Issue5 - John Abbott College


Issue5 - John Abbott College
Camping at Cunninghams since 1971
Volume XXXV Issue 5
Tremblay Captures the Flag
Jessica Kalmar
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
In the municipal elections held
Sunday, November 4 th , incumbent
mayor Gérald Tremblay was reelected into office, defeating opposition leader Pierre Bourque’s Vision
Montréal, and Richard Bergeron’s
fledgling Montréal Projet party with
53 percent of the vote. Only 35 percent of eligible voters cast ballots,
which is cause for concern as to
whether Montrealers have given up
hope of finding an effective mayor.
Tremblay had an advantage over
Bourque because of his affable personality and effectiveness during his
tenure as mayor. He oversaw the demerger process in 2004, campaigned
to keep the Grand Prix and the
Shriner’s hospital in Montreal, and
saved the aquatic championships
from sinking this summer.
In the televised debate between
Tremblay and Bourque on the Sunday preceding the election, Bourque
kept Tremblay on the defensive,
eventually frustrating him enough
that the debate was downgraded to
a yelling match. Yet upon his victory,
Tremblay invited Bourque and the
rest of the opposition to work with
This Issue
SUJAC Update, page 2
Banderflash, Page 3
The Oval, Page 4
Abstract Art
Mayor Tremblay wins Municipal elections
him to keep Montreal united.
“ Tonight, there are no long er a
former city or the former suburbs. There
The Oval, Page 4
The Oval coffeehouse has provided John
Abbott students with a place to smoke or to buy a
coffee superior both in price and in taste to the
other venues around the school for as long as anyone can remember. Closed for renovations since
the beginning of the school year, it was recently reopened and now has a non-smoking policy. Now
said to look like a cafeteria, it is no longer a black,
smokey void, with its shiny blue walls and lack of
Today in Bander History,
Senses Fail, Page 6
Page 8
the mayor of all Montrealers.”
These elections were important for
Tremblay, as many consider that he was
only elected in 2001 in protest to the
merger process, which was spearheaded
by Bourque. His 2001 slogan of “It’s
going to work,” reflects his four-year
term as mayor, where he didn’t have
any major political scandals and managed to keep Montreal’s debt fairly stable. Despite the city’s ongoing troubles
with poverty, potholes, and water infrastructure, Tremblay didn’t cause the
problems to get worse.
Tremblay’s new mandate focuses on
investing in public transit and infrastructure. Dear to most Montrealers’
hearts, he promises to spend $500 million on fixing and maintaining potholes over the next four years.
Meanwhile, municipal elections were
held across Quebec; 581 mayors and
4,092 councillors were voted into their
Almost every song you hear on the radio
in this day and age is some heart-melting ballad about how the singer's girlfriend/boyfriend smashed their heart into pieces. This is
NOT Senses Fail. Instead their songs are
deeply based on mythology, literature, comparative religion, and poetry. They don’t write
songs about themselves, or about love, because they “don’t know anything about love”
and feel that they should stick with what they
know. I agree one hundred percent.
is just Montreal,” he told the crowd
who gathered at the Science Center in
the old port. “Rest assured I will be
My Two Cents, Page 3
This week’s victim is Music. Now what do
I mean by that? Well I came to a conclusion
while listening to all the promo CD’s along with
the library of music I’ve been collecting these
past few years, not to mention my more than
necessary visits to the used CD shops around
Montréal: music itself seems to be degrading
into a new dark age.
Sliced Bread, Page 9
We’ve all heard that clichéed expression
“That’s the greatest thing since sliced bread!”,
but has anyone stopped to think that maybe
sliced bread was never really all that great? Is
sliced bread maybe a step backwards? It’s hard
to imagine that of all the amazing accomplishments in this world the be-all and endall of our civilization rests with sliced bread.
Li Kennedy
Opinions Editor
Being a Fine Arts student, I could not
help but notice today's youth's obsession
with abstract art (and emo). Yes, I am now
in the second year of a program where the
majority of the first year males are emo
Anyway that's not important. Art today is created primarily by splashing globs
of paint onto a page. I call this nothing but
serious excess time on one's hands. Another highly popular art method consists
of using spray cans for graffiti in intricate
designs. I'm sorry but we used to do this
when we were twelve in the back of the
Oh, and all those brightly colored circles and triangles dancing around over a
black background? Yeah I did that stuff in
kindergarten. In fact I think they taught us
that before kindergarten.
It's been proven that even famous art
critics when presented with art by actual
abstract artists and art by FOUR YEAR
OLDS are unable to tell the difference. It's
true, I saw a show on it. The name was
displayed and the age was hidden, afterwards the critics tried to back up their compliments to the four year old's expertise by
saying "well the contrast and the tonal values remain exquisite. The composition
doesn't suffer age restrictions". Yeah, the
usual art school bullshit.
John Abbott College
P.O. Box 2000
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC
H9X 3L9
Phone: (514) 457-6610 Ext 5389
Fax: (514) 457-6091
Office: H-041
Robert J. Briza
News Editor
Gabe Frazer-McKEE
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
Jessica Kalmar
Campus Life Editor
Jason Dubeau
Opinion Editor
Li Kennedy
Entertainment Editor
Judy Gelsthorpe
Sports Editor
Joanna Lozowik
Arts Editor
Stephanie Quain
Office Manager
Nicki Fleming
Games Page Editors
Blayne Bradley
Justin Banks
Production Manager
Trevor Smith
Eric Chan
Over the past two weeks,
I have been met with much criticism about
my Ed’s note in the last issue. To those who
have come to me, I can offer only the following;
I cannot unprint what has been printed, and I
still stand by what I wrote.
