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Spring 2013
The Xerox magazine for real business results
to the GC
Event 2013
GmBH Works Magic
With Customization
Joachim Glowalla
and Arndt Wille
Partners and
Page 6
InfoTrend’s Road Map
for Success
Page 14
Drive a successful digital
business with Xerox
Business Development
Page 20
Budco and Ford Drive Results
With 1 to 1 Marketing
Jeff Sierra, Vice President,
Marketing and Product Development, Budco
Page 10
Welcome to profitability, growth and success.
It is a great time to be part of the Graphic Communications industry. Optimism is
in the air here at the 2013 “Step It Up” Business Series. Our industry is filled with
opportunities to profit, grow and succeed, and as you will read in this issue of
RealBusiness Magazine, Xerox is helping customers successfully grow their digital
businesses every day.
The clearest path to success is ensuring that you deliver high value to your customers.
Increasingly, that means helping generate strong business results with an offering
that is as much about marketing strategy as it is about print production. Marketers
are exploring new ways to communicate and they seek partners from the graphic
communications industry to help them navigate uncharted waters.
Here at Xerox, we want to be viewed as high-performance trusted partners and digital
advisors to your business. Our mission is to provide customers with the scalable tools
they need to get started and evolve within the Xerox® product portfolio. Read more on
page 20 about how Xerox offers a two-pronged approach to business development.
Customers like you are taking the next steps toward becoming marketing services
providers, networking with innovative colleagues in the Xerox Premier Partners Global
Network (be sure to check out how Sir Speedy® Houston leverages this network
regularly, page 18), and finding new ways to help their clients succeed.
I am personally excited that you have joined us on the road and thank you for trusting
us as a partner for your profitability, growth and success.
Steve Butler
Senior Vice President
Xerox Corporation
U.S. Graphic Communications Operations
2 · realbusiness 2013
Table of Contents
06Personalized-print Wizard Works
Sales Magic
CW NIEMEYER DRUCK GmbH elevates catalog
marketing to a new level.
08Direct Marketing That Makes Women
Feel Better About Themselves
Maybelline’s personalized, direct marketing campaign
brings new business from people who bought
competitive brands
By Judy Berlin
10Focus on the customer drives
continued growth in Budco’s
30th year.
Detroit-area firm has evolved from local printer and
distributor for the auto industry into a diversified
nationwide provider of end-to-end solutions.
By Shelley Sweeney
Printed on a Xerox ® Digital Production Press using
genuine Xerox® supplies.
Send comments or suggestions for
RealBusiness Magazine to: RBmagazine@xerox.com
©2013 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Xerox®, Xerox and Design®,
CiPress®, FreeFlow®, iGen®, iGen3®, iGen4®, ProfitAccelerator®, ProfitQuick® and Ready
for Real Business® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other
countries. 05/13
4 · realbusiness 2013
14InfoTrends: Road Map for Success
By Barbara Pellow
18What sets Xerox Premier Partners
apart? Information, innovation
and collaboration.
20A Proven Success in Developing
Digital Businesses
22Direct Mail Huge Business for
Real Estate Market
By Diana Salgado
2013 realbusiness · 5
Personalized-print Wizard Works
Sales Magic
CW NIEMEYER DRUCK GmbH elevates catalog
marketing to a new level.
When it comes to attracting
customers, the legendary
Pied Piper can learn from
Hameln, Germany, printer
(www.cwn-druck.de). In late
2012, the company conjured
up a five times higher response
rate for fashion catalog
giant bonprix.
6 · realbusiness 2013
The spell cast by CWN? Custom catalog
covers. If purchasing data showed that
Katrin loved shoes, her bonprix cover
might be personalized with a special offer
for irresistible Body Flirt pumps. Had Anja
shopped for her daughter? Her cover
might feature a Hello Kitty ensemble
based on Lisle’s size.
Personalization snared bonprix customers
and the Euros followed. Response rates
were four to five times those of catalogs
with static covers. What’s more, 90% of
the orders included the featured product.
Of course, none of this happened by
A Crystal Ball Gaze
into Printing
The path to personalization was a
deliberate and logical road for NIEMEYER.
As a small company offering publication
and marketing program printing and
direct mail services across Europe, CWN
recognized the challenge and opportunity
of customization.
“We were a traditional web offset printer,”
says co-CEO Arndt Wille. “We had
experience with variable text through our
letter shop operations, but at that time
available digital printing technology did
not fit into our business model.”
