Aram Vehapar`s Visit to Providence


Aram Vehapar`s Visit to Providence
Etching by Vartkes Kaprielian
Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian, Pastor
Vol. L
No. 6
F ax:401.351.4418
Publication of Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
402 Broadway, Providence, Rhode Island 02909
Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, Assistant Pastor
June, July and August 2015
Aram Vehapar's Visit to
On Saturday, May 30th, the Sts. Vartanantz Church
Community welcomed His Holiness, Aram I,
Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia with open
His Holiness first arrived at the Armenian Martyrs'
Memorial Monument located at the entrance to
North Burial Ground. There, His Holiness was
greeted by members of the Armenian Martyrs'
Memorial Committee of RI and representatives of our
Church and Sister Organizations. His Holiness
offered prayers and blessed our monument.
At 4 pm, His Holiness and his entourage arrived at
the Church. Canopy Bearers Peter "Doc" Bedrosian,
Vartges Engustian, Aram Garabedian, and Ramon
Zorabedian stood by as His Holiness released white
doves. At the entrance to our Church, His Holiness
blessed the traditional bread [made by Yeretzgeen
Debra] and salt which was presented to him by Lorie
Simonian; Narine Taraksian presented a bouquet of
flowers to His Holiness.
With the traditional
Hrashapar Service and our Choir singing, a procession
of Altar Servers and Clergy led His Holiness into the
sanctuary. After completion of a the short service,
Aram Vehapar gave his message which stressed
"Hope" [our state motto] as a sustaining force
amongst Armenians. Following the Achahampuir, all
enjoyed a beautiful Fellowship in our Aramian
Aram Vehapar at the Armenian Martyrs’ Memorial
Aram Vehapar's Visit to Sts. Vartanantz Church
Vehapar holding Daron Tarpinian
who was born on Easter Sunday
Vehapar giving his message
Pontifical Badarak in Watertown
Vehapar with our Board of Trustees
Vehapar with our NRA Delegates
Vehapar with representatives from
our Church and Sister Organizations
Certainly a day not to have
been missed!
For more pictures, please go to
our website
Church Summer Schedule
commences Sunday, June 21st
Divine Liturgy begins at 9:15 am
Adult Bible Study will resume in September on Monday evenings at 7 pm.
We hope that you will be able to join us.
Please remember to remit your 2015 Membership
Dues and Stewardship Form along with the
appropriate payment as soon as possible. Membership
Dues are as follows:
$100 (26 & older)
$50 Senior Citizen (65 & older)
$25 (18 - 25 yrs. of age)
Please contact the Church Office at 401-831-6399
for an application or to make a credit card payment.
Your continuous and unyielding support is what
sustains the well being of our Church.
Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday, September 13, 2015
If attendance does not constitute a quorum, a
second meeting, following a short break, will
be called to order on the same day. In
accordance with the Prelacy By-Laws, a
parishioner must have paid his/her 2015
Membership Dues to participate in the
voting. Before the meeting, a light lunch will
be served.
Election of Trustees
Continuation of our
Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday, September 27, 2015
June 2015
The winner of the 50/50 Raffle was Yeretzgeen Debra
Nazarian. We would to thank her for her generous gift of
donating the entire $1231. back to the chapter.
The ARS would like to thank all those who donated food
for the Easter Food Drive for the RI Community Food
Bank, and to the 18 people who donated for our Blood
Drive on April 19 for the RI Blood Center. It was much
Providence ARS ‘ANI’ Chapter Undergraduate
Scholarship Fund: The recipients are Alexandrea and
Michele Colangelo who each received $1000.
Congratulations. We wish them a successful year in their
Jivan Baghsarian was the winner of the $650 Campership
to Camp Haiastan this year. We wish him a wonderful time
at camp.
