Write Turn Magazine
Write Turn Magazine
N R U T E T I R W YEAR: 2013/2014 SPECIAL EDITION e nic Ag the Messia f o s e im T The E M AGAZIN + ORGANIC CULTURE BONDING WITH THE MOTHERLAND SETTING A NEW STANDARD FOR LIVING. The great shaul Vegan awareness month 2013 A NATION OF DELIVERERS: CATCH THE LATEST FASHION DESIGNS FROM OUR VERY OWN The birth of Othniel and the generations QUEENS OF STYLE. FT. KHANIYAH, GEELAH AND TEEFEHRET. of the sons of Israel in Southern WRITE TURN Eden. 1 23 The South eden khai experience CONTENT An overview of the moments that have shaped and transformed the Heart and Soul of Southern Eden. thand’ indalo serenity Serenity Holistic Health Hut is designed to restore the natural and ideal rhythms of the human body through the realignment of spirit, mind and body. 12 14 10 sharpeville, our shalomville impilo yakho isezandleni zakho This is a story of Sharpeville that is yet to make it into the history books. A place where the seed of the Kingdom of Yah was planted. A health expo on the basics of a healthy, active, balanced lifestyle and disease prevention. 7 Vegan awareness month 2013 2 WRITE TURN 37 grass roots arts festival 20 A NATION OF DELIVERERS mandulo restoration village The birth of Othniel and the generations of the sons of Israel in Southern Eden. This would be the best ever undertaking by the Saints in bringing Yah down from heaven to walk the earth. 18 EDITORIAL PAGE 3 ORGANIC CULTURE: EAST LONDON, SELEPE PAGE 5 AHDA EAST AFRICA KENYA PAGE 27 THE GREAT SHAUL PAGE 32 EDITORIAL It is said that there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. I laughed to myself thinking how powerful then, is an idea that makes a second coming? The Write Turn: a once light-hearted in-house newsletter of the African Hebrew Israelites of Southern Eden, now an almost glossy- paged (we’ll get there soon) informative, current and relevant publication with continental appeal has made a dynamic return with the objective of reaching all four corners of our land and more importantly all four corners of the hearts of our people. With the ever-righteous intent of influencing the minds of the hopeless, misguided and misinformed masses, we bring to you with this premier edition, a Divine selection of all that is noteworthy in the realm of positive living and vegan wellness. We zoom into the embryonic stages of indigenous food security by exploring the diverse organic methods being implemented in the gardens of Scenery Park and Selepe. Sisters shine their light in spreading the awareness of veganism in Cape Town and sharing the important yet undermined idea of health being the ultimate wealth in Port Elizabeth. The exciting launch of the Eden’s Cure health supplements range will now give an added boost to these awareness programs and health expos. We salute Ahk Khazonel’s pioneering endeavour. No people understand better than the Hebrews that dressing for beauty and glory is a trend that never goes out of style and you can pick and choose your look and support our talented designers on our fashion pages. The 2014 South African national elections are around the corner and what a disappointment our political leaders are. But in the midst of these, our Messiah has raised up Divine leadership among our brothers and sisters and it is indeed a first-of-its-kind milestone for Southern Eden that calls for our highest respect and celebration, while heeding the cautions and guidelines so plainly put by our Minister Sar Ahmadiel on page 28. Hodiel takes us down memory lane, in fact, up a remembrance path to Mount Sinai when Gadol Moshe called for a numbering of the children of Israel. I am sure many of us have never thought of how fruitful we have been over the years and how greatly we have multiplied. His well-compiled census of our generations confirms this, and truly puts our growth over the nearly two decades in inspiring perspective. Every powerful nation begins with a great progenitor, and we indeed could not have come to where we are and reach the growth levels that we have been able to achieve without the foresight, belief and unparalleled determination of our father and beloved priest, who has over the years, and for the longest time been our brightest guiding light in this path of divinity. Nekhamah, gives us just a glimpse of the extraordinary life of the great priest among us. May his and the many other stories contained in this issue serve to inspire you to continually elevate to higher levels, while remaining firmly rooted in what is the most progressive idea of our time, Righteousness! Editor. WRITE TURN 3 ORGANIC CULTURE Bonding with the Mother Land and setting a new standard of living. S ince the beginning of the world and times, the soil has been an indispensable asset to the living and welfare of the Adamic man and without a doubt therefore at this age, any people looking to establish themselves and their ways on the earth would need to invest a considerable amount of their energies into the land, couple this with that people being the children of Israel – the Chosen of Yah - then the return on such an investment is incalculable. This is just what the African Hebrew Israelites all over the world have set out just to do. With the ‘Vision of Restoration’ in their sights the Saints all over Southern Eden (South Africa) are buying up stock in agriculture and fixing to invest heavily in the land of their fathers, but this isn’t just another project spurred on by the nostalgia of being merely an African, a child of the soil, but an organic spiritual revolution with the promise of having the effect of restoring the Adamic Yah civilization on the earth once again, with all its glory and splendour last seen since the times of Eden and the garden paradise in the east! In these times of corporate and retail markets the ‘Mother Land’ has been neglected and the corrosive habits of her children have caused her nourishing love to run cold. Today, people under the oppressive hand (idea) of the Euro-American domination are no longer nourished from the nutritious bosom of 4 WRITE TURN Mother Earth instead are fed lab engineered, artificial so called “food” purposed only to serve the ‘bottom line’ of global corporations and fat (literally!) cat tycoons. A new man with a new mind is needed if we are to offset and ultimately reverse the effects of this disastrous idea and model for nourishing the Earth’s people. He must restore the B’raysheet (Genesis) diet by applying a new idea and implementing a new model of Divine Agriculture – Written by: Hodiel Ben Israel Life is greener on the other side, growing Peas of Peace. according to Yah’s relative laws of man and nature. Divine agriculture is a platform calibrated to fully support the B’raysheet (Genesis) diet for the sustenance of the Adamic living soul, a diet whose regenerative properties ensure the continued existence of the Yah civilization as an everlasting testimony that Yah khai (God Lives)! In these the Yah khai generations if you are not being nourished from this platform of Divine agriculture you are an endangered species, it is therefore imperative for those desirous of continuing to exist in this world to begin the global migration (exodus) and cross-over to the other side! In Southern Eden where the sun shines and summer rains abound, the season is ripe for planting this idea of ‘Organic Culture’ and we are now beginning to bond again with our ‘Mother Land’ and without doubt, as we strengthen this bond so will we restore her nourishing love for us and we will testify with great joy and praise of the bringings forth of a new organic Yah mind for a new organic Yah civilization. East London We are so happy to have had the opportunity of renewing our relationship with the soil through the planting and nurturing of plants. This was made possible by the implementation of a simple approach called “maximizing the benefits of all available space”; using the art of landscaping we created plots for growing kale, fenugreek, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, mung beans, water melons and beetroot. Whilst we achieved a beautiful scenery, the vegetables in turn gave us back the energy we had invested in them. In our works we realised that it’s upon humankind to give value to food production and make it appealing for even the future generations especially in these days where health is becoming a dream hard to fathom and bring to fulfilment. WRITE TURN 5 Selepe With a good head start from the December 2012 rains, our garden had a real good start; we planted squash, tomatoes, carrots, parsley, green pepper, okra, morogo (amaranth), spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, green peppers, rocket, moringa trees, date tree, avocados, mangoes, bananas, raspberry and mulberry. We were also blessed by Sar Yadiel with a collection of heirloom seeds from Israel, which are part of the seeds we planted. The garden has done well in general, although some of the major hurdles have been goats and monkeys tend to sneak in the garden given any small opportunity! We are however currently on an ongoing process to deal with these by improving on security, particularly the fence (and Renanit who keeps a close eye on intruders with her staff!). We expect the garden to do better during this new season because with every season, the nutritive content of the soil constantly improved with composting and other amendments, becoming more enriched and producing healthier and better crops! 6 WRITE TURN Reclaiming the right to feed our selves is the key to our salvation. Written by: Somchiyah E. Simkhiel VEGAN AWARENESS MONTH (VAM) Vegan Awareness Month is a great opportunity to educate the public about their right to a sound and healthy choice when it comes to their food. You certainly would not want to miss such a tastefully awesome event, you best mark your calendar for next year! I was invited to a party and the hostess was so excited to have a vegan as her guest that she informed me that she knew exactly what she would prepare for me. I have to admit, I was rather sceptical but reserved a bit of faith that she would “google” what a vegan was. The day of the party came and she had really done an extravagant food display but to my dismay, she had googled “Vegetarian.” The difference between a vegan and a vegetarian is usually perceived as the same thing BUT this is not the case. VEGAN: A person who doesn’t eat or use animal products or by products. VEGETARIAN: A person who doesn’t eat meat or fish and sometimes other animal products. In this world of varied and diverse palettes, the Breath of Life Institute decided to take full advantage of Vegan Awareness Month 2013 which was initiated by The Vegan Society in November 1944. We held Vegan Awareness Month (aka VAM) series over the weekends of the 9th–24th November 2013. It was divided into 4 activities which explained the benefits of veganism for the animals, environment and humans, the last activity involved food tasting which gave non-vegans a taste of great, healthy vegan food and those who were already vegans more options to explore. Health Connection Wholefoods donated vegan products. Laura Cooke supported and marketed the event on her blog veggie.buntch.net and the Green Times team marketed it on their website www.greentimes.co.za WRITE TURN 7 CAPE TOWN CENTRAL LIBRARY EXHIBITIONS. A SUNNY VEG PARADE AT SEA POINT. VEGAN CUISINE AT THE COMPANY GARDENS. VEGAN AWARENESS MONTH HEROES. Patrons were educated with power packed answers to questions asked about pictures, statements and information given. Books about veganism from the library were on display for patrons to explore and BWC (Beauty Without Cruelty) pamphlets. BWC also held a Veg Parade where the vegan community took to the streets of Sea Point with their banners and pamphlets to create awareness of veganism. Good Hope International Beverages had a stall with soy milks (sweetened and unsweetened) and soy milkshakes (Chocolate and Strawberry), BWC had a Fry’s products display and Crush Café a stall with vegan cake, AVO (African vegan outreach) displayed booklets that went into the dynamics of animal cruelty in the meat industry and the Veg Fund stall had bite size Fry’s foods and pamphlets to accompany them. The day exemplified the saying of Yah in Genesis “Thou mayest freely eat.” We hope these kinds of events will educate people about the significant benefits that the choice of going vegan has for our earth, animals and health. The vegan cuisine day was held at The Company Gardens where the Breath of Life Institute had a stall with spinach spring rolls, vegan recipe and lifestyle books on display. EDEN’S CURE NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS Co-founder and managing director Khazonel Ben Israel is an active holistic regenerative health practitioner and consultant. 8 WRITE TURN Eden’s Cure nutrient dense dietary supplements: Kammon (Black seed), Fenugreek, ‘Back to Eden’, Moringa powder, Molasses. “We at Eden’s cure believe prevention is better than cure. So, why not eat the cure?” E den’s Cure is a Johannesburg-based Regenerative Health Advocacy Company, located in Florida Park Roodepoort, whose mission is to improve people’s quality of life through the provision of high quality, nutritionally dense and health enhancing dietary supplements; also providing sound life management information. These will benefit the whole human family wherever they are in the world. Their range of naturally cultivated super food-grade dietary supplements have been fastidiously selected and have a historical and contemporary record of being effective dis-ease preventers. Eden’s Cure promotes holistic standards of healthy living through proper life management and the consumption of natural (as opposed to synthetic) dietary supplements. Make wellness your primary life insurance policy and your health can be your true wealth. The Products: Kammon’s extraordinary healing powers have been harnessed to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, protect against irritants and support healthy longevity. Moringa, also known as the Miracle Tree because of its multi-purpose uses is known to have been used by Moses, the ancient Hebrew prophet (Exodus 15: 22-25) to purify water during the exodus. Fenugreek does wonders for the sick and/or debilitated and a great preventative measure against illness in babies, children and