“The environmental features of the Xerox® CiPress® System
complemented the business case for adding personalization
capabilities. In particular, the ability to print on uncoated roll-fed
paper with recycled content and the deinkability of the waterless
ink contributed to our decision.”
– J oachim Glowalla
“More than two years ago, we started
thinking about personalized printing.
We asked our sales people to talk to our
customers—traditional offset buyers—
about variable data printing. Customers
said ‘Yes, we like this idea, but there is
nothing like this now.’ We weighed the
risks and moved forward.” In mid-2012,
NIEMEYER purchased the necessary
technology, including a Xerox® CiPress®
Production Inkjet System that integrated
with an existing Xerox® FreeFlow®based workflow. The results exceeded
A More Fashionable ROI
In a single stroke, NIEMEYER landed
bonprix as a new customer and its first
major customization project. “bonprix is
a huge company that prints four million
catalogs twice a month,” says Wille. “We
were too small for their offset business.
But then we went to bonprix and said
‘Look what’s possible with our unique
personalization capability.’ They said
‘Yes, we understand. We want to
do this.’”
bonprix personalized catalogs
NIEMEYER and bonprix started in
2012 with three variable cover offers
mailed to about 300,000 customers.
It was a successful collaboration with
great results.
• Up to four times higher response
rate from inactive customers
• Up to five times higher response
rate from active customers
• Increased ROI per catalog
Based on this success, bonprix has more
expansive plans for 2013. “The company
continues to mail static catalogs to
customers they don’t know,” observes
Wille. “But the personalized catalogs
they print with us will be highly targeted.
This year we want to increase the number
of covers.”
The Right Ingredients,
Carefully Combined
While no pipers or wands are involved,
Wille hints at a bit of magic in the mix.
“The most important thing is how we
handle the variable data. The trick is
putting together data of different types
in a way that keeps server performance
high so you can print at full speed. Our
prepress department knew FreeFlow and
our IT department knew variable text
through our letterpress shop. We took the
GMC® Inspire™ software and wrote some
additional scripts in-house.” When asked
to elaborate, Wille chuckles and says,
“That’s our secret sauce.”
Customization That’s
Child’s Play
That sauce is spicing up business for
CWN. For example, “Clever Kid’s Stuff”
catalog retailer JAKO-O understood
the possibilities immediately. In 2013,
four weeks prior to their birthdays,
children will receive a personalized
JAKO-O catalog featuring party supplies
customized to their name, sex and age.
Wille hints at additional applications for
customization at different scales, too.
“Suppose a marketer retails through
multiple retail store brands in multiple
regions. We can customize by brand
and mix of offers. With our capability,
a store could pick offers A, C and E and
the parent company can afford to print
unique pieces for that one location.”
Prepared for the
Personaliz ed Future
Now that he has a digital press that
delivers offset quality and uses the same
roll media as his other presses, Wille
welcomes other possibilities. “It makes
economic sense to do small runs, such as
3,000 copies of a 200-page catalog. We
can do a special run of 200 schoolbooks.
Because there are no plate changes, it’s
“Looking ahead 10 years, our future is
variable data and shorter print runs,”
says Wille. “Direct marketers won’t print
millions of static catalogs when they can
get the same revenue from 500,000 or
even 50,000 individualized catalogs.”
And as bonprix’s experience with
NIEMEYER proves, customization
according to personal data works
like magic.
2013 realbusiness · 7
Direct Marketing That Makes Women
Feel Better About Themselves
Strategies Marketing leads Maybelline New York® ‘B2Me’ campaign
that combines content marketing with deep personalization to recommend
personal makeup regimens
y Judy Berlin, Director of Worldwide Marketing, XMPie®, A Xerox Company
When was the last time a direct mail piece
made you feel better about yourself?
It’s probably been a while—if it ever happened. But
that’s precisely the surprising impact the Maybelline New
York Beauty Guide had on subscribers who completed
a 12-question sign-up form on the MNY Beauty Guide
microsite. These consumers were expecting personalized
makeup tips and recommendations, but what they received
was so much more.
The recommendations—delivered in a series of three
personalized booklets—have been big hits with consumers,
according to Mark Morin, president Strategies Relationship
Marketing, Laval, Quebec, which developed the campaign.
“Customers have written to us saying that Maybelline has
improved their lives by changing the way they feel about
their personal appearance,” he said.
