File - Sts Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church


File - Sts Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
Etching by Vartkes Kaprielian
F ax:401.351.4418
Vol. XXXXIX No. 9
Publication of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
402 Broadway, Providence, Rhode Island 02909
Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian, Pastor
October 2014
to the Holy Priesthood
His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan,
Prelate of the Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian
Apostolic Church, will celebrate the Divine Liturgy
and ordain Deacons Diran Der Khrosrofian and
Harold Nazarian to the order of the Holy
Priesthood on Saturday, October 4, 2014 at Sts.
Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church. The
Divine Liturgy will begin at 9 am. Following the
conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, a Banquet in
honor of our newly ordained priests will take place
at the Providence Marriott Hotel.
On Friday, October 3, 2014, the Service of
Calling to the Priesthood will take place at 7 pm.
A Coffee Hour hosted by the Ladies' Guilds of
Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church and Sts. Vartanantz
Church will then follow the Service of Calling to
the Priesthood in Aramian Auditorium.
Please join us for this most joyful and memorable
Adult Bible Study Has Resumed
Monday Evenings at 7 pm
"...but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind. Then you will be able to test and approve
what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and
perfect will."
Please come and join us as we experience the
transforming power of the word of God and
Christian Fellowship.
Continuation of Our
Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday, October 5, 2014
If attendance does not constitute a quorum, a
second meeting, following a short break, will
be called to order on the same day. In
accordance with the Prelacy By-Laws, a
parishioner must have paid his/her 2014
Membership Dues to participate in the
voting. Before the meeting, a light lunch will
be served.
Election of Trustees
Sunday, October 5, 2014
10 am to 1 pm
To be eligible to vote, your 2014
Membership Dues must be paid.
Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
Wish List 2014-2015
Your Church is in need of several items
which need to be replaced. The following
is our Wish List for the coming year. We
sincerely hope that you will be able to help
us in these endeavors.
1) Installation of a Chair Lift in the stairway from
the Church to Fermanian Fellowship Hall
2) Three "panic" steel doors
3) Replacement Windows for our Classrooms
4) New Copy Machine for the Church Offices
5) For the Kitchen: New Stove and Ovens
Hot-Water Pump
6) Surveillance cameras for the outside doors and
parking lot
7) Repair of windows outside the Choir Room
8) Refurbishment of the AYF room
Donations to the Rejuvenation Fund
We very gratefully thank the following parishioners
who have made donations to our revived
"Rejuvenation Fund"
to help defray the costs
of our much needed renovations:
Family of Souren Mouradjian
$ 1,000
Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Please remember to remit your 2014 Membership
Dues and Stewardship Form along with the
appropriate payment as soon as possible. Membership
Dues are as follows:
$100 (26 & older)
$50 Senior Citizen (65 & older)
$25 (18 - 25 yrs. of age)
Please contact the Church Office at 401-831-6399
for an application or to make a credit card payment.
Your continuous and unyielding support is what
sustains the well being of our Church.
Sts. Vartanantz Church Outreach Fund
Please consider making a donation to the Sts.
Vartanantz Church Outreach Fund. This
program’s purpose is to provide financial help for
those parishioners who have fallen on hard times.
All donations should be designated for the
“Outreach Fund”. Also, please note if you would
like your donation to remain anonymous.
Opening Day --Mourad Armenian School
Opening Day -- Sunday School
Sunday School and
Mourad Armenian School
Teacher and Staff Dedication
A Special Thank You to
our Ladies’ Guild for taking the time to make the Choreg,
the Hagopian Family for their generous donation of the
Grapes, Harry and Agnes Toumasian for their donation
of 50 lbs of bulgur, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Serabian for
their donation of the air slide [value $400-], and the
Continental Restaurant in Smithfield for their donation
of 50 bags of pita bread.
We would also like to express our profound
appreciation to all our workers before, during and after
the Picnic for all their efforts.
Picnic Committee
Madagh Donations
Mr. Antranig Avakian
Mrs. Joyce Yeremian
Ms. Joanne Mouradjian
Aghjayan and Getzoyan Families; Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Atamian; Mr. Peter “Doc” Bedrosian; Kenneth and
Sandra Bogosian; Mrs. Shirley Derderian; Mr. &
Mrs. Vartges Engustian; Ms. Mary Fermanian and
Mrs. Queenie Haboian; Elyse, Louise & Rosette
Garabedian; Mr. Manoog Kaprielian; Mr. Everett
Marabian and Family;
Mr. &
Mrs. Souren
Mouradjian; Mr. Ardashes Nahabedian; Mrs. Mari
Nadjarian; Mr. & Mrs. Philip Ovoian; Mr. Armenag
Palian; Mr. & Mrs. Garbis Parseghian; Drs. Aida and
Srecko Pogacar; Mr. James Stepanian in Memory of
Eugene R. Stepanian; Mark and Nancy Tavitian; Mr.
