South Venice Beach Wave - South Venice Civic Association
South Venice Beach Wave - South Venice Civic Association
South Venice Beach Wave FEBRUARY 2015 CALENDAR Membership Meetings Be sure to stay for coffee and some pastries after the meeting FEBRUARY 16 at 7:00pm Desiree Companion, our County Community Systems Coordinator, will provide an overview of the new flood maps and any potential impacts on our area. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A. MARCH 16 at 7:00pm Scheduled guest speaker is Sarasota County Commissioner Charles Hines FEBRUARY 9 at 7:00pm SVCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS FEBRUARY 23 at 7:00pm SVBET TRUSTEES MEETING Monday, FEBRUARY 2 at 7:00pm at SVCA FRIENDS OF THE BEACH Saturday, FEBRUARY 7 at 9:00am (weather alternate date FEBRUARY 28) SIESTA WATERWAY PLANTING Gather at Seminole Drive and Quincy Road Monday, FEBRUARY 9 at 1:00am SOUTH VENICE GARDEN CLUB Tuesday, FEBRUARY 10 at 4:30am SOUTH VENICE BOOK CLUB Something new! Wednesday, FEBRUARY 11 at 7:00pm Games Night at SVCA Pancake Breakfast FEBRUARY 14 8:00am—10:30am PANCAKES • SCRAMBLED EGGS • SAUSAGE COFFEE AND JUICE JUST $6.00 at the door MORE EVENTS ON PAGE 11 News from your unique neighborhood on the Gulf From the President Reach Out! That’s our theme for 2015 This year SVCA will introduce many more activities for members and we’re starting right away. The first of what we hope will be a monthly Game Night is on Wednesday, February 11 (at 7:00pm). There will also be more opportunities for members to join committees. Participating on a committee gives you, the members of SVCA, more of a voice in the workings and activities of our organization. Some Elaine Jaffe committees are dedicated to the building; some to fund raising; and some aimed at just having fun. And some committees will do the important and hard work of building and strengthening the SVCA— they’ll work on membership, publicity, finances. If you have skills in these areas and are ready to lend a hand, contact the office or the committee chairs. (Full list and email contacts are listed on Page 4.) Make this the year you get involved! This is an opportunity to get to know each other, take advantage of our Community Center (with its new roof!) and, once again, be an instrumental voice of South Venice. I look forward to a year of change and participation. And, I hope you do too! By the way, the General Meetings committee is already at work. For February, they’ve lined up a program with a county official who’ll bring us up to date on the new FEMA flood maps and the potential impact on South Venice homeowners. In March County Commissioner Charles Hines will be our guest. Stay tuned! I hope to see you there! Yet another success! EXPO 2015 featured an enthusiastic crowd and 28 exhibitors including our own Beach Trust and the SVCA. Top left to are Connie Donovan and Gail Parker at the SVCA booth and at right Cherry Giovinazzo with a few beach enthusiasts showing her exactly where they live. News to share? Events to announce? Photos? Send them to The Wave and we’ll try to include them Also LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Drop at office or send to: Maureen Holland, Editor 2015 Board of Directors OFFICERS Elaine Jaffe, President Maureen Holland, 1st VP Rick Curwood, 2nd VP Laraine Jansen, Secretary Walt Ernst, Treasurer DIRECTORS AT LARGE Kathy Bolam Gail Parker Harriet Phillips Steve Suau Jeanne White South Venice Civic Association 720 Alligator Dr, South Venice FL 34293 Phone: 941-493-0006 FAX: 941-445-5685 Office hours: 9:00am to 1:00pm Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Community Media is the exclusive publisher of the South Venice Beach Wave FOR ADVERTISING RATES 941-375-3699 PO Box 1023, Venice FL 34284 The SVCA, the SVBET, Board of Directors, Trustees or its assigns will not be held liable for any services provided, work performed or offers made by any advertiser appearing in The Wave. Large turnout at January meeting The turnout at the January meeting didn’t surprise SVCA ‘old timers’: the issue of Water & Sewer surfaces every five years or so here and South Venice residents After the meeting, the SVCA received have always paid close attention whenev- an email from Mr. Zoeller correcting two things he said in his presentation: er the subject comes up. 