Client Maybelline is also pleased. Sales are multiple times
greater than from previous, non-personalized campaigns.
And most is new business from people who previously bought
competitive brands.
8 · realbusiness 2013
The big wow, though, is that the campaign is also lifting
Maybelline’s brand appreciation and improving the likelihood
that consumers will recommend the Maybelline New York
brand. “That’s an unusual result for a direct marketing
campaign,” Morin said.
Seeking to Boost Loyalty
Improving brand loyalty in its cosmetics business was the
challenge Maybelline set a few years ago for its long-time
relationship-marketing agency, Strategies. The typical
consumer uses multiple brands for their various makeup needs.
Maybelline, however, sought to leverage its No. 1 worldwide
ranking in mascara to boost business in categories where it had
smaller shares, such as foundation products.
Another layer to this challenge is that many consumers are
unaware of technical considerations in makeup choices, such as
how foundation products behave differently based upon skin
type, dry or oily.
In response, Strategies developed what Morin calls a “B2Me”
campaign, which applies deep personalization and content
marketing to take B2C to the next level. “In B2Me campaigns,
we create relevant messaging based upon rational, emotional,
physical and relational characteristics,” Morin said.
Strategies uses and works only
with printers who also have XMPie
“Every time we post to Facebook,
we get a ton of people signing up.”
The team recognized that education
was critically important to the success
of the program, to help consumers
understand why certain products
were better for them than others.
“It took almost a year to get the
first one done. It’s challenging
intellectually to put it together,
manage it and understand how to
write articles that can vary, yet sound
natural and amusing.”
The campaign sought to educate consumers about choosing
and using cosmetics, and to recommend which Maybelline
products best suit them, based upon their physical
characteristics and makeup personality. To learn those
characteristics, the team developed a questionnaire on a
Maybelline New York microsite with 12 questions about skin,
hair and eye colors, eye shape, skin conditions and
other qualities.
“A lot of experts say 12 questions is too many, but it’s
not if you give them something of value in return,”
Morin said. Fully half of the microsite visitors complete
the questionnaire, fueling a campaign that has been
ongoing since 2009.
Strategies drives women to the site with email blasts, media
relations campaigns and posts on Maybelline’s Facebook
page. Today, Facebook and word of mouth account for the
lion’s share of sign-ups, he said.
Adding Pazazz
and trackable discount coupons. An astonishing 3.5 million
variable options are available for each book through the XMPie
uDirect Classic plug-in for Adobe InDesign.
“The number of personalization options is mind-boggling, but
that’s what XMPie does—puts together all our components
and makes then run right,” Morin said. Each book is 20 pages
long, fully personalized and printed in a full-color 4.75" x 7"
format on a Xerox® iGen4® Press by Montreal-based Pazazz.
The three books are delivered to each target over the course
of several months.
The campaign’s results have been consistently outstanding,
Morin said. Now they are proposing to add a mobile component
to future campaigns.
“To do something like this you need the right process, a good
team of people, the right print provider, great data and dynamite
content—and it all has to work together,” Morin said. “That’s the
secret of what B2Me is all about.”
Judy Berlin is director, worldwide marketing, XMPie,
A Xerox Company, judy.berlin@xmpie.com
The data that consumers enter at the Maybelline website
guides the content of the three personalized books, which
contain cosmetics lessons, personal product recommendations
2013 realbusiness · 9
When Budco opened new headquarters
in 2000, the firm consolidated multiple
locations into a 362,000 square-foot
facility in Highland Park, Mich., large
enough to accommodate five years
of growth.
A year and a half later, they outgrew it
and purchased an additional 202,000
square-foot facility next door.
Focus on the customer
drives continued growth
in Budco’s 30th year.
Detroit-area firm has evolved from
local printer and distributor for the auto
industry into a diversified nationwide
provider of end-to-end solutions.
Jeff Sierra, Vice President,
Marketing and Product Development
Growth is the norm at Budco, a leading
fulfillment and direct marketing
organization. Except for flat performance
during the recession in 2008, the firm has
achieved annual double-digit growth for
more than a decade, some organically,
some from acquisitions. And 2012 is on
track to maintain the streak.
How do they do it? “We’ve always been
a customer-led organization,” explained
Jeff Sierra, vice president of marketing
and product development. “We focus
on clearly understanding what our
customers’ needs are today and also
anticipate what they will be in the future
so we can develop innovative, custom
solutions to meet those needs.”
