Fall 2 - The Noble NoZe Brotherhood


Fall 2 - The Noble NoZe Brotherhood
Here We go again...
The First Page
NoZe brother
right here
Venerable Exiles
Bro. Kurt VonNoZegut Bro.
AbstiNoZe Bro. NoZe v.
Wade Bro. Cliff ’s NoZe
Bro. Fear and NoZeing in
Elm Mott Bro. Fats DominNoZe Bro.RomaNoZe Clef
Bro. Al PaciNoZe Bro.
NoZeanderthal Bro. ObiWan KeNoZbi
Bro.Charles K.PoNoZi Bro.
IgNoZetious Reilly Bro.
NoZencrantz Bro. LongNoZe Bro. IgNoZetious
Reilly Bro. No means NoZe
Bro. Hurrican KatriNoZe
Bro. NoZe Table for 6 Bro.
NoZe BGYN Bro. Rin Tin
TiNoZe Bro. Ted KeNoZedy
Bro. PanchNoze Villa Bro.
Breakin’ to electric NoZealoo Bro. N-O-Z-E find out
what it means to be Bro.
Grand NoZe Party
Bro. Don’t Cry For Me
ArgentiNoZe Bro. XeNoZe
Warrior Princess Bro. CappucciNoZe Bro. Love Potion
Bro. Mu Mu Mu MySharoNoZe Bro.Bring in the NoZe
Bring in the Funk
Bro. Ultra MagNoZe
Bro. NoZetreDame Walkon
Complaints? Send them to:
Or Check out our
So we can print then shred them
Flag football
A List of People you don’t care
And the Award for Most Bored of Graft Goes to...
Bro. NoZe’s Ark- Cunning Linguist
Bro Tickle me ElmNoZe- Lorde Mayor
Bro. Bear NoZecessities- Shekel Keeper
Bro. Jesus Loves me! This I NoZe- V-neck afficianado
Runners Up
Bro. MeNoZePause
Bro. NoZein on the Ritz
Bro. Burlington NoZe Factory - Really, really good looking
Bro ThumbeliNoZe- he does the website
Bro. Life Ain’t Easy for a Boy Named NoZe
Bro. Hunter NoZe Thompson
Bro. NoZesome Dove
Most Improved
Bro. Taco CabaNoZe
Bro. Beverly Hills 9021NoZe
That Guy
Bro. NoZeSequitor
Those Other Guys
Bro. NoZey Loves Chachi
Bro. TheNoZeous Monk
Bro. KuntNoZeKinte
Faculty Hostage
Bro. NoZe Better*
And a Cast of Thousands
Keko Muckity Muck!
Keko Muckity Muck!
Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin!
Satchel on Brother LongNoze,
Satch! BSS! BMMC!
One Keko, two Keko, three Keko, four. Let me finish this Keko then I’m
out the damn door. Six minutes to takes this dull rag to print. I typed so
much filler my wrist’s in a splint. The mansion’s abuzz at this time of year,
time to buy a box of wine and a keg of cheap beer. Comehoming, beardcombing, and other ways to spruce up. you’ll never find a brother without
leen in his cup. But thats enough about our cough medicine addiction.
Let’s spend the rest of our natural born lives crafting paper mache. It’s not
like I was gonna get laid anyway. The floats the floats the floats are on fire
the Baylor regents found a new puppet to hire. Kenny’s alright though,
just in small doses. But give it to us straight : whats the 2012 prognosis?
Ask not how you can take advantage of your education, but how will your
educators take advantage of you?! Can I get a Satch? Satchel? Statchel?
The Penland Cougar Hunters defeated the Martin Maniacs
55-0, giving the Maniacs further insight that checking “no
preference” on their housing application consequently
marked the beginning of a belittling, melancholic next four
years. At least its quiet though, right?
NoZe Brother
Not a NoZe Brother
Fifteen seconds into the KOT/SAE match up, student referee
Greg Pollard decided to cancel the game due to safety
concerns after claiming to see a tornado. Despite the fact
that there were no records of any inclement weather in the
area, Pollard still got paid and made it home in time for the
beginning of “The Office”.
Theta shut out Tri Delt last night 25-0. More interesting
story: If Theta was there, who was running hell?
