June 19, 2016 5376 State Street, Saginaw, MI 48603 989-799
June 19, 2016 5376 State Street, Saginaw, MI 48603 989-799
5376 State Street, Saginaw, MI 48603 989-799-2460 www.stasaginaw.org June 19, 2016 Eucharistic Liturgies Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 AM Monday - Friday 8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation 2nd & 4th Saturday 9:00-10:00 AM or by appointment Parish Staff Fr. Richard Bokinskie Pastor rickb@stasaginaw.org Dawn Drago Parish Secretary dawnd@stasaginaw.org Pat Messing Bookkeeper patm@stasaginaw.org Sr. Ann deGuise, OSF Principal Nouvel Catholic Central Elementary adeguise@sacschools.org Mission Statement We, the St. Thomas Aquinas community of faith, spirit-filled and empowered by our Baptism, are called to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Influenced by Franciscan values, we experience the Reign of God by reaching out as stewards. United by our worship together, our commitment to life-long education, and our love for one another, we move toward the future, dedicating our resources to the enrichment of all people. Welcome to our Parish: If you are a visitor to St. Thomas Aquinas, we want you to know how welcome you are. If you wish to become a member of our parish, please call the parish office. Parishioner Info: If you are moving, changing phone numbers or need to update family status, kindly notify the parish office. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.): Anyone seeking information about the Catholic Faith should contact the parish office for more information. Sessions meet from September through Spring. Baptisms: Held on the first weekend of the month after the required Baptism Preparation Class. Parents are required to be practicing Catholics and attending Mass regularly. Call the parish office to register. Marriage: Individuals must be registered in the parish at least six months before scheduling a wedding. A wedding date can only be set after meeting with the parish priest. SISTER MOON Care of the Sick: Please notify the parish office when seriously ill at home, in the hospital or a nursing/assisted facility. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 The Week Ahead Monday, June 20 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18; Ps 60:3, 4-5,12-13; Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday, June 21 Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36; Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 10-11; Mt 7:6, 12-14 7:00-9:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday, June 22 Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop; Saints John Fisher, Bishop and Thomas More, Martyrs 2 Kgs 22:8-13, 23:1-3; Ps 119:33, 34, 35, 36, 37,40; Mt 7:15-20 9:30 AM-2:00 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10:00 AM Bible Sharing / CB 2:00 PM Benediction Thursday, June 23 2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9; Mt 7:21-29 10:00 AM HealthSource Prayer Service Friday, June 24 The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Is 49:1-6; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 14c-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 Saturday, June 25 Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19; Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7,20-21; Mt 8:5-17 NO Individual Rite of Penance Mass 4:00 PM June 19, 2016 Please pray for all who have been commended to our prayer that they will respond to God’s healing will especially: Ann Kapuscinski; Raymond Braun; Jim Gamm; Sheila Talbot; Alvaro, Laura & Andre; Bob Bloniarczyk; Ruth Ann Petricevic; Todd J.; Jackie Moeller; Jim & Henrietta H.; R. Rye; Paul Juarez; Grace Lovay; Luke; Sue Bagerske; Karen B.; David O.; Robert Arndt; Patrick H.; Gina Wiederhold; Mary Clymer; Dave Walsh; Don; Al; Alex; Andy; Ron; Dawn Kosloski; Pam V.; Jeff; Diane Hippe; Kelly G.; Dan; Jane; Gary McM.; Michael Kaczmarek; Ray B.; Dick Makl; John & Nancy F.; Linda M.; Rich & Kathy Trdan; Alex Larson; Terri Pelkey; Don; Larry & Nancy; Susan Daoust; Patty; Greg Hegler; Al Shripka; Diane; Mitch; Tej Sutariya; Lynn Baumann; Noah; Tom; Dan E.; Joe R.; Paul J.; Tom M.; Ray M.; Lisa Gilbert; Special IntentionsCB; Tim D.; Raymond; Tony; Robert; Yvette; Christopher Behme; Dan Malott; Jon; RaySK; David L.; Penelope; Danny O’Neill; Jacob; Karen Radke; Diane Swedal; Martha; Linda Wiley; Greg Kapuscinski; Monica Benard; Helen Doyle; Dale & Joan Johnson; Mary McGillen; Phyllis Baker; Gloria Reid; Mary Ann Leppek; S.H.; Marv Hill; Theresa May; Harold & Phyllis Epting; John Wazny; David & Marianne Sutter; Everett & Patricia Borske; Connie