Budco recently celebrated its 30th
anniversary with three days of events
for customers and employees. Here’s the
story of how they grew from a 15-person
print and fulfillment shop almost
exclusively serving the Big Three auto
makers to a diversified provider of endto-end solutions with 500 employees at
facilities nationwide.
10 · realbusiness 2013
by Shelley Sweeney
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2013 realbusiness · 11
Following the Customer
When William A. (Bud) Brian acquired
a small printing, warehousing and
fulfillment company in 1982, he needed
a name. A friend suggested Budco, for
Brian Unlimited Distribution Company,
and “Budco” was born.
The company’s early years were marked
by expansion of its services. Long before
the term “marketing services provider”
was coined, Budco added agencystyle creative services with the 1990
purchase of a marketing and training
company. Then, as the commercial
Internet was emerging in the mid-1990s,
Budco committed decisively to digital,
introducing an interactive department for
creating Web-based applications in 1995
and a digital print center in 1996.
“Our early adoption of digital allowed
us to differentiate early on,” Sierra said.
“Over time, as the world has become more
data-driven, we’ve built a pretty high level
of expertise around it, and how it’s best
applied for our individual clients.”
Budco Leadership Today
More recent initiatives have extended
Budco’s reach geographically and to
new industries. When Bud Brian sold his
majority share to Toronto investors in
2006, new chairman Perry Meile made
diversification an even greater priority,
one shared by current President and
CEO Terry Niles. The auto business that
accounted for 65% of revenues when
Meile took over now represents
about 30%.
12 · realbusiness 2013
One key to the shift was a 2010
acquisition of the fulfillment and
database marketing divisions of New
Jersey-based direct marketing company
The Direct Group. That gave Budco a
national presence—adding two New
Jersey facilities to the three in Michigan
and a California-based strategic
fulfillment partner—and a more diverse
customer base. Automotive is still a
critical vertical, but Budco also has
significant presence in financial services,
pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged
goods, and travel and leisure.
Sierra credits Budco’s three CEOs—
Brian, Meile and Niles—with maintaining
a consistent focus on customer service
and innovation over the years. In addition,
they have championed staff development,
strong technology skills and well-defined
processes, such as ISO 9001, for which
Budco has been certified since 1996.
Another constant: Xerox has been a
key partner for more than 20 years,
providing “leading-edge technology and
commensurate services and support,”
Sierra said. “As a Xerox Premier Partner,
we get a bit of an edge, seeing the new
technology a little earlier. And we’ve been
able to apply resources like the Xerox
1:1 Lab, which gave us some focus and
leadership.” For example, a 2008 1:1 Lab
test boosted sales of extended service
programs for the Ford F-150 truck by
35%—and subsequent application to
most of Ford’s vehicle models generated
a 24% uptick.
Upper left: Budco takes a team approach to
managing all aspects of the company’s service
contract, direct marketing and administration
division. Here (left to right) Gregg Madzia,
Service Contract Operations Manager, Steve
Gough, Director of Client Services, and Gary
Taylor, Service Contract Sales Manager, review
the company’s latest response rate report.
Upper right: Collaboration is key in developing
strategies that drive growth. Here Budco
President, Terry Niles, works with Marketing
Executive, Stacy Averill, to review the
company’s latest marketing approach.
“Our early adoption of
digital allowed us to
differentiate early on,”
Sierra said. “Over time,
as the world has become
more data-driven, we’ve
built a pretty high level of
expertise around it, and
how it’s best applied for
our individual clients.”
What’s next? “Our immediate future is
continuing to do the things that have
brought us success,” Sierra said.
Here’s wishing that what worked
well in the first 30 years will be equally
successful in the next 30!
Shelley Sweeney is vice president/
general manager, Service Bureau
and Direct Marketing Sector, Graphic
Arts Industry, Xerox Corporation,
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2013 realbusiness · 13
InfoTrends: Road Map for Success
by Barbara Pellow
It’s a new year and time to contemplate what is in store for the printing
industry and make a few predictions. Industry providers will continue to
face a parade of shiny new technologies, tools and platforms that promise
to change everything. With so much fluctuation, it’s important to filter the
core trends from the noise to determine the best course of action. Success
in 2013 will be linked to staying the course with current investments,
evaluating new opportunities and embracing change. Here are the top
10 trends InfoTrends recommends you consider as you plan for 2013.
