October 2014 Newsletter - Tri
TSA News October 2014 Volume 32 Issue 10 PFLAG & TSA Host Meet the Candidates on Oct. 21 Reception Honoring All Couples Begins at 6pm, Candidates Speak at 7pm The Greater Evansville PFLAG and the Tri-State Alliance will be hosting a candidates night on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at the 1st Presbyterian Church, 609 SE 2nd Street in Downtown Evansville. At 6pm we will be hosting a reception honoring ALL couples, and then at 7pm each candidate for office will be allowed to speak for a minute and then answer 1-2 questions from the moderator. We usually have over 100 people attend, and we hope that you will help us pack the room. We are looking for volunteers willing to provide a dessert or an appetizer for the reception. Contact Wally Paynter at 812-480-0204 or wallypaynter@aol.com if you can help out with the food. Owensboro AIDS Walk, TSA Halloween Dance Are Both on Saturday, Oct. 25 Saturday Oct. 25 will be a busy day for the Tri-State LGBT communities. The 6th Annual Greater Owensboro AIDS Walk will be held on the Kentucky Wesleyan Winchester Campus Community Center. Registration and health fair begin at 11am, and the walk starts at 12 noon. For more information about the walk please visit www.OwensboroAIDSWalk.com. Then that night the 2nd Annual TSA Halloween Dance will be held from 7pm— 12 midnight at the Evansville Airport Holiday Inn located at 7101 US Highway 41 North. All are welcome to attend, and the cost to attend is only $10 at the door. This second dance was added to the TSA Calendar due to the overwhelming response we get from Pride Prom. See Page 2 for Information About Comedy for A Cause 3 being held on Tuesday, Oct. 14 BN.COM/bookfairs Food Needed for WIKY Extortion Breakfast Nov. 28 We will once again be a guest on the WIKY Extortion Breakfast on Friday Nov. 28 at 7:30am (the day after Thanksgiving). In exchange for the publicity for the AIDS Holiday Project, we provide those working at the station a free breakfast. To volunteer, contact Alex Kessler at 765-610-6130 or kessler09@gmail.com. Get the expanded TSA Newsletter by email. Sign up at www.TSAGL.org TSA Has Been Active This Fall Staffing Booths at the Carbondale Pride Picnic, USI Organizational Fair and Speaking at St. Luke’s United Church of Christ. Thanks to ALL of our volunteers for their hard work! TSA Thanks Its Supporters Who Were At the ARG AIDS Walk Pictured are volunteers from the TSA AIDS Holiday Project Yard Sale & Car Wash. A special thanks to all of our volunteers especially Amy Butler Julius who chaired the event, Great Harvest Bread Company, Piece of Cake, Just Rennies, TJ Maxx and the Evansville Airport Holiday Inn. Owensboro AIDS Walk Volunteer Meeting Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014, 3pm Panera Bread 4600 Frederica St. Owensboro Please help organize the Saturday, Oct. 25 Owensboro AIDS Walk www.OwensboroAIDSwalk.org TSA Office / Youth Group Needs Donations Coca-Cola products Bottled Water gently used computer / laptop To make a donation, contact Wally at 812-480-0204 or wallypaynter@aol.com. For Sale: Split, seasoned firewood 50% ash, 30% cherry, 20% oak and other hardwoods. Free delivery within Evansville. All proceeds are donated to the Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project. $95/pick-up load. Cash only please. Contact: Bruce Wright (812)422-9155, anbrwright@twc.com Volunteer Social Media / Web Co-Chair Needed One of the co-chairs who coordinates TSA social media / web page has moved to Japan. A volunteer is needed to help TSA’s internet and social media presence and activism. If you can help, please contact Wally at 812480-0204 or wallypaynter@aol.com. Upcoming 2014 TSA Offers Educational