But what I don’t understand is how one
group of people can tell me how no one cares
about Bandersnatch, that it is just some student
paper and If we didn’t do it, someone else would
have, and that same group can take so much
offense to something we wrote. Another two
weeks have passed, and I haven’t seen any of
Hey everyone, guess what? I didn’t vote
again. I will be twenty in April, and I have never
voted in my life. I’m not sure if it is something
to be proud of, but I never get around to it. But
now that I think of it, I haven’t paid any attention to these elections. I have no idea why John
Meany should or should not be mayor of
Kirkland. I don’t know what makes Bob
Benidetti so different from Rick Blue, except one
is a news anchor, and one plays in a band...and
that they aren’t running for the same thing. So
why should I vote? Apparently I have a duty to
vote. My name is Rob. I think that if I were to
vote, I should be better informed about whom
I am voting for, which I’m not. So, to me, it
seems like a waste of time. If I were more informed, and could formulate an educated opin-
Staff Writers
Crystal De Lena
Ashley Fairweather
Lindsay Cotton
Krystyna Glavinovic
Kristine Turnbull
Lauren Filiatreault
Bandersnatch is the student-run Alternative
Press at John Abbott College. It is published
every two weeks and is partially funded by
the Student Activities Commitee and by advertising solicited members. Submissions
are welcome in traditionally either English
or French and become property of the
newspaper. Submissions must be on an IBM
compatible diskette along with a printed
har d cop y and MUST be in Te xt For mat
(*.txt) or RichText Format (*.RTF). All submissions must include the full name and
telephone number of the contributor, as
well as the e-mail address if applicable. The
staff reserves the right to reject or edit any
submissions for length, leg ality, or clarity.
Letters to Bandersnatch should be a maximum of 500 words but may see print nonetheless if they are longer but worthwhile.
Neither spelling nor grammar will be corrected on letters to the editors, it is the
responsibility of the contributor to correct them. Submissions and letters should
be dropped off at the Bandersnatch office,
located in the basement of Herzberg, H041 (across from the Hallway entrance of
the oval). Good Job Jess, You Go Girl!
ion on who is running, it would make my vote
Now, here’s Jess (who is freaking awesome,
by the way):
Thanks, Rob! As I sit here watching the
clock tick toward –and past - the deadline, I ask
Rob what I can write about in my note. In typical
Rob fashion, he opens iTunes and puts on some
rap music: know that I was listening to The
Whole World by OutKast as I wrote this.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say that
being Editor-in-Chief is kind of frustrating. If
Rob seems grumpy, sleepy (or any other of the
seven dwarves) to you, realize that he actually is
under a lot of stress. So, I will attempt to reveal
some of his softer side: Rob had a Fantasia
nightlight when he was younger (it caught fire,
and is thus no longer being used), his favourite
song is Changes, by TuPac, and he has two twin
brothers who are seven years older than him.
Trevor – who is incidentally very awesome and
helpful - and Rob are “as close as those guys
from Band of Brothers” (Eric Chan and I are
brothers too).
Although this counters the above, I just feel
compelled to say that next time there’s an election, please vote! I feel really strongly about this;
we’re lucky enough to live in a semblance of
democracy, so please don’t take advantage of it.
Although it might feel pointless in the grand
scheme of things, just imagine George Bush as
a dictator. Bye…for now.
Rob Says:
F*ck Voting,
whoever doesn't
get hit by the
boulder falling
down the hill is
Week 11 is well underway and we are all
going NUTS! But before we get into the
hectic part, hope some of you had a chance
to drop into SUJAC during our Open
House and get a look at our Haunted Office! There was music blasting, Fair Trade
Coffee to sip while munching on an Oreo,
and lots of candy given out too. But most
of all, we enjoyed meeting the students
who popped in to find out about SUJAC.
And, to-date, 1,150 of you have signed the
Grade Review Petition.
In case you haven’t heard, SUJAC is
working on changing Abbott’s current
Grade Review system to see that the teacher
who assigns the grade does not sit on the
judging committee. We believe it’s in the
best interest of the student that the grading teacher should be present alongside the
student to give evidence and to address
questions, not to have this teacher on the
deciding committee! If you haven’t already
got involved in being part of this movement to change the Grade Review Policy at
Abbott, check outside the SUJAC Office,
P-101, to sign the Grade Review Petition.
Your Vice-President Academic is looking out for your best interest! Whether it
comes to Grade Reviews and/or Academic
Grievances, David is here to listen to your
problem and to help you find the best way
to work it out. If you have problems with
teachers or courses, David is here to help
you with your grievance. He’ll help you to
work out the best approach on how to handle your specific case according to your rights
and obligations. And if you want to take
your case further, David will follow up on
your behalf and be your advocate through
the different levels.
If you are not satisfied with your grade
and wish to pursue a Grade Review, again,
come to see David in SUJAC to find out
the proper procedure to have your grade
SUJAC is involved in several issues at
the moment to try to improve campus life,
among them a Food Services Survey to find
out what you think about the Stewart Hall
cafeteria, the MunchBox, and vending machines at Abbott. Come to SUJAC as soon
as possible to fill out the survey and give
us your opinion. We’re also looking for
people to represent John Abbott in the
upcoming Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Christmas Parade — Saturday, November 26 —
to help Santa give out candies to the community kiddies, so if you are interested,
drop by and sign up. Another great event
coming up is John Abbott’s Foundation
‘Loonie Line’, which raises money for struggling students at the College. Watch for
this in The Info so you can get involved.
As most of you are probably aware, in
line with a CSN-FTQ Common Front
mandate for 4 strike days to be held this
Fall, John Abbott Faculty Association obtained a strike mandate from the General
Assembly and plans to hold the first 24hour strike on Thursday, November 17,
2005. The Faculty Association has a legal
right to strike and SUJAC will do everything in our power to minimize the impact to students. (Please note that if the
strike is called off, students will be expected
to attend classes as regularly scheduled and
will be notified through official channels
website: , Omnivox: http:/
/, College t.v.
monitors, notices around the College, recorded message at 514-457-6610, and various radio stations.)
bandersnatch bandersnatch
As you all may have been wondering, “My
Two Cents” was absent from the last issue, and
before you, the reader, get too angry, I’d like to
apologize upfront. Who would’ve thought that
some teachers grade their homework? I sure
didn’t, but now I do. Go procrastination!
So during this time, I was able to come up
with a brand-spanking new topic to give an opinion on. Judging from the fact that I’m sure everyone has an opinion on this topic, I felt that it
would be paramount that I explained it to you
in five-hundred words (or possibly more!)
This week’s victim is Music. Now what do I
mean by that? Well I came to a conclusion while
listening to all the promo CD’s along with the
library of music I’ve been collecting these past
few years, not to mention my more than necessary visits to the used CD shops around
Montréal: music itself seems to be degrading
into a new dark age.
Alright, before you go around saying, “This
guy’s bashing [band name here], I’m going to
go set his house on fire!” Please understand that
there’s no genre in particular, it’s just the overall
quality of music these days. I find myself listening to my entire collection of older albums more
often than ever or searching out one of those
really underappreciated bands from the 90’s at
any used music shop.
