August_30_2015_Bulletin - St. John The Baptist Church
August_30_2015_Bulletin - St. John The Baptist Church
Church of St. John the Baptist Longmont, Colorado Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 30, 2015 Please visit us at Welcome to St. John the Baptist Catholic Church 323 Collyer Street, Longmont, Colorado 80501 Parish Office Hours Sunday Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday Liturgy Schedule 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Masses Weekday Mass 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Misa en Español - Jueves 6:00 p.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 4:00 p.m. Misa en Español - 12:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration Monday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 8:45 p.m. To inquire about or sign up for Adoration, please contact Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 or Benita Valencia (en espanol) at 720-224-6290. First Saturday of the Month 7:30 a.m. Reconciliation 8:30 a.m. Mass in chapel Children’s Adoration Thursday 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. All children and their parents are welcome. Please call Dorothy Sanchez at 303-485-6326 for more information. Baptism Information Parents and godparents must attend baptism preparation class prior to a child’s baptism. We offer classes in both English and Spanish. Adults only—no children, please. Spanish Saturday, September 12th in Benedict Hall 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. English Saturday, October 3rd in Benedict Hall 12:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Reconciliation Anointing Thursday 4:30 p.m. Saturday 3:30 p.m. Sunday 11:45 a.m. Also by appointment. Please call 303-776-0737 for an appointment. St. John’s Food Bank 804 S. Lincoln Street Longmont, CO 80501 Phone - 303-678-1469 E-mail - Food Bank Hours Wedding Information Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Please contact our parish office at least eight months in advance of your planned wedding date. For baptisms and weddings, please contact the parish office at 303-776-0737. 10:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Gift Shop Hours Saturday 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. - Noon St. John the Baptist Catholic School Office Hours Our school office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. when school is in session. Please contact Nancy Olivari at 303-776-0737. If you need to get in touch with our school office personnel, please call 303-776-8760 or e-mail Please see our ad on page 3. 2 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 A Word from Our Pastor Fr. Ron Weissbeck My dear family in Christ, God formed a unique people through the experience in the desert. In the divine plan, 40 years were set aside to bring together a diverse group of individuals that began with a desire to escape the enslavement of Egypt. God gave this challenge to Moses, who trusted the LORD because of his experience with the burning bush. It was disclosed to Moses that where God was found, there was holy ground. This short exchange with the burning bush radically impacted Moses’ world. He was called from being a shepherd of sheep to forming a people. Much of this has been presented in the first reading for this, the Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time in the Church year. I would like to pattern this experience of Moses to our parish, St. John the Baptist. A parish is a gathering of Catholic believers who express their identity primarily through the act of worship which we know as the Mass. It is obvious that it is not a club of like-minded individuals who have a preset agenda or plan. We identify with Christ through baptism. Our faith in Christ is made present in the Church. As members of the Church, we do not set the rules, but live them. The Church, as we profess in the CREED, is one, holy, catholic and apostolic. Our parish of St. John the Baptist is represented at the entrance to Benedict Hall as a train that is pulled by Christ and energized by the divine life. This train is pictured as five cars being linked to each other to go in the same direction, all belonging to the same Eucharistic community. We are challenged by the words of Jesus in this Sunday’s gospel from Mark, chapter 7, about judging by externals as the gauge for being a good member. It is truly by integrating our behavior with our inner dispositions that makes a parish community dynamic. I should like to pose this question: How do you see our parish, and specifically, your involvement? A parish has various ministries, expressions, and commitments, but along with the sharing of our time, our ministries need to be supported financially