traveler complaints - Electronic Privacy Information Center
traveler complaints - Electronic Privacy Information Center
f.W~ ,g ~ r§ t:l c o "".""C',;l 5' ~ ' ~ I:! :::l g' ."" m :l !ll. il § til til "" ~ ~ t8 '< CD to.) 0 0 ..., -:E :E::T 000 -- ........CD a;illJ (")0 ::To. :::J'< 0 0"3 COil) '<co _. :::J co • TSA has made the utmost effort to protect the privacy and dignity of the traveling' public. The following steps have been taken to ensure this policy is maintained: ;; The image analysis station will be remotely located, within an endosed space. Imaging devices, such as digital cameras or cell phones, win not be permitted inside the remote screening station » The remote Ojlerator wnl not have Visual CDfltact with the weened indMdual ). The public will be prevented tmm seeing the images or the remote operator ). Signal lights for the operat()rs have been Implemented at screening stations to minimize verbal communicatiOns and the chance of eavesdropping • Imagery generated by the system is not equivalent to photography, and 00 not present any details that could be used for personal identification. • TSA has adv\Sedthe vendors that all capabmties to store, transmit and/or print images must be deactivated for any system used in support of TSA. " . ):\ago - -CIhmttP: - 69..248.66.164 ... ~.-------, ~ ~"'~~_"1_9~._. I or 1 ---- .... __1-,t.."",~__•_ _ _._._ _ . I Ii II , I! Ii I I - 1CCea...t _ - · «IIiJl1l1l9-41290.4f:». ! IiI I ri I ,, ,, . I i II In c~iDQ. l. ....,e to .... Ul:;J yao.I rave=- aM I1113t da!ply ignorl'd r;blt III In ~l.lIlU, Ill_ned, )fy .bIcllll1iJl!J youtO, IU1I tr...t.d vith =-0101'100" "a dfldicatltd to corre.:tlhg , ., iOO<'lu1ataIX:1•• In the IIcn;Unlng proeM.: 7 2 I .11 r.a'VU 1»14 tU lI:~l".q GCtnnln;J .... IIIMdatory and _. t:I.t'd4:...a mto the. .\,I(~nine, ~t 11(( bal()bffltP and _a told e<t t>m'I ~und, they _hi .be Ito.. 1 dOd. What w111 YO\I, do to pt'1tV"l'It tlUa tWIll MIIPC!n!ng in t.oa tut:li.. n : ",,13 !l\Ua every a:!:rurt toO "''Mid the t'a'tll'4 a:uport 1» tile future, "flU it It MUa ,,&fiog dddnq tat ox pay tog fI"LIH, .a [ nl!VU Vlvtt: to ba aubjel<te4 t<> tMt lc1nd ot l;u:llilht.!ng t ....bIeJlt Ag:dn, 1 bo,,", Uout tlla IMchiMry. I 'line d.c4. n:~ AIIIl that i . \'by I .... ClppotCt1 to- it. JOI$rlu!:tb yout' aetee~1t Mad 'Oll'llt ad:I::catiO!l. Thank }I'Q\l tor )"eUl" l:eill)ClJ\iJe, I _ -.on,. tJ\<He of Wf ...!to hA,v.II t.I:M etaUrtlol.."le to ba.,. !'IIOI:t.I.1NIJ: 'p1:"(';b:\-e116 an t>etng tl:eatld ", ~tld e.rllc._l. ~es .... til. nil; lJCl:e_re attn't "dequ_t_ly mlned. )1 I r ) , > tg )'OIU" ~laint ~l:td ~t"il 1, lOO'. c:ancl!nH aod M'a\1bl~ by UtI! et:t'AlIl'lin"l proce•• ¥OU d'lIIlIItlribed :tn your C'CIl'1l14j"t; a.tId ~pologi1:c thtt )'O'J.t ea;,teriltftCll IlQt pl.......t. ;,. ,. Mitn I ... > A<1an1~ ~y wa. ~ , , > A. 8 11IJ)4IrI'l''''t" "lQr til. tQA I .mi.t.tu;· tJo.8 nl.llllbn- .lI<\ _tur• .,t ~1~ we ncaive to t~&<!Jr tnnda JUId spot II"':" ()I C:O=Stll eltel: DIlly nqui"" l:IptI!!Ilal :. Itoo .tteotlol\. 7hh QIlo9O:!.ng ?¥,OCIlSl will ,. ""1U"1I ~t. ,. ItetlltllLae th6t ,nabl. \U to eozT.et1ve .Ction wMM'ft.t "" .eGurH:y~.u.eDiIl!J polic1e. JUu >l¥)!UfiO=l.t1on or "I>4'0iUe ~ ... f.W: .:::reIllCl!r taaolll U'e tba Wbjeet_ ol! reptlatt'd COIIt,lldutlL ;'> .. • C\u:'umtly tlJet"e is 110 p<>ljer OT la_ 1.