The OVARC E-Mail Newsletter - Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club
The OVARC E-Mail Newsletter - Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club
Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail The OVARC E-Mail Newsletter November 2009 The Monthly Publication of the Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club Just a Reminder… CLUB MEETINGS first Thursday each month at 7:30 PM KC Greenville Learning Center (Kaskaskia College) 209 N. Third St. Greenville, IL 62246 CLUB NET Sun. 9:00 PM - 147.165 Linked Repeater System Inside this Issue Jim Kramper To Speak 1 E-Mail Newsletter NEW 2 New Meeting Location 3 Minutes Summary 4 Christmas Dinner 5 HR2160 Gains 6 Net Control Schedule 7 FCC Wavier 8 VE Testing 9 Club Repeaters W9KXQ/R (PL 103.5) 147.165+ 224.440KB9EGI 442.925+ Jim Kramper NøLSX at Nov. 5th Meeting to speak on: Climate Change and Global Warning: What We Really Know— At the Nov. 5th OVARC meeting Jim Kramper NøLSX, will be speaking on Climate Change and Global Warning—What We Really Know. Jim has been the Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service Forecast Office in St. Louis since February 1992. He began his Weather Service career in 1985, and has worked in offices in Cheyenne, WY. and Little Rock, AK. As Warning Coordination Meteorologist he oversees the public information program, with special emphasis on severe weather. He actively promotes weather preparedness across Missouri and adjacent portions of Illinois; acts as liaison between state and local government, the media, and the National Weather Service. Kramper started a campaign in Missouri in the mid 1990's to expand NOAA Weather Radio coverage in Missouri by creating cooperative ventures with the Missouri Rural Electric Cooperatives and the State Emergency Management Agency. The result has been the installation of over 20 new weather radio transmitters across Missouri creating almost 100% coverage. Kramper received his Bachelors of Science degree in meteorology from Parks College of St. Louis University in 1979. He has received national recognition for his work, receiving the award for Outstanding Contribution to Public Education from the National Weather Association in 1990. Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Page 2 E-Mail Newsletter Style Change For the past several years, our monthly newsletter has changed very little. This new format should not only be easier to read but should hopefully be easier to edit and for those of you who wish to print it, it should easier on the eyes. Photos will be an additional part of the newsletter with a copy available from our website as we roll into 2010. Your comments and criticism will be greatly appreciated. E-mail me at: Nov. 5th Meeting Location Kaskaskia College Greenville Education Center 209 N. Third St. Greenville, IL 62246 Front Entrance Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Page 3 New Meeting Location for Nov. 5th Meeting The November 5 meeting will be in a new location—the Kaskaskia College Center in Greenville (the building that used to be the location of the hospital thrift store just south of the Dairy Queen on Third Street). At the October 1, 2009 meeting Cary W4GRN reviewed some of the problems with our meeting location in the basement of First Bank. One problem is that the basement location is not handicapped accessible. Secondly, someone has to make arrangements and run cables to get Internet access there, which seems to be needed for more and more programs. Thirdly, when programs need it they have to bring and set up a computer projector. The Kaskaskia College location is handicapped accessible, and each meeting room has Internet access and ceiling mounted projectors. Also, there is a large parking lot on the west side of the building. And as Charley KA9NQL pointed out, it’s next door to the Dairy Queen for after meeting socializing. The particular room available for OVARC meetings may change from semester to semester depending on the college courses being offered at the KC Center. After touring the location at the close of the October OVARC meeting, members agreed to give the new location a try for the November 5th meeting. Nov. 5th Meeting Location Kaskaskia College Greenville Education Center 209 N. Third St. Greenville, IL 62246 Rear Entrance Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Page 4 Minutes Highlights for October, 2009 VE testing was conducted by Jim KF4NBG October 3 at the public library in Highland. Hope KA9NRW, John W9KXQ and Cary W4GRN cleaned out the cabinet of the 440 repeater at the Greenville water tower off Idler Lane. The repeater in Decatur has been disconnected from the linked repeater system until their signal can be improved. Ken KK9N installed a decoder to keep us from hearing the ID for the Carlinville system on our 2 meter repeater. Our Christmas party will be December 3 at Cunetto’s restaurant at the south edge of Greenville on Illinois Route 127. Until recently what is now Cunetto’s was Mabry’s. The program for the October meeting was consideration of a different meeting location at the Kaskaskia College Center south of the Dairy Queen. It is handicapped accessible, has Internet access, and computer projectors in each meeting room. One disadvantage of meeting at the KC Center is that we may not be able to meet in the same room all the time depending on the schedule of courses being taught at the Center. The members toured the facility and agreed to meet there for the November 5 meeting. We will decide during that meeting whether to meet there beginning in January. Cary W4GRN Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Page 5 Annual Meeting Christmas Dinner Dec. 3, 2009 OVARC Information Repeaters 147.165, 224.440, 442.925 2009 Officers President Hope Walker KA9NRW Vice-President John King W9KXQ The Annual Meeting and Election of Officers for 2010 will be held at Cunetto’s on Thursday, Dec. 3rd. Secretary Cary Holman W4GRN This is our annual Christmas dinner. We will meet at 6:00 PM with dinner being served at 6:30 PM. Treasurer Howard Wise N9GEQ Repeater Trustees John King W9KXQ Don Stover KB9EGI V.E. Team Coordinator Jim KF4NBG Net Manager Clareen Dunn KB9BEB Webmaster John King W9KXQ Website Look for the menu in Dec. Newsletter. Cost will be about $20 per person. This is about the same cost as last year. Bring yourself, spouse, significant other and guests. We will have a fun evening of food and fellowship and maybe a surprise guest! Mark Dec. 5th on your calendar now! Cunetto’s restaurant (1745 S. State Route 127) is located on the south edge of Greenville. Illinois Rt. 127 & I-70 interchange (Exit 45 on I-70). Until recently, it was Mabry’s. Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Page 6 HR 2160 Gains More Cosponsors (Oct 22, 2009) -- As of October 14, five more Congressional Representatives -- Tom Latham (R-IA-4), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA-46), Scott Garrett (R-NJ-5), Candice Miller (R-MI-10) and John Olver (D-MA-1) -- pledged their support for HR 2160, The Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Enhancement Act of 2009, bringing the total number of cosponsors to 30, including original sponsor Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX-18). HR 2160 is also sponsored by W. Todd Akin (R-MO-2), Michael Arcuri (D-NY-24), Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD-6), John Boozman (RAR-3), Madeleine Bordallo (D-Guam), Geoff Davis (R-KY-4), Bob Filner (D-CA-51), Bart Gordon (D-TN-6), Brett Guthrie (R-KY-02), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY-22), Michael Honda (D-CA-15), Mary Jo Kilroy (D-OH-15), Zoe Lofgren (D-CA-16), Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO-9), Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI-11), Charlie Melancon (DLA-3), Dennis Moore (D-KS-3), Bill Posey (R-FL-15), Bennie Thompson (D-MS-2), Michael Turner (R-OH-3), Peter Welch (DVT), David Wu (D-OR-1) and Don Young (R-AK). Click here for information on how to encourage your Congressional representative to sponsor HR 2160. (From website) OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7 Regular Events WorldRadio is now on-line including back issues to it’s February 2009 debut. The online monthly publication takes the place of its predecessor the newsprint version. Check out the August issue for up to date article. These are downloaded. Stop by and give it a try. If the Weather Net is Active Regular Net will not be held! Club Meetings Fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 PM, KC Greenville Learning Center (Kaskaskia College) 209 N. Third St. Greenville, IL 62246 Visit Us on the Web Site!!! Net Control Schedule Clareen, KB9BEB is our Net Manager. The Okaw Valley ARC holds a weekly net at 9:00 PM on Sunday evenings. The net control stations are on a rotating schedule. Nov. 1—W9KXQ-John Nov. 8—KB9BEB-Clareen Nov. 15—KA9NRW-Hope Nov. 22--WB9SLM-Kris Nov. 29—NO NET Dec. 6 N9GEQ-Howard Dec. 13—W9KXQ-John Dec. 20 KB9BEB-Clareen Dec. 27—NO NET OVARC P.O. Box 3 Greenville, IL 62246 Club Information, Dues, Event Notices, Ideas for Programs, etc. E-Mail Newsletter John King W9KXQ, Editor Email: Articles, New Items, Corrections, etc. Volume 1, Issue 1 OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Page 8 FCC Issues First Waiver for Government-Sponsored Disaster Drill On October 27, the FCC's Wireless Telecommunications Bureau (WTB) granted the first waiver that allows amateurs who participate in a government-sponsored emergency preparedness and disaster drill to communicate on behalf of their employers during the drill. The waiver request was made on behalf of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. That state conducted a full-scale exercise on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 from 8 AM5 PM (EDT) to test their emergency response to the possible release of chemical agents at Blue Grass Army Depot, located near Richmond, Kentucky. (From ARRL Newsletter) OVARC E-Mail Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 9 Testing Opportunities Jim Thibeault KF4NBG OVARC VE Team Elen, ACØNF Louis Latzer Memorial Library 1001 9th St. Highland, IL 62249 Contact Jim KF4NBG (618)-488-6411 Saturday Nov. 7, 2009 10:00 AM Saturday Dec. 5, 2009 10:00 AM Thank you to Helen, ACØNF for sharing her format for this newsletter using Microsoft Publisher. Helen is the editor of the St. Charles Amateur Radio Club Rick, WØPC, Helen’s husband was helpful in getting Helen to share her format. Thanks to both of you. John, W9KXQ Courtesy call or e-mail appreciated. Two forms of ID required (one with photo). If upgrading, original, plus copy of both license and any Certificates of Successful Completion (CSCE’s) are required. Contests Changes for the 2009 November Sweepstakes Amateurs throughout the US and Canada will take part in the longest-running domestic contest, the 76th ARRL November Sweepstakes. Since 1930, this tradition in Amateur Radio has brought out all kinds of amateurs -- from seasoned contest veterans to neophytes, from long-time traffic handlers to operators new to HF. The CW running of Sweepstakes takes place next weekend, November 7-9, while the SSB weekend is November 21-23. Each event runs from 2100 UTC Saturday until 0300 UTC Monday. All entrants may operate 24 out of the 30 hours. New Members to the Club Please Welcome: No new members in November IL Section Manager Thomas Ciciora, Central Division Director George “Dick” Isely, Central Div. Vice Director Howard Huntington, Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club P.O. Box 3 Greenville, IL 62246 Attn: John King Inside This Issue: Nov. 5th Guest Speaker New Location For Meetings November 2009 Annual Christmas Dinner Okaw Valley Amateur Radio Club And Much More… Want to become a Ham Radio Operator??? Amateur Radio Is… Community Service Contact us at Emergency Communications Electronics and Communications Training P.O. Box 3 Greenville, IL 62246 Local and International Friendships A National Resource!