adults. Back to Eden is a blend of medicinal herbs carefully portioned to meet the nutritional and medicinal needs of both the sick and those wanting to maintain a vigorous and healthy lifestyle. You can visit http://www.edenscure.co.za/ for more info. WRITE TURN 9 IMPILO YAKHO ISEZANDLENI ZAKHO A health expo on the basics of a healthy, active, balanced lifestyle and disease prevention. People of all ages came out in great numbers to attend the health expo held in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth in August 2013. The expo was a way to create and maintain good relations with our people, allowing us to keep access channels for sharing and helping each other as we know that health consciousness is not a one day transformation. As part of this mission we had the blessed opportunity to get a slot on one of our local radio stations, Nkqubela FM, where every third day of the week Akhote Ivreeyah E. Hoshiel (jurisdiction head of health department) shared with our people easy and accessible ways of improving their health. The expo featured different stalls that focused on: food preparation/alternatives, importance of exercise, herbs and how to plant them, anxiety and depression, pre and post natal care, high blood pressure and diabetes, heart disease and obesity, arthritis, breast cancer, anaemia and celiac disease. We also had a special guest speaker, Miss Nomonde Ntsundwana, a mother and an agriculturalist who has great insight and passion for agrarian culture. She shared with the audience her vast knowledge on how, what and when to plant and the benefits of having a garden in our yards. Your life is in your hands ‘Impilo Yakho Isezandleni Zakho’ is the revival of the wisdom of old where we become our own doctors and our food becomes our medicine. The purpose of the health expo was to motivate our people to consider healthier ways of living, reminding them that their health is in their hands as the theme stated in Xhosa “Impilo yakho isezandleni zakho”, thus we saw the great need to equip them with the knowledge of how to live a healthy lifestyle. The event was organised by the sisterhood in the Port Elizabeth jurisdiction with help from sisters in the East London jurisdiction. With the support of the brotherhood and the people of Motherwell, the event became a great success with pleading requests from the public that there be another one very soon! 10 WRITE TURN Written by: Roeeyah E. Meir Proper Knowledge Equip yourself with the right knowledge to make the right health decisions. Disease Prevention Manage and prevent diseases with proper nutrition. Natural health care Boost your and your family’s health with natural supplements. Importance of exercise Be active and increase your vitality with simple and effective exercises. WRITE TURN 11 T hand’ Indalo (Love nature) is a home based invention laboratory enriching for natural cosmetic life- products i.e hair and body oils, soaps, room sprays etc. We use strictly pure and natural ingredients to manufacture our products and produce a range of skin care solutions and massage oils with special blends that are tailored for specific treatments. also manufacture and accessories ecologically safe We “ecoshoes” made and with sound materials. Within the ecology of Thand’ Indalo Serenity are also the aspects of nutrition, exercise, body and mind therapy to name a few, covering a wide range of the holistic health spectrum. contact us: serenity.natural@gmail.com 084.806.0123 facebook: Thandindalo Skindeep Serenity thand’ indalo serenity 12 WRITE TURN Yatmidah E. Seemkhai is the production manager at Serenity; a health practitioner and massage therapist. FORMAL AND CASUAL ECO-SHOES NATURAL HERB-INFUSED HAIR AND BODY OILS STYLISH DESIGNER ECO-SHOES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Whether formal or casual, be comfortable with our 100% cotton Eco-Shoes that come in a variety of colours to suit your choice. Let your feet breath easy and fashionably healthy in these high quality shoes. We highly recommend a massage treatment once every month as well as when needed using our naturally herb-infused oils; to relieve the body from pains and discomfort and also to rejuvenate your mind and body. Be in style wherever you are, male or female, young or old; we have the right shoe for you in our trendy selection of designer crocheted Eco-Shoes that will satisfy your fashion and health needs. Choose your style! “Serenity Holistic Health Hut is an entity designed to restore the natural and ideal rhythms and cycles of the human body through the realignment of spirit, mind and body.” WRITE TURN 13 Written by: Nekhamah E. Nethanel SHARPEVILLE, OUR SHALOMVILLE This is a story of Sharpeville that is yet to make it into the history books. This is a place where the seed of the Kingdom of YAH was planted. Located in the industrial Vaal Triangle, is a township that made the entire world stand still and see how intense police brutality had become in apartheid South Africa. Sharpeville, warmly known as “Shavas” and “Sharptown” to some of us, is not just notorious for the 1960 massacre that saw 69 unarmed citizens being killed for not wanting to carry pass books. This is a place where the idea of the Kingdom of YAH was planted. This seed was watered by dedicated brothers and sisters, who saw it germinate and become a big tree that bore fruit in its right season. This is a story of Sharpeville that is yet to make it into the history books. In 2002, brother Tankiso was studying music in Parktown, Johannesburg, where he met the legendary musician and producer Bheki Khoza. Bheki Khoza, now known as Ahtur Naganiel, did more than teach music. He taught about an idea that would revolutionize how young people saw the world and imparted great knowledge on African people, on the origins of black people and our connection to 14 WRITE TURN the Bible. Brother Tankiso started attending Hebrew classes in Johannesburg, where he learnt more about the vegan diet, Hebraic culture and lifestyle. He then came home to Steelpark in the Vaal Triangle, where he started sharing the Kingdom idea with brothers and sisters in the area. Brother Tankiso went through the absorption process and was given a Hebrew name, Eligadahl. As he spread the idea in the Vaal, more and more brothers started attending classes in Johannesburg. Amongst them were brothers Neth’anel, Nuriel, Elisha, Pidyahu, Ben Khesed, Baruch, Matanel,Yeysha and sisters Malkheeyah, Gimuliyah, Nehariyah, Pirkheeyah, Nisiah and Nesikhah. These dedicated brothers would set up boards outside the Vereeniging library. These boards drew a lot of attention as they were specific about who black people are, who we ought to be as well as how to direct our own path and destiny. The numbers in the Vaal Triangle grew and travelling by train every week proved to be A sharp and impregnable vision has kept the spirit of Sharpeville alive, all praises to the Eternal Living Yah and his Anointed Servant Adonaynu Hamasheakh Nehalel Yah! WRITE TURN 15 The energetic and unconquerable spirit of Sharpeville endures and lives on, a testimony that Yah Khai! a difficult exercise. A theatre practitioner by the name of Ntate Gamakhulu Diniso was using