Fiji came from behind to rail Kappa Sig 33-15: The start of
the game was delayed 20 minutes in accordance with the no
jewelry policy, after Fiji was asked to remove the jewels and
sequins they glued to their jerseys.
A Note From the Least
Cunning of Linguists:
Knowing the Difference could save
your life!
We learned a lot of things in the weeks preceding Comehoming. Like the appropriate reaction to someone sneaking up on you
in a dark apartment and tapping your left shoulder but they are really standing to your right (hint: its not what you would
think). We also learned a little about how the Baylor Lariat can create a special issue telling you and everyone else your age
how terrible you are. But I think the most important thing I learned was that a beard and fake nose glasses aren’t appropriate attire for every occasion (Sorry mom). So lets just hope that this year everyone else learned a lesson too. Maybe this
year no borderline schizophrenics use the swingdance float as a way of eluding the police, and that ATO tones down the whole
“Brokeback” theme just a smidge. But who am I kidding, gay cowboys and crazy people dancing alone are as much a part of
Baylor as intolerance and poor living conditions.
Tenative Homecoming Gameday Schedule for Recent Fraternity Alum
2:00 AM: Close out bar tab [paid for by active member] at Scruff’s.
2:11 AM: Remind him that the quality of girls and/or drugs was vastly better when you were an undergraduate.
3:00 AM: Crash on his couch, complaining that its too small and you totally could have gone home with that sophomore
11:00 AM: Shit, you’ve missed the parade. Remind yourself [and current actives] you never went anyway because you were
too busy slaying soros.
12:30 PM: Show up to tailgate. Say you’re going to donate a lot of money to the active chapter.
12:45 PM: Remind current members that the quality of girls and/or drugs was vastly better when you were an undergraduate.
1:00 PM: Shotgun a beer in an event coordinator’s face like a champ.
1:30 PM: Remind current members that the quality of girls and/or drugs was vastly better when you were an undergraduate.
2:30 PM: Its gametime! Pass out in the tailgating chair’s truck bed.
7:30 PM: Attend alumni dinner in a blackout-drunk stupor in your game day polo.
7:42 PM: Remind current members that the quality of girls and/or drugs was vastly better when you were an undergraduate.
10:56 PM: Show up uninvited to homecoming late night. Be sure to grab an active’s girlfriend and make out with her. You’re
super rad, and everyone should know it.
10:57 PM: Remind current members that the quality of girls and or drugs was vastly better when you were an undergraduate.
The Next Day
11: 55 AM: Wake up; get in your old Grand Cherokee, and head back to your empty existence selling insurance.
Dear Lorde Mayor…
Didn’t you like my scholarly essay that I sent you regarding the band Rush?
-“I’m sooooooo random!!!!”
Dear Freshman Unrusher,
Seriously, since when have people taken our paper prompts seriously? And on that note, since
when have people taken us seriously? Oh, and you’re not funny.
Dear Lorde Mayor,
Who edits your Wikipedia page? Its full of grammatical errors, historical inaccuracies, and
subjective assertions. Someone ought to fix it up.
-Mysterious Passive Agressive
Dear BowlingGuy,
Haven’t you ever read our paper? Oh, and please change the text on the front page to our website. It’s filthy and kind of depressing. I suggest more funny, and maybe some Lisa Frank unicorns, puppies, or some of that cutesy shit. Yeah, we need to reach out more to the female demographic.
Dear Lorde Mayor,
Why haven’t you answered my 137 email questions for “Dear Lorde Mayor”s?
-“I’m soooooo Random”
Dear Freshman Unrusher,
You’re still not funny. And we don’t often use that advanced of technology. Are you familiar with
Morse code?
Dear Lorde Mayor,
When are you guying to pay that tab?
-Your real friends
Dear Dancing Bear Pub,
I’ve got some neos now. I’ll send them over first thing Monday to get it all sorted out. Prepare me another pint already, this empty beer mug reminds me too much of my sophomore year.
This is what happens when you send us too many emails
about Rand Paul
11:56 AM: Remember you were supposed to donate to the chapter.
11:57 AM: Remind yourself that the quality of girls and/or drugs was vastly better when you were an undergraduate.
