Indice Table of contents


Indice Table of contents
Table of contents
Studying in Europe
Studiare in Europa
Why choose the University of Sassari
Perché scegliere l’Università di Sassari
Past and present
450 years of history
The University of Sassari today
Passato e presente
450 anni di storia
L'Università di Sassari oggi
The Academic References
Incoming Student Ombudsperson
International Relations Office
University Language Center
Erasmus Helpdesk
Erasmus Student Network
Career Guidance and Counselling Centre
Regional Agency for University Studies
I punti di riferimento
Il Rettorato
Garante degli Studenti Incoming
Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali
Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo
Sportelli Erasmus
Erasmus Student Network
Centro Orientamento
Ente Regionale per lo Studio Universitario
Studying at the University of Sassari
Programmes and academic offer
Italian language courses
Credits and ECTS system
Departments and Research Centres
University Library Network
European Documentation Centre
Academic calendar
Deadline for Incoming Erasmus Students application
Application process step-by-step
Studiare a Sassari
I corsi di laurea e l’offerta formativa
Corsi di italiano per incoming
Crediti formativi e sistema ECTS
Dipartimenti e Centri di ricerca
Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
Centro di Documentazione Europea
Calendario accademico
Scadenza iscrizioni per gli studenti Erasmus Incoming
Come proporre la candidatura
Sassari and Sardinia
Culture and traditions
Facts about Sardinia
Sassari e la Sardegna
Cultura e tradizioni
La Sardegna in cifre
Your stay in Sassari
Climate and clothing
How to get to Sassari
Required documents
Students with special needs
Some benefits available for Incoming
The Choir of the University of Sassari
Sport facilities
Health and insurance
Sassari by night
Il soggiorno a Sassari
Clima e abbigliamento
Come arrivare
Documenti da portare con sé
Dove dormire
Servizi per gli studenti diversamente abili
Altre facilitazioni per gli Incoming
Il Coro dell'Università
Le attività sportive
Assistenza medica
La vita notturna
uide for Incoming Students
Studying in Europe
To study one or two semesters in another European university is an excellent opportunity to experience a new academic
environment and way of life as an integral part of your degree.
Erasmus is the EU's flagship education and
training programme enabling 200,000 students to
study and work abroad each year. This
experience gives students a better sense of what
it means to be a European citizen.
In addition, many employers highly value such a
period abroad, which increases the students'
employability and job prospects.
Get more information on the ERASMUS
Programme at:
uide for Incoming Students
Studiare in Europa
Trascorrere un anno o un semestre all’estero per studiare in un'altra università europea è un’occasione da non perdere
per conoscere un nuovo ambiente accademico e per fare una stimolante esperienza sia formativa che esistenziale.
Ogni anno il Programma Erasmus permette a circa 200.000 studenti di studiare o fare un tirocinio all’estero. Durante il
soggiorno Erasmus si può davvero comprendere che cosa significa essere cittadini europei. Un periodo di studio
all’estero è considerato titolo preferenziale da molti datori di lavoro e migliora sensibilmente le prospettive d’impiego.
Per maggiori informazioni sul programma Erasmus:
uida per Studenti Incoming
Why choose the University of Sassari
Here are some good reasons to come to Sassari:
The University of Sassari is a public university with very old traditions, where
academic offer is based on a wide array of study programmes, multidisciplinary
teaching and high quality scientific research
A medium-small size favours integration of incoming students within the
academic community and the establishment of enriching personal relationships
The University offers a wide range of libraries, study and internet points, and
an efficient University Library Network
The University Language Center offers to incoming students a multiple choice
of both institutional and intensive free Courses of Italian language and culture
All incoming students may benefit of special facilities for accommodation,
canteen, transportation, health, cultural and recreational activities
Sassari is a student-tailored city, with an active social life animated by the
ESN and many other Students’ associations at the faculty level
Well connected to many Italian and European airports, Sassari is located in
the island of Sardinia, which is known as one of the most beautiful hotspots of
biodiversity in the Mediterannean Region. Its natural and cultural peculiarities
will make your stay an unforgettable experience
In Italy the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) is coordinated by the Italian
National Agency.
uide for Incoming Students
Perché scegliere l’Università di Sassari
Ecco alcune buone ragioni per studiare a Sassari:
L’Università di Sassari è un’università pubblica di antica tradizione, in cui
l’offerta formativa si basa su un ampio ventaglio di corsi di laurea, su una didattica interdisciplinare e su elevati standard di ricerca scientifica.
Le dimensioni medio-piccole dell’Università favoriscono i rapporti interpersonali e permettono agli studenti incoming d’integrarsi rapidamente nella comunità accademica e nell’ambiente locale.
Avrete a disposizione un’ampia rete di sale di studio, di biblioteche, di
postazioni internet e un efficiente Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo.
Il Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo organizza per voi un’ampia offerta di corsi gratuiti di Lingua e cultura italiana.
Tutti gli studenti incoming hanno diritto a speciali facilitazioni per alloggi,
mense, trasporti, assistenza sanitaria, attività culturali e sportive.
Sassari è una città a misura di studente, con una ricca vita associativa animata da tante associazioni studentesche.
