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In Print The Newsletter of the Friends of the Venice Public Library, Inc. April - May 2009 Newsletter National Library Week April 12-18, 2009 National Library Week is a time to celebrate the contributions of libraries, librarians, and library workers in schools, campuses, and communities nationwide - and the perfect time to discover how worlds connect @ your library. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. All types of libraries - school, public, academic and special - participate. Free Library Expo On Wednesday, April 15th from 11:00-2:00 P.M. Come and learn about all the things that you can do at the library. Meet our staff, register for door prizes from local businesses, and even have a little snack! The Venice Public Library is celebrating National Library Week by scheduling a wealth of events including a Library Information Expo, a troupe of Balinese dancers plus an author visit by Jean Hiatt Harlow, author of Star in the Storm about Newfoundland Labrador dogs. These are just a few of the many events and programs scheduled for this week. Read inside this issue for more details. This is National Library Week, so visit your library today – in person or online. Bring your curiosity, imagination and creativity, and see how worlds connect @ your library. National Library Week Special Events You’re Invited to Tea with Author, Joan Hiatt Harlow Thursday, April 16th from 3:30 – 4:30pm. Tea Time with Local Guest Author, Joan Hiatt Harlow. Joan is the author of Star in the Storm about Newfoundland Labrador dogs. She will have a short presentation about these magnificent animals and the land where they originate. Anyone who has read any of her books will enjoy meeting Ms. Harlow in person! Joan Hiatt Harlow is an internationally known writer of children’s books. Her acclaimed books, magazines stories, and articles have appeared in major children's publications throughout North America, Europe, New Zealand, and Australia. Harlow's first novel, Star in the Storm, features Sirius, a large black dog with a white star on his chest who lives with Maggie's family in 1912 Newfoundland. Harlow's descriptive prose clearly evokes images of the Newfoundland coast and life in 1912, and she carefully incorporates folklore of the region into her story. Star in the Storm won the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' Henry Bergh Companion Animals Award, as well as a Disney Adventures book award and the Michigan Reading Association Readers' Choice Award. Special thanks to the businesses who contributed a prize for our National Library Week raffles: Sharky’s On the Pier Treasures In Time Dairy Queen Grill & Chill Mel’s Diner Bogey’s Captain Eddie’s British Open Pub Rendezvous Café Perkin’s Whole Foods Panera Bread Be sure to thank these local businesses for being Library Lovers! Tuesday, April 14 from 2:30pm to 6:30pm. Recycle Your Old T-shirt Craft Join us in the Youth Department as we give new life to old T-shirts. Bring in a T-shirt and get ready to get creative with beads, paint, and transfers. Dancers of Bali Saturday, April 18, 10:30-11:30 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m. Balinese Dancing. This colorful cultural event will delight all ages. The dances depict folklore of the culture and some include audience participation. The dancers explain various symbols in the dance. The recorded music that accompanies them is exotic, as are the dances and the dancers. We are fortunate to have this extraordinary event as the culmination of National Library Week! Jim Orville Presents Kit Kittredge Win a bowl of bookworms! Thursday, April 16th from 12:00 - 2:00 Join us for Kit Kittredge: An American Girl starring Abigail Breslin. A young girl named Kit Kittredge, based on the American Girl doll collection, is determined to do herself proud and become a newspaper reporter. This is a great film for all ages. April / May 2009 Visit the Friends of the Library Book Store during National Library Week to take a guess at how many worms are in our big bowl of bookworms. The winner gets the whole big bowl of gummy worms. The winner will be announced on Monday, April 20th. 3 Recent Happenings at Venice library 20th anniversary Walter Farley Landmark On Saturday, January 31st the Friends and library staff hosted the 20th Anniversary of the Walter Farley Literary Landmark. Library Director Sarabeth Kalajian and former director Nancy Pike took a walk down memory lane with the Farley family and guests, talking about how the landmark came about. Rosemary Farley, sons Steven and Tim all shared memories of their father. Film historian Jim Orville hosted a special showing of the movie The Black Stallion, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Youth Librarian Jo Lize promoted the Farley read-a-thon. Sharing memories of Walter Farley were his sons Steven and Tim, Nancy Pike, former executive of the Sarasota County Libraries, widow Rosemary Farley, center, and Sarabeth Kalajian, current director. Ask a Librarian Day celebrated at libraries across Florida Librarians all over Florida celebrated Ask a Librarian Day on Friday, Feb. 20, 2009! They donned “ask me about” tshirts and talked about what a valuable and user-friendly service Ask a Librarian is. Nancy Meyers and Cathy Zimmerman Ruth Toms and Pam Johnson Have you tried Ask a Librarian? Don't know about Ask a Librarian? Here's the info you need to know: 1. If you need help when you’re not in our library, visit (or find the link on our library’s website: 2. Ask a Librarian is a web site where you may submit your questions to a real live librarian! 3. Ask a Librarian is open Sunday through Thursday 10:00 a.m. until midnight, and on Friday and Saturday10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. 