The Varoujan and V. Rose Karentz Scholarhip Fund
Scholarships: funding to cover tuition or associated costs
for formal academic studies in Armenian history, culture
or heritage: or
Grants: funding for noteworthy student-initiated projects
or programs oriented toward developing awareness of
Armenian history, culture or heritage.
Scholarships and grants are open to students of
Armenian descent ( at least 25% lineage) who are Rhode
Island residents, or who are themselves or have direct
family (parents or grandparents) who are members of any
Rhode Island Armenian Church or Rhode Island
organization. The competition is open to high school,
undergraduate or graduate students pursuing studies or
initiating special public projects related to Armenian
history, culture or heritage. Applicants must be enrolled
and in good academic standing at a high school or an
institution of higher education.
endeavors are not supported by this funding opportunity.
A call for applications are available now until July 15,
2015. For further information, applicants can contact the
ARS “Ani” Chapter representative, Arax Missakian
(, or Deneb Karentz or Sona
Karentz Andrews (
Providence ARF Celebrates the Liberation of
Shushi and Remembers the Khanasor Expedition
Under a bright sunny sky, the Providence ARF
“Kristapor” Gomidehoutiune hosted its annual picnic to
celebrate the liberation of Shushi and remember the
Khanasor expedition. The picnic was held in the parking
lot of Sts. Vartanantz Church following church services.
Armenian flags and banners of the ARF and ANC proudly
welcomed guests as they entered the picnic area.
2015 Easter Youghakin
Mr. James H. Surabian
Anonymous; Vartges and Dolores Engustian; Marabian
Family; Mr. & Mrs. Antranig Mesrobian, Stepan, Mark &
Bried; Mrs. Lucy Rafaelian in Memory of Ralph Rafaelian;
Mark and Nancy Tavitian
Mr.& Mrs. K. Kenneth Bogosian; Ricky and Rebecca
Rafaelian Caruolo and Family in Memory of Ralph
Rafaelian; Mr. Aram G. Garabedian; Victoria and Hrant
Jamjyan; Mrs. Lillian Markarian; Mr. & Mrs. Oscar
Sahagian; Mr. John Takian
Hrag Arakelian, the emcee of the event and a
member of the Providence Gomidehoutiune, provided
welcoming remarks which included an account of the
significance of the two events in Armenian history.
Arakelian shared that twenty three years ago on the
evening of May 8, Armenian forces captured the City of
Shushi and drove out the occupying Azeris. Armenian
military commanders based in Nagorno-Karabakh's capital
of Stepanakert had been contemplating the capture of the
town after a hail of Azeri military bombardment had
begun shelling Stepanakert. Arakelian also explained that
the Khanasor Expedition was conducted by the ARF in
retaliation against the Mazrik Kurdish tribe for their role in
the Hamidian massacres and their ambush on the
defenders of Van. The plain of Khanasor lies between the
district of Van and Iran, and was once heavily populated
by Kurds.
The event was a great success which featured
delicious meals and tributes to Shushi and Khanasor.
The youth from the Homenetmen and AYF sang
"Khanasori Arshvankuh,” a piece written to celebrate the
Khanasor raid. The AYF Junior Chapter sold ice cream
as a fundraiser to offset the Junior Seminar expenses.
The Mike Gregian band provided favorite songs to
honor these events in Armenian history.
Mrs. Lucy Kroian
Vahe and Hasmik Arslanyan; Mr. Antranig Avakian; Mr.
and Mrs. Armen Garabedian; Judy and David Manoogian;
Sadaniantz Family
Garbis and Seta Parseghian; David and Marjorie (Ovoian)
Sluter in Memory of Sarkis and Lucy Ovoian; Ms. Janice
Elizabeth and the late Rose Hagopian; Ms. Joanne
Mouradjian; Ms. Beverly Najarian
Mrs. Alice Bennett
Mrs. Melina Akalarian; Siranush and Yelena Antonian;
Ararat Association; Robert and Mariam Atamian; Ken and
Rose Balemian; Mr. Peter “Doc” Bedrosian; Mrs. Mary
Bedrossian; Mrs. Pamela Benjamin;
Jim and Julie
Colangelo; Mrs. Shirley Derderian; Simon and Betty Der
Muksian; Hagop and Salpi Donoyan; Christopher and
Annie Fay; Ms. Mary Fermanian & Mrs. Queenie
Haboian; Elyse, Louise and Rosette Garabedian; Mrs.