-n pl.c:. tt.. t \fm!ld _ubi. p&cBII'qsW!l"<f 111'1 t.b ..eta! iJJpl/ll1tl! tQ awl)' Ulr An fUl:4119tian t~ tbll acnllnil\!!f ~1!(t¢M.. }Ill you ~t.t,d: ill yom: a~tet' ¥'OUt' MeG nqIIiree lnl~ .nreell.i~, ItIJr.e al:. 'l'lUI'Ipe -"rport 'lUI h;:11f~ ~t)le 8l)dy J~ 'MCninel thet ~n be un" to ~ett tIU. ~M.. But.. 1:./:1:1. pcllc"U ~II .erietly 'II(Iluntuy. 1"0\l JIIIy eboQu to to patt.d ~ inatl!l4 (>1 entarillg' t~ 1II&<::IIlM. Abo. y¢\Il' belcl:lrjillg'fJ ~.t be w1thL!1 u ..MAble view ill: ali ,. ~ )0 ). ~ ,. ,. ,. ~ time.. > rot{III!I.e tlat. e.l\£V M ". .> ~ .. If)'OIl Clmnot .... )'!XI" tt.." ~t fQU NY 1Mb ~.t U1lfi at ,.J.\VIt • ~ tcUowiug Jiftt. hflt l111ptuJ infO\"l'!sUctI about the Mboi. DOlt)' l:J'IlIg"; hlWlL~, t ••. 9O!/!p»,m.lQft.ts:i.J1body ilNq, I!l.~ > ,. ". .. IIhWld It~tl'l' fllIV prebl... "lUlu: tnndt1.oU1ng thra\~:Jh a "oll.rity <:Iv.IcJq:loint • .1 1IX9' )'(:Ill to rl!l{!U'lt to lIPS.u rit.b ., evpottv;'..-r. In lI\QoItt C'UH, prool4tl9 nan b. raltabed i_dJ,Ully. Tf')'DI.! ,> " :> " .. > I I t AI!! dedlclt44 tc l!oludl'l9 c.bat tIlUr .orlc:t4rCll' pt'oVid'U: the! bip. . t lev'l ot .lte«lt'ity .and 'IIi'O'I'ld el... C\\'t~ 'arvie'. If I oal!. ,udet }"!I'll la I.DY R)I.tUe41Jl1!!'il, I I PJlge J of 5 • ,• , " '1'1105 i"tO''l'Nt:;1<m q"",tallwd it, tid•• ~e ...t.t:1.." H p;rot.aot4li by l'l:'.iv4Cy J.ct 4IId ehmlld 1:1. 4ine.iAlt&4 ,. OlUy to' t.bollia wttlUn '%'SA "'itl\ ~ _ 4 to know tl:lol .. L~tim in i:J:I. emu:... ~Ii- tb.«h (ltfic;id d>.Il::i..·• "rll:.SIIGlJi.atlQII OI.I~:W. oE 'tM ia lIIat. .Q,Moda:ed wtbollt t.1Ie 1n'1t~ (~,uent of tll.. eabj"u::t mrqJ.l.Clt"'Je ().l,' ....t't.fl" " e(lfMIl,/.l~Uen vir.b tlla chief COIIuel'JI out".. Ion ir.41ddud tIho ·~vrotlfltI.tUy d!J!el~ iD.f~t..h m eavue4 hy t:h!r PdvACY Me .....y he >'JI"l!Jjl'lct to .:r:I.m1l\.a1 pendtl... II u.s.e, ~ 1111125,' ----Ti1w you for your .-mail. TIl" Tr.meportaeJon Security AdmInbtmllon (TSA) S86k$1O emsurG1h11fTmneporlation S8CW'fty Cfflcera (r80s) ~ provide protessk:ma' and courteous checJq:x:llnt ptOCeeaing whle malnf.ainn'J a high !&val of seClU11y. When w recefve mpcrtBlo the tOl'ltmry. we tak61JPPropriate aetton, wl1!ch may Include addh!ooal ""'inti and dlo<:lpllnlllY 1ICIkm. One tera81IlnU pt'ooedwe that CIiIuses concern fa tfte- Glle of pat-down eeei'd1es, TSA oons1ttared ;lasoengerieedDeek when we dMfoped the p~re. Ho\N8lller. when a pd$llengel W$I'M$ihe walk· ;tIrough metal dstador. Teo. muat~ Qddtuonal acmen!ng, indUt':Ib1e d put-down, to taeafe and "9$O/I.'e Iha SOUICO of the alarm. 800eu&e Melallmplsilia and QmStholfc OtMceA rsgulatly slam;.lhe walk:~ lIrough molal detecff.)(, the lliIIawlng specfal consfde-!'8tiOl'l8 are gNen. for these scroonlngt: .. Tho procod'ul'l br sereenitg Metallmp!ants do" not Invo/w remcWtg, Uftlng. or I1lsptacing clolhlng. and 180s tlave received lfalnlng 10 ofror puaengers a private wuenilig b&(QfQ proceedfngwith a P8t~ ?~" O'n down Inspection, AI$O, a passenger may ask for and rec81\ie a pNsle screening al any till"e during ft1elr tereenlng, P'r1vate screenings are cornlveted In a room or In en area away from other passengers, 11 a N'Ssenger does ootper."IIit 1M seerth. he or aha will not b$ permitted to: bo.mI an: .. WM!'fL--_ ..-' - .._..... ,.......'.' '.' ...' - ' ....... ,.- •. - .. - .._...._ • Regardfng T5Ae po!k:yfo( malntalrifng llne.