Service with a smile
Service with a smile
WELCOME ABOARD HHC names new Neuroscience Institute leader / 4 A SHOT IN THE ARM Flu inoculation clinics, deadlines announced / 6 HospiTell The William W. Backus Hospital VOL. 45, NO. 38 Windham Community Memorial Hospital • SEPT. 16, 2016 Service with a smile New central customer experience office brings new roles to the East Region Straetegic Experience Advisors Mindy Kivlin, second from left, Leah Russack-Baker, center, and Patient Advocate Dawn Simoneau, right, speak with patient Joe Sheflott, second from right, and his mother Patricia Sheflott about their stay at Backus. Hartford HealthCare is taking steps to further improve upon patient satisfaction by creating a centralized Office of Patient/Customer Experience. A weekly newsletter for East Region employees, volunteers, patients and friends STORY, PAGE 3 HOSPITELL 2 Sept. 16, 2016 Gift Shop Items of the Week Making a Difference Together … by Living Our Values BACKUS Snack Worthy snacks AWARD Now available at the gift shop. Every day, teams across Hartford HealthCare Connect to Healthier by working together to provide higher quality care and service. The annual Making a Difference Together Award recognizes this vital cross-system collaboration. The next Making a Difference Award will be presented in December. For more information or to nominate a team, please visit HHC Connect. Deadline: September 23, 2016 WINDHAM Available everywhere BACKUS Gift Shop HOURS: Mon. - WED. / 9:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m., THURS. - FRI. / 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m., Sat. / 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Sun. / 1 – 4 p.m. Windham GIFT SHOP HOURS: Mon. - Fri. / 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. About HospiTell HospiTell is published each Friday by the Communications Departments of The William W. Backus Hospital and Windham Hospital. Employees, medical staff and volunteers can have HospiTell e-mailed to their homes by sending a request to To submit news: E-mail: Fax: 860.892.6964 Deadline: Wednesdays at noon 9761 July16 All natural Snack Worthy treats for sale now in the Auxiliary to Windham Hospital Gift Shop. Upcoming Auxiliary vendor sales Backus: Tastefully Simple will be the featured dealer for the next Backus Auxiliary vendor sale Friday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the MOB/cafeteria alcove. Items include easy-to-prepare foods, gifts and more. Windham: Bag Ali will be the featured dealer for the next Auxiliary to Windham vendor sale Friday, Sept. 30, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Bernard & Desrosier rooms. All sales by each auxiliary benefit the host hospital! Sept. 16, 2016 3 HOSPITELL Patients’ concerns come first Creation of HHC Customer Experience office includes new roles for East Region Inside our operating rooms, examining rooms, emergency rooms and patient rooms, Backus and Windham hospitals deliver top-notch clinical care every day. But, when patients leave the hospital are they totally satisfied with their experience? Maybe all they remember from their stay is: “the food was cold”; “someone was rude to me;” “the floor was noisy; or “my provider didn’t communicate properly with me and my family.” As part of an effort to improve the patient experience, Hartford HealthCare has created a centralized Office of Patient/Customer Experience and identified three areas most in need of attention — service excellence, environment and communication — and has committed to implementing six best practices aimed at addressing some of the top staff and customer concerns. Best practice areas are: interactive leadership rounds, clinical nurse manager rounding, purposeful hourly rounding, standardization of educating staff about the patient experience, patient and family advisory councils, and the standardization of patient journals. The team is led by interim Chief Experience Officer Stacie Pallotta, a consultant with Press Ganey who in the past served as senior director of the Office of Patient Experience at the Cleveland Clinic. “This organization is so ready for this sort of work. And we cannot afford not to do it,” Pallotta says. “If people don’t come here, nothing else matters,’’ Pallotta said. “We have to deliver not just on high-quality clinical care but on the patient experience.” The Office of Patient/Customer Experience consists of Strategic Ex- COVER STORY If people don’t come here, nothing else matters. n Stacie Pallotta, interim Chief Experience Officer perience Advisors in each region, the Behavioral Health Network and Hartford HealthCare Medical and patient advocates in each region. “Having