Summer 2008 - Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School


Summer 2008 - Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School
PHONE (718) 225-4826 • FAX (718) 225-4837 • •
HMADS Newsletter
u Rvpvkariy
Summer 2008
2008 Graduation
HMADS Celebrates Another
Graduation, Another Milestone
By Janet Marcarian
First row seated L-R: Herminé Tabibian, Grace Kechian, Zarminé Boghosian, Krikor Pidedjian,
Rev. Fr. Taniel Karajian, Rev. Fr Karekin Kasparian, pastor St. Gregory Enlightner, Celia
Handigian, Michael Zohrabian, Parish Counsil Chair, Arek Nisanyan, HMADS Board Chair,
Second row: Shant Babikian, Lolita Babikian, Asdghig Serkisyan, Hamaspur Vakilian, Amanda
Gomez-Shnorhokian, Christine Ishanyan, Hripsime Yegnukyan, Alexandra Tashchian,
Lucik Minassian, Bruce Ashbahian,esq.,
Third row: Janet Marcarian, Hovannes Malikyan, Maro Jamgotchian, Eduourd Garabedian,
Arpi Candan, Rose Hartunian, Natalie Gabrelian, Beatrice Kassapian, Seta Tavitian-Meguerian,
Anahid Boghossian, Houri Ghougasian, Nevart Dadourian.
am sure, that Friday, June 13, will remain as a “touch stone” to
the proud graduates and their families. It really takes commitment and true dedication to become alumni of HMADS. The
5th grade boys escorted the graduating class, all girls, and that
brought a new touch with the array of white and blue. White is
the color of purity, new beginnings, while the blue dresses of the
5th graders reminded us of sea breeze and tranquility. There always
will be highlights of this long, anticipating night. For some it will be
the sheer joy of seeing their children receiving their diplomas and
for others the enjoyment of the performances, which indirectly will
be a confirmation of the high quality of education and preparation
that takes place in this institution.
The ceremony was blessed by the opening prayers of Rev. Fr.
Karekin Kasparian, the pastor of the St. Gregory the Enlightener
Armenian Church.
As always, the commencement exercises began with the principal’s greetings. Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian eloquently expressed her
thoughts of the future of our new Alumni. She also emphasized on
the importance of remaining true to one’s self and striving always
towards great accomplishments. Mrs. Boghosian paraphrased the
wisdom of two legendary Vartans, as she mentioned Vartan
Mamigonian addressing his soldiers “to shake the fear of doubt and
lack of faith”, and Dr. Vartan Gregorian’s quote addressing college
graduates: “Be good ancestors of the future!”
It is always touching to see one of HMADS’ former graduates as
Ovrpa;5 13 #ovnisin g\ov..ovink Be3sa3d5 nyrga3
cdnovylov Srpox Nahadagax Amyn0rya3 War=arani
amawyr]i hantesin1 Anmi]abes usym ;e anxno. ksan
darinyrov un;axkin5 zanazan
a-i;nyrow nyrga3
cdnova/ ym pazma;iv amawyr]i hantesnyrov5 polorn al
Amyrigyan tbroxnyrov gam hamalsarannyrov5 oronk
hasaragax irynx pno3;ow ki[ ;e ,ad kyz gu badrasdyn
agngalylov oro, dibi hantisov;ivn mu1
a-a]in ancamn er or nyrga3 gu cdnovei ha3gagan
amyn0rya3 war=arani mu hantesin1 Darpyrov;ivnu a3t
hantesnyrovn yv a3s megin hsga3 er1 Ga-ovxova/kow5
qorkow5 3a3dacirow ;e imasdow1
Ovrpa; 0rova3 Niv Yorkyan qjo.ovmi orbes artivnk
gu hasnink kani mu wa3rgyani ov,axovmow1 #anxavori
zcaxovmow a;o-is wra3 dy.avorovyle ydk5 gu ngadym ;e
yrgov harivr 3isovni hasno. hantisagannyrov timax pymin
wra3 nsda/ yn wyx ,r]anavardnyr1 “okr hamymadov;ivn
mu unylow g\yzragaxnym ;e nyrganyrovn mia3n meg ka-ortu
Continued on page 2
Continued on page 3
#arov;ivn Diraxovyan
HMADS Celebrates Another Graduation,
Another Milestone . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 1-2
A_:IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 1 & 3
Message from the Principal . . . . . . . .pg. 4
A Word from Our Alumni Speaker . . .pg. 4
Ali Rezai Essay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 5
Friends of HMADS 14th Annual
Gala Dinner Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 5
Mr. Jack Guevrekian Remembered . . .pg. 6
SNAW6i Lovryru Ha3 :yr;yrov me] .pg. 6
The Armenian Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 7
Nursery, Kindergarten & First Grade . .pg. 8
Second Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 9
News From Our Current Students
& Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 9
Third Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 10
Q²ÜÀ¦ . . . . . . . . . .pg. 10
§öàøðÆÎ ÆÞQ
Fifth Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 11
Sixth Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 12-13
Photo Collage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 13-14
From HMADS Mailbox . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 15
In Lieu of Flowers
& General Donations . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 15
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg. 16
Editor & Layout Designer:
Zarminé Boghosian
Lydia Baghdassarian
Editorial Advisors:
Houri Ghougassian
Maro Jamgotchian
Janet Marcarian
Arc-O-Type Graphics, Inc.
Continued from page 1
a guest speaker. Mr. Shant Babikian, Class
of ’96, delivered a promising and fulfilling
speech. He currently works as an investment-banking analyst at JP Morgan and is an
active member of the Armenian community
in Bayside. His speech was poignant and carried a direct
message: be
proud of your
heritage, have
your own identity and never
forget how special and unique
our own ties
are to our
ancestors. This
all will materialize
searching and
open mind.
Mr. Krikor Pidedjian, a former principal
of Hovnanian School in New Jersey and a
musicologist was the Guest of Honor. He
spoke of the essential role of our school in
the lives of all attendants. Mr. Pidedjian compared it to the ultimate source of knowledge
and Armenian pride. His exuberance was
contagious and inspirational to all. He also
recited an excerpt from Silva Gaboodigian’s
poem, immortalizing the beauty of our mother tongue.
The highlight of the evening for many
was the graduates’ performance. They paid a
tribute to William Saroyan and his legacy.
This was accomplished by a Power Point
presentation of his personal photographs,
which was prepared by Mrs. Boghosian.
“Without much ado” the Sixth graders were
able to bring life to the image of this great
man, who wrote humanely and powerfully
with restless enthusiasm. Through his quotations, the graduates created very realistically Saroyan’s “bigger than life” character,
which was infused with rambunctious quali-
ty and profound sadness; this in retrospect
reflect the two cultures that produced him.
On one hand he was thoroughly American in
his vastness and spontaneity, yet, he was
also Armenian with his heart devoted to his
beloved country. The graduates spoke with
dignity, precision, and were
able to convey
all this in both
Armenian. This
with great ease
and grace. At
the end the
audience had a
great treat. A
heard under the baton of the choirmaster,
Mrs. Anahid Boghossian and pianist, Nevart
Dadourian. One of the songs, an Ode to the
Church of the Holy Martyrs, lyrics by Mrs.
Boghosian and music by Maestro Khoren
Meikhanadjian was dedicated to the 50th
anniversary of the Armenian Church of the
Holy Martyrs, our cradle of faith. Other
delightful sounds were added to the musical
portion of this program. With the unmistakable talent and musicianship of Stanislav
Nikolov, violin, and Stepan Dadourian, flute,
the audience received a complete and memorable gift.
With the power of words and music, all
the guests were enchanted and this brought
back feelings, which we, as adults keep deep
into our hearts. Is it love, inner contentment
and the vastness of many possibilities? You
have to answer the question yourself…
The evening concluded with benediction
given by Fr. Taniel Karajian, guest priest.