“Once they see that I have Spider Man issue #62, I’ll be
the coolest kid in school”
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Holy Law #8675309: Quit Drunk Dailing Me!
We’ve come a long way from a lonely
man sitting in the blistering heat, with
his camel, smoking a delicious blend of
authentic shisha...
Now theres no camels around
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40 Thieves
Hookah Lounge
NoZe on the street asks...
“What Has Changed Since Your Homecoming
Holy Law #10.34-5: Large Awkward
spaces can often be filled with
Holy Laws to cover up your lack
of formating skills
Point: The Jokes
For These Articles Are
in the Titles
by, Concerned reader #2216
This part might as well just be blank.
CounterPoint: Ramble Ramble
by, Brother NoZein’ on the Ritz
The drugs and the women used to be so much better
- Benny Rippen, recent Delta Tau Delta Alumni
Didn’t we used to defend a flame or something?
- Sam Schultz, Business Undergraduate
When I was a freshman our floats were
pulled by wooly mammoth driven carriages.
- Bro. MeNoZePause, really old
I believe It was Aristotle himself who said: “If you can’t be funny just keeep writing untill you stumble upon a
joke”. or maybe it was brother Burlington NoZe Factory. But anyway someone said something about something. and
quotes are a great way to introduce a thesis. Henceforth, heretofore, and inclusively I shal empart to you the wisdom of
true humor; awkward phrasing and self deprication. It is an art forged in the fires of the highest peaks of the volcanic
mountians we shal herby refer to as “experience”. Experience of this cruel world that so shapes us into the bigoted
loathsome creatures who find no joy in the singing of the sirens, nor the taste of Baccus’s finest fermented brews. This
bitterness, this outright disdain for all things good is what has sharpened our rapier wit and now is transcribed on this
very page. people love to read hundreds and hundreds of words of the purest nonsense in the hopes of finding some
kind of joke, some nugget of wit hidden amongst the wreckage of commas and sentence fragments. “The titles are the
joke” ; pah! This is the true essence of high brow humor my friend. point 12 font times new-freakin-roman, no bells
and whistles, just unprotected unlubricated wit. Embrace it, because so long as we need to fill up space, we ain’t never
gonna stop doin’ it.
Baylor University: It’s like an
expensive detroit
oooh, this is going to be my first Homecoming as a Christian
- Ken Starr, Bossman
I’m pretty sure I said: “but now ye rejoice in your boastings, and all such
rejoicing is evil.”
Jesus H. Christ, Savior
“guys can we do this whole
Death Star thing some other
time? I want another gut-pack”
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He’s climbin in yo windows, snatchin your food up. He’ll act like
he is gonna shoot you but then just steal your raman noodles and knickknacks from your apartment. Now my midnight stroll past Collins is
overshadowed by a fifteen percent chance of a two hooded men poking me
with an unloaded shotgun and asking me for all my “paper and scrilla.”
A report came out from the Baylor police department about the
plan to tackle this rise in petty theft. Chief officer Periwinkle said “We
will be transferring 2 cars and 6 bicycles from the 56 vehicle fleet that
tickets cars in the southeast corner of campus. The smallest of six ticketing
fleets (the southeast corner consists of only Waco hall and Memorial). No
other cars can be spared from other, more lawless, campus sectors; there
are too many Jeep Wrangler 4 doors parking in the designated 30 minute
parking spots for almost 34 minutes.” Obviously the BUPD can’t let ticket
revenue drop below tuition payments.
Thankfully the Waco P.D. is well funded enough to keep the Baylor bubble from being popped and spilling the filth and debauchery that is
eastern Waco. However, this small hole is causing a leak of slow moving
criminals to the outer parts of Baylor Campus aka the La Salle area and
I-35 corridor. Avoid these areas, and pray you’re not the next victim of
these hooded rapscallions.
Baylor’s new 2012 vision
Point: LaceDarius
“He was ecstatic
when I told him I
would Schmaltz on
a first date.”
