march 1, 2015 - St. Patrick Catholic Church / Fredericksburg, Virginia
march 1, 2015 - St. Patrick Catholic Church / Fredericksburg, Virginia
MARCH 1, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, February 28 6:00pm Peg McClay Sunday, March 1 7:30am Donald R. Dowd + 9:00am Parishioners 10:30am Mary Beatrice Matt + 12:00n Duke Lubowicki + 1:30pm Gisela Fox + 5:00pm Theresa Beggs Monday, March 2 7:30am Delvorine Jenkins + 9:00am Sophia Stone + Tuesday, March 3 7:30am Missionaries of Charity 9:00am Lawrence I. Matt + Wednesday, March 4 7:30am Polly Witmer + 9:00am Lorna Liberti Thursday, March 5 7:30am Beth Roach + 9:00am Clara Casey + Friday, March 6 9:00am Anthony Bishop + & Robert Boblick + 12noon Janet Komacki + Saturday, March 7 9:00am Robert Bankey Jr. 6:00pm Leonard Dougherty + Sunday, March 8 7:30am Donald R. Dowd + 9:00am Francis Flynn + 10:30am Clara Casey + 12:00n Parishioners 1:30pm Andrew Radel 5:00pm Francis John O’Donnell + + May their souls rest in peace PLEASE PRAY FOR A PRIEST EACH DAY March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 Rev. James Barkett Rev. Michael Duesterhaus Rev. Edward Hathaway Rev. John Melmer Rev. Carroll Oubre Rev. Patrick Posey Rev. Paul Richardson, Ret. O Mary Immaculate, Mother of Jesus and Mother of priests, pray and intercede for (name of a priest) THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Offertory totals Include Faith Direct OFFERTORY February 14-15 ……... $14,774 February 21-22 ……... $16,559 SECOND COLLECTIONS March 1 …….…………..……….Parish Building Fund END OF THE YEAR TAX STATEMENTS for 2014 were mailed on January 20. If you would like your statement emailed to you, please contact the parish office at PARISH INFORMATION AND CONTACTS Visit the parish website for the parish registration form, calendar, and current events BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm in the Rectory Conference room. Please contact the Parish Office to register. ADULT CONFIRMATION Adults who are baptized Catholics and want to be confirmed, please contact the Parish Office at 785-5299. Please contact the rectory at least six months before your desired wedding date. SPONSOR CERTIFICATES Contact the rectory if you have been asked to be a sponsor/godparent and require a Sponsorship Certificate. ENGAGED COUPLES ALTAR AND ROSARY Francesca Vollman 540-760-7076 ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS Jim O’Donnell 540-412-2571 Discover Your Irish Heritage! Men of Irish birth or descent are invited to join the oldest Catholic lay organization in the USA. We support local Catholic charities! BIBLE AND BOOK STUDY Kathy Smith 785-1768 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Rectory Conference Room 9:45am-11:30am BOOK STUDY Religious Education Office 785-7857 Thursdays in the Rectory Conference Room 10:30-11:30am CURSILLO Mary Lou McGonigle 972-4673 DIVINE MERCY APOSTOLATE Ethel Malley 785-4753 Meet 1st Tuesday after the 9am Mass in the Rectory Conference Room to discuss St Faustina’s diaries. FOOD DRIVE St. Patrick Parish holds a food drive on the second weekend of every month. Non-perishable food may be dropped off outside the front of the church. Next food drive = March 7-8 GUARDIAN ANGELS If you would like to contribute to the Guardian Angels who assist families in our parish with food, clothing medication and other basic needs, please see Jim Duffy. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – BATTLEFIELD COUNCIL Bob Fitzgerald, Grand Knight 834-6843 or Meets second and fourth Tuesdays of the month LADIES AUXILIARY Elaine Stryker, President 412-1882 Meets third Tuesday of the month LEGION OF MARY George Perreault 412-5724 Meets every Friday at 10:00am in the Rectory Conference Room MARTHA’S CARING HANDS Parish Office 785-5299 A service providing funeral receptions in our parish hall. Please call the office if you need this service. Donations gratefully accepted to support this service! PILGRIM VIRGIN John Gladis at 891-7408 or Tim Dimond at 854-8479 Have the Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima grace your home for two weeks ROSARY AT CARRIAGE HILL Judy Lamasure 548-8740 Offer an hour on Friday mornings from 10-11am to assist in saying the rosary with the residents of Carriage Hill Nursing Home SERVANTS FOR SENIORS John / Mary Jane Solomon 972-8915 Call