Congratulations to all graduates and their
Please mark your calendars:
HMADS first Day of the school
for the 2008-2009 academic year is:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
First morning Assembly: 8:45 am
“Doing nothing is very hard to do, you never know when you are finished.”
Continued from page 3
/no.k yv azcagan grnan y.a/ ullal1 Isg mivsny|ru1
Ca.dniku gu barzovi ki[ ydk1
Ar=ana,norh D7 Carycin Avac Khn37 Casbaryani
imasdalix paxman a.0;ken ydk5 hantesu un;axk
g\a-ne hyzasah ;avalovmow1Darinyrov mangawar=ov;yan
yv pymi ‘or2a-ov;ivn ampara/ Dn0renovhi Dig7 Zarmine
B0.osyan5 2y-nhas0ren gu ware hantesu5 me] unt me]
,norhagalov;ivn 3a3dnylow ir ba,d0nagixnyrovn in[bes
nayv zanazan 0=antag marminnyrov antamnyrovn5
an,ov,d a-anx mo-nalov war=aranin darinyrov
paryrarnyr Der yv Dig7 Pivzant “iranyannyru5
Dadovryan5 “i;urz5 Givlbengyan Undaniknyru in[bes
nayv )rt7 Silia Handigyanu1
Gu hydakrkrovim tbroxin a,agyrdov;yan ;ivow yv
in/i g\usovi ;e ,ovr] 80 a,agyrd yn5 isg ys m0davor
ha,ivow mu gu gu cdnym ;e ,norhagalov;yan ar=ani
y.o.nyrovn ;ivu 806en avyli e1 Amen a,agyrdi timax
mege avyli a,qado.1 An,ov,d paxi ovsovx[agan gazmen
polorn al gamavor yv siro.agan1 Polorn al nyrga3
hantesin5 badrasdagam 0cnylov i bahan]yl hargin1
Hantisadysnyrovn me] gu dysnym nyrga3axovxi[nyr
esa3yan6Gytronagan Bolsaha3 Miov;ivnen yv a3l
ha3gagan gazmagyrbov;ivnnyren oronk yga/ yn
ka]alyrylov ha3 tbroxu1 Hima gu hasgnam ;e ovrge
havakova/ ein hantisadysnyrovn mivs yryk ka-ortu1
Gu tidym Dig7 B0.osyanu or iryn ,norhova/
cowasanknyrn ov cnahadagan q0skyru hamysd0ren gu
pa=ne ir cor/agixnyrovn hyd5 yv gu ngadym ;e yrp gu
na3i ,r]anavardnyrovn yv gam q0sk g\ov..e irynx5 gar/ys
gu q0si ir zavagnyrovn hyd5 a[kyru lyxovn ovraqov;yamp
yv 3ovzovmow mu or mia3n ha3 gr;agan m,agu g\ovnyna31
Gu ,arovnagym hydyvil hantesin masnagixnyrovn5 yv
gu zcam or ancidagxapar ‘oqatrova/ ym Be3rov; ovr
manovgnyr ;e badananinyr hbard0ren g\yrcyn5 gu
q0sin yv g\ardasanyn irynx ma3ryni lyzovow1
Wa3rgyanagan gu wyrata-nam Srpox Nahadagax
War=arani hantisady.u no3n zcaxovmnyrow yv
3ovzovmnyrow lyxova/1 Dig7 B0.osyan5 ir 0cnagannyrow5
grxa/ er sdy./yl ha3gagan ocin xolaxno. m;nolord mu5
anyryvagali0ren t=ovarin ba3mannyrov dag1
A3s darova3 hantisov;ivnu novirova/ er a,qarhah-[ag
ha3 craced Ovilyum Saro3yanin harivramyagin5 orovn
cor/yren ‘ovn] mu hamatrova/ me]pyrovmnyrow gu
nyrga3axne ,r]anavard tasaranu anclyrenow yv
ha3yrenow1 Garyli [e [3ovzovil yv [ovraqanal ovngntrylow
a3s ‘okrignyrovn asmovnknyrovn5 yrp manavant
mia2a3nov;yamp hbard0ren g\yzra’agyn 8dyse4k y;e
grnak o[n[axnyl a3s ha3 azcu91 Ovilyum Saro3yanin hyd
miasin asbarez gu gartan a,qarhin1
A3o45 mia3n ha3 tbroxu5 manavant amyn0rya3 tbroxn
e or gu tarpne nman ha3gaganov;ivn1
Srpox Nahadagax Amyn0rya3 War=aranu a3s dari
gov da3 ir 2^6rt hovn2ku1 Mia3n wyx ,r]anavardnyr5
Amanda <norh0kyan5 Kris;in I,qanyan5 Aleksandra
:a,jyan5 Hamas’iv- Wakilyan yv Hri’sime Y.novgyan1
Orkan bidi ‘a’akeink or5 a3tkan zoho.ov;ivnnyre yv
a,qadanke ydk wyxu ullar dasnu wyx1
,r]anavardnyren ,adyr ,arovnaga/ yn irynx ovsovmu yv
hasa/ par2r tirkyrov1 Anonxme5 !((^6i ,r]anavard
<an; Babigyan ir ,ad lav badrasdova/ q0sku
y.pa3rapar ov..yx ,r]anavard tasarani ir
)rovan clqavor panaq0sn er 3a3dni gr;agan m,ag yv
yra=,daced brn7 Cricor “idejyan5 or ,ad hamozi[
gyrbow ,y,dyx ha3 amyn0rya3 war=aranin an’oqarinyli
tyru5 yv za3n ngadyx mygnagedu oryve ha3gagan ,ar=ovmi
yv hasdadov;yan5 ygy.yxien min[yv m,agov;a3in
miov;ivnnyru1 An 3ortoryx ,r]anavardnyru yrpyk [mo-nal
irynx ma3ryni lyzovn yv avardyx ir q0sku ardasanylow
Silwa Gabovdigyani 8Q0sk im Ortvo3n9 kyr;ova/in
wyr]in dovnu1
)rovan cy.arovysdagan pa=nin mas gu gazmein
qmpyrcnyr ovsovxovmow yv qmpawarov;yamp 3a3dni yrc[ovhi
Anahid B0.osyani5 ta,nagi umgyragxov;yamp Novart
?7 Dadovryani yv masnagxov;yamp hivr arovysdacednyr
Sdy’an Dadovryani6srinc 6 yv S;anislaw Nikolowi
Hantesi avardin hramxovyxav a-ad yv hamy.