Sylvia Hajian; Grigor and Gohar Gevorkian; Mr. & Mrs.
Edward Kopoian; Harry and Claire Kushigian; Joseph and
Beverly Leylegian; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Magarian; Everett
Jr. and Lisa Marabian; Antranig and Carol Mesrobian; Mr.
& Mrs. Souren Mouradjian; Mr. Ardashes Nahabedian;
Mr. Armenag Palian; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pjojian; Ralph
and Ani Rafaelian; Suzanne and Melissa Simonian; Mrs.
Anahid Varadian; Mrs. Joyce Yeremian; Mr. Frank
Zorabedian; Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Zorabedian
Ms. Anahid Sarkisian
Mrs. Arpy Jerozal
Anonymous; Mr. & Mrs. Zak Asatrian
Mrs. Rose Alahverdian; Mr. & Mrs. George Baligian; Ms.
Martina Baligian; Ms. Iulia Barsegova; Vanni and Alice
Buratti; Jon and Paula Burke; Mrs. Genevieve Torigian
Dallaire; Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Dionisopoulos; Elizabeth,
Michael and Stephen Elmasian; Mr. George Gregorian;
Dudley and Svetlana Hall; Ms. Rita Hallajian; Mrs. Lucy
Kanarian; Mrs. Irene Katowicz; Christopher and Violet
Krikorian; Mrs. Rose-Marie Krikorian; Mrs. Martha
Mantaian; Megerdich and Sandra Megerdichian; Mr. Magar
Mooradian; Ms. Marian Murray; Mrs. Gloria Nahabedian;
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nazarian; Mrs. Margaret Rueb; Ms.
Lucille Sprague; Mr. & Mrs. Harout Taraksian; Mrs. Ann
Tikoian; Mr. & Mrs. Michael Toumasian; Mrs. Marlene
Vichabian; Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis Yepremian
Mr. Michael Mangasarian
Ms. Sarah Markarian; Richard and Sonia (Soultanian)
Matulewicz; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Palian; Mrs. Anita
Mrs. Lucienne Kaprielian; Mrs. Mary Bohigian-Legros;
Mr. George Topalian
Mrs. Emma Bagdasarian; Ms. Suzanne Kelley
$25 and under
Ms. Roxanne Arakelian; Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Arevian; Mr.
John Arzoomanian; Sue and Ann Ayrassian; Mrs. Joann
Aznavorian; Ms. Roberta Babigian; Mrs. Rose Babigian;
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Babigian; Mr. Anthony Bahian; Mrs.
Margaret Bajakian; Mrs. Rose Barsoian; Jasper and Rita
Bedrosian; Mr. Sahag Bedrosian; Ms. Marilyn Berberian;
Mrs. Agnes Bianco; Ms. Helen Bogoian; Mrs. Rose
Chamalian; Mrs. Agnes Connery; Ms. Helen Dayian; Mrs.
Kay Derderian; Joseph and Margaret Derderian & Family
in memory of Neshan, Maritza and Minas Dolbashian; Mr.
Harry Diggle; Aram and Marie Donabedian; Mr. Zaven
Donabedian; Ms. Helen Berberian Franklin; Ms. Jeanne
Charello Fusco; Mrs. Margaret Goodwin; Mr. & Mrs.