Ben collegata con altri aeroporti italiani ed europei, Sassari è situata in
un’isola, la Sardegna, che per la sua storia, per la sua identità culturale, per le
sue peculiarità naturali e ambientali è ritenuta una delle regioni più incantevoli
del Mediterraneo.
In Italia il Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) è coordinato dall'Agenzia
Nazionale LLP Italia.
uida per Studenti Incoming
uide for Incoming Students
Past and present
450 years of history
Today, the University of Sassari
The University of Sassari celebrated its 450th academic year in
offers multiple education degrees at the undergraduate,
graduate, master and PhD level
hosts more than 650 researchers and professors distributed
among 13 Departments, 22 libraries, and over 40 institutes and
research centres
over 15,000 students enrolled in the University of Sassari and
about 600 are currently spending a study or training period in
other European Universities/Institutions
over 100 visiting professors teach at the University of Sassari
every year
the number of incoming Erasmus students from other European
Universities is constantly increasing
the University of Sassari has established cooperative exchange
agreements with over 200 Universities participating in the
Erasmus Programme.
The University of Sassari owes its foundation to Alessio Fontana,
a clerk at Emperor Charles V's chancellery, who in 1558 donated
his belongings to the municipality of Sassari for the establishment
of a college in this town.
In 1559 the first Jesuits arrived to Sassari and in 1562 the first
courses were taught. During the following years a “University
House” was established, and in 1617 King Philip III acknowledged
the status of first Royal University of Sardinia to the Jesuit college
of Sassari.
uide for Incoming Students
Passato e presente
450 anni di storia
L’Università di Sassari oggi
Nel 2012 l’Università di Sassari ha celebrato il suo 450° anno
offre una vasta gamma di lauree triennali, lauree magistrali,
master, scuole di specializzazione e di dottorato
conta su oltre 650 docenti e ricercatori distribuiti in 13
Dipartimenti, 22 biblioteche, oltre 40 tra istituti e centri di ricerca e
di studio
ha più di 15.000 studenti, di cui oltre 600 sono attualmente in
mobilità per studio o per tirocinio presso altre università/istituzioni
in media ogni anno oltre 100 visiting professor insegnano a
il numero degli studenti Erasmus provenienti da altre università
europee è in continua crescita
l'Università di Sassari ha rapporti di cooperazione con oltre
200 Università che partecipano al Programma Erasmus.
La nascita dell'Ateneo è legata alla figura di Alessio Fontana,
funzionario della cancelleria imperiale di Carlo V, che per
testamento, nel 1558, lasciò i suoi beni alla municipalità per
istituire un collegio di studi.
Nel 1559 giunsero a Sassari i primi padri gesuiti e nel 1562 furono
avviati i corsi. Negli anni successivi iniziò a prender corpo la “Casa
dell’università”, e fu infine nel 1617 che Filippo III, re di Spagna,
concesse al Collegio gesuitico lo statuto di Università regia.
uida per Studenti Incoming
The University Language Center
The Rector's office is located in the historical seat of the
University of Sassari.
Besides teaching foreign languages, the University
Language Center offers a wide programme of free courses
of Italian Language and culture for incoming students.
The Academic References
Professor Attilio Mastino
Professor Laura Manca
Delegate for Internationalisation
Professor Maria Antonietta Zoroddu
Delegates for International Student Exchange
Professor Piero Sanna and Professor Giuseppe Moniello
Rector's Secretariat
Piazza Università 21, 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 228811 F +39 079 228816 -
Incoming Student Ombudsperson
The incoming student ombudsperson makes sure that all
the academic and service-related activities devoted to
foreign incoming students are carried out in a transparent
and fair way.
Incoming Student Ombudsperson
Professor Elena Sanna Ticca
T +39 079 229757
International Relations Office
The International Relations Office is the reference contact
point for incoming students. Along with the structures
responsible for teaching programmes, the Office assures
continuous support to exchange students.
International Relations Office
Via Macao 32, 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 229757 F +39 079 229979
uide for Incoming Students
Via Zanfarino, 53 - 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 229672 F +39 079 229642
Erasmus Helpdesk
In addition to the contact person at the International
Relations Office, each Department or graduate education
programme hosts an Erasmus Helpdesk where incoming
students will have the possibility to contact the Erasmus
coordinator, the academic staff, the administrative staff and
the students' tutor for any question related to study matters
during their stay in Sassari.
Erasmus Helpdesk
Via Macao 32, 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 229941 F +39 079 229979
Erasmus Student Network
The ESN is an independent organisation, run by students
for students and also in Sassari it is largely formed by
Erasmus fellows. ESN assures a valid support to incoming
students upon arrival for matters related to accommodation,
student card, canteen, libraries, banks, get together with
teaching staff, etc. ESN also represents the reference for
any aspect regarding the organization of students' stay,
leisure and socialization.
Erasmus Student Network - Sassari
Via Macao 32, 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 229719
Besides ESN, several other student associations animate
the university social life in Sassari.
Career Guidance and Counseling Centre
Regional Agency for University Studies
The "Centro Orientamento" is a centre of the University of Sassari.
ERSU-Sassari (Ente Regionale Studio Universitario) promotes the
essential services aiming at easing access to university studies
(meals, accommodation, transportation, cultural and recreational
activities). Incoming students will benefit from the same facilities
as those granted to students enrolled in the University of Sassari.