1) I stated that EWD does not have a Pat Zoeller, an engineer with the Eng- mandatory connection requirement on lewood Water District, spoke. After his water. The correct answer is that the presentation, there were lots of questions enabling act which creates and dewhich he addressed. Everyone indicated a scribes EWD’s authority as a water district states in Section 4 (13) requires strong desire to be kept informed. Before the program, SVCA’s new Board connection to the Utility’s facilities. President Elaine Jaffe introduced the rest 2) I was not sure of EWD reuse rate of the 2015 Board and described the areas per 1000 gallons. I stated that I thought EWD reuse rate was $0.55 per of responsibility each is undertaking. The 1000 gallons. EWD rates are $0.19 per Board members are already forming com- 1000 gallons if the water is used from mittees. Jaffe invited everyone, in fact the EWD pressurized reuse system like encouraged everyone, to join one of the residential irrigation. If the reuse is committees. delivered to a low pressure connection A number of members stopped in the back like a golf course pond, the reuse rate is $0.15 per 1000 gallons. to sign up for committees. NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING February 9 meeting: FEMA’s new flood maps, explained Be sure to be at the next General Membership meeting on February 9 to learn how the new federal flood maps will affect your need for and rates of flood insurance. The Sarasota County floodplain coordinator will present the new federal floodplain maps as they relate to the South Venice community and be available to answer questions. A brief description of the federal flood insurance program is provided below for background: To be eligible for the federal insurance program, cities and counties must adopt the federal flood maps and regulations for activities in flood prone areas. These Flood Insurance Rate Maps are published by FEMA. For coastal areas like ours, they reflect two types of floodThe Venice ing: 1) floods from the 100year rainfall event and 2) the Gondolier 100-year hurricane event. has pledged These flood maps determine to donate the level of new homes must $15 to the SVCA for every be elevated. subscription sold at our office. The flood maps are also used to determine requirements for flood insurance. Rates can also be affected by whether a community has a proactive approach to managing and mitigating flood damages. More information can be found at the Herald Tribune: At the County website And at FEMA’s own website: Hope too see you there. WOW! MARCH MEETING: Sarasota County Commissioner Charles Hines will be our March guest. He spoke at SVCA last Fall; we’re happy to welcome him again! Page 2 Our January 19 meeting filled the hall. South Venice residents poured in for a water and sewer discussion and Q&A with a representative of the Englewood Water District. New events coming up! SVCA Giant Yard Sale Let’s have a Whatever you donate for the sale equals $$$$ for the SVCA! FEBRUARY 28 9:00am to 2:00pm Yes, it’s short notice. SVCA is holding is first Giant Yard sale so start cleaning out your closets, straightening up that garage, taking all the stuff you don’t need out of the shed—you can drop it at the Civic Association starting on February 23. Put your stuff in the back room; if the front doors are locked, put it by the back door (near the tennis courts). Please do NOT bring any clothes with rips, stains or aroma; NO electronics, TV’s, computers, printers, etc. Small furniture and kitchen appliances – great! Tools, wonderful! We’ll also need lots of volunteers to help set it all up and sell at the Yard Sale. Email if you can offer some time. This is something new! And if you like it, we’ll do one every month No tickets, no charge! FEBRUARY 11 at 7:00 pm What’s your pleasure— Scrabble, Mah Jongg, Bridge, Euchre, Hand & Foot, Poker, Backgammon, Trivial Pursuit? You can bring your own game board and cards and you can BYOB. We’ll have soda, water, tea and coffee for sale. Please RSVP via email to and let us know what game you’re interested in. That way we can set up the right tables and match up players if you want. Of course you can still play with your own group. Hope to see you there! Page 3 Beach Trust News By JOHN SEMPLE Chairman, Beach Trust