14 · realbusiness 2013
Black and White
2011–2016 CAGR: -6.2%
2013 will be all about digital colour. Digital colour represents a
market growth opportunity for technology vendors and users.
InfoTrends continually measures the retail value of print – the
dollars that change hands between print service providers and
their customers. As shown in Figure 1 below, InfoTrends projects
that the retail value of digital colour print will experience a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.9% between 2011
and 2016. Service providers must follow the money, and all bets
this year are on digital colour.
Figure 1: The Print on Demand Market –
Retail Value of Print
Figure 2: North American Digital Wide Format –
Retail Value of Print
$ Millions
1.Digital Colour Will Continue to Be King
Process Colour
2011–2016 CAGR: 5.9%
$ Billions
For service providers that have digital document capabilities,
wide format is a logical addition to a short-run business model. It
creates the opportunity for additional value-added services such
as customised signage and managed distribution for existing
customers as well as prospects.
Source: InfoTrends
Black and White
2011–2016 CAGR: -6.2%
Process Colour
2011–2016 CAGR: 5.9%
Source: InfoTrends’ U.S. Print On Demand Market Forecast, 2011
2.Digital Wide Format Will Be a Key Part
of the Marketing Mix
$ Millions
Large format
in the
25 printing is becoming firmly entrenched$23.6
media mix; items like large format signage, point-of-purchase
displays, trade show graphics and event signage have become
an integral
or project’s strategy. 2013 will
20part of a campaign’s
be the time to consider$17.2
investing in large format devices. Large
format represents
a significant growth opportunity. InfoTrends
15 the retail value of large format printing (excluding
projects that
any ancillary services) will increase at a CAGR of 7.59% between
2011 and 2016.
3.Inkjet Will Accelerate the Offset to
Digital Migration
As we look toward 2013, inkjet technology will continue to
receive significant attention. New players will emerge, and
existing ones will continue to introduce new products and
features. Every aspect of inkjet printing – speed, quality, format
and finishing – will continue to see significant improvements and
drive digital production to increasingly displace offset for
a number of applications.
4.Enhanced Substrates Will Drive
Digital Volumes
It’s time to expand your portfolio of digital substrate options to
drive incremental business volumes. There are typical uncoated
and coated stocks for everyday work on digital presses, but
substrate options extend beyond that. Printing on specialty
media can expose you to new market opportunities by offering
unique solutions that meet your customers’ needs. This can
enable you to capture more high-margin work, grow your
customer base and retain your existing customers.
2013 realbusiness · 15
5.Web-to-Print: It’s About Managing the
Marketing Supply Chain
9.Mobile Will Continue to Reinvent
In the current economic climate, firms are no longer placing print
orders on a job-by-job basis; they are seeking innovative ways
to outsource business processes to increase their effectiveness
while reducing their costs. For instance, marketers spend billions
of dollars producing, warehousing and shipping marketing
materials. How this portion of marketing operations is managed
and controlled impacts go-to-market effectiveness and use of
marketing dollars. Print service providers are supporting these
needs through Web-based marketing and fulfilment solutions
enabled through Web-to-print technology. In 2013 and beyond,
print service providers will need to transform their value
proposition to optimise the marketing supply chain and
deliver results.
Mobile will continue to reinvent how people communicate and
needs to be effectively integrated with other channels. Many
industry watchers predict that by 2014, the majority of people
accessing the Internet will do so from mobile devices. Mobile
is certain to continue its growth during 2013, and print service
providers must recognise the need to serve mobile demand and
integrate mobile solutions into their portfolios. In 2013, mobile
will be the bridge that links the physical and digital worlds.
Service providers will need to have tools in place to provide
mobile codes, mobile messaging and augmented reality.
6.Content Will Reign
Content is king for print service providers and their clients.
The Content Marketing Institute reports B2B marketers are
spending 33% of their budgets on content marketing, up from
26% last year; 54% plan on increasing their content marketing
spending this year. The majority of print service providers focus
on B2B sales. This means that service providers need to focus
on providing fresh, value-added content on websites and in
all marketing materials. Winners in 2013 will create business
strategies that produce relevant, engaging content that
positions them as industry leaders.
