February 2013 DSPNT News - Down Syndrome Partnership of North
February 2013 DSPNT News - Down Syndrome Partnership of North
February 2013 Inside this Issue: DSPNT’s New Intern 2 Boopa’s Walk/Run 3 B-B Ranch RoundUp 4 World Down Syndrome Day 4 iCan Shine 5 Research Participants 6 Learning Together 6 Volunteers for Learning Together 6 NDSC Convention 7 Message from our President, Amber D. Holmes Happy New Year! TCU Math Workshop 8 Greg Shapley 8 Club 321 9 Calendar 10 Buddy Walk Sponsors 10 Special Needs Pageant 11 Tween & Teen Coordinators 11 Notices 12 I wanted to say how honored I am to serve as the Board of Directors, President. I have loved every moment since I became involved with the Down Syndrome Partnership. The support, friendship, knowledge and fun I have experienced since joining cannot be put into words. Our world would not have been the same without all of you. This year is going to be our best yet! We have exciting events and are putting a large portion of our efforts into increasing the Partnership’s role in education; not only for those with Down syndrome. We are planning educational events for parents, loved ones, teachers, care takers and medical professionals. It is our goal to provide as much support and education as possible. We have many projects and committees and would love your participation! If you are interested in learning more please let us know. I have met many of you and hope to meet many more this year. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. The goal of our board is to best serve our community and families. Your thoughts, ideas; suggestions are greatly encouraged. Amber D. Holmes, Chance’s mom :) Membership Update Survey Did you know there are over 600 families involved with DSPNT!? We would like to have your most current information so that we can better communicate with you our latest and greatest happenings. Would you be willing to take a few minutes and complete the survey at the link provided below? http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6VP66L7 Enrique Lopez Thank you for helping us out! PAGE 2 Welcome, Courtney Knotts! DSPNT’s New Intern from TCU Hello my name is Courtney Knotts! I’m from Chicago; don’t hold it against me! I’m a freshman Special Education major at Texas Christian University and am loving every minute of it. In high school, I was president of a club which centered on volunteering with organizations that focused on people with disabilities. This is my passion, and what I hope to do for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to get more involved! DSPNT Contacts: Executive Director: Lindsay Klatzkin Board of Directors: President: Amber D. Holmes amberdholmes@gmail.com Past President Marilyn Tolbert president@Dsptc.Orgdsptc.org Vice President Andy Crim andycrim@yahoo.com Vice Presidents of Education: 1st—Kristen Adams k.adams@tcu.edu 2nd—Anisha Glidewell anishaglidewell@mac.com 3rd—Heather Landeros HeatherMI1@aol.com Treasurer: Newley Spikes nspikes@a-animal.com Secretary: Holly Pils Hypils@aol.com VP of Socials: Mattie Gabbert mattie.gabbert@live.com Legal Counsel: Cory Boggess coryboggess@gmail.com D.A.D.S. Group Coordinator: Patrick Bierle dads@Dsptc.Org Moms Night Out Mattie Gabbert mattie.gabbert@live.com New Parent Outreach: Barbi Beard-Wolfe, Chair b-b_ranch@att.net Playgroup Coordinator-Ages 6-9 Schunda Murphy schunda@yahoo.com Sunshine/Angel Food Mattie Gabbert mattie.gabbert@live.com Board Members: Jessica Brown jesse3331@gmail.com Whitney McKimmey tyganwhit@yahoo.com Leigh Weedman leighweedman@greenoaksschool.org Heather Shults heathernshults@yahoo.com Heidi Doty ouheididoty@yahoo.com Misty Giles Holmes mistyholmes@gmail.com Tammy Decker deckerfamily@sbcglobal.net Shawn Clark largess@rocketmail.com