It provides different services to support students during their learning
experience: helping to choose academic courses, supporting academic
performance and providing career guidance.
The "Servizio OrientAzione" is an in house service and it provides free
psychological counseling and coaching both in English and Spanish.
Centro Orientamento
Via Arborea 40/b, 07100 Sassari
800 882994 (toll free)
T +39 079 229928
Servizio OrientAzione
Skype: OrientAzione
ERSU - Sassari
Via Coppino 18 - 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 9940020 F +39 079 272118
Studying at the University of Sassari
Academic offer 2014-2015
Incoming students can participate freely in any programme at
the Undergraduate, Graduate, Master, or PhD level.
Courses from different programmes can also be combined by
creating a multidisciplinary study plan.
Detailed course information will appear after the printing of
this guide and the latest information is available on
Architecture, Design and City Planning
Undergraduate Courses
Architecture and design sciences
Urban, regional, environmental, and landscape planning
Graduate Courses
Planning & policies for city, environment and landscape
(European Master - consortium with other universities)
Economics and Business
Undergraduate Courses
Economics and management
Tourism economics and tourism management (Olbia site)
Graduate Courses
General management and professional consulting
Undergraduate Courses
Heritage studies
Educational science
Literary studies
Graduate Courses
Humanities and Social Sciences
Undergraduate Courses
Culture and language mediation
Cultural tourism studies
EU social services
Graduate Course
Philology, cultural industrie and communication
Modern languages and intercultural communication
Social services and policies
Political Sciences, Communication and
Information Engineering
Undergraduate Course
Administration law and private and public enterprise law
Graduate Course
Law (5-year programme)
uide for Incoming Students
History, Human Sciences and
Undergraduate Courses
Communication studies
Political sciences and administration
Graduate Courses
Communication and public administration
Public policy and governance
It is advisable for incoming students, to have a
B1 level of the Italian language.
Agricultural Sciences
Undergraduate Courses
Agro-zootechnical sciences
Agro-technological sciences
Forestry and environmental sciences (Nuoro site)*
Viticultural, oenological and food technologies (Oristano site)*
Graduate Courses
Agricultural systems
Forest and environmental systems (Nuoro site)
Animal production sciences
Viticultural and enological sciences*
Natural Resources and Environmental
Undergraduate Courses
Natural sciences
Graduate Courses
Environment and land management
Chemistry and Pharmacy
Biomedical Sciences
Undergraduate Courses
Biological sciences
Graduate Courses
Experimental and applied biology
School of Medicine
Biomedical Sciences
Clinical and Experimental Medicine
Surgical, Microsurgical and Medical Sciences
Undergraduate Courses
Nursing (certificate of qualification for nurses)
Midwifery (qualification certificate for obstetrics)
Physiotherapy (certificate of qualification for physiotherapists)
Speech and language therapy (certificate of qualification for speech
Imaging and radiotherapy techniques (certificate of qualification for
medical radiation technicians)
Graduate Courses
Medicine and surgery (6-year programme)
School of Dental Medicine (6-year programme)
Health Professions of Technical Sciences (diagnostic)
Undergraduate Courses
Graduate Courses
Chemistry and pharmaceutical technology (5-year programme)
Pharmacy (5-year programme)
Veterinary Medicine
Graduate Courses
Veterinary sciences (5-year programme)
Health, medical and veterinary biotechnologies*
This programme is targeted at
university students enrolled in all the
countries participating in the LLP, who
obtained an Erasmus Placement grant
from their home institution and wish to
carry out an internship in companies,
institutions, private offices and agencies
of North Sardinia.
*Interdepartmental or interuniversity programmes
Courses of Italian Language and Culture
Free courses of Italian Language and culture are granted to incoming
students by the University Language Center (CLA): elementary and
intermediate level are taught throughout the two semesters of the
academic year, while intensive courses are organised in September
and in February, just before the starting of each semester.
The intensive courses allow incoming students to acquire or to
consolidate a basic level of knowledge of the Italian language, which
is essential for attending the lectures, that are mostly taught in Italian.
We therefore recommend incoming students to have a B1 level
of the Italian language.
Language courses are set in modules of 30 and 60 hours. Students
passing the final examination will obtain, along with the certificate of
attendance and the score, the recognition of credits based on the
duration of the attended course. The reference parameter is: 1 ECTS/
CFU for each 10 hours of course (i.e., 60 hours = 6 ECTS/CFU).
Credits and ECTS system
The University of Sassari adopts the European Credit Transfer and
Accumulation System (ECTS), that facilitates the transfer of acquired
credits and the academic recognition of studies carried out abroad.
By rule, at the University of Sassari, 1 CFU (Credito Formativo
Universitario) credit equals 1 ECTS credit. The list of exams passed
by incoming student, the relative scores and the acquired credits
(CFU/ECTS) are reported in the "Transcript of study records" (ToR),
which is issued by the International Relations Office based on the
indication provided by the study programmes.