I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Martha Neilsen to the Trust. She replaces Ilse Ahrens whose term has expired, and I’d also like to thank Ilse for her valuable contributions. Some changes in the office are also happening. Staci Autodore will be leaving her position as Trust Administrator and will be replaced by Karen Lewis, who is coming over from the SVCA. Staci really did raise the Administrator position to a new level with her innovative ideas and productivity improvements. Kudos go out to Rick and his volunteer crew—Tom, Jerry, the other Tom, Steve and a mysterious Ukrainian gentleman— for repairing the launch ramp chain post. By the way, did you know that since we started offering Lifetime Ferry Passes for $1000, we’ve sold 45 of them! Douglas and Yvonne Schuler and Carol McAnulty just signed up. Smart move! LETTER TO THE EDITOR At the recent memorial for my partner Graham Franks, I was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support and my heart was full after listening to all your wonderful comments and stories. Graham loved the beach and it was wonderful to see so many other supporters of the beach in attendance. I want to thank those who made this event so special: John Rossi for narrating, Karen Lewis and her helpers for the wonderful meal, Captain Mac and his wife Renee (and their boat) for carrying us to the Gulf so we could send Graham out to sea, and to all the donors for their contributions to the Trust in Graham's memory. He would have enjoyed his ‘send off’ and all the events in his honor. Thank you all and know you have my heartfelt appreciation. Ilse Ahrens Friends of the Beach A message from Cherry Giovinazzo It is with a heavy heart that the Friends of the Beach have had to say goodbye to one of our own, John Rigg. Along with his wife Betty Ann, he was among the original members in 2012. John was always interested in finding ways to make our Beach Community a better place to experience the ‘paradise’ it has become. He served on the committee for the new ferry and was instrumental in getting the fund-raising for the ferry started. Also, John served as Treasurer of the South Venice Civic Association in 2006. The memorial for John was on the beach with many in attendance— family, friends and many from the clubs he was a loyal member of. Our own Doyle Phillips shared spiritual blessings and spoke of John. He will be greatly missed. Rest peacefully friend. Ferry & Boat Ramp Fees 2015 ramp keys and ferry passes are available by mail, in person or by phone. Thank you also to Bruce Martin who installed Graham’s memorial plaque on the boardwalk. Every time I stand before a beautiful beach, its waves seem to whisper to me: If you choose the simple things and find joy in nature’s simple treasures, life and living need not be so hard. Psyche Roxas-Mendoza Ferry passes can also be purchased at the Ferry House from the Captain WHY VOLUNTEER AT THE SVCA? Because, along with your neighbors, you’ll make a difference, meet new people and have some fun doing it! You don’t need to take charge — just lend a hand and help get it done! Just drop an email and put ‘SVCA’ in the subject line. SVCA 2015 COMMITTEES GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS Steve Suau BUILDING AND GROUNDS Rick Curwood MEETING PROGRAMS Laraine Jansen MEMBERSHIP Gail Parker FUND RAISING / RENTALS Elaine Jaffe PROMOTIONS / PUBLICITY Maureen Holland COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Elaine Jaffe POT LUCK/PASTA DINNERS Harriet Doyle Phillip PANCAKE BREAKFASTS Jeanne White HOSPITALITY Harriet Doyle Phillips Got your License Plate yet? Boat Ramp Key: Annual fee $80 Ferry Pass: Annual $110 Monthly $55 Page 4 Just $10 In the office Sold out last year so don’t wait to get your tickets! Coming back to the SVCA in March! Venice’s favorite ‘piano man’ from T.J. Carney’s with his exuberant Irish songs Do a jig or sing along because it’s time for The Wearin’ o’ the Green! DINNER & CASH BAR (Corned Beef/Cabbage, Veggie Lasagna or Shepherd’s Pie) Friday March 13, 2015 6:00 pm $20 per person (includes dinner, dessert, coffee) Tickets available January 10 at SVCA (Tues, Thurs and Sat 9-1pm) or from Board members Page 5 Reaching Out Community in action: Beautifying South Venice QUARTER PAGE (941) 484-4444 AD “Call the Professionals” Se n On Time or it’s FREE Guarantee