Self-Advocates: Lyndon LaPlante longhornlyndon@yahoo.com Erin Dunn _______________________ Event/Program Chairs: Buddy Walk - Amber D. Holmes buddywalk@Dsptc.Org Golf Classic - Jared Gabbert golf@Dsptc.Org Parents & Schools in Partnership - Theresa Moffitt psp@Dsptc.Org Tween Activities - Ages 10-12 Down Syndrome Clinic: Rhonda Hawkins 682-885-2181 Hispanic Outreach: Heather Shults & Hector Pulido espanol@Dsptc.Org Club 321: Michelle Pollard club321friends@hotmail.com Yahoo E-mail Group: Theresa Moffitt treace@aol.com Please Note: The content of this newsletter is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or other professional advice. The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed herein are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent those of the DSPNT directors, members or editors. DSPNT NEWS Get Ready to Run, Walk and MINGLE! Boopa"s Bagel Deli is sponsoring the fourth annual Boopa"s Family %K2&3K run on Saturday# March 4th# with proceeds bene5ting the Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas! The three previous events have raised a total of 6+3#333 for DSPNT! All details can be found at www!boopasbageldeli!com To Register: www!boopasbageldeli!com or register in person at Boopa"s Bagel Deli# $%&' N! Beach Street Fort Worth# Texas ($&'(# )&(*+'+*,((&! -Our little run has taken on a life of its own#. Pils said! -It"s more than just a memorial race or a / fundraiser! We are spreading awareness about Down syndrome and giving our neighbors a way to show support!. *Holly Pils 0Boopa"s Owner and DSPNT Board Member1 DSPNT NEWS PAGE 4 3rd Annual B-B Ranch Round-Up Promoting Awareness for Down Syndrome Saturday, May 18, 2013 from 3:00-6:00 PM Join us for hayrides, pony rides, petting zoo, tractors, games and more! Food and drinks are provided To RSVP and learn more, email Barbi Beard-Wolfe at b-b_ranch@att.net Scoot Your Boots & Cut a Rug! Save the Date! 3.21.13 World Down Syndrome Day Celebration in the Fort Worth Stockyards DSPNT NEWS PAGE 5 DSPNT GEARING UP FOR ITS 4TH ANNUAL BIKE CAMP! iCan Bike (formerly Lose the training Wheels™) is set for July 29-August 2 at UTA with a parent meeting and volunteer training on July 28. To receive application materials (when they become available) and/or volunteer registration information, e-mail Lindsay Klatzkin at lindsay@dsptc.org Kayla’s “Lose the Training Wheels™” Story We adopted Kayla when she was three weeks old. Kayla has slow brain processing and autistic characteristics. We had worked with her for YEARS on riding a two-wheel bike. I, as her mom, was ready to give up on the idea and chalk it up as something she would never do. Nothing ever worked until Lose the Training Wheels™ (LTTW) came along. By the end of the week, Kayla only needed slight assistance taking off on her bike! !!! Camp ended on Friday; on Saturday evening, Kayla was riding in the school parking lot. On Sunday morning, she started going up and down our neighborhood street. On Monday morning, she was starting herself with NO assistance and by Wednesday evening, we took the assistance handle off the back of her bike and she began doing it on her own 100%!!!! !!! LTTW gave Kayla the confidence she needed and the step-by-step support. We will forever be grateful for this program that opened up a whole new world for her. To see the smile on her face while riding side by side WITH her says it all. --Lynn Murray Kayla leads the way, riding with a sister and their dad Kayla DSPNT NEWS PAGE 6 TCU Nursing Student Seeking Research Participants Who can participate: Special Olympic Athletes and non- Special Olympic Athletes are invited to participate in a study examining the relationship between physical activity, body fat and health. Details: •Individuals ages 18-40 with