hivrasirov;ivn mu badrasdova/ war=aranin 0=antag
diginnyrovn go.me1 Hivrasirov;yan un;axkin a-i;u
ovnyxank /an0;analov tbroxin hyd
a-un[ovo. garc mu
badaqanein a3tkan qanta.adankow or gar/ys
tbroxu irynx ar2nagan dovnu ullar1
Angasga/ or a3s ,r]anavardnyru ,ad avyli z0ravor
ha3yr bidi ullan kan no3n syrovntin badgano. a3l
ha3ortinyr5 oronk ha3gagan amyn0rya3 war=aran [yn
3ajaqa/1 A3s ‘okr dariken isg5 anonk avyli lav bidi
jan[nan ha3gagan avantov;ivnnyru yv ;r/ovin myr ungyra3in
ov paro3agan hasgaxo.ov;ivnnyrow1 “a-k ov badiv anonx
/no.knyrovn oronk grxa/ yn cnahadyl Ha3 Tbroxin
a-avylov;ivnnyru yv irynx zavagnyru a-a]nortyl Srpox
Nahadagax Amyn0rya3 War=aran1 Ha3 /no.knyrovn
srpazan bardaganov;inn e irynx zavagnyru dy.avoryl
nman amyn0rya3 war=arannyrov me]5 y;e g\ovzyn or
ha3ov;ivnu co3adyve ardasahmani a’yrovn wra31
Mynk a3t 0r a3xyla/ y.ank harazad ha3gagan
0jaq mu5 ovr
ansahman zoho.ov;ivnnyrov cinow5 nor
syrovnti mad.a, hocinyru gu lovsavorovin Mysrobyan
anmar ]ahyrow1
Wyratar2i jampovn un;axkin5 hantesin crko3gu
2y-kis5 qohovn gu na3im inkna,ar=in badovhanen tovrs
mda/ylow yrcova/ yrcyrovn yv ardasanova/ q0skyrovn
masin5 yv wyraxa/ gu tidym Niv Yorki lovsajajan[
ma3rov.inyru5 oronk zis mdowin gu danin #owagimyani myr
avardagan hantesnyru1
Asdova/ im5 orkan garj e y.yr jampan Be3sa3den
Niv Jurzi5 #ovnis 2008
Message From the Principal ~ Dn0renovhiin Crasy.anen
August 2008
We had several Celebrations in June! First and foremost,
congratulations to all of our Kindergarten students who worked
so hard to be promoted to first grade and the Class of 2008
earned their well deserving Elementary diplomas. Now, we can
proudly call them HMADS graduates!
This year HMADS marked the 41st Kindergarten
Graduation with eleven kindergarten graduates, and 26th
Graduation with six Sixth Graders.
As we leave an academic year behind us, we are in the
preparation of yet another successful year. Please tune in for our
upcoming reminders and calendar updates from the office.
Our first day of 2008-2009 academic year is on Wednesday,
September 3, 2008. Our first morning assembly will begin at
8:45 am.
We look forward to see you all as the first bell starts ringing to herald yet another academic year filled with challenges
and excitement.
Congratulations and Good Luck to All HMADS Graduates!
Thank you all for your continued support, dedication, love
and hard work!
)cosdos 2008
Ovraq ynk 3a3dararylov ;e myr 416rt Mangabardezi
qovmpu dasnumeg ,r]anavardnyrow badrasd e a,nan
naqagr;arani a-a]in tasaran mdnylov1
Isg SNAW6i 26 6rt hovn2ku naqagr;arani wyxyrort
tasarani wga3agannyru irynx 2y-kin badrasd e a3l
war=arannyre nyrs ,arovnagylov irynx ovsovmu1
}yrm ,norhavorov;ivnnyr SNAW6i ‘okr ov my/ polor
<norhavorov;ivn yv yraqdacidov;ivn` nayv myr
a,agyrdnyrov /no.nyrovn5 My/6Ha3r yv My/ Ma3ryrovn5
SNAW6in hamar gamavorapar a,qado. a3n polor
anhadnyrovn ov noviradovnyrovn oronk ha3ragan
covrcovrankow gu m0dynan a3s war=aranu gancovn bahylov
<norhagalov;ivn` irynx hocadarov;yan yv ansagarg
siro3n hamar1
A3s 0ryrovn gu badrasdovink nayv nor dary,r]an mu
sgsylov myr a,qadanknyrovn1
2008-2009 dary,r]ani A-a]in Zancu bidi hn[e
{oryk,ap;i` 3 Sybdympyrin yv a-av0dyan a-a]in
adynamarzanku dy.i bidi ovnyna3 Calovsdyan Srahin
me] a-av0dyan =amu 8:45 6in1
A3t a-av0dovn 2yr polorin dysnylov 3o3sow` 2yzi gu
ma.;ynk a-o.] yv hajyli ama-na3in ar2agovrt mu1
With sincere appreciation,
Lavaco3n paryma.;ov;ivnnyrow`
Zarminé Boghosian, Principal
A Word from Our Alumni;
Very Reverend Father Vahan
Hovhanessian, Mrs. Zarminé
Boghosian, graduates teachers,
parents and guests, it is with great
pleasure that I stand before you
today having accepted this opportunity to speak to the graduating
class. Twelve years ago, I was sitting in these very seats, also not
paying much attention to the
alumni speaker, wondering what
surprises and opportunities life
had in store for me. After graduating from Holy Martyrs in 1996, my education took me to Louis Pasteur MS 67, then to Cardozo High School and
I finally graduated from the CUNY Honors College at Baruch College with
a degree in Economics in 2006. I spent the last two years as an investment
banker for JP Morgan and am currently an associate at a private equity
firm. Throughout all the educational milestones and career paths I have
taken, the foundation established early on by my family and Holy Martyrs
have provided an incomparable base of pride in myself and my culture.
In spite of the great education you have received in your 8 years at
this institution, the difference between graduates of Holy Martyrs
Armenian Day School and any other elementary school is that we are
Zarmine B0.osyan, Dn0renovhi
Armenian and your principal and teachers have done a fantastic job in
instilling a sense of dignity in your culture. Recently, I had the extraordinary opportunity to visit Armenia and Jerusalem, our Holy Land. Only then
did I truly understand the toughness of our nation. We have been the victims of conquests by many empires and a number of genocides and yet
we remain one of the most influential and tradition rich cultures in the
world. This alone should comfort you in knowing that you too can overcome these hardships. It is this perseverance that has become instilled in
you in these 8 years. Throughout your educational and professional lives,
you will be faced with many seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but we
are a people who have risen above all hurdles. In the coming months and
years, there will be countless occasions that will challenge your morals and
test your respect for others as well as yourself, however, in leaving here as
graduates you will always have the support of the teachers and principal of
Holy Martyrs Day School.
Now that there is established bedrock, the burden rests on your
shoulders to continue the longstanding tradition of graduates that are an
active part of the Armenian Christian youth. It is important not to lose your
identity and pride in your nation after leaving this auditorium. We as
Armenian youth have a responsibility to strengthen our nation as we enter
the next chapter of our lives. Let all the reasons this school was established
live on through your actions and decisions in the coming years, so that one
day, you too can stand here and preach to those of the coming generations.
Shant Babikian, Class of 1996
June 13th, 2008
Ali Rezai – Class of 2003 - Essay
The centers jumped for the ball. The clock had started ticking. Wednesday afternoon, June 5, 1991, my clock started
ticking. The game of life had begun. Three seconds into the game, I was given the ball and hit a three point shot from the
top of the key. Three months into the game, I was beginning to experience the human growth cycle. Running back down the
court to defend the ball, I was prepared to win. After beginning to walk, my brain was a melting pot assimilating knowledge
and I was already expanding my realm of wisdom.
As I kept scoring and running back down the court to defend the ball, my knowledge only kept expanding and my
understanding of my surroundings only kept growing. Throughout the game, quarters were ending, and new quarters were
starting. Stages of childhood were ending and adolescence was beginning. As my team was the underdog to win, I was ultimately driven to overcome my obstacles throughout the game. Underpowered and outnumbered, I had to find a way to get
through. Hitting clutch three-point shots left and right, drawing charges across the court, finishing with a triple-double in
points, rebounds, and assists, and driving confidence into my teammates during all timeouts in my rookie year of the juniors division of the Armenian
Churches Sports Association basketball league all in one game helped bring my team to the top.
My successes in the game relate to my successes in 17 years. However, the most rewarding part of the game of basketball is the ability to succeed. The truth is one may be an underdog, one may be overpowered and outnumbered, but anything is possible and success is a possibility. Many
tasks can be accomplished with hard work. Similarly, the game of life brings many encounters with success. Success is not the scoring championship and neither is it being Arista president. Success is not being the MVP or having perfect attendance in high school. Success is not being the
captain or having the opportunity to consult with numerous people at the Global Leadership Summit. Success is putting smiles on the people watching you play the game of basketball, and success is waking up everyday looking forward to put on a countless number of smiles on all the people
you encounter.
