Summer 2012 - Acadia Divinity College


Summer 2012 - Acadia Divinity College
Summer 2012 • Vol. 08, No. 01
Adalia Hornsveld
recipient of the ADC President’s Award
and the University Medal in Theology
From the President
A President’s Perspective
on Leadership
By Dr. Harry Gardner, ‘77
his edition of ADC Today is focused on Christian leadership. In it you will find stories of individuals who inspire
us to ‘run the race that is set out for us’ as we keep our
eyes on Jesus.
Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, perhaps inspired
by a sermon in 1863 by C.H. Spurgeon, claims that “the Church is
the hope of the world”. This might bring criticism from some who
maintain that only Jesus is the hope of the world, and of course this
is true. However, the Church is the body of Christ and Spurgeon understood, as Hybels does today, the incredible power for good and for
God that is released when the Church is at its best. In order for that to
happen, God has provided leaders who can equip people to carry on
His ministry.
Leadership is something I am passionate about and that I have been
thinking a lot about lately. This corresponds with my role as the
Abner J. Langley and Harold L. Mitton Professor of Church Leadership; a role that involves teaching all pastoral ministry students
at ADC in the area of personal spiritual formation. I also instruct
a course entitled “Developing Pastoral Identity for Local Church
Ministry” part of which is to explore the often misunderstood area
of leadership.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about two outstanding leaders who
were part of the wider ADC community – leaders who finished the
race that was set out for them. I’m referring to Rev. Dr. Dennis Veinotte and Mrs. Thelma Langley. I am reminded that their lives encompassed a primary quality of leadership. Simply put, leadership is
always about the person first and secondly about their ministry and
life’s work.
I came to know Dennis when we served on a board within the Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches as well as worked on projects
related to clergy and the health and well-being of spouses. Always
We know that to do
that we must invest in
people and teach them
how to do the same as
they grow towards godly
character, a clear sense
of God’s call and practical
prepared and thoughtful, Dennis’s eyes and smile betrayed a love for
Christ and others. His ability to listen and to help individuals clarify
options while dealing with difficult situations provided an excellent
model of pastoral care and counseling. He understood that pastoral
leaders need to understand themselves and to serve others with the
freedom that comes from the security and commission of the One
who loves them.
As I reflect on the
students that I teach as
well as students in other
classes at Acadia Divinity
College, I am humbled by
the leaders and potential
leaders that I see.
My first recollection of Mrs. Thelma Langley was a social event that
took place while her husband, Dr. Abner J. Langley, was the Principal of ADC. Thelma had the ability to listen intently to the life
stories of students and show her sincere interest in their well-being
and their ministries. She was among the first to phone when my wife
became critically ill when our daughter was born. Years later, when
I accepted the call to go to work with the Home Mission Board of
the CABC, Thelma, along with Abner, phoned me wondering why I
was leaving church based ministry. Mrs. Langley encouraged me to
always prioritize the ministry of the local church. She possessed an
incredible vision for what God could do through His people often
bringing the marginalized groups within our reach to my attention.
As I reflect on the students that I teach as well as students in other
classes at Acadia Divinity College, I am humbled by the leaders and
potential leaders that I see. Many are already engaged in local church
ministry as solo pastors or as part of a larger pastoral team. Others
students are Camp Directors, counselors, children’s pastors and para
church leaders, while others are just beginning their ministry.
At Acadia Divinity College our mission is to equip Christian leaders for the church in its spectrum of ministries. We know that to do
that we must invest in people and teach them how to do the same
as they grow towards godly character, a clear sense of God’s call and
practical competencies.
As I strive to be the leader God called me to be, please keep me and
the faculty, staff and students of ADC in your prayers. May God
bless you.
How Then Shall We Lead
By Dr. Bruce Fawcett
I don’t know any pastor or ministry leader who was dismissed
from their position because they didn’t know their church history, but I know plenty who were dismissed because they couldn’t
get along with their people.” With this statement a professor
helped clarify for me and the rest of the class that it didn’t only matter how well we mastered the content of his lectures and our readings; our ministries would rise or fall based on how we attempted to
lead those in our care.
In light of this warning to aspiring ministry leaders, how then
shall we lead? If our calling is to
help advance the ministries that
are entrusted to us by the Lord,
what kind of leadership model
or approach is both faithful to
the scriptures and effective in our
contemporary North American
context? Thinkers and researchers
have proposed many models of
leadership over the years. Here’s a
quick list of some key approaches
and a brief response to each view:
empowerment rather than control. In this model an inspirational
charismatic or visionary leader rallies people to a great cause or a
new vision of what could be. Followers respond to an exciting opportunity to accompany the leader on a journey that could result in
a profoundly renewed community or world.
The call to change or influence society in a significant way by joining a great cause in many ways resonates with the story of the New
ADC’s four Doctor of Ministry graduates pose before Convocation with Dr. Bruce Fawcett (L) and
Dr. Andrew MacRae (R). (L-R) Jerry Johnston, Cristie Jo Johnston, Ron Johnston and Marc Potvin.
The Great Man: Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
proposed that leaders designed or created events and institutions
that define society. He believed that without key leadership from
a significant man or woman a negative status quo would continue
and ultimately push society into chaos.