& Mrs. Sarkis Yepremian
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Anoushian; Mr. & Mrs. Hagop
Donoyan; Stephan and Christine Kanarian; Varoujan
and Rose Karentz; Mrs. Hazel Kizirian; Mr. & Mrs.
Edward Kopoian; Violet and Chris Krikorian; Mrs.
Martha Mantaian; Ms. Sarah Markarian; Mr. & Mrs.
Antranig Mesrobian; Ms. Anahid Nalbandian; Ara
and Maggie Nalbandian; Mr. & Mrs. Harold Nazarian;
Ms. Margaret Stepanian; Mr. & Mrs. David Surabian;
Mr. Peter Swajian; Mr & Mrs.Harout Taraksian;
Angel and Shoghig Tavitian; Mrs. Ann Tikoian in
Loving Memory of Peter B. Tikoian; Mr. & Mrs.
Ramon Zorabedian
Jon and Paula Burke;
Hagop and Anahid
$25 and under
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Alexanian; Mr. Hagop
Antranigian; Anonymous; Anonymous; Anonymous;
Anonymous; Ms. Roxanne Arakelian; Ms. Roberta
Babigian; Mrs. Rose Babigian; Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Babigian; Mr. Anthony Bahian; Mr. & Mrs. Jasper
Bedrosian; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bedrosian; Mrs. Mary
Bedrossian; Mrs. Alice Bennett; Ms. Helen Bogoian;
Vanni and Alice Buratti; Mrs. Nicole Campbell; Mr.
Jack Chakoian; Mrs. Genevieve Dallaire; Kenneth
and Nancy Danielian; Ms. Hourig Daghlian; Ms.
Helen Dayian; Mr. Hovsep Derderian; Jean and
Manishag Dermenjian; Dr. Fotini Dioniospoulos;
Dionisopoulos; Aram and Marie
Donabedian; Mr. Zaven Donabedian; Z. Donoyan;
Ms. Christine Engustian; Mr. Greg Garrian; Pauline
and Gerald Goodman; Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hajian; Mrs.
Hovagimian; Moushegh and Hovsep Ishkanian; Mr.
& Mrs. Hrant Jamjyan;
Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis
Jamgochian; Mr. & Mrs. Setrak Jawharjian; Mr. Varky
Kaprielian; Ms. Sosi Kaprielian Kelly; Mrs. Beatrice
Kendrjian; Mrs. Alice Kojoian; Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Koshmatian; Mrs. Arousiak Krikorian; Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Kushigian; Mr. Aram Madoian; John and June
Mangassarian; Mr. Vartan Masdanian; Dr. and Mrs.
Steve Menetian; Mrs. Sandi Montriro; Mrs. Mariam
Norigian; Mr. Harold Ohanian; Rose and Phil
Ovoian; Mr. & Mrs. Norayr Palandjian; Mr. & Mrs.
Charles Palian; Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paolino; Mrs.
Karen Pilla; Dale and Mary Quam; Simonian Family;
Mr. Raffi Simonian; Mrs. Suzanne Simonian; Ms.
Sylvia Simonian;
Mrs. Marjorie Sluter; Mrs.
Sogheyemezian; Mr. John Takian; Mrs. Seta
Tarpinian; Mrs. Taraksian; Mrs. Souad Tashian; G.
Tikoian Mr. George Topalian; Mr. Kacheg Topalian;
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Toumasian; Mrs. Sylvia B.
Varadian; Mrs. Sarah Woods
Due to rising printing costs, donations to
help off-set printing of the Gantegh would
be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to receive your issue of the
Gantegh electronically, please forward your email
address to the Church Website:
This would help to defray our costs greatly.
We appreciate your consideration.