if you need assistance with transportation, meals, yard work, errands, shopping, administrative assistance, etc. Please call if you can assist. SPIRITUALITY Religious Education Office 785-7857 Study of G.K. Chesterton, Mondays at 10:00 am in the Hall ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Meets on the first Saturday of each month after the 8am Mass and on the third Thursday at 7pm. Meetings are held in the St. Matthew Activity Center. USHERS Greg Gordon 786-0488 or VISITATION APOSTLES Parish Office 785-5299 Pease call if you know a member of our Parish, homebound or in a nursing home, who would like to be visited or taken the Euchrist. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE PARISH MISSION February 18 – March 29 February 28 - March 5, 2015 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION THE ANGELS AND SPIRITUAL WARFARE FIRST FRIDAY ALL NIGHT ADORATION + Opportunity for Confession during Holy Hour + Thursday evening from 7:30pm until Friday Morning March 5 – 6 Beginning at 7:30pm with the Parish Mission and Eucharistic Exposition on Thursday evening, Our Blessed Lord will remain available and exposed in the monstrance until the 9am Mass on Friday. + Note: There is no 7:30am Mass on First Friday + Following Mass, our Precious Lord will be exposed and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be recited at 11am followed by Benediction then Mass at 12:00noon. Please sign-up in the vestibule. FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION March 7 7:50am ~ Eucharistic Adoration Opportunity for Confession during Eucharistic Adoration Morning Prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours A 15 minute period of silence to meditate upon the Mysteries of the Rosary Recitation of the Holy Rosary Adoration concludes with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament 9:00am ~ The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass THE MIRACULOUS MEDAL DEVOTION Every Monday evening pray the Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. The devotional prayers start in the church at 7:00pm and end with Benediction. CURSILLO LENTEN INVITATION To the Women of St. Patrick Lent is the most important time of year to nurture your inner life - a time to be with the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus. COME to thegentle solitude, but also community of listening, praying and passing to a new inner life. March 19 - 22 at Missionhurst Retreat House in Arlington (transportation provided) Contact Mary Lou McGonigle 540-972-4673 2015 WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Kerri Caviezel and Kathleen Wilson will speak! All women of the Diocese are encouraged to attend the annual Women’s Conference on March 28. Opus Sanctorum Angelorum® ~Work of the Holy Angels ~ Preached by Fr. Basil Nortz, ORC February 28 – March 1 Homily at Saturday Vigil and all Sunday Masses March 2 – 5 Morning Program 8:00am Morning Office 8:30am Rosary 9:00am Mass 9:45am Conference 10:30am Opportunity for Confession March 2 – 4 Evening Program 7:30pm Conference 8:15 Opportunity for Confession March 5 Evening Program 7:30pm Conference 8:15 Exposition and Eucharistic Blessing followed by nocturnal adoration Faith + Fun + Family + Fellowship + Food FRIDAYS AT ST. PATRICK Lenten Soup Suppers from 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the Parish Hall March 6, March 13, March 20, March 27 Please plan to enjoy dinner with your parish family, and attend Stations of the Cross at 7:30pm Soup Suppers are important fundraiser to help send youth from St. Patrick Parish to Work Camp. The young people attending Work Camp this year will be your waiters and waitresses at the soup suppers. All of our meatless soups are homemade by parishioners, and served with salad, bread, and iced tea. We will also offer mac and cheese The Light is ON for You. Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation This Lenten season, each Catholic parish in the Diocese of Arlington and the Archdiocese of Washington has confessions available every Wednesday evening from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. If you have been reluctant to come to the sacrament, have been away for some time or just found it difficult to get to a Saturday afternoon confession time, this is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with Christ and His Church. Learn more at In addition to 6:30 - 8:00pm on Wednesday St. Patrick has confessions scheduled on Thursday morning from the end of Mass - 10:15am Thursday evening from 7:30-8:30pm Saturday afternoon from 5:00-5:50pm KEEPING THE LENTEN FAST AND ABSTINENCE Everyone over 14 years of age is bound to observe the law of abstinence from eating meat on all Friday’s during Lent. On Good Friday, everyone between 18 and 59 years of age is bound to observe the Lenten Fast. The fast permits one full meatless meal and two light meatless meals, sufficient to maintain strength according to one’s needs, but which together do not equal the one full meal. For the Glory of God Parish Capital Campaign PROGRESS ON THE GLORY OF GOD CAMPAIGN Currently there are 420 families of our parish who have made their pledges to our Glory of God Campaign. Our pledges to date have increased to a total of $3,890,608.39, and redemptions actually made and deposited into our Diocesan Account for a new church and middle school now total $1,422,408.62 including @2,663.76 from last month’s interest payment. We’re making great progress. Please keep your pledges coming! MULTI-CAR RAFFLE We have had a marvelous numbers of responses so far – 203 in less than three weeks! A number of families have even come by the office to purchase additional tickets. The more we participate, the greater will be the return, all of which will directly benefit our campaign. Let’s hope one of St. Patrick’s parishioners will also be lucky enough to win any of the 5 new vehicles and cash prizes up to $20,000. (As a reminder, tickets/stubs with payments are due not later than April 12.) CASTIGLIAS SUPPORTS OUR CAPITAL CAMPAIGN! When you take them our bulletin, Castiglias on Courthouse Road, will make a 10% donation for the amount of your bill. There is no time limit on the offer. “FOR THE GLORY OF GOD” BLUEGRASS FAVORITES Father Ziegler’s new CD is available from the Parish Office during business hours. C Coom mee!! C Ceelleebbrraattee!! S Saaiin ntt PPaattrriicckk BOOK FAIR The Ancient Order of Hibernians will provide light refreshments in the vestibule following Mass. In celebration of Read Across America Week, All parishioners are invited to purchase books after Mass on the weekend of March 7 and 8 at the Saint Patrick School Book Fair. We will have books from Book Worm Central on hand and available for purchase on site. Books could make great Easter gifts and birthday gifts. Cash, Checks and Credit Cards will be accepted. Questions? Please contact Kelli Helbling at “Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.” – Kate DiCamillo. O Onn S Saattuurrddaay y,, M Maarrcchh 2211 ST. PATRICK SCHOOL after the 9:00am Mass Now accepting applications for Preschool thru Grade 8 for the 2015-2016 school year. You may pick up applications in the church vestibule, school office or download one from our website ~ Our Parish Patron Saint ~ On Monday, March 16 at 7:30pm Fr. Fimian will celebrate the FFeeaasstt D Daay yM Maassss ooff S Stt.. PPaattrriicckk S Stt.. PPaattrriicck kS Scchhooooll iiss sseerrvviin ngg hhoott ccaak keess and celebrating with fun and games in the Parish Hall Pancakes will be served from 9:30 to 11am DIOCESAN TUITION ASISSTANCE 2015 BISHOP’S LENTEN APPEAL We are asking all families in our parish to support the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) to the fullest extent that they are able. There are envelopes and pencils in the vestibule if you have not had the opportunity to make a pledge to the BLA. You may drop your pledge envelope in the collection at any Mass or send it to the parish office. PAUL STEFAN HOME MOTHER’S DAY GOLF CLASSIC May 8 at Meadows Farm Golf Course For information & sign ups: Call 540-854-2300 Email: Who is eligible? New students to Diocesan Catholic Schools transferring from public schools in Virginia or another state in grades 2-8. New students enrolling in kindergarten or first grade. (No Restrictions) How do I apply? Submit to FACTS Grant & Aid an application and all supporting tax documentation by March 16, 2015. Applications may be completed electronically online at Tuition assistance is awarded based on family size and income For more information, please call School Principal George Elliott at 540-786-2277