so we can continue to have a dynamic, engaging, and welcoming parish community. Come to Festival on Main on Friday, August 28th from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. to have fun with your family! While you are there, stop by to support and say hello at your St. John the Baptist RESPECT LIFE tent. We will be there, as a part of your community and the city of Longmont, to witness to the sanctity and joy of all human life from conception to natural death. We will have pamphlets, information on the Church’s teachings, and maybe a goody or two! If you have any questions or want to volunteer, call Amy at 303682-8824. Look for our BABY banner! This week in Our Gift Shop… . Stop in this week to learn more about the angels. No creatures are more mysterious than the angels. In A Year with the Angels, you will get a glimpse of these magnificent beings and of the celestial realms where they make their home. Tuesday Morning Fall Bible Study Fr. Ron 3 A fall Bible Study class will meet on Tuesday mornings. Please watch our bulletin for a complete description of our study material. Consider this from 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO Our Altar and Rosary Society would like to ask all women of the parish to join us at our September 2nd rosary and luncheon. We meet at 12:00 p.m. to say the rosary together in the chapel. Afterwards we will have a covered dish luncheon in Benedict Hall. Father Gerardo Garcia is our guest speaker. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Clemmons at 303-250-8581. St. John’s Food Bank and Outreach By John Williams Fr. Francis will be in the states around September 4th until mid-October. He is really looking forward to seeing everyone, and all indications are that many of us will be glad to see him, especially since he could not make it last year. All construction on the new clinic should be completed before he leaves Uganda. Recently one of our parishioners made a trip to Uganda to deliver an ultra-sound machine for the John XXIII clinic in Gayaza. This same emissary also inspected and approved recent work to the solar panels at two locations. I am sure Fr. Francis will be bringing many pictures of the construction and finished product of the new clinic near Wambale. We will be working on having a slideshow presentation for the parish to catch up on all the new developments in his area of jurisdiction, including the new clinic, church improvements, various gardens, and the greenhouse. It will be great to see his smiling face again. You Are Not Alone… It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. Project Rachel Post Abortion Healing Hotline: 303-388-4491, ext. 153. Open 24 hours to women and men. St. Anne’s Mission Rosary Guild We will be having our monthly meeting next month on Thursday, September 10th at 12:45 p.m. in Benedict Hall. Don't forget—we are having our pictures taken for the parish directory. Tradition Tradition is long human memory set, not in stone, but in human interaction. Without this active memory, the bonds of relationship and affection fray and fall apart. Communities dissolve as surely as neglected buildings do. After participating in events, celebrations, and even small rituals, we remark about how good it is to gather and remember. Today’s readings remind us of foundations laid deeper than the human will to relate. Today we hear about God’s will to relate to us—to be our God as we are called to be God’s own beloved people. Today in three readings and three ways we remember the covenant bonds that create us as a people and the obligation and responsibility that express the innermost attitude of soul. You are mine. I am yours. These are God’s words that created a people as surely as “Let there be light” created the sun and moon and all the stars. The gift of being aware of God in our daily lives begins with individual personal growth through which we can mature into a community of faith. To get started, text sjbjoin to 84576 or visit www. sjb. Please consider this as a powerful and faith-filled opportunity to begin each day. Flocknote from Wednesday, August 19th: “The Lord comes to us disguised as ourselves.