Issue 19 2014 June 18 2014 - The Hills Christian Community


Issue 19 2014 June 18 2014 - The Hills Christian Community
Issue 19 2014
Term 2 Week 8
18th June 2014
Dear parents,
So many visitors to HCCS comment on the
manners, confidence and friendliness of our
Congratulations mums and dads because raising a
child in 2014 is not an easy task. Following, (from a
CAFHS article) are a few thoughts to reinforce what you
do or provide some fresh ideas.
Parents need to be very good at noticing
what their children DO WELL.
Some behaviours to reward and recognize are:
assets and strengths
effort and improvement
co-operative behavior
newly learned behaviour
Spoken rewards like:
“You’re a good runner!” (if they are!)
“You tried really hard at your homework tonight.”
“You played with baby well. She likes you doing
“Thank you for feeding the dog.”
Action rewards like:
extra physical displays of love and affection e.g
hugs, smiles, your time and attention, a privilege,
star chart, etc
Caring Teacher (at home)
It is important to teach children HOW TO
BEHAVE rather than always telling them
how not to behave.
1. Tell your children exactly what you expect, e.g.
when visitors come, “When Mrs Jones comes in I
would like you to say, “Hello Mrs Jones.”
2. Teach what you want before situations occur that
may cause misbehaviour, e.g. what to do when
visiting, what time to be home, what to do if they are
in difficulties.
3. Take time to teach, e.g. what to do with bikes,
clothes, etc.
4. Reassure your children that you have faith and
confidence in their ability to grow and learn.
5. Keep learning sessions brief.
6. Ignore initial mistakes so that children grow in
self-esteem. If mistakes are made, give further
opportunities to succeed.
7. Use stories and games (and puppets for younger
ones) to help children think of, and practise
alternatives, to inappropriate behaviour, e.g. how to
help one another, or how to handle uncomfortable
feelings in a healthy way.
8. Explain why you do things the way you do and
why some things are dangerous.
Remember that if what you are doing is not working
(i.e. a child is still misbehaving), try something different,
not more of the same.
Giving age-related responsibilities
Avoid doing things for your children when they can do
them for themselves. Let them do things when they are
ready. They may be slow and messy at first but will
become competent and less dependent on you. As
children grow, help them find solutions for themselves.
Ask them what they think, e.g. “Where would be a safer
place to do this?” This promotes independent thinking
and problem solving. Let children make choices and
decisions as they are able, e.g. “Do you want to shower
now or in the morning?”
Don’t let the TV, their peer group and society teach your
kids the values and skills God has entrusted to you.
May God bless you as you accept the
Kind Regards,
Chris Riemann (Principal)
'A Christian school community, helping children learn and grow to achieve their potential'.
Playgroup ~ Early Learning Centre ~ Primary ~ Secondary
Phone: (08) 8388 7811
Fax: (08) 8388 1308
Prayer & Praise Points
thank God that our very hard working Chaplain is enjoying a week
in Bali with her daughter
thank God for the many HCCS parents who give so generously of
their time for school purposes
thank God for great learning in classrooms
pray for good health for families and staff as the winter illnesses
Our new Front Office
We were delighted that Brenton Adcock from
Balhannah Uniting Church and Mr Hammat’s
Year 4 students led the W hole School Devotions
on Monday.
Please join us at 9.05am when Brian Teakle and Miss
Connor’s Year 1 students will lead us in next
week’s Devotions.
Once the renovations have finished, there will be an official
opening of the new Admin building.
Our Year 6 Guides did a
marvellous job at Open
Morning last Thursday!
Royal Adelaide Show Cooking
Many children attended an information session with Miss Li
last week to discuss cooking entries for the 2014 Royal
Adelaide Show. As many will know, Miss Li
is a
multiple winner! She is pictured showing the students
her winning ribbons from the past 2 years.
Pasta bolognese, mozzarella cheese and garlic bread.
(additive and preservative free—gluten free option available)
Notices have been sent home. Please return them by
Friday, June 20th.
$4 School
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
$3 ELC
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The Year 2, Year 2/3 and Year 3 classes have
been learning about our Community as part of their
Christian Ed. rotation lessons.
The students were given a photo of each staff member
to paint and look up Bible verses which related to
Community. The students then presented the finished
product to them. The staff were delighted and the
artwork now proudly hangs up in classrooms and
offices. Mr Hodges
The Round 2 debates had both Year 5 teams debating
the topic “Year 5s should do homework” –both
teams negative, and the Year 6 team debating
“Schools should provide
students” - affirmative.