Harry Hajian; Kevork and Elvira Hovagimian; Manoug
and Berjouhie Hovagimian; Sarkis
and Sandra
Jamgochian; Mr. & Mrs. Setrak Jawharjian; Ms. Elyse
Kaprielian; Mrs. Van Karoghlanian; Mrs. Beatrice
Kendrjian; Mr. and Mrs. Aress Khatchadourian;
Kachadour and Marilyn Kojoian; Koshmatian Family;
Mrs. Arousiak Krikorian; Mr. Aram Madoian; John and
June Mangassarian; Mr. & Mrs. Archie Markarian;
Michael and Sarah Matigian; Mr. & Mrs. George N.
Moorachian; Mrs. June Narzakian;
Mrs. Mariam
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Ovoian; Norayr and
Isgouhi Palandjian; Edward & Barbara Paolino; Mr. &
Mrs. Samuel Peterson; Ms. S. Sylvia Simonian; Mr. &
Mrs. Hayrapet Taraksian; Mrs. Seta Tarbinian;
Susan Varadian Tashjian; Armen and Martha Tenkarian;
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Toumasian; Ms. Lillian Tutelian; Ms.
Beverly Kinoian Vileno; Mr. & Mrs. Joseph White & Family
Sts. Vartanantz Church Outreach Fund
Please consider making a donation to the Sts.
Vartanantz Church Outreach Fund. This program’s
purpose is to provide financial help for those
parishioners who have fallen on hard times. All
donations should be designated for the “Outreach
Fund”. Also, please note if you would like your
donation to remain anonymous.
Recently Received Donations
$ 100
Ms. Elizabeth Hagopian
in loving memory of her sister Rose
Mrs. Alice Dolbashian
$ 500
in loving memory of Paul Dolbashian
Mr. Ramon Zorabedian
$ 500
to help with the expenses of Vehapar's visit
Ms. S. Sue Aramian
$ 300
Sarkis and Menar Tarpinian
$ 150
on the occasion of the Presentation of Daron to God
ARF Kristapor Gomideh
$ 100
for use of the Kitchen facilities
Robert and Carol Peligian-Boghosian
$ 100
in loving memory of her uncle, Peter Peligian
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cass & Family
$ 100
in loving memory of Jack Nezamian
Hamazkayin Educational Society
$ 100
for use of the facilities
Mrs. Helen Nezamian and Family
$ 100
in loving memory of Jack Nezanian
Family of Sophie Downs
$ 100
in loving memory of Sophie Nalbandian Downs
Vigilante Family/Mrs. Olga Inglese
$ 100
in loving memory of Khachkatoon & Markar Khimatian
Talbot Family
$ 50
in loving memory of Khachkatoon & Markar Khimatian
Gantegh Donations
Mrs. Susan Vartian and Family
$ 50
Ms. Bertha Mugurdichian
$ 15
in loving memory of Sophie Nalbandian Downs
If you would like to receive your issue of the
Gantegh electronically, please forward your email
address to the Church Website:
This would help to defray our costs greatly.
We appreciate your consideration.
If you and your family would like to host
the Sunday Fellowship following Church
Services, please call the Church Office at
401-831-6399 to reserve a specific Sunday
in memory of a loved one, or in celebration
of a special occasion.
Spiritual Bouquet Cards
are available for
Prayers for Healing or
These cards are to be sent by you to the family
indicating your intentions. They may be obtained at
the Pangal or from the Church Office. Donation for the
cards is $10 each. Please complete the appropriate
form with the requested information so that Der Hayr
may offer Silent Prayers for the individual(s) at the
appropriate time during the Divine Liturgy.
Requiem Services
June 7
Arpine Aznavorian; Alice Bagian; Setrag and Okia
Balemian; Charles Bargamian; Aram Peter, Hunazant,
Armenag and Peter K. Bedigian; Michael Der Manouelian;
Maragaret Bedrosian Diggle; Harold Goodwin; Hamayag
Kahrimanian; Ohannes, Hermena, Peter and Albert
Malkasian; Sarkis Movsesian;
Melkon, Miriam and
Santoogt Rafaelian; Hovanes, Siroon, Arthur, Margaret,
June and Gabriel Surabian, and Antranig, Varant and
Lalezar "Lolly" Surabian Varjabedian; Manuel Tavitian and
Dionysia (Soula) Tavitian
June 14
Rosalie Ahilijanian; Kazar Aramian; Dr. Edward A.