Filiczkowski; Ed & Remedios Navarra; Bette Alles; Mary Novak; Margaret Desrosier; Mary Akers; Bette Alles; John R. Czerny; Lynn Moore; Bonnie; Jean Kehrer; Irene Sule; Mary Pache; Mary McCartney; Irene Zacharias; Ray & Betty Hosler; Kathleen; Aloysius Antecki; Virginia Fehrman; Chris Williams; Marion Mott; Rose Martino; Michelle Colby; Jesse Orosco; Mrs. Mary Jane Kelly; Mary Ellen Taylor; Chris S.; Jackson Bye; Matt Reno; Marty Gembrowski Family Please contact the office 799-2460 ext. 3 to include a name or when a name no longer needs inclusion on the prayer list. Sunday, June 26 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5,7-8, 9-10, 11;Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62 8:30 AM 11:00 AM If you or your loved one are in need of prayer, please call the Parish Office 799-2460 x3. Mass Mass Week Day Mass in the Church - Monday through Friday 8:30 AM. The Rosary is prayed at 8:00 AM. Lunches for the needy are packed on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:00 AM in the Church lower level. AA & Al-Anon meets on Wednesday at 7:00 PM in the Church Lower Level. CH – Church CB – Church Lower Level / Meeting Rooms POCR - Parish Office Conference Room POMR -- Parish Office Meeting Room SCH – NCCE School FH – NCCE School Basement NCCE – NCCE School Meeting Room NO Individual Rite of Reconciliation JUNE 25 OUR PARISH STEWARDSHIP God’s Treasure at St. Thomas Aquinas June 11/12, 2016 "Who do you say that I am?" Jesus asks Peter in today's gospel. Does my use of the gifts and talents entrusted to me accurately reflect my answer to that same question? How willing am I to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow in His steps? Contributions for June 12, 2016………..…........$16,072.00 Envelopes / Electronic Giving:………………….............292 Children’s Offering:…………………………………….$18.00 Money Counters for June 20, 2016:.…………..….Team #5 Please remember St. Thomas Aquinas in your estate planning. Week of June 25/26, 2016 Coordinator Reader Reader Petitions Altar Server A Altar Server B Sacristan Altar Linens 4:00 PM Sr. Ann Estelle Przybylski Mark Przybylski Pam Sowatsky Sara Bolzman Max Bolzman Maryann Czolgosz Patricia Clynes 8:30 AM Ed & Pauline Skocelas John Swartz Joyce Swartz Jan Stewart Josh Koester Cristan Solis Mary Lou Feldotte 11:00 AM Kay Roberts Dave Brasseur Meghan Brasseur Kay Roberts Sophia Garcia Danielle Stark June Bouvrette Sponsor of the Week Catholic Federal Credit Union To view the full ad see the back of the bulletin. Be sure to patronize all of our businesses as their generosity allows us to provide the bulletin to you at no cost to the Parish. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Page 3 Father Rick’s Reflections . . . I think that there are times we forget to “engage brain before engaging mouth.” We say things without thinking of the implications they have. We might promise to help someone move into a new home only to later find out how much stuff they have, how much packing still needs to be done, how much more time-consuming our offer is than we originally thought. We might say that we will stick by a friends no matter what, only to discover that to do so might entail jeopardizing our values. Today, in the gospel, Peter said to Jesus that he is “The Christ of God.” Did Peter understand the implications of what he was saying? Our exchange in the gospel takes place within a very significant context – “Jesus was praying in solitude.” It was out of this prayer that Jesus asked his disciples, “who do you say that I am?” and revealed that his very identity entailed suffering, rejection, death, and resurrection. Our own prayer is to lead us to a clearer understanding of who we are, and to the revelation that our very identity as disciples entails denying self, taking up our daily cross, and losing our life for the sake of others. Dare we pray? Dare we ask Jesus, “who do you say that I am?” Dare we accept the identity Jesus offers us and the implications of being faithful to that identity? Prayer, our personal encounter with God, helps us come to a clearer understanding of who we are and enables us to say yes to following Jesus, no matter what the implications. Jesus’ mission is an extension of who Jesus is – Savior. We usually think of Jesus’s mission as teaching and preaching, healing and working miracles and so it was. But underlying these activities is the ultimate one – his suffering, death, and resurrection. So it is with us. When we say yes to our identity as the Body of Christ, we spend our whole lives grasping the implications – with Jesus, we must take up our cross daily. This