While there is no doubt that God raised up “Great Men” like the
apostles Paul or Peter to perform great tasks, most examples of leadership in the scriptures describe a collaborative approach. Even Jesus
gathered a team around him, mentored them, and released them for
ministry. The example of the scriptures is that God uses key people
but the emphasis is not normally on the one, but the team.
Transactional Leadership: Some scholars have suggested that at its
root, good leadership is transactional. In this model, leaders promise followers that if they complete what they are asked to do then
they will gain rewards. The reward could be monetary, like an increase in pay, or it could be some form of recognition or affirmation.
The challenge with this model of leadership is that it focuses the attention of followers on the self - “What do I get out of this?” - and
the leader uses control to accomplish his or her goals. From the example of Jesus’ willing death on the cross through to what we know
of the martyrdom of the apostles, the model of New Testament
leadership was not about control nor were the followers focused on
self but rather on service and sacrifice.
Transformational Leadership: Recognizing the weakness in the
transactional model, other contemporary writers such as James
MacGregor Burns have proposed a model of leadership involving
Testament. The challenge with this leadership model though is that
is misses the service aspect of leadership. In this model, the leader
only appears at the front of the crowd. We see in the model of Jesus
a leader who also cares for his followers from a posture of service.
He is someone who identifies with their suffering and pain, who
listens to their appeals and requests, and desires to meet their individual needs. In the New Testament Jesus serves others in the way
that is necessary, even to the point of personal loss.
Servant Leadership: In the servant leadership model, the
concern of the leader is greater for the followers than it is for him
or herself. The leader is a servant first rather than someone who
eyes power or prestige. Ezekiel (34:2) affirms this view of leadership when addressing the leaders of Israel, “Ho, Shepherds of Israel
who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the
sheep?” Effectiveness in this leadership model is ensured only to the
extent that a leader engages in altruistic acts to benefit others despite
the personal costs inherent in such acts.
While Jesus demonstrated aspects of several other leadership models in his life and ministry, what set him apart is his willingness to
serve others – even to the point of death. Vision is a wonderful
thing as is the ability to rally people to work toward a common goal
of a changed world. What ought to set Christian leadership apart
though is the willingness of the ministry leader to set aside desires
for personal financial gain, power, authority, and recognition and
instead point followers toward a new Kingdom where the King is a
servant and people are great because of their desire to serve others.
Update on the Taylor Centre
for Chaplaincy & Spiritual Care:
One Year Onwards
By Dr. Tracy Demmons
t has been just over one year since the Taylor Centre for Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care was founded. When I think back over
this year, the word “emerging” comes to mind: out of the various hopes and dreams many have had for the Centre, an effective training and research Centre is emerging. Students with a call
to chaplaincy and spiritual care have emerged in my office, coming
from all over the world, expressing a heart for this ministry.
Acadia Divinity College proclaims the maxim of “Equipping Christian leaders”. Indeed, the work of the Taylor Centre has been to
design and re-think what is necessary and important for training
Chaplains and Spiritual Caregivers in our contemporary, everchanging culture as we seek to bring the light of Christ to a searching
and hurting world. To help us in that discernment process, ADC is
pleased to announce the formation of the Taylor Centre Chaplaincy
and Spiritual Care Advisory Committee. This Committee will support, dialogue, and collaborate on a wide-range of professional and
educational issues that relate to the implementation of the vision
and goals of the Taylor Centre.
When I think back over this
year, the word “emerging”
comes to mind
Research has also become a focus of the Taylor Centre this year.
In collaboration with the Eastern Valley Baptist Association (EVBA),
the Centre applied for and received a $10,000 Positive Aging
research grant from the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors. Two
ADC graduate students, Miriam MacDonald and Samantha West,
were hired to explore seniors’ spiritual needs and care and to consider how spiritual care is best carried out in long-term care facilities.
It is hoped this research and the impending report will advocate
for increased chaplaincy support for people who live in long-term
care facilities, providing Spiritual Care for patients, staff, and
their families.
“At a time when many residents are in the final stages of life’s journey, spiritual care for them and their families is essential for their
faith and also for support and comfort,” says MacDonald, a recent
graduate of the Master of Divinity program.
Significantly, the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors awarded 33
Positive Aging grants for 2011-2012 and the grant given to the Taylor Centre was one of the largest and is the only project focused on
spiritual needs.
(L to R) Carol Anne Janzen, Tracy Demmons, Clarence DeSchiffart,
Hugh Kirkegaard. (Missing from photo) Barb Putnam,
Buffy Harper, Chris Coffin, Gary Myatt.
“This gives us a unique opportunity to gain important insight into
our populations in full-time care facilities, which can be applied at
the local and provincial level,” says West, a second-year Master of
Divinity student at ADC.
The Eastern Valley Baptist Association is pleased to support two parttime Chaplains, Rev. Dr. Judith Saunders and Rev. Debra Mosher
(both ADC graduates), who tend to the spiritual and religious needs of
seniors living in long-term care facilities in the Annapolis Valley. The
Taylor Centre researchers are working closely with these Chaplains in
order to carry out this significant research.
The Taylor Centre is pleased to report that Dr. Demmons has been
invited to sit on the newly-formed Capital Health Spiritual Care
Advisory Board (Halifax Regional Municipality), composed of managers and staff from Capital Health and clergy of various community
faith groups.
“At a time when many
residents are in the final
stages of life’s journey,
spiritual care for them and
their families is essential
for their faith...”