this structure in place and having our staff engaged to make improvements is crucial in our efforts to enhance the patient experience. This is a top priority for all of us at Backus and Windham hospitals and across Hartford HealthCare,” says East Region President Bimal Patel. Adrianne DeVivo, Manager, Patient Advocacy and Complaint Management for HHC, oversees Hartford HealthCare’s four patient advocates who work directly with patients to address and resolve their concerns and complaints. “One of the keys to improving the patient experience is consistency. Patients need to know that the quality of care they receive and our approach [to care] will be at the same high level whether they’re going to Backus, Windham or Hartford,” DeVivo says. The strategic experience officers work with leaders and staff to focus on the six best practices areas, establish new best practices to improve the patient experience, and share those practices across HHC. “We are working to create that one unique, excellent relationship with our patients, a relationship that will make us the customer’s choice of where to go for care,” says Mindy Kivlin, East Region Strategic Experience Advisor. East Region Patient Experience contacts n Mindy Kivlin: Strategic Experience Advisor — 860.425.5938 (Backus) 860.456.6850 (Windham) Kivlin n Leah RussackBaker, Ed.D, LADC: Strategic Experience Advisor — 860.425.5939 (Backus) 860.456.9116, Russack-Baker ext. 2732 (Windham) n Dawn Simoneau: Patient Advocate — 860.889.8331, ext. 6828 (Backus) 860-456-6107 (Windham) Simoneau Staff engagement and interaction with their strategic patient experience advisors is critical to improving the patient experience. “We are influencers, communicators, connectors and solution focused change agents that impact the patient See PATIENTS, page 4 4 Emergency Department with private beds. This will offer a more versatile and efficient means provide medically appropriate care there when overnight stays are needed. Bradley, with its n HOSPITELL ambulatory surgery center and services, will continue to be the focal point Sept. of care for Southin 16, 2016 Dr. Alberts named Neuroscience Institute chief Vendor-supplied services - We have reached out to vendors who supply Hartford HealthCare with goods and services, a asked them to participate inInstitutes’ our expense reduction and cost containment University Medical Center, Northwest- efforts. Hospital. Assignificantly with our other Dear Colleagues: ern University Medical School and of supplie physicians-in-chief, he will report to ensure will workthe with our clinical and quality councils that greater standardization It is my privilege to announce Northwestern Memorial Hospital in value o me; in his safety capacityand at Hartford Hospi- Our business appointment of Mark J. results Alberts, in MD, both improved cost savings. partners recognize the Chicago. He is a member of The Joint tal, he will report to Dr. John Greene FAHA, as physician-in-chief of the strong and responsive healthcare system such as ours. Commission’s Technical Advisory Jr., vice president Hartford HealthCare Neuroscience Panel on challenges Comprehensive Stroke Cenof Medical Affairs Institute. We believe these actions are sufficient to meet the financial we face today. ters, a fellow of the American Heart for our Hartford Dr. Alberts is a nationally reAssociation and co-chair of the Brain Region. He will nowned physician leader, educator It is important to note that we are not simply cutting. Attack Coalition. partner with and healthcare executive. His cliniDr. Alberts and his wife and famWendy Elberth, cal and leadership experience will As a successful organization, we must invest heavilyily inwill therelocate jobs, technologies and facilities tha to Connecticut, and vice president of help set world-class standards for need to continuethe asNeuroscience leaders in the new world of healthcare. begin working here in early 2017. our growing neuroscience programs. It is a testament to the strength of Institute, who has His track record in leading high-perWe are working been hardinstrumento complete our HHC Unity: CareConnect towe launch the Epic our Instituteinitiative model that have been forming teams, and helping complex Dr. Alberts electronic health record and create a strong platform for data analysis so that we can help kee successful in attracting another retal in creating organizations gain recognition for nowned physician leader to Hartford populations We haveof just our new HHC Cancer Institute facility at The Hospit the foundation ouropened programs and their high quality neuroscience care, healthy. HealthCare. With superb leadership growing services,toespecially