{)f,.gtght wiil'l yourclilr'fY'<lO Ib,!'1IS. TsA policy reqUires the Tmnsportatian SeoI.irfty 0fI'l<;ttn (TSOs) 10 raB!lOMbIy ensure that carry.on Hems, Including tBsaC~iiy~ related dtWJees <md aids. aM kept wifi'l:n- tho pa:ssengete ffM..of~3ight when it Pftll$8ngar i3 raqUimd to undergo adaitlomil $Creenmg, Wtum p;asaa'1gars eanl'tOt I'I"I8IntsIfl h-oMight wlth theIr property dutlng a pattlOWn Of p!'iVat$ 6creenlng. the TSas ~e:ve been !rained to ma!ntafn cootrol end sight of thetr items lOr hem, and to ut19Ufa that they are reunited with their property once it hu clesf6d )(~ray ~71M We fniWaUon of passertg$f$ rouQIy tJndergoing IJ$(:Ondary screening Ua/Ul\JS8 01 metal ;mpl.ants. and regret '1M dlSe01nfOrt and Jn~lerll;e experienced as a tMult of pat-down procedures, NeYQrttuMft. we be'~ these S6CU.1ty meMllre5 ara I'\eCN&ary Gnd appi'Opriate fOr M'atJring the $OCUrity aR1 oonfkl8!WO:ofan air tmvel8r1. Moreover, if" (lesstmggr Js exper!enelng dlff'1OO1ty dUring !he screening proces:u, ho or she may eiways request In speak with !he AHistant Fedoral Securffy OlractOf for ~n1f19 m that tIitport to addl'$$liany concofl"l8. . ~1Jr1.hermore~ we have abo forwmded 8 copy ofyooremsli fo the CU9kJm8rSerWCEI Manager at 7PA airport far r!MOW, Tba CUvfomer BeNke Manager /8. respontlble for ooturing that the sereenar workfiJrot) adheres tn TSA prlnc!ples for p~aalo"aI pm::GU.Ing. For more lnR:Hmation regarding 1M pat-down pmeackire3, pl6aae visit TSA'5 web.sHe Elt~, TSA Contact Canter !i , ,' , , i' I T3;" Silbjetl: T'SA ~ Ua: Compl.d.rdl THIS 0llNERA"l1?O EMAIL HAS BE2NSENT F10M TSA ~ CONTACT US """"" _ _ _liiiiii;;;;·;;;;-_-";;;;-'.-·--------·· . , I I I I ! I ' I, I! I I !I 11 ;I I <<m6tl~(LOJ£#» "-_. '~H IQ,I)lIQO::>OJ. ~ " " ~~"t:O~t», Y$J.JIlI ~t.lIRUII)!!l\<Io'fi II ~ lY(da! ~ \f</ ......, fll<b i\* lIIJ! ,t',»GI /l1l'i ~$ JC,JiJ,{j - ) 6 J .ilJd"I.lIm;!IIIP\"P1!1 #fI»"~ lOS I\IIIthJ 1~'M'oII';~ ~ '"" AlVA w iI I . I :I ! ! , • I I , " • '. . : BIIIfrnom.WalIl11rl!lID'l fl111f111$11ofta1{BWIJ bb ; 'a1t1aoN!~W.sJl1ngton xntl/Nl~tJ.<mal (Sia' CVl"'!"'a?\t Dltte/l"ilMll &/22/2fIH 9:SbU M 4!rpor'tr "ltttllltOnt-W;uhlnstcn I:mormtionll1 (fIWI) r»:te/T:i1lte of Travel; . AiI"U,M lI: FUaht ~! Checi:'poftttlArf4 t1f Airpot't: IS. &pl~! (If 1AoWI): . (:npUMnt/ Th. net Whole body 1-.:11'1 tecMiqUlt te Jl Pl'l"lOftll hw.,fett ttf privacy, It's I"uny cNepy. I rMd the wbpqu VOL! b"'¥a on !t} hilt it ~ ~ ....... atr'j fJO/"t C~I"tIl!d., Pl.m:y Of TSA a,vnt. bave ceU pNmu witb til.. ~ littft ts to stop the TSA qfflt (1"11.') tiki"" • pictu,.. of tlw ~"'&' Idth tlJlir phQ.'I4I? e'ill'l1 tf!r.lugfl they .NI in ., stpar1!t. S(r«tntf'lS' 'Ne,. f can't nat!d tJle idea t1f a I"MIdM S1r-IlIt,.,. *it'll t"-.rt audI of II1j bottj. even IIY doctor ttu.,.'t SMA tlUrt: IIIIch fIf .. , I .l.'1darJt&nd tM1: PUltfti1l1' ,uftlty is ~illntl bcJt fOo if nlf ut'R) AIId pri¥lq'. WMllD you 1tJ:, Ii "fUpOflse~: ,., f'UJ_npl"'S lIIlr.Ia: It. 0\1" N1JfIIb.,. ( ~N:tl: I II I I I I I • fJIMIM./d 8f4oI:d' ~ ~ ,jll /O'.IIIIlA ~~ II! Im»O II:lfIII'ij4II.\i~1i $IliIf.~1 &..o!.II1' llOOjlll*Jl\Iil:rtd poolS, ~ It IIIiI(lP I(U.l1.bIIIl~ j"C:~ Ii!QlffSMtIj I t.MOU~ 0; ..~, /:llMatl(t,{ III) jRi.'M. "1ru.I RCII puII8tl/piUIOI.,:1M I).re PiIl4/t/ilt (w,lkU:*Illl.V&.l"""~ e A.... ~ Ac ~.~ .»tIoJd. '\I~OjW9lll!Jlqlll il5i!11Jd • .~ !'.s-II~~O~~J!MIIl\I~""'!