Hence, when the buzzer sounds and the game is over, winning or losing is short-lived. However, the reputation gained for making people get on
their feet and cheering your name is ever-lasting. Similarly, when the game of life is over, your body is gone physically, but your spirit is immortally
characterized by the number of people you have changed throughout your life and the smiles you have placed on other people’s faces.
FRIENDS of HMADS 14th Annual Gala Dinner Dance
By Arpi Arukian, Class of ‘92
Bayside, NY – On Saturday, May 3, 2008, friends and supporters of
the Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School (HMADS) gathered for what was
undeniably a magnificent celebration. The HMADS Annual Gala Dinner
Dance is the school’s most anticipated fundraising event of the year,
organized by a dedicated group of volunteers known as the FRIENDS of
HMADS committee. Year after year, the success of this elegant affair, now
in its 14th year, is an accurate
reflection of their hard work and
attention to detail.
For the third year in a row,
Cold Spring Country Club in
Huntington, New York, housed the
event attended by approximately
250 guests, 40 of whom were
HMADS alumni and friends. Upon
arrival, elegantly dressed partygoers were greeted by Reservations
Committee members who welcomed them to the cocktail hour
where they mingled while sipping
cocktails and sampling an array of
delicious hors d’oeuvres. Guests
were then guided to the spacious
ballroom for the evening’s main festivities including a satisfying 4-course
dinner and scrumptious individual dessert assortments. Awaiting them at
their beautifully set tables were the Dinner Dance booklets in which generous donors had the opportunity to honor loved ones and display their
support for the school.
FRIENDS chairman Hovannes Malikyan welcomed attendees and
expressed gratitude towards the school’s benefactors, especially
Honorary Booklet Chairperson Mr. Poozant Piranian. Arek Nisanyan,
chairman of the HMADS Board, then congratulated Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Vahan
Hovhanessian and the entire parish of the Armenian Church of the Holy
Martyrs on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. He reminded the audience
that the establishment of HMADS as “Hye Bardez” 41 years ago would
not have been possible without the inception of the church. Lastly,
HMADS principal Zarminé Boghosian took the stage to cordially present
Mr. Piranian with a framed poem
written by the HMADS class of
2008, in appreciation of his many
years of dedication to the school.
Throughout the night, guests
delighted in the sounds of international singer Varoujan Vartanian
and his band that performed a
multilingual variety of well-known
classics. The energy and enthusiasm of the vocalists and musicians
led guests spanning several generations out of their seats and onto
the dance floor. Revelers cheered
and sang along as Mr. Vartanian
worked his way through the
crowd. During a brief interlude,
some FRIENDS committee members approached tables and encouraged
guests to try their luck in the raffle drawings, whose prizes are generously donated each year by supporters of the school.
The 2008 Annual Gala Dinner Dance, co-chaired by Siragan Varolian
and Hagop Semerjian, once again proved to be a successful and highly
acclaimed affair honoring the thriving establishment that is the Holy
Martyrs Armenian Day School. The FRIENDS committee looks forward to
planning another memorable event next year!
To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world sparkles with light.”
The HMADS Family mourns the loss of a valuable member of her family and
staunch supporter of Armenian Education and Culture.
Our heartfelt condolences are extended to Mrs. Irma Guevrekian and family members as well as to the entire HMADS family for this great loss.
JACK GUEVREKIAN, husband of Irma Takuhi Guevrekian, succumbed after a fall
to the head on Wednesday, July 9, 2008. He is survived by his wife and their two children:
Nadine Tingir and Richard Guevrekian.
Jack was born on November 16, 1931 in Elmhurst, New York. Jack and his younger brother Lawrence Guevrekian were brought up in a traditional Armenian home. This upbringing fostered his pride in his Armenian heritage and a tremendous love for the Armenian Church which continued for
the rest of his days and which he passed down to his children. The brothers Lawrence and Jack would often be at the
Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School involved with their students. Lawrence, along with his son Alex, taught computer classes, and Jack looked forward to sharing his passion for ancient Armenian coins and history.
Jack, a parishioner of the Armenian Church of the Holy Martyrs of Bayside, New York, taught Sunday School for
twenty years, including courses such as Christian Morality and Armenian History. He also was a member of the Parish
Council, Knights of Vartan and heavily involved in an endeavor very dear to his heart, the creation and establishment
of the Armenian Daily School in his Parish. In 1976, plans were made for the Holy Martyrs Hye Bardez nursery to
evolve into a full fledged elementary school. On the newly formed HMADS Board, Jack Guevrekian took the crucial role of Finance Committee Chairman. He conducted a successful Fund Raising Drive. On September 13, 1976,
Jack and HMADS Board Chairman, Mr. Penyamin Sohikian, had the honor of cutting the cake during the school’s
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. During the school’s formative years, he served as vice chairman of the board as well as
assistant treasurer.
Jack’s Armenian illuminated manuscripts have been displayed at the Piedmont Morgan Library in Manhattan, and
a donated gold cross is permanently on display at the Armenian Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New
York. He also donated a fifteenth century copper painting of the Holy Mother to the Holy Martyrs Armenian Church.
Jack is also survived by four granddaughters, Roxanne Tingir, Nicole Tingir, Corinne Tingir, and Samantha
Guevrekian. He is deeply loved by them all. He instilled in them the importance of family unity, loyalty and compassion. With his expansive knowledge of things far and wide, history, culture and language, he set an example for the
next generation to go forth, attain an education, and strive for truth and sincerity.
Jack had a most vibrant personality, and most importantly, he devoted himself to the beauty of living each and
everyday. He was always ready to help a friend in need, or guide a family member through adversity. We will miss his
expressiveness, his warmth of heart, and his endless mirth.
Services were held on Friday, July 10 and Saturday, July 11 at Holy Martyrs Armenian Church in Bayside, Queens.
In lieu-of-flowers donations were asked to be made to the Holy Martyrs Church Building Fund and the Holy Martyrs
Armenian Day School and sent to 209-15 Horace Harding Expressway, Bayside, New York 11364.
SNAW6i lovryru Ha3 ;yr;yrov me]
Ha3rynik <apa;a;yr;u ir 13 #ovnis 20086i ;ivin me] g\antrata-na3 Niv Yorki Hamazca3ini gazmagyrba/
Ov..acragan yv Unthanovr Zarcaxman Mrxovmin1 Amen0rya3 War=arannyrov pa=nin me]5 ;yr;u g\agnarge
SNAW6i %6rt yv ^6rt tasarannyrov a,agyrdnyrovn masnagxov;yan yv gu ;ove anovnnyru` Wartces A-akylyani5
Nicol Marci5 Lyvon Avydisyani5 #agop Y.novgyani5 Casandra :rivino3i5 Kris;ina <norh0kyani yv Na;ali
Wantyani5 oronk ansqal gyrbow cryxin o..acrov;yan pa-yru1 In[ gu wyrapyri Unthanovr Cidyliknyrov
harxovmnyrovn5 ;yr;u gov da3 myr %6rt tasarani yryk a,agyrdnyrovn anovnnyru` Arovsyag yv “a-an2ym Gazalnyr
yv Ar;ivr I’ek5 oronk ansqal badasqanyxin irynx ov..ova/ harxovmnyrovn1
Ability can take you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.
