YEPno NEW 2011 Flyer - Yorkshire Volunteers Regimental


YEPno NEW 2011 Flyer - Yorkshire Volunteers Regimental
Yorks Ex Press
D ec e mb er 2 0 1 1 .
N u mb er 1 7 .
The funeral of Private Matthew Adam Thornton D Coy 4 Bn Yorkshire Regiment, took place at All Saints
Church, Darton, Nr Barnsley. The service was held in a packed church and was relayed to hundreds of
regimental friends, local people and ex military personnel including many legion standards bearers waiting
outside. Peter Beresford (YVRA) paraded the 4 Bn Yorkshire Regiments Standard.
The service was attended by the Lord Lieutenant of South Yorkshire, the Colonel of The Regiment, the
Honorary Colonel of D Company, the Mayor of Barnsley and Members of Parliament for Barnsley. Music
was provided by a quintet from the Regimental Band who also provided the bugler who played the Last
Post and Reveille at a private committal service.
Pte Thornton, who had re-enlisted in the TA to serve in Afghanistan, was killed in a bomb blast on
November 9.
Hundreds of people ringed the churchyard today, standing in silence as the coffin was carried through a
guard of honour.
Continued on page 3.
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The funeral of Pte Matthew Thornton 4Bn Y R.
YV Annual Reunion Weekend Scarborough, and
dates for Next Years Dinner at Skegness.
2011 York Minster Service.
Rotherham News Page.
Blast from the Past.
Eden Camp. WO ll Alan Wilson.
Laying up of Yorkshire Volunteers Colours at Strensall.
Poem: The Final Inspection. In Memorium. Diary Dates
The Regimental Reunion Weekend at Scarborough
Members of the Y V R A, gathered together shortly after the Association A G M. presided over by our
new Chairman Mr Jim McViegh and Regimental Secretary Mr Steve Major. Held at the Royal Hotel,
Scarborough. Good W/E, nice to see old friends and colleagues who we usually only meet once a year.
Photos from the Dinner
Night at Scarborough.
The Management.
Next years dinner is at Southview Park Hotel, Skegness. 13-15
April 2012. Make sure you have all the information so you can
book your place at this wonderful location.
Lt Col Crowley said he thought Pte Thornton was
destined for promotion after the tour of Afghanistan. “He cared deeply for those around him and
was always willing to offer support and help to
those who needed it”.
“A true Yorkshire warrior”
The Rev Andrew Martlew said: “The people
who killed Matthew were intolerant, bigoted,
fuelled by hatred.
Pte Thornton’s father and mother, Michael and Susan, comforted each other as they followed the coffin, which
was draped with a union flag and had his army cap on top. Also a white wreath representing the white rose of
Yorkshire. Lt Col Ian Crowley, commanding officer, 4th Bn The Yorkshire Regt, said “For me he was the epitome of the volunteer soldier….professional, fit, enthusiastic and ready to party after working hard.
Attending and representing YVRA, were H Malam, B Wragg, D Mangham, T Herd, P Beresford & T Wootton.
Annual Minster
Thanks to all who took part in the 2011 service
and if we can keep the good attendance as we
had this year I’m sure Minster Day will keep going for a few years yet. It’s a good day out and
the atmosphere in the Minster was heavenly to
match the occasion and setting.
Thanks to The Revd Jim Butterworth, our Patron
and President for their part in the service also
the old stalwarts and new recruits who provided
the lung power to accompany the Yorkshire
Volunteers Band a well done to every one.
We rounded off the day at Worsley Barracks
with an unbelievably delicious curry with all the
trimmings for the ridiculous price, £2.00 per
Lets make next year just as good if not better.
News from Rotherham Branch
Raymond Proctor
back on parade again.
Blind date led to
50 golden years
of marriage.
Raymond has recovered well from
his kidney infection and is managing to get a pint or two down his
neck while on his travels despite
his failing knees which according
to Raymond “will be his next job
for the NHS”.
Nice work and all the best to you
from all of us in and out of the association.
Keep soldiering on Raymond.
Congratulations to Barry
& Cynthia Wragg on
their Golden Wedding
celebration on the 4th
March this year.
They met on a blind date
at Clifton dance hall and
got married on the 4th
March 1961 at St
C u t h b ert 's C hurch,
Wickersley, Rotherham.
Had 2 children Martin &
Jacqueline, and have 2
Laura Emily & Holly
Well Barry & Cynthia
I’m sure that all your
family, friends and members of our association
wish you love and all the
best for the next 50
Beat that Cilla Black.
Chris Harding slowly on the mend, again!
Good and bad news from Chris Harding. Having left the hospital to continue his recovery at
home from the ill ness which nearly claimed
Chris's life, while doing his physiotherapy his
hand slipped off the support he was using and
he fell sustaining a fractured lower leg which
was a very bad break. “The first time in 67 years
I have broken any bones” said Chris.
