of
all time," and Eugine said, "Triple H".
When asked why Triple H, Eugine innocently answered; "we both like to play
games. " The Rock commented that the
only game Triple H liked was hide the
strudel...Ill leave that to your imagination.
At the same time, Triple H and Shawn
Michaels were continuing their feud,
which has lasted almost ten years. It
ended with a match at Bad Blood, in a
Reggae and Soca 2004
both discs is I looked over the song list on
the back. Now for the most part most of
you have probably never heard of any of
the songs or even the artists, but on the
reggae disc there are some that you will
recognize and they are kind of old though,
for example “Anything Goes” by Wayne
Wonder. Great song but its still kind of old.
Zeshan Chisty
Hey guys, welcome back to another
year at Abbott. And to all the new students welcome to your first year at
Abbott. Well when the Bandersnatch office opened up this year I dropped in and
picked up two CD’s, the first being “Reggae Gold 2004” and the second “Soca
Gold 2004”.
Another thing about the reggae disc is
that there is a good mix of dancehall and
the more classic style of reggae. It appeals
to both styles of reggae. Also the DJ mix
has both styles on it. The songs on the disc
are pretty good except for maybe one or
two songs.
One of the really good features about
both CD’s is that they have two discs. The
first one is the tracks that are listed on the
back. Now the second CD is a DJ mix disc,
and it’s really well done. The only thing
that some may not like is that all the songs
are not used in the DJ mix, but it doesn’t
matter to me.
Now on to the Soca disc, I bet for the
most part most of you reading this are
wondering what is “Soca”. Honestly don’t
feel bad if you don’t know unless you’re
West Indian or you hang out with West
Indians you’ve probably never heard of
The first thing I did when I picked up
mixed by a bunch of DJ’s from KOS. They
are located in Toronto, so if you are interested to checking out some more Soca or
Reggae check out their website Or on Sundays 6-8 on 93.5,
if you happen to be in Toronto.
it. Soca is another genre of music from the
West Indies. It’s different from reggae, for
one it uses more percussion instruments
and it’s more closely associated with Carnival. What I mean with that is that if you
ever happen to be at Cari-fiesta in Montreal, you would hear this type of music
coming from the floats. But by no means
am I saying that they won’t be playing reggae or any of the other types of Caribbean
To end I would say that these two discs
are a pretty good investment, because for
the most part they are songs that you
never hear on the radio and they are a
good value you get a normal CD and a DJ
mix disc.
Like I was saying that many of you will
be very unfamiliar with the artists and
songs on the Soca disc. That’s why I think
it’s a really good idea for you to go out and
listen to this disc. It’s a pretty good disc,
personally I prefer it to the Reggae disc,
maybe because I haven’t heard the majority of the songs on the disc, compared
to the Reggae disc.
Reggae Gold 2004
Favorite song:
U’ve got me
French Kiss
2nd best: Fire Time
Soca Train
3rd best: Got News For You Trample
Also the DJ mix for the Soca CD was
Soca Gold 2004
3 Z’s
3 ½ Z’s
Something Old,
Something New
everything from the war in Iraq to the
situation in Tibet. Beasties fans
haven’t been abandoned though, quite
the contrary. The Beasties managed
to fill the album with enough classic
Beastie feel that anyone who doesn’t
want to get political can still enjoy it.
Hal Jordan
When I was handed the new Beastie
Boy album, “To the 5 Boroughs,” by
our editor in chief I was instantly overjoyed. I finally
would have a
chance to write
a review where
I did nothing
but rip apart
music, pointing
out its tired
pointless lyrics. But I write this review as a defeated
man. “To of the 5 Boroughs” is not
your typical rap album, in fact its not
your typical album period. It’s smart,
opinionated, and a real breath of fresh
air, regardless of what kind of music
you usually listen to.
Boys can also be
praised for not
holding anything
back when it
comes to their
beats. They expertly mix the album, seamlessly
splicing old school
beats with new a
new age techno feel. Every song offers a unique beat, so if you don’t like
one song you can flip to the next one
and it seems like you’re listening to
an entirely different album.
It’s easy to recommend this album
to fans of the Beastie Boys or people
who generally just like rap. It’s also
pretty easy to recommend this album
to people who hate rap with a passion.
There’s something for everyone here,
so put aside your prejudices and just
“Ch-Check-it Out.”