Setting Captives Free
By Dr. David Watt
cadia Divinity College and the wider Christian community were saddened by the recent passing of Rev. Dr.
Dennis Veinotte. His many years of Christian service
took him from the pastor of several churches, to years
of ministry as chaplain in hospital and prisons, to teaching and
equipping men and women for Kingdom service. Dennis had a
long tenure of service on the ADC faculty as Professor of Clinical
Training (1984-2001).
Rev. Dr. Dennis Veinotte and his wife, Connie.
My first student pastoral experience was in Dennis’s home community of Cross Roads Country Harbour. His Guysborough County family home became my haven – which included his mother’s
welcome and good cooking - and his personal counsel helped me
weather the challenges of that pastoral beginning. Dennis has been
for me a model husband and family man – honoring the Lord by
walking the talk. Our friendship deepened through the years as we
shared the journey of life and ministry together.
The verse from Scripture that richly reflects Dennis’s life of service
is found in Luke’s Gospel, “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for
the prisoners…” (Luke 4:18) It was his personal word of encouragement, a gentle push toward a healthy perspective, or his loving confrontation that was the primary key to release many from a variety
of prisons.
Rev. David Ogilvie highlighted the word “courage” in his message
at the funeral service in the Wolfville Baptist Church. It was true
that Dennis was able and willing to walk “with courage” among the
marginalized and the broken in prisons of many shapes and sizes.
People in the pews, hospital patients, prisoners, and a multitude of
students trusted him and his wise counsel over a lifetime of ministry.
There were times when he sat with the incarcerated pointing them to
the Lord of life who could provide hope for a new beginning. There
were times when he sat in the office and listened intently as people
worked their way out of personal prisons of broken relationships or
unhealthy addictions. There were times when students sought free-
“He has sent me to proclaim
freedom for the prisoners…”
(Luke 4:18)
dom from the confusion of an uncertain future and simply needed
the support to find their way. Many over the years found freedom
as Dennis pointed them to the Savior who is “The Way, The Truth,
and The Life”.
God provided Dennis with a gentle spirit and loving heart that
touched the lives of people in every walk of life. His reach brought
hundreds to his funeral and celebration of life. Some traveled great
distances to show their respect for a man who walked with them
“through the valley” and gave them hope for a better future. Health
issues played havoc with him in the final years, and God in His mystery and grace “set Dennis free” with the affirmation of the Master,
“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a
few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share
your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21)
New Appointments at ADC
cadia Divinity College (ADC) has recently announced two
new appointments to the ADC family. Dr. Anna Robbins
has been appointed by the Board of Trustees, as the Director of Doctoral Studies, overseeing the Acadia Doctor of
Ministry program, and Academic Dean of Acadia Divinity College.
Dr. Robbins will serve as Associate Professor of Theology, Culture
and Ethics.
For the past twelve years she has
served at the London School of
Theology in the United Kingdom
as Lecturer in Theology and Contemporary Culture, Director of
Training, Vice-Principal, Acting
Principal, and Senior Lecturer.
She has taught courses on culture, ethics, apologetics, religion,
philosophy, theological method,
evangelism, and others. She also
served in leading curriculum
revision for undergraduate and
postgraduate degree courses.
Dr. Anna Robbins
Associate Professor of Theology,
Culture and Ethics
Between 1991 and 1997, Robbins served in three different local
churches in Nova Scotia. She was the Minister of Youth and Christian Education at Aylesford United Baptist Church, the Interim Pastor at Digby United Baptist Church, and the Minister of Youth and
Christian Education at Clementsvale United Baptist Church.
Robbins is a graduate of Acadia University, having received her Master of Arts (Theology) in 1997 and her Master of Religious Education in 1993. On both occasions, she graduated first in her class.
Robbins also holds degrees from University of Wales (2001, Doctor
of Philosophy) and Carleton University (1989, Bachelor of Arts).
Her doctoral dissertation is entitled Common Sense in Uncommon
Degrees: Methodological Diversity in Twentieth-Century Christian
Social Ethics.
Dr. Robbins is married to Rev. Peter Robbins and they have one son,
David. She will begin her service at the College on August 20, 2012.
Please join me in welcoming Anna and her family to Acadia.
Also appointed by the Board of Trustees is Rev. Jeremiah J. Johnston as
Lecturer. As part of his responsibilities he will be available to the President for administrative tasks related to development and recruitment.
Jeremiah completed his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
in 2006 and Master of Divinity
(conferred with Highest Honours)
at Midwestern Baptist Seminary
in Kansas City in May 2009.
Jeremiah began his PhD research
in 2009 specializing in the historical Jesus and resurrection / afterlife beliefs of the first century CE.
He is expected to graduate within
the next year from the University
of Edinburgh.
Rev. Jeremiah J. Johnston
On February 24, 2012, Jeremiah successfully defended his Acadia
University Master of Arts (Theology) thesis entitled, The Emergence of the Concept of Resurrection in Judeo-Christian Faith: A
Tradition-Critical Study. He received his Master of Arts (Theology)
degree at the Spring Convocation on May 13, 2012.
Until recently, Jeremiah served as the Executive Pastor at New Day
Church (NDC) Kansas City in Olathe, Kansas.
Jeremiah and his wife, Audrey, have one daughter, Lilly Faith, and
one son, Justin. Please join me in welcoming Jeremiah and his family to Acadia.
