Newsletter Apr-May 2016


Newsletter Apr-May 2016
Upcoming events
02 April
Saturday, 3.35pm
Brisbane Lions v North Melbourne
06 April
Wednesday, 7.00pm
$100 Lucky Draw
10 April
Sunday, 11.30am
13 April
Wednesday, 7.00pm
$100 Lucky Draw
16 April
Saturday, 4.35pm
Brisbane Lions v Gold Coast Suns
20 April
Wednesday, 7.00pm
Brisbane Deutscher Turnverein Inc
East Brisbane QLD 4169
$100 Lucky Draw
01 May
Sunday, 1.10pm
Brisbane Lions v Sydney Swans
11 May
Wednesday, 7.00pm
14 May
Saturday, 7.25pm
18 May
Wednesday, 6.30pm
25 May
Wednesday, 7.00pm
28 May
Saturday, 1.45pm
April-May 2016
Phone: 07 3391 2434
Sourced from 100% New South Wales Highland Orchard
apples and brewed with inspiration from Germany’s
famous purity laws, Ampelmann is a delicate apple cider
with intense aroma of fresh Granny Smith apples. The
acidity is well balanced leaving a clean a crisp finish sure
to leave drinkers coming back for more.
Fax: 07 3391 1948
From the President’s Desk
Dear Members and Friends,
Club Opening hours:
Monday: closed
$100 Lucky Draw
08 May
Sunday, 11.30am
Newsletter No 43
416 Vulture St
27 April
Wednesday, 7.00pm
04 May
Wednesday, 7.00pm
Brisbane German Club News Letter
$100 Lucky Draw
Mother’s Day
The City of Brisbane Stamp Club “Philatelic Society”
was established over 45 years ago.
They meet at the Brisbane German Club on the third
Thursday of every month at 7.30pm.
Members usually arrive early to have
dinner in the dining room prior to
the meeting. All visitors, including
collectors and non-collectors are
most welcome!
old collections can be valued.
Time has run by so fast and
Easter has come and gone. I
hope all Members and friends
had a happy Easter weekend.
Tues 12noon—late
Wed—Sat 11am—late
Sunday 11.30—5pm
Frühschoppen 2nd Sunday of month
A big thank you to our
Stammtisch Group and helpers
who provided for a wonderful
time at Karneval night in
February. It was very well
attended and everyone had a
wonderful evening. Also thank
you to Paula Hay for the wellpresented Kinderkarneval in
February. Everyone there had
a good time.
Phone: 3391 2091
Monday: closed
Tues to Wed
12.00—2.00pm 5.00pm—8.00pm
12.00—2.00pm 5.00pm—8.30pm
12.00—2.00pm 6.00pm—9.00pm
$100 Lucky Draw
Brisbane Lions v Collingwood
133rd Anniversary Gala Dinner Ball
$100 Lucky Draw
Brisbane Lions v Hawthorn
Rates valid for 2016 only.
Phone: 3391 2434 or email us at
On Wednesday 18 May will
be our 133rd Anniversary
I also want to say a big thank
you to all the long time Club
Members. Remember, if it
was not for them, there
would not be a German
Club. We are still a social
and family orientated club.
$4.10 Pots
For information ring: Sabina 0468 890 700
$7.70 Pints
Classes are normally held on Tuesday nights
from 6.30pm-8.00pm
Page 4
Please check all the dates at
the back of our newsletter,
thank you.
With regards,
Your President
Horst Langer
Our beer garden is taking
Tues—Fri 9.00—5.00
Inside this issue:
Dear Members and Guests,
President’s Report
Lucky Draw & Notices
Ladies’ Group
Bar News
Events Calendar
The Club has started holding a weekly Wednesday night lucky draw. A ticket is handed to the
customer when they buy a drink e.g. Five drinks purchased equals five tickets.
Tickets are handed out from 5.00pm every
Wednesday afternoon.
The draw occurs around 7.00pm. and the winner
has to be at the club to collect the winnings. If the
initial winner is not at the club then another ticket
is drawn until the $100 is claimed.