the recreational facility known as the Resource Centre in Sharpeville to train young people in the arts. He heard about the Kingdom of YAH from the brothers and sisters who stayed in Sharpeville and offered the first floor of the 3 storey Resource Centre as a class venue. To draw awareness to the Kingdom, brothers and sisters held poetry sessions and talk shows. More and more people rose in love with the Kingdom of YAH, its precepts and sense of hope. To this day, everyone in Sharpeville knows who the Hebrews are. In the streets, you are welcomed by the locals shouting “Shalom” to all the brothers in kippote and sisters in Divine culture. The presence of the Hebrews has caused us to change the name from Sharpeville to “Shalomville” and to wash the innocent blood of our great grandfathers and great grandmothers that flowed at the hands of the apartheid police. We are writing a new history, saying that the return of the sons and daughters of the Most High Yah signifies a glorious era in the area. The Kingdom of YAH was not without its 16 WRITE TURN challenges. Brothers and sisters gave themselves wholeheartedly to this idea. Some did not want to study further after matric. When the harsh reality of the economic system hit, most brothers and sisters found it hard to survive. A lot of them were young and in high school when they were introduced to the Kingdom idea. Some went back to school and others sought jobs. As a result, most of them were no longer able to attend classes and the Sharpeville jurisdiction had to shut down in 2007. The few that were left went to Johannesburg for classes. In 2011, the resur- THE PRESENCE OF THE HEBREWS HAS CAUSED US TO CHANGE THE NAME FROM SHARPEVILLE TO SHALOMVILLE rection began in Sharpeville. Saints were inspired to restart the classes and revive those that had lost hope. This time around, economics were not going to stand in the way. Brothers and sisters were to carve a way forward and bring solutions. Ahk Eliquam opened 2 hair salons that deal with natural hair. One is in Sharpeville and the other one Cohane Shaul and the brothers raise up their voices in song and praise during Shavuote 2008. The ‘Lion Step’, dancing for the land during Shavuote. in Sebokeng. The one in Sebokeng is our current class venue. The Saints have recently bought a caravan which will be used as a mobile restaurant and an outreach point. There are now 7 families in Sharpeville and about 16 children. We cannot talk about Sharpeville and not mention the great, inspirational leaders and mentors who have seen the Kingdom of Yah flourish all over South Africa. Abba Ben Ammi Ben Israel, our spiritual leader and father; Cohane Shaul, the Divine priest who brought this eternal idea to South Africa, Sar Ahmadiel for his unwavering support to all the brothers and sisters who continuously give their time in support of this living idea. Looking around at things that are manifesting and those that are yet to come, we can only proclaim that YAH KHAI! Truly, the God of our forefathers lives! we need the land to fulfill yah’s plan WRITE TURN 17 A NATION OF DELIVERERS: the birth of othniel After much awaited anticipation, we welcomed our first child to be born in the village in Selepe on 15 September 2013! Rofah Ahedahlyah eshet Sar Ahmadiel, Emah Tikvah, Akhote Geelah and Ahk Bakiel helped in bringing this precious life into the world. This of course, was not going to be possible without the blessings from Abba Gadol who gave the confidence and go ahead of the birth. The Saints are truly thankful for everyone who gave support to Akhote Sitreyah and her family during the exciting time! This is definitely a beginning in the right step of acquiring our true freedom from the clutches of the horrible health system in this country! His name is Othniel and he was a healthy 3.5kg bouncing boy! 18 WRITE TURN SHEMOT B’NEY YISRAEL THESE ARE THE GENERATIONS OF THE NEW ADAM, THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL IN SOUTHERN EDEN ACCORDING TO THEIR NUMBER. East London Akh Yehalel and Akhote Ahoovah: Doron 2003-10-26, Yaor 2005-12-29, Ammiram 2008-03-14, Yael 2010-10-11, Meromam 2013-07-07 Akh Tsadeekyahu and Akhote Anitiyah: Yahvin 2004-11-03, Liel 2008-12-05, Heyviel 2010-10-26, Ahmadyah 2012-11-08 Akh Smakhyahu and Akhote Noamyah: Ammikar 2006-01-06, Odeyah 2008-0108, Khazakyah 2010-05-23, Gamliel 2012-05-07 Akh Shmael and Akhote Shavalah: Yarmiel 2010-10-21 Johannesburg Akhote Amidah: Shalayvah 2007-01-03 Akh Shalam and Akhote Rigeah: Amin 2001-11-04, Gilah 2010-07-25, Geeliyah 2012-11-19 Akh Oriel and Akhote Biquah: Safriel 2009-06-15, Khalil 2012-12-01 Akh Odayd and Akhote Elishamah: Hillel 2012-12-21 Akh Khazonel and Akhote Geelah: Yaheli 2012-12-25 Akh Elasah and Akhote Bikirah: Rukhiyah 2013-03-22 Akh Ben Baruch and Akhote Shioolah: Doron 2007-05-12 Akh Baruch and Akhote Adiyah: Elnaam 2012-01-30 Akh Analiel and Akhote Havanah: Ezriyah 2013-02-19 Akh Amiel and Akhote Sasoniyah: Khaiyah 2011-06-23 Kwazulu Natal Akh Quaniel and Akhote Tihirah: Yofiel 2007-02-04, Yofiyah 2007-02-04, Aliyah 2009-05-08, Yahsmin 2013-04-08 Akh Akhykar and Akhote Yafah: Yidael 2000-01-01 Ngcobo Ahtur Ananyah and Akhote Taheer: Anael 1998-06-17, Shadaiyah 2004-01-08, Kovav 2005-02-03, Immanuel 2010-09-17, Gavrilah 2012-10-19 Port Elizabeth Ahk Yahkeem and Akhote Margeeah: According to Stats KOY 2012 has been the most blessed year to date seeing 13 children being born across six jurisdictions. Overall approximately 67 children have been born from 1995-2013 in Southern Eden. Adaiyah 2010-01-12, Asuiyah 2012-01-27 Ahk Uriel and Akhote Elayah: Analiyah 2010-01-09, Truahtel 2013-09-04 Ahk Nakhoom and Akhote Tseedkeeyah: Adirah 2012-05-09, Shomreyah 2013-09-20 Ahk Meir and Akhote Roeyah: Orah 2005-01-06, Yahliyah 2013-03-14 Ahk Hoshiel and Akhote Ivreeyah: Seemkha 2011-04-25 Ahk Gibor and Akhote Tsviyah: Avigayil 2008-08-08, Elyonah 2009-11-10, Azanyah 2012-01-09 Selepe Shaul HaCohane and Emah Tikvah: Yoninah 2007-03-26, Renanit 2009-06-12, Zachai 2012-11-13 Akh Bakiel and Akhote Sitreyah: Orliyah 2006-05-29, Liyah 2010-09-19, Othniel 2013-09-15 Vaal Akh Nuriel and Akhote Nah’arah: Shemaiyah 2005-05-19, Sheal 2007-0320, Emunah 2011-05-01, Ammishaddai 2013-04-12 Akh Neth’anel and Akhote Nekhamah: Chachmiyah 2007-10-01, Nathan-Melech 2008-12-05, Ariel 2012-03-28 Akh Elisha and Akhote Malkeeyah: Lwazi 2007-01-01 Akh Eliquam and Akhote Elinorah: Tshifgiel 1995-12-10, Ratsonel 2002-04-09, Yahav 2007-12-11, Oshriyah 2009-02-17. WRITE TURN 19 Mandulo Project Team MANDULO RESTORATION VILLAGE Written by: Khaniyah Baht Ahtur Ananyah M This would be the best ever undertaking by the Saints in bringing Yah down from heaven to walk the earth. 