(IOU~~i~tanjlUt~ "1n¥"~ll!1A~JIi\fiI~~ ~~;JIfI~pwtfl;;j~~auow.lqIIV\IG:)~ fU\i1il!1 pole ",IWil1ll'w,m~ l.VU!\\ lI!iD"IAMf~~~1 ·~~QI ...... th!qO""JIWkyodil"lllat!M!NI~~q , .¥IIi~ttt..4NU~ot~ ~ j,IIIM,.sp&jqot!'~J¢JfliIlol'Gfll!l "6.~WJ. ~ till, .,...,~ l,U~p 1NI '~Jun 'p(I,I~ eq ~ 1\l(IjI!Iil/lb Jw liB plla "ACot'I..... 011 pjllOlI' 1II1II PRMII ,~,,;;;;;;; ~ UO~YS.lIlf'l~j II ~b ~ OIIIIN> 'u~ ~ ~ 1~\jM, JDIlICfJlCq IUCWI fI~ 0<lIl 'i! Jt't4IWe.l vJ»dJN ~(~ \IIItIaI1.# II'NUIH ", ~ _ '80 "Ii' 0( AepIiow 1.10 1" i I I'I I, , 'ptqgn fll5XlJl'I 8141 Ifill iii JIW ~ P81l\In O91iiM iOOV&nwlfl fkI.'lIMIi l18li"'" ~~~~ 1Jo.r!»WL 0\1 ~ twlll'l _ _ 1/.1 'WIS~'~ '~ll .~ t IIIU!a;uQlllod.l]v (1U01m;;ml1J ~J't ~ itJ:~"?SPod.w :jliO'rqIlS ""'" ~o:rVlU> """'" ~ VSJ.. "'~ ! JIIiwr> PIljIAY.) Wi. MlliI!IfIiAiA Pf l.i~ ,Ul111 B:'IJ ~ ~ tlAJ; ~ fXJll j!~iIfijM ~ net l.OoI~qJtJj Hlaqa.;.-.:IU!t1J1ilP VSl GqI ~1I6!( ·ltl~ PllJfKldiiW 10 oQa&:jq."II "'Il we IW'81.11 ~ JO .H.<~ ~ IJ UOfIIr.I\IIPOIJI pwllliO(.4)Od ~ f9l4lliIlI~ U. J~ "'** 8AjtIfJJOi) ~ &.fIMI ~ 'ftI ~ lijill'HOO.Id &/tolilIO IJlll 'UOJW'P '"~. ~ ,(ew ~~ WB::lUO:I JO 8aJI )Ods pull Ifpua!l ~ OJ ~ lIMo "1IJI1qd1.l.lO:) jO .nil'" JMI ..,lU1:1 8111 .IOI~ 11M 'o!IUtlW'JO,lCj flUlfBBDJOXIIOi ~rI VS..!.. 01 .QJII\IPU~~ "P N ~1141 ~ ~~ IllJaIll:lrulW IIOVJIS ~1nO DIU. J$lklAlt'j IOIAAIS).jNI~ eta 01 UVwe.rno.! ",,(do,. pijl.llMUClf lMIi.j M 'S'\f1 JI~5 &/jp.a'lfl.QI 'I ~JdLl,l(lO J~ liI$l'\I!!:)l;1ij llOdIP-.,,, '8!lII'IJ!.lBdu ~~ IUIQII.l.moA 1I1r..1 .4«/.I,UI ....... 1'\til Ala GJU BM ."JaW I/tIWIII ~ ~ "D,oi; lji.llU ::}~rq0'\6 :Ol 1Jo)es :WOJ", <<JI96S"J I ~O 1960£.IJ» ---- :li:I!JwnN IOJlll~ :Xu---·· I'age ; t>r2: . -_____._'<__ "~'_' ___ .w~. , ____.. _. 'fbm.k3 for Uu:! fecdba~ The WSl at ROU! 1"2 is striclty volu:.tuy fOr ait pB8S("4lIlCfS, tt is in mad)' use wbC!'! the eIIeek:poin! l.'l DfCf'lltiDnai as many p!l!5engGrS art optina to we it Vi. tho pat dD'Wl'l bt. proeed."" d(In'ti 'BJ ptoal:Slllnd to Aa.l.rl'l her !hat wI you Ilfltr ltpCtIking with,hu. ired' to IlSe lite WDI at ROU, hut thai ~D clarifY the voluntt.ty portion CIt the ,... -.". "._'." ~ ..._. •.., tbltow up There re(eronQd from ~w 1M), b,clp when I'lxp!a.ininlt the lecMOIOiY 10 interesmd peuenQer.t: lYllolo Body lmalliUi (waD T«!bnolo", ond '£SA RDU WBl Pre", Reteau. Please give. me a call if you havoa!!)' queltiOM~ I'm happ)' to help. ~· ..·Originai MWlge--. Customer SeNlte tw.aHt«CU3totMl..8crvJee@rdu.eor:n1 13.1oo810;4,1\M hI" _ I I I '<>10 We Illeeived a complaint from a/atJy wilD Juppcserlly had 10 I1'Ie the Body Imager mn.::htne I'll 't2, I .' t',,~ l 0£2 w;'l1ght !hi. was optiOO9l but OOf requ.lJed Md cuslamers -CClI'iJ atHl h8~ a pat.-down. A~ong Lite same IinC'll, r WIIS It T2 lut FrldIty aIreTooon; I !JI1W li~ or" people btcltwIO·bacl:: uticg 1he mar:hine, and [ thoughlir W.$ odd ih&11iO flUUly ptopll! were usinillhe ~1Uli, Carl Y(lu!ited any Hgm on mi. fil'Jillton? You have I"Cceived ItCW ~ ~om \,(" but not aL i iI ~¥'. . I! ./' II Ii I: ) I i. I !! j. i P,l pi iq I' b5 ,,II II , I I,, , I i I ,, I i I I I Ii ! . k II .r ~ f j • i1 I i "f if • "f · ,I i I I, , ! ,! 'lIUl j I --I , ; ~U ,I I I I I i I I ------I ~- ; i, : \, \ 1 i !' : , I i : ! I,, , ,I I i \ .., \ I ! 1, , ,, : ! I :, ,i ( • IT 6' • ~ I ,,, ,, ; I : i I : I :. I, b6 I \ b6 \ \ \ I \ I \ I I \, I II iI ii . I ,!l '] ; ! , , ,: , , ,I I' I I I ,I I i I \ ,, I, I t ! .