7.Hyper-Personalisation Will Drive Digital
Print and Cross-Media Marketing
Direct marketers are viewing 2013 as the year of “hyperpersonalisation.” Hyper-personalised marketing leverages
knowledge about consumers’ needs and preferences to create
highly meaningful, effective communications that spark
connections and influence behaviour. The idea is to skip the
personalised salutation and instead go with something that will
cause the consumer to act.
8.Trigger-Based Marketing in Real Time:
What Customers Want
More marketers will take advantage of real-time, trigger-based
communications to grow their businesses. Buyers will engage
with brands on multiple fronts, including mobile sites, websites
and social media. They will also more closely follow breaking
news on the markets they are interested in. The old model of
marketing that is built on a company timeline no longer works.
Communications must be linked to the life cycle of the customer,
as well as recent interactions.
16 · realbusiness 2013
10.Direct Marketing and Social Media
Will Converge
Social media offers infinite possibility for marketers and service
providers, but it is largely misunderstood, untapped and
unknown. In 2013, print service providers who find a way to
pioneer this area will likely see great benefits. Customers will be
looking at direct mail and email options to point them to social
media channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter
and YouTube. The objective will be to provide the right links to
share timely, relevant content that engages more deeply
with consumers.
InfoTrends’ Opinion
InfoTrends expects 2013 to be a transitional year for digital
printing. It will be a year of colour (sheetfed and large format)
printing, application-driven cross-media solutions with an
emphasis on mobile and social, and developing new ways to
streamline work processes. The ultimate watchword for 2013
is transformation.
This article was excerpted from InfoTrends’ Road
Map 2013: Opportunities For Growth, published January
2013. To download the complete article, go to
To register for the free Xerox Business Development
webinar on this topic or others planned for 2013, visit
A digital printing and publishing pioneer
as well as marketing expert, Barbara
Pellow, InfoTrends Group Director,
helps companies develop multimedia
strategies. She assists companies in
creating strategies to launch new
products, building strategic marketing plans and educating
their sales force on delivering value.
What sets Xerox Premier Partners apart?
Information, innovation and collaboration.
Case in Point: Houston, TX is recognized worldwide for its energy industry, particularly for oil and
natural gas. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the only Sir Speedy® location in Houston (started
32 years ago) would target this market for printing and marketing service needs. Many of Sir Speedy
Houston’s energy market clients are international firms with printing needs that span the globe.
While revenues for fulfilling local printing needs were strong, International Marketing Manager, Pat
Reed recognized an opportunity to differentiate from local competitors while serving the global
needs of energy customers. To supplement her FSI international offices, Reed uses the Xerox
Premier Partners Network to meet customers demands for distributing and printing in international
locations. Access to an international network of proven print providers has helped the company to
better serve its customers and grow its business.
“Utilizing the Xerox Premier Partners, along with our FSI
international locations, has enabled us to deliver quality
service and output for clients in our local market with
international destination needs while growing our business—
and that gives me peace of mind. I could not totally service
my clients’ international needs without the assistance of the
Xerox Premier Partners.”
– Pat Reed, Sir Speedy HoustonInternational Marketing
Manager Sir Speedy Houston
18 · realbusiness 2013
“Without the network, I would have never met or contracted
business from the many wonderful Xerox customers I know
around the globe today. In addition to the work we gain, the
Xerox Premier Partners Network offers access to a wealth of
tools through its online portal. The portal provides access
to industry news, research, case stories, how-to articles and
product updates so PRINTSHOP can continue to make sound
business decisions.”
– Eduardo Najera, President and Owner Printshop S.A.de C.V
Mexico City, Mexico
Welcome to the Xerox Premier Partners Global Network
At Xerox, we understand there is strength in numbers. While you may have many
great ideas of your own, those ideas are often made greater by access to business
trends, “insider” information on technology and solutions and talking about new
ideas to grow your business. We also know that information, resources and people
are dotted across the globe and often hard to find.
That’s why we decided to bring them all together in one place with our Xerox
Premier Partners Global Network.
Here are three things that every business needs in order to grow, all of which we
try to enable through our Premier Partners Global Network.
• Industry Knowledge—Backed by over fifty years of experience and expertise
of industry leaders, we provide our Premier Partners with the right knowledge in
the right environment with the right people. As a member, you’re free to make
use of our exclusive learning programs, business development tools, print and
marketing services trends and case studies—all designed to help you better
serve your clients.
• Peer-to-Peer Networking—Our global network consists of hundreds of partners
and our community just keeps on growing. Partners across the world attend
our exclusive events, from peer-to-peer networking sessions to social media
conversations—there’s always something going on to keep you in contact with
your global business peers or new customer opportunities.