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Schmaltz’s Sandwich Shop
arrested on assault
By an impartial news source
LaceDarius Dunn, the guard for the Baylor men’s basketball
team, was suspended from said team after being brought up on
aggravated assault charges. After a warrant was issued, Dunn
turned himself in, but was soon released after posting $12,500
bail. The police investigation found that a woman, who turned
out to be Dunn’s girlfriend, suffered from a left mandibular
angle fracture and a right mandibular body fracture. He broke
her jaw. Badly.
just to be clear, we here at the NoZe Brotherhood subscribe to the idea that
outside of supervillians and Russian secret agents, there’s no excuse for hitting any
woman ever.
Doesn’t kill you, makes me richer
By the girlfriend’s Dad
and handcuffed after drinking an O’Doules then stumbling onto campus
after a Zeta Zigga Zamma function, the Baylor Police Department has
issued a new mandate. In order to prevent embarrassment and defacing
of Baylor’s fine Baptist reputation, BU Police urge students to get better at
holding their liquor.
“ As hilarious as it is to see a kid in a neon tanktop try to run away from
us after five or six jager-bombs, its a hell of a lot of paper work to fill out
if you have a fatal arrythmia after we taze you” explains Chief of Police,
Jim Doak. “We want to just ignore it, but when kids can’t hold their liquor
and crawl on all fours down Speight Avenue singing ‘Jessie’s Girl’ we pretty
much have to write them up”. In order to avoid responsibilities normally
reserved for moms, Baylor PD has published a few suggestions in order
to try and save the “innocent” souls from wasting Mommy and Daddy’s
precious money on court fees and rope courses (yes this is what they make
you do if you are caught drinking).
Tip 1. Stay away from the Fiji house, period.
basically poison) that have altered
your weak body. The whole loaf, if necessary.
Tip 3.
Drink your body weight in water, flushing the booze out this
way is a little less incriminating. Unless you do it on a bush in the Burleson
Quadrangle at 3 a.m. on a Wednesday night
Okay look, we all know Lace is destined to play pro ball, and
I’m sick of living in this God-forsaken shanty town. I have a
family to support man! and getting a little kickback from an
NBA son in law would certainly make it easier. You can call
me Lot and turn my wife into a pillar of salt all you want. I
don’t care... I’ve got my eye on the prize. Besides, he did it
because he loves her. Lace is a good guy deep down, right?
Also, due to the abundance of charges this year, a new course will be added
in the Spring semester for those who are in need of further assistance. If
interested please enroll in: Building Your Tolerance 1301,
Texas Young Conservatives
Jealous of Gaga’s Meat
In an interview on the Ellen DeGeneres Show,
political icon and anatomical propositioner Lady
GaGa wore an evening dress designed by American fashionita A1 SteakHaus. The meat aficionada
claimed that besides being a tasty treat for a
diva on-the-go, her flank steak ensemble served
to promote growth of the cattle industry in SubSaharan Africa. The starlette stated, ”I’m all
about supporting a cause. My earnest desire is
for all impoverished African peoples to give up
vegetarianism and instead start eating meat to
gain a little weight. If [the meat dress] gives
me salmonella in the process then you can just
call me a freedom fighter.” GaGa went on to say
that her real motivation for the meat dress was
that she ran out of things in her house to turn
into clothing, so she quickly sewed together that
night’s dinner. She attributed her craftsmanship
to watching Saw on repeat for 9 hours.
The Baylor Chapter of Texas Young Conservatives ranted and raved over GaGa’s attire. The
group claimed that it was originally Chapter
President (Insert Name Here)’s idea to walk the
graduation stage in a meat-robe, however The Baylor Agribusiness department already called dibs on
creating a beef-tip briefcase designed especially
for Ken Starr’s inauguration. Nonetheless TYC has
claimed all bragging rights on GaGa’s meat dress
until the icon starts wearing pants like a good
Baptist woman, stops promoting the socialist agenda, and votes for Rick Perry for Supreme Chancelor
of the Galactic republic.
This isn’t what you had in mind for a “night out”
Get out before you meet your cellmate
the officers who arrested dunn were racist!
By ReverentdAl Sarpton
Holy Law # 2.7: You aren’t getting
into Medical School with that.
Regardless of what your overly
optimistic advisor says
Due to the overwhelming number of freshman who need to be tackled
Tip 2. Eat bread in order to absorb the hazardous toxins (alcohol is
does this mean LaceDarius will get to
have a beer with Barack Obama?