Dayian; Arshag, Tarviz,Richard and Geraldine Gudoian;
Sarah Kachadourian; Armenouhi Kanarian; Hagop, Anna,
June 14 continued
and Mary Kasparian, Lucy Nezemian and Harry
Kachougian; Ousanna Kazandjian; Verkin and Agop
Kessimian; Antranik Khatchadourian; Rahel Kodos;
Kachadour Melikian and M. Allen Shartzer; Mesia and
Hyganoush Michaelian; Mardiros Serabian; Stepan
Stepanian; Genieve Takian
June 21
Azniv Killerjian Aposhian; Adrina Baligian; Parazem
Dagermandjian; Khatchik Emdjian; Tamar and Manoog
Engustian; Giragos Manoog Giragosian and JohnOrnazian;
Katherine Manoogian; Donig, Varvar and Mary Markarian,
and Thomas Sr.,Thomas Jr. and Margaret DePalma; Sarkis
and Pereza, Peter and Barbara, Sarkis and Ruth, and Sarkis
Matoian; Haig Varadian
June 28
Manoog, Calipse and George "Frenchy" Gregorian, and
Krikor and Aghavnie Esraelian; Anna Kashmanian; Serob
Tahmassian; Lucia Tamamian; Ohannes and Elizabeth
Tavanian; Peter B. Tikoian
July 5
Bessie Bogosian and Victoria Margosian; Ohan Dolbashian;
Krikor Elmasian; Setrag Elmayan; Edward Karoghlanian;
Hykas Krikorian; Elizabeth Altounian Longo; Dr. Charles
Nahabedian; Azbar Agnes Nalbandian; Paroonag Topalian
July 12: No Requiems --- Feast of the Transfiguration
July 19
Freddy Aurelio; Babig Babigian; Helen Araxie Baligian;
Harry Garabedian;
Harry Hamamjian;
Harootunian; Archalois and Arakel Kabakian and Aharon
and Hagop Pashayan; Virginia Madoian; Emily Takian;
Hazel and Gabriel Vescuso
July 26
Richard Albanese;
Margaret and Stanley Askew Sr.;
Kenneth Antranig Baronian; Maria Dasdagulian; Archie
Mary P., Charles Garabed and Anna
Derderian; Russell Gasparian; Hampartzoom, Oski,
Arshag, Haigaz, Zaroohi, Mourad, Arshag, Anita,
Shabouh, Siranoush and
Oski "Rusty" Hagopian;
Tourvanda Marsoubian; Rory Pichi; Misak and Araxie
Simonian; Arpine Souvalian; Cacilia Taraksian; Sirouhi
Sue Topalian
August 2
Ruth Adoian; Harry Ahilijanian, Kheran, Araxie, and
Charles Krikorian, and Takouhie Tavitian; Florence
Ajemian; Nishan Akalarian; Mary Ashukian; Haroutiun
and Anitza Avakian; Vahan Bajakian; Anahid Bedrosian;
Anna Bedrosian; Ankina and Charles Enokian, and
Esgoohi Margosian; Nancy Francazio; Antranig, Maritza,
Boghos and Elmas Gurghigian; Hagop Hatzpanian; Harry
Kasparian; Jirair Kendrjian;
Garabed Maynazarian;
Melkon Varadian; Moorad Vartanian
August 9
Laura Albanese; Aris, Aghavnie and Virginia Arslanian;
Suren Ivanyan; Isabel K. Jordan; Aram Kachadourian;
Samuel Kaprielian;
Isabella Kashmanian;
Merdinian; Mayram Nalbandian; Rose Peligian; Robert
August 9 continued
Sahagian; Noubar Souvalian;
Aghavni and Adom
Tenkarian; Elizabeth Vagshenian; Barsam Zorabedian
August 16: No Requiems --- Assumption of the Holy
Mother of God
August 23
John J. Aharonian; Oscar Ashukian; Hovannes
Dedeian; Diruhi Garabedian; Peniamu, Krikor, Garo
and Harutioun Garabedian; Elizabeth Marabian; Peter
Bedros and Vartouhie Markarian and Takouhi and Kazar
Mary Minassian;
Vartanush and Gevork
Odabashyan; John Varadian; Lucine Zadourian
August 30
Satenig Sophie Arevian; Ofrand Auclair; Arakci Balian;
Grace and David Bogoian; Haroutiun Jerejian; Shahen
Kanarian; Alice Deradoorian Kamajian; Vergine and
Solomon Karentz;
Vartan Keshijian;
Khatchadourian; Sarkis Kozinian; Lucy Mangasarian;