• J.I I ~ \ 'I \ Il \, , I• I ,, i I , I ,i, , ! I 11 tf , ig t II \ '.· • , , , ~. lR , i I , • i I ,,, , ,! ,1 i ( i ! ,i , I, I , I I, , " . . ~ ____. +-t-t , . • I, I I From: .'"'" Ttl: SllbJeLl: :hank)IUtJ for your email ~ ooneemlng lhe Transportation Securfly Administration's (TSA) doploymon' of ""'''''' body Imaglng lechnology. paHeng<l1S access to an alrctaR, dignltyaod respect. poiicy IS to afford passengSt1l Whoie body Imaging provfdea TSA wlfh a means of deledlng e wtde variety of threats, InolWfog sufdde vests and other Improvlsed Expbafve Devices (lEes) that am hi1deo under individuals' clothing and that may no!: be deteded during metakiel8ction screening. TSA Is sensitive to passangEtl'9' concerns ebouf protecting their privacy 88 It miales to Hie securfly screenfng process, and in paIIlruI.r "'."se 0 1 _ body fmaginQ racllnology. To date. TSA has used wilofe body lrtJaglng on a I)UlWlYvolunfaty baM: as an alIemaUve to a down inspectioo, WhO have boon Idcnfffled (or s~ with whcia body imaging may opt for a paI-down fnstead. if that is their prefanl'lC6. .In addlUon to eKoctfvenesa and tlUitabflity anMsments o( lhewhofo body Imaging technology, TSA 1& ammlnlog operatjonaJ Issues associated with Ihe 19(;hnology.lncludlng efftciency. privacy conHtemtlOna, training, ~ 0' use, and perceptions by !be tmvellng p(Sbllc:. We havo'wotkad wry hard to addraas prMIcy concerns while testing wtloie body imaging technology. Wo belUtva !hat wholo body knagfng tec.I;ncIogy wlil be an effEldl'Ye too! in dekK:ling fetrotfst tt1r&a18. We loOk forward 10 continued public dialogue as we auess fhe eff6dMm088 of the _noI<lgy In the alrport _ng. Furthermore. we haYe also (olWBrded a copy o( your emah 10 '!he Customer Service Manager at ATL airport. The Cuatomot ~ Manager 19 responsible for ansurfng that ttl!! screener workforoo adhoros to TSA P/fflCiple.s1ot ptOfesibnel ptOMsslng. '/Ve monitor the numbar and nature of complainfa we receive 10 Ireck tFMds and spot ate" of ~cem that may requrre Gp(Jciai atfantJoo. ThIs ongoing ~8!l will enabfe us to ensure prompt. I d correa.ive. aetIon whNlllmwe dat8anine that security-weening poocie& need modiftcation 0' soer.ific empiovees Of' screener teams: am the sUbfectli Qr repeated complalnm Wit ancour3ge yeti to vls!t our websibt at ~ for additional inbrmalioo about TSA. We amlinue fa add new Information and eneouJ'i'lgo VOl! to check the 'NGbsite frequently for updated informatron. TSA Contact Center T(I; "'!'SA COnDel Cent:er" <rSA-~ICCt1ia@dhe.go'V> Subject: TSA ContacfU&! CrunpWn!! THIS G!l>IERA'I'I!Il1lMAlL HAll _ SJli'<T FROM TsA JNl1lRNIIT CONTAC'J' US I , iI II!! ---- - /lFSO: 1'80: TSOe: AimoitOpst -, '~.M 2G:03 MWM: DAfSo: p !! !!!!!!'" -~- ""' Tfme: DFS!J: """ "'" 20:01 MlQ; "'" I>\ ,i , I _. ----~~~-- , "T'baRk)1O\.! 1'Ot'/OUl .mat~. We &n:I iOI1)I fO'I 'w$. \M~ W'lh your l8CeI'![ 1nI~ ~iI, Because)'OW' «Jt'I!plattt Is~QI1iItIg IICIHnfng at INO, we haole IoIWItdIId a COIl"J Of YdOf emeII fo tile ~ s.r.b . , ",.,.'".., " . j ''''''4', ' ..".. . , - !!!II!! ,." • • " . , •. E!:'!!I!.I_~ "~-" -, ~,~., ... , ~,-., .... " . . . i ~ ,.