Baylor PD Issues
Statement: “hold your
booze freshmen”
Chapman’s Bail Bonds
It May be an upgrade from Penland Hall.
But don’t you want something better? don’t you want
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tales of terror
from the
Mark Skid: Yeah, it was just kind of one of those things that
caught on, you know? One day, you’re intently studying your
number theory notes, then your bra’ comes up to you and is like,
“Hey man, you wanna go play Halo?” and you’re like “Nah, man, I
got like 4 papers to write and a midterm to study for” and he’s like
“Haven’t you heard?” and I’m like “What?” and he’s like “Studying is for gaywads!” From that point on, I was hooked. Easiest and
smartest transition I’ve ever made.
Sherry Spring: Apathyness is great. You can, like, wake up in the
morning to go to school, and just, like, not. I did that the other day.
Ken Starr: Apathy is
really a great attitude to take
on when dealing with the
Baylor politics. Our 2012
plan isn’t going as well as
we’d hoped. Baylor isn’t
nationally popular enough.
We need to find a way to get
the other schools to pay attention to us. We could stop
spending all this money on
Even Baylor’s Kitten populagardening, religion classes, or the film department or tion is suffering the effects
whatever other nonsense we have in the past, but that
seems like a lot of work. I don’t know. Maybe we should just make
more greenspace or something.
Do Yourself a Favor
Bro. Taco CabaNoZe
Just Skip This page
Bro. Beverly Hills 9021NoZe
Mr. Puzzle Sez:
Guess how many Singapore
Slings Bro. NoZe’s Ark
had before he tried to
draw me!
We goofed up on the shirts. You can buy them online
According to research that we could’ve done but never got around to, apathy
and nonchalance is the new hip “thing” on campus. Students everywhere are
showing a lack of motivation to do just about everything. Penlanders aren’t
signing up for intramurals, Fiji’s are half-assing v-ball spikes (but still full-assing
Elephant walk), and (surprisingly) Collin’s girls are eating even less than ever
before, becoming dangerously beautiful unhealthy.
We wanted to interview several students, but never got around to it, so instead
made a list from general assumptions and stereotypes of what we think students
would have said (maybe):
if you guessed: “One too many”. congratulations. you just won a ‘76 trans-am. Go
pick it up at the Lariat office between 6 a.m to 10 p.m on October 30th
October 13th 2010. An
about igniting the large methane gas
audience of several gathers outdeposits formed by a bunch of guys
side Baylor’s historic Penland Hall.
in a room eating chilli cheese fries.
These concerned citizens have been So why was this process to
waiting for months to see the tunnel free these poor souls from their
into Penland’s completion, so that
torment so painfully slow? “We
the rescue efforts can finally come
actually didn’t know they were there
to a close, and these young men
until a few days ago” claims Bayreturned home. Their student Visas lor president Ken Starr. “We were
expired and we need to get them
actually ecstatic that they weren’t
out of here. This 69 day ordeal had
attending classes, it just means that
finally come to a close. The young
they would have to stay longer and
men who had originally come as
keep giving us money, sweet deliexchange students were
cious money”. The
put in this awful situastudents described
tion by Baylor’s campus
their situation as a
living and learning
“bonding expericenter who’s unreguence” and that they
lated organization would
“became very close”,
simply put hard working
which we can only
students in harms way
assume means that
to save a buck or two.
some very gay stuff
The Chilean students
went down. Who
worked in these terrible
can blame them, 69
conditions for only a
days is a long time.
few short weeks before a
A formal apology
toilet paper fort ,which
was issued to the
they were employed by
victims of this tragTKE pledge Stevie Dickedy. No word yet on
ens to build, collapsed;
whether students
The escape tunnel used by the trapped students
blocking the way to the
who have to live
elevator and forcing them to stay on there for an entire school year will
Penland’s third floor until a rescue
get the same.
team could be assembled. This hellish nightmare continued for what
seems like an eternity, as the young
men were forced to live off of chilli
cheese fries from Penland cafeteria,
which rescue workers lowered down
via fishing wire, and the 3 year old
snacks from the study room vending machine. The exchange students
regularly requested cigarettes but
were denied because of concerns
An Apathy Epidemic
o I’ve always seen my life as somewhat interesting, but it wasn’t until one special night
that my life was turned completely upside down. It has been exactly 2 weeks and 5 days
since the event. Well, at least that’s my best guess. My phone has been confiscated, so I
have resorted to old -fashioned tally marks on these crusty deteriorating brick walls.