Now I’m not saying it’s all bad. Everyone’s
entitled to an opinion. I’m just saying that I
could never see one of those infomercials for
“greatest hits of the new millennium!” I can’t
even begin to imagine what would be on, mainly
because who would want to remember a time
when the music stank, pop took over (oh no I
mentioned a genre) and no one cared? I’m pretty
sure I wouldn’t.
So looking back on the 90s, why were they
cooler? Well, there was good old Kurt Cobain,
Green Day when they were pop rock, Korn before they were (C)Rap, Red Hot Chili Peppers,
and not to mention all those really awesome
Techno bands (excluding Ace Of Bass,
Vengaboys, Vitamin C… ok, Prozzak and Len
were cool). Now what do we have? We’ve got
Nickelback as a final attempt at Rock, The Black
Eyed Peas with their “don’t lie/phunk with my
heart/screw with me” themed songs, and who
could forget that small fraction of No Doubt
who answers to the name Gwen Stefani? I wish
I could.
Some bands out there are exceptions to this
degradation, trust me on that. It’s just that no
one knows who they are because they haven’t
completely sold out yet ,or they’ve been completely overlooked, thanks to some actress who
thinks she has a singing voice (J-Lo anyone?).
Wintery Doom is Coming!
Christina Bucci
It’s coming. As much as
we’d all like to think that
maybe this year things will be
different, the fact of the matter is that it’s coming and we
have no way of stopping it.
Yes, I speak of winter.
This harsh reality was brought
to my attention earlier tonight, when I discovered that
the much-beloved speed
bump at the end of my road
had disappeared. The loss of
said speed bump can only
mean one thing: wintery doom.
This morning I left the house in semi-winter attire. I braved the two-degree temperature
with my toque, scarf and gloves, but I refused to
wear the jacket. But resistance is futile, as I have
come to understand this cold, pre-winter night.
I can see it now: visions of sugarplums (what
the hell are sugarplums anyway?)
dancing in my head to the tune of
Jingle Bells and Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer. Within mere
days, the shopping malls will be
plagued by the oh-so-familiar
Christmas Carols of mass doom,
sending subconscious messages
to customers, urging them to consume all that is humanly possible.
But let’s all remember that
Christmas is supposed to be all
about family and love and whatnot, right? And winter, a time for
nature to die for many moons. Ah, the irony of
it all.
2005 - 11 - 09
Nathaniel Lasr y was my victim
for this issue. Nathaniel has a B.Sc
from Sherbrooke UQAM, a B.Ed from
Ottawa University, and has just completed a Ph.D. at McGill University.
Today, he teaches Physics, and Science:
History and Methodology at Abbott;
he also used to teach Physics and Magic.
When not in the classroom,
Nathaniel enjoys impressing colleagues, students and other people
with magic tricks. He in fact awed me
with a couple of his impressive card
When asked about his hobbies, he
also mentioned that he is a full-time
bandersnatch bandersnatch
dad, and enjoys taking care of his kids.
“Teaching is only a part-time job, it’s
being a dad that’s full-time.”
As for special projects under his
belt, Nathaniel will be doing a study
next semester inspired by American
universities, which involves answer
clickers, a bit of discussion, and basically comparing primary guesses, discussing for a minute or two and then
re-trying a guess.
When asked for his opinion on
education, Nathaniel said the following:
“What makes a magic trick interesting is the fact that it is counterintuitive…‘How did that happen??!’
Science is very counter-intuitive.
Relativity & Quantum Mechanics
are usually seen as counter-intuitive
but so is Newtonian Physics…
…If we can show the inherent
counter-intuitive nature of science we
can make it magical. Magic is science
and science is magical.”
On a more personal note, Nathaniel
is a friendly and amusing person and
can be seen walking around the Science
The Oval
Jessica Kalmar
Assistant Editor in Chief
The Oval coffeehouse has provided John
Abbott students with a place to smoke or to
buy a coffee superior both in price and in taste to
the other venues around the school for as long
as anyone can remember. Closed for renovations since the beginning of the school year, it
was recently re-opened and now has a non-smoking policy. Now said to look like a cafeteria, it is
no longer a black, smokey void, with its shiny
blue walls and lack of graffiti.
You think that you’re entering PeeWee’s
Funhouse when you first walk in – hiding in
dark corners is no longer possible, because the
lamps that once hung over the tables have been
replaced with blinding fluorescent lights. But
even more noticeable is the lack of smokers, the
people who made the Oval the dank basement
coffeehouse that it was for such a long time in
However, the Oval’s new manager, MarieJosée, and staff member Michelle said that business is doing well – the menu and its corresponding prices remain the same. The majority
of its business is in the morning, when people
are looking for a quick bite to eat before class. By
early afternoon, groups of three or four are studying, hanging out, or playing board games as
music blares from the stereo.
The results of a poll asking students whether
they preferred the old or the new Oval produced
nearly even results. In general, the long-standing
student clientele voted against the Oval’s new
look, while new students preferred it because of
its cheerier atmosphere.
Coming Soon
So, bad luck if you want a warm place to
smoke in the winter, but at any rate, the Oval
hasn’t banned caffeine. If you’re looking for a
casual atmosphere to study in, or just want to
get a good cup of coffee, a muffin, or a death by
chocolate drink, drop by the Oval in the Herzberg
basement near the clubrooms.
"Was Einshtein Right?"
SPEAKER: Clifford M. Will, Professor of Physics, Washington University, St.
TIME: 6:00 - 7:00 P.M., followed by
reception with the speaker
November 10, 2005
Redpath Museum Auditorium, 859 Sherbrooke St. West, on the
McGill campus. Overflow will be at the
Leacock building, Room 219, 855
Sherbrooke St. West
Co-sponsored by The Royal Society of
Canada, the Canadian Association of
Physicists,the departments of physics at
Concordia and McGill, and the Science College
bandersnatch bandersnatch
2005 - 11 - 09
bandersnatch bandersnatch
Senses Fail: Live at
the Docks
Judy Gelsthorpe
Entertainment Editor
Almost every song you hear on the radio in this
day and age is some heart-melting ballad about how the
singer's girlfriend/boyfriend smashed their heart into
pieces. This is NOT Senses Fail. Instead their songs are
deeply based on mythology, literature, comparative religion, and poetry. They don’t write songs about themselves, or about love, because they “don’t know anything
about love” and feel that they should stick with what they
know. I agree one hundred percent.