Hope Chris you continue to battle on and eventually be fit enough to attend our Annual Reunion
Dinner at Skegness next year.
Keep fighting Chris were all with you.
Rotherham Annual Ladies Dinner Night.
Now OK.
Rotherham's annual dinner was on the 12 November, this year at The Fitzwilliam
Arms, as a private function in the concert room.
The meal was an excellent three courses serving, followed by coffee and mints to
round off the meal.
The Loyal and Regimental toasts where given by Mr R Burton and Mr B Fereday.
Entertainment, was first class from Ena Brooklyn, ex DWR who served at Endcliffe
Hall, Sheffield, as HQ Coy PSI. The Disco was very good, with a Raffle in-between.
Thanks to all 50 + members and guests who attended the evening.
Mr Bryan Garthwaite
is well on the way to
recovery after a heart
condition was discovered and he is now
dusting down the
suntan lotion bottles
ready for Benidorm.
But, will need a bit
more treatment yet.
Blast from the Past. D Coy 3 Yorks.
Old Barnsley Drill Hall, in the seventies.
Yorkshire Volunteers on Parade at Eden Camp
Eden Camp 2011
Another good turnout by our members and their
Family and friends, not quite as many as last year
but not far off. Lets hope that next year will see a
stronger contingent at Eden Camp.
As you probably know entrance is free on this W/E
to ex-service personnel and there families.
The YV Band as usual used there musical skills
to take centre stage and we’re given a well deserved ovation by the hundreds of people there to
see and take part in the ceremony to commemorate and remember all Military and Civilian Personnel involved in the conflicts of the last 100
Hope to see even more Yorkshire Volunteers on parade Next Year, It’s a good day out for all.
“So fall in on the 9th September 2012 at 1400hrs”. And its free.
One of our members at the Castleford
branch has passed on.
WO2 Alan Wilson of C Coy, 2 Yorks.
Passed away on Tuesday afternoon 19th July 2011.
He joined up in 1973 and made WO2 in 1987
Left after 17 loyal years service in 1990
In his TA service he attended many courses and was enthusiastic
throughout and had many, many friends of all ranks within the battalion.
He was very well thought of and respected by all, he will be sorely
His funeral was on Thursday 28th July 1300hrs at Pontefract crematorium.
Please pass on our condolences from all of us, to his widow Linda Wilson and the rest of his
From: Allen Fisher, Castleford Branch Sec.
Laying up of The Colours at Strensall.
The Colours of 1, 3 and 4 Yorkshire
Volunteers are being laid up after
this ceremony at the Garrison
Church Strensall. The event was
very well attended by members of
the Yorkshire Vols and serving soldiers.
2 Yorks Colours are encased at
Thanks to all who attended the ceremony
which made it a unique
and one off occasion for
all concerned.
What a setting for the Dixie Land Players of the Y V Bands.
Brodsworth Hall Nr Doncaster, on a nice summers evening, is the setting and you can
see members of the Dixie Land Players in the background under the blue marquee
“which came in handy when the rain came later in the day”, preparing for the gig.
Some of our members and friends in the foreground who attended the evening event
which was also well supported by the general public. Picnics and fold up chairs the order of the day, oh and one or two umbrellas.
Tony Wootton
h:01709 583241
The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
'Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you ?
Have you always turned the other cheek
To My Church have you been true?'
Steve Major The soldier squared his shoulders and
h:01757 268761
h:01924 375934
Diary Dates 2012
∗ Worsley, Bks 28 Jan at 1100
hrs. Yorks Regt AGM.
Also on this date. YVRA,
Audits at 1600hrs. Follows
by RGM at 1800hrs.
∗ Annual Regimental Reunion Dinner W/E. 13-15 of
April at Skegness. AGM at
∗ 14 July RGM Worsley Bks
∗ V Y R A Minster Service.
by RGM at 1700hrs with a
buffet afterwards.
'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.
There was a silence all around the
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
'Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell.'
In Memorium
Alan Wilson 2 Yorks
Richard Armstrong Y V Band
Bill Crosley Y V Band
Bruce Melia 3 Yorks
Mal Farmory 1 Yorks
∗ Remembrance Sunday.
11 11 12.
EDITORIAL: Back in business, sorry for the delay. Thanks for all who
∗ Rotherham Branch Ladies
contributed this time and a special thanks to Garry for his photos in this isDinner Night. 1 December sue. If you have any articles for the future from you branches etc, please send
2012. All Welcome.
them in with photos we’re possible, people like to know what others are up to.
Finally, to all of you, have a wonderful Christmas and happy New Year.
For more, see Website.
From me “Tony” and all the Committee Members of the YVRA.
A very good web site, with loads of pages containing lots of information such as:
Forecast of events, History, Merchandise, Associated Regt, Feature Items, the Band and much more.
WEB SITE MANAGER, David Stephenson.
And also have a look at the Yorkshire Regiment web site.