~~ - We manllatt1'\16 t'Ul1bwMldnafUltll "compBlntl.W&r~ III ~!Tenda and Ipof·. . . .UiOOl'lCMl·tfwltmtrrequh: ."eo;.r ,1IItMIi:ft. Thlo oolJCfi'!q pI'DCIIUi -'1Nllie 1.16 tttill\\Utl:l ptQ11pt, wrocfMt aetk!n 'M'IIfl4>M \IIIJli dIII/!:.IIJmII'IIItIal SIC~1nQ potlcMt /!Mid I'I'ICdlllcationortplClfk: ~¢r~I'fII'~ m Ir. ~ot,.jMIIIted AgM,_T$A~lIl\'IcJQ~fofIheGl&:aDmtadYOU~~wh.. IJatdngt.nd~)'!'U»t.Mok 1M latufil'!l:mll6:lllfl.'iWi!"JflH,g. TSA. CoriIId Ca'IW CJ~"":':"'~IA!c'_i'ci.i.... ~A~c:..uc~ ....> SubJect: !SA Co.nta:::t Ur CotPp_~ TI!lllGENl!Rl.= EMAIL HAS !lEl!N IlI!NT fl<O!oI TIl" ll<'mltNllT CONTACT US I I , r'j i I , I < I , , _. ICC c...o.I_ber,- <4.l76'69~l7J263i» i .. I :, , I : .I II J*H 111 , i i . I !i II,:I ! , , II i II __ .~ ••. :'_ _ _ _ ~ _ _ ""-':'J....-.~""';" _ _ _ _ _ _ _•. ,;"_,___,,,,_ _ _,__ ,, _ _ "~",~_" __ ~_"~",,,_,,-,,,_. _ _ ~ _ _ _ ,,,,,,,,!-_,,,,,:-_.......__... ,.:;............ •....:.-.-. ...:..........._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ ~ ~_ Ibest available Copy From: IndIanapolis International Airport Web Feedback [mailto:feedback@indlanapollsafrportcom) Posted' At: Sunday, April 12, 2009 12:32 PM Posted To: Archive ConversatIon: Web Feedback SUbJect: Web Feedback Web Customer Feedback 4/12/2009 12:31:45 PM State Daytime Phone _11ii.~~l~~;t~~t~~$t~}~il~t~~~~~l~f.~~~~~fffI¥~:~t~~~f:~§~~~~t~£J~:ih;~(~jl~~~~?r~~'§1~f~t~~1~~i%3~~~lli~}~~~;[~;j,t~lf~¥::t~:; Concourse Age Reason for your 'eedback QuestIon Rulon for this trip nmes flown to/from/through the airport 2. ------'---~1t:b:e:st~a::v:ai:la:b:'e~c~o!:py~.._:y_~'"-~---''-'-'~~~~'" -'---~,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ or From: Sent: To: SubJect: - ploase ~d to the customer's point number 2 below. Thanks! From: BAA Web Feedback [mallto:webfeedback@lndlanapollsalrportcom] Potted At: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 5:42 PM Posted To: Web Feedback Conversation: Web Feedback SUbject: Web Feedback Web Customer Feedback 2117/2009 6:41 :55 PM Milling Add,... State 1 Dalytlme Phon. ! Flight Number I Concours, Concourte·A RHton for your feedback Other TIm. flown tolfromlttlrough the airport 10+ II 1 , ," I I !!! JUlp,q14ttl: !fie _\Ofelnltlv a Il!'lllt I Did ¥.MJJ•• thepll1 ofthi' cord (hat hlduded the CC/lJIpI~lnl? I teiponded to tfl/s amatl onC'll;md youoldf'l't ncrpond. J would lpp"'ilteWI'M Idnd ot~l1fJrmltlon mat tfliswas ~ddtt~ed, fOGo. ,r I I llwugh tbt CCl'Jl!'DIUtd1'4 tb4t yw ~ onlm1l6tY9. 2009 I1e;mttdotlhe ~V6~)'O'lMd \fI1ith TSA f~ It'Id qfyour co~ lIbout CUlClpl!tldion allndi~lll'AtmWiontll Airpc:f. r'm hsppy 'M: wm ahk 111 mW: your lI1JVOf qperit:~ A ~Ii\'O Qll.(. I WQ quitlI pIeued (n hW nI ~ exp::mx:e in ......witlt... """,,,,-",,. :I II It i••IWa)'J" pieuure to get poaW"dtedbllck from oU:cUomm, the flying pubUc. Customer.suvR:o is ane oflM haUmarb ofthe TSA. We lake great pride in dtlivering fltllt daD ~ alonaside first e!aft C1J!tIJmer MYk:a. r have pousonaUy Ihan.klId tlw petSilMCI warkWi on OW' security ohe.lntI fur !he tiM job the!: Iftey IU"C dcffi& I.tld sUed tltalihCll Ut, up 1M good 'IIJ'OIk, 1"hoy lite an importMt j':art I.ll our TSA rntman. TIunk you tat your ~y and fur sMrif)(l your thoughts -Mth u" - I, -~~I -:: Ii, I I I , ; I I!. I ~fSjl7~ ~Ca~8n lnternltlon~l (lAS, CUrMlllt Date/n,ll:: 4J1212009 9;26:SS "" Airpot"t: ~C1rra., hten' (lAS) V1t_rr.hlf: of T!'8Vel: 4/lll/lBW 1:&9 Pt\ Atl"liM I: Fl1&ht 1klU:1J!"~ CMt~i!'lt/Are' c1 .a1!"1\Ot't: TSA f891oyee; (If (nQ,n); (!,)mpl1.m:!CMpla1nt: My lotl+'e WO$ nlcted fur tewrulary $Crtl!!"