will be instrumental as Central we continue Connecticut. Weour continue focus onour the programmatic development of our service lin supporting our exceptional clinical care clos Headache Center andand Moveto develop Hartford HealthCare’s for orthopedics, new neurosciences, cancer cardiac care. With our patients preferring expertise, we are realizing our vision care ce ments Disorders Center. Institute model. home, we are expanding our outpatient options, with new and convenient ambulatory to create true centers of excellence Dr. Alberts His academic accomplishments, throughout our service area.comes to us from the in core service lines. This is a key University of Texas Southwestern publications, leadership and clinical component of HHC’s strategy to better Medical Center in Dallas, where he is contributions have earned him naThese investments not only serve our patients, they also provide new employment and serve our patients and customers, envice chair of clinical affairs and hostional and international recognition, professional-development opportunities for our staff and create entirely new categories of hance access to top-quality care and pital neurology for the Department including the Neurologist Pioneering healthcare jobs. This is why we are investing in care coaches and coordinators, case manager grow the expertise of our system. of Neurology and Neurotherapeutics Award from the Society of Vascular chronicHe conditions, specialists informatics and data analytics. Please join me in welcoming Dr. and and medical director in of neurology and Interventional Neurology. is Alberts to our team, and thanking services for UT Southwestern Unirespected for his research, publicaWe know that change is difficult, but it is essential if we are to keep our promise Wendy for the exceptional work to sheour patien versity Hospitals. He is a professor of tions and lectures throughout the families. Thank you for everything you do dayher oncolleagues behalf of have those we to serve. done creNeurology at UT Southwestern andeveryand world at major medicaland meetings. ate our Neuroscience Institute. is board certified in neurology and Working collaboratively with physiSincerely, vascular neurology. cians and healthcare providers across Sincerely, After receiving his undergraduate a spectrum of areas, Dr. Alberts has degree magna cum laude from Duke been acclaimed for helping develop University, Dr. Alberts earned his national standards for hospitals to medical degree from Tufts University qualify as stroke centers. Jeffrey A. Flaks School of Medicine in Boston with In addition to his Institute role, Dr. President Executive Vice President Executive Vice President medical honor society honors. He has Alberts will also provide leadership Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer and Chief Operating Officer held leadership positions at Duke as Chief of Neurology at Hartford PATIENTS, from page 3 experience by building a consensus with all staff to understand that collectively, at all levels clinical and nonclinical, we all make an impact and are committed to the continuous improvement and care of our patients,” said East Region Strategic Experience Advisor Leah Russack-Baker, Ed.D, LADC. East Region Vice President of Operations and Clinical Services Cary Trantalis, RN, MSN, says improving the pa- tient experience is a team effort. “Every person matters when it comes to improving the patient and family experience. It should always be on the minds of all of our staff whether they work in clinical or non-clinical areas. The good news is that we’ve built a strong foundation with our H3W Leadership Behaviors that helps empower staff to make rapid change to improve customer satisfaction.” Sept. 16, 2016 5 HOSPITELL Backus surgery team honored for quality The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP®) has recognized both Backus Hospital, along with Hartford Hospital, for achieving meritorious outcomes for surgical patient care. Backus and Hartford are among the only 61 out of 615 hospitals considered to receive this distinction nationwide. ACS NSQIP participating hospitals are required to track the outcomes of inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures and then analyze their results. These results direct patient safety initiatives within the hospital and impact the always improving quality of surgical care. “This is an impressive accomplishment and is a testament to our talented medical staff and our entire surgery team at Backus Hospital — once again proving that we offer the BACKUS BEAT safest and highest quality care to our patients,” said Bimal Patel, East Region President. The ACS NSQIP