On September 29th Senses Fail played a live show
at the Docks in Toronto as part of a joint tour with Saves
The Day. As the opening bands played my anticipation
mounted, as did the crowd’s. The opening bands included
Early November and Say Anything. Niether of them were
all that good. The bassists were all really stupid looking
for some reason. The front men didn’t do it for me, and
the guitar and drums were mediocre at best. At least they
A Perfect State of
Krystyna Glavinovic
staff writer
Raul Midón can pick up rhythmic tunes and transform them into something really amazing. He uses his
guitar and his voice as if they were weapons. He claws,
strums and picks at his guitar, creating the perfect accompaniment to his already ethereal voice.
You know That trumpet you hear in several tracks
on this album? Not a metallic instrument after all, but
Raul Midón himself. His voice really is something else. I
had the privilege of seeing him in concert on October 6th
2005 and watching him own the stage and entrance his
audience from the beginning of his set to the very last
note was impressive.
Midón has been blind since birth but that hasn’t
impeded his success. In fact, it has encouraged him to
push further, to want to make more of himself and to
strive for the very best for himself. He purposefully left
the cushioned Miami scene, a place he believed he felt far
too comfortable in, and moved to the tough music scene
in New York in 2002. Despite all the pressure to do well in
New York as a musician, his seasoned voice was picked
out and admired by the very best and he’s performed more
marvellously than ever before.
His album “State of Mind” is comforting and
emotionally expressive. “Keep on Hoping”, a duet performed with the pop star Jason Mraz, is wishful and optimistic. “Everybody”, a tribute to the brave souls of the
9/11 attacks, is emotionally charged. Stevie Wonder, a music
got the crowd pumped up. Or more like anxious….
Anyway, as soon as Senses Fail came on the roar was
deafening. The mosh pit was amazing. Buddy Nielson,
the lead singer, was ssssexcellent as usual. The guitars piercing riffs and intense progressions started up and the entire
crowd knew that this was going to be a supreme show.
From the first song to the last, Senses Fail kept up
an intense pace trying to pack in as many songs as possible, simply so that the fans would go home happy. Playing everything from “American Death” (which is only
found on the re-released edition of their newest album
“Let it Enfold You”) to “187” (from the EP “From The
Depths Of Dreams”), every one of my personal favorites
were thrown into the mix.
The only things about the show that weren’t to
my liking were that they had replaced Dave (who had recently left the group) with a new guitarist that wasn’t what
I’d call physically appealing and that Buddy didn’t seem to
be performing at quite the same level as I’d seen him before. Of course it’s hard to put on a decent show having
so recently replaced a member, but somehow they managed to pull it off. I only wish that Buddy would have
done some of the crazy things that make him so endlessly
entertaining. (Ex. curling up on the ground, running
around like mad, and basically just rocking out)
icon himself, made a guest appearance on the album playing a harmonica solo on the hit “Expressions of Love”.
The majority of us listen to music for emotional
reasons. Music inspires us, soothes us and energizes us.
The emotional range in these 13 songs is impressive.
The successful culmination of R&B, jazz and pop
make this album one of the top 5 albums I can list that are
perfect to listen to with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Or, in
my case, pining for that blue-eyed vegetarian science student I barely know. But I digress.
Information on Raul Midón can be found at http:/
/ There are no current listings of
Raul returning to Montreal in the near future.
Unfortunately, our news editor tells me that when
they played with the same tour here, just either one day or
a few days before, they weren’t up to scratch. I have a hard
time believing him, however, because several other friends
saw that exact same show and they all left completely satisfied. But then I’ve never really entirely trusted his taste in
live performances.
In case you’ve never heard of Senses Fail, which is
likely because they don’t exactly play big-ticket venues, their
style of music is really quite unique. I like to think of them
as emo/screamo/hardcore/alternative/metal. The reason
I think of them like that (even though its such a mouthful to say) would be that they don’t really fit into any of
those categories, or any other for that matter. They really
are a mystery, although I can definitely hear that there is a
strong influence of each genre in their music. I don’t really
run around saying “emo/screamo/hardcore/alternative/
metal”, but it seems to me that there is really no other
word, no matter how massive and awkward a word it is.
All in all, it’s hard to say why I really like Senses
Fail. It could be the deep, insightful lyrics, or the fact that
their guitarists actually have talent (a rare commodity in
bands these days). It could even be that I’m really just an
emo kid that doesn’t know it yet. What I do know is that
Senses Fail is always worth my money, because I they’ll
never let me down with an uninteresting performance.
It's Moshin' Time!
Justin "Nibbles" Banks
Assistant Games Editor
I was walking into the Bander office one day and as
I entered, our Entertainment editor shouted out,
“Mighty Moshin’ Emo Rangers”! So I stop, do a double-take and utter the quite obvious "WTF!?" Immediately you realize that this is an emo-bashing film, making fun of every aspect of being an emo kid and at the
same time being a better Power Rangers than the actual
Power Rangers ever was.
Having only a MySpace as a homepage, Mighty
Moshin’ Emo Rangers is a fan created film made by no
other than the Brits. Spoofing the first season of Power
Rangers, MMER starts with five emo teens hanging out
in a bedroom all doing fairly emo stuff. Cue the Evil
Emperoress (not a typo) : landing on the moon, sending her minions to ruin Halloween for the teens and
attacking them with the Hoodie Patrol. The teens are
teleported to an undisclosed location where they are given
their emo powers by Captain EmoHead. Before, between, and after is a typical Power Rangers episode, yet
with the bitterness of the typical emo thrown into the
mix. Being roughly only twelve minutes long, the film
isn’t a huge file to download. Simply visit and retrieve the 40mb video to
watch whenever you wish. Full of cheesy humor and
surprisingly good Computer Graphics, Mighty Moshin’
Emo Rangers is a definite must see, and hopefully they
plan on releasing more episodes so stay tuned to the
bandersnatch bandersnatch
The Bait
Come live with me and be my love,
And we will some new pleasures prove,
Of golden sands and crystal brooks,
With silken lines and silver hooks.
There will the river whispering run,
Warmed by thine eyes more than the sun.
And there the enamored fish will stay,
Begging themselves they may betray.