means that our life is marked by the same self-giving love as Jesus’ life. Are we saying what we are brain is thinking? Saginaw, Michigan A few weeks ago, I wrote that we were still having troubles with the baptismal font leaking. As I write these few words on Monday morning, they are planning on filling it for the nth time with the hope that there will be no leaks. Pray for us! Also, they are starting to work on replacing the concrete around the statue of St Thomas Aquinas. Hopefully, all will be open for us by the weekend. Another major project we are doing this summer is the replacement of the boiler in the school building. After major repairs the past two summers, it was determined that it was at the end of its’ life. We are converting the original section of the school to match the rest of the building by moving from steam heat to hot water. In the long run, it should be less costly and better heat for the students. Lots of activities happening on the campus. I want to thank everyone who helped last weekend to make Fr. Orlando Borres welcomed at St Thomas Aquinas. Thanks to everyone who made a donation to the Salesian Missions. If you were out of town or still want to make a contribution, just put it in an envelope and mark “Mission Appeal” on the envelope and we will add it to what has been contributed. Speaking of contributions, don’t forget about St Thomas Aquinas Parish as you are out and about on vacations and travels this summer. We still need and depend on your regular contribution to help to meet our bills. If you would like to sign up for electronic giving, please contact the parish office. That way, you don’t have to worry about making sure the parish receives your gift. It’s automatic. Believe it or not, Monday is the beginning of summer – finally! After a hot weekend, we were back into a cooler time but I think the heat will return with a vengeance. It’s Michigan. Our weather changes every 5 minutes. Just be careful and watchful as people are out and about with summer activities. Have a great week Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Followed by Benediction at 2:00 PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday, June 21 Sunday, June 26 Readings for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00-9:00 PM 3:00-5:00 PM Exposition and Benediction will be cancelled if there is a Wednesday Funeral Mass. First Reading: Zechariah 12:10-11 The prophet Zechariah preached after the Jews returned from exile. This brief passage we will hear today is puzzling. A person is depicted as suffering and dying for the people, but we don’t know who it is. In the Gospel of John, this passage is applied to Jesus on the Cross, pierced with a lance. Second Reading: Galatians 4:31b-5:1, 13-18 Today we hear one of the most famous passages from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In that culture and at that time, it was a remarkable statement against any form of ethnic, religious or gender discrimination. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Strong in faith True to our mission www.stasaginaw.org FINDING JESUS… Can you find Jesus hidden in our bulletin? St. Thomas Aquinas SHARING LIBRARY Visit the shelves in the basement and pick up a book, enjoy and return at your convenience. A Lending Cart with a few selections will be in the lobby next weekend for your convenience. Page 4 June 19, 2016 God our Father Bless these men, that they may find strength as fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. Amen! We at Saginaw County Rght to Life extend our sincere thanks for your participation in the Mother’s Day Rose and Corsage Sale. $442.00 was collected at your parish. We would be unable to continue our work in the community to promote the value of each and every human life were it not for your generosity and support. With Deepest appreciation, Leeta Theiss Office Manager STAINED GLASS WINDOWS The windows carry out the theme of “The Canticle of Brother Sun” of St. Francis of Assisi. They speak of the beauty of God’s nature - of Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Brother Wind, Sister Water, Brother Fire, Sister Mother Earth and Sister Death. PLEASE BE AWARE OF CONSTRUCTION AREAS The STA Parish Directory is in the second proofing stage. We have made the corrections and are now doing a detail proofing of every page, one more time. Please continue to pray the proofing team and watch for more information in the bulletin. Thank you. Please pray for the men and women in military services. We pray for their service and safety. We encourage you to continue to pray for our parishioners