A Time of Celebration
Commissioning Service and Convocation 2012
Doctor of Ministry: Ron Johnston, Cristie Jo Johnston, Jerry Johnston and Marc Potvin.
Master of Arts in Theology: Helena Allan (missing), Ken Gloade (missing), Sam Jess (missing), Jeremy Johnston, Scott Kohler (missing),
Edmund Llaldin (missing), Jennifer Riley, Joyce-Ann Spinney.
Master of Divinity: Sheila Ago, Owen Budden (missing), Chad Clements, Heather Cox (missing), Adalia Hornsveld, Miriam MacDonald,
Roy Medeiros, Emelia Potgieter, Sarah Warford.
Bachelor of Theology: Hal Babcock, Patty Beals, James Dilts.
Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies: Norman Pearce.
Dr. Allison A. Trites (R) received the honorary Doctor of Divinity from
Acadia University. He is seen here with Dr. Craig Evans, Payzant
Distinguished Professor of New Testament.
Bachelor of Theology graduands, (L to R) Hal Bacock,
Patty Beals, and James Dilts.
Convocation on Sunday May 13, 2012 inside Acadia University’s UHall.
Master of Divinity student, Heather Cox, with her family and
Rev. Dr. Ida Armstrong-Whitehouse during Commissioning Supper.
Graduands received a book, a pen and an ADC Alumni pin during
the Commissioning Supper. Seen here after receiving their gifts is
(L-R): Sheila Ago, Hal Babcock, Cristie Jo Johnston,
Jerry Johnston and Norman Pearce.
Dr William Brackney with Jennifer Riley and Joyce-ann Spinney
enjoying Convocation.
Emelia Potgieter (MDiv), Marc Potvin (DMin), and Patty Beals (BTh)
with Acadia University in the background.
Sisters, Shelley Illsley-Martin and Patti Beals celebrating at the
Commissioning Supper, seen here with Dr. Carol Anne Janzen.
Dr. Andrew MacRae, Senior Consultant of Doctor of Ministry and
Sheldon & Marjorie Fountain Professor of Emeritus of Evangelism and
Mission, presents Rev. Ron Johnston (center) with the “MacRae Prize
for Best Doctor of Ministry Thesis” along with Dr. Bruce Fawcett.
Graduates of Acadia Divinity College, Chad Clements
and Miriam MacDonald enjoying Convocation.
Professors and students’ supervisors gather around graduands
for the Laying on of Hands during the Commissioning Prayer by
Dr. Bruce Fawcett.
Emelia Potgieter, Master of Divinity student, with her family
during Commissioning.
Jennifer Riley (MA) with Rev. Rhonda Britton (C),
and Sara Warford (MDiv).
Three family members graduate at the same time, Father,
Jerry (DMin) and Mother, Cristie Jo (DMin) and their son,
Jeremiah Johnston (MA).
Father and son graduate together, Marc Potvin (DMin) and his son
David Potvin (BA).
Graduands, Miriam MacDonald (L) and Helena Allan with
John Stewart, Chair of the ADC Board of Trustees.
Left to Right - Chad Clements, Adalia Hornsveld and Emelia Potgieter
with Rev. Dr. Barry Morrison, Senior Minister, Wolfville Baptist Church.
These three graduands served at Wolfville Baptist Church during
their time at ADC.
Commissioning Service 2012 Faculty and students.
Religion Soup Debate / Dialogues
Published in the Chronicle Herald on Saturday, January 21, 2012
By Stephen Pedersen
debate on whether or not the New Testament Gospels
give an historically accurate account of the life and death
of Jesus Christ is not exactly Hockey Night in Canada.
Yet, increasingly, biblical scholars like Acadia’s Craig Evans and University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s Bart Ehrman
have been showing up on YouTube, CNN, CBC, CTV, The History
Channel, and The Discovery Channel, and even, in the case of Bart
Ehrman, on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, not to mention the bestseller list of the New York Times.
All of Ehrman’s 25 books are based on sound scholarship, and most
of them are intended for and read mostly by scholars, “an audience
of dozens” as he once put it. But his last five, written in a more user
friendly literary style, have made the New York Times bestseller list.
At the end of the lectern challenges, assertions, and rebuttals, the
two professors moved over to two comfortable chairs centre-stage for
the “conversation” part of the debate in which they asked each other
questions and discussed the issue.
By now the spears had mostly been transformed into plough-shares.
It had been entirely cordial. “We’re really agreed that there are discrepancies in the gospel accounts,” Ehrman concluded. “And all
New Testament scholars say the same.”
But he conceded that a life of Christ could be arrived at through
them and that their inaccuracies didn’t affect the theological significance of Christ’s life.
They include Misquoting Jesus - The Story of Who Changed the Bible
and Why; God’s Problem - How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most
Important Question - Why We Suffer; Jesus Interrupted—Revealing
the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible (And Why We Don’t Know
About Them); and Forged-Writing in the Name of God - Why the
Bible’s Authors are Not Who We Think They Are.
Of Evans’s 50 books, including ones he has edited, he has written
one popular book, Fabricating Jesus—How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels, in which he takes on Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus
as well as three books by other writers, all of which he describes as
“popular books” as opposed to “scholarly books.”