Departments and Research Centres
Departments and Interdepartmental Centres promote research
activity and manage laboratories and scientific equipments at the
The University of Sassari, along with its scientific staff and the
departmental structures (for a complete list see:, is
active in all the 14 Areas of the National University Council of Italy
(CUN): Mathematics and Computer Sciences - Physics - Chemistry Earth Sciences - Biology - Medicine - Agricultural and veterinary
sciences - Civil Engineering and Architecture - Industrial and
Information Engineering - Ancient History, Philology, Literature and
Art History - History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology - Law Economics and Statistics - Political and Social Sciences.
uide for Incoming Students
Corsi di Lingua e cultura italiana
riconoscimento accademico degli studi compiuti all'estero. Presso
l'Università di Sassari 1 CFU (Credito Formativo Universitario)
equivale a 1 credito ECTS. L'elenco degli esami superati dallo studente incoming, con i voti e con i crediti acquisiti (CFU/ECTS), è riportato nel “Transcript of Records”, rilasciato alla fine della mobilità
dall’Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali in base alle indicazioni fornite dai
Corsi di studio.
I corsi intensivi e compattati permettono agli studenti incoming di
acquisire o consolidare un livello minimo di conoscenza della lingua
italiana che è indispensabile per frequentare con profitto le lezioni
delle discipline prescelte, tenute per lo più in italiano. Si raccomanda
perciò che gli studenti incoming abbiano una conoscenza della
lingua italiana di livello B1.
Dipartimenti e Centri di ricerca
I corsi gratuiti di Lingua e cultura italiana sono erogati dal Centro
Linguistico di Ateneo, che organizza per gli studenti incoming sia i
corsi di livello elementare e intermedio, che si svolgono durante i
periodi di lezione dei due semestri, sia i corsi intensivi e compattati,
che si svolgono nel mese di settembre, prima dell'inizio dell'anno
accademico, e nel mese di febbraio, prima dell’inizio del secondo
I corsi sono articolati in moduli di 30 e di 60 ore di lezione. Gli studenti
che superano le prove finali otterranno, insieme alla certificazione del
risultato e del voto conseguito, il riconoscimento dei crediti formativi
previsti, in base alla durata del corso. Il parametro di riferimento è di 1
ECTS/CFU ogni 10 ore di lezione (60 ore = 6 ECTS/CFU).
Crediti formativi e sistema ECTS
L’Università di Sassari utilizza il Sistema europeo di trasferimento dei
crediti (ECTS), che agevola il trasferimento dei crediti acquisiti e il
I Dipartimenti e i Centri interdipartimentali sono le strutture che
promuovono le attività di ricerca e che gestiscono i laboratori e le
attrezzature scientifiche dell’Ateneo.
L’Università di Sassari, con i suoi ricercatori e con le sue strutture
dipartimentali (per l’elenco completo vai al link, è attiva
nelle seguenti quattordici Aree scientifiche:
- Scienze Mediche - Scienze Agrarie e Veterinarie - Scienze chimiche
- Scienze biologiche - Scienze dell'antichita', filologico-letterarie e
storico-artistiche - Scienze storiche, filosofiche, pedagogiche e psicologiche - Scienze giuridiche - Scienze fisiche - Scienze della terra Ingegneria civile ed architettura - Ingegneria industriale e dell'informazione - Scienze economiche e statistiche - Scienze politiche e
sociali - Scienze e tecnologie per la valutazione e la valorizzazione
dei beni culturali - Scienze matematiche e informatiche.
uida per Studenti Incoming
University Library Network
The University Library Network (SBA) gathers 22 libraries accounting
for 1,700 consultation seatings, hundreds of internet points and
wireless connection. The network includes several early editions,
600,000 monographies, and over 3,750 journals. The complete
bibliographic catalogue is available on-line.
The digital library allows full text access to 15,000 journals, 10,000
Open Access sources, 110 bibliographic databases, 47,000 e-books,
and over 3,500 scientific articles published by our academic staff.
The University Library Network is complemented by the historical
University Central Library, which is now under the patronage of the
Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and hosts a number
of ancient editions and an invaluable heritage of over 350,000
European Documentation Centre
Is located at the University Central Library "Antonio Pigliaru" and
offers to university and extra-university users information and documentation on the European Union and its policies.
For more information:
contact Magda Sanna, T +39 079 228763
European Documentation Centre (CDE)
Viale Mancini, 1 - 07100 Sassari
Central Library for Law, Economics and Political Sciences
“Antonio Pigliaru”
Viale Mancini 1, 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 228951 F +39 079 228952
uide for Incoming Students
Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo
Centro di Documentazione Europea
Il Sistema mette a disposizione diversi fondi antichi e un patrimonio
documentario di circa 600.000 monografie e di oltre 3.750 riviste, di
cui 1.828 correnti. Il catalogo unico d’ateneo è consultabile in internet.
La biblioteca digitale consente l’accesso a circa 15.000 riviste, 10.000
fonti di tipo "Open Access", 110 banche-dati bibliografiche in abbonamento, 47.000 e-books e oltre 3.500 articoli tra quelli pubblicati dai
ricercatori dell'Università di Sassari.
Per ulteriori informazioni:
dott.ssa Magda Sanna, +39 079 228763
L’Università di Sassari dispone di un efficiente Sistema Bibliotecario
d’Ateneo, composto da 22 biblioteche, che offrono 1.700 posti a sedere, centinaia di postazioni internet e di connessioni wireless.