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 4 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 CATHOLIC ENRICHMENT Let us help you navigate your faith journey! Please visit and click on Catholic Enrichment. Catechist's Corner RCIA, with Anna Campbell For many of us, we work hard to accumulate material possessions. Jesus gave us his flesh and blood in the Eucharist. He said that unless we eat of His flesh and drink of His blood we will not have everlasting life. He gave us the gift of faith. Are we sharing that precious gift? Do our friends and family know what we have? Please invite them to come and see. Join us September 13th to begin an amazing journey that will bring them ever closer to Christ. Catholic Religious Education (CREED) What’s old is new again! CREED has decided to embrace an old tradition for some of our CREED students. Classes for grades K-2 will be held on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15 a.m. We recognize that little ones may have some challenges in the standard classroom setting after attending school all day. Our new time for this younger group will be from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m., and falls between the two most popular family Masses, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. CLOW: Staring up in November, our Children’s Liturgy of the Word will start up again at the 10:30 Mass and we encourage our families to stay after their child’s class and attend. This is a wonderful Mass for our little ones, especially those preparing for their First Holy Communion. Grades 3-8, including RCIC and RCIT will be held on Tuesday evenings, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. beginning September 15th Grades K-2 - Sundays, 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. beginning September 20th Coming This Fall… St. John the Baptist is pleased to announce a new program for our high schoolers. Addressing the call to assist in the moral formation of our youth, we are blessed with an extraordinary and qualified instructor who is thrilled to be working with our youth. For more information please contact Liz Smith at 303-776-0737, ext. 106. October 6th at 7:30 p.m. Adult CREED Classes Please watch our bulletin for details, or call Liz Smith at 303-776-0737, ext. 106, or e-mail 5 CHURCH OF SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST LONGMONT, COLORADO Everyday Stewardship Stewardship must never become reduced to simply ministry fairs, commitment cards, and stewardship directories. These are tools by which we learn how to practice our stewardship, but they are not stewardship in and of themselves. All actions of giving or sharing should flow from the mature heart of person, mindful of the reasons why these actions are important at all. If we lose sight of the motivations for our actions, we risk becoming a bell without a ring or a piano with no tones. The answer should always be on the tip of our tongues and the forefront of our minds to the question: why? Too often we forget that the activities of parish stewardship exist only to lead us into a way of living. Every Sunday is Commitment Sunday. Every day there is a call upon us to respond. And without the answer to “why,” we become the sum of things we do, rather than the love and grace we hold in our hearts. So why do we share our time, talent, and treasure? What does it matter? We can give the simplistic answer, “Because God asks us to.” But since we are called to be mature in our discipleship, then the question that demands an answer is, “Why does he ask these things of us?” And there lies the crux of the matter. We are called to do these things so that we may bear witness to the reality of the transforming power of Jesus Christ, so that others may come to follow him as well. It is great to have more money in the collection, and more hands to share the load. But at the end of the day, it is about more than making our parish lives better. It is about leading people to heaven. If we can understand that, then every day becomes an important day for stewardship, and everyday stewards can help God transform all those around them. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © Liturgical Publications Inc 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.” In the days of Jesus, this issue was about performing empty external rituals of cleanliness instead of purifying the heart. For most of us, the issue is probably a bit different. Our fixation on externals is not so much with religious prescriptions and practices; instead, our daily obsession tends to be with appearances in general. In our media-saturated culture, we are extremely tuned in to how things look. We are trained to respond to current fashion trends in clothing, hair, makeup, and accessories. Even bodies, cars, houses, and landscaping all fall into the realm of highly marketed images. The risk for us is to be so concerned with having the right “look” on the outside that we fail to consider what’s happening on the inside. Life is about more than what we have or what we parade around for others to see. As human beings we are a unity of body and soul, and if we neglect our souls, then we are neglecting the fulfillment of our human nature. We need to make sure we are not like the Pharisees in today’s reading