The Armenian Corner
Myr A,agyrdnyru Gu Cryn
Lovryr` Digin Hovriin ha3yreni tasabahen
2007-08 ovsovmnagan darin avardyxav yv tbroxu ‘agyxink amawyr]i hantesow1 A3s dari SNAWu ovnyxav ^ ,r]anavard
a,agyrdnyr7 ovsovmnagan cydni wra3 anonk badrasd yn hy-analov myr tbroxen yv nor mi]awa3ri me] sgsylov mi]nagarci darinyru7
isg hocybes` ha3gagan mi]awa3rin gu mnan ,ad gabova/ ungyra3in yv unthanrabes ‘or2a-ov;ivnnyrov imasdow1
Hantesu a3s dari novirova/ er Ovilium Saro3yani !))6amyagin7 SNAWi ,r]anavardnyru nyrga3axovxin Saro3yani gyanken5
cor/en ov q0skyren do.yr5oronk a-n[ova/ gu mnan myr badmov;yan ov amyrigyan myr a-0rya3 gyankin1
In[bes amen dari5 naqgin ,r]anavard mu ipryv hivr` g\ov..e ir q0sk norahas syrovntin1 A3s dari <an; Babigyann er7 an5
arten avarda/ hamalsaran yv cor/i der yridasart5 gu ,arovnage mnal cor/ovnya3 ir ca.ov;in me]1 Hydakrkagan0ren an xo3x
dovav in[bes ha3gagan war=arani ir ‘okr ,r]anagu untar2agova/ e darinyrov un;axkin a33xylov;ivnnyrow tebi Ha3asdan yv
Yrovsa.em1 <’ovm ovnynalow ir mi]awa3ren tovrs a3l ha3yrov hyd5 avyli z0raxa/ e azca3in ir badganyliov;yan zcaxovmu1
Hantesin badovo3 hivru` Brn7 Cricor “idyjyan5 ir q0sku ov..yx ,r]anavard tasaranin ,y,dylow garyvorov;ivnu avarda/
ullalov ha3gagan war=arane mu5 in[bes nayv garyvorov;ivnu hydaca3in bahbanylov in[ or ha3gagan e1
Wga3agannyrov pa,qovmin hydyvaxav hivrasirov;ivn5 or dy.i ovnyxav no3n srahin me]7 hon` hbard yv ovraq /no.nyr untovnyxin
,norhavorov;ivnnyr ov paryma.;ov;ivnnyr anxunylow hajyli kani mu =amyr1
SNAWi gr;agan /raciru hantesen yrgov ,apa; a-a] ba,d0nabes avarda/ er yv tasarannyren nyrs avyli ungyra3in m;lord
gu direr1 Ha3yreni tasabahyru qa.i ov ;y;yv a,qadanki =amyr ein7 a3sbes` hincyrort tasaranu cryx ‘okr zavy,d mu5 or gu
/racre nyrga3axnyl wyramovdin7 isg 36rt yv $6rt tasarannyru c/yxin5 nyrgyxin paxignyr ov cryxin do.yr irynx ha3ryrovn Ha3ryrov
D0nin a-i;ow7 isg ^6rt tasaranu zpa.a/ er hantesi ‘or2yrow1
War=aranis Dy.ygadov a3s ;ivin me] bidi gartak yryqanyrov crov;ivnnyren 3adgan,agan do.yr5 oronk hy-oven gam m0den gab
ovnin irynx an2nagan hydakrkrov;ivnnyrovn gam ovraqov;ivnnyrovn hyd1 Bidi dysnek5 omank ovraq yn 3a.;ahara/ ullalov 3adovg
t=ovarov;ivnnyr ovraqaxnylow irynx yrpymni tasadovnyru yvs1
A3sbes Noymi “a’aioannovn (%6rt garc) gu cre 36rt tasarani ir tasadovin masin7
8Im amynasira/ ovsovx[ovhis y.a/ e Digin S;yfuni Ralisu7 an a-a]in ovsovx[ovhin er5 or in/i sorwyxovx pazmabadgov;ivn1
A-a]in 0ryru yrp pazmabadgov;ivn gu sorweink5 in/i hamar t=ovar er5 pa3x ovsovx[ovhin ,ad 0cnyx1 An darpyr qa.yr yv 2yvyr
ovner sorwyxnylov pazmabadgov;ivnu7 ovner bing0 qa.u yv madnyrow ha,ovylov 2yvyr orbeszi [mo-nank1 A-anx Digin S;yfuniin5 ys
bidi [garyna3i hasgnal yv lov/yl $6rt yv %6rt tasarannyrov ;ovapanov;yan qntirnyru1
A3s tasadovn in/i ,ad 0cna/ e yv sorwa/s ,ad garyvor bidi ulla3 abaca3in orowhydyv ys al g\ovzym ovsovx[ovhi ullal yrp my/nam1
A3sbes im amynen sira/ ovsovx[ovhis gu mna3 Digin Ralisu7 ys zink bidi [mo-nam yrp my/nam19
Osovxi[nyru [yn mia3n5 or gu sdanan yraqdacidagan q0skyr7 gan an2yr5 oronk tasaranen tovrs a,agyrdnyrovn hyd yn irynx
amynagaryvor =amyrovn 6 ja,i yv zp0sanki bahyrovn1 Anonxme e Digin Coharu5 orovn masin gu cre Bea;a :yrzyanu (%6rt garc)7
8Im amynasira/ an2s` ja,aranin gabova/ Digin Coharn e5 orowhydyv an e5 or in/i gu na3i ma3rigi bes1 An ,ad gu sire
yryqanyru1 Yrp wiravorovis qa.i =amanag5 an mi,d hon e yv g\0cne kyzi1 Digin Coharu ,ad [i bo-ar yv ovni ‘a’ovg sird1 Yrp
iryn gu na3is5 mi,d =bid ovni yrysin1 Zp0sankin` an myzi hyd gu qa.a37 an er5or in/i sorwyxovx ,ad arac baran xadgyl1
An ma3rig y.a/ e in/i tbroxin me]7 in/i sorwyxovx siryl tbroxu1 Ys Digin Coharu bidi [mo-nam gyankis me]19
^6rt tasarani a,agyrdnyru hantesi badrasdov;yan hyvkin me] mdnyle a-a]5 darin cravor ‘okrig a,qadank mu1
<aratrov;yan ipryv niv; ovnein 8O|vr bidi ovzeir jamportyl y;e a-i;u ovnyna3ir91 Ipryv arga/aqntrov;yan wa3r` darygan
a,agyrdovhinyren omank hancisd yn undrylow irynx /no.nyrovn /nntawa3ru1 A3sbes Hamas’iv-u gu cre76
8G\ovzym yr;al Barsgasdan5 orowhydyv hon gan ,ad hin ka.aknyr yv hin ygy.yxinyr1 Ygy.yxinyren megu Kara Kilisan e5 or
g\usovi ;e ,inova/ e !&)) dari a-a]5 ovri, hin ygy.yxi mu5 Sovrp :atei wanku5 or a,qarhi amynahin ygy.yxinyren e1 Isfahan
ka.aku g\ovzym yr;al5 ovr !&6rt tarovn 2%))) ha3 pyra/ yn }ov.a3en yv ha3yru go[a/ yn Isfahanu Nor }ov.a1 A3s0r barsgasdani
me] ty- gan ha3yr ,ovr] !))5)))7 anonk ovnin tbroxnyr yv ygy.yxi1 Gyankis me] cone meg ancam g\ovzym yr;al Isfahan19
No3n ov..ov;yamp H-i’simen g\ovze a3xylyl Bovlgarian5 ir my/ /no.nyrovn /nntawa3ru yv gu cre768A3s yrgiru im undanygan
badmov;yan meg masu gu gazme1 Ys bidi ovzei a3xylyl ancam mu my/ ha3rigis tbroxu5 Mqi;aryan War=aranu5 or a3s0r coxova/
e777Yrp a3xylym Bovlgaria5 ys anhancisd bidi [ullam orowhydyv cidym5 or =amanagin a3s yrgiru y.a/ e my/ ma3rigis yv my/ ha3rigis
abra/ dy.u1 Ovri, badja- mun al a3xylylov Bovlgarian5 hon gan pavagan ;ivow ha3yr19
Kris;inu5 Lovsigu yv Amandan g\ovzyn a3xylyl Lo3si ka.aku5 #avyr=agan ka.aku yv Madridu7 isg Alyksadran ovni gar0du
Albyan par2ovknyrovn7 Alyksandra3in pa-yrow` 8Y;e dy. mu jamportei5 Zovixyrio3 Albyan ly-nyru bidi ulla3in1 <adyr g\usyn5 or
[a’en avyli cy.yxig e hon7 ys g\ovzym yr;al yv im a[kyrows dysnyl1 Nor par2rov;ivnnyr bidi ullan anonk in/i hamar7 yrp a3s nor
ly-nyru dysnym5 dakov;ivn mu bidi zcam me]s7779
Tasarana3in ;y;yv zpa.movnknyrovn nayv mas gu gazmer ovraqaxnyl ha3ryru1 #6rt yv $6rt tasarannyrov a,agyrdnyru c/yxin ov
nyrgyxin paxignyr ha3ryrov d0nin a-i;ow yv cryxin kani mu do. ovraqaxnylov hamar irynx gyankin amynagaryvor an2yren megu1
Dianan5 $6rt tasaran5 a3sbes gu
cre ir paxigin me]76
8<ad5 ,ad siryli Baba5
<ad ,norhagal ym5 or in/i ta,nagi
tasyrov gu danis1 Ys kyzi hamar bidi
makrym dovnu1
Kyz ,ad siro.` Diana9
Ardagu5 36rt tasaran5 gu cre76
8Siryli Ky-i5
Ys kyz ,ad gu sirym5 orowhydyv tovn
in/i ,ad qa.aliknyr pyra/ ys yv dara/
ys dy.yr1 Tovn 8in/i9 ba,dbana/ ys yv
tovn hon eir yrp hantes urink1
Kov Ardagt9
Kris;inan5 $6rt tasaran5 gu cre
hydyvyal srdacin do.yru7
8Siryli Baba5
Ys ,ad gu sirym kyz1 Tovn amen