Sarkis M., Missak and Ossunna Nadjarian; Sahag, Victoria,
Mugurdich, Michael III and Ethel Palian, Susie Silvarian,
and Takouhi and Marderos Chaderjian; Markar Rafaelian;
Harry D. and Givan Stepanian and Vartig and Bedros
Haratounian; Jack Toumasian
Spetember 6
Aprahamian Chilingirian and Altounian Familes; Setrag,
Mardiros, Selva, and Aghavni Atoyan and John Costa;
Agnooni Baligian; Haroutoon and Haiganoosh Bedigian;
Donald Bedrosian; Louis A. Bianco; Azniv Coloian; Nvard
and Tatos Dedeian and Gevork Khrimian;
Dolbashian; Garabed Giragosian; Dr. Harold Jordan; Harry
Kizirian; Donig, Bagdasar, Martha, Hagop and Takouhie
Leylegian; Manas Manasian; Varsenig Agnes Markarian;
Marinos Nahabedian; Cerna Mabel and Benjamin Najarian;
Kachig Nalbandian and Edward Vartian; Thomas V.
Sahagian Sr.; Beatrice V. Samuelian; Marie Rose Shiranian;
Derek Alan, Arsen and Jodie Torigian
Eternal Rest
Diana Tutooian
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 2, 2015
Rose Hagopian
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 4, 2015
Dorothy Goorigian
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 5, 2015
Peter Peligian
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 18, 2015
Christine Nazarian White
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 19, 2015
Sahak Sahakian
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 20, 2015
Judy Adoian Pelkey
Entered into Eternal Rest on May 24, 2015
Fortieth Day Remembrance
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Jack Nezamian
will be said on June 14, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Diana Tutooian
will be said on June 14, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Dorothy Goorigian
will be said on June 14, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Sahak Sahakian
will be said on June 21, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Peter Peligian
will be said on June 28, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Christine Nazarian White
will be said on June 28, 2015
The Fortieth Day Requiem Service for
Judy Adoian Pelkey
will be said on July 5, 2015
Sacramental Events
Nora Ousana Kazandjian
Parents: Haroutiun K. Kazandjian
Cynthia Ibrahim Osko
Born: October 23, 2014
Baptized: May 16, 2015
Godfather: Samuel Donabedian
Godmother: Vartine Jirichian
Ava Jill Garrian
Parents: Gregory Garrian
Tanya Zorabedian
Born: September 14, 2014
Baptized: May 17, 2015
Godfather: Michael Garrison
Godmother: Tara Zorian
Ralston Omar Rafaelian Ajaj
Parents: Omar S. Ajaj
Rachel Rafaelian
Born: September 14, 2014
Baptized: May 23, 2015
Godfather: Zackariah Ajaj
Godmother: Alex Rafaelian Ferlise
Please visit our website at
Providence ARF Kristapor Gomideh
Hagop Donoyan
Vice Chairman: Sarkis Tarpinian
Meliss Danielian
Sarkis Varadian
Correspondent: Hrant Khatchadourian
for information regarding our Sunday and
Armenian Schools, Church organizations,
upcoming events as well as general
information regarding your Church
Deadline for the submission of articles, pictures
etc. to the Gantegh for publication is the 15th of
the month prior to the issue. Please adhere to the
deadline and
email your submissions
facilitates the editing process. Thank you for
your cooperation.