Presentations PFLAG Meetings TSA volunteers Kelley Coures, Stephanie Decker and PFLAG meets the 3rd Tuesday of month, 7pm, 1st Presbyterian Church, 609 SE 2nd St., Downtown Evansville Tuesday, Oct. 21, 7pm Hear Local Candidates Speak about why those interested in civil rights should vote for them! Reception begins at 6pm Tuesday, Nov. 18 Regional HIV Update AIDS Holiday Project Discussion \ Tuesday, Dec. 16 Holiday Party Wally Paynter are available to speak to classes and groups on the following LGBT and HIV topics. TSA requests that you contact us as much in advance as possible to arrange for one of these presentations. The following presentations are made by TSA VP Kelley Coures, who can be reached at kcoures@aol.com Aging Issues in the LGBT Population of America Gay & Lesbian Images in American Film The Hidden Holocaust 4000 Years of GLBT History Stephanie Decker does a short presentation on Cyberbullying. She can be reached at Decker-Stephanie@rvbh.com . Wally Paynter gives presentations on Working with Diverse Populations and also Current Issues in the HIV / AIDS Pandemic. He can be reached at 812-480-0204 or wallypaynter@aol.com. Where are the Watts? Wednesday 10/8 Holiday Inn 6-10 (all ages) Friday 10/10 Snaps (Jasper) 9-1 Saturday 10/11 Carson's Brewery 6:30-9:30 Saturday 10/12 Penny Lane Downtown 2-4 (all ages) Wednesday 10/15 Kanpai 7-9 (all ages) Friday 10/17 Bokeh Lounge 10-1 Wednesday 10/22 Holiday Inn 6-10 (all ages) Friday 10/24 Legends 8:30-11:30 Saturday 10/25 Deerhead 9-12 (all ages) Wednesday 10/29 Deerhead 8-11 (all ages) **EVERY THURSDAY IS KARAOKE WITH THE WATTS AT STOCKYARD INN AT 9 PM** facebook.com/musicbykatiewatts facebook.com/artbykatiewatts Airport Holiday Inn Wed., Oct. 8 & 22 6-10pm All ages welcome Support a worthy cause & shop online at www.broadwaycares.org TSA Seeks Volunteers To Help Expand Services The Tri-State Alliance is seeking volunteers to help us expand our services. To volunteer, please contact Wally Paynter at wallypaynter@aol.com or 812-480-0204. A volunteer night will be held on Wednesday, May 28 at 5pm at the TSA Offices, 501 John Street Suite 5 in Evansville. Volunteers will help make safer sex kits, assist with the mailing of the June Pride Edition of the TSA Newsletter, and talk about the potential volunteer positions in TSA. Among some of the volunteer positions are: * AIDS Holiday Project Co-Chair * Arts and Theater Coordinator (help increase LGBT art and theater in our region) * Grant Writer * HIV Prevention Coordinator (find new locations for condom distribution and help coordinate HIV educational events) * Owensboro AIDS Walk Co-Chair * Regional Gay/Straight Alliance Director (coordinate and support GSAs in the Tri-State and encourage / help new GSAs to form) * Social Media Coordinator * Southern IL AIDS Walk Chair and Co-Chair * Vincennes AIDS Walk Co-Chair. SAVE THE DATES: PFLAG / TSA Candidates Night, Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6pm Reception, 7pm Candidates Forum Owensboro AIDS Walk Sat. Oct. 25, 12 noon TSA Halloween Dance Saturday Oct. 25, 7pm TSA Red Party, Friday, Nov. 21, 6pm Southern IL AIDS Walk, Saturday, March 21, 2015 Vincennes AIDS Walk, Saturday, March 28, 2015 TSA Pride Prom Saturday, April 11, 2015 TSA Pride Picnic Sunday, June 14, 2015 TSA Celebrity Dinner, Sunday, Aug. 16, 2015 TSA Halloween Dance, Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015 Keep up with us on FACEBOOK! ‘Like’ the Tri-State Alliance and the Tri-State AIDS Holiday Project Friday, Nov. 21, Tropicana Conference Center Sponsored by Evil Twins Piercing Boutique, 100 N. 1st Avenue, Evansville Co-Sponsored by Tony Goben for Indiana State Representative
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