20 WRITE TURN andulo Restoration Village is the culmination of the yearning and subsequent prayers of the young, early pioneers of the kingdom in South Eden, who during the first ever gathering of the Saints in SE held in Mthatha at the turn of the century, the year 2000, just after the Marriage of the Lamb, felt that a place of our own was the only permanent and sustainable solution to the ills of our society. After the acquisition of the Canaan land, Berlin, in the Eastern Cape in 2001 and the accompanying Divine experiences that came with it, our thoughts had to later take a structured manner in the form of a plan conceived in the provincial gathering of 2008. In 2011, this plan took a robust turn and would draw the picture in the minds of the Saints. A project was conceived, with a plan, a team and a time frame. This would be the best ever undertaking by the Saints in bringing Yah down from heaven to walk the earth. Mandulo seeks to erect a Village, a sanctuary for the Saints of Yah, fully functional and self-sustainable with systems that put Yah the Creator at the centre of every endeavour and operation. The vision is to have our own institutions whose foundation will be Truth and Righteousness. Divine Governance, Institutions of Learning, Life Centres, Divine Businesses and Godly Entertainment etc. All these structured not just for self-sustenance but to also set an example of a God-centred lifestyle and with the aim that other people will later emulate it and reap of its benefits. Ahtur Ananyah B. Israel Project Manager. Mandulo Akh Gibor B.N. Gavriel “Mandulo seeks to erect a village, a sanctuary for the Saints of Yah, fully functional and self-sustainable, putting Yah at the centre of our lives.” The project is structured such that it does not only yield a product at the end of it’s course but that during, it would serve also as an institution that would train the Saints in various facets of their lives, while delivering on the promised results. As a government-inthe-making, the project trains on leadership and responsibility (servitude), economics, life-skills , ecology, and other vital qualities. As a people who are blessed to have the Living God in their midst through his Son and Saviour Adonaynu HaMasheahk, and having had the blessed opportunity to feed off the Tree of Life, Mandulo comes as a way to say, all the hindrances that have been put before our people by forces of darkness shall not have the same pacifying and deterring effect on us. The project started in the year 2012 and is envisaged to yield its first fruit in 2016. The kick off was with the Saints contributing 10% of their monthly earning as a seed for the project. Land scouting and training on hand skills also followed soon after, and we happened to be blessed with an offer of land by a tribe in Alice. Negotiations on terms are still underway. Mandulo has also managed to have brothers trained in Bench-work, Welding, Roof Construction, Carpentry and some are awaiting their turn in Masonry and Foundation Construction. Training on other fields is to follow. Different experimentations and great achievements in the field of agriculture have also taken a very inspiring level. The seed which has been the sweat of the Saints has also ensured that in the not too distant future we will be running our own business(es) funded and run by the Saints, with no obligations to the blood money of the soul-captors, how much more free can any people be? We take this moment to thank Yah the Creator for remembering His promise to our forebears, to the Lamb of Yah and all the elders that along the way have paid the price and on whose shoulders we are standing, to all the Saints of Yah near and far, who continue to be an inspiration to us, and the Saints of Yah in South Eden who have put their faith in the word of Yah and have ensured that this day we are where we are. May Yah bless us with his spirit and continue to bring us closer to one another, until the consummation of this Divine struggle. WRITE TURN 21 THE SOUTH EDEN KHAI EXPERIENCE 22 WRITE TURN Written by: Hodiel Ben Israel “An overview of moments that have shaped and transformed the Heart and Soul of Southern Eden.” WRITE TURN 23 The period 2012-2013 has seen 22 children being born in Southern Eden - 13 in 2012 and 9 in 2013. Meromam Ben Yehalel was one of those born in 2013. Akh Simkhiel and Akhote Somkhiyah unite in the Holy and Divine marriage covenant in Johannesburg, January 2013. The year 2013 has been two years in the making since 2011 in KwaZulu; as the Saints prepared for the journey back to their respective jurisdictions, eagerly looking on with life-filled expectation as the enlivening experience of the 3rd national gathering clung to their souls, they set out for the next great one. The first national gathering was held in Johannesburg in 2007, where for the first time the presence of the Kingdom of Yah in Southern Eden was called forth and made felt, “From Invisible to Visible”. It has been a tremendous journey since that first national gathering, one that would transform the heart and soul of Southern Eden and come to shape what we now know as the “South Eden Khai Experience”. Akh Tsurishaday and Akhote Hodayah unite in the Holy and Divine marriage covenant in Selepe, October 2013. 24 WRITE TURN Like the rest of this great and wonderful Mother Land, Southern Eden is endowed with a richness that can only be told through the experience of it. As those that have ventured to set foot on it’s rich soil have borne witness to the great magnitude of it’s power and the enduring spirit that has enlivened it’s progeny; we give testimony of the Living God through our life experiences. Family is at the centre of all our lives and over the years South Eden has grown strong and fortified it’s tents, celebrating it’s family heritage with two new additions in the year 2013 - the union of Akh Simkhiel and Akhote Somkhiyah and that of Akh Tsurishaday and Akhote Hodayah. Yah has enlarged the tents of Southern Eden during the period of 20122013 with new life, as we brought forth 22 new babies across the seven jurisdictions, the words echoed “And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing.” We need the land to fulfil Yah’s plan! As this was the call, so Yah responded saying, I am ready to do battle; I will gird myself with righteousness and take hold of my battle axe, I will plant my troops north and array the battle ground, in Selepe I will challenge the nations , surely my plan will not fail! "And I will make you a Great Nation, and I will Bless you, and make your Name Great; and so you shall be a Blessing." January of 2013 was the launch of the Soy Cow factory programme; having the founder of the Eden Foundation and prominent advocate for Soy in Human Nutrition in South Africa Henry Davies, come to Selepe and train the Saints on how to assemble and operate the Soy Cow system. Ever since then, using the machine the Saints have produced various soy based products i.e. soy milk, firm and soft tofu, soy yoghurt, sausages and patties. As part of the Edenic flavour Co-op and SunOpta Food and Grains International partnership, the project is in the process of putting a number of sustainable programmes, the most noteworthy being a school soy nutrition programme around the underprivileged and generally malnourished surrounding rural schools with the assistance of the WISSH foundation and the USAID. Advances are also being made in constructing and developing an infrastructure to support this great idea, with the planning and construction of the factory facility and other buildings using ecologically sound and AfroEdenic centred building systems. One of the great blessings of