Requiem Services
Chris and Mary Azizian
$ 100
in Memory of their late cousin, Sirouhi “Sue” Topalian
October 5
Sarkis Bedrosian; Serarpi Bedrosian; Margaret, John, Harry
and Doris Donabedian and Helen DeCiccio; Polly Gallas;
Levon Antranig Garabedian; Michael and Alice Markarian;
John Menissian; Kara Alexanian Mignano; Theresa
Bedrosian Morin; Setrag Shahrozian; Avedis Albert and
Yeranik Swajian; Yeprem, Victoria and Garabed
Yepremian, Aroussiag Jamgotchian, Mari Abrahamian and
Yepremian, Jamgotchian and Abrahamian Families
October 12
Alla Arsenian; Donig, Satenig, Paul, Eleanor and Dr. Peter
Asadoorian; Mark Daniel Asadoorian; George and Mary
Avakian, Michetar and Araxie Ohanian and Jiryr
Mezdurian; Asadoohi Der Manouelian; Anahid Elmasian;
Lucy Hovanesian and Eugenia Stoian; Iris Kinoian;
Maurice Legros; Setrag, Vartoohe and Bedros Tatoian
October 19
Harry Alahverdian; Goulistan Nevart Aramian; Margaret
Baligian and Gerald Murray; Peter Bedrosian; Simon,
Verkin, Peter Edward and Victoria Bedrosian; Zakar
Bogosian;. Vram and Yeretzgeen Zartar Hamamjian;
Vartkes Khimatian;
Varkis Markarian; Siranoush
Mesrobian; Anna Vartanian
October 26
Hovannes and Arousiag Antoyian; Charlotte Arakelian;
Siranoush Barsamian; Nshan, Rosa, Mary and Michael
Bedrosian and Vincent Izzo; Arthur Boornazian; Stanley
S. and Ruth Ervanian; Isahag George Fashjian; Takouhy,
Mguerdich, Kevork and Nubar Jamjyan, and Frank and
Louise Cannavale; Takouhi and Garabed Koosherian;
Geraldine Najarian; Haiganush and Megurdich Tashjian;
Orzen and Krikor Topalian
November 2
Raymond Aznavourian; Osgean and Hustian Barsoian;
Charles P. Jackson; Beatrice and Joseph Labee; George,
Misak and Zarouhi Manoogian; Verkene Manoogian;
George Mesrobian; Ardachess Minassian and Len
Minassian Faraj; Parunag Ogasian; Gegam Panosyan;
Harry, Hagop, Manooshag and Kazaros Parikian, Varouk
Malekian, and Rita Krajian; Hazel Portukalian; Fannie and
John Riccitelli and Mary Surabian; Onnig, Bedros and
Armenhoui Soghanyemezian; Yervant D. Stepanian;
Hamazarb, Vartoohi, Boghos, Zaroohi, Sesak and Edward
Vartian, Roupen Aramian, and Margaret Voas
November 9
Gabriel Aharonian; Bagdasar “Buddy” Bagdasarian;
Giragos and Zaroohy Basmajian, and Vera Basmajian
Lindo; Hagop Boyadjian; Peter Kalafian; Tsolag,
Hreipsimay and Simon Keshigian; Manoog Markarian;
Yevkine and Mgrdich Seropian; Bagdasar Toumasian;
Simon and Mark Vagshenian
November 16
Pasha and Charles Antonian, and Krikor Karibian;
Arpineh Bagian; Armenouhe and Donabed Harootunian;
A Special Thank You
Souren and his family wish to thank Der Hayr and
Yeretzgeen for their many prayers and daily hospital
visitations during his recent surgery. We also wish to
thank all our church family for all their visits, prayers
and best wishes for a successful recovery following
his surgery.
Sally, Joanne and Chuck Mouradjian
Altar Candles
The Attarian Family
In Loving Memory of Manuel Tavitian
Vanni and Alice Buratti and Family
In Loving Memory of Misak and Araxie Simonian
Altar Flowers
The Kizirian Family
In Loving Memory of Harry Kizirian
Beverly Najarian, and Sandra and Kenneth Bogosian
In Loving Memory of Cerna Mabel and Benjamin Najarian
Rose and Kenneth Balemian, and Helen Dayian
In Loving Memory of Yervant and Mary Dayian
If you and your family would like to host the
Sunday Fellowship following Church Services,
please call the Church Office at 401-831-6399 to
reserve a specific Sunday in memory of a loved
one, or in celebration of a special occasion.
Spiritual Bouquet Cards
are available for
Prayers for Healing or Deceased
These cards are to be sent by you to the family
indicating your intentions. They may be obtained at
the Pangal or from the Church Office. Donation for the
cards is $10 each. Please complete the appropriate
form with the requested information so that Der Hayr
may offer Silent Prayers for the individual(s) during the
appropriate time during the Divine Liturgy.