who were too concerned with outside appearances. Jesus tells us in response to them that “from within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly. All these evils come from within and they defile.” This list makes a good starting point for some personal meditation on our interior life. Let’s ask ourselves, “Which of the behaviors on this list threaten to defile my soul?” Then, let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help purify us of that spiritual ugliness so we can appear beautiful in the sight of God. Every year the Office of Marriage and Family Life Ministries invites couples throughout the Archdiocese that have or will be celebrating their 25th, 50th, or 50+ anniversaries to attend an annual Anniversary Mass. This year’s Mass will be held at Immaculate Heart of Mary and will be celebrated by Archbishop Samuel Aquila. The Mass will also include a renewing of the marital vows. It is always a great joy to recognize couples who have reached such a milestone in their marriage. We celebrate the witness of their fidelity to the sacrament of marriage. There is no cost for the event. Sunday, October 11th at 1:00 p.m. Mass Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 11385 Grant Drive in Northglenn If you do not have access to the internet, please contact Carrie Keating at 303-715-3259, or 6 TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME AUGUST 30, 2015 LA NUEVA EVANGELIZACION Y EL CULTO DE LA IGLESIA. El culto de la iglesia tiene su centro en Cristo, y sobre todo en su misterio pascual. Aquí radica su identidad, y también la clave de su relación con el culto del AT. La confrontación entre la muerte de Cristo y las tradiciones cultuales del AT manifiesta al mismo tiempo semejanzas y diferencias sustanciales. Comparado con los diversos tipos de sacrificios rituales antiguos, el acontecimiento de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo manifiesta su riqueza interna: que es el valor de un sacrificio de expiación, de alianza, de consagración, de acción de gracias y de alabanza. Hay que evitar totalmente la vuelta a un culto simplemente ritual, externo, convencional. El culto cristiano no consiste en el cumplimiento exacto de ciertas ceremonias, tampoco se reduce a una simple alabanza llena de cantos y melodías, sino en la transformación de la existencia misma, por medio de la caridad divina. La novedad evangélica se da a entender en toda su originalidad: "En Cristo Jesús ni la circuncisión vale algo ni la incircuncisión, sino la fe que obra por medio de la caridad" (Gál 5,6). Los libros del NT, al mismo tiempo que hacen ver la continuidad con el AT, manifiestan la superación y la novedad. Un signo evidente lo encontramos en el hecho de que, cuando se trata de hablar del culto de la iglesia, que nació de la pascua y se manifestó con la efusión del Espíritu Santo en pentecostés, los autores de los libros del NT evitan expresarlo con los términos usados por el AT, y más bien recurren a términos en cierto modo profanos, que no tienen absolutamente nada de cultual. La celebración eucarística, por ejemplo, no se llama nunca sacrificio, sino "fracción del pan" (He 2,42-46; 20,7-11; 1 Cor 10,16), "cena del Señor" (1 Cor 11,20), "mesa del Señor" (1 Cor 10,21), "cáliz de bendición" o "cáliz del Señor" (1 Cor 10,16-21). Por el contrario, el NT ha reservado sistemáticamente los términos cultuales para designar la comunidad cristiana y la vida de caridad, ya sea de los fieles, ya de los apóstoles. Los creyentes, estimulados por el Espíritu que los anima, en comunión de vida con su Señor, están "dispuestos como piedras vivientes a ser edificados en casa espiritual y sacerdocio santo para ofrecer víctimas espirituales aceptas a Dios por mediación de Jesucristo" (1 Pe 2,5; cf 1 Cor 3,10-17; 2 Cor 6,16ss; Ef 2,20ss). San Pablo identifica, hasta el punto de no distinguirlos, el culto cristiano con la vida cristiana: "Os ruego, hermanos, por la misericordia de Dios, que ofrezcáis vuestros cuerpos como sacrificio vivo, santo, agradable a Dios: éste es el culto que debéis ofrecer" (Rom 12,1). La actividad apostólica, por consiguiente, es considerada por Pablo como una liturgia, "la tarea sagrada del evangelio" (Rom 15,16), en virtud de la cual puede ofrecerse el único sacrificio agradable a Dios, la ofrenda de la vida en el Espíritu Santo: "Me ha sido dada por Dios la gracia de ser ministro de Jesucristo para los gentiles ejerciendo la tarea sagrada del evangelio de Dios, para que la ofrenda de los gentiles sea agradable a Dios, santificada por el Espíritu Santo" (Rom 15,15-16). Por eso el templo material donde se celebraba el culto del AT ha sido sustituido por la comunidad misma, "cuerpo de Cristo resucitado" (cf 1 Cor 12,12), verdadero