Gone are the days when the
Beasties albums could be cut into
equal parts “how we part” and “your
parents don’t understand.” Instead
the Beasties have produced an album
that’s multifaceted, rapping about
M. Night falls flat
Phoenix), and at the same time befriends the mentally unbalanced guy,
Noah (Adrien Brody). Lucius claims to
want to go to the towns (or rather the
world outside the village) to get medicine for the village, when it’s obvious
that he wants to get out of the sleepy
village and go somewhere new. However, the village is cut off from the rest
of the world by the usual scary, dark
forest, where something dark resides.
Lauren Filiatreault
PG 13: a scene of violence, frightening
Starring: Bryce Dallas Howard,
Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody,
William Hurt, Sigourney Weaver.
Director: M. Night Shyamalan.
Running time: 1 hr. 47 min.
The village is afraid of the predictable monster (or rather “creatures we
do not speak of”) that comes and goes,
leaving bloody warnings on some poor
guy’s newly painted door, skinning the
livestock of the village, just to name a
few threats. The Council (a group played
by the actors William Hurt, Sigourney
Weaver, Brendan Gleeson, and Cherry
Jones) dictates what the village can do
to prevent this creature from attacking
again. One being to hide anything with
red (“the bad colour”), setting up night
duties, warning bells and so on.
The Village, a film by M. Night
Shyamalan, had advertisements that
fed us the same lines of; “nothing can
prepare you,” like all his other films did
before. M. Night Shyamalan is a man
who will give you the regular horrorfilm setting, be it a lonely farm with their
cornfields destroyed by alien graffiti to
a city haunted by hundred-year-old
ghosts. However, he will twist the plot
around, giving foreshadows, clues to
appease the analytical wise guy who
predicted it all, and suspense and shocking endings that will amaze the innocent
Honestly, the plot was predictable
and a mess, though the acting was solid.
M. Night Shyamalan hasn’t lost his gift
as a director, but seriously, he needs to
find some new ideas to work with. So, if
you’re a horror-movie fan, don’t bother
with this film, it’s not worth your money.
Critic’s Total Rating: 3/5
The Village, without giving too
much of the plot away, is set in a New
America colonial-type of village in the
state of Pennsylvania. The characters
are a blind but resourceful daughter Ivy
(a debut by Bryce Dallas Howard), who
spends all her time with Lucius (Joaquin
yards. Ian Edwards led the Isles
in rushing with 7 carries for 39
yards before leaving the game in
the third quarter with a charley
The John Abbott football team saw
their early season record go to 02 on Saturday night as the young
Islanders dropped a 32-21 decision to St-Jean. With only 8 starters back from last season the Isles
are going through some growing
pains in the early going of the 2004
season. Both teams they have lost
to, Victoriaville and St-Jean, are
unbeaten and are tied for first
The Islanders had only 51 yards on
the ground and 170 in the air,
while St-Jean accumulated 267 on
the ground and 144 in the air.
On defense, Jonathan Munzar had
2 fumble recoveries, Jean-Charles
Goyeche had an interception and
Nathaniel Robichaud had a fumble
recovery as the Islanders forced 4
Linebacker Adam
Bunko led the Isles with 10 tackles, Danny Sylvestre had 9, and
Kamil Thompson-Hutchinson,
Mark Deslauriers, L.-P. Clement,
Matt Kaszel, and Nicholas Intscher
all had 7.
The Geants led 28-7 at halftime before the Islanders rebounded to
make a game of it in the second half.
Chris Adeyefa returned to the Islander lineup and made an immediate impact as he scored 2 touchdowns, one on a 6 yard run and another on a 10 yard pass from Ryan
Kastner. Kastner also connected
with Simon Bastien-Archambault
for a 64 yard pass and run TD.
The Islanders have this weekend
off before hosting EdouardMontpetit (0-2) on Saturday, Sept.
Kastner completed 9 of 14 passes
for 170 yards and 2 TDs. BastienArchambault had 4 catches for 117
The Lady Islanders completed
their pre-season schedule this past
week with a pair of games. On
Thursday night they skated to a 22 tie with Marie-Victorin. Audrey
Morrisette and Lindsay Diliva
scored for the Lady Isles. On Friday night at home Kelly Feehan
scored the lone John Abbott goal
in the 6-1 loss to St-Laurent. The 2
teams were tied 1-1 after 2 periods.
Wed., Sept. 8 McGill
Sept. 10
Sept 12 - 13:00 Dawson at women’s rugby
Dawson at men’s rugby
- 11:00
Flag football at St-Jean
- noon -
19h30 baseball
Golf at Sorel
- 18:00 Baseball at Laval - Game 1
- 20:00 Baseball at Laval - Game 2
- 19:30 hockey
(Pierrefonds) - Game 1
(Pierrefonds) - Game 2
Baseball at ABC