Tickets are valid only on the night of issue.
Want to learn Conversational German?
shape, even though the wet
weather did not help, and the
bench around the tree is
nearly finished.
Eine baldige Genesung für all unsere
Mitglieder, die krank sind!
from 7.00pm in the Beer Hall
Tuesday to Saturday
12pm—2pm and 5pm—6pm
We wish a speedy recovery to all our
members on the sick list!
Friday and Saturday night
with Andrew
German Club Happy Hours
Advertising space now
Newsletter distributing to
over 5,000 Members.
Our Footy season is also
starting again on 2 April. On
8 May, we will celebrate
Mothers Day alongside our
monthly Frühschoppen.
As future newsletters will be sent out to our
Full Members electronically, please inform the
Club of your email address.
Don’t forget to
book a table for
Mother’s Day &
at the Club on
Sunday 8 May!
Every mother will receive a rose and a free
glass of champagne on arrival.
Page 1
Frauengruppe/Ladies’ Auxiliary News
Dear Members and Friends,
We meet in the Keller Bar
every 3rd Thursday of the
month from 11am—3pm.
For more information,
please contact:
Gerda (07) 3821 7340
It has been a somewhat quiet period for the
Ladies Group. We had the Kinder-Karneval on
Sunday 28 February which was a great success.
Paula Hay organised a terrific fancy dress party
for schoolchildren who are learning to speak
German. The children had fun dancing and
playing games.
Wolfhardt and Dorit acted as “Prince and
Princess” and handed out the prizes for the
best costumes and lollies to all children.
We are also keeping busy providing raffle
prizes for the Frühschoppen every 2nd
Sunday of the month.
“Treffpunkt” Social Club News
Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday 8 May and as
always we will decorate the tables with flowers,
napkins and nibbles. Every mother will get a rose
and a free glass of champagne on arrival.
Our next big project will be to organise the
decorations for the Club’s 133rd Anniversary Ball to
be held on Wednesday night 18 May 2016.
0414 294 568
We hope you enjoyed a Happy Easter Holiday and
collected lots of Easter Eggs!
0403 511 543
Best Regards,
0412 227 158
Ingrid and Dorit
3397 0971
We meet in the Club’s
Keller Bar every Tuesday
from 6.00pm.
For more information, or
to get involved please
exciting little event loved by old and young and a
great chance to catch up socially outside the Club.
Easter has come and gone with a sweet little
event following the tradition of “Eierkullern”,
in which you roll (not throw) your egg down a
light slope. If yours rolls the furthest without
breaking, you are the WINNER! This is an
If you’d like to join us, please find us on Facebook or
email us. Our details are to the left.
or visit:
Bar News
Dear Members and Guests,
Join us for the 500th
Anniversary of the
Reinheitsgebot on
Saturday 23 April!
I am happy to report that Fischer’s is back on
Tap and will remain so. Also SchneiderWeisse is available again in bottles.
This year, Saturday 23 April will mark the
500th anniversary of the Reinheitsgebot, the
German Purity Law. This law stated that beer
can only contain water, malt, hops and water.
We at the Brisbane German Club will be sure
to mark this very special occasion.
Our monthly meetings (first Tuesday of the month)
saw the Keller packed. New faces join every week.
Some travel on, some stay on. It seems we now have
three generations joining which is fantastic – kids,
parents and grandparents!
Liedertafel /
Choir Practice:
For information ring:
Rainer 3821 5223
Karl 3848 9650
On the evening of Saturday 23 April, the first 100
people attending the club in German National Dress
will receive a complimentary Pretzel and a Pot of beer.
In addition, two lucky attendees in National Dress will
also win $250. It will be a great night, there will be
entertainment from Andrew and our Dance Group
will be performing so be sure to dust off your
Lederhosen and Dirndls and make a booking.
Brackenreg and Chris Fletcher
resigned their posts at the
previous meeting. The new
Vice-President of the
“Treffpunkt” is Lucas Rietberg
and the new Treasurer is Amir
Hayfa. Congratulations to both
members on their new posts!