pueblo sacerdotal que adora, en Cristo y por Cristo, al Padre "en espíritu y en verdad" (cf Jn 4,23-24). El culto cristiano en la Iglesia católica, puede definirse con estas palabras de S. Marsili: "El momento en que los hombres, habiendo tomado conciencia de su inserción en Cristo, realizan en sí, según formas propiamente cultuales (adoración, alabanza, acción de gracias) externamente manifestadas, aquella misma totalidad deservicio a Dios que Cristo rindió al Padre, aceptando plenamente su voluntad en la escucha constante de su voz y en la perenne fidelidad a su alianza" Educación Religiosa Las clases de Primera Comunión comienzan el lunes 14 y miércoles 16 de septiembre a las 6:00 p.m. y las de Confirmación el jueves 17 de septiembre a las 6:00 p.m. Si no ha registrado a su niño/a por favor pase a la oficina la semana del 10 de agosto. RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Rica no es un programa sino un proceso en el cual la persona, después de oír la explicación del misterio de Cristo, decide libremente seguir a Cristo por el camino de la fe en la Iglesia Católica. Si usted es un apersona adulta y le faltan los sacramentos de indicación: bautismo, Confirmación y Comunión, este proceso es para usted. Las clases se ofrecerán los lunes de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. para registrase puede pasar a la oficina o llamar al 303-776-0737. Para registrarse para la Primera comunión o confirmación, necesita llenar la forma de registración que está disponible en la recepción. Necesita presentar una copia del certificado de nacimiento y de bautismo junto con la forma de registración. El costo es de $75 por niño o $140 por familia. Si tiene preguntas favor de llamar al 303-776-0737. Las clases de adultos comienzan el lunes 21 de septiembre de 6:00 a 7:30 p.m. 7 MUMS Fundraiser St. John’s Golf Classic Saturday, September 26th Saddleback Golf Course Fall will be here next month and there is every reason to fill it with the brilliant and beautiful colors of the season. M.U.M.S (Mothers Uplifting Mothers Spiritually) will be selling potted chrysanthemums for our annual fundraiser. The cost of each ten-inch pot is $15.00. Colors will vary. We will take orders until Tuesday, September 8th. You may pick up your pre-ordered chrysanthemums the weekend of September 12-13. Please consider supporting our church ministry by sprucing up your fall garden with our mums! $125 per player includes green fees for 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls, and lunch. To sign up, please visit FUNDRAISERS at, or contact Dan Knievel at 303-746-9136, or Order forms and payment may be turned in directly to our parish office or mailed to St. John the Baptist, 323 Collyer Street, Longmont, CO 80501. Our First Meeting! Come enjoy coffee and breakfast two Thursdays every month with M.U.M.S. beginning September 3rd from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.! Join us as we explore a variety of topics including parenting, marriage, friendship, and spirituality. You will have the opportunity to become acquainted and form friendships with other moms from our community and parish. Moms of all ages are invited to join us! Babysitting is available so you can take a break and enjoy! Newcomers are welcome at every meeting! M.U.M.S. is hiring babysitters for the upcoming year. Adults and teens should contact Janelle at 520-404-0866 or for requirements and rates. St. John’s 5K Fun Run/Walk Friday, September 25th McIntosh Lake Name___________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ City______________________________ Zip__________ E-mail address____________________________________ Phone number____________________________________ Ten inch pots containing beautiful chrysanthemums in various colors are available for $15.00 each. If you like to run or walk, please come and enjoy the fresh air and blue skies at McIntosh Lake for our 5K Family Fun Run/Walk on Friday, September 25th. Please register early and save! The participant fee for adults and students is $25 until September 1st. Ages 4 and under are free! After September 1st, fee increases to $35. Each participant is guaranteed a T-shirt if registration is received before September 11th. Come enjoy the comraderies of friends and family! Join us after the Fun Run for a Picnic in the Park! Sign up under FUNDRAISERS at For more information, please contact Courtney Bickford at 720-684-7216 or Number of potted chrysanthemums____ Total $___________ Please make checks payable to M.U.M.S. If using cash, please have exact amount. Please contact Elisabeth Wanke at 303-485-0970 if you have any questions or concerns. 