recognition program commends a select group of hospitals for achieving a meritorious composite score. That composite score was determined through a weighted formula combining eight outcomes including mortality, cardiac (cardiac arrest and myocardial infarction,) pneumonia, unplanned intubation, ventilator (greater than 48 hours), renal failure, surgical site 13th Annual MINI GOLF Cardiac support group meets next Oct. 12 The Backus cardiac disease support group will host its next session on Wednesday, Oct. 12, from 6-7 p.m. in the hospital’s library. Please call 860.889.8331, ext. 2128 to learn more. JOIN US! A good time for a great cause! TOURNAMENT to benefit the Backus Hospital Auxiliary The East Region family offers its condolences to n Harlene Husted, RN, E-3, and family, on the loss of her father. We wish you comfort and safe travels with family in the Philippines. n Dianne Niles, MUC, E-3, and family, on the loss of her father-in-law and mother-in-law, who passed within days of each other after 62 years of marriage. infections (SSI) including superficial incisional SSI, deep incisional SSI and organ/space SSI, and urinary tract infections (UTI.) ACS NSQIP is the only nationally validated quality improvement program that measures and enhances the care of surgical patients. This program measures the actual surgical results 30 days postoperatively as well as risk adjusts patient characteristics to compensate for differences among patient populations and acuity levels. Jamie Block President, Backus Auxiliary REGISTRATION 10:30 a.m. .................. Saturday September 24, 2016 Odetah Camping Resort, Bozrah ForTickets tickets and sponsorship on sale now at information the Backuscall and BOCC gift shops Jamie Block at For tickets and sponsorship 860.889.8331, information, call Jamie Block at Ext 2259 860.889.8331, ext. 2259 Only $75 per participant Tickets: $75 per participant Must be 21 or older to attend Must be # 21 or older to attend AUCTIONS (LIVE & SILENT) 11 a.m. .................. WELCOME & “SHOTGUN” START noon .................. COMPLIMENTARY BEVERAGE SERVICE noon - 2 p.m. .................. RECEPTION WITH BUFFET MEAL & AWARDS CEREMONY 2 p.m. 18-HOLE COURSE At the gorgeous Knolls and Holes Course at the beautiful Odetah Camping Resort in Bozrah, site of two sanctioned United States Pro Mini Golf Tour Events each year. HOSPITELL 6 Sept. 16, 2016 Backus pair accepts new nursing roles n To learn more about how to comply with the universal vaccination program, go to where you’ll find our influenza prevention policy statement, a list of FAQs, and a set of exemption forms and instructions. Backus flu clinic dates, times Thursday, Oct. 6 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. main lobby conference rooms 2,3 Wednesday, Oct. 12 1 - 5 p.m. main lobby conference room 3 Monday, Oct. 17 6 - 10 a.m. main lobby conference room 1 Tuesday, Oct. 18 1 - 4 p.m.Plainfield ED Wednesday, Oct. 19 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. Stott Avenue Conference Room A Friday, Oct. 21 noon - 3 p.m. BOCC Wednesday, Oct. 26 noon - 4 p.m. main lobby conference room 1 Monday, Oct. 31 8 - noon main lobby conference room 3 Mobil cart vaccinationS (for off-shift personnel) Tuesday, Oct. 4 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 3 p.m. - midnight Tuesday, Oct. 11 3 - 7 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 3 - 7 p.m. Windham flu clinic dates, times Wednesday, Oct. 5 Thursday, Oct. 13 Monday, Oct. 17 Tuesday, Oct. 25 Friday, Oct. 28 noon - 4 p.m. 6 - 10 a.m. 3 - 7 p.m. 7 - 11 a.m. noon - 4 p.m. Griswold Room Griswold Room Griswold Room Griswold Room Griswold Room v v v Influenza vaccination deadline is Tuesday, Nov. 1 v v v I am pleased to announce that Matt Hughes, BS, RN, EMT-B has accepted the position of A-3 Nurse Manager, and Katie Pollard, RN, BSN, will be transitioning to the position of Nurse Manager for E-3/PCU beginning in the first week of October. Matt joined the Backus family in 2005 as a staff nurse on E-4, working his way up to Clinical Coordinator and eventually becoming one of the night nursing supervisors for the hospital is 2012. Matt has been involved in a number of hospital committees and is passionate about community service. He is also a volunteer firefighter and EMT with the Quaker Hill Fire Company and Waterford Ambulance service. Katie began her career at Backus in 2007 as a new nursing graduate and joined the Nurse leadership team in 2011 as a Nursing Educator. Katie then accepted her first manager position on A-3 in 2013. Please help me in congratulating Matt and Katie on their new roles. — Pam Bouten, RN, Senior Director of Nursing Next session of ‘Thin’s In’ starts Oct. 3 If weight loss is still your goal, “Thin’s In” weight reduction program can give you the tools you need. Instructor Dianne Rubin combines balanced eating with behavior modification in a group support environment. Classes run for 10 weeks and begin Monday, Oct. 3, at the HHC East System Support Office, 11 Stott Ave., in Norwich. The program costs $130. Registration is required by calling 860.442.2280. Sept. 16, 2016 What’s your ‘best practice?’ HHC wants to know As Hartford HealthCare mobilizes to improve our patient/customer experience, we know that great things are already happening in our offices, on our units and in our patient rooms every day. The next step is to make sure that these “best practices” are shared across the system so that we can create one exceptional experience at every location that displays the HHC logo. The HHC Patient Experience Council would like to hear about what you are already doing and what new ideas you have to improve patient experience. Please help us to spread our best practices by submitting yours for review. Your submission should explain what you are doing and how it has had a measurable impact on improving patient experience. All submissions should explain how the practice relates to least one of the HHC 2016 Experience focus areas — Service, Communication and Environment. The council, comprised of leaders across the system, will evaluate every entry. The best of the best will be celebrated at our next patient experience event and the implementation of the practice will be encouraged system-wide. If you would like to submit a best practice for consideration, please visit our Patient & Customer Experience page on HHC Connect to find answers to your frequently asked questions (FAQs) and an electronic submission form. If you have questions, please contact one of HHC’s Strategic Experience Advisors. 7 HOSPITELL Backus Community Dietitian Brenda Viens, center, talks to Gabriel Maldonado about healthy eating and portion sizes during the Colchester Family Fun day that took place Saturday at the Zagray Farm in Colchester. Backus and its community partners offered health and nutrition advice, vision screening for children and dental checkups. CANCER SURVIVORS DAY Celebration SATURDAY, OCT. 1, 2016 11 am – 1 pm (Registration starts at 10 am) Rain or shine, on the grounds of Backus Hospital, 326 Washington Street, Norwich Keynote Speaker: KENT PIERCE News8 Reporter Cancer Survivor Shop Rite tours continue ShopRite of Norwich, in conjunction with Backus Hospital’s “Just Ask” program, will be offering a series of grocery store tours led by Registered Dietitian Brenda Viens. The next tour is Thursday, Sept. 22. All tours begin at 6 p.m. in the produce department. Space is limited. Registration required. Call 860.889.8331, ext. 2267 to reserve your spot. Free event including picnic lunch and cancer education Please RSVP by Sept. 23, 2016 1.855.HHC.HERE Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute at Backus Hospital HOSPITELL 8 Here's ! u to yo aham Happy retirement, Joanne Gr such a milestone. n A weekly roundup of kudos from staff and patients. Please email your submissions to by noon on Wednesdays. Editors reserve the right to edit submission for length and grammar. Way to go, Bryan Sept. 16, 2016 Congratulations to Bryan E. Heston, Manager & Chief Te chnologist, Clinica l Sleep Educator at Windh am Hospital, who earned his Certification in Clinical Sleep Healt h by (CCSH) passing the Board of Regis te re d Polysomnographi c Technologist’s (B RP T) advanced practice examination on Se pt. 2. The CCSH creden tial is administered by the BRPT for recogn izing the knowled ge and competence of healthcare provid ers and educators wh o work directly wi th sleep medicine patients, families, and prac titioners to coordinate and manage patie nt care, improve outcomes , educate patients an d the community, an d advocate for the importance of good sleep . s on I first want to say congratulation After 40 years of dedicated service to Windham you will be truly missed. You have done a wonderful job caring for our patients with the utmost caring, compassionate, From left, Lisa Pearce, Joanne and humanistic a Graham, Kate Hayward, Meliss ways. You have rth Wo Jacy O’Reilly, and stood by your peers and docover the years that cannot tors with loyalty and dedication even be measured up. t retirement ever and I want to wish you the happies ds for you! good luck in what the future hol Senior Director of Nursing RN, , — Pam Bouten East Region president thanks ESD staff This week I had the pleasure of meeting with some of our wonderful environmental services staff to help celebrate National