When thou wilt swim in that live bath,
Each fish, which every channel hath,
Will amorously to thee swim,
Gladder to catch thee, than thou him.
If thou, to be so seen, beest loath,
By sun or moon, thou darkenest both;
And if myself have leave to see,
I need not their light, having thee.
My Man
I met me a man so mild
He's hot and cool and often wild
His eyes are green his hair is brown
He's sweetest when he's lying down
His body flows with curving lines
And sinks so nicely into mine
His hands are warm upon my skin
When it's his bed or mine we're in
His smile is bright his tongue is wet
His skin is smooth and tastes of sweat
His beard is short with reddish tints
His breath is sweet and smells like mints
Copyright Li Kennedy 2004
Let others freeze with angling reeds,
And cut their legs with shells and weeds,
Or treacherously poor fish beset
With strangling snare or windowy net.
Let coarse bold hands from slimy nest
The bedded fish in banks out-wrest,
Or curious traitors, sleave-silk flies ,
Bewitch poor fishes' wandering eyes.
For thee, thou needest no such deceit,
For thou thyself art thine own bait;
That fish that is not catched thereby,
Alas, is wiser far than I.
Scented Air
when once a rose is lightly picked
and once a finger slightly pricked
when said rose is held to face
to breathe and revel in its space
time itself stops and scented air
fills the body and in the hair
Copyright John Donne
By Fez
2005 - 11 - 09
bandersnatch bandersnatch
the rose is placed, so full of grace
one can forget the tiring race
when such a moment comes about
no one should have to live without
the simple pleasures life allowed
pre-disappearance in the crowd
copyright Li Kennedy 2005
Define Murder
Kristine Turnbull
Staff writer
“Abortion is murder!!!” Well, there are many
opinions and points of view, both religious and
personal, revolving around this tender subject.
I, for one, don’t stand on either side. I am neutral when it comes to this topic. Abortion is not
a decision to be said yes or no to by just one
person. It is a decision based on circumstances.
First off, many of us think that abortion is
the killing of a young infant, but it is indeed
NOT! Abortion is the loss or termination of a
pregnancy before the fetus has developed into a
state of VIABILITY, which means, before it
has become a living being! With that being said,
abortion can’t be murder unless it is the execution of a life, which as stated above it is not.
A common example people tend to use
when making their point, is young teenage girls
that do not deal with the consequences of their
actions and choose abortion. In a lot of instances,
teenage girls become pregnant at too young of
an age and they either have the baby or have an
abortion. Some say that it is wrong and this
young girl should deal with the consequences of
her actions. So should she keep the baby as punishment for her actions of having unprotected
sex? I suppose she just climbed on top of herself and that’s how she got pregnant? What
about the girls who are deserted by their boyfriends/fathers of their babies? Furthermore, as
much as abortion is said to be wrong, should a
child, that being the teenage mother, be caring
for another child? Is that just?
More Clichés:
Jay Dubeau,
Campus Editor
As long as we are on a roll with wearing out
clichés, why not talk about one of my most
favorite controversial clichés: euthanasia. Yes, that
lovely concept which our loving pets who are
suffering can take advantage of yet our very own
relatives (namely human beings) cannot. I honestly see no sense in this… are we all barbarians?
When your absolutely adorable two-yearold pure-bred Labrador has hip-dyslexia, and
can barely walk without whimpering…you take
him to see the vet, and the vet gives him a needle
and puts him out of his misery. When your
favorite cat has a lump of cancer the size of an
orange in its throat, you can take him to see the
vet, and the vet gives him a needle and puts him
out of his misery. When your female hamster
gets beaten up so badly by her male that the
damage is beyond repair, you take the hamster
to the vet and the vet gives her a needle and puts
her out of her misery.
Beginning to see a pattern? Now let’s compare how we treat our pets, to how we treat our
fellow human beings. Your grandfather is dying
of pancreatic cancer, and has to take the strongest
dose of the strongest type of pain-killer (morphine not being strong enough) because he is in
so much pain. He can barely breathe without a
There are eight types of abortion procedures, depending on the duration of the pregnancy, including:
Þ Menstrual Extraction (Usually up to
2wk after missed period): A catheter is inserted
through the cervix into the uterus, and suction
is applied. Endometrium and contents of uterus
are aspirated.
Þ Suction Curettage (Up to 14wk): Cervix
is usually dilated, uterine aspirator is introduced,
and suction is applied, removing endometrial
tissue and implanted pregnancy.
Þ Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)
(approx. 10-16 wk): Cervix is dilated, and products of conception are removed by vacuum cannula and the use of other instruments as needed.
Þ Mifepristone (Cytotec) (Up to 7wk):
Mifepristone is administered orally. Misoprostal
is administered orally or intravaginally 2 days later.
Þ Methotrexate with Misoprostal (Up to
7wk): Methotrexate is administered
intramuscularly. Misoprostal is given
intravaginally 5-7 days later
Þ Instillation of drugs (Hypertonic Saline
Solution) (After 16wk): About 200ml of amniotic fluid is withdrawn and similar amount of
20% normal saline solution is interjected. Uterus
is irritated and begins to contract within 12-36
hrs. Contractions may be assisted with IV oxytocin.
Þ Prostaglandins (After 16wk): Amniocentesis is done, and 8ml of prostaglandin is
inserted into amniotic sac, resulting in stimulation of smooth muscle of uterus. Expulsion
of uterine contents occurs within 24hrs.
Þ Hysterectomy (16-20wk): Miniature
cesarean section is performed. Incision is made
into uterus and contents are removed.
There are disadvantages and advantages to
the above procedures but there are many ways
abortions can be performed as well as, reasons
why a woman or girl might have one performed.
They wouldn’t have so many different procedures for the different stages of pregnancy if the
only type of abortion was a teenage girl who was
too ignorant to know that she shouldn’t have
unprotected sex.
Many countries are completely overpopulated because they do not have proper
sexual education available to them . If they had
the proper health expertise available they might
have the option to an abortion. Wouldn’t an
abortion be better in some cases than there being a child who is abused because he or she is
unwanted? Think of who would be suffering
here: the child.
I think that sometimes, girls and
women make the hasty decision to have an abortion because they do not feel like caring for someone other than themselves and that is not right.