8 TWENTY-SECOND DEDICATION OF THE SUNDAY LATERAN ORDINARY BASILICA COMMEMORATION OF ALL IN THE FAITHFULTIME DEPARTED - ALL SOULS DAY Mass Intentions: NOVEMBER AUGUST 30, 9, 2015 2, 2014 Readings for the Week of August 30 Sunday: Saturday, August 29, 2015 5:00 p.m. †Patricia DeGiallanardo Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Sunday, August 30, 2015 - Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. ♥Tammy S. Castro 8:30 a.m. †Grace Bradford 10:30 a.m. †Mark Repka 12:30 p.m. †Thomas J. Black and ♥†Family 4:00 p.m. †Ian Woodworth 6:00 p.m. ♥†Parishioners of St. John the Baptist Monday, August 31, 2015 6:30 a.m. Byron Tedesco 8:15 a.m. †Jesse Hilbert Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Jas 1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/ Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 1 Thes 4:13-18/Lk 4:16-30 1 Thes 5:1-6, 9-11/Lk 4:31-37 Col 1:1-8/Lk 4:38-44 Col 1:9-14/Lk 5:1-11 Col 1:15-20/Lk 5:33-39 Col 1:21-23/Lk 6:1-5 Is 35:4-7a/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37 Select Events at St. John’s Tuesday, September 1, 2015 6:30 a.m. ♥Teresa Cuevas and ♥†Family 8:15 a.m. †Jesse Rosales Sunday, August 30: • Coffee and donuts, after all Masses, Benedict Hall Tuesday, September 1: • Back-to-School Night (Elementary), 6:30 p.m., Elementary School Wednesday, September 2: • Back-to-School Night (Middle School), 6:30 p.m., Middle School • Fr. Ron’s Scripture Class, 9:00 a.m., St. Catherine room • Blue Army, 7:00 p.m., Chapel Wednesday, September 2, 2015 6:30 a.m. †Betty Paxson 8:15 a.m. ♥80+ Birthday Club Thursday, September 3, 2015 6:30 a.m. Byron Tedesco 8:15 a.m. †Holy Souls in Purgatory 6:00 p.m. †Silvia L. Herrera Friday, September 4, 2015 6:30 a.m. ♥Taleena Hilbert and ♥Family 8:15 a.m. †Mary Lou Kasperbauer Saturday, September 5, 2015 8:30 a.m. †Arvilla LeFever 5:00 p.m. †Antone Demianew Labor Day Schedule Changes Sunday, September 6, 2015 - Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 a.m. ♥†Parishioners of St. John the Baptist 8:30 a.m. †Lawrence and †Mary Lou Kasperbauer 10:30 a.m. †Joe and ♥Cathy Brown 12:30 p.m. †Agustina Maciel De Vasquez 4:00 p.m. †Larry Crispin 6:00 p.m. †Zenaida Melendez and Wulfrano Quinonez Our school, parish office, and Eucharistic Adoration will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of Labor Day. Masses for day will be as scheduled: 6:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Intentions indicated by † deceased and ♥ living. Unmarked if unknown. Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father September 2015 Universal: That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people. Evangelization: That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim. If you would like to join our choir, please contact Maggie Howard at Children’s choir begins September 8th. 9 Contacts For the weekend of August 22-23 Phone: 303-776-0737 Parish Fax: 303-772-5636 Website: Treasure Sharing Collection Online Contribution Offertory $14,227 $25,437 Renew and Reserve $ 2,800 $ 977 Food Bank/2¢ a Meal $ 2,607 $ 1,977 Clergy Father Ron Weissbeck, Pastor Father Gerardo Garcia, Parochial Vicar Deacon Bob Howard Deacon Mike Berens Deacon Modesto Garcia Scrip Program Sales Profit King Soopers profit check St. John’s Food Bank Families Food bank purchases Assistance Pounds of food distributed Parish Staff Peggy Belknap, Business Office, or ext. 148 Anna Campbell, RCIA, or ext. 140 Mary Ruth Chopyak, Pastoral Assistant and Facility Scheduler, or ext. 139 Teresa Cuevas, Receptionist, or ext. 100 Socorro Garcia, Director of Hispanic Ministries, or ext. 113 Lyle Herrera, Maintenance Manager, or ext. 135 Maggie Howard, Music and Liturgy, or ext. 112 Loretta Lewis, Scrip - ext. 107 Nancy Olivari, Gift Shop, or ext. 108 Karen Sabo, Sacramental Records, or ext. 109 Liz Smith, Faith Formation Coordinator, or ext. 106 Theresa Valencia, Director of Administrative Services, or ext. 111 Joan Willden, Director of Communications John Williams, Outreach Coordinator, or 303-678-1469 176 $0 $0 6,215 St. John’s also give $150 a month to Safe Shelter of St. Vrain Valley and $100 a month to the OUR Center. Special Collections for September A portion of our collections will be distributed as follows: September 6th: Catholic University of America St. John the Baptist School Investing in Our Children’s Future Since 1922 350 Emery Street, Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-8760 or A Catholic learning environment for grades P-8 Kemmery Hill, Principal Beth Ann Rosa, Assistant Principal Tami Moskal, Preschool Director $7,180 $ 327 $1,661.81 10 Martha Martin Business Services LLC 623 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 776-5072 • Fax (303) 684-9233 Income Tax • Bookkeeping Translations • Passport Photos MASTER KLEAN Esta solicitando personal