Thursday night in Halifax more than 600 people packed in to the
McNally Theatre Auditorium on the SMU campus to hear these two
New Testament champions spar over the issue of whether or not the
accounts of Christ’s life as described by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John in gospels which were written as many as eighty years after His
birth, do present a reliably accurate historical portrait of the man
whose life and death is at the heart of a 2000-year-old religion with
two billion adherents.
At the beginning of the debate the steel flashed and the lines were
sharply drawn. Evans, the first to take the lectern, emphatically declared his answer: “Yes it does.” He had 25 minutes to make his
point, citing the preponderant agreement of a long list of biblical
scholars that the four gospels are the primary source for the historical
narrative of the birth, life, and death of Christ.
“I disagreed with the whole thing!” said Ehrman heatedly after striding to the lectern. He said if you read the gospel accounts “horizontally,” that is, start reading Matthew’s account of Jesus’ lineage,
then skip over to Mark’s account of it, then to Luke’s and finally to
John’s you will discover irreconcilable discrepancies. “They can’t all
be right,” he said. And the same holds true for accounts of the birth,
life, crucifixion, and resurrection. So who do you trust?
Then the question period began. The Moderator and Coordinator
of the event, Greg Monette of the SMU Navigators, himself a PhD
candidate in New Testament Origins, set up an elegant solution to
the problem of too many questioners and too few microphones.
“People will text in their questions with separate public cell-phone
numbers. (If you don’t know how, just tap the nearest young person
on the shoulder.) We will screen them and pick the top five or seven
for each professor, and they will answer them in turn,” he said.
It worked like gangbusters. The debate/conversation/questions
lasted two and a half hours. No concussions occurred from points
scored. No penalty shots were awarded. Everybody shook hands.
The audience stood and applauded, and the action moved to the
book tables in the auditorium lobby where books were signed, hands
individually shaken, and more questions asked.
Thelma Langley
A Wife of Noble Character
e were saddened to hear on March 28, 2012,
that Thelma Langley went home to be with her Lord.
Thelma was the wife of Dr. Abner Langley, Principal
of Acadia Divinity College from 1971 to 1975, with
whom she shared an incredible bond. She was an elegant lady who
carried herself with dignity. She possessed an enthusiasm for life and
was a warm and loving friend to many. She was devoted to her Lord,
to her church, and to her community. She was a student of Scripture
and led a weekly Women’s Bible Study at Wolfville Baptist Church
for many years.
“Her children arise and call her
blessed; her husband also, and
he praises her.” Proverbs 31:28
Thelma was also known as a gracious hostess as she and Abner entertained many faculty, staff, and students of ADC. Even in her senior years, she continued to meet with the spouses of students at the
Divinity College and helped equip them for their role as a pastor’s
spouse. She delighted in keeping in touch with students at the College, who were often included in her daily prayers, and she followed
their achievements and avenues of ministry with keen interest.
Thelma delighted in the Christian walk, and was firm in her belief
of a loving and caring Heavenly Father who walked with her as she
journeyed through all her days. What a rich and wonderful and full
life she was privileged to live!
Dora Crosby worked in various positions at Acadia Divinity College
from 1984 to 2005.
Acadia Centre
Signs Concord with
German Institute
n October 6, 2011, the Acadia Centre for Baptist and
Anabaptist Studies (ACBAS) commenced a five year
agreement with the Institute für Baptismusstudien im
Theologischen Seminar Elstal (The Institute for Baptist
Studies at the Theological Seminary at Elstal=IBS) to cooperate in
key areas of Baptist-related research and publication.
According to the agreement,
Acadia will engage in joint research projects, collaboration
in the leadership of conferences, symposia, and guest
lectureships, and plan for and
jointly publish research. First
on the agenda is a proposed
volume of critical editions
of Baptist confessions of
faith, documents illustrative
of Baptist beliefs and ethical
positions over four centuries.
(L to R) Prof. William Brackney
Prof. William Brackney, joint
with Dr. Martin Rothkegel
editor of the first volume
with Dr. Martin Rothkegel, observed that a volume of this kind is
long overdue and will replace William L. Lumpkin’s 1963 collection,
plus the older books of confessions compiled by W.J. McGlothlin
and E. B. Underhill. A search for original editions is underway, using
copies from the Angus Library at Oxford, the library of York Cathedral, and Early English Books Online. Rothkegel first conceived
of the need for a German edition of the confessions and Brackney
has worked with such confessional literature since publication of his
book, Baptist Life and Thought 1600-1980 in 1984.
The concord also provides for exchanges of students and faculty
working in areas related to Baptist theology, history, and ethics.
Brackney is hopeful that Acadia can send a qualified student to Elstal, Germany, to study as part of the M.A. trac in Baptist Studies.
Elstal is located on a beautiful campus just outside Berlin in the former East Germany. The oldest Baptist seminary in Europe, Elstal has
an excellent library and connections with Luther Country.
The signing ceremony in Elstal occurred in conjunction with Dr.
Brackney’s visit to Germany, during which he presented a scholarly
paper on sabbatarianism in the 17th century English context under
the sponsorship and was held at the University of Erfurt. Dr. Volker
Spangenburg, principal/president of the Seminary at Elstal, signed the
agreement on behalf of IBS, and Dr. Brackney represented ACBAS.
ACBAS is a joint centre of excellence of Acadia Divinity College and Acadia
University, founded in 1988 by the late Prof. Dr. Jarold K. Zeman.