pan g\unys in/i hamar7 in/i hamar g\anys hacovsd5 gu danis zovarjov;yan
wa3ryr5 ,ar=abadgyri1 Tovn ,ad
garyvor ys im gyankis me]1
Sirow` Kov bzdig a.]igt9
Pari ar2agovrt7777 a,agyrdnyr yv /no.nyr5 mi mo-nak ha3yren q0silu gam ‘or2yl q0silu jic mun e tebi a-a]
News from Ms. Ethel’s Nursery
Is it really June already? Time has a way of passing by quickly.
It seems like it was just September and now we just celebrated
Nursery/Kindergarten graduation.
The Nursery children have grown in every way since those first
tearful days. At first it was difficult for some to separate from their
parents, and now they are so self confident.
Nursery/Kindergarten graduation held on June 6th was the perfect culmination of a full year of learning. The children looked so
cute as they performed many songs in English and Armenian. The
children also displayed their talents as they danced a Waltz, an
Armenian dance, and played various instruments. It was the perfect
end to another successful year. Enjoy the summer.
N e w s f r o m M s . D ’s K i n d e r g a r t e n
It’s hard to believe that the entire school year has flown by!
Kindergarten has been a very busy place these past couple of
months. For one, all of us are reading and will keep reading
throughout the summer. We even reached our goal of learning 100
sight words! We continued learning new topics in math such as
fractions, equal parts, probability and counting by 10’s. Math is one
of our favorite subjects in Kindergarten. In science, we explored the
parts of a plant and grew our very own sunflowers. We recorded
our observations on our Class Seed Journal. We were very excited
to take our sunflowers home.
One of the most important events these past few months was
our Graduation! We got to sing songs, recite poems and perform a
play for our parents, siblings and grandparents. It was a lot of fun
and we got to work with the Nursery Class.
I want to thank my Kindergarteners for such a wonderful school
year. They are a bright, energetic and wonderful group of students.
They have touched my heart forever and to them I am always grateful for the wonderful experience they’ve given me.
News from First Grade
Mrs. Alis Zakarian - Teacher
We had a wonderful school year! The First Graders thrived in the course of the year and they quickly learned the tasks at hand.
They brought their prior knowledge and experiences and acquired new skills.
They were always ready for new topics and challenges and embraced their new learning with enthusiasm. They learned so many
new concepts across the curriculum and were able to apply their skills and knowledge to answer questions about their world. I congratulate them for their efforts and wish them all the best for their educational endeavors. This is what they said about First Grade:
Alin: We did so much in First Grade, science, social studies, grammar, and in math we did regrouping and word problems.
Ani: When we started First Grade, we didn’t know about word spacing but we practiced and learned quickly.
Anoush: In Social Studies we read about Martin Luther King JR. and how he stood up for his people.
Danielle: We learned to read, think, and write stories and poems.
Edward: We had a “Reading Log,” we read stories and then we had to write about them.
Melanie: We learned about Native Americans and the different types of home they built.
Nikolas: We learned to spell words.
Nicole: We learned about the past, for example, Rosa Parks worked for freedom.
Mrs. Mayda Haroutunian - Teacher
The Second graders have enthusiastically summed up the 2007/2008 school year. The goals set in the beginning of the year have
been successfully achieved. In addition to their quick ability to understand the subjects studied, the students had the aptitude, determination and the motivation to succeed in all aspects academically and socially. It was a pleasure to have these wonderful children in my
class. Please enjoy samples of my students’ writings!
White snow, bright snow, soft and cuddly, winter is here! Sarkis Galstian
Winter is the best season of the year, as I enjoy drinking hot chocolate every
morning, and read scary winter books in the afternoon! Vartkes Arakelian
I love sleds! Sledding goes fast and bump into a snowman, as snowflakes dance
everywhere. Levon Avedissian
Spring is when I see spring flowers blooming in my garden, and birds chirping on
treetops. Melissa Ashbahian
A tree smells as fresh as flowers. It is a symbol of summer! Thomas Soupionis
August is a month where my birthday hides. Nicole Mark
Summer is when I go to the beach and make sandcastles with my sister.
Shushan Aghavian
Summer is when I ride my bike with my dad. David Martirosyan
Summer is when I visit Yerevan, swim in Lake Sevan, and write stories in my summer journal. Ginevart Yegnukyan
Summer is when I read interesting books, and see the sun always shining. Cassandra Trivino
Summer sounds as loud as a symphony, and smells as fresh as the sea. Vartkes Arakelian
Lovryr SNAW6i <r]anavardnyren yv nyrga3 a,agyrdnyrov a-0
Congratulations to:
Natalie Gabrelian (Class of 1988) was recently appointed Associate Director of Education at
the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), where she will develop and implement the
programs of the AGBU Education Department in the areas of schools, scholarships, curriculum,
professional development, and new, innovative programs in a global perspective.
Vahe Michael Zohrabian, MD - HMADS Class of 1994, first son of parish Counsil Chair Mr.
Michael and Silva Zohrabian, graduated from the NY Medical College with a citation for Alpha
Omega Scholarship. Dr. Zohrabian will spend his first year residency at North Shore
University Hospital's Diagnostic Radiology Department, and will continue with four year residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. Vahe's three siblings - Ani- Standing L to R: Natalie Gabrelian-‘88, Hooshere Bezdikian-Kaligian-’87,
'96, Ida- '98, & Vatche- '2000, also graduated from HMADS. Good Luck and very best wishVahe Simitian-’84, Veh Harach Bezdikian-’84, Hagop Balian-’82
Seated -L toR: Michael Kaloustian-’84,
es to all!
