Daniel`s Scroll


Daniel`s Scroll
Broad Street in Prayer
Growing Followers of Jesus through Praise, Community & Service!
*Shelby Shaw
*Jerry Henson
*Buford and *Louise Roberts
*Sara Poole
*Marie Pippin
Wanda Douglas, Melissa Trask Raines’ mother-in-law
Jared Trask, 8yr old great nephew of Roger & Art - blood disorder
Family of Johnny Beard—Rusty’s friend recently passed away
Family of Dewey Norris, Jr.—Rueben Taylor’s brother-in-law, recently passed away
Joyce Lane
Bill Minic, Margo Adams brother-in-law
Jay Funck
Matt Mahoney—serving in Afghanistan
Rosemary Little—aunt of Lee and Sandi
Mike Ferrell
Polly Arnold—Jim’s sister
Jerry Patterson
Larry Mitchell
Dennis Smith –co-worker with Adam Trant, lung cancer
Grace Cleveland—Amy Brooks’ aunt
Lee Shockley—friend of Brooke K., cancer
Lee Bedingfield’s father
Charles Bingham—Jim’s brother
John Somers—Mary Jo Trask’s father
Michael Jones—problems with liver transplant
Faye Trask—Art & Roger’s sister-in-law
*Robby Henson
Debbie Rocha—friend of Amy Brooks
Mary Barnhill—friend of Dee Henson in Texas
Theresa Barber
David Sanders—Bo Thame’s cousin
Gail Powell, Nathan Prichard’s aunt
Ministry Leaders & Staff
Gary Kirkendall
Pulpit gkirkendall@bellsouth.net
Daniel Kirkendall
Youth dwkirk23@bellsouth.net
Letisha Smith
Jan Oliver
Randy West
Bobby Brooks
Art Trask
Bob Walters
Lee Bedingfield
Jim Bingham
Howard Lester
Louis Lester
Mel Major
Shelby Shaw
Gary Kirkendall
Facilities & Fellowship
Service Schedule
Sunday Worship
Sunday Night with the Savior
Sunday Evening Bible Study
Tuesday Ladies Class
9:30 am
10:30 am
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
10:30 am
5:30-6:15 pm
Singing practice 6:30 –7:30
Bible Study 6:30 pm
Helen Bushman, Doris Shaw’s sister
*Denotes Broad Street members
Attendance & Giving Feb. 12, 2012
Morning Worship
Sunday Classes
Wednesday Night
Weekly Budget:
Wednesday Adult Classes:
Gary Kirkendall– Room 105
Lee Bedingfield/Howard Lester—Gym; Parenting with a Purpose
Auditorium Class— Singing
Adult Sunday Classes
Nursery Attendants
Feb. 19: Jeanne Partridge
Mar. 11: Sue Bingham
Feb. 26: Pam Major
Mar. 18: Janet Fox
Mar. 4: Brenda Brooks
Mar. 25: Dana Watkins
Feb—Bob & Pat Walters
May—Bobby & Brenda Brooks
Mar—Lee & Michele
June—Charlie & Karen
Apr-Shelby & Doris Shaw
July—Bobby & Joanne
Feb-Sykes & Letisha Smith
Men/Women—Gary Kirkendall - Auditorium
Mar-Ernie & Eileen Tomme
June—Louis & Betty Lester
Men/Women—Randall Adams—Room 105
Apr-Mike & Laura Heath
July—Brad & Memory Reed
Women— Brenda Brooks/ Jan Oliver Office Conference Room—A Woman After God’s Own Heart
College—Jon Ernstberger—Room 205
Wednesday Night Supper
Upcoming Events:
Today—Family Day (Lunch and Singing at Poplar Creek)
Feb. 26—Youth Devo
Mar. 2—Parents’ Night Out
Mar. 9—Adult Game Night
Country Fried Steak
Dinner will be served from 5:30-
6:15 followed by classes.
A new college class will
Today is Family Day! Plan to
begin today upstairs in
stay and share a covered dish
fellowship meal following Sunday
School. Also, a group will be going
to Poplar Creek Assisted Living
Home to sing at 1:30.
Room 205.
day only, all High
Schoolers are asked to meet with this class as Daniel is
at Winterfest. Jon Ernstberger will be teaching.
Parents’ Night Out has been
changed to Friday, March
2nd. We will meet at the
movie theater downtown to
see the new Dr. Seuss
movie. Plan to meet us there at 5:30 with
$5.50 for the movie. Parents need to return after the show.
Interested in learning
to sew? See Brenda
Brooks for class times and
materials needed.
Daniel’s Scroll
The next Youth Devo will be
on Sunday, February 26th
at 6 pm in the gym. Girls
are asked to bring a dessert, and boys to
bring a 2-liter drink. Pizza will be provided.
See Daniel for more details.
Please keep us in your prayers this
weekend while our youth group is in
Gatlinburg, Tennessee for Winterfest.
This is a huge Youth Rally with Christians from all over the country. Broad
Street has a total of 12 students and 6
adults going this weekend. I pray that
this is a time of spiritual growth.
“Choose for yourselves this day
whom you will serve... As for
me and my household,
we will serve the
We will miss you in worship this morning, but we look forward to seeing you
all Wednesday night!
Joshua 24:15
Have a great week!
~ Daniel
reater hings
Song Leader: Roger Trask
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee ~ 362
Welcome and Greet~ Gary Kirkendall
This is the Day ~ 891
“Growing Followers of Jesus Through Worship, Community & Service”
Joyful Debtors of Love
Kids’ Kontribution ~ Gary Kirkendall
We Bow Down ~ 984
OK, Here’s a little quiz — What is the one
word answer to the thing that you long for,
might be a little scared of, and that you were
saved for? Here’s a hint — the answer is not
Prayer ~ Howard Lester
Before the Throne of God Above (screen only)
Preside: Mel Major
Serving: Rusty Blanks, Jeff Hall, Philip McDaniel, Anthony Poole
PowerKids are dismissed
Holy Is the Lord ~856/ Holy, Holy, Holy~238
Luke 1:49
This morning we will continue our February
series, “Agape — God’s Love,” and explore
how it is that we can have a deeper connection
with Christ and his mission on this earth. We
will be a little short handed this morning, with
several gone to Winterfest, and many of our families in Atlanta for the Cheerleading National Championships, but for the rest of us, we have a great day ahead, because today is, “Family day.” That means we will share a great meal together after services this morning. Then at 1:30, you can join the group singing popular and
classic hymns at the Poplar Creek Nursing facility.
SERMON ~ Gary Kirkendall
Nothing But the Blood ~ 454
Closing ~ Bob Walters
Please remember to pray for the safe return of our travelers today in this rainy
weather, and make it a point to be a part of all of our services and activities here at
Broad Street. As always, I am glad that you are here today, and it is my prayer that
today will be the beginning of a great week for all of us.
— Gary Kirkendall
Serving in Worship for February 26, 2012
Lead Singing: Roger Trask
Prayer: Lee Bedingfield
Preside over the Lord’s Supper: Daniel Kirkendall
408 Broad Street
LaGrange, GA 30240
Phone: 706-884-4482
Tracey Watkins, Tyler Watkins,
Ken Winchester, Braydon Winchester
Closing: Art Trask
Vol. 9, No 8
E-mail: church_christ@bellsouth.net
Join us on Facebook!
February 19, 2012