South Eden is it’s people and their deep care for one’s neighbour and environment; a quality that inherits from the Great Living Edenic Spirit that permeates this great Mother Land. And as of a surety, we, being the seed of Abraham, the New Adam, our connection to this land and it’s people is unmistakable. As we have realised that this great and living Edenic spirit that binds our people to one another and their land has come under great oppression due to the exposure to western culture and ideology that has steadily eroded it’s effective power, we felt the need to reenergize and re-awaken it. This has become evident in the relentless pursuit to share the great blessings of this Kingdom of Yah with our people. From sharing knowledge to sharing experiences; over the classroom, the media or soul to soul. It is a small but very potent token, like the humble atom, when continuously combined and fused with others it has the power to give and sustain life to the entire universe and our atom is Truth. So we took to the streets in the Vaal, brothers cleaning up the environment and recycling; and we ran with the community in East London in support of healthy active lifestyles, picking up a few medals along the way as we are certainly championing a new way of life. A new idea and a new way, we have been bringing it from invisible to visible since 2007 and we lifted it up in 2011 and in 2013 it has been intensifying going higher and higher. The Earth Oven Cooked 90% of the wedding dishes for 200 guests including cakes! The Birthing Dome - housed the birth of Othniel. Henry Davies and Akh Bakiel in Selepe. Henry demonstrates how the Soy Cow machine works in one of the buildings built by the Saints. A regenerative idea for a new Heaven on a new Earth. Recycling the Vaal into a new cycle of Life. WRITE TURN 25 Over the airwaves on 1KZN TV in KwaZulu we shared this idea with the masses, and on radio in East London we unpacked the message for the people. All over South Eden the gospel of the Kingdom has been heard and continues to be in various forms. These efforts have been further strengthened by the publication of an Africa Day public lecture by brother Quaniel Ben Israel, which was held in Cape Town titled - The Great Transformation ( A new day in Africa). To secure this new day in Africa we must secure a new African-Edenic generation by instilling this Truth into their hearts, souls and minds. This indeed being a decade for the children, we too in South Eden have been blessed to have the opportunity to create in our children that which Yah created in us, His image and likeness. It is both a challenging and enlivening experience, one that requires and invokes the Genesis creative spirit and demands - vision, commitment and dedication. We strive always to give our children the “Dedication for Life” experience in all their being; at home, at play, in the field, at school and in all that they do. To lift them up as a living offering and testimony that Yah Khai in Southern Eden! All of this would not be possible without a great amount of commitment and dedication in servitude, and for South Eden it has been a new and blessed experience to have it solidified in a recognisable and comprehensible form through the blessing of elevations of great servants in our midst: brothers and sisters on the move, men and women of valor and most notably crowned brothers. Exemplary servants that work tirelessly to bring a recognisable and authoritative image and likeness of Yah in South Eden and the world. Behold, Yah is in our midst and is Living! Like the scent of newly turned soil prepared for planting, the soul of South Eden is enlivened with great potential and hope of a New Life Experience. 26 WRITE TURN EAST EDEN KENYA Ch a ng i ng the world . . . one V i l lag e a t a t i me ! Written by: Sar Yatsiliel B. N. Immanuel A s stewards of the planet our primary job is to end the destruction of the environment and suffering among the people. This is the goal of the African Hebrew Development Agency; we are proud to announce our official registration in Kenya, East Africa. Thus far we have been working in the areas of drought mitigation through the drilling of boreholes; bio-organic agriculture training and food production, redemptive music and regenerative health workshops. To help advance our cause we have developed partnerships with local entities that share our vision such as African Boreholes Initiative Ltd., Amiran- Kenya, Darko Orphans and Eastward in Eden Bio-organic Farm. These relationships are crucial to helping us serve the population and carry out our mandate. Bio-Organic agriculture has always been at the core of our existence as an organization. Our partnership with Amiran – Kenya will allow us to share this vital vision with the entire continent. Amiran is one of the largest agricultural companies in Africa. They have companies throughout Africa; their primary focus had been with conventional agriculture but most recently through our partnership they have embraced bio-organic agriculture as a means to assist small scale local farmers in organic food production and poverty mitigation. This approach goes a long way in helping Kenya reach the UN Millennium Development goals and Kenya’s 2030 goals. We took a novel approach of developing an Organic Farming Kit which allows anyone to grow organic food with the help of our trained technicians throughout one growing season. Everything the farmer needs is in the kit; all they have to do is add land and water and grow the most healthy fruits and vegetables without any chemicals or degradation to the environment. Finally AHDA is developing three acres of land that will showcase organic tree cropping, greenhouse and a Regenerative Health Lodge. This will be a place where those seeking to restore their health can learn of the best practices on how to live healthy. For more information visit us online at: http://www.ahda-israel.org/ DARKO ORPHANS EASTWARD IN EDEN AFRICAN BOREHOLES African Boreholes began business in 2008 to assist with the terrible drought that existed during that time. Since then we have been drilling throughout Kenya with over 200 boreholes dug bringing water to the needed areas. Water is essential for life and the development of the people; we have discovered that an adequate water supply is a key factor for Africa. Eastward in Eden is a bio-organic farm that brings together a holistic lifestyle. Eastward in Eden is more than just a farm but more so a place where people can learn to change their concept of food and nutrition. If we take care of the soil then we can adequately feed our soul - from the soil to the soul! This concept must be propagated; Africa does not have to go hungry. It is only the correct application of knowledge…wisdom that is truly needed to change things. There are many children throughout Kenya that need assistance and hope. AHDA has partnered with Darko Orphans to help alleviate the distress that many orphans experience. We have been instrumental in providing technical assistance, which allow direct delivery of vital services to the caregiver and families for the orphans. Most recently a school has been built for high school aged