Youth Voice Peer Power
Youth Voice Peer Power
Trust for the Study of Adolescence Youth Voice Peer Power Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 what worked "Youth Voice believes that young people can pass on their knowledge of how to make the best of their lives to their peers and that when they do this they learn useful skills, improve their self esteem and increase their confidence." Core Advisory Team minutes. The hist ory of Youth voice pr ojects at TSA Since 199 8T projects w SA has managed You hich were respondin th Voice g to • the ne ed to pro vide a pla young pe tform for ople to e xplore an their idea d express sa emotiona nd experience ab out l health a nd • the va lue of training a including this wis dom in nd people an resources for you ng d adults YouthVoic e1 YV1 fund ed Health' co by the Community nferences F in 8 town und, organised 'Yo groups of s in Engla uth Matt statutory ers: Adole nd. These an expressio s brought t ns of their d voluntary sector ogether m cent Mental workers. views thr facilitatio u ltid Yo ou n. By the final confe gh drama, art wor ung people presen isciplinary presentat t k ed r , e local new ion nce 50% sletters an creative were you newslette s were by 14-19 ye th d d worksh ar-olds as r. P op well as a d elegates and 50% emotiona resentations and d o isplay of a f the l health w isplays of rt work a ere show France, Slo nd n across t art work and mess vakia and a h ges to adu a local e country Greece. T day work a lts about nd at inte he projec shop for 1 rnational t’s ideas w 00 orpha stimulate co ns of HIV ere influe d Youth F /AIDS in ntial in se nferences in orums in B t t o ing up the several Af tswana w hich with rican cou f YouthVoic ntries. UNESCO irst 6 e2 's help YV2, fund ed by the Pidem Fu Empower nd, conce ment and ntr surveyed influencin young pe ated on Self Conce g their se ople in En pt and Yo lf concep gland and uth t. Two majo S cotland a r confere b o ut factors nces in Lo Concept ndon and and Train Manches ing confe ter explor rences fo "Emotion ed the iss r Youth C al Health" ues aroun o u n s e ll o a rs continu d Self stressful e CD of tra ed the ex ining mat vents was ploration erials and published . a DVD of by TSA. Evaluatio young pe n reports ople talkin of Brighto On' and o g about n Coalitio f a young n for You offenders published th (C4Y) me online as participat free down ntoring project 'T ion projec railblazer loads at w The surve s ' w a t w Aylesbury t 'One Year y of Youn m YOI were g Pe topics you ng people ople's views was u sed to de c work of t sign a 6 p he Core A onsidered were ce art tool fo ntral to se dvisory Te r lf concep am that c t. It was c exploring reated Yo ore to the Talking to others who uth Voice Peer Pow you have never spoken er. to before, that makes you more confident Girl, 15 2 Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 r e w o P r e e P e c i o V Youth YouthVoice3 of 8 iverse group d a s a w m a isory Te g for a seek fundin ice Core Adv o to V d e th u id o c Y e d e Th who young le and 3 staff h issues with lt a e h l a n ways o ti young peop find creative explore emo d n a to s e ie m g m te e ra ra prog s Youth Voic ir coping st a e w th e h m rc a m se ra g ns people, re rs. That pro le in 5 regio e p o th e o p g to n n u o o e of ds of y to pass thes ched hundre and a variety a re te si h b ic e h w w e r rough th Peer Powe any more th m d n a d n la of Eng . on methods disseminati by the e was funded m m ra g ro p oung ve new vulnerable y citing, creati y x ll e a , ti d n te te e c o a p if h ed wit The mult und and work F 's le p o e P g Youn land to: f gions of Eng in the area o re e 5 is rt in e p le x p e o e d p pass rience an elp them to eople's expe h p d g n n a u s o y ie g re ing strate • explo alth and cop e h l a n o ti o em search, eir peers pics, peer re to this on to th h lt a e h l ta ities skills in men reative activ c d d n a n a n o ls il ti a sk n form icipatio • provide in support, part r e e eas p d n a g rticipants’ id a p mentorin te a in m s to disse tive activitie a y re c f o e g n er communit id w a • use a ra to h lt ng a onal he roups of you g e rs e about emoti iv d h ncies wit f existing age o rk o w e th • enhance the projects in people y it il b si n o and resp f new participation th u o y erse range o se iv a d re a g n ti • inc e e vities nce by m skills and acti w ple's confide e o n e f p o g t n n u e o y developm • increase riencing the e p hange in x e d n a le ce positive c peop n e ri e p x e to ortunity ople the opp e p g n u o y e • giv They are learning and cept. their self con practicing debating and negotiating skills – these will help them in life and future employment Teacher Doing activities, meeting new people, the beautiful view! Ski-ing and archery were new, the first time I’ve done it! Every time new people come, it’s good to swap. Rami, 22 In terms of YVPP it’s given the peer supporters an opportunity to hone their communication skills with strangers, to listen, and be non-judgemental. They did really well, and they really rated that experience. Project worker Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 3 Self concept and identity We asked many young people about how you think, feel and see yourself and what makes up your self concept and influences a sense of your own identity. We divided their answers into six headings. self Image Body shape • style • attitudes • fashion • music choices “What I look like is only part of me I like the way I look. I’ll