November 16 continued
Hovannes Kashmanian; John Hovhaness Killerjian;
Kayajan “Aram” Kinosian; Mugurditch and Haiganoush
Kushigian; Bedros Sarkis; Azatouhi A.Shaldjian; Michael
November 23
Manoog and Nevart Atamian; Giragos Der Manouelian;
Dan A. Jerozal; Ronnie Malkasian; Grace, Eva, Nshan,
Charles Garo, Peter, Margaret and Paul Nishan Mikaelian;
Charles Garabed Mouradjian; Victor Vahan, Mary Ann,
Melanie Ann, and Ovsanna Serabian; Sirpoohi Tarpinian
November 30
Ann Adoian; Vartkes Der Vartanian; Bessie, Mihran and
John Kolligian; Valerie Dawn Norbury; Peter M. Panosian;
Vartig, Abraham, and Charles Shiranian and Sarkis
Eternal Rest
Deadline for the submission of articles, pictures etc.
to the Gantegh for publication is the 15th of the
month prior to the issue. Please adhere to the
[] as this facilitates the
editing process. Thank you for your cooperation.
Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees
Please visit our website at
for information regarding our Sunday and
Armenian Schools, Church organizations,
upcoming events as well as general
information regarding your Church
Anna Louise Khimatian
Entered into Eternal Rest on September 4, 2014
Fortieth Day Remembrance
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Anna Louise Khimatian
will be said on October 19, 2014
Calendar of Events
Oct 19
Nov 1
Service of Calling to the Priesthood 7 pm
Divine Liturgy / Ordination to the Holy
Priesthood starting at 9 am
Ordination Banquet will follow at the
Providence Marriott Hotel 1 pm
BOT Elections 10 am to 1 pm
Annual Membership Meeting Part 2
ANC “Meet the Candidates” Coffee Hour
Homenetmen Costume Party in Aramian
ANC “Meet the Candidates” Coffee Hour
Veterans’ Day Observance 10 am
Armenian Memorial Monument in RI
Veterans Cemetery in Exeter
Nov 15-16 Armenian Fest 2014 at Rhodes on the
Dec 5
Ladies Guild Christmas Party
Dec 12
ARS Senior Citizens Christmas Party
Dec 14
Sunday School Christmas Pageant
Men’s Club Children’s Christmas Party
(snow date is December 21st)
Veterans’ Day Observance
Tuesday, November 11th
Armenian Memorial
RI Veterans Cemetery
Exeter, RI
the late Harry Kizirian
Nov 11
Newly Elected Executive
of the Ladies’ Guild
Vice Chairlady:
Asst. Treasurer:
Corresponding Secretary:
Recording Secretary:
Joyce Bagdasarian
Jean Goshgarian Michael
Elizabeth Kopoian
Gloria Nazarian
Pauline Dayian
Margaret Stepanian
Our Ladies and Gentlemen working
hard preparing the choreg, katah and
kufta for our upcoming Armenian
Fest 2014. Come and join them on
weekdays Monday thru Wednesday,
and/or on Thursday evenings. Help
to make your Armenian Fest a
success while you learn the secrets of
baking traditional Armenian treats!
Food Preparation Schedule
Mondays and Wednesdays
Choreg and katah starting at 9 am
Meecheeg starting at 9:30 am
Kufta starting at 6:30 pm
2014 Armenian Fest is Upon Us
Please consider donating a "Unique Item" such as Tickets for Events etc. for our “Silent
Auction”. And please don't forget those treasures for our “Flea Market” as well. Your donations
will help our Church and may qualify as a tax deduction for you..
Please contact the Church Office (831-6399) for further information.
Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
Providence, RI
Each Friday, our E-Bulletin is received by our parishioners and friends. If you are not
receiving a copy, please forward your email to the Church Office [401-831-6399] or email to
Our E-Bulletin provides weekly information pertaining to our Church along with coverage
of recent events.
Attention Parents!!!
It is not too late to register your child for our
Sunday School and/or our Mourad Armenian School.
Please contact the Office [831-6399] for further
Seldom do we have the opportunity to witness an Ordination
to the Holy Priesthood. Very soon, all of us will have the
honor of this opportunity in Sts. Vartanantz Church. "Our
own" Deacon, Harold Nazarian, and Deacon Diran Der
Khosrofian from Whitinsville will be ordained to the Holy
Please make every effort to attend this most joyful and most
memorable event.
Ordination and Unction to the Holy Priesthood
Deacon Diran Der Khosrofian and Deacon Harold Nazarian
Friday, October 3, 2014
Service of Calling to the Priesthood
7 pm
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Divine Liturgy and Ordination
His Eminence, Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
Banquet to follow at the Providence Marriott Hotel
Important Dates to Remember
Service of the Calling to the Holy Priesthood
Ordination and Unction to the Holy Priesthood
Followed by the Ordination Banquet
Elections -- Board of Trustees
Continuation of Annual Membership Meeting
Veterans Day Observance – Armenian Memorial
Monument in the RI Veterans Cemetery
November 15 & 16 Annual Armenian Fest @ Rhodes