Al Sistema bibliotecario d’Ateneo si affianca la storica Biblioteca Universitaria, che ora dipende dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e che conserva numerose antiche edizioni e un prezioso patrimonio di oltre 350.000 volumi.
Collocato presso la Biblioteca “Antonio Pigliaru”, riceve e mette a
disposizione di un vasto pubblico tutte le pubblicazioni ufficiali e divulgative dell’UE.
Centro di Documentazione Europea (CDE)
Viale Mancini 1, 07100 Sassari
Biblioteca di Diritto, Economia e Scienze politiche "Antonio
Viale Mancini 1, 07100 Sassari
T +39 079 228951 F +39 079 228952
uida per Studenti Incoming
Academic calendar
The academic calendar starts at the beginning of October and is
divided into two semesters (fall semester, generally from October to
January; spring semester from March to May) and three examination
sessions (February, June-July, September). Some courses start
already in September: for the exact start dates please refer to the
internet pages of each Department.
Deadline for Incoming
Students application
Fall semester: 15 July
Spring semester: 15 December
Application process step-by-step
1. Find out if there is an exchange agreement between the university
you are currently attending and the University of Sassari.
2. Contact the International Coordinator at your home university for
further information about deadlines, application procedures and
admission requirements.
3. Browse our online course catalogue or the Department websites to
decide which courses you are interested in applying to. Choose your
courses together with your coordinator at your home university and
the Department coordinator at the University of Sassari.
4. After the assignment of the hosting institution you may enroll at the
University of Sassari: fill the Registration form on-line. You will receive
our email confirming that your Registration is OK. If you don't receive
a confirmatory email within two days, please communicate it to the
International Relations Office.
uide for Incoming Students
Calendario accademico
L’anno accademico si divide in due semestri in cui si alternano, sulla
base di un calendario prefissato che ha inizio ai primi di ottobre, due
periodi dedicati alle attività didattiche (generalmente, da ottobre a
gennaio e da marzo a maggio) e tre periodi in cui si svolgono gli
esami di profitto (a febbraio, a giugno-luglio, a settembre). Per alcuni
corsi di studio le lezioni hanno inizio già in settembre: per
informazioni più dettagliate sulle date di inizio delle lezioni fai
riferimento al sito internet dei singoli Dipartimenti.
Scadenza iscrizioni per gli studenti
Erasmus Incoming
Primo semestre: 15 luglio
Secondo semestre: 15 dicembre
Come proporre la candidatura
1. Verifica che la tua Università abbia stipulato un accordo per gli
scambi Erasmus con l’Università di Sassari.
2. Prendi contatto con il Coordinatore Erasmus della tua Facoltà per i
dettagli relativi alle procedure di assegnazione delle sedi e delle
borse di mobilità Erasmus.
3. Consulta l’Offerta Formativa dell’Università di Sassari nel sito web
per individuare i corsi da frequentare. Per valutare meglio i programmi
e per scegliere i corsi più indicati per il tuo curriculum puoi farti aiutare
dai Coordinatori Erasmus della tua Università o dell’Università di
4. Dopo che ti è stata assegnata la sede, iscriviti tra gli studenti
incoming dell’Università di Sassari compilando l’apposito Modulo online. Se dopo due giorni non avrai ricevuto l’email di conferma, scrivi
all’Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali.
uida per Studenti Incoming
uide for Incoming Students
Sassari and Sardinia
Sardinia is known as one of the most beautiful islands in the
Mediterranean Sea. It is an ancient land, rich in history and
culture, and characterised by its largely wild and uncontaminated
natural landscape. The historic and archaeological heritage of
Sardinia, its nature, ancient traditions, local products and the
culinary tradition all contribute to make this Island one among the
most popular holiday destinations in the country.
Sassari (population 130,000) is the second Sardinian city. It lies on
a range of hills overlooking the strait between Northern Sardinia
and the Southern coast of Corsica, at 225 metres above sea level.
The town was founded around the 9th-10th century AD by the
inhabitants of the ancient Roman port of Turris Lybisonis (current
Porto Torres). Over time, Sassari has been ruled by the Genoese,
the Pisans, the Aragonese, the Catalans, the Spanish, the
Austrians, and eventually by the Piedmont Savoia kings, until the
Unification of Italy in 1861.
Culture and traditions
Sassari is proud of its cultural identity and traditions. Among the
most vivid expressions of tradition two are worth mentioning: the
Faradda di li candareri (the Candle Holders) and the Cavalcata
Sarda (the Sardinian Cavalcade).
uide for Incoming Students
The first is a devotional procession held on August 15, in which
massive wooden candles are carried by members of the city
guilds from the town center to the church of Santa Maria of
Betlem, in commemoration of the end of the plague in 1582. The
second is a laic event taking place in May, when thousands of
people come from all over Sardinia to Sassari parade through the
city in their local folk costumes accompanied by hundreds of the
best examples of Sardinian horses.
Sassari has an intense cultural life, animated by a rich
programme of events spanning from opera, classic and popular
drama, exhibitions, conferences, concerts, and the most
prominent film festival in Sardinia, Sardinia Film Festival (June).