But, what about the young girls and women
who are raped and end up pregnant? I suppose
they are murdering too? I think that when considering abortion, there will always be conflicting
cultural, religious, and personal views and that’s
why the topic will never be agreed on by all. I do
think that we should have all our facts straight
before ridiculing someone for their decision
To conclude, I don’t think that abortion is something that will one day be completely accepted or rejected by the population.
But, I do think that women are not completely
to blame. We are all put here together and are
equally responsible when there is an unexpected
heaving pain flowing through his diaphragm.
What can you do to put him out of his misery?
Absolutely nothing, you kill him yourself and
you get tried for murder or manslaughter; you
take him to a doctor and ask him to O.D. a
patient, he laughs in your face and says his hands
are tied by the state. So what relief does your
grandfather get?
Your grandmother has, not one, not two,
but three cerebral strokes; the entire left-hemisphere of her brain is caput, she has moments
of lucidity, but she cannot communicate in any
way and her entire right-hand side is paralyzed.
What can you do to put her out of her misery?
Absolutely nothing; if you kill her yourself even
on the ground that it was her request; you will be
put in prison for manslaughter or murder. You
ask the staff at her nursing home to O.D. her
medication and they laugh in your face, or they
accept and then they get thrown in prison for
murder and malpractice.
Beginning to see another pattern? Why is it
that we can euthanize our pets when they are
suffering beyond repair, but we can’t euthanize
our own family-members who are suffering and
can actually make us understand that they want
to die and stop suffering? Euthanasia is among
the most debated and most controversial issues
discussed since the seventies and is still a hot
issue this day in age.
Most people describe themselves as prolife, but have those people ever begun to consider that these poor people they are keeping “in
life” are suffering to the point that all they want is
a quick death? Of course there are also those
who are pro-euthanasia but are too chicken-shit
to push for it because they are afraid the system
will become abused.
Ladies and gentlemen, for a system of euthanasia to work all it would take is a little effort
and a little cooperation on the behalf of doctors
and state governments. It could work in a similar manner to a “Do not resuscitate” order where
the patient or even a power of attorney signs a
document basically saying “Finish me off if I
am evidently suffering and it begins costing the
system a fortune for my pain-killers.”
If people use a little brains and a little common sense this could easily work as long as standards and regulations are set. It would certainly
cost considerably less for our democratic system.
Instead of paying for a terminal cancer patient’s
pain-killers for several months while we wait for
the cancer to finish them off, why not just use
one big overdose of pain-killer or tranquillizer
and finish them off, so that they can stop suffering once and for all?
Now to all you right-wing conservative people out there who will be picketing all over the
cities during the next “pro-life” rally, why don’t
you stop and think for one moment not about
the moral issues behind it, but the emotional
stress, the financial stress, and the fatigue the
relatives of a person in question who is terminal
and wants to die. Sometimes morality does not
have a place in a delicate issue such as this, sometimes all one has to do is think a little less with
logic, and think a little more with emotion.
What’s more, baby-boomers are already
beginning to retire, some are already getting ill
Today in
Nobody could think of a Today in
Bandersnatch History. Rob bag-tagging
Justin while he was on the phone with
his mom was considered, as was me hijacking Eri-Chan's phone. Later, Trevor,
Rob and Justin took an oath to never
bag-tag eachother again. There was an incident with both Laura piggybacking on
me while I piggybacked on Rob. Yeah,
the three-man piggyback. We ran down
the hall. Apparently I was choking Rob
the entire time. We also found out that
Jess is a Nazi. And just for the record,
she switching places with Rob and being
in charge for the last two weeks has definitely not been a problem.
Humorizer: This joke is funny because in our quest to think of something,
we probably invested more money on
coffee, chai tea cinnamon frappés, pizza
and possibly beer than actual thought on
the subject. Rob kicked a chair and told
Erk to take off his pants in hope that
something would happen. Something
did happen but I'm not gonna talk about
that. Also due to the image of three editors on top of eachother barreling down
the hallway and falling halfway through.
I swear it would have worked if Laura
would have held on.
Legend retold by Li Kennedy
and suffering from diseases their immune systems weren’t built up to deal with in their youth.
If we get the majority of our baby-boomers
leeching off of the democratic system just because they are terminal of cancer or any other
dreadful disease, it will cost a fortune and the
government will end up with a deficit like nobody can imagine. More cuts will be made and
we will still have a ton of suffering people.
If anyone wants to contradict me on this,
go right ahead; I invite anybody who has valid
arguments to rebut my point of view and I
would gladly read it, however. All I ask is that
pro-life activists put down their picket for a
moment and think through what I have said.
Euthanasia is not for everybody. I am perfectly
aware that certain people want to live their lives
to the end because they believe in destiny, or
courage. However there are a great deal of people out there who want nothing more than
their lives to end so that they can stop suffering.
Stop being so damned logical for a moment and think about the pain some people
feel to watch a loved relative whimper or cry
from the pain for months at a time without
being able to do a thing about it. Then think
about how easy it is to go and see a veterinarian
to say “my dog is in pain, finish him off.” Do
your homework and look into it if you don’t
believe me, life is just that way. Until we stop
arguing as a whole about pointless bullshit and
actually question why we treat humans the way
we do, nothing can change; and therefore we
must all be self-centered barbarians.
bandersnatch bandersnatch
What’s so
Great About
Sliced Bread?
Lauren Rodriguez
We’ve all heard that clichéed expression “That’s the greatest thing since sliced
bread!”, but has anyone stopped to think
that maybe sliced bread was never really all
that great? Is sliced bread maybe a step backwards? It’s hard to imagine that of all the amazing accomplishments in this world the be-all
and end-all of our civilization rests with sliced
What is it about
sliced bread that makes
it so great? Sure, it’s
slightly easier to reach
into the cupboard and
pull out two already sliced pieces of bread
and make a sandwich, but at what cost? This
is just one more shortcut in our instant gratification, pre-packaged cheese society. So many
corners have been cut that our society is probably be more like a circle by now. It’s not like
we as a race are incapable of slicing bread without a machine. If the bread wasn’t sliced it
would be just as easy as taking out a knife and
cutting it by hand. Although that does bring
up an interesting point: safety.
How many children have avoided
serious injury by not having to handle large,
pointed, menacing knives every time they feel
like a snack? I guess sliced bread is just trying
to help all the incompetent parents out there
that feel that their children can feed themselves, even if it involves using open-flame
burners or razor-edged cutting utensils. Unfortunately for them, sliced bread won’t help
to keep kids from jacking cars or using the
internet to line up dates with the forty-year
old next door. Sliced bread is just encouraging bad parenting.