4. You can use Ask a Librarian for free. 5. If Ask a Librarian isn’t open, you can email your question to us, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours. Library Funding Update Unfortunately, the Florida State Legislature has cut state funding to libraries by 23%. This of course is not good news, in these economic times. What, you are asking, does this mean for Sarasota County Public Libraries? It means your support and membership are more important than ever! As an example, the 2009 budget for Venice Library has “$0” for programming costs. The Venice Friends will be funding the cost of all library programming for Venice Library this year. We will also be called upon to supplement the book budget and help provide the library with other needed materials and equipment. Stimulus Package could benefit Libraries The $787-billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act signed by President Obama February 17 includes several economic-stimulus provisions that could directly benefit libraries. American Library Association (ALA)* Washington Office Executive Director, Emily Sheketoff cited librarians’ roles in shaping the legislation: after an amendment was introduced in the Senate that would have stripped the broadband funding for libraries, an alert from ALA generated over 1,200 phone calls in three hours, helping convince legislators to retain the provision. For more detailed information visit: Support the Venice Friends While You Shop The next time you make a purchase from the Friends will receive a percentage of the sale (up to 15%). This is a great way to earn money for the library. It is a free service; the only requirement is that in order for the Friends to benefit you MUST enter through the Friends website. Did You Know? How many books were checked out at Venice Library last year? 421,582 items were checked out. That translates into every item in the library being checked out 4 times. Do you know how many people entered Sarasota County Public Libraries? 2,598,467 people came to our county libraries Do you need a program for your local organization? Why not try the Venice Readers Theatre group? This is a group of volunteers who perform locally for all types of organizations. Programs can be tailored to your group’s interests. How it works: Go to Click on the Amazon logo. This will take you to the Amazon site where you can proceed with your purchase. You will not see a message that tells you that the donation is occurring, but we have tested the process and know it works. April / May 2009 Page 5 Another Successful Season! Hello Friends, We are on the verge of wrapping up another packed season of adult programs. We started off slowly in September and gained speed until we were putting on events almost Roland Marcotte every day in January, February and March. For example, we produced 123 adult programs in January and February with attendance respectively of 2,168 and 2,655 for a total of 4,823. March should bring in similar numbers. A major portion of those programs was sponsored in one way or another by the Friends, if not paying for performers’ fees (Sonny and Perley, Peggy Martin), then by purchasing the films shown (Thursday Film Festival, Friday Genius Belt musicals) or refreshments served (Great Decisions, Booked for Lunch). So once again: Thank you all for your support! But we’re not quite done yet. Our vibrant Baila Miller will have one last show in April in her successful architecture series. We have already agreed to bring her back next year to do a series on photographers. Also, it appears that Jim Orville doesn’t want to take vacations anymore. He has films planned from April through August and will jump right into the 14th Annual Film Festival in September. We’ll also fill up the week of April 13-19, National Library Week, with programs sponsored by the Friends that spotlight the many reasons that public libraries (and especially VPL) are an integral part of the community. We thank you for making the season so successful and hope you have a wonderful summer. Check those monthly calendars to see what Thursday movies we’re showing and if there are any last minute additions. You just never know what program I might get talked into having! Jim’s Gems on Thursdays Film historian Jim Orville presents classic movies on Thursday evenings through May. In April, he presents three films based on the books of Ruth Rendell and finishes the month with two Alfred Hitchcock classics. On April 2 at 5:00 p.m. Colin Firth stars as a murder suspect in Master of the Moor (1995). On April 9 at 5:00 p.m. Alice Fielding may be the next target for a murderer in Vanity Dies Hard (1995). On April 16 at 6:00 p.m. a suburban divorcee is courted by a neighbor who is the prime suspect in his wife’s murder in The Secret House of Death (1996). On April 23 at 5:30 p.m. Alfred Hitchcock’s Academy Award winner for best picture of 1940, Rebecca, stars Joan Fontaine and Laurence Olivier. Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck star in Spellbound (1945). 