Facts about Sardinia
Sardinia has a surface of 24,089 km 2, a population of
approximately 1,600,000 inhabitants. The capital city is Cagliari.
Sassari e la Sardegna
La Sardegna, considerata una delle più belle isole del
Mediterraneo, ha una forte identità culturale, linguistica e
ambientale. Il suo cospicuo patrimonio storico-archeologico, i suoi
paesaggi naturali, le sue antiche tradizioni, i prodotti tipici e la
genuina gastronomia locale contribuiscono a farne una delle mete
di villeggiatura più ambite del Mediterraneo.
Con oltre 130.000 abitanti Sassari è la seconda città della
Sardegna. Sorge, a 225 metri sul mare, nella parte nord
occidentale dell'isola, di fronte allo stretto che separa la Sardegna
dalla Corsica.
La città fu fondata intorno al IX-X secolo dagli abitanti dell’antico
porto romano di Turris Lybisonis, l’odierna Porto Torres. Come la
Sardegna ha poi subito la dominazione dei Genovesi, dei Pisani,
degli Aragonesi, dei Catalani, degli Spagnoli, degli Austriaci e,
infine, dei Piemontesi fino alla vigilia dell’Unità d’Italia.
Cultura e tradizioni
processione popolare che si svolge alla vigilia del Ferragosto e
che si rinnova da 500 anni per tener fede a un voto della città; la
seconda è una manifestazione profana che si svolge nel mese di
maggio e che consiste in una variopinta e spettacolare sfilata di
migliaia di figuranti che indossano i costumi tipici dell’isola e che
si esibiscono in danze e canti tradizionali.
Sassari ha un’intensa vita culturale animata da un ricco calendario di eventi che comprendono un’importante Stagione lirica, un
nutrito programma di Teatro di prosa, mostre, conferenze, concerti e un’interessante rassegna cinematografica, il Sardinia Film
Festival (giugno).
La Sardegna in cifre
La Sardegna, con una superficie di 24.089 km 2, ha una popolazione di circa 1.600.000 abitanti. Il capoluogo della Regione è
Sassari è orgogliosa della sua identità culturale e delle sue
Fra gli appuntamenti più importanti si segnalano la Discesa dei
Candelieri e la Cavalcata Sarda: la prima è una partecipata
uida per Studenti Incoming
uide for Incoming Students
Your stay in Sassari
Climate and clothing
The weather in Sassari is tipically Mediterranean. The proximity of the sea
offers the possibility to organise pleasant tours to the nearby beaches of
Alghero, Stintino, Porto Ferro, and Platamona. Also, discovering the magnificent
natural environment and the archaeological and artistic heritage of North
Sardinia will leave an unforgettable experience in the incoming student.
Student's clothing should be informal, but do not forget to bring along with you a
swimming suit and a good pair of trekking shoes!
How to get to Sassari
Sassari is the main city in the northwest of Sardinia.
The Island can be reached either by sea or by air transportation. The nearest
seaport is Porto Torres (about 20 Km from Sassari). Ferries run from Genoa
and Civitavecchia (Rome). The nearest airport is the Alghero Airport (35 km
from Sassari); alternatively, you can reach the city of Olbia (which is located at
150 km distance), or Cagliari (about 225 km from Sassari) and get to Sassari by
car, by train, or by bus. The bus terminal in Sassari is located in Via Padre
Zirano (approximately 400 m from the Student's House in Via Michele Coppino
and from the International Relations Office in Via-Largo Macao).
Required documents
EU citizens and citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland must
register their right to reside in Italy if their stay lasts longer than three months.
Non-EU/EEA citizens must obtain a residence permit and a Schengen VISA
from the nearest Italian embassy or consulate in their home country. The
Ministry for Foreign Affairs website ( offers a list of
travel documents that are required for each third country.
Each semester, ERSU offers to incoming Erasmus students a limited number of
rooms at reduced rate in the Student’s House. Students arriving in the first
semester (i.e., long-term students) are given priority. Moreover, in collaboration
with ERSU, the University of Sassari offers to incoming Erasmus students free
stay during the first night in a hotel or in a room in the Student’s House.
We also suggest to contact the International Exchange Erasmus Student
Network to get information about available flat sharing and other
accommodation possibilities.
Students should notify in advance the International Relations Office and the ESN via email
the date and time of their arrival.
uide for Incoming Students
Students with special needs
Have right to an increase in their financial support. Moreover, through
their home university, they may ask for a supplementary payment, or a
special financial support for individual needs (accompanying person,
visits, special medical care, and so forth).
The University of Sassari is committed to develop inclusive study
conditions and endeavours to identify the most appropriate support for
each individual student with disability. It is very important that contact
between the home university and the Responsible for students with
special needs at the hosting institution is made at early stage of
preparation to apply to the University of Sassari.