DisMilitaior & co ry un 100% Satisfaction Guarantee ts! Better Business Bureau A+ Rated Family owned and operated since 1985 Service � Drain Cleaning � Re-Piping � Pipe Lining $10.00 OFF Service Cannot be used on minimum service charge and cannot be combined with any other discounts HAGARTY HOME IMPROVEMENT INC. CERTIFIED RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR QUARTER PAGE 941-497-3315 CRC 1328252 LICENSED & INSURED 941-716-0882 AD SPECIALIZING IN FLOOR REPAIR AND LAMINATE FLOOR INSTALLS ALL YOUR REMODELING NEEDS Storm Season is HERE! Storm Windows are essential to protecting your home. Don’t wait for the storm to’s too late then. see our enclosed flyer. By Laraine Jansen The Venetian Waterway Park cleanup crew found the park in excellent condition on Saturday, January 3. Cleaning up that day were: Walt Ernst, Carol Jiga, Ilona Wilson, Carol McAulty, and Gerald and Carol Brathol. They picked up a few aluminum cans, cigarette butts, and scraps of paper. As a reward for their cleaning task, they saw dolphins in the Intracoastal. Volunteers for the Beautiful Neighborhood cleanup on January 17, concentrated on Alligator Drive again. Carol McAulty and Gerald & Carol Brathol walked from the SVCA building towards the Habitat for Humanity building. Laurie Hartman, Carol Jiga, and Ilona Wilson started at the Habitat for Humanity building and walked to Tamiami Trail. Altogether they filled 10 large bags with trash. WOW! Laurie found a charger cable and she and Ilona each found a dollar bill. In addition, a woman they met during the cleanup was interested in joining. The South Venice Water Quality Task Force volunteers were disappointed on Saturday, January 10. There were over 70 plants ready to be put into the ground. However, it was If you would like to be on the too cold to replant, accord- email reminder list for this proing to Master Gardener Lu- ject or any of the cleanups in Anne Rhoten, South Venice South Venice, you can email Garden Club president. It was below 50 degrees that or call her at 941-223-6996. morning and the plants may not have survived the shock of replanting. Thank you, LuAnne, for your expertise. The planting work session has been rescheduled for Saturday, February 7, with an alternate date of February 28, in case it is too cold on the seventh. So many volunteers have transformed the Siesta Waterway from a dead, stinking, trash-filled ditch to the pristine, clear running Siesta workers: Harrison Fox, Robert Mendelson, Steve Suau, Marion Mendelson, Ate Hunik, Joe Blais Member of the Better Business Bureau KITCHENS BATHROOMS LANAIS ADDITIONS/ROOFOVER WINDOWS DOORS SIDING ACRYLIC, VINYL WINDOWS FINANCING AVAILABLE Page 6 waterway it is today. It is now full of critters including fish, frogs, birds, otters, and the resident hawk that oversees the workers. As you can see, this project has taken the hard work of dedicated volunteers, many, many of our residents and others who care about the environment. A joyful thank you to all our volunteers. Listed here are all he volunteers who’ve participated since the SVCA adopted the Siesta Waterway through the Sarasota Adopt-A-Spot program in June 2013, complied from the sign-in sheets at the work sessions: Ilona Wilson Kathleen & Bruce Martin Don Jansen Lynn & Harrison Fox Cheryl Cook North Port City Council Carol Brathol Stephen Brown Marion & Robert Mendelson ReAnna Montwheler and her kids & parent volunteers Julia Nagel Laurie Hartman James McFadden Steve Suau John Bowne Nancy Morgan Joe Knowles Ate Hunik Rick Eaton Jean White Elaine Jaffe LuAnne Rhoten Joe Blais Lemon Bay League President John Ryan Sarasota County Staff Hartley Haines Harry Bishop Scott Grier Sarah Calabrese Jacob Frantz Sally Hagan Ernesto Lasso de la Vega videographer & Rita Maiss video assistant Blair Post HAS, BC-HIS, ACA Board Certi�ied Hearing Instrument Sciences American Conference of Audioprosthology I have many memories from my early childhood of talking into my Grandpa’s pocket, so his body-aid would pick up my voice. Both my grandfather, Howard and my Mom, MaryEllen, were profoundly hard of hearing. My Mom’s hearing was due to surgical procedure. She had been wearing hearing aids for years before I came into the industry 14 years ago. The �irst time I �it her with aids she was startled by how much better she