All students have seen an improvement in their
debating skills, especially in their teamwork and speech
writing. Rebuttal skills have developed, allowing some
clear and confident rebuttal of the oppositions’
Congratulations to all team members,
including the reserves, who acted as Chairman or
Timekeeper for each debate.
In this round Toby was recognised with an award for
“Best Speaker of the Debate” – congratulations on a
fine achievement.
Our next debate is now only 1 week away, so both
teams began preparing last week, honing their skill-set
even further.
Mrs Boucaut (Debating Coordinator)
Great teamwork and
speech writing everyone!
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love
one another.” 1 John 4:11
“Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through
the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3
“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love
one another, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
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Wed 18th
Casual Day
Yr 5 Blue Debating Workshop 1.10pm
Thurs 19th
Meet the Writers Festival
Yr 6/7 Blue Debating Workshop 1.10pm
Fri 20th
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Receptions
Hot Pasta lunch forms need to be returned by today
Mon 23rd
Devotions 9.05am — Yr 1 Connor & Brian Teakle
Tues 24th
Fun Fair Committee Meeting
Yr 5 White Debating Workshop 1.10pm
Round 3 Debating (Year 5 6.40pm and Year 6/7
Wed 25th
Reception Orientation
Second Hand Uniforms open 8.45am —9.30am
Yr 5 Blue Debating Workshop 1.10pm
Board Meeting
Thurs 26th
Year 6/7 Touch Footy
Hot Pasta Lunch
Yr 6/7 Blue Debating Workshop 1.10pm
ELC Immunisation 1.00-3.00pm.
Year 8 and 9 Curriculum Night, 7.30pm at Oakbank
Fri 27th
Year 4/5 Touch Footy
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Yr 2, 2/3 & 3
Mon 30th
Devotions 9.05am — Yr 6/7 & Desley Saldanha
Bev Harrison’s farewell afternoon tea in the Beaumont
Building from 4.00 – 5.30pm,
Tues 1st
ELC Parent Orientation meeting
Reception Orientation
Year 5 Camp Illawonga
Thurs 3rd
Year 5 Camp Illawonga
Secondary Music Concert at Oakbank
Fri 4th
Year 8/9 Girls
SACSA Netball
On Tuesday, the 3rd of
June, Tara, Claire, Eden,
Emmerson, Jessica, Amy
and Ella went to Golden
Grove to play netball
schools. We managed to
win 1 game out of 7. Sadly
we didn't get into the finals
because we didn't win
enough games so we went
to McDonalds instead.
We are very thankful to Kerri Hartley because she
changed her work schedule to be able to take half of us
girls to Golden Grove and coach us. We also thank
Graham Bull for taking us to Golden Grove and
McDonalds. We all had a fantastic time and enjoyed
everything. Claire and Tara (Year 8)
ELC Orientation visit
SAPSASA Cross Country at Woodside
Wed 2nd
We hope all these people enjoy their birthdays THIS
WEEK: Kiera Crook, Annika Giles, Darcey Giles, Jax
Heading, Lauren Jackman, Fox Roberts, Ashton
Taylor. Love from your HCCS family!
Students’ last day of Term 2
Lucy, Isobel, Allani and Bryanna played netball at Netball
SA Stadium (ETSA Park), representing the Adelaide Hills.
Bryanna and Allani were in the Div 6 team and they got
equal first. Lucy and Isobel played in the Div 2 team
and they also got equal first. We all had a great time
playing netball for the week. Allani
Playgroup 9.30am —11am
Year 5 Camp Illawonga
Lunch Orders
Assembly 2.50pm — Yr 1,1 & 1/2
School holidays commence
Tues 22nd
First day for students
Community News
Australian Sports Camps—AFL footy, basketball, hockey,
soccer, netball and rugby union. For more information call
1300 914 368 or email
Seymour College Sports Centre—July Holiday Coaching
Clinics for children aged between 4 and 14 years. For more
information please phone Glenda Green on 8303 9030 after
10am weekdays.
Faith ~ Nurture ~ Community ~ Learning
When your child is going to be ABSENT from School:
Please advise the Front Office by email or sms if possible
by 9.00am!!
SMS: 0400 738 405
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