girls. This will offer the girls a transformative experience in a safe, healthy and loving environment. Part of the curriculum will include health and nutrition and organic farming workshops. WRITE TURN 27 Written by: Sar Ahmadiel Ben Yehuda A MESSAGE ON THE OCCASION OF THE NATIONAL GATHERING AND ELEVATION CEREMONY 2013 First giving all praises and honor to Yah Yahwah, His Anointed Son and Servant, Ben Ammi HaMasheeahk, his Holy Princes, Divine Ministers, Crowned Brothers and Sisters, and Saints of the Kingdom of Yah, I greet you… Shalom! HalleluYah! I will begin by expressing my great disappointment at not being able to be in your midst for this great occasion, but I am indeed with you in spirit! The elevations bestowed upon the Southern Edenic jurisdictions at Unity Day 2013 mark a major milestone in your development. For the first time, members of the Southern Edenic Sainthood have been elevated to the leadership and merit entities of the Kingdom, with all the honor, respect, obligations, 28 WRITE TURN expectations and accountability that goes along with their respective entities. All of those who have received such an honor, along with all of the General Sainthood, are advised to refer to “The Seven Principle Considerations for Leadership” and “Servant-Leader Extraordinaire” documents in order to grasp both the criteria by which leadership in the Kingdom Age is qualified as well as the subsequent expectations of both those leaders and those who comprise the followers/flock. The Saints are also advised to never envy a leader in the Kingdom. Yeshua’s lament in Matthew 23:37-39 is a reminder of the great burden of leadership, especially upon those whom have been anointed to lead this people, Israel! Always strive to be a good follower. I always wanted to serve, long before even knowing about the various titles and elevations. Even the messianic idea was not in the picture. I was inspired to serve and to assist in what this group of Becoming Whole: As individuals in Spirit and a Nation in Truth. men and women had the nerve to do! Along the way, after the necessary commitment was demonstrated, the understanding came and only served to further confirm the move that was made. I venture to say that the vast majority of us all drew our inspiration to be involved from what we saw being done and the Truth that our ears were blessed to have heard. Acknowledge that there are varying styles of leadership and that leaders are flesh and blood, subject to the very same day-to-day personal and family challenges that we all must face. Because of the nature of the Kingdom’s lifestyle and people-to-people ecology, most of these challenges are known. (As we say, “our lives are open books”!) However, we may not always be privy to the deeper spiritual challenges that are sure to confront those of us who are called upon to serve at higher levels of responsibility. In expanding the Father’s Divine vision for Eden, there’s surely no shortage of work for us all to do! Always be found ready to assist. We might offer suggestions, in non-challenging/nonconfrontational ways. Keep in mind Marcus Garvey’s lament: that only 2 out of every 100 orders he gave were carried out! Except for the prophecy of its eternalness, even the Kingdom would be destined to fail should that be how we responded to our instructions! If we genuinely feel that a particular decision or instruction may negatively impact upon our lives, we are entitled, even obligated, to seek an understanding through the established SAR AHMADIEL BEN YEHUDA SAR AHMADIEL IS THE MINISTER OF DIVINE INFORMAION IN THE KINGDOM OF YAH, A PILLAR AND SIGNPOST FOR SOUTH EDEN. WRITE TURN 29 MAN OF VALOR AKH BAKIEL BEN SHOMRIEL Akh Ahtur Naganiel Ben Israel A SERVANT-LEADER EXTRAORDINAIRE WOMAN OF VALOR AKHOTE TIKVAH E. SHAUL H.C Kingdom protocol channels. But once we arrive at that understanding – or have exhausted the means of fair redress – we must move forward as parts of the whole. If we can’t do that, we should get out of the way. Way out of the way! Not on the sidelines murmuring and spiritually sabotaging the earnest efforts of those who are working to expand the Kingdom, but off the team completely. Need we be reminded of the fate of those who stood in stubborn opposition to Yah’s anointed in seasons past? For those who might feel that they have been overlooked, know that “the eyes of Yah are like 10,000 suns!” You are neither forgotten nor forsaken. Continue to serve your people as always. You shall be “known amongst the people.” We are a spiritual people in a spiritual kingdom. “By my spirit!” saith Yah. In closing, the transitioning of “Madiba” marked what many have witnessed as the end of an era. But as I shared with you in the internet radio interview, you represent the beginning of 30 WRITE TURN Ahtur Naganiel, better known as The Maestro - The Master left handed Guitarist. Founder of KwaZulu Jurisdiction and Master Teacher Extraordinaire. He is a straight talker, ingenious story teller and passionate leader. He loves the company of Saints and is always composing Divine Songs of Deliverance. He is the epitome of a Servant-Leader Extraordinaire. Akh Ahtur Ananyah Ben Israel MAN OF VALOR AKH NAKHOOM BEN ISRAEL A SERVANT-LEADER EXTRAORDINAIRE Ahtur Ananyah is patient,straight forward and logical operates with integrity and is always ready to hear. He is never afraid to step to the biggest challenges and put his faith on the word of Yah. He is a visionary and a leader that is not afraid to put trust in the strength of his people. He is the epitome of a Servant-Leader Extraordinaire. WOMAN OF VALOR AKHOTE TAHEER E. ANANYAH the new era that is already upon us, and well underway. Now more than ever, the people of South Africa – as do the people of Africa and all of humanity – need the salvation of which we know there is “no other”. May Yah continue to bless the Southern Edenic jurisdictions with the strength and fortitude to maintain and expand the great light that you have manifested in the midst of your people at this most critical time. Peace, Love and Blessings, Sar Ahmadiel. WRITE TURN 31 THE GREAT SHAUL He is our humble Cohane Shaul, a father, leader, pioneer, teacher, Divine musician, priest and dedicated son of The Most High Yah. I wanted a title that could perfectly describe Yah’s simple yet profound son, but I could only come up with Cohane. He is our humble Shaul HaCohane; a father, leader, pioneer, teacher, Divine musician, priest and dedicated son of The Most High Yah. At times, words can never adequately describe how great a person he is. Cohane Shaul, the master teacher. The one who brought the Kingdom of Yah’s teachings and much needed inspiration to Southern Eden. When Cohane Shaul, then known as Saul Malapane, was touring Israel with the stage play “Sola Sola”, he never expected to come into contact with the teachings of the Kingdom of Yah through His Excellency Abba Ben Ammi. A humble son of the soil from the rural Hammanskraal, he sat at Ben Ammi’s feet and allowed himself to be moulded. He left South Africa in 1977 with the play which was scheduled to perform all over Israel. During that season, he was introduced to two African Hebrew Israelites who took