I was always told not to run the Bear Trail at night. It was always the same old
shit “A pretty little thing like you should be careful, there are some hoodlums in these
parts,” or something like that. I, as always, didn’t listen and strapped on those new Adidas
and Nike shorts and jogged my way into ruin.
I was keeping the pace, making sure not to pass out or get hit by a bike, when a
large, beat up ice cream truck came screeching around the corner and headed in my direction. The death trap pulled up next to me, and a door flew open. A large bearded man,
holding a freshly opened KeyStone stuck his one free hand out of the vehicle and pulled
me in. The next few moments are a blur, due to the heavy blow to my head by a bowling
pin of some sort. Next thing I knew, I woke up and I was here.
I’m not quite sure where here is, and I’m almost positive that I will never find
out. All I know is they are everywhere. They call themselves The NoZe. I have been shoved
a few blocks of cheese everyday and the occasional Five Guys Cheeseburger, half eaten, of
course. At random, one brother will enter into my prison and bring me into a room where
I am strapped to a chair and blinded by a sudden bright light.
It is here that I am bombarded with screams and questions, followed with the
encouragement to be funny. I always freeze with fear. I’m pretty sure I pissed my pants
one, but only a little. After this endeavor I am constantly assured that I am not funny and
thrown back into the black hole from which they have so graciously provided me with.
So here I am, starving, blinded, and self conscious, eating the last bite of meatloaf they stuffed under my door, which I’m pretty sure went bad about a week ago. But
never fear! I have constructed a plan! I have resorted to making a shank out of toilet paper
and soap, which I learned how to construct back in my high school days. God Bless the
American Public School System.
Chilean Exchange students Trapped in
Penland hall for over two months
I made the mistake of attending the 50% of UnRush, specifically the part that consisted of
the massive freshman cattle-drive across campus to the Holy Shrine at Pat Neff. Needless
to say, the shrine in question was all too secret for the eyes of the unworthy uninterested
crowd. Those unfortunate enough to attend the event were pick-pocketed and pilfered of
their cigarettes by unruly carcinophiles; my interest was piqued.
It was not but 24 hours later that my primary intrigue was hacked to pieces by the harsh
reality of the UnRush process. If I had only known what was to come, I would have never
worn my Toms that night to show my individuality and stand out from that crowd.
I was hastily thrusted into what I am told was an unmarked van (no doubt one of the ones
used to transport Joy, Lady, and the homosexuals off campus) by a broad shouldered brut
who took kindly to me calling him NoZe Daddy but still insisted that I was not funny. The
van smelled of old tacos, cigarette ash, and unrequited love; ‘just like home. They demanded to know my name and birthdate. My obvious choice of my god-given name and age
prescribed by the Julian calendar were first rejected. I was instead forced to assume a new
identity completely and forget everything I had ever been taught about my Savior Jesus
and accept a new divinity into my heart, Elmo.
When we arrived at the undisclosed Hefner-esque mansion, I was greeted by a half naked
pool boy who I quickly realized was just Bro. MeNoZepause’s lust object just as he realized that I was UnRushee. He proceeded to rush at me with the prowess and intensity of
a great manatee. Little did I know that his protruding nose would be the last thing I saw
for a great while. I felt a pang on my head and something fuzzy on my face. I know what
you are thinking, and you are right, I was facedown on the Astroturf of the coveted indoor
football training facility covered in what smelled like Road-jitos. A spotlight came on
amidst the darkness and all I heard was “This is the voice of God. Neo, you have a decision
to make: write an essay about the state of Chaplin Ryan Richardson’s explosive diaorhea
after a mission trip or make me a Bro-jito.”
Then I woke up two days later inside the bear pit covered in blood and animal fur. I
missed my Weightlifting midterm
Slim pickins this year huh?
- Bro. NoZeSequitor
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