For thirteen years now, the Premier
Partners Program has been
opening eyes to different ways of
doing things and opening minds to
new ways of thinking using these
three pillars—all to help grow
businesses across the world. To
learn about becoming a member of
the Xerox Premier Partners Global
Network or to search for a leading
print services provider, visit
• Connection and Collaboration—Our online search directory connects your
company capabilities and services with enquiries and opportunities. Your
company profile enables you to e-market your business. Plus, whether it’s
sharing ideas, responding to multi-location print needs, taking advantage of
a business partner offer or sharing experienced insights, Xerox Graphic Arts
Premier Partners enjoy community connections and collaboration.
2013 realbusiness · 19
A Proven Success in Developing
Digital Businesses
Xerox offers a two-pronged approach to business development. You can “do it yourself” using the
Xerox® ProfitAccelerator® Digital Business Resources that have grown to more than 100 tools, guides
and templates since their introduction in 2001. They cover all the key business functions, including
executive planning, sales, marketing and operations.
Alternatively, you can have Xerox “do it for you.” For an affordable fee, you can use the Xerox®
Business Development Consulting and Training Services to extend your staff with our network of
industry experts.
ProfitAccelerator Resources
This collection of tools has been created
with customer input and the expertise
from Xerox’s three decades of market
leadership in digital printing. No Xerox
competitor can match that depth of
experience. And no competitive
business development resources are
as comprehensive.
20 · realbusiness 2013
ProfitAccelerator offers resources for
every person in the organization—
executives making business decisions,
marketers and sales representatives
selling the value of digital print and
operations staff producing digital pages.
And it offers something for dedicated
digital printing shops and those using
digital to complement core
offset services.
Just as important, ProfitAccelerator
can play a role at every point along the
continuum of digital print adoption and
deployment—helping you evaluate the
opportunity, make a decision and build
volume in your new business.
Business Development
Business Development Services are
affordable, fee-based professional
and training services that support
your business building initiatives.
These services are delivered by expert
industry consultants.
Our service offerings are in the
areas of:
Sales and Marketing Services: These
services can assist you in developing
a Marketing or Sales Management
Plan, training your sales force to sell
digital, VI or direct marketing and
more. They can help you identify and
target vertical industry or application
segments to grow new revenue.
Workflow and Operational Services:
These will optimize the efficiency and
effectiveness of your organization. Two
of the most popular Workflow Service
offerings are Color Management and
Designing for Digital.
Application Development Services:
These services support your interest
in understanding, implementing,
prospecting and selling high-value,
high-margin applications, such as direct
mail and TransPromo.
Our consultants also work closely
with the owners and members of
the senior team to look at overall
business strategy, value-based pricing,
management planning, sales hiring,
compensation and more.
Utilizing Xerox® Business Development
Services is a way to comfortably extend
your staff and expertise as you take on
new challenges and chart your course
for digital business growth.
It’s About People
Ultimately, though, ProfitAccelerator
is about more than a set of tools.
It’s about the Xerox people who are
dedicated to helping you succeed,
people who regularly exceed
expectations, behaving not like vendor
representatives but as your partners
for success.
ProfitAccelerator (PA) Hub:
An Exclusive Benefit for Xerox Production Customers
As a benefit of your partnership with Xerox, you now have access to the
ProfitAccelerator Hub (xerox.com/PAHub), a fast and easy way for you to get
world-class tools and industry-leading resources to help your digital printing
business grow. Registration is simple and there is no fee to join.
Upon completing a few brief steps, you’ll gain instant access to:
• ProfitAccelerator and ProfitQuick® tools to help create your business plan and
calculate return on investment
• Templates and guides to help you produce and showcase new application
• Business development webinars on communication trends and digital printing
• White papers and case studies for exploration and examples of “how to” be
successful today
• Magazines and brochures to keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and
support available
Of course, you can also browse the entire site and choose whatever resources are
most helpful. Enjoy this exclusive benefit and join your peers on the PA Hub today.
Register at xerox.com/PAHub
2013 realbusiness · 21
Direct Mail Huge Business for
Real Estate Market...
by Diana Salgado
HomeVisit relies on
Xerox® and Duplo
solutions for producing
direct mail pieces
on demand.