and to remember all our troops. HealthSource Prayer Service The prayer service is every other Thursday beginning at 10:00 AM. The service is normally one half hour. The residents of HealthSource look forward to His Word on June 23rd and July 14th & 28th. All are Welcome… Come as you can… Wednesdays at 10:00 AM for Bible Study & Sharing. Join us in the meeting room of the church basement for an informal morning reviewing the scriptures for Sunday. Coffee and tea are always on. Invite your friends and family. We welcome into the faith community through the waters of baptism Brooke Victoria Klopp, daughter of Brian & Karrie (Rapin) Klopp. May God bless her and her family as she becomes a Disciples of Christ. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. Ephesians 4:5-6 Parent Baptism Preparation Class The preparation class will be Monday, August 8 at 7:00 PM in the Church. Please contact the Parish Office to register. Baptisms are normally held on the first weekend of the month. Parents are required to attend the preparation session and should be registered St. Thomas Aquinas parishioners attending Mass regularly. Welcome Visitors & Friends The FOOD COLLECTION for the weekend of June 25/26 will be for the Brown Bag Bunch. They take all donations but are in need of snack size zip-top bags, packaged chips/pretzels, and snack cakes . If you are worshipping with us for the first time or have visited before, we welcome you! If you are looking for a church home in this community, we invite you to consider St. Thomas Aquinas Parish. Please come join us again! Please continue to help with any of the following needed items as they pack lunches for 40 three times a week: canned tuna fish, mayonnaise, lunchmeat, juice drink boxes/bags and packaged cookies and ziptop sandwich bags. God bless. Monetary donations are gladly accepted. Please drop in the collection marked ‘Brown Bag’. St. Thomas Aquinas Church Page 5 Saginaw, Michigan Mass for Freedom 6:30 PM, Tuesday, June 29, 2016 at Holy Family Church, 1525 S. Washington Ave. UNITED in FAITH Garden Party to benefit Abortion Alternatives Information, Inc. Sunday, June 26, 2016 2:00 PM-6:00 PM 760 Somerset Rd. Saginaw, MI 48638 The Mass with Bishop Cistone is part of the Fortnight for Freedom, which takes place from June 21 to July 4. This is a time of the year when the liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power. These martyrs include St. Thomas More, St. John Fisher, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul and the first martyrs of the Church of Rome. ALL ARE WELCOME BeFrienders...We are a parish community. We walk together in parallel paths, each on their own road. But side by side in respect and peace. The BeFriender Ministry happens out of compassion. We are concerned for others. Please call Carole Watters 989-274-3384 if you have any questions or referrals. Don’t Miss Out Hors d’oeuvres, Entertainment & Raffle Tickets $20 per person / $35 per couple/ family available at Abortion Alternatives Information, Inc. More information call Ruth at 989-754-0091 TICKETS ALSO AT DOOR! Do not fear the winds of adversity. A kite rises against the wind rather then with it. Saginaw Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School June 27 - July 1 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon Holy Spirit Parish Cost is $20 per child, $50 maximum per family. Fee includes, t-shirt, snacks, crafts and tons of FUN! For ages 4 - 6th grade. Registration forms are available on the website, in the gathering space and in the Parish Office. We Still Need Your Help!! Perhaps you work and would still like to help out – here are a list of items you can donate to help us save time & money! Items can be placed on VBS cart in the gathering area! Nouvel Administration www.sacschools.org 989-399-2222 Nouvel Catholic Central High School 989-791-4330 Nouvel Catholic Central Elementary 989-792-2361 -Paper plates – small or large -Large pretzel rods -Frosting – any flavor -Glue Sticks -Pizza Sauce in cans or jars -Old Sheets – any size, color or design -Large Styrofoam or cardboard pieces/packaging (from appliances, computers, furniture, etc..) -Monetary donations also appreciated Levi’s Food & Spirits Breakfast Lunch • Dinner Excludes Alcohol See full menu at ... Levissaginaw.com 5800 Brockway rD. 989-793-6670 $5 OFF $25 MORLEY TRAVEL D & L RESIDENTIAL SERVICES (Formerly “Dan Van... The Roofing Man”) 40 years local business experience with: Seamless Gutters, Custom Siding & Trim Work, Gutter Protection/Ice Control Systems, Chimney Flashing, Roof Troubleshooting & Repair FREE ESTIMATES - call