Down syndrome and also participate in Special Olympics. •Individuals ages 18-40 with Down syndrome and do not participate in Special Olympics and are apparently healthy. Contact: For more information please contact: Lisa Allen at 817-257-6866 or lisa.b.allen@tcu.edu Texas Christian University Harris College of Nursing and Health Science Learning Together Series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earning Together Needs YOU! Do you attend Learning Together workshops and would be willing to help? The Learning Together team is looking for volunteers to help with day-of logistics: greeters, sign-in and clean up, etc. Please email Jennifer Jordan jordanarcnetc@gmail.com or Heather Landeros HeatherMI1@aol.com DSPNT NEWS Featuring: The Down Syndrome Center of LeobenHinterberg, Austria“Leben Lachen Lernen” (“Live Laugh Learn”) Presenters: Bernadette Wieser & Anita Hotter Who: Educator, Administrators, and Parents What: A hands-on, two-day interactive workshop of math instruction for students with Down syndrome and cognitive disabilities. Two-Day Workshop: YES WE CAN! “Calculating with Left and Right” When: March 20-21, 2013 8:00 am-3:00 pm Breakfast and Lunch Provided Where: Kelly Center at TCU 2820 Stadium Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109 Cost: $25 per attendee: Includes 3x21= From Root to Blossom, a workbook and DVD. Registration: Email Jacqueline D’Angelo at j.n.dangelo@tcu.edy or call 817-257-5884 Registration deadline: March 8, 2013. Sponsored in part by The Morris Foundation of Fort Worth and The ANSERS Institute Together with a gift in memory of Keith & Linda Reimers Mixson Thank you Greg Shapley! Greg Shapley, a member of DSPNT, ran the Houston Marathon on January 13, 2013 His time for this 26.2 mile race was 3:43.27!! Greg ran in support of the Down Syndrome Partnership of North Texas, and his son, Ben. Greg and his supporters raised over $700 for DSPNT! PAGE 9 ADULT SOCIAL CLUB! Club321 is on Facebook!! Upcoming Club321 Events Friday, February 8, 2013 Valentine Celebration 6:30pm-9:00pm Green Oaks School 5508 Chaperito Trail Arlington, Texas 76016 Dinner provided Saturday, February 23, 2013 50's Sock Hop 6:30-9:00pm Lockwood Center (behind Grace Street Church) 1516 West Pioneer Pkwy. Arlington, Texas 76013 Dress in 50’s attire and come ready to dance! We will have refreshments and ice cream floats. Dinner not provided. Comedy Night! to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day Get ready for the biggest event yet! Friday, March 22, 2013 Time & Location: to be announced Club321 has invited other local groups for an evening of laughs and fun! Friday, March 8, 2013 Club321 Birthday Celebration Club321 Turns 2! 6:30pm-9:00pm Green Oaks School 5508 Chaperito Trail Arlington, Texas 76016 Dinner provided Members, please be sure to RSVP by email for every event you will be attending. Please also remember to bring $5.00 each time we get together. Club321 membership is by application. Membership and events are for adults, ages 18 and older, who have intellectual disabilities, such as Down syndrome. Club321 is a collaborative project of the DSPNT and Green Oaks School. An RSVP for each participant is required. For additional information or to RSVP, call 817-496-5100 or email club321friends@hotmail.com. DSPNT NEWS PAGE 10 $%"'-(,&*.( ( /01/()*++,(2"3-(45&'4( !"#"$%&'()*++,( !"##$#%&'"(()( *+,-$#%&)*++,( !"#$%&&'()$*&$+,-)."$/"01)2$ .!"$/$#%&'"(()( 4",6(%%&7(8&9)+0:;&77<& !"#$%"&'($")#& *(%%++,#&-(,$(#$./0"!10)#$& =(,$>&?"6.($).@&=")A.@"#& *",&23&4".$5! 7(8&BCC.@"&+C&2%.D(E"$5&F.A")(&(,6&G,$5+,H&9)"",& -+)$&'+)$5&?"6.($).@&I",$.#$)H& I)3&*)0@"&13&'".,")!I)3&J(,"%%&K3&?%+@5"@L!I)3&!($5(,&93&'"#$& DSPNT NEWS 7.$$%"&9.