look the way I like.” Relationships Friend • adults at school or work • strangers “I’ve got some really good relationships” Work School • College • exams • acquaintances • roles self concept and Identity “When I’ve done a good days work I feel good about myself” Health Physical • mental • healthy eating • living Money Possessions • spending • saving • managing If I really understand how money works I can make it work for me” General ideas • values • politics • religion • spiritual • identity “I’ll get much more of what I want if my health is good” “It's Ok for me to try out different beliefs. I can still be true to myself” a list of coping strategies These extracts are from a download on the website as part of a list of coping strategies: • • • • • Live every day as if it’s your last –but keep yourself safe Find time to laugh You can’t define normal so be yourself An original is worth more than a copy Remember bad pictures about endings fade like dreams 4 Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 The Regio nal Agen cies For full rep orts on eac h agency see the resourc es on www East Mid k lands This student vo D ra m a group, adv lunteers, d ised by Jen evised and for an audie ni Dunbar p e rformed a nce of loca with 2 play explor l officials a ing coping nd friends. strategies West Mid lands Nett Supporters a Cartwrig in 6 schools ht worked to involve with group emotional year 7 pup s of year 10 health top il ics. They cre s in trainin Peer online com g a w te orkshops o ic and reso d and adve u n r rc ti from 6 sch e for local sed 'The B ools suppo uddy's Guid schools to rted this ac support ne e' an young peo w h iev members. ple from a Staff very wide ra ement which directl y involved nge of cult over 200 ures and is in forming m Bournem any more. o leaders Kare uth Millennium n Cowser a Voluntee nd Vince E public awa rs with the dwards use reness abo ir youth d a huge w ut emotion created an hiteboard al health an d organise to raise d d a quiz ab active. out emotio valuing of diversity. T hey nal health and contin ue to be Brighton Euphoric funded by Flash supp Media Box orted were led b by Brighto using digit y Helen Co n Photo Bie al cameras m nnial and m to ack in a ser explore em Emotions' ies of work a training re otions and shops create and source of p by TSA. market 'Pic ostcard im ages and w ture orksheets p ublished Sunderla n d Young were the N Minds Ma orthern Co tter led b re Advisory programm y Jean Team and s e. They sha upported Y ette Chapman, red their e members to xperti VPP throu each reside ghout ntial weeke se of work in Youth C lubs and bro the nd. ught Ban dbazi Cir cus skill s group group and Cultures the resourc Brighton BME g Club dra es for YVP r ma o u p u s P. ed their fi particular s kills to pilo t Core Staff Being a peer supporter helps you mature. You see a childish kid and then you see them mature and how they’ve changed. The differences are….look at X, we weren’t going to go to the residential because of her, she used to kick off all the time and be violent. But on the residential she was a different person. She used to be full of anger and aggression. Now she’s becoming a different person. Male, 21 The agencies involved were supported by a team of part time and freelance staff of: Sue Shaw - Participation and Web site at TSA Marilyn McGowan - Development and Training Jo Brown - Design and Euphoric Flash project Tracy Hind - Evaluator Saskia Neary - Consultant training and participation Anita Wilson - Consultant evaluator and young offenders art exhibition. Dorothy Eddi Piper - Project Manager at TSA Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 5 d n a s l a i t n Reside s e i t i v i t c a ere PP as they w V Y in t n a ic if gn s to ls were very si tives from regional agencie ia t n e id s e R senta r. nity for repre skills togethe the opportu p lo e v e d d n ence a ntred share experi as person ce le ib ss o p s a much en the sidentials as spect betwe nces We ran the re couraging equality and re g the differe n in e g s, d ie le it w n o u n k m com while ac cy. aged 14 - 65 ts n a ip of each agen ic ts rt n a e p m e v ie h mme ng the ac in the progra s le ro d and celebrati n a s e with the ants of all ag ping so well o c n The particip o d te la nce and e congratu ction, tolera e fl re lf se deserve to b d e nd which dema experiences others. t to helping , physical commitmen ies, art work it v ti c a d le and cluded Youth om agencies in fr d s n n e o k ti e e ta n w Each s, prese ussion group c is d s, ie it v ti ac eekend in lots of fun. residential w e v si n te in ory n a e Core Advis s devised in a th w d t e c je rm ro fo p The ho then to 30 articipants w tered for up p a c 1 1 ls y a b ti n 4 e 0 d of 0 si 2 piloted some he 3 main re T 9 . f P o P p V u Y f ro o g Team dential inter Practical Po ear and a resi y e h th c a e e se le il p ta o pe re de rials. For mo eekend on the final mate nd the reports of each w als a on Residenti www.yvpp.c End of residential A conversation in the car at the end of this week’s session went thus; A I wish we were still on residential – I wish we’d stayed longer I Yeah, I wished we’d stayed for a week – next time can we stay a week? M I could have stayed for a year, like a boarding school place, I would have gone to school then. 6 Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 Creativ e Arts, Skills S were e haring, ssentia Mentor Each agen l element ing and cy increas s throu Peer Su ed their s explore e ghout t pport kills in me motional