anytime 989-529-3020 COUPON A DIVISION OF MORLEY COMPANIES, INC. The Place To Go When You're Going Places® 989-791-2565 morleytravel.com One Morley Plaza • 2811 Schust Rd. 8:30-5:30pm Mon-Fri $1.00 OFF ANY WASH PACKAGE WITH THIS COUPON $5.00 off any complete oil change and lube at Fast eddie’s NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER Expires 6-17-17 5585 state st. ST Millie Dale A. Krueger Rozek Family Lois Zehnder Kelly Jo Marino Jim Krueger Ruth C. Doyle Donald Doyle Doyle Family Lemmer Family Melvin VanOchten St. Thomas Aquinas First Friday Memorial Health & Safety The Hill Family Nellie Cruz David L. Kruszka Jacqmain Family Eigner Family Jerry Groll Family Floyd Maday Family The Webster Family Sally Ann DeMaet Charles D. Flattery † Norbert P. Gilles Al Rokita Family † Gertrude Lawrence Garske & Riha Families Gerald R. Maczik Family Arthur DeGroat & Family Rose M. Klimkewicz Stanley R. Dorywalski Robert Vitu and Family AIDA B. PONCE, M.D. PEDIATRICS 144 N FROST • SAGINAW 989-790-7665 If no answer please call 989-583-9877 4480 Mackinaw Rd. • 793-9700 409 Adams St., 201 N Miller Rd. 5700 Dixie Hwy., Also Merrill W. L. CASE & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Pat Sullivan West Side Decorating Center Inc. 5645 State Street • Suite B Saginaw, Michigan 48603 5789 State Street • Saginaw Gary Fahndrich www.printshopsaginaw.com PAINTS • FLOORCOVERING • BLINDS Sales, Installations & Repairs - Since 1939 - 2835 UNIVERSAL DR. 413 Cronk • Saginaw, MI 48602 (989) 753-9800 • Fax (989) 752-8153 www.sullivanfence.com Charter Member • St. John Vianney 793-2942 Trust In The Lord With All Your Heart Phone 989.799.1151 | www.deislerfuneralhome.com 791-4515 Business*Home*Auto*Life*Health 5580 State Street, Ste #1 Saginaw 989-799-8808 www.futureins.com 989-799-5660 JIM REDMOND'S SERVICE 793-5801 6025 STATE ST. COMPLETE CAR REPAIR • SINCE 1938 JIM REDMOND PAT REDMOND Gary's Auto Body HOLIC 2233 Hemmeter (North of State) 3775 N Center Rd. Center for Comprehensive Dentistry Stephen M. Sgrazzutti, D.D.S, P.C. Caring for the Saginaw Community since 1888 BURIAL & CREMATION SOCIETY® Ronald Snow, Sr. Ronald Snow, Jr. Parishioners Paul Metevia Brandon Hurren GARAGE DOORS & OPERATORS 1-877-FENCEMAN 989-793-9427 793-6182 1542 N Center CA L. & D. Murphy & Gilles Families Intentions of Al Luplow Family Richard & Joan Rivard & Family L. & D. Pesta & Bruzewski Families Intentions of the Klonowski Family In Memory of Edwin & Vera Guldenzoph L. & D. Lawrence & Smaglinski Families L. & D. Mousseau & Wisniewski Families In Loving Memory of Robert Chaklos Finan & Lupcke Families Tom Stankiewicz Family Leonard & Irene Slasinski L. & D. Members L. Wizner & Skimbrauskas Families M. James Robinson Family Edward H. Meyer & Family For the Holy Souls in Purgatory John & Marian Moll & Family Edward & Virginia Hoewe Family Learman & Koratich Families Stange & Vollmer Families We have faith Bumping * Painting and Collision Parishioners Lifetime Warranty on Paintwork • FREE LOANER 516 CLEVELAND State Certified teChniCianS us! .cathfcu.com 752-8811 Lunch Menu AvAiLAbLe DAiLy 4880 Gratiot • 249-0800 Trust Us...It’s Clean www.martincars.com 989-781-4590 800-248-0280 duro-last.com 8800 GRATIOT RD. John K. Bartnik, M.D. Specialist in Cancer & Blood Disorders 989-791-2330 Parishioner CatholicMatch Michigan CatholicMatch.com/goMI Michigan Truck Spring Of Saginaw Complete Parts and Service for Light, Medium, Heavy Duty Trucks, Buses and RVs inculding: Springs • Brakes • Suspension • Drive Train Fifth Wheels • Drive Shafts • PTO Shafts • Electrical Visit www.truckspring.com for complete info. Open: Mon. - Fri. till Midnight • Sat. 8 am till 1 pm 3649 Wolf Rd. • Saginaw INC. Building Design General Contractor Residential Commercial 3830 N FORDNEY RD. 989-695-4794 www.RFKoester.com CRAFTED HOMES Dan Weigl 989 239-0935 dweigl@garberbuick.com CALL MIKE LENZ To Get This Spot! 616-485-7257 Samuel Shaheen, MD, FACS DESIGN SOLUTIONS R. F. KOESTER Parts and Service Since 1976 Visit my FB page at facebook.com/ danweiglatgarber and answer 4 questions for a FREE Tim Horton’s gift card. PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Commercial - Industrial - Residential Your Hometown Home Improvement Store OPEN 7 DAYS 1517 S WHEELER ST. 790-1575 5565 STATE ST. • 792-8738 10 surgeon specialists dedicated to Bariatric, Endocrine, Colorectal, General, Surgical Oncology and Trauma Surgery in the Great Lakes Bay Region 912 S. Washington Avenue, Suite 1 Saginaw, MI 48601 (989) 790-1001 1258 LED LIGHTING SOLUTIONS 1-800-358-4751 Family Growing? College Student? Downsizing? Upgrading?