Der Hayr and the Board of Trustees
Calendar of Events
June 20
ARS "Arax" Chapter Flea Market 8 - 2
Church Parking Lot
June 21
Church Summer Schedule in effect
Divine Liturgy starts at 9:15 am
June 23
"Armenian Genocide 100 Years Later"
Cranston Public Library [Sockanosset
Cross Road] 7 -8 pm
July 2-5
Homenetmen Athletic Games in Boston
Ladies' Guild 60th Anniversary
Dinner/Dance Alpine Country Club
ACA-RI Golf Tournament
Homenetmen Picnic Colt State Park
July 20-24 Our Children's Bible Camp
Church Picnic Camp Haiastan
Sept 3-7
AYF-YOARF Olympics Providence
Sept 13
Annual Membership Meeting Part 1
Sept 27
BOT & NRA Delegates Election and
Annual Membership Meeting Part 2
Nov 14 - 15 Armenian Fest 2015 at Rhodes
ARS Arax Flea Market - Saturday, June 20th
Church parking lot from 8am - 2pm
Donations may be dropped off in the AYF
worthwhile projects of the ARS worldwide.
Please help support our organization.
AYF Jr 2015 Executive
President: Taleen Donoyan
Vice President: Anahid Donoyan
Treasurer: Nerses Donoyan
Corresponding Secretary: Lorie Simonian
Recording Secretary: Rosdom Mkrtschjan
Celebration of the Divine Liturgy
Armenian Martyrs’ Memorial
Monument … April 24, 2015
Several hundred people, including members of
the Orhodox Clergy and our Government
Officials gathered at Armenian Martyrs'
Memorial Monument as Der Gomidas, with
participation from Der Shnork and Der Kapriel,
celebrated the Soorp Badarak . Altar Servers and
Choir Members from Sts. Sahag and Mesrob
Church and Sts. Vartanantz Church also
Genocide Centennial Commemoration in NY
Armenian Heritage Park -Memorial Day
Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Apostolic Church
Sunday, August 9, 2015
12 Noon to 6:00 pm
at Camp Haiastan, rain or shine
The Blessing of the Madagh and Grapes
will take place at 3:30 pm
under the auspices of His Eminence,
Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
and with the participation of Pastors of
the New England Area Churches.
ENJOY - Delicious Shish, Losh and Chicken
Kebab, Armenian Pastries, Choreg
Music by the Michael Gregian Ensemble
Our patrons may use the Lower Camp Pool, Basketball Courts
and Canoes from 1 to 4 pm
The Providence “Varantian” Chapter is proud to host the 82nd Annual
AYF-YOARF Olympic Games
September 3-7, 2015
Please plan to support, attend, and volunteer this Labor Day Weekend as we
reflect the immeasurable pride of our community during this most historic year,
the Centennial Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
Stay tuned for details throughout the summer for
Commemorative, Athletic, and Social Events as we host an
unforgettable weekend!
For more information please check our website, email us at, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or
Important Dates to Remember
ARS "Arax" Flea Market
Church Summer Schedule in effect
June 23
"Armenian Genocide 100 Years Later" Presentation
July 2-5
Homenetmen Athletic Games
Ladies' Guild 60th Anniversary Dinner/Dance
July 18
ACA-RI Golf Tournament
July 19
Homenetmen Annual Picnic
Annual Church Picnic
Sept 3-7
AYF-YOARF Olympics in Providence
Sept 13
Church Winter Schedule resumes
Annual Membership Meeting part 1