Students with Special Needs - Advisory Committee
Some benefits available for Incoming
Incoming students benefit from reduced prices for several services:
Rent in the Student's House. Private apartments range from 150 to 300
Air transportation
Aeroporto "Riviera del corallo" di Alghero
Aeroporto "Costa Smeralda" di Olbia
Sea transportation
Bus transportation
ATP - Azienda Trasporti Pubblici Sassari
ARST - Trasporti Regionali della Sardegna
Meals served in the canteens of the University
Monthly Travelcards for local transportation
All Erasmus students have free internet access through the University
web service
CUSI card for the sport activities
Free healthcare and GP medical service
Emergency numbers
Carabinieri: 112
Polizia di Stato (Police): 113
Pronto Soccorso (First Aid): 118
Vigili del Fuoco (Firemen): 115
Corpo Forestale dello Stato (Forestry Guard): 1515
Antiviolenza Donna (Women's Safety Emergency Number): 1522
Train transportation
Ferrovie della Sardegna
079 241 301 - 800 460220 (toll free)
892021 (24/24)
Train station
Piazza Stazione 20 - 07100 Sassari
Phone: 079 262 757
Taxi transportation
Taxi Sassari. Radiotaxi 24/24
079 253 939
Choir of the University of Sassari
If you sing in a Choir, you are welcome to join the activities organised
by the Choir of the University of Sassari.
For more information:
Delegate for the Choir of the University of Sassari
Dott.ssa Grazia Fenu,
Sport facilities
Incoming students may practice several sports (tennis, athletics,
fencing, basket, football, volley, sailing, horse riding) and participate
in various tournaments and inter-faculty championships in the
facilities of the University Sport Center (CUS) and in others
(swimming pools, fitness centres, gym) having arrangements with the
University. Access to the CUS facilities is reserved to students
holding a CUSI card and a medical certificate for sporting activity.
Health and insurance
Incoming students from EU countries are entitled to receive the health
services of the ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) in Italy, by exhibiting
the form issued by their Local Health Authority. Overseas students
having scholarships from the Italian Government are given life,
accident, and health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay
in Italy.
Incoming students can benefit from the Comprehensive medical
assistance service, free of charge, provided by the university to all
off-site students.
Sassari by night
Sassari hosts an incredible amount of coffee shops, bars, pubs,
pizzerias, restaurants and spaghetterias, clubs and discos, which are
all very close to the Student's House. The nearby Alghero offers a
wide range of night clubs where students can organise their week-end
At early night, students usually gather in one of the cafés and wine
bars of the city center, such as the “Ombra di vino”, “H2O”,
“Set126” and the “Cafè Cortes” .
Night goes on in discos like “Sergent Pepper”, which hosts the
famous university “Giovedisco”, “Triciclo”, “Atrium” and “Pancho
Villa” opening at midnight where students may dance until dawn.
To join other clubs you will need an entry card, such as for
“Republik” in the evening, and “Tumbao” and “Aggabachela”,
where from 10 pm through 3 am you may enjoy live concerts,
visual art performances, movie screening, round tables.
uide for Incoming Students
Il Coro dell'Università di Sassari
Se canti in un coro, puoi contattare il Coro dell'Università di Sassari.
Per informazioni:
Delegata rettorale per il Coro dell’Università di Sassari
Gli studenti incoming possono usufruire del Servizio gratuito di
assistenza medica, messo a disposizione dall’ateneo per tutti gli
studenti fuori sede.
La vita notturna
Le attività sportive
Sassari dispone di un sorprendente numero di caffè, bar, pub,
pizzerie, trattorie, spaghetterie, circoli e discoteche, facilmente
raggiungibili dalle residenze universitarie. La vicina Alghero offre
inoltre un ampio panorama di locali notturni, in cui organizzare la
movida del fine settimana.
Assistenza medica
In prima serata, gli studenti si ritrovano nei tanti caffè e vinerie del
centro cittadino, come l’ “Ombra di vino”, l’ “H2O”, il “Set126” e il
“Cafè Cortes”. La notte continua poi nelle discoteche come il
“Sergent Club”, che ospita il famoso Giovedisco universitario, il
“Triciclo”, l’”Atrium” e il “Pancho Villa”, che aprono a mezzanotte e
in cui si può ballare fino all’alba. Ci sono inoltre diversi circoli che
richiedono una tessera, come il “Republik”, punto di riferimento per
i preserata universitari, e il “Tumbao” e l’”Aggabachela”, che dalle
22 e fino alle 3 di notte propongono concerti dal vivo dei gruppi più
apprezzati a livello regionale e nazionale, performance di artisti di
arti visive, proiezioni cinematografiche, dibattiti.
Dott.ssa Grazia Fenu,
Gli studenti incoming possono praticare diversi sport (tennis, atletica
leggera, nuoto, scherma, pallacanestro, calcio, pallavolo) sia nelle
strutture del Centro Universitario Sportivo (CUS) sia in quelle
convenzionate (piscine, centri fitness, palestre etc.); possono inoltre
partecipare ai numerosi tornei e campionati interfacoltà e interateneo.
Per accedere agli impianti sportivi e/o partecipare ai corsi organizzati
dal CUS è sufficiente possedere la tessera del CUSI e presentare un
certificato medico, che può esser richiesto all’ambulatorio medico per
gli studenti universitari.