2008-2009 Genealogically Speaking BOARD OF DIRECTORS We hope everyone is enjoying our busy Michael Gibson season here at Venice Library. PRESIDENT Lisa Backer We have had quite a number of ancestor hunters in our genealogy section so far this year. TREASURER Melanie Odom The genealogy section also greets a new volunteer for Monday afternoons. She’s not a new library volunteer, but is new to volunteering in genealogy. She is Judy Lindauer, daughter of our good friend Peggy, who passed away last summer. Sharon Betterton Welcome Judy! VICE PRESIDENT Robert Wilder SECRETARY New additions to the collection: Sally Bludeau Patricia Boruff The Berkshire Sourcebook Sally Downey Published by the Junior League of Berkshire County Barbara Kost Pittsfield, Massachusetts Greg Luberecki From Kathleen Opperman Rosee McFarlane Jane Morgan West Stockbridge Massachusetts 1774-1974: The History of Snowden Mowry an Indian Settlement Queensborough or QUA-PAU-KUK Ruth Packing By Edna Bailey Garnett Lynn Thierry Williams High School Alumni Association History and Directory 1872-1968 Friends of the Venice Public Library, Inc. 300 Nokomis Avenue South Venice FL 34285 (941) 484-1983 From Williams High School Alumni Association Estill County Kentucky Roots By Phyllis Brown From Phyllis Brown (Genealogy Volunteer) My Grandmother Hubbard’s Cupboard This newsletter is published five times yearly for members of the Friends of the Venice Public Library, Inc. Please write, call or email if you have any questions regarding your subscription. April / May 2009 By Richard E. Coulter Anonymous gift Page 7 A Word From Our Library Manager Spring has sprung, so they say, but April apparently forgot to bring showers! With each passing year we seem to deal with more and more water restrictions. In order to avoid some of the headaches that go along with plants and their need for water, try planting Florida native plants or more draught-tolerant plants. The Venice Library has a wonderful selection of planting guides in our Florida section. Just ask any librarian and he or she can point you in the right direction. Ann Hall Library Manager As a matter of fact, come to the library in April and learn about all the things that you can see, learn and do at the library. There will be a Library Expo to highlight the library. There you can meet with our staff, register for door prizes, and even have a little snack. It will be a welcome change from the dreaded “April 15 – Tax Day.” One of the highlights of this library is its Friends group. Without their constant support, we would not be able to offer the programs or activities that we do. So a great big “Thank You” goes out to all who support their local Friends of the Library groups. Join us for our celebration of National Library Week. See you there! Overheard at the Reference Desk Hours of Operation The latest innovation in our library system is the recent implementation of a “Floating Collection.” No, we are not filling up books and other materials with helium and turning them loose; although that would be kind of fun (just kidding, shelvers). FOL BOOKSTORE 484-1983 Monday Floating, in the library sense of the word, is allowing materials to “float” and then land wherever they are returned. For example, if you check something out at the Jacaranda Library and return it to the Venice Library, instead of its being transported via courier back to the Jacaranda Library, the item stays at the Venice Library, and vice versa. The same thing applies to the whole library system. This project was launched (so to speak) to cut down on the number of items moving around the library system so that our courier could use a smaller and more fuel-efficient truck to carry out his duties, and also to reduce the workload on our shrinking number of library staff members who handle hundreds of items a day that are distributed throughout the library system. The catalog indicates that these items are on the shelf in the library where they are returned, even though they may have started out somewhere else. You can still request items from other libraries in the county system, no matter which one they belong to, and they will be delivered to the library of your choice. 12:00pm - 5:00pm Tuesday - Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm _________________________________________________________ VENICE PUBLIC LIBRARY 861-1330 Monday 12:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday & Thursday 9:00am - 8:00pm So if you are wondering why you see items from the Selby, Gulf Gate, North Port, or any other Sarasota County Library on the shelves in Venice, that is the reason. We are seeing a lot of very interesting DVDs, books, audio books and music on our shelves these days. Feel free to try something new and check out one of those items. Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm Page 8 Youth and Young Adult Events Tuesday, April 14, 10:00-10:30 a.m. Preschool Storytime Sustainability Special Early Childhood Specialist, Lynn Grimes will tell the story of STUFF. Children ages 3-5 years will make 'Garbage Pizza'. Each child will receive a tree sapling from the County. Jo Lize Tuesday, April 14, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Read to Dogs Therapy Dogs and their trainers from the Suncoast Humane Society listen to children read. A craft is available to the children while they wait for their turn with the dogs. This is a family event. Wednesday, April 15, 10:00-10:30 a.m. Tot Time for babies through age 3. We Love Our Earth theme Children play with toys and do an easy craft, then sing, do rhythmic movement, and have some story fun. Friday, April 17, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tea Time with Local Guest Author, Joan Hiatt Harlow. Joan is the author of Star in the Storm about Newfoundland Labrador dogs. She will have a short presentation about these magnificent animals and the land where they originate. Anyone who has read any of her books will enjoy meeting Ms. Harlow in person! Saturday, April 18, 10:30-11:30 a.m. and 2:30-3:30 p.m. Balinese Dancing. This colorful cultural event will delight all ages. The family that will perform are former Venice residents. They have recently been training in Hawaii and in Bali where they now reside. Come experience the wonders of Bali! No Registration is required for these events. Call the Youth Department for details (861-1348). April / May 2009 Page Page 9 9
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