!fn& and $l,Ibjectt!d to ttl/) /!Ml :l!'ll.llatnc dtw,ia, Sh& d!\M't knew wihft it Vlill. !'I~ .lulllMd it ,..... ii 1'1_1" t1Pe of _hI". sh" $11111 no 'i&Mxe b)'$1/t1n1ng it. "lid snl SNit tM ,... i.if" llIIIplH 1Itfo,.. tHs~ S~ 'N'!l'\!ld ,,~v .. opted for a pet-dcWn instH!j. M nobo<fy !~ Mf' Iff ttwt tbll1n. ".,p.s Til;'! i'5A advert1Jitll "tlIat nHr~ 411 pUfetlpr!t &qwttjchoosalqwot:J the ~ :ltlotJl!f' aver. 1lM:-III.JNri, 1'h1l is iI bolUl c:h1A, 8$ v~ few ~UII!I'IIlt'·S ~"I Nk1tls __ Jrrf:'tNllld dlOice or even k~ tOlt thlre 1t .. chq1[e. Thel"'t should be clear dgtlalll that shows Ifhat tha """ tNS'H 1* UI(.e llr'ld th.t !nfOfttl ~.utnjert tMt Ue)' *:f d!acil ttr. pat dQwn 1l'lft43H. ~l!j YQU :lIke a rljponsll~: ~o Pass,nle"', NaMe: t'boM ~f'£ IuU: r I I Sellt: To: Subj!ct: Tha following Int'ormatlcn hU been received by the TSA Contact Center and It 14 being fotwardl!ld to Ytlllfot your re....lew andIorfo:IQW-I.Ip. ~asft tHpIy by ernel/, :0 tho TCC Cl1liorMr SaNbl. Representative $lIrtdlng this (r,MlJItiJ&, w/lh jhe actloM taken to r'lIaoIw this cOf18Umere' itmue. Ca!ef(rme of Trav!'>l' & tllg/'lll'lilmbtlr"; (OIl!lonllr) Phon. NOTF.: II jIllJ wish 10 5Uk paymem fn)m TSA fC( dmuq;ed ,,;~;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;P;;Ai1 or lm"ugh the T8.\ ConVt~t CMiOt a4 1-866-289-9673. Page. 1 of I SLC~u~tomelllervJce Frum: 9lnt: s~;:::~::~::c To: SUbJect: S B8tOI'El enler!ng the SQlnner, I ~1Id removed all ml!tIIl objects (watch, key5, change., etc.) rrom ,i,y plrson and plaal'd them .wrth my cllrry·on Items M thI! X-fay COIlV¥T belt. Yhe TSA ell1PIoyee It the scanner lDld ma lD 111mOW' my belt be.1'on! onterll'lg ~hll scanner. ~nI _nln't lillY notlcuble slgl'\I or warnings: In large ront explaIning Mythln; ll00ut tho new scanner or Instructionli on I1IIps to take before entering the ,sc!Mner. illnlenul' Ihe scanner, I'ollowed directIons glYen to me by III .TSA rep!'rsonlllilve. end exlted the Kanner when directed to do so. r WIIS Immediately laId to empty lilt my poclcets (had a wallet. plastic CDlI1b, and a slnghl lube or CIrmex lip balm). I was then subjected to e l'ull·bod',t patoodown sellrch, lind 'hll TSA n:pntserrblllw e'so opened my WIIallllt to Sflllrch It II:' well. It Is my undmtsndlng that the PtitpOSG or thIS scanner Is to provide III lass-Intrutfve method 0' inJpection while fmpmvlng 5easr,ty (or lin passengers. My experfence pmwd to be Just the oppGslt•• I rOllnd the IlCperlence very Invasl... and felt my pl!lrsonal ~ was vIolaled (lndudll1!il inspection of my wallet that had nathlng metalJlc In It). I don't understand the methods being used dul1ng this tnal, partlallfrty since the main seiling poJnt (according to the news artldo I read) Is the thIs equIpment wJII allow TSA .!latU/'Jty personnl!ll to determIne whl!lther.n IndMdult1 hiS Items of ccncem hIdden on their penlOn. •• , ~ '" • 1111' h' 1 , te lind conelder my conctml. r ClIn ba reached at you have q~lons concl!lmlng thIs note. 7/13J2oo9 , , ~ i iii_ R~~~=~~ IlST T, <rnA~"""@dIu",v> Subjaet:!SA Cota;:t ttro Comp/afmJ Tlllq Gl!III!RATBI) EMAIL lIAS IlJ!IlN !lIWfFRo.""SA IN'l'ERN1!TCm,rAC'l'!J8 ~T~-:-:=--=-"-~-" :I I I I I 1t!3f2009 I, I , I I !! i I, ,: ]i I ==-,- , !. ,i I ,,,J" ,I , I I ,, ,,, I '\VI:I;ok body tu:.&i.ns plO'¥idc!a T8A willi A. mOOJl!l. of de1I«:tina II wide, 'r'IU':ifIty 4f~ lru.