Technological Innovation
at ADC
By Dr. Christopher Killacky
uge changes have taken place in the educational sphere
of teaching theology and training students for ministry. These changes not only include the advancement of
technological equipment but indeed the type of student
now entering seminary. The typical profile of a traditional seminary
student has morphed from one of young single men having just
completed their first undergraduate degree – predominant in the
1970s - to an eclectic mix of people called by God into a vocation or
bi-vocational ministry in the present day.
The pressing economic and social considerations within an environment of reduced numbers of men and women coming forward for
traditional ministerial training has made the choice of how to deliver
and the cost of theological education in the digital age paramount to
maintaining a successful and viable seminary. This is particularly true
in North America where seminaries have suffered from reduction of
income as well as student numbers in the past five years. In addition
to pressures of cost, debt, and convenience, more churches are prepared to ordain ministers without the traditional North American
seminary based Master of Divinity qualification. While the reasons
are complex it is true to note that location and cost of education are
drivers towards increased use of Internet based learning.
The question of how seminaries are
best able to deliver quality education
to students has become critical to
the success of theological training.
What then is Acadia Divinity College doing to address these changes
through the use of technology to enable more students to be better
equipped for leadership?
To start with, the small technology team at ADC (Dr. Chris Killacky
and Danny Zacharias) has, with the help of the Baptist Foundation,
introduced a number of changes designed to meet the modern reality of seminary education. This goes beyond the use of Twitter and
Facebook and reaches into the classroom itself – or to be more precise takes the classroom out of ADC to the student. ADC has now
started using Adobe Connect as a virtual platform that will allow
remote students to access the classroom. The setup is user friendly
and designed to give access to the many students who are no longer
residentially located near the College. At present remote students
can log onto the ADC Adobe webpage and join the ‘real’ class, seeing
The typical profile of a traditional seminary student has morphed from one
of young single men having just completed their first undergraduate degree –
predominant in the 1970s - to an eclectic mix of people called by God into a
vocation or bi-vocational ministry in the present day.
With the change in the type of student studying in seminary and
the advent of more technology based learning, there has emerged an
increasingly complicated theological training space. The question of
how seminaries are best able to deliver quality education to students
has become critical to the success of theological training. While it
has always been the case that quality education has been vital to successful theological education, the focus has been on content rather
than delivery. Only with the advance in technology based training
such as online courses have alternative pedagogical delivery methods
become available. The pace of change and expectation of technology-based education within society has overtaken the traditional
methods of seminary teaching. Furthermore, technology focused
pedagogy within many universities and higher education colleges is
being driven by professional educationalists while very few seminary
professors have any formal pedagogical training or technology backgrounds from which to draw on.
and hearing the professor, as well as being able to interact with the
class and ask questions real time. This has enabled a new segment of
students - who once only had the choice of traditional distance learning - as an option to experience the dynamic interaction of the classroom as they learn. In particular it is hoped that a new community
of learners will emerge, perhaps those with young families or working
responsibilities who cannot either move to the College or afford the
spiraling cost of gas – not to mention the ecological footprint of all
that travel!
Several classes at Acadia Divinity College now offer this format and
have had up to five students per course join classes of 25 to 30 virtually. In addition to ‘attending’ the real class virtually there is often an
additional session that takes place to make up for any group exercises
that remote students cannot join in. If this option might interest
you then contact our Registrar and enquire about the options for
joining a virtual class.
Alumni News
Brian KEEZER has completed his ministry at Mulgrave Park Baptist Church, NS.
Marilyn MCCORMICK has completed her ministry at Petitcodiac Baptist
Church, NB and has accepted a call to
serve as Pastor of Family Ministries at
Grace Memorial Baptist Church, NB.
Quincy COLLINS has completed his
ministry at Alton Baptist Churches, NS.
William PARKS has completed his ministry at Havelock Baptist Church, NB.
Grant ALCORN has completed his
ministry at Pennfield and Pocologan
United Baptist Churches, NB, and has
accepted a call to serve at Edith Avenue
United Baptist Church, NB.
Dean MACDONALD has retired from
full-time ministry at First Hillsborough
United Baptist Church, NB, and has
accepted a call to serve as Interim Pastor
of Havelock Baptist Church, NB.
Ronald FORD has completed his
ministry at North Head United Baptist
Church, NB.
Wade Harvey has completed his
ministry at Sackville United Baptist
Church, NS, and hasaccepted a call
to serve at Greenfield United Baptist
Church, NS.
Jonathon MCKAY has completed
his ministry at Keswick United Baptist
Church, NB.
Kathryn PENNER
and husband Shawn
were pleased to welcome
twins on September 25,
2011, Lena Margarete
and Micah Norman.
Joanna DOAK has completed her
ministry at Greenwood Drive Baptist
Church, NB.
Sarah SCOTT and her husband John
welcome their second born, a daughter,
Piper, born March 19. Congratulations!
Jason HINDSDALE has completed
his ministry at St. Andrew's Baptist
Church, NB.
Jarvis LEPPER has completed his
ministry at Second North River Baptist
Church, NB.
James HAMMOND has accepted a call
to serve as Pastor of Visitation at Lower
Coverdale Baptist Church, NB.
Nathan HILL and his
wife Mandy welcomed
a son, Spencer Nathan
Josiah, on May 4.