Gli studenti provenienti da Paesi dell'Unione Europea possono
ottenere le prestazioni in forma diretta presso le strutture del Servizio
Sanitario Nazionale. Gli studenti provenienti da Paesi terzi che
usufruiscono di una borsa di studio finanziata dal Governo Italiano
godono di assistenza sanitaria per tutta la durata del loro soggiorno di
studio in Italia.
uida per Studenti Incoming
uide for Incoming Students
Some important matters to remember before you come to
If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen, check well in advance
whether you need a VISA in addition to a residence permit
and apply for one at the nearest Italian Embassy or
Consulate in your home country.
Apply for housing at our International Relations Office or
contact ESN Sassari.
If you are EU citizen check whether there is any agreement
between your home country and Italy for free health
services, such as the E-111 or E-128 form. Non-EU/EEA
citizens are required to have a health insurance before
Book your travel tickets. You should arrive in time for the
free intensive Italian courses which are organized at the
beginning of each semester. Avoid arriving during the
Contact the International Relations Office well in advance to
inform about your arrival.
International Relations Office
Via e Largo Macao, n° 32
07100 Sassari - Italy
Open to the public:
Monday to Friday 10:30 to 12:30 Hrs
Head Office
Dott. Savio Regaglia
(General organisation of the Mobility - Bilateral Agreement - SMP,
STA, STT and OM, Organization, administration and grants)
T +39 079 229757 F +39 079 229979
Dott. Felice Langiu
(SMP, STA, STT and OM, Organization, administration and grants Bilateral Agreements STA/STT, International Framework
Agreements, Managing Bodies Support)
T +39 079 229953 F +39 079 229979
uide for Incoming Students
Sig. Gavino Sanna
(Student mobility organization - Front office, certificates and grants)
T +39 079 229975 F +39 079 229979
Sig. Giampiero Sechi
(Erasmus Interinstitutional Agreements
organization - Front office and certificates)
T +39 079 229941 F +39 079 229979
Dott. Tonito Solinas
(International Relations, International Framework Agreements,
International networks, Help Desk, Managing Bodies Support)
T +39 079 229835 F +39 079 229979
Dott.ssa Antonella Selis
(International Relations Desk for Incoming students /
Accommodation management (first reception for long/short term
stay) Organisation of language courses for students (incoming/
outgoing students) SMP Organization)
T +39 079 229932
Dott.ssa Nina Anelli
(International Relations, Desk for Outgoing students, Marco Polo
Programme, Ulisse Programme, SMP Organization, Departmental
Managing Bodies Support)
T +39 079 229985
Dott.ssa Carla Urgeghe
(International Relations, Desk for Outgoing Students, Ulisse
Programme, SMP Organization, Departmental Bodies Support)
T +39 079 229953
Progetto editoriale e testi
Delegati del Rettore per la Mobilità Internazionale Studentesca
Prof. Piero Sanna
Prof. Quirico Migheli
Garante degli Studenti Incoming
Prof.ssa Elena Sanna Ticca
Traduzione testi a cura dello staff
dell'Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali
Grafica e impaginazione
Ufficio Comunicazione
Referenze fotografiche
Gigi Olivari
p. 6, Palazzo dell’Università, Sala di rappresentanza del rettorato
p. 5, Gonfalone dell’Ateneo con il sigillo dell’Università (1933)
p. 7, Palazzo dell’Università, chiostro e giardino interno
p. 16, Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
Sebastiano Piras
p. 24, Festa dei Candelieri (Sassari)
ERSU Sassari
p. 30, Mensa Universitaria, via dei Mille - Sassari
Maria Grazia Melis
p. 15, Scavi archeologici località “S’Elighe Entosu” (Usini - SS)
Gianfranco Cinelli
p. 20, Fauna della Sardegna (muflone)
RaSeLaSeD (Flickr)
p. 21, Nuraghe Losa (Abbasanta - OR)
Sebastiano Deiana
p. 23, Torre Aragonese (Stintino - SS)
p. 26c, Ponte sul fiume Temo, Bosa (OR)
Gino Sani
p. 25, Cavalcata Sarda (Sassari)
CUS Sassari
p. 31, Impianti sportivi dell’Università
Ufficio Comunicazione
p. 4, Palazzo dell’Università, porticato
p. 8, Laurea Honoris Causa a Pasqual Maragall i Mira (2011)
p. 14, Studenti del Dipartimento di Medicina Veterinaria
p. 19, Lezione nel Dipartimento Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali
p. 22, Piazza d’Italia, Sassari
p. 26a, Veduta notturna di Alghero (SS)
p. 29, Coro dell’Università
Quarta di copertina, Giardini del Polo umanistico
Quirico Migheli
p. 18, Laboratorio di Biotecnologie
Juan Lobaco
p. 26b, Basilica della Santissima Trinità di Saccargia (Codrongianos - SS)
Salvatore Virdis
p. 9, Nuovi laboratori del Dipartimento di Chimica e Farmacia
Pubblicazione realizzata con i fondi della L.R. n. 3/2009
Altri autori
Copertina, Facciata del Palazzo dell’Università
p. 17, Gazebo della Biblioteca Interfacoltà Antonio Pigliaru
p. 11, Erasmus Welcome Day 2012 - 2013
p. 28, Studenti incoming e dell’Associazione ESN di Sassari
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna
Assessorato alla Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione,
Spettacolo e Sport
Si ringraziano gli autori delle foto