Ali Rezai- President of Arista – Benjamin Cardozo High
School, see his essay on page 5.
Shant Hagopian-’85, Gerard Barikian-’82.
Not Pictured: Seta Tavitian-Meguerian-’89, Lana Hampar-Tarpinian-’87
Arda Mirek - Class of 1986 married to Silvie Turabian on Sunday, June 22, 2008
Nyieri Nazarian Class of 1989 is engaged to Steve Vosbikian
Andrew Reed - Class of 2006- On June 2, 2008 was initiated to Junior National Honor Society of Nathaniel
Hawthorne MS 74- of District 26.
News from Mrs. Stephanie Rallis’ Third Grade!
Here we are at the end of our exciting journey through third grade. It is truly hard to believe that yet another school year has come
to an end. We finished up the year with many exciting projects, which included a wonderful Science Fair exhibit, a special Armenian
Heritage Week tribute and two exciting school trips!
Academically, we completed the 2007–2008 school year learning double digit multiplication, division with remainders, geometry,
measurement and probability. The third graders know where all of the United States are located, what kind of community they would like
to live in and how our government works. Third graders also know all about simple machines, sound and light and what foods to eat in
order to keep healthy and grow properly.
We had a great year and I am confident that each student is well prepared for fourth grade. I am very proud of my third grade class
and wish them continued success next year. Have a wonderful, restful and enjoyable summer. Don’t forget to read, read, and… read!!
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News from Fifth Grade
Commemorating 40 years of St.Vartan Cathedral:
Art Show opens with Arshile Gorky
Andrew Gazal
An Art Exhibition was held at St. Vartan’s Cathedral to commemorate the
40th anniversary of the consecration of this church. Along with many different
pieces, the exhibition had the actual painting of Arshile Gorky’s The Artist and His
Mother, on loan for only one day from the Whitney Museum. Even though, there
were many different paintings, there were other pieces as well. In a special room
called Yerevan, there was a large carpet, with a replica of the city on it, and intriguing shoes made out of clay, made by our school’s art teacher, Ms. Talene
Berberian. There were also pieces from the new generation, such as projectors
with different ideas; a car chase to name just one. I was there with my class, representing Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School, who is also celebrating 40 years of its existence. Our principal, Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian’s
brother, Vasken Kalayjian, also contributed to this art exhibition by painting his own piece, Opening of the Emotional Center “Karahunj”.
Interestingly enough, this show also had a piece by author William Saroryan, which was untitled. All these works of art expressed
many different tastes, styles and feelings. I took pride in knowing that my fellow Armenians contribute so much to the Art world.
Arshile Gorky art exhibit at the Diocese of the
Armenian Church of America (DACA)
Yelena Khajekian
On Thursday, June 19th, 2008 there was an exhibit held at the Diocese of
the Armenian Church of America, in Manhattan. This exhibit was mainly about
Arshile Gorky’s paintings. The most popular attraction was Gorky’s most famous
piece of art, called “Mother and Son.” This painting was on display for everyone
to see.
Unfortunately, photography of that particular painting was not allowed.
However, it was a pleasant sight to see. I am glad I was able to experience this
extraordinary exhibition.
Armenian Khachkar in Metropolitan Museum
Yelena Khajekian.
It was a warm and sunny Saturday morning when I was in Manhattan walking to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, ready for whatever the museum had in store for me! The first exhibition I wanted to visit was the ancient Armenian Khachkar. This interesting piece is in
the Mary and Michael Jaharis Galleries in the Byzantine Art section. It is on a special long-term loan from the State History Museum in
This Khachkar is 2,000 pounds and nearly an 8-foot-tall block of basalt sitting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This is a memorable sight to see especially if you are an Armenian. Once I stood before this magnificent piece of Armenian history, I couldn’t believe my
eyes! It didn’t look like a “kar (rock)!” It looked as if it were eight feet of yarn and lace sewn together! That made me wonder how long
it took to carve this greatly-detailed 2,000 lb rock. The next time I see an ordinary rock, I will look at it in a whole new way!
This was an exhibit to remember, and I strongly suggest that whenever you get the chance to see this piece, you won’t regret it!
Remember, it won’t be there forever!
Do4vr in/i5 Der5
Ba3/a-ov;ivnu5 garynal untovnylov hamar a3n amenu5 in[ or [ym grnar ‘oqyl7
Ka]ov;ivnu` garynal ‘oqylov hamar a3m amenu5 in[ or bedk e ‘oqyl5
Yv imasdov;ivnu` zanazanylov hamar darpyrov;ivnu1 Sen; Be0l
News From Sixth Grade
Alumni Party
On June 9th, the class of 2008 had their alumni gathering, sponsored by Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian. Present were the fifth
graders and some of the former graduates from the Class of 2007. We had lots of fun, ate pizza, played games, and chatted with
each other. Mrs. Boghosian told us not to lose our identity and become proud citizens of the world. The Class of 2008 brought
their autograph books and everyone wrote short messages in them. We promised not to forget our old friends, to keep in touch
and always visit our dear school – H.M.A.D.S. Thank you again Mrs. Boghosian for taking the time and thinking of us.
Hamaspur Vakilian
Revisiting “The Little Prince”
When we read the “Little Prince”, my classmates and I were so amazed and perplexed at the same time. Who is this “Prince?”
He had so much wisdom and sadness in him. Is he the author’s conscience or a guardian angel? You have to read the book and
make up your mind.
Our class drew some of our favorite scenes and analyzed some of the Little Prince’s quotations.
This is why we were so interested and excited when we met Mrs. Therese Voskeridjian. She translated the “Little Prince” from
French to Western Armenian. Would you believe it, the Western Armenian translation was number 161; it means that this incredible story by Antoine De Saint- Exupery is read in 161 different languages!
WOW! I was so impressed to talk to Mrs. Therese, who as a child was also fascinated by this fable. She told us some useful
information about the author and signed the Armenian version of the book.
Mrs. Voskeridjian was accompanied by her daughter, Arpi, who gave her own thoughts in English about why everyone should
read the book. At the end, I want to share one of my favorite quotes from the book: “But you are innocent and true, and you come
from a star…”
Lucik Minassian
Visiting St. Nersess Seminary
On May 20th, the school had its traditional Field Day. It was the last
outing for the 6th graders. Although it rained, the parents tried their
best to make it fun and an exciting day. I can assure you that they succeeded! In the beginning, we were warmly greeted by Father
Doodokjian who took us to the chapel. This was one of my favorite
moments, because I learned something new about the Sun-Rise
Service. I was moved and felt very special because of the feelings that I
was overwhelmed with, which were comfort and safety.
Most of the parents enjoyed and participated in some of the exercises. I want to thank the PTO members and the parents, who regardless
all obstacles (Mother Nature did not cooperate that day) served us with
a delicious barbeque. At the end we went back at the sanctuary and
Father Doudukjian asked all of us to think of three things that we
enjoyed most in life. My personal choice was Science, although my goal is to become a judge.
Alexandra Tashchian
Our Special Trip To The White House
April is a beautiful month. The weather was also cooler in Washington D.C. The second day of our trip was very interesting,
special, and memorable. It was special because we felt privileged to be there and accompanied by Mrs. Joyce Boghosian. Mrs.
Marcarian had told us all about her, but I was surprised to see how young and pretty she was. Mrs. Joyce Boghosian had to leave
her work, so she could take us around the White House, which in a way is like her “second home” because she works there.
Actually that morning, she had photographed the President around 6:30 A.M., during his weekly radio talk show. Amazing, isn’t
it? Here she was standing in front of us and describing the historical background of each room (only the ones we were allowed)
with such ease.