(,$&?).,$")#& PAGE 11 February 7-9 February 8 February 12 February 13 February 15 February 23 February 2013 Inclusion Works! Conference (www.thearcoftexas.org) Club321 Event: Valentine’s Party D.A.D.S. (Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome) Eat Wings, Raise Funds @ Buffalo Wild Wings Mom’s Night Out Club321 Sock Hop Austin, Texas Green Oaks School Cooper's BBQ 1301 N. Collins, Arlington Abuelo’s in Hurst Lockwood Center, Arlington A LOOK AHEAD March 2 March 8 March 9 March 20-21 March 21 March 22 March 23, 2013 May 18, 2013 July 19-21, 2013 Learning Together Club321: Birthday Celebration 4th Annual Boopa’s Family 5K/10K Run/Walk Calculating with Left & Right: The Down Syndrome Center World Down Syndrome Day Club321 Comedy Night Smart Start: Placements & Individual Education 3rd Annual B-B Ranch Round-Up National Down Syndrome Congress Annual Convention (http://convention.ndsccenter.org) July 29-August 2 iCan Bike (formerly Lose the Training Wheels™) Stayton- Fort Worth Green Oaks School Boopa’s Bagel Deli Texas Christian University Fort Worth Stockyards, Details to come TBD TCU 10 am-12 pm Weatherford, TX 3-6pm Denver, CO University of Texas at Arlington Open Volunteer Positions for DSPNT: Tween Group Coordinator (ages 10-12) & Teen Group Coordinator (ages 13-17) 3rd Annual Miss Sweetheart Special Needs Pageant Duties: Identifying a location and organizing a fun, monthly event. Corresponding with parents of the group via DSPTC yahoo group and individual emails as necessary to send invites and coordinate rsvp's. Monthly Time Commitment:!6-8 hours Date has been postponed. Please stay tuned for updates. Email Rhonda at rhonda.mssnpageant@yahoo.com for information, sponsor packets or contestant applications. DSPNT NEWS Please email Lindsay Klatzkin lindsay@dsptc.org or call 817-390-2970. NEED TO KNOW... D.A.D.S. (Dads Appreciating Down Syndrome) Dual Diagnosis Group! This group is for moms (or dads) whose child with Down syndrome also has a second diagnosis under the autism umbrella (Autism, ASD, PDD). The purpose of the group is to network with and support each other in our unique challenges. Contact Robyn Hardison at 817-905-6546 or robyn_hardison@yahoo.com for more information. ! D.A.D.S. is a community of fathers of children who have Down syndrome who come together to share insights and experiences, and who want to help create a better environment for their children with Down syndrome as well as for their typically developing children. The group meets monthly on Tuesdays at Cooper’s BBQ. For more information or to RSVP, contact Patrick Bierle at dads@Dsptc.Org. NEXT MEETING: February 12, 2013 6:30 p.m. Cooper’s BBQ (in the Fort Worth Stockyards) 301 Stockyards Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76164 817-626-6464 BIENVENIDOS! Tenemos un nuevo contacto La Asociacion Syndrome de Down de Tarrant County prove recursos y apoyo para gente con syndrome de down y sus familias. Mas informacion: Favor de llamar a Heather y Hector Pulido, espanol@Dsptc.org. Mom’s Night Out February 15, 2013, 6:30 pm Abuelo’s 824 Airport Freeway Hurst, Texas 76054 RSVP to mno@dsptc.org Homeschooling? We have a wonderful group of home schooling families who share lots of information, ideas and support for those who are homeschooling a child with Down syndrome. We welcome other families who would like to join in our discussions and find answers to questions, who are considering homeschooling or who would like to share resources about homeschooling in Texas. There is lots of learning taking place in this dedicated group of parents. Please email Amy Powers at powersaltx@gmail.com. Also, check out the DFW Ds Homeschool Yahoo Group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ dfwdshomeschoolsupport/.
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