heard. I knew the technology had not improved dramatically so it wasn’t until I realized she had been using moderate technology levels. That experience showed me how much it had cost her in connecting with others and being part of the group by wearing aids not �it for her busy lifestyle. She didn’t have to buy a moderate set, I just don’t think she knew how much bene�it and ease of listening a higher level of technology would provide for her challenging hearing and busy lifestyle. I do understand that there are times when you have to compromise due to �inancial strains. If you have to compromise do so knowingly . Be aware of what you are choosing between. Having my life, my family so directly affected by hearing loss I am truly passionate about helping others hear their best. I lived in a family that had frustrations that occurred from not hearing someone or frequent misunderstandings. I help people with a hearing loss participate in their family moments. I have sought out additional training to ensure I have the ability to help. Call for a free evaluation and you can try a personalized �itted set of hearing aids with no obligation, no contract, no �ine print. Just call 244-9300, ask for a free test and demo appointment. HALF PAGE VERTICAL AD Contemporary HEARING And these are the people who volunteered for the waterway clean-up even before the Adopt-A-Spot program (this list goes back to 2011): Rich Tulis Dee Schneider Edith George Kay Bannon Suellyn Norton Bessie Kofsky My Inherited Passion (941) 244-9300 A Group Planting in June of 2014: there were lots of volunteers that day— and most of them were kids! Mike Havrilla Nounie Havrilla Shirley Hoffman Rose DiRenza Leroy Delagrange Gerry Ferrari Top 40 Professionals 2014 Matching your lifestyle to new technology Gary Garver Joel Calabrese Gloria Cox Jan Dickens Joan Elsessero 242 Tamiami Trail So, Venice, FL 34285 On Venice Island, between the lights at Miami Ave and Milan Ave on southbound side. Set back from the road with FRONT DOOR parking. Page 7 South Venice GARDEN CLUB Clippings QUARTER PAGE AD How Can We Help? Tami Pocevic PA Keller Williams Realty Gold 1187 US HWY 41 Byp S Venice, FL 34285 Office: 941-408-0600 Cell : 941-234-3595 Email: How it works: 1 Patronize the advertisers 2 QUARTER PAGE in this month’s newsletter 3 Mail it back to us at: Community Media PO Box 1023 Venice, FL 34284 In Cash Prizes Available Monthly Ask the business for your Community Cash ticket OR a copy of your receipt & clip this ad AD 4 Every month we draw new tickets for CASH PRIZES and mail winners a check! Every Month is a New Chance to Win! 2 drawings for $50 10 drawings for $10 Winner Vendor Bonnie Moen ............................. $50 Gulf Coast LLC Alan Rusk ................................. $50 Natures Resource Pest Control Clif Haseltine ............................................ Jack Allen ................................................ Rod Olson ................................................ Margaret Steward ..................................... Nancy Peterson ........................................ Alice Godzich ........................................... Betty Jones............................................... Sara Schmidt ........................................... Mullen Denis............................................. Mary Bermke ............................................ $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 Suncoast Auto & Tire Jones & Sons Plumbing Appliance Specialty Inc Debbie’s Salon Doll Brothers Carpet Socia’s Painting Ron Wyngarden Medicine Shoppe Notebooks Plus Natures Resource Pest Control Drawing Date - 12/11/14 • Limit one ticket per advertiser’s service per quarter( 3 month period)• Customer must have paid for advertiser's service to play • Contest void where prohibited by law • • Checks will be mailed within 60 days of drawing date • Questions?: or 941-375-3699 By Lu-Anne Rhoten, Club President Next time you are at the SV Community Center, take a look at the new-looking South Venice circle sign! Meryl Norton has totally refurbished the historic metal sign. He took it to his metal shop at his home in Englewood and corrected what time and weather had damaged. He recreated the decorative metal pieces that had rusted away, sanded the whole sign, and painted it with weather