\,l~ Nieklc vom wi oCht.r tmprovI.Ied Exp!oIi'R Dn:ict£ (.teDtI) UuIi IttO bfddcm!ll1der iudtvilf'l.Ws· dotbhtg m:flhatmay not be detect.ed durio& ~l3-xrcaUcB. TSA it Jll!mfdvlI ~ ~' ~ about protectiD,g 1h.oir¢VIe)''' iat¢l.tIS1ti:) ~aWlrlty au.eemns-J'NCCU. Il.Ild inpMiculartbaweofwtlolc body ~ teahnology. HowdOCl. itwork'i Plm,:it bI notan 'X-ray rnaclUlIII. MiJUrnctcr to i'DCMe IlIl imege.l:u:d (In 'the e:nqy rafJee!ed 1i:om tho 1It.!'dr. ,...tV. U$08 I b4Imlus eJ.ectt(I~~ 'M~ ~ walk iuto IhJ MiI1imIrtcr w,vo , p0N1.l.ltldcrao .. ~ and wtlk out the otbc:r sidl. The whoIo iifOOCtS tcbt. ..bout I' ~ If )IOU 'i.:OIWder ge:CtIng au. wtruourui. au;ii lIimitar-onIy 1IIina eleetram&gne:tie MlVa.lnrtcad tOuIId:. The dilferem:e beioc sound tall ttavGl thzwgh YOut body. wbcft:as'DiCCU' wa.... ollN'lClt, they boUXICC ol!gi\inj up. ~o i:uao 1hMforo tMillg M O!g,.......,.""",,,.r... '\\'l!/, -... .. harm to 101,1 or ywrba'by, I have rocdved ~iMt ! r'""", _ .........., .. ,_, iul. t. ~ I'hq ""'"' ~ f4 etil:r and thi:t mcliau bcUlg ...iu.::plc ~ I \IDdmiaad ItMC: tbat NOtion taJ1 be«mtrued to be. oMet but ttia in fact. Ieqll(l:flU tbc:otfieen ColWolCltonb yuto cot:apIywith.Y ~ l'!Io only thtI:Ii Chat is cc:rlaiIl is _once}'OU llWt tha ~ pmceu you hi,., to ~ h. Mt:mf.:It: tNt""":fw wbmlt ynurortic-lcslbr ~ne1M '~p:occ!U Iml1fbe.Dal'.lhed. AI./br)'CIW pcrao.n,. thb bcdooo oithct by;, pc~ (pfb}fc- YitlWOi' I.Q prlwflil:) or by wru, y(Q~ prOpCIrtJ * .U 0. ~ NXwltY. T& dace. TSA Jw 1.i.tOd ~J. body imagiaa 011. purely wlUIItIUy bail., Ct alt4m4iiV.1) 4pat-dOWlt intpccrlou. ~ wIlD have been identitlcd for sel'Ctlllng with ~I¢ bod)' fmeging; ...,opt thra pal~ dawn.~. ifttu¢illhDitprefermc.c. In rQiition to lIIlli!:ttivcntld and INitabilily asllSSSttl:eals artlte_1e bod)' im4gingt.eeMoJogy. !SA it examinIng Dpmtionel j""e! IWOOi.tted with the IM:Mology, includhla; cm.ciccey. pri'IIacy OODIiderWOIllJ, trainiag. Pt'tlK, 11M pmc!ptiOlU by l:lII lrlv411nj pIbIk. i , j , I --~-'--'-----'~-·-~·-·--··~'--··'-----Ibest available copy I TSA has established rigorous controls to ensure privacy during whole body imaging screening. The Transportation Security Officer (TSO) attending the passenger will not view the image. while a second TSO will view the image in a separate, remote location and will not be able to view the passenger. No cameras, cellular telephones. or other devices capable of capturing an image are permitted in the image viewing area The image cannot be stored, transmitted, or printed and is pennanently deleted after each passenger has been screened. We have worked very hard to address privacy concerns while testing whole body imaging technology. We believe that whole body imaging technology will be an effective tool in detecting terrorist threats. We look forward to continued public dialogue as we assess the effectiveness ofthe technology in the airport setting. r I Thank you submitting you comments and concerns. and should you have any further questions you are welcome to contact me at the number listed below. lbe TSA-IND 317.39~ From: BAA Web Feedback [] Posted At: Sunday, March 22, 2009 11:38 PM Posted To: Web Feedback Co.nversatfon: Web Feedback SUbject: Web Feedback I. Web Customer Feedback 312212009 11 :37:55 PM I Age 25-34 2 , nmesflown tolfromlthrough the 1- 3 aIrport 3