Environmental Services Week (Sept. 11-17). ESD staff members play such a vital role in our efforts to provide the best possible care to our patients and to continuously improve the patient and customer experience. We depend on the critical and often unrecognized work they do each and every day to ensure the quality of care and the safety of our patients and staff. We are so grateful for their service. Please join me in thanking our team and all of the environmental services staff working in healthcare today. — Bimal Patel, President, East Region Heart Walk moves to new site for Sept. 25 event Backus and Windham hospitals have once again committed to participating in the American Heart Association’s Eastern Connecticut Heart Walk (previously known as the Rocky Neck Heart Walk). The event is moving to a new location this year and will take place on Sunday, Sept. 25, at the Mohegan Reservation in Uncasville. The East Region has set a goal to raise $10,000 and we need your help to make this a reality. Please consider: n Joining as a Team Captain and recruiting fundraising walkers n Joining a Team as a fundraising walker n Making a personal donation to support our efforts Register today by visiting Sept. 16, 2016 HOSPITELL Backus nurse named Lottie B. Scott Diversity Award recipient Backus Community Education Nurse Alice Facente, RN, has been named the Norwich Rotary Club’s Lottie B. Scott Diversity Award recipient for 2016. Facente, RN, was recognized for promoting culturally diverse health care by conducting educational and outreach programs for Norwich Adult Education Programs, Greeneville Neighborhood Revitalization Zone, the Villages of Baltic, Taftville and Occum and the Norwich Branch of the NAACP and for organizing an anFacente nual multicultural health fair at Backus. Facente serves on the Greater Norwich Area Chamber of Commerce Health Care Committee, Rotary Celebrate Cultural Diversity Committee, as a member of City of Norwich Elderly Care Review Team, and the CHA Community Health Committee. Facente will be recognized at the fourth annual “Celebrate Cultural Diversity” event at Howard Brown Park on Sept. 21. For more information about attending the event, visit www. Help for others available through HHC Connect Do you know a patient who is in need of financial assistance? Hartford HealthCare can provide help to patients in need. Learn more about the program at https://intranet. Backus is on Facebook at 9 HOSPITELL 10 News from the EAG weekly prize winner for Sept. 16 n Brianna Bissonnette — E-3 Call Cathy Saunders at ext. 2105 to collect your prize. Discount movie tickets About the EAG Backus Café menu n Discount Lisbon Landing Digiplex movie tickets are available through Cathy Saunders in Diagnostic Imaging or Donna McLaughlin in Food and Nutrition. We are pleased to offer the tickets to CarMike Cinemas for $8. n The EAG is a small team of employees who plan and coordinate fun and discounted activities for all employees. Contact the group by emailing Donna McLaughlin at donna. Sept. 16, 2016 Volunteers needed for fall event planning We need your help planning the sixth annual Panera Bread Spook-AThon at Dodd Stadium, scheduled for Oct. 29. This annual event is sponsored and presented by Panera Bread and supports the Backus Cancer Center. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Gen Schies in the Backus Office of Philanthropy and Development, 860.823.6331, Sunday, Sept. 18 baked chicken tenders / baked sweet potato fries / fresh steamed broccoli / au bon pain vegetarian chili / cheese, pepperoni or thai chicken pizza Monday, Sept. 19 ENTREES: pan seared chicken breast / pesto crusted cod / SOUPS: vegetable beef barley / key west black bean and chicken / SIDES: lemon rice pilaf / cauliflower and snow peas / cheese, pepperoni or italian beef and banana pepper pizza Tuesday, Sept. 20 ENTREES: pesto primavera / taco salad / SOUPS: lobster corn bisque / roasted poblano and chicken chili / SIDES: fresh steamed carrots / steak cut french fries / cheese, pepperoni or italian beef and banana pepper pizza Wednesday, Sept. 21 ENTREES: chipotle flank steak / grilled chicken / apple and pear salad with almonds / SOUPS: roasted corn / italian wedding / SIDES: fresh asparagus / sweet potato wedges / cheese, pepperoni or italian beef and banana pepper pizza Thursday, Sept. 22 ENTREES: sweet and sour asian chicken / orange beef stir fry / SOUPS: chicken orzo / potato leek / SIDES: sesame green beans / white rice / vegetarian egg roll / cheese, pepperoni or italian beef and banana pepper pizza / Friday, Sept. 23 ENTREES: BBQ pork sliders / fried clams / SOUPS: pasta fagioli / new england clam chowder / SIDES: carrots and squash / cole slaw / french fries / cheese, pepperoni or italian beef and banana pepper pizza Saturday, Sept. 24 stuffed shells with meat sauce / wild rice blend / garlic bread / corn / french onion soup / cheese, pepperoni or thai chicken pizza DAILY FARE: A variety of pizza, sandwich and burger options are available on a rotating basis. WEDNESDAY MORNINGS ONLY: Breakfast sandwiches made to order. n Cafeteria menus can also now be found on the HHC Connect intranet site at: The Backus Café is open daily 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Hot food is served from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 5 - 6:30 p.m. Sept. 16, 2016 11 HOSPITELL Healing Touch class set for Sept. 24-25 A Healing Touch Level I class is slated for Sept. 24-25 at Windham Hospital. The purpose of this Level I Workshop is to enable the learners to be able to practice Healing Touch techniques and self-care from a holistic approach in their development as Healing Touch practitioners. Tuition is $365. Limited partial scholarships are available. Please contact Paula Novak at 860.889.8331, ext. 2163 for more details. WHAT’S UP AT WINDHAM More than 40 people received blood pressure screenings, dietary advice, cancer screening information and information about the Hartford HealthCare Center for Healthy Aging last week at the Hebron Harvest Fair. Helping out in the Windham booth were, from left, Windham Hospital Oncology Nurse Navigator Lori Surber, RN; Patty O’Brian from the Center for Healthy Aging; and Backus Hospital dietitian Brenda Viens, RD. marinated chicken teriyaki / chicken rice soup / herbed brown rice / tomato basil squash / cheeseburger / spicy potato wedges Monday, Sept. 19 ENTREES: roast turkey breast with gravy / SOUPS: creamy tomato / SIDES: garlic mashed potatoes / classic bread stuffing / almond green beans / roasted butternut squash / cheeseburger / spicy potato wedges / hot pastrami with swiss Tuesday, Sept. 20 ENTREES: spicy italian, pesto vegetable or cheese calzone / SOUPS: chicken tortilla / SIDES: tomato basil summer squash / fresh asparagus / cheeseburger / french fries / hot pastrami with swiss Wednesday, Sept. 21 ENTREES: shepherd’s pie / black bean burrito / SOUPS: italian wedding / SIDES: creamy mashed potatoes / mint scented peas / fresh steamed carrots / cheeseburger / spicy potato wedges Thursday, Sept. 22 ENTREES: spaghetti and meatballs and sausage / fettuccine alfredo / SOUPS: pasta fagioli with sausage / SIDES: buttered noodles / carrots, squash / broccoli medley / kale and brussel sprouts / cheeseburger / french fries / honey dijon chicken sandwich Friday, Sept. 23 ENTREES: baked potato bar / SOUPS: new england clam chowder / SIDES: steamed broccoli and cauliflower / fresh carrots with parsley / cheeseburger / french fries / chicken tenders Saturday, Sept. 24 blackened tilapia with red beans and rice / minestrone soup / grilled vegetables / basmati rice / cheeseburger / french fries / sloppy joes DAILY FARE: A variety of pizza and burger/chicken/sandwich options are available on a rotating basis. BREAKFAST: Served Monday through Friday Sumner Café menu Sunday, Sept. 18 n Cafeteria menus can also now be found on the HHC Connect intranet site at: The Sumner Café open 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; 2 - 2:30 p.m. and 3 - 6:30 p.m. Hot food is served from 6:30 - 9:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m. HOSPITELL 12 Sept. 16, 2016 GENERAL STORE General Store is a free classified ad section for the benefit of East Region employees, retirees, medical staff and volunteers. We welcome your submissions by the hospital Intranet, fax (860.892.6964), mail or by e-mailing The deadline for submissions to be included in each Friday’s HospiTell is Wednesday at noon. HospiTell will include community events for not-for-profit organizations based in eastern Connecticut that are open to the public and free of charge. We do not accept ads for real estate, firearms or personal ads. Please do not list hospital phone numbers or hospital e-mail addresses for responses. You must submit your item weekly if you want it to appear more than one week. To have HospiTell e-mailed to you, or for questions about the General Store, please call Ginny James, Backus Corporate Communications, at 860.889.8331, ext. 4211, or e-mail her at FOR SALE HITCHCOCK BLUE AND GOLD STENCIL — Two twin beds, night table, dresser with mirror, bookcase, asking $600. Call 860.861.1157. SEED SPREADER — Brinly tow behind seed spreader and Agway tow behind garden/dump cart for lawn tractor, in good condition, spreader is serviceable, best offer. Call 860.917.3745. FREE GRANITE — Three slabs of beautiful granite, two are 4 feet by 2 feet and one is 5 feet by 2 feet. Call 860.889.5302. WANTED CRAFTERS/VENDORS — Scarecrow Festival, Saturday, Sept. 24, Preston City Congregational Church, Preston. Call 860.887.4647 or email scarecrow VENDORS — Divine Providence Church is seeking vendors for its Harvest Festival/Flea Market to be held on Saturday, Oct. 22. For more information call 860.718.5921. VENDORS — For the Kris Kringle Fair, Saturday, Nov. 12 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Saints Peter & Paul Church, 181 Elizabeth St., Norwich. Please apply by calling the Rectory at 860.887.9857. VENDORS — Craft, Hobby and Product Show, Saturday, Nov. 19, at the Lebanon Fire Safety Complex, Goshen Hill Road, Lebanon. Sponsored by Lebanon Volunteer Fire Department Ladies n General Store listings are also now on the HHC Connect intranet site at: and Auxiliary. Call 860.208.3554. EVENTS WILLIAM B. STANLEY LECTURE SERIES — Saturday, Sept. 17; Saturday, Sept. 24; Saturday, Oct. 8; and Friday, Nov. 4. Presented by The Norwich Historical Society and the Slater Memorial Museum. Free and open to the public. Call 860.425.5563 for complete details. AWAKENING TO YOGA AND ART — Norwich Arts Center, Donald L. Oat Theater, 62 Broadway, Norwich, sixweek program, Mondays and Thursdays at 5:30-7 p.m., no experience in art or yoga necessary, art supplies provided, please bring a yoga mat, drop-ins welcomed at $12 per class. Call 860.303.7603 or email SINGING GROUP — Every Tuesday from 7-8:30 p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, 78 Washington St., Norwich. No fee, voluntary donation only. Call 860.237.1887. GRISWOLD REC PROGRAM — Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6-7 p.m. at the Griswold Elementary School cafeteria. Low impact aerobics, weights, Pilates. Bring mats and water. Call 860.376.4741. ST. JAMES SCHOOL MOTORCYCLE POKER RUN — Sunday, Sept. 18, registration 10 a.m. to noon, ride is noon-3 p.m, chicken BBQ from 3-5 p.m, DJ from 3-6 p.m. Email for more information. NORWICH ARTS CENTER FUNDRAISER — Friday, Sept. 23, at the Norwich Inn and Spa. An evening of fine food, lively music, cocktail hour, silent auction, dinner, entertainment by Cabaret to Go. Tickets, $125 per person. Call 860.608.2088 or email MULTI FAMILY TAG SALE — Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 921 Route 87, Lebanon Center. NFA CHEER CAR WASH — Saturday, Sept. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the front of the Norwich Free Academy Tirrell Building. ANNUAL SCARECROW FESTIVAL — Saturday, Sept. 24, at Preston City Congregational Church, Preston. Crafters and vendors needed. Call 860.887.4647 or e-mail scarecrow CHICKEN BBQ — Saturday, Sept. 24, 4:30-6 p.m. at Yantic Fire House. Reservations only, seniors/adults, $10. Call 860.822.8488 or 860.889.8504. SIX PACA FARM — Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 24, and Sept. 25, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 44 Bozrah St., Route 163, Bozrah. Open farm days, pens being open for the public to play with the Alpacas, farmer’s market, local vendors, new demonstrations of what to do with fiber, dyeing fiber, weaving, spinning, food vendors, free parking, free admission. Call 860.204.0386 for information. ANNUAL RUSSIAN FESTIVAL — Saturday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, 364 Canterbury Tpke., Norwich. Russian foods, tag sale, silent auction, children’s games, baked goods, Russian imports. Call 860.822.9955 for more information. PARK CHURCH FALL FESTIVAL — Saturday, Oct. 1, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Park Congregational Church, 283 Broadway, Norwich. Free bouncy house for kids, arts, crafts, tag sale, Lois’ Affordably Chic Clothing/Accessories Boutique, St. Vincent de Paul Place food concession, basket raffle, bake sale. All proceeds benefit St. Vincent de Paul Place Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry. Crafters/vendors can reserve a space for $30. Call 860.887.3747. Skybox seats available for Keith Urban at Mohegan Sun Special skybox tickets are now available for the Nov. 18 Keith Urban concert at Mohegan Sun Arena, with proceeds to benefit the Backus Volunteer Bridge Program. The tickets, graciously donated by the Mohegan Tribe, are $150. They can be purchased by contacting Mary Brown at or the Backus Volunteer Office at ext. 6320. The show begins at 8 p.m. The skybox includes complementary hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. The Backus Volunteer Bridge Program enhances the experience of 100 young volunteers each summer, offering networking, job shadowing and many other opportunities.
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