resistant paint. The South Venice Garden Club reimbursed Meryl for materials but he donated all the labor. This is the second time the South Venice Garden Club has rescued the sign. The first time was in the 1990s when it was relocated to the Community Center. Later, the club also donated and installed the brickwork around the sign. The club mission is beautification of our community, and the sign can now be called beautiful. Our next meeting is February 9 at 1:00pm, when we will be learning about Butterfly Gardening. Restless Natives Nursery owner Chris Parisi will be discussing how we can support our butterflies by the plants we use in our gardens. Hopefully she will have starts and/or seeds of native milkweeds for sale. We will also be taking a group photo of our members, so in honor of Valentines Day we are asking all our members to wear red or pink for the photo. Hope to see you there! What we’re reading South Venice Book Club By Gail Parker, Chair The club met at the Civic Association on January 13 and our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10 at 4:30pm. This is a change from our previous meeting time of 3:00pm and may become the regular time. I’ll keep you posted. Anyone interested in joining us is welcome at our meetings or you can contact me directly. At our February meeting we’ll discuss the club’s current book, Tall Grass by Sandra Dallas. Next on the reading list is Leavning Time by Jodi Picoult which we’ll talk about in March. Join us! You’ll be most welcome. Page 8 MASTER MASTER PLUMBERS PLUMBERS Happy Valentine’s Day From: Plumbing Septic Gas • Repipes • Inspections • Water Heaters • Leak Detections • ATU Maintenance • Boilers • Water Heaters • Pumpings • Tankless • Garbage Disposals • Repairs Water Heaters • Backflows • Installations • Repairs • Plumbing Repairs • Pump Stations • Installations • Remodels/ New Construction • Sewer and Water Hookups Fully Licensed and Insured #CFC1427155 TWO QUARTER PAGE ADS $ Your Next Plumbing Backflow Test Service when you Sudoku puzzle, Puzzle #1372 (value not to exceed $100) mention this ad Call Today for a FREE Estimate!! Northport 429-8200 Venice/Sarasota 497-7900 Bradenton 747-9700 WATER HEATER Mention this REPLACEMENT: daily adDeduct andthesave temperature from the cost of any water heater replacement in February. 10% (save up to $99) 1 of 1 10%25 OFF Coupon 1/17/2013 5:18 PM February Sudoku How to play: The numbers 1 through 9 will appear once only in each row, column, and 3x3 zone. There are 9 such zones in each sudoku grid. There is only one correct solution to each sudoku. Good luck! Difficulty level: medium. Last modified November 17, 2012. Copyright 2012 Mirroreyes Internet Services Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Back to the puzzle. HALF PAGE HORIZONTAL AD Difficulty level: medium. Click here for the solution. Page 9 Sudoku solution, Puzzle #1372 Home Sales: Address HTD BE FB DECEMBER 16, 2014 — JANUARY 15, 2015 Built Pool ADOM List Price Close Price SP/SqFt Disclaimer: The sales information was gathered from the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). The sales were by various participants of MLS. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. South Venice Real Estate News BY KELLEY ANN AYERS The Venice real estate market is on fire! The baby boomers are retiring, they are here and they are buying! Well priced listings are selling very quickly. Last week I listed one on Osage and we sold it at full price in less than 24 hours! Since the inventory has stayed at low levels for some time now and the demand has increased, it has turned into a Seller’s Market. Currently in South Venice there are just 74 homes for sale in MLS; compared to 2006 & 2007 there were over 300 homes for sale in our neighborhood. When you consider there are 8000+ homes in our neighborhood, 74 is a very small amount! Now is a good time to sell! South Venice is also getting a Face-Lift as a result of the baby-boomers retiring! Most of them are buying second homes and they want a nice property. Some of them enjoy the fixer-uppers, which also helps the neighborhood and our local economy. Lots of new roofs, painting, gorgeous yards, some very nice transformations around South Venice. So if you have any new neighbors make sure to say hello and welcome them! Page 10 Useful Phone