Not only is sliced bread not so great,
but it’s actually a step backward. On a baguette the crust is nicely browned and crisped
to perfection, not like that gooey crap you
find on the edges of the bleach-white squares
that apparently still pass for
bread. The crust on these
breads is so bad that people will actually cut it off to
avoid eating it. Is it just me,
or did the convenience just
go out the
Instead of cutting a slice of
bread that’s deliciously crispy on the outside,
delightfully soft on the inside of the loaf,
you’re now cutting some disturbingly soft,
brown crust off of the suspiciously white
squares of the already sliced bread.
I can think of a thousand things in
this world that are better than sliced bread,
which is probably why people use that expression so much. Almost anything is superior to sliced bread, the list is practically endless… lampshades, chairs, pillows, deodorant, dirt, cavities…
I don’t want to be a girlfriend
Li Kennedy
Opinions Editor
So we like each other. We do.
I have no reason to want you to
leave. But really, does that mean
you own me? What if I see something I like – can I not partake of
it? What if I never get the chance
again? I know I’ll never get another chance with you – you’ll be
too immature and bitter to want
more. I’ll do what I want. You
will not constrict me and disallow me to breathe. And by
“breathe”, not only do I mean
have time to myself. I do also
mean see other people.
I may like you, but I refuse
to spend every waking moment
with you. There are some whom
I have known and who I will keep
in contact with, and others whom
I have not yet known, and I will
try to get them, still. I won’t make
my life difficult on your behalf. I
don’t care if you think it’s wrong.
I don’t care what you say anymore;
this is my life. Go ahead with your
own life. Leave me alone. You don’t deserve to control me, no matter how much
you do for me. And no matter what I do
to you I refuse to believe that what I’m
doing is wrong. I live life for me, not for
you. If it gives me pleasure, I will go
ahead with it. You should not affect my
behavior, and nobody should be control-
Buying Is
“Recycle paper, save a tree!” We’ve all heard
the various terms, such as the one mentioned,
used by gung-ho environmentalists and Green
Peace goers alike. But, in all seriousness, we
don’t need to be chaining ourselves to trees to
help our planet, nor do we need to be that
hard-core about it either. Daily things, such as
what coffee you drink or paper you use can
help make our planet a little
healthier; after all, it does care for
us by keeping us alive, in a sense.
Many of us are not aware that
our school does many things to
help make our academic learning
atmosphere more environmentally friendly! One example would
be, the Fair-Trade coffee stands
put up by our own environmental club, HEAL. Allow me to
elaborate! Fair-Trade coffee is just
as good as regular coffee, but can
do a lot more for our planet. The
more Fair-Trade and ProducerFriendly products are purchased
the more pressure there will be
put on capitalist companies to revise their production methods. All profits are reinvested
into the community, as well as, fair salary being
given to the crop workers who really need the
money. This movement has been around for
more than fifty years and it already involves
more than five million citizens. When you purchase a cup of Fair-Trade coffee you are voting
for a better environment for yourself and others.
Two weeks ago Green Peace had an
Anti-Kleenex day going against the Kimberley
Clark Corporation because they are not environmentally safe. When companies like Kimberly
Clark choose not to use recycled paper it destroys
more than 80% of rain forests and ten million
hectares of ancient forest are thrown away by
worldwide consumers (which is the equivalent
to a soccer field every two seconds). John Abbott
contributes to environmental friendly production by using only recycled toilet paper, and you
should too. It has been said that if every Canadian household were to replace one roll of toilet
paper with a roll of 100% recycled fibers we could
save 47, 962 trees!
It’s not too late to get involved! The
week of November
21st there will be a
“Buy Nothing
Day”, to go against
all corporations
that are not environmental friendly!
Also, there will be a
public display by the
library by the HEAL
group, which you
can check the Daily
Info for in the
upcoming weeks.
Lastly, if you would
like to help HEAL,
you can check when their meetings are being
held in the Daily Info. (No previous attendance
Finally, drink Fair-Trade coffee! There will
be a stand next Wednesday where you can purchase your cup of “Jo” either by the cafeteria or
the Agora!
Environmental friendly brands: Seventh
Generation, Cascade, Doucelle, North River,
Décor, New Horizon, Selection Merite,
Econochoix, and Super C..
ling anyone else’s life. You are not my
music. You chose me.
Girls, the feminist movement was
not for no reason. No woman should be
considered a slut without the same terminology used for men in the same situation. Men at worst are called assholes
which allows for the assumption that
they are the rule-breakers and they are doing it willingly whereas the word “slut”
has the connotation that the woman concerned is letting herself be used and screwing men around with her body because
she’s messed up. No woman should feel
bad about herself or feel dirty for reveling
in the pleasures of life. No man should
either. Sex, subconsciously or not. is still
for some people considered “dirty”, not
unlike promiscuous people. There is no
point in a relationship where both parties are not perfectly happy and free. Why
be tied down? Don’t tread on me.
I can’t be jealous of someone until
after he and I are broken up. Then it’s
actually like, well yeah, that girl IS better
than me to him.... But clearly if we’re not
broken up I’m not going to be jealous,
simply because I am confident enough
to know (and you should be to) that you
like me the best. And if cuddling counts
of all things, that’s the least of my problems. I’m that kind of a person.
And as far as only having eyes for you
goes, that’s never going to happen, and
you’re gonna have to square with that
someday. I’ve done the closed relationship thing before, and I don’t date well
at all.
Chances are we spent enough time
together anyways. You’ve already made
up for lost time. You didn’t screw up,
your only screw up is the constant vigilance crap - I don’t need you to know
what I’m doing every 10 seconds and vice
versa. You’re acting like my grandmother
and freaking me out. I think you’re overreacting. Don’t.
The fun part is the chase anyways.
And how hard is it to chase what’s in a
cage? Once I’ve got you, I’ve got you.
Why don’t you let me go so I can get you
again, and again, and again?