Yes, we saw the Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room, the State Dining Room with President Lincoln’s Portrait; but I was
most impressed with the East Room. It is the biggest in the White House and was created for large gatherings, receptions, musicals, and press conferences. It was here when John Adams arrived in 1800- the first president to move in the White House
(George Washington is the only president who never lived in the White House). This is also the room where the impressive portraits of Martha and George Washington are displayed.
My classmates and I were also interested in a plaque close to the main entrance of the White House. It had four important
Continued on page 13
Continued from page 12
dates in the history of this building. First one, 1792– Construction of the White House begins; 1817– the White House reopens,
after the British Troops set fire in 1814; 1902– President Theodore Roosevelt– moves to the White House– a wing of offices was
built to the west and a new wing to the east is added; 1952– President Harry Truman made the last renovations of the White
House with 132 rooms which stand today in their original state.
One of the pleasant surprises of that morning I left for last, was a secret kept by Mrs. Marcarian. Mrs. Zarminé Boghosian
was in town, visiting her son, daughter-in-law, Joyce Boghosian and her grandchildren. We were so happy to see her emerging
from one of the Government offices, to greet and join us. What more can we ask? And all this happened within 2 to 3 hours…
How much more fun can you expect?
Amanda Gomez-Shnorhokian
Fourth grade students with their art projects.
Enjoying Barbeque lunch @ St. Nersess.
Perfect Attendance rewarded!
All participants of Hamazkayin Armenian Spelling/History Contest.
Shant Babikian, class of ’96 addressing the Class of ’08
Nursery & Kindergarten Graduation
Mr. Arek Nisanyan, Board Chair, with the faculty and the proud award recipients.
Second graders proudly present their art work to the Primate of Baghdad, Hayr Sourp’s guest.
Cooking classes with Mrs. Houri - Armenian ingredients taste the best!
Fifth & Sixth graders with Hayr Sourp and
His Eminence Archb. Avak Asadourian, Primate of Iraq.
Two of our veteran teachers: Mrs. Asdghig Serkisyan &
Herminé Tabibian with Elmone Yegnukyan, class of ’06.
Mr. Hilda Nisanyan, piano teacher, with HMADS students.
Arevakal- the Sunrise ceremony
at St. Nersess Chapel.
HMADS Alumni representing the Armenian community at
the Ellis Island Medal of Honor Awards Ceremony.
HMADS Hye Bardez Fun Final day, June ‘08.
Proud principal with HMADS Alumnus- Tina Tcholakian,
Class of ’93 - Professional photographer
Myr Namagadov‘en
#ovnis 6, 2008
Siryli yv #arcyli Zarmine5
Sirds harsdaxav ovraqov;yamp
yrp nyrga3 ei ;o-nigis 6 Sofia
Bovdacyani mangamsovri hantesin1
Ov..agi hiaxa3
2yr anqon]
a,qadankow yv
y-antow or gu
bahek 2yr me]
ha3 manovgnyrovn
ov..ov;ivn dalow1
In[bes qosdaxyr ei
nyr’ag gu cdnek im
Sophia Boudakian, Nursery Graduate ‘08, surrounded with proud grandparents
Mrs. Marion Boudakian, Mrs. Shake Mekhjian, mom Arpi Boudakian and principal.
tbroxin hamar1
Asdova/ 2yzi ov= yv hampyrov;ivn da3 or
,arovnagek a3s noviryal cor/u1
Sirow yv 3arcankow`
<ake Mqjyan
#ovnis 20, 2008
Siryli Zarmine5
I srde5 noren ,norhavorovm ym 2yr ,r]anavardnyru
yv ma.;ovm pivr 3a]o.ov;ivn irynx ovsovmnagan
polor darinyrovm1Wsdah ym5 or ha3 tbroxi me]
gr;ov;yan slaxku5 lovsavorov;yan z0rov;ivnn5 ha3yxi
tasdiaragov;ivnn ov ‘or2a-ov;ivnnyrov 3i,adagnyru
an]n]yli bidi mnan irynx hocovm1 :o. Asdova/
0rhni 2yz5 Ha3 M,ago3;in5 cir ov craganov;yan 2yr
ana[a- novirovmi ov zohapyrov;yan hamar1 Untovnyxek
a3s [n[in covmaru5 orbes nover SNAW6in1
Sirow` Armine Minasyan
Donations Received from May 1st to June 30th, 2008
The Holy Martyrs Armenian Day School gratefully acknowledges receipt of the following donations:
SNAW6u yraqdacidov;yamp gu n,e war=aranis polor noviradovnyrovn xangu6
Myr w,dagxov;ivnu hancovxyalin undaniki antamnyrovn yv qorin ,norhagalov;ivnu polor noviradovnyrovn1
In lieu of flower donations In Memory of:
Araksi Bedrossian
Mrs. Shake Papasian. Total: $25.00
Jack Hagop Sultanian
Mrs. Rose Davitian, Mr. Ohan Bakla. Total: $100.00
Torkom Tourabian
Mr. & Mrs. Bayar Karakas, Mr. & Mrs Arthur Terzian, Mrs. Lolita Babikian, Mr. & Mrs. Gary Touryan, Mr. Arda Mirek,
Mr. & Mrs. Sevan Semerciyan, Mr. & Mrs. Mina Mirek, Mr. Berj Haroutunian, Dr. Leon Kevorkian, Yercanik Semerciyan. Total: $1,000.00
Dr. & Mrs. Haroutune Mekhjian. $500.00
Mr. & Mrs. Vahe Niksarli. $100.00
Mrs. Barbara Peters, Mr. & Mrs. Margaret Dagavarian, Mrs. Nevart Zeronian-Dadourian, Mr. Karabet Ishanyan, Mrs. Hera Sagiroglu,
Mr. & Mrs. Aris Sevag, Esayan Getronagan, Tekeyan Cultural Assoc., Mrs. Sylvia Terzibashian, Mr. & Mrs. Armenak Iskanoglu,
Mrs. Joan Sadyan, Mrs. Shake Papasian, Ms. Armine Minassian, Ms. Elizabeth Aktarian. Total: $2,850.00
Mrs. Shake Papasian - Subscription for National Geographic to Lucik Minassian & Andrew, Carolina & Daniela Gazal
to promote Science Fair Program @ HMADS,
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Issagholian - Printer & Scanner,
Mrs. Mary Haroutunian – Armenian Library Bookcase: Total: $400.00
Macy*s - Volunteer Program matching gift (Mrs. Sevana Shamlian ) Total: $250.00
Alumni Gathering –Janet Marcarian, Zarminé Boghosian: Total: $100.00
Mr. Armen Enkababian - ACEF Donation Total: $595.30
Mr. Raffi Nakashian - Shish-Kebab hot lunch, May 1, 2008
Special thanks to all parents for their classroom donations and volunteer work.
A[kyru irynk irynx gu havadan5 agan]nyru` ovri,nyrovn1
“One kind word can warm three winter months.” Japanese proverb
Calendar of Upcoming HMADS 2008 Events
First Full Day of School for Grades 1-6
A schedule for N & K will be issued separately.
Church Picnic and HMADS Art Show
Curriculum Night & PTO Gen. Membership
Meeting - 7:30 p.m.
Armenian Independence Day Celebration in school
15-16 Wed.-Thurs. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon - Open School Visitation
17-21 Mon.-Fri.
Holy Martyrs Church Jubilee Banquet
Scholastic Book Fair – Details to be announced
10:00 a.m. Annual Christmas Hantess–12:00 noon dismissal
This newsletter was prepared with the highest attention to accuracy and detail. We could not possibly claim that it is free of errors.
We earnestly apologize for any unintentional omission or accidental misprint.
We thank all our readers for their continuous support and contribution to HMADS.
209-15 Horace Harding Expressway
Bayside, N.Y. 11364 - 1721