HomeVisit, in Chantilly, Virginia, provides
virtual tours, professional video and
photography, and digital printing services
for the real estate industry. If you have a
home to sell, particularly in the Virginia,
Maryland and Washington, D.C., areas,
the staff at HomeVisit can shoot eyecatching interior and exterior photos for
online and print, create a simulated visit
of the property, and produce impactful
marketing pieces to advertise new listings
and open houses.
22 · realbusiness 2013
Selling print to a market that has had
its share of downs in recent years may
have been a challenge for many print
providers, yet HomeVisit not only managed
to maintain its business but actually
experienced a higher demand for direct
mail products. “Although there was a little
bit of a hiccup on the real estate business
end when the house market crashed,
there was more of a need for marketing at
that point, which was a real benefit to us,”
comments Chris Korzen, post-production
manager at HomeVisit, which counts such
companies as Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage, REMAX, Washington Fine
Properties, Long & Foster and Sotherby’s
International Real Estate as customers.
“Realtors and brokers were able to get their
name out a little bit cheaper by doing bulk
mail,” he adds.
At HomeVisit, print is its primary service
and it has brought it much success,
thanks to the Xerox® iGen® Digital Press.
However, with direct mail accounting
for 50% of its print work and the press
printing faster than it could finish, the
company ended up facing a bottleneck
in its post-press operation, which has
since been eliminated by Duplo’s DC-745
Slitter/Cutter/Creaser. Now with Xerox
and Duplo in place, HomeVisit has been
able to expand its offerings, improve
its productivity and turn its direct mail
products into a profitable business.
Starting with the iGen
Since the company’s start, all jobs have
been printed on an iGen. When HomeVisit
was established in 1998, it was the iGen3®
productivity. Its ability to eliminate white
borders and toner cracking on fold lines in a
single pass not only boosted their efficiency
but their overall quality as well. “With
the DC-745, you’re getting consistency.
Every sheet is cut the same from front to
back. We don’t have to go back to reprint
anything because we’re always going to
get the right cut,” says Korzen. “With the
guillotine cutter, one wrong cut would just
ruin your day. You had to go back and
reprint the job.” In addition, the machine’s
automation did not hurt. “We can load it,
let it run and walk away. We can multitask
and get a lot more work done in the same
amount of time. It’s been a real life saver.”
that got it started and it was only a few
years ago that it was replaced by the
next generation iGen4® EXP Press. Fully
equipped with FreeFlow® and the new
oversized feeder, the iGen4 enables it
to print documents up to 26” in length.
“We could only do 12" x 18" brochures
before and now we can create larger fullbleed pieces for our clients. We’re able to
do a whole new range of products that
we couldn’t do before so it has helped
increase our product line,” says Korzen.
Among the products are bi-fold and trifold mailers, flyers, two-sided postcards
and brochures of varied sizes with the
largest being 22" brochures. Volumes
vary from the short 50-flyer order to the
50,000 direct mail run. “We’re printing
digitally, so it doesn’t matter how short
the lengths are. We can handle anything,”
he adds. Although the company has been
able to accept any print job, its manual
finishing methods slowed it down.
so many of them.” So the DC-745 Slitter/
Cutter/Creaser was brought in to handle the
increasing workload more efficiently.
The digital color finisher is the high
production model of Duplo’s all-in-one
finishing line and its most powerful,
providing increased versatility and
Direct mail campaigns continue to be
one of the most cost-effective ways for
marketing any product or service. Even
in a troubled economy, the company
surpassed its expectations and there is
no doubt when the house market fully
recovers, HomeVisit will carry on with even
more success.
Diana Salgado is the marketing
specialist for Duplo USA Corporation. For
more information on Duplo’s products,
please visit www.duplousa.com.
Taking it to the Finish Line
Up until a year ago, operators were
spending almost all day cutting jobs on a
guillotine cutter and then manually scoring
them. “It was a challenge because most
everything had to be cut and it wasn’t costeffective,” recalls Korzen. “The direct mail
pieces took the longest because there were
2013 realbusiness · 23
What sets Xerox Premier Partners apart?
Information, innovation and collaboration.
Access to member-exclusive tools and resources that keep you a step ahead of the competition. A first look at the
emerging technologies and solutions that will help you grow your customer base. A collaborative, working relationship
with a company that prides itself on print innovation. These are just a few of the reasons why now is the perfect time
to join the Xerox Premier Partners Global Network—the industry’s exclusive, members-only community.
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