So girls, don’t let anyone try to take
authority over you, your whims are worth
it, always. In the words of Ronan
Keating, baby, trust your lust. You’ve got
to be a bitch and get yourself out of the
Kristine Turnbull
Staff writer
2005 - 11 - 09 bandersnatch bandersnatch
bandersnatch bandersnatch
Habs: the fight
for first place
Joanna Lozowik
Sports Editor
23 points (on a possibility of
30) in 15 games, not too shabby I must
say. Surprisingly enough, the Habs are
currently dominating the Eastern Conference, their closest opponent being
Ottawa with one point behind them
(and with 2 extra games to play). The
Montreal Canadiens took the hockey
world by surprise and managed to win
11 of their first 15 games, which hasn’t
happened since the 1991-1992 season.
But then why does TSN rate them only
16 th out of 30 teams?
The Habs victories aren’t
always glorious and convincing. Nine
of their eleven wins have been by only
one goal, and José Theodore has yet
to register a shutout. However, unlike
past years, the Habs no longer have to
solemnly rely on Theodore’s solid
goaltending to win them games. In
Saturday night’s game vs the Sabres,
the Habs first line (consisting of
Kovalev-Koivu-Zednik) totalled six
points, with two goals from Alexei
Kovalev, who now has 15 points in 15
But the problem lies with the
defensemen. Bouillon, Souray, and
Monday Night Raw opened, last night,
with all of the Raw superstars collected in
the ring, where General Manager Eric
Bishoff announced two matches for Survivor Series; Triple H and Ric Flair, in a last
man standing match, and John Cena and
Kurt Angle, for the WWE Championship.
Bishoff then announced the first three
members of team Raw, Kane, Big Show
and Shawn Micheals.
While one Superstar returned to RAW,
another was seemingly banished. During
his opening speech, Bischoff showed footage of Edge saying that he didn’t care about
RAW. When Edge affirmed this, Bischoff
told him he would meet Batista in a Street
Fight on Friday Night SmackDown, and
him not to come back to RAW until he got
the job done. Edge & Lita left to a chorus
of goodbye chants, and stormed out of
Rivet each have a goal each, but none
of the other defensemen has yet managed to find the net. Even though the
Habs have never relied on a big offensive contribution from defensemen,
their contribution is clearly not enough
to be qualified satisfactory. Players like
Mathieu Dandenault and Mike
Komisarek definitely need to improve
their offensive skills if they desire helping the team win by more than one
Even though the Habs have moved
up to 8th place from 16 th on TSN power
r a n k i n g s t h i s we e k , i t ’s s t i l l t h e
defensemen issue that keeps them away
from the top 5 positions. Hopefully,
Claude Julien shall be able to bring his
troupes to improve on that issue in
the upcoming game vs Tampa Bay, the
defending Stanley Cup champions.
But Habs fans should rejoice
nonetheless: even under pressure, the
team manages to win games. Yes,
they’ve blown off two-goal-advances,
but they always able to come back and
steal the win. Sometimes, they even
managed to snag the win from the jaws
of defeat… If they continue on this
path, the Habs could become a dangerous team to face, if they aren’t already.
On Thursday, the Habs are playing
against the Penguins, and on Saturday
vs the Maple Leafs. Expect to see a lot
of Leafs fans in town this weekend.
the arena. Lita later returned and tried to
use her assets to reverse Bischoff ’s decision,
but he
her off
a n d
t o l d
her to
get out
of the
After the
first three members of Team RAW were
announced, both Carlito and Shelton
Benjamin claimed they should be on the
team as well. Bischoff decided to let them
fight for it, and the winner would earn the
Elsewhere in
the NHL….
Joanna Lozowik
Sports Editor
Close to us
Ottawa is still dominating. With
31 goals in the past 5 games (yes, you
read right) when teams like Columbus
only have 28 IN TOTAL, it seems like
nothing will stop them. Will this finally be the year that the Sens won’t
choke in the playoffs and go all the
way? Spezza,
a n d H e at l e y,
are certainly
thinking so.
Yes, Pittsburgh has finally won a
game, and has added 3 more victories
to the numerous losses they have suffered throughout the beginning of the
season. And yes, Pittsburgh IS the
team that features players like Lemieux,
Crosby, and Gonchar. T hey just
couldn’t seem to make it work.
Out of nowhere?
I mean, who actually thought the
Hurricanes would actually have a successful season? They are currently
dominating their division, and don’t
seem they’ll be going down any time
i tments.
Calgary, sitting on the
their division,
Colorado not
being as dominant as before,
St-Louis doing
so poorly.
The team
we all love
to hate..
As much
as we all love
to see the Maple Leafs fail,
they’ve been
known to bounce back after a bad start.
They’ll probably do so after the return
of Mats Sundin, who’s been out with
an injury since the beginning of the
They finally WON!
fourth slot. Benjamin fought valiantly, but
a sequence of reversed roll-ups led to Carlito
using the ropes to gain the victory, making
him the fourth member
of Team RAW.
Ric Flair defended the
Intercontinental Championship against Rob
Conway as Triple H
watched his Survivor Series opponent from the
stage. The Conway nearly
overcame the veteran, but
Flair prevailed with a Figure-Four Leg Lock. When
the match ended, Triple
H attacked Flair, and their brawl spilled
through the crowd and into the backstage
area before being broken up.
Trevor Murdoch stepped up, claiming
2005 - 11 - 09 bandersnatch bandersnatch
K i n g s
dominating their division, Nashville
managing to remain unbeaten until recently, the RANGERS actually looking
like playoff potential.
But heck, it’s only 15 games: who
knows what the next 67 have in store?
that he and Lance Cade were screwed at
Taboo Tuesday. Murdoch requested a
Hardcore rematch against Kane & Big Show
for the World Tag Team Championship,
an idea that didn’t seem to sit well with
Cade. Bischoff obliged, and the former
champions dominated early with their
shopping cart full of weapons. In the end,
the power and size of the champions was
too much to overcome, and after Lance
Cade was the victim of a double-chokeslam
through the announce table, Kane scored
the pin to retain his title.
Gregory Helms defeated his former
partner Rosey with the Shining Wizard, and
Candice Michelle & Victoria defeated Trish
Stratus & Mickie James after Victoria hit
James with Candice’s magic wand.
Kurt Angle & Chris Masters def. WWE
Champion John Cena & Shawn Michaels
Intercontinental Champion Ric Flair
def. Rob Conway
World Tag Team Champions Big Show
& Kane def. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
(Hardcore Match)
Carlito def. Shelton Benjamin
Candice Michelle & Victoria def. Women’s Champion Trish Stratus & Mickie
Gregory Helms def. Rosey
bandersnatch bandersnatch