Numbers County Sheriff (non-emergency) 941-951-5800 FPL Emergency 800-468-8243 Verizon Emergency 800-483-1000 Code Enforcement 941-861-3280 Waste Managem’t 941-493-4100 Solid Waste Pick-up 941-861-6758 FEMA Emergency 800-621-3362 Frank Cinemas 941-408-0011 Venice Theatre 941-488-1115 SVCA / SVBET 941-493-0006 Up on the roof . . . Okay, the two gentlemen below aren’t The Drifters crooning from the radio in 1962. They’re the guys from Sarty’s Roofing and the roof they’re on is the SVCA building. Over the course of two weeks in January, our ageing (and occasionally leaking) roof was finally replaced. When next you drive by, take a look! CALENDAR CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE Saturday, FEBRUARY 14 at 8:00am VENETIAN WATERWAY CLEANUP Gather at Shamrock Park near tennis courts Saturday, FEBRUARY 21 at 8:30am BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOODS Location will be announced by email Thursday, FEBRUARY 26 at 7:00pm SOUTH VENICE C.E.R.T Meet at Venice Gardens Community Center Saturday, FEBRUARY 28 at 9 am-2 pm SVCA GIANT YARD SALE! Meet at Venice Gardens Community Center LINE DANCING CLASSES AT SVCA! Members pay only $3.00 per class (Non-members $4.00 per hour) Fridays 10:00am Forgot to renew your membership? Oh no! Check it out: More activities around town CAITLIN SENIOR FRIENDSHIP CENTER at 2350 Scenic Drive (off Shamrock) not only has a café and afternoon dances, but they also offer a wide variety of services including Medicare Patient Counseling, There are regular exercise classes like aerobics, yoga, Silver Sneakers, balance and movement training and tai chi. There’s also duplicate bridge, pinochle, life writing, woodcarving, bingo, art instruction, and mahjong, You may want to check it out! SARASOTA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES: The libraries on the island and at Woodmere offer many public programs including computer classes, speakers, and discussions on a variety of topics Every Sunday at the SVCA building from gardening to financial planning. There are story times for children, Fellowship Bible Church free movies and event master garServices at 10:00 Bible Study at 11:15 dening classes! Page 11 Don’t worry. It’s never too late. And remember, your SVCA membership is still only $50 for a household! 1. DOWNLOAD THE FORM at and mail it into the office with your check or credit card info. 2. JOIN BY PHONE—call the office at 941-493-0006 and renew with a credit card. 3. STOP BY—drop in during office hours, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm. South Venice Civic Association 720 Alligator Drive South Venice Beach, FL 34293 PRESRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT #898 CURRENT RESIDENT OR Voted Best Real Estate Agent REMax Hall of Fame Award Lifetime Achievement Award A proven performer and a professional, dedicated, full time real estate agent. TO LIST or SELL, CALL: Gae Stewart GRI, CRS Call for a Brochure Ca To ll da y License # ST37558 Direct: 941-488-6262 Email: Alliance Group 1314 East Venice Avenue, Venice, FL 34285 941-488-9393 Group Pickups Available Call for Details Casino Trips Sightseeing Tours Dining & Entertainment Outings Every Wed., Thu., & Sun. HARD ROCK $20 per person Every Mon., Tues., & Sat. IMMOKALEE $20 per person Overnight Casino East Coast Overnight - $99 ppdo, $129 single Included: Immokalee, Isle of Capri, Coconut Creek, Gulf Stream and one night accomdations with continental breakfast at La Quinta, free play and food vouchers. Feb 2-3, Feb 9-10, Mar 9-10, Mar 23-24 Biloxi Special $199 ppdo - Staying at Beau Rivage Day trips to Boomtown, IP, Palace and Golden Nugget $80 in free play, 2 breakfast, 1 lunch Feb 2-5, Feb 9-12, Mar 2-5, Mar 16-19 Overnight Trips Day Trips 2/4 Mrs. Tea’s Garden Tea $65 2/5 Dali/Picasso $79 2/6 JC Cruise $69 2/9 IKEA $25 2/11 Sanibel/Shell Museum $77 2/12 Solomon’s Castle $49 2/13 Raymond James Art/Glass $75 2/16 Busch Gardens $109 2/18 Painting w/Twist $83 2/20 Ybor/Columbia $89 2/21 Annie/Cheesecake $125 CALL FOR MORE DATES! Feb 23-27 Myrtle Beach$625 ppdo Mar 10-13 Savannah $699 ppdo April 8-14 Washington, DC $1,299 ppdo May 3-8 Asheville $999 ppdo May 31- Jun 2 Key West $399 ppdo Pick up @ Venice Albertson’s
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Drop at office or send to:
Maureen Holland, Editor