The Treffpunkt had adopted
Walter Borell’s RAAF dog,
Ferris, as its mascot. Sadly, for
us, Ferris had to go to his new
handler on 17 March for
further RAAF dog training.
Monika 3397 0971
Dear Music Lovers,
There are a lot of singers on the
sick list at the moment. Our VicePresident Peter Jansen had a bad
break recently, mainly his hip and
shoulder, when he slipped from a
rock into the ocean during a
fishing trip. He is resting up in
North Coast hospital until he can
be transported back to Brisbane.
Also on the sick list are Hans
Rennett and Gerhard Schulze.
We wish you all a speedy recovery.
We have welcomed a new singer
in our midst, Renate Augsten.
We hope you’re going to enjoy
your stay with us.
Members who celebrating their
birthday during March-May are:
Gerhard Schulze (80) on 25
March; Rosalie Russell (80) on 7
April; Irma Pettrup (85) on 13
April; and Michael Boehm (65)
on 14 May. Congratulations on
reaching those magical
Für weitere auskunft:
Werner Simke
3300 2565
0410 118 371
Above: Irish Choir concert on Sunday 20 March
Page 2
Pictured: Matthias Schäfer and
Luke Mathers enjoy Frühschoppen
at the Club
after the
Social Club
elections on
13 March.
We hope you had a Happy
Easter Holiday and collected
lots of Easter Eggs.
Monika Kortz
The theme for our
Annual Concert on
Sunday 31 July
will be a trip through the
Black Forest.
Primo Pin
“Beer….Now there’s a temporary solution!” - Homer Simpson
Bei unserem February Skat waren 10 Spieler 2. G. Ertel
2490 Pk.
anwesend. Den ersten Preis erspielte sich P. Sturm 3. W. Bummer
2423 Pk.
mit 2321 Punkten.
Wir spielen Preis Skat jeden zweiten Sonntag im
Weitere Platzierungen wie folgt:
Monat, Startzeit 11.00 Uhr. Jeden zweiten Mittwoch
spielen wir unseren Freundschafts Skat, Startzeit
2. M. Heise
2316 Pk.
14.30 Uhr.
3. S. Svarbic
2242 Pk.
Bei unserem March Skat waren 11 Spieler Gut Blatt,
anwesend. Den ersten Preis erspielte sich Werner Simke
P. Kuether mit 2644 Punkten.
The Treffpunkt are planning a
bus trip to Laidley on Saturday
7 May 2016.
The bus will depart the Club
at 8am sharp. For bookings
and more details please
contact Mario.
22.01.1939 — 28.02.2016
Accordion player with the
Jägermeister Band
Full Member, joined 02.07.2000
Weitere Platzierungen wie folgt:
Skat News
Hello Skatfreunde,
Come and join us!
Liedertafel/Liederkranz News
Katrin and Claudi
There will also be more informal
trips held, such as camping trips,
over the weekends throughout the
year as well as other sporting
activities. Please contact Mario, our
event organiser, for information.
Our next meeting will be held on
Sunday 8 May 2016 at 11.30am.
We held an election on Sunday 13
March 2016 for a new VicePresident and Treasurer as Stuart
Stammtisch News
Stammtisch Karneval was a massive hit! The
most colourful event of the year earned its place
in the Brisbane German Club’s event calendar.
Everyone’s creativity, dancing skills, extraordinary prices and loyal sponsors — not forgetting
our amazing “decorational volunteers” —
helped us to celebrate our fifth anniversary with
a huge ALAAF!
Mario and the boys have been busy
building a seat around the tree in
the beer garden for members to sit
on and contemplate the beauty of
their surroundings. The back
garden will be tackled next once
the front garden is finished.
Alpenrosen Practice:
Karl Kaindestorfer
02.05.1943 — December 2015
Full Member, joined 09.08.2012
Lieselotte Reinke
For more information
please ring:
08.12.1921 — 16.03.2016
Full Member, joined 12.11.1998
Rae Onger 3359 0260
Above: Guests enjoying Karneval on Saturday 06 February
Our deepest sympathy goes to their
Page 3

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