him to see their community. Touched and amazed by the spirit of the community and upon hearing the Truth of their teachings, he decided to stay behind in Israel and become a fully absorbed member as well as the lead guitarist of the community’s band. He taught himself how to read and write in Hebrew and English. Without formal schooling, he not only became a great 32 WRITE TURN scholar but an excellent orator as well. He would break down what people call complex ideology into simple blocks that are easy to grasp. Just like how gold is purified by fire, Cohane went through some challenges along the path to righteousness. In 1986, during an Israeli siege upon the community, he was one of the many members that were imprisoned to be deported to the United States where he was sentenced and served a three year sentence, before being released to Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo), a Francophone country in an attempt to stop the spreading of the Kingdom doctrine. The harsh prison reality could have broken any spirit that was without vision, but Cohane kept his eye on the ball. Being the determined soul that he was, he knew that this was a mere obstacle on the journey to liberation. His aim was and still is to free the minds of our people. A dedicated veteran and a man with unflinching love for his people, he kept going and learnt the indigenous Congolese language of Lingala in order to survive. He was released in the early nineties and only returned to South Africa in 1996. His return signified a crucial era in the history of Southern Eden. It was Cohane Shaul who taught us about the Kingdom of Yah. He was heavily armed with information boards that he would diligently set up in Joubert Park in Johannesburg. He would scream and teach Written by: Nekhamah E. Nethanel When Abba Ben Ammi named him ‘The Great’, it was to draw attention to his immeasurable courage, tenacity and strength. the masses that walked through the park. Those who know Cohane know how he commands attention and respect. It is this great gift of his that got people interested and kept them coming back for more. People had never heard this Truth, they didn’t know that they were the chosen. Africans did not know that they are the people of the bible and that the long awaited Kingdom of Yah is here. Cohane shook them out of their slumbering state of dreamy hopelessness and gave them hope. He gave us all hope. He was and still is the embodiment of this Truth. He taught great concepts and made them tangible. He danced and sung his way into the hearts of many and is loved by all. When Abba Ben Ammi named him “The Great,” it was to draw attention to the immeasurable courage, tenacity and strength he has. He endured prison to see his people free. To this day, next to his guitar is a book that Cohane continues to scribble on. An eternal student and master teacher. His contagious laughter and humble character is enough to brighten anyone’s day. We salute you Abba Shaul, you are a solid foundation and a well of knowledge that we continue to drink from. May Yah bless you abundantly. WRITE TURN 33 He is our humble Cohane Shaul, a father, leader, pioneer, teacher, Divine musician, priest and dedicated son of The Most High Yah. 34 WRITE TURN HE TRULY IS A GREAT FATHER TO ALL OF SOUTH EDEN WRITE TURN 35 GRASS ROOTS We are now looking foward to the 5th annual Grassroots Arts Festival on the 5 - 7 December 2014 “““South African Hip Hop Awards 2013 King of the Eastern Cape Yahkeem Ben Israel was nominated as the King of the Eastern Cape in the South African Hip Hop Awards for the work he is putting in the grassroots. Graf was formed in 2010 to encapsulate and exhibit urban youth culture through the prism of Hip Hop. It is a melting pot for dynamic street entrepreneurship and raw artistry, serving as a face and voice to the underdeveloped Eastern Cape township youth. Beyond an arts festival it is a gesture meant to mend the cracks left by the apartheid regime between races, provinces and people in general. This is the only platform where artists are granted the latitude to be artists and not mind the stereotypical red tape that confines artistry in the name of undefined professionalism. This platform is purposed to unearth and inspire artistry in the already arts rich Eastern Cape province, with this 36 WRITE TURN endeavour we re-launch Nelson Mandela Bay as a Hub for urban culture. It’s primary aim is to provide a platform to emerging and established independent artists who are neglected by media giants but celebrated by gutter masses. It intends to create a substantial alternative market in the midst of the people and to create opportunities for small business and emerging entrepreneurs. Secondarily it endeavours to market the bay as a tourist/holiday destination, introduce local talent as a strong and quality orientated entity, and curb forced migration of Eastern Cape artists and business people. Written by: Yahkeem Ben Israel The Musicians in the Heavenly Approved Productions are the orchestrators of Graf. More actively involved is Yismakheyahu, Adon Geel, Yahav and Yahkeem. Graf has seen more reputable South African Hip Hop artists perform in Port Elizabeth than any single entity. On the 11 May 2013 Graf marketed and organised the Sprite Uncontainable Talent Auditions at 469 Bar Lounge. Our First ever festival was featured on the Hype Magazine, a national Hip Hop Publication. We did interviews with stations outside Port Elizabeth i.e Voice Of Wits, VUT, Alex FM, Radio Graf Reinet and have steadily grown our followership raising interest from artists and media publications around South Africa. Our festival has been featured on the website http://www.thesamark.co.za/ A mix tape from the festival was released hosted by Dj Zakes, a reputable South African Hip Hop Dj. TeamBuckTwo (a rap duo) and Kubla5senses (solo) were scouted and signed by Roach Inc. a Pretoria based Hip Hop label. WRITE TURN 37 SUNRISE PRETTY IN PINK: WAVES OF VANILLA PEACH: FLARING AFRICAN SUN: ROYAL FLOWER BLOSSOM: BY GEELAH CREATIONS BY GEELAH CREATIONS BY TSIYON CREATIONS BY TSIYON CREATIONS EDENIC ROYAL ROOTS: FLOWERING EARTH CULOTTE: ELEGANT RUBY FOREST: AFRICAN PRINCE IN BLUE: BY TSIYON CREATIONS BY GEELAH CREATIONS BY TSIYON CREATIONS BY GEELAH CREATIONS ASCENSION CONNECTION: ETHNIC RADIANCE FAMILY SUIT: VIBRANT AFRICAN FLAIR: ROYAL FAME AND GLORY; BY GEELAH CREATIONS BY ETHNIC ELEMENTS BY ETHNIC ELEMENTS BY TSIYON CREATIONS The right image is everything and what you wear not only represents how you look, but commands a certain conduct of self and those around you, and inspires a particular mode of thinking and attitude. Khaniyah, Geelah and Teefehret move to 38 WRITE TURN define your conduct and attitude in how you dress as Godliness. They bring a fashionable sense of holiness with glorious style and beauty. This selection of holy attire is just a sample of the various ways they can make you feel and look, HEAVENLY! FROM LEFT: KHANIYAH (Tsiyon Creations), GEELAH (Geelah Creations) AND TEEFEHRET (Ethnic Elements). Queens of style and glory WRITE TURN 39 STAY ELEVATED FOR MORE QUALITY experiences 40 WRITE TURN WRITE TURN write to us at: write.turn@yahoo.com