Chris KEEZER has accepted a call to
serve as Associate Pastor of Summerside
Baptist Church, PE.
Chuck MCGUIRE has completed his
ministry at Harmony Baptist Church, NS.
Laura SHERWOOD has accepted a call
to serve as Associate Pastor of Family
Ministry & Administration at Marysville Baptist Church, NB.
Sam JESS, and his wife Connie welcome their first born, Silas Zimrah who
was born on May 31. Congratulations!
Allison MACGREGOR has been accepted as a full-time residential student
in the Ph.D. program at Assemblies of
God Theological Seminary in Springfield, Missouri, US.
and his wife Alexandra
welcomed a daughter,
Sophia Natalie,
on April 27!
James DILTS and his
wife Rachel welcomed
their first born, son
Jacob, on April 23!
Acadia University
Student Publishes
in the “Canadian Family
Physician Journal”
Zoë Hunter, a third year Acadia University student currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Honours), has always had a personal interest in alcohol addiction. She is the first Acadia student to have a refereed article
published in the Canadian Family Physician Journal.
Zoë was enrolled in Acadia Divinity College's Christian
ethics and theology courses with Dr. Chris Killacky and
claims that her experience with the Divinity College has
empowered her to pursue her goals and passions.
"When I feel lost, whether it is in course work or life issues,
I always find myself in Dr. Killacky’s office”, says Zoë. “The
first time it led me to pursue an overseas mission trip in
Bolivia working with a psychologist dealing with incarcerated children. The second time, Dr. Killacky introduced
me to Dr. Louis Francescutti of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, an excellent mentor to have an aspiring medical student."
In the fall of 2011, when
a fellow student died as a
result of over-indulgence
during Orientation Week,
Zoë thought hard and passionately about the very
same thing plaguing her
peers: "How and why did
this happen? What can we
do?" With help from mentor Dr. Louis Francescutti,
Zoë wrote "Time to Face Binge Drinking Consequences:
Role for Primary Care and Education in Awareness", an article
addressing the social acceptance of binge drinking amongst
university students and what physicians and educators can be
doing. With this article, Hunter hopes to shed light on the
full scope of this problem and help redefine what it means
to "party safe".
Zoë is one of more than 40 Acadia University students
this past year who have benefitted from taking advantage
of the Bachelor of Theology courses offered through ADC.
Students at Acadia University can now do a Minor in Theology as part of their undergraduate studies.
33rd Annual Simpson Lectures
in Preaching and Practical Theology
cadia Divinity College hosted its thirty-third annual Simpson Lectures in Preaching and Practical Theology on February 6-8, 2012. Generously
endowed by the late Gerald K. Simpson of Deer
Island, New Brunswick, this event has become a welcome
mid-winter spiritual and ministry enrichment opportunity
for both clergy and laity. Happily the weather co-operated
this year, resulting in a good attendance.
Our guest lecturer was the Rev. Dr. Arthur Paul Boers, pastor, author, and teacher. Dr. Boers currently holds the R. J.
Bernardo Family Chair of Leadership at Tyndale Seminary in
Toronto, and has written in the area of prayer, spiritual disciplines, and conflict management. He addressed the topic
“Living into Focus: Embracing Abundant Life,” in which he
explored some of the distractions in contemporary society,
especially technological, that can hinder us from experiencing a rich spiritual life centred in our relationship with God in Christ. Dr. Boers introduced us to the concept of “focal practices” rooted in our everyday lives, through which we can nurture our relationships with God and with
each other. Illustrated by a slide show of the ancient pilgrimage route of Camino de Santiago that he walked (all 800 kilometres) in Spain, he
described walking the earth while contemplating its Creator as a Christian practice worth recovering. Dr. Arthur Boers helped us to understand
that our spirituality can be down-to-earth and suggested concrete ways in which we can find new opportunities to pray, witness, and contemplate
who we are in Christ as we attempt to grow closer to Him.
The lectures were augmented by stirring worship, warm fellowship, enriching workshops, lively conversations, and good food shared with friends.
What more could one ask of three days in February?
Legacy for Leadership
“Seabright United Baptist Church Bursary”
By Dr. David Watt
ver the years the theological training for men and women who serve in church leadership has brought together both the academics of
the classroom and the practical experience in the pastoral setting. Many of our smaller rural churches have hosted students and recent
graduates and provided that all important field training.
Paul wrote to the church in Philippi these words of counsel, “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in
me – put into practice…” (Philippians 4:9) The Seabright field of churches partnered with Acadia Divinity College over the years to provide
effective training of students and recent graduates. Many of the important pastoral and leadership lessons come from the people in the pews.
Pastor and people learn and grow in ministry together.
Shifting populations, improved mobility, and cultural changes have brought about the closure of many of our rural churches across the country and across denominations. An aging congregation and church building brought to reality the wisdom of decommissioning the church at
Seabright in 2009. The sale of the property and other revenues were dispersed to a number of Christian institutions. Acadia Divinity College
was the recipient of a bursary in value of more than $65,000.
Acadia Divinity College is grateful to the members and friends of the Seabright United Baptist Church who decided to continue the partnership
with us in equipping leaders for the church both present and future. This is a valuable investment in leadership that we trust will inspire other
churches and individuals and foundations to consider as they look to the future.