h ntoring a e progr health to weekends n p d ics and fo amme peer supp . Participa r fun in r ort. Cre nts wo regio egional w ative arts r ns and at orkshops were used national m ked to share their and natio skills and to eetings. See Pract n e a xperience ical Point s with oth l residential ers on Cr eativity, P ers both in eer Suppo the rt and The Programm Particip e Ethos. ation YVPP aim ed and to inv to influence agenc ies to dev olve youn e g people regional w across the lop participation s orkshops kills and a c o pr un make con ctivities in tact throu oved the most effe try in developing the Y gh email c V t learning w iv P e P . w T a h y of comm e resident ir work and webs as that m ia it u e ls and nicating, an was surpr access to but our e isingly, no computer y young people in ndea ts the group s and tha access on t schools s we were o successful. An im vours to school co h a p w ve to deli mputers. berately u orking with did no ortant See Pract nblock yo t have eas ical Point uth webs ers on Co ites to allo y mmunicat Monitor ion. w ing and Evaluat A wide ra ion nge of me thods wa Staff met s us regularly to monito ed to monitor and The mon r e progress itor visite and share valuate the projec YVPP has helped broaden d regiona young pe ts. e xperience l agencies ople and these young people’s a nd expert and collec staf concept a horizons, helped dismantle ise. ted inform nd look a f. Each residential ation from barriers of difference and attempte t the deve interested d to evalu lopment strengthened young people’s in finding ate chang of sk out what Practical peer relationships. e in self the partic ills for participants Pointers Evaluation report ipants exp . We were - Evaluatio er m n Report fo Euphoric r full deta ienced. See downlo ost Flash for ils and th adable more exa e monito methods m r s p r le e port on s of monit used. oring There is much evidence from young people and professionals working with them that the YVPP initiatives have enhanced young people’s confidence, self-esteem and helped develop their abilities, skills and knowledge. Evaluation report Youth Voice programmes at TSA 1998-2008 7 Spreading the Word Each agency decided on its own way of disseminating what had been learned and all contributed to the published resources. Emotional Health A DVD/CD training pack designed for use in training professionals. The DVD features young people talking about emotional issues. The CD contains exercises based on sections of the DVD and covers seven aspects of adolescent mental health. Resources created by Youth Voice at TSA Emotions Work A CD of worksheets about self concept and emotional health for use with young people. Picture Emotions A resource of images created by young people to explore emotions with a booklet of guidelines and worksheets for use in drama, emotional health, creative writing, PSHE, counselling and for training adults. 2 Does wor1 rying help ? Y0U decide.. What m. a good fr kes a iend? is it... Think of som “Emotions work” ething that has Young people, self esteem and coping strategies mad What helped Trust for the Study of to change the e you worr y? Som eone wh o helps you wh som en you eone wh are dow o unders n? tands som and acc eone to epts you have fun as you with? are? WH at do you think mak es a goo d friend? situation? How does worr your mood...y ying affect our behaviou your health? r... A collection of easy to use and photocopiable worksheets for young people to consider how they see themselves and their relationships with others What can you of worr ying do instead ... 1. Adolescence 2. © TSA 2009 Emotions Work • www.yvpp • Youth Voice Peer © TSA 2009 What’s import ant to you abo ut you r friends 3. ? Power Emotions Work • www.yv • Youth Voice Peer Power Free Downloadable materials As well as this project report YVPP What Worked the YVPP Practical Pointers are a series of information sheets for download which aim to pass on useful information and more details about the YVPP programme. They have useful tips and positive experiences of interest to practitioners in similar work. The free downloads of project reports can be obtained on the TSA website and on the YVPP website The Youth Voice Peer Power web site is now for information only. As well as the Practical Pointers and What Worked reports it contains: • details of all the agencies involved in the programme and the work that they have done • reports of each residential weekend with pictures and comments from young people, programmes and exercises used on the weekend • detailed information about all the participating agencies • the project monitor’s report • further worksheets and information of interest to young people and to the adults who work with them • galleries of images of various activities in the programme • a great Pencil Pals game where you can still try your hand at beating the misery bugs. Trust for the Study of Adolescence TSA Ltd 23 New Road Brighton BN1 1WZ Tel: 01273 693311 Fax: 01273 679907 Email: The resources produced from the Youth Voice Peer Power project can be purchased from TSA publications or email: The YVPP Project Report What Worked and the information sheets Practical Pointers and other online resources created by Youth Voice projects can be downloaded free from or from the Youth Voice Peer Power web site Design & Print: Creative Media Colour Ltd. Email: Tel: 01273 555590 Illustrations © Jane Launchbury. Tel: 01725 514546 Email: Photos © TSA, apart from photo p.2 and bottom right corner p.7 are posed by models.