para limpieza de oficinas, posiciones de PT y FT. El salario $9.00 por hora. Aplicar en el 2149 S Clermont St. Requisitos tener sus documentos en regla. Tel: 303-753-6084 Jack P. Wolfe Dr. Peter Schmid ATTORNEY AT LAW Board Certified in Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; Head/Neck Cancer; Diseases of the Ears, Nose & Throat 303-776-0880 749 Tanager Circle 1305 Sumner Street, Suite 100 Construction • Real Estate • Corporate Estate Planning • Wills & Probate 303-651-6846 Support Our Advertisers Check the ads on this page before you check the internet or yellow pages. Contact John Cornish to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x4305 They that Kevin Cavanaugh, M.D. Board Certified in ENT – Head and Neck Surgery Fellowship trained in Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery (720) 494-9111 shall Pray for Vocations WAIT RENEW 303-417-9000 upon the LORD their STRENGTH; • Water Damage • Smoke Damage • Fire Damage • Mold Damage • Restoration They shall mount up with Wings as the Eagles, They shall RUN and Not be weary, They shall walk European & Japanese Auto Care And NOT FAINT. 303-772-4770 1333 Sherman Dr Longmont, CO –Isaiah 40:31 Valley Nissan Subaru, LLC Longmont • 776-0443 FOR AD INFO CALL JOHN CORNISH AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOHN, LONGMONT, CO B 2C 05-0018 MI NINA’S BOUTIQUE Make a difference in the life junto con EL CORRAL VAQUERO WESTERN WEAR of a senior and earn $$ as a * ROPONES DE BAUTISMO * VESTIDOS Y ACCESORIOS PARA: QU * QUINCEAÑERAS * BODAS * PRIMERA COMUNIÓN professional caregiver. * PROM Y TODAS OCASIONES * Sombreros * Texanas * Botas * Cintos * Pantalones * Camisas PH: 303-682-1319 • 23 S. Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 MENCIONE QUE VIO ESTE ANUNCIO Y SE LE DARÁ UN DESCUENTO DE 20 % DEFALCO CONSTRUCTION CO. 303-651-1100 Our Caregivers Enjoy: Providing Heavy Civil Construction Services for more than 50 years • Flexible work hours • Competitive wages • Excellent training To join our team, CALL 720-204-6163 or apply @ 303-682-9015 510 2nd Ave, Longmont, CO 8am - 5:30pm M-F Excellence, Integrity, Value & Positive Relationships COSMETICS Helen Herman Protect your skin with SPF 30 or 50 303-776-7679 COLORADO COURIER TRADITIONS, INC. CAROL SCHACK, CRS, GRI Ask for Steve Powers or Elizabeth Rittenburg MARY KAY Broker Associate Contact: Cell 303 931-4945 Over 25 years real estate experience in Longmont Member of St. John’s adult choir for over 32 years! non-medical care support for seniors “Let me help you have a blessed real estate transaction” 303 • 931 • 8894 THE FRONT RANGE J.E. MOHAN 1610 Hover St., Suite 202 Longmont, CO 80501 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR Office: 303-678-7808 Mobile: 303-652-7722 Service/Remodel New Construction • Hydronic Heat • Basement Finish Patrick E. Dowlin Email: Wealth Advisor Website: Parishioner Independent, unbiased advice and guidance Securities offered through LPL Financial Member FINRA/SIPC 303-772-7678 Licensed Insured Jim, Parishioner email: • Mobile: 303-901-0796 Sedation, Cosmetic & Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome Complete Care in a Comfortable and Caring Environment 614 Coffman 303-776-2804 Dr. Cliff Rogge (Parishioner) Since 1898 650 20th Ave. 776-4077 303-776-2434 920 S. Hover Longmont, CO 80501 303-485-8888 Artistic Abogados de Inmigración FRANCESCA RAMOS 303-417-6370 En Longmont y Aurora Jody Whitmore - Realtor® Carniceria “Serving Northern Colorado” Longmont’s Largest Selection of Fresh Meats, Produce and a Wide Variety of Hispanic Groceries Since 1982 303-774-6335 823 Ken Pratt Blvd Longmont CO 80501 Cell: 720-530-4142 Direct: 303-684-7773 Commercial Residential & H.O.A.’s Support Our Advertisers Full Service Landscape Maintenance Check the ads on this page before you check online. 303-684-9484 “Where Cleaning is an Art” Full Service Dry Cleaning & Laundry Alterations • Leather Cleaning • Specialty Items Environmentally Friendly Green Earth Cleaning Free Pick up & Delivery 1631 Pace, Longmont 303-684-8585 “No job too small” (303) 776-6031 Knights of Columbus St. John the Baptist Council #14898 Catholic - Family Fraternal - Service — Parish First — Contact or Brad Jolly • (720) 526-5421 Traditions weddings • corporate • social events picnics • party room • holiday parties 303-772-2247 24 South Main Street Longmont, CO 80501 32 Year Parishioner Alyson Canepa ABR, CDPE, CRS, e-PRO, GRI, SFR, SRES 303-912-4663 FOR AD INFO CALL JOHN CORNISH AT 1-800-950-9952 • Contact John Cornish to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x4305 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOHN, LONGMONT, CO A 4C 05-0018
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