Scholars Corner
Professor Evans publishes six books during the 2011-2012
School Year
It was a busy year for Professor Craig Evans, ADC’s Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament. In the fall term The World of
Jesus and the Early Church (Hendrickson) appeared, a collection of
studies on family and community in early Christianity and Judaism. In the winter term five more books appeared, including The
Book of Genesis: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation (Brill), a
scholarly collection of essays, two volumes of ‘What Does the Scripture Say?’ Studies in the Function of Scripture in Early Judaism and
Christianity (T&T Clark), which Evans edited along with Danny
Zacharias, Lecturer in New Testament, a commentary on Matthew (Cambridge) in the New Cambridge Bible Commentary
series, and Jesus and His World: The Archaeological Evidence (Westminster John Knox). The last book is written for non-experts and
has already generated a lot of excitement in the media.
H. Daniel Zacharias publishes The Singing Grammarian (Kregel) and Songs and Visual Presentations for Learning New Testament Greek Grammar
There are scores of first-year Greek grammar textbooks available for
Bible College and seminary courses in biblical Greek. Far less plentiful, however, are tools that help students learn and retain the subject matter. People learn in many different ways, and a multimedia
approach has been underutilized in the teaching of biblical Greek.
There is no better way to assist today’s New Testament Greek grammar student than The Singing Grammarian. Designed for use on
video display devices or computers, this fun learning program covers the major areas of introductory Greek and the major paradigms
taught to introductory students. The title of each song explains its
content including “The Greek Alphabet song,” “First Declension
song,” and Secondary Endings (Imperfect) song. These videos in
Mov format can be played on many devices. On a Mac or PC, simply use Apple’s free QuickTime player for viewing. For those who
want to view the videos on an iPhone, iPod, or iPad, add the videos
to your iTunes library and then sync them to your device. Many
Android-enabled phones as well Blackberry phones are able to play
these files too; just add them to your phone. If your phone is unable
to view the files, use a video converter to create a suitable format and
screen size for your device. For ease in downloading your purchase,
use a high-speed broadband connection and a download manager.
Order online at :
Danny Zacharias is a graduate of Acadia Divinity College, with both
his Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Theology. Previous to
this Danny resided in Winnipeg where he earned his Bachelor of
Arts at Providence College. He currently teaches Introduction to
Greek, Introduction to Hebrew,
along with other classes in biblical
studies, along with his administrative responsibilities relating to
technology at ADC. In addition
to working, Danny is working on
his PhD in New Testament studies through the University of Aberdeen at Highland Theological
College. More than any of those
achievements, Danny is most
proud to call Maria his wife, Lex
and Jack his sons, and Ella-Rose
his little princess.
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15 University Avenue
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For Helping Equip Christian Leaders
Events of Interest
For more information on these events, visit our
website at
August 23, 2012
October 15-17, 2012
ADC Alumni & Friends BBQ
Hayward Lectures
Crandall University, Moncton, NB
or call 1.902.585.2210
Time: 5:00 p.m.
C. Stephen Evans, Baylor University
KC Irving Auditorium, Acadia University
Time: 7:30 p.m.
September 9, 2012
Religion Soup Dialogue
Covenanting Service
Wolfville Baptist Church
Time: 4:00 p.m.
October 1, 2012
Acadia Centre for Baptist and
Anabaptist Studies Lecture
Dr. John Roth
Quiet Reading Room, Vaughan
Memorial Library,Acadia University
Time: 7:30 p.m.
October 2, 2012
Acadia Centre for Baptist and
Anabaptist Studies Lecture
Dr. John Roth
Langley Room, Acadia Divinity College
Time: 7:30 p.m.
October 19, 2012
Michael Licona & Dale Martin
Denton Hall Auditorium, Acadia University
Register at
Free Parking on campus after 5:00 pm
Time: 7:00 p.m.
February 6-8, 2013
Simpson Lectures
Dr. Stephen McMullin, ADC
Festival Theatre, Acadia University
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Acadia Divinity
College in Metro
Why did you choose to study with
Joe Green
Master of Divinity
Acadia Divinity College? I chose ADC for
a number of reasons … I am a Baptist and I
am a son of an ADC alumni. But, beyond these factors, I was aware of
the high quality of the faculty and had met many of them on separate
occasions and could attest to their faith commitment.
Is “ADC in Metro” helping you to meet your academic/training goals? ADC has and continues to meet my academic goals. I
wanted to be challenged and have. The program that I am in and the
courses that are offered are exactly what I was looking for and contribute to exactly what I have been called to do. More importantly,
I have been challenged in my faith. Each course and semester that
rolls by is another opportunity to grow in Christ. I have been blessed
to have not only Christ minded professors, but classmates as well.
Do you feel you’ve grown in your understanding of God
since you started your program with ADC? I have been nurtured in my faith and encouraged to seek Him in a number of ways.
I feel I am learning more and more about Him as each day goes
by. ADC has not only given me a great deal of knowledge, but has
also provided me with a vocabulary where I can express my faith in
Christ not only to fellow Christians, but to those who don't identify
with Him. I feel His transforming presence each day and ADC has
provided the tools to continue this transformation.
What do you plan to do after graduating from ADC? Following graduation, I hope to serve Christ in one of our many hospitals
in the region as a spiritual care giver.
If undeliverable please return to:
Acadia Divinity College
15 University Avenue
Wolfville, NS B4P 2R6