Updates from the HW Porter PTO
Updates from the HW Porter PTO
Updates from the H.W. Porter PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/horacewporterpto/ Website: http://www.columbiactpublicschools.org/porter_pto/index.php Email Us: info@horacewporterpto.org Check out our flyers & newsletters on the HWP website: PTO Attachments Thursday, October 29, 2015 Important Dates to Remember • Tuesday, November 10th – PTO Meeting, 7pm, rear of HWP Library • Friday, November 13th – Movie Night, 6:45pm, HWP Gym – Inside Out • Wednesday, November 18th – Staff Appreciation Breakfast • December 7-‐11 – Holiday Shopping Event • Wednesday, December 9th – PTO Meeting, 7pm, rear of HWP Library Monster Book Fair A huge THANK YOU to all who volunteered at the Book Fair. It takes a small army of students, parents, teachers, administration, and staff to make the book fair possible. We appreciate your time and dedication for this fun and important event. The Book Fair was a huge success, with a total cash profit of over $2000. The profits will be allocated to cover some of the PTO’s expenses to run the fair, and the remainder will go directly to the HWP Library to purchase new books. All For Books Coin Challenge Congratulations to Mrs. Traber’s class for winning the All For Books coin challenge. They received $100 worth of books for their classroom library. Ms. Henry & Ms. Lawton were 2nd and 3rd place winners, and each received $50 worth of books for their classrooms. The challenge raised over $500, which is amazing! Mike beat out Sulley as the favorite monster by a narrow margin! Thanks to all who participated in helping get more books into the classroom libraries and into the hands of students in need. Halloween Bash This year’s HWP Halloween Bash was a great evening for everyone. The event included a Trunk or Treat, awesome crafts, fun games, and of course the famous Haunted Hallway. Thank you to all the parents, HWP students, and UCONN students who worked together to put together a spooktactular night! Second Annual Horace W. Porter Scarecrow Contest The Scarecrow Contest was a great success. The creations this year were so amazing that the contest was featured on the front page of the Chronicle! Congratulations this year’s contest winners: rd 1st Place: Gru & Minions 2nd place: Chewbacca 3 place: Oscar the Grouch #17 by Christian Champagne #12 by Matthew Cranick #9 by Alexis Archambault Honorable mentions: 4th Place: Minecraft by Tait Ekstrom 5th Place: Pinkie Pie by Paityn Cranick 6th Place: Mermaid Witch by Macy Ripoll Just a reminder to contestants to please remove your scarecrow by Friday, October 30th. Movie Night • • • Friday, November 13th at 6:45 pm in the Gym. The movie Inside Out will be playing. Bring a chair or blanket for comfortable viewing, snacks and a drink. Cost $3.00 per person. “Un” Fundraiser If you would like to contribute directly to the PTO in place of participating in other “selling” fundraisers, this fundraiser is for you! Please see the contribution form at the end of this newsletter. *NEW* Mighty Nest Fundraiser Are you looking for natural, organic and non-‐toxic products AND a way to give back to Horace W Porter School all in one place? Check out mightynest.com! Every purchase will donate 15% to Horace W Porter School when you affiliate your school. Bakers Needed Staff Appreciation Breakfast – Wednesday, November 18th -‐ Breakfast items needed: casseroles, muffins, juice, danish, kcups, etc. -‐ Please drop items off at the school the morning of, between 7:30-‐8:15. -‐ Further Information Contact – Volunteer Coordinator, Lynsie White at LynsieWhite@yahoo.com Do you have an hour or two to volunteer to assist the PTO with running the many school and community events that your children love? Maybe you can help out for one specific event? PLEASE consider volunteering your time to help make this the BEST school year that your kids have ever had!! To volunteer for an event and to learn about other ways to get involved, contact: PTO Volunteer Coordinator, Lynsie White at LynsieWhite@yahoo.com Stay "in the know" with the H.W. Porter PTO: Join our Facebook page and “like” what you see: Horace W. Porter PTO Check out our flyers & newsletters on the HWP website: PTO Attachments Website: http://www.columbiactpublicschools.org/porter_pto/index.php Email Us: info@horacewporterpto@org HORACE W. PORTER SCHOOL “UN” FUNDRAISER CONTRIBUTION FORM The Horace W. Porter PTO has established an “UN” Fundraiser for families who would like to contribute directly to the PTO. This donation drive replaces other PTO "selling" fundraisers throughout the year. Instead of asking you to sell or buy something, we ask you to donate $25.00 per student, one time. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will immediately benefit the students and teachers of Horace W. Porter School to fund teacher mini grants, scholarships, safe grad donations, as well as programs and events such as family fun nights, the fourth grade river program, movie night, the author celebration, mini mudder, father/daughter dance, mother/son kickball, and field day. The minimum contribution per student is $25.00. If you are able to make a larger donation that would be greatly appreciated. Please be advised that you will still receive fundraising flyers and information packets throughout the year and your “UN” Fundraiser contribution will not exclude you from participating in any and all of the HWP PTO fundraisers should you choose to do so. Please note that eighth grade fundraisers and The American Heart Association Heart- A- Thon fundraiser are separate from the HWP PTO. Feel free to contact the “UN” Fundraiser coordinators Alyson Cranick and Michele Barton at porterptofund@yahoo.com with any questions you may have. Please fill out the form below and return it (along with your contribution) to your child’s homeroom teacher. Contributions accepted in the form of cash, check, or money order. Checks should be made out to the Horace W Porter PTO. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yes, I want to support the students at Horace W. Porter by contributing to the PTO’s “Un” Fundraiser program. My contribution is $___________________ Student Name(s):_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Homeroom Teacher(s):_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name(s):____________________________________________________________ Contact Phone Number: _______________________________ "The Horace W. Porter PTO is a registered 501(c)3. All money raised is used to fund expenses for events, activities, and programs that support education and community building in the Horace W. Porter School Community." PORTER SPIRIT-WEAR “PORTER PANTHERS” GOLD GLITTER LOGO (super sparkly) All other logos are standard gold and can be pressed on black, charcoal or tie-dye. HOODIES LONG SLEEVE T-‐SHIRT SHORT SLEEVE T-‐SHIRT TIE-‐DYE T-‐SHIRT $30 $15 $10 $20 with name on back $35 with name on back $20 with name on back $15 with name on back $25 Adult and Youth Sizes available (ADD $5 to cost for Adult XXL & up and add $3 for glitter orders) ORDER FORM STUDENT’S NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ GRADE: _________________ TEACHER :______________________________________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________________________PHONE: ____________________________ BLACK HOODIE YS YM YL YXL AS AM AL AXL AXXL Band Chorus Panthers Players GLITTER TOTAL DUE Unified Sports GREY HOODIE BLACK T-‐SHIRT GREY BLACK T-‐SHIRT LS T-‐SHIRT GREY LS TIE-‐DYE T-‐SHIRT T-‐SHIRT PERSONALIZED NAME (optional) ORDERS DUE: 12/1, ready by 12/21 TO SUBMIT ORDER: 1. Complete form and mail with payment to: Caroline Nowyckyj, 21 Lake Ridge Drive, Columbia 06237 2. All questions can